/// \file /// \ingroup tutorial_roofit /// \notebook -js -nodraw /// Addition and convolution: options for plotting components of composite pdfs. /// /// \macro_image /// \macro_code /// \macro_output /// /// \date July 2008 /// \author Wouter Verkerke #include "RooRealVar.h" #include "RooDataSet.h" #include "RooGaussian.h" #include "RooAddPdf.h" #include "RooChebychev.h" #include "RooExponential.h" #include "TCanvas.h" #include "TAxis.h" #include "RooPlot.h" using namespace RooFit; void rf205_compplot() { // S e t u p c o m p o s i t e p d f // -------------------------------------- // Declare observable x RooRealVar x("x", "x", 0, 10); // Create two Gaussian PDFs g1(x,mean1,sigma) anf g2(x,mean2,sigma) and their parameters RooRealVar mean("mean", "mean of gaussians", 5); RooRealVar sigma1("sigma1", "width of gaussians", 0.5); RooRealVar sigma2("sigma2", "width of gaussians", 1); RooGaussian sig1("sig1", "Signal component 1", x, mean, sigma1); RooGaussian sig2("sig2", "Signal component 2", x, mean, sigma2); // Sum the signal components into a composite signal pdf RooRealVar sig1frac("sig1frac", "fraction of component 1 in signal", 0.8, 0., 1.); RooAddPdf sig("sig", "Signal", {sig1, sig2}, sig1frac); // Build Chebychev polynomial pdf RooRealVar a0("a0", "a0", 0.5, 0., 1.); RooRealVar a1("a1", "a1", 0.2, 0., 1.); RooChebychev bkg1("bkg1", "Background 1", x, {a0, a1}); // Build exponential pdf RooRealVar alpha("alpha", "alpha", -1); RooExponential bkg2("bkg2", "Background 2", x, alpha); // Sum the background components into a composite background pdf RooRealVar bkg1frac("bkg1frac", "fraction of component 1 in background", 0.8, 0., 1.); RooAddPdf bkg("bkg", "Total background", {bkg1, bkg2}, bkg1frac); // Sum the composite signal and background RooRealVar bkgfrac("bkgfrac", "fraction of background", 0.5, 0., 1.); RooAddPdf model("model", "g1+g2+a", {bkg, sig}, bkgfrac); // S e t u p b a s i c p l o t w i t h d a t a a n d f u l l p d f // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Generate a data sample of 1000 events in x from model std::unique_ptr data{model.generate(x, 1000)}; // Plot data and complete PDF overlaid RooPlot *xframe = x.frame(Title("Component plotting of pdf=(sig1+sig2)+(bkg1+bkg2)")); data->plotOn(xframe); model.plotOn(xframe); // Clone xframe for use below RooPlot *xframe2 = (RooPlot *)xframe->Clone("xframe2"); // M a k e c o m p o n e n t b y o b j e c t r e f e r e n c e // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Plot single background component specified by object reference model.plotOn(xframe, Components(bkg), LineColor(kRed)); // Plot single background component specified by object reference model.plotOn(xframe, Components(bkg2), LineStyle(kDashed), LineColor(kRed)); // Plot multiple background components specified by object reference // Note that specified components may occur at any level in object tree // (e.g bkg is component of 'model' and 'sig2' is component 'sig') model.plotOn(xframe, Components(bkg, sig2), LineStyle(kDotted)); // M a k e c o m p o n e n t b y n a m e / r e g e x p // ------------------------------------------------------------ // Plot single background component specified by name model.plotOn(xframe2, Components("bkg"), LineColor(kCyan)); // Plot multiple background components specified by name model.plotOn(xframe2, Components("bkg1,sig2"), LineStyle(kDotted), LineColor(kCyan)); // Plot multiple background components specified by regular expression on name model.plotOn(xframe2, Components("sig*"), LineStyle(kDashed), LineColor(kCyan)); // Plot multiple background components specified by multiple regular expressions on name model.plotOn(xframe2, Components("bkg1,sig*"), LineStyle(kDashed), LineColor(kYellow), Invisible()); // Draw the frame on the canvas TCanvas *c = new TCanvas("rf205_compplot", "rf205_compplot", 800, 400); c->Divide(2); c->cd(1); gPad->SetLeftMargin(0.15); xframe->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4); xframe->Draw(); c->cd(2); gPad->SetLeftMargin(0.15); xframe2->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4); xframe2->Draw(); c->Draw(); }