## \file ## \ingroup tutorial_roofit ## \notebook ## Basic functionality: interpreted functions and pdfs ## ## \macro_image ## \macro_code ## \macro_output ## ## \date February 2018 ## \authors Clemens Lange, Wouter Verkerke (C++ version) import ROOT # Generic interpreted pdf # ------------------------------ # Declare observable x x = ROOT.RooRealVar("x", "x", -20, 20) # Construct generic pdf from interpreted expression # ------------------------------------------------------ # ROOT.To construct a proper pdf, the formula expression is explicitly normalized internally by dividing # it by a numeric integral of the expression over x in the range [-20,20] # alpha = ROOT.RooRealVar("alpha", "alpha", 5, 0.1, 10) genpdf = ROOT.RooGenericPdf("genpdf", "genpdf", "(1+0.1*abs(x)+sin(sqrt(abs(x*alpha+0.1))))", [x, alpha]) # Sample, fit and plot generic pdf # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Generate a toy dataset from the interpreted pdf data = genpdf.generate({x}, 10000) # Fit the interpreted pdf to the generated data genpdf.fitTo(data, PrintLevel=-1) # Make a plot of the data and the pdf overlaid xframe = x.frame(Title="Interpreted expression pdf") data.plotOn(xframe) genpdf.plotOn(xframe) # Standard pdf adjust with interpreted helper function # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Make a gauss(x,sqrt(mean2),sigma) from a standard ROOT.RooGaussian # # # Construct standard pdf with formula replacing parameter # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Construct parameter mean2 and sigma mean2 = ROOT.RooRealVar("mean2", "mean^2", 10, 0, 200) sigma = ROOT.RooRealVar("sigma", "sigma", 3, 0.1, 10) # Construct interpreted function mean = sqrt(mean^2) mean = ROOT.RooFormulaVar("mean", "mean", "sqrt(mean2)", [mean2]) # Construct a gaussian g2(x,sqrt(mean2),sigma) g2 = ROOT.RooGaussian("g2", "h2", x, mean, sigma) # Generate toy data # --------------------------------- # Construct a separate gaussian g1(x,10,3) to generate a toy Gaussian # dataset with mean 10 and width 3 g1 = ROOT.RooGaussian("g1", "g1", x, 10, 3) data2 = g1.generate({x}, 1000) # Fit and plot tailored standard pdf # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Fit g2 to data from g1 r = g2.fitTo(data2, Save=True, PrintLevel=-1) # ROOT.RooFitResult r.Print() # Plot data on frame and overlay projection of g2 xframe2 = x.frame(Title="Tailored Gaussian pdf") data2.plotOn(xframe2) g2.plotOn(xframe2) # Draw all frames on a canvas c = ROOT.TCanvas("rf103_interprfuncs", "rf103_interprfuncs", 800, 400) c.Divide(2) c.cd(1) ROOT.gPad.SetLeftMargin(0.15) xframe.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.4) xframe.Draw() c.cd(2) ROOT.gPad.SetLeftMargin(0.15) xframe2.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.4) xframe2.Draw() c.SaveAs("rf103_interprfuncs.png")