#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace RAT { MTCD::MTCD() { fRawTrigger = 0; fRawTriggerTime = 0.; fLatchPending = 0; fExtAsyTime = 0.; fClock50 = new clock; fClock50->SetFrequency(50000000.0); //50 MHz free-running clock fClock50->SetNbits(43); //43 bits on 50 MHz clock counter fClock50->SetRolloverInterval(); fClock10 = new clock; fClock10->SetFrequency(10000000.0); //10 MHz GPS clock fClock10->SetNbits(53); //53 bits on 10 MHz clock counter fSYNC = false; fSYNC24 = false; fIsPGT = false; fIsPre = false; fPGTwidth = 0.0; fPGTtime = 0.0; fPulseGTHigh = false; fPGTFreq = 0; fPrescaleCount = 0; fLoLow = true; fPrescaleTime = -99.; fPrescaleHigh = false; fPrescaleWidth = 0.; fPrescaleDelay = 0.; fPulseGTMin = 20.; // Default is one clock tick, since pGT must occur on a tick fPulseGTDefault = 100.; // Default is 10Hz fTrigHigh = 0; } MTCD::~MTCD() { delete fClock50; delete fClock10; } void MTCD::SetPulseGTFreq() { // Check frequency <= max (period >= min) // If not, reset to max (min) if(fPulseGT < (fPulseGTMin/1.E6)){ warn << RED << " MTCD::SetPulseGTFreq: PulseGT period set outside valid range!" << CLR << newline; warn << RED << " You have tried to set the period to " << 1.E6*fPulseGT << "ns and the minimum is " << fPulseGTMin << "ns." << CLR <GetFrequency()/1000.); } bool MTCD::CheckGlobalTrigger(UInt_t analogword, UInt_t externalword, double T) { // //Check for PulseGT by looking to see if clock ticks say we just passed //a PulseGT time // unsigned int internalword=0; if(fIsPGT){ EventTime *now= new EventTime; now->SetStart(); now->IncrementUT(fMCEventTime+T); ULong64_t Clock50Count = fClock50->GetCount(*now); // On 1st clock count coinciding w/ pGT, set time, & set pulse high if (Clock50Count % fPGTFreq == 0){ if(!fPulseGTHigh)fPGTtime = T; fPulseGTHigh = true; } if(fPulseGTHigh && ((T-fPGTtime)>fPGTwidth)) fPulseGTHigh = false; if (fPulseGTHigh){ internalword = 1024; } delete now; } // // Prescale: Set prescale bit high every 'fPrescale' counts of NHit100Lo // BitManip bits; if(fIsPre){ // Count NHit100Lo crossings: // If N100LoBit is set and was low before, count if(fLoLow && bits.TestBit(analogword, DU::TrigBits::N100Low)){ ++fPrescaleCount; fLoLow = false; } // If N100LoBit is not set, reset bool if(!(bits.TestBit(analogword, DU::TrigBits::N100Low)))fLoLow = true; // When count reaches prescale, initiate delay if(fPrescaleCount >= fPrescale){ fPrescaleTime = T; fPrescaleCount = 0; } // After delay, initiate raw trigger if(fPrescaleTime>0. && ((T-fPrescaleTime) >= fPrescaleDelay)){ fPrescaleHigh = true; } // After pulse width, reset if(fPrescaleTime>0. && ((T-fPrescaleTime) >= (fPrescaleDelay+fPrescaleWidth))){ fPrescaleHigh = false; fPrescaleTime = -10.; } // Set prescale bit if(fPrescaleHigh){analogword = bits.SetBit(analogword, DU::TrigBits::Prescale);} } fTriggerWord = analogword | externalword | internalword; bool GlobalTrigger=0; if (!fRawTrigger){ if (fTriggerWord & fTriggerMask){ fRawTriggerTime = T; fRawTrigger = 1; fLatchPending = 1; } } else{ if (((T-fRawTriggerTime)>=fLatchDelay) & fLatchPending){ fLatchPending = 0; } if (!fLatchPending){ if ((externalword & 32768) && (fTriggerMask & 32768)) { //ExtAsy so no latching with 50 MHz clock fGlobalTriggerTime = fExtAsyTime; fRawTrigger = 0; GlobalTrigger = 1; } else{ //Now get the global trigger time, latching it with the 50 MHz //clock. we don't have to subtract latch delay because //fRawTriggerTime is the time before the delay. If we used //T here instead of fRawTriggerTime, we would have to subtract. fGlobalTriggerTime = fClock50->GetNextTickTime(fMCEventTime+fRawTriggerTime)-fMCEventTime; } fRawTrigger = 0; GlobalTrigger = 1; // Reset trig signal statuses for missed trig search fTrigHigh = fTriggerWord; } } return GlobalTrigger; } bool MTCD::CheckMissedTrigger(UInt_t analogword, UInt_t externalword, double T) { // //Check for PulseGT by looking to see if clock ticks say we just passed //a PulseGT time // unsigned int internalword=0; if(fIsPGT){ EventTime *now= new EventTime; now->SetStart(); now->IncrementUT(fMCEventTime+T); ULong64_t Clock50Count = fClock50->GetCount(*now); // On 1st clock count coinciding w/ pGT, set time, & set pulse high if (Clock50Count % fPGTFreq == 0){ if(!fPulseGTHigh)fPGTtime = T; fPulseGTHigh = true; } if(fPulseGTHigh && ((T-fPGTtime)>fPGTwidth)) fPulseGTHigh = false; if (fPulseGTHigh){ internalword = 1024; } delete now; } // // Prescale: Set prescale bit high every 'fPrescale' counts of NHit100Lo // BitManip bits; if(fIsPre){ // Count NHit100Lo crossings: // If N100LoBit is set and was low before, count if(fLoLow && bits.TestBit(analogword, DU::TrigBits::N100Low)){ ++fPrescaleCount; fLoLow = false; } // If N100LoBit is not set, reset bool if(!(bits.TestBit(analogword, DU::TrigBits::N100Low)))fLoLow = true; // When count reaches prescale, initiate delay if(fPrescaleCount >= fPrescale){ fPrescaleTime = T; fPrescaleCount = 0; } // After delay, initiate raw trigger if(fPrescaleTime>0. && ((T-fPrescaleTime) >= fPrescaleDelay)){ fPrescaleHigh = true; } // After pulse width, reset if(fPrescaleTime>0. && ((T-fPrescaleTime) >= (fPrescaleDelay+fPrescaleWidth))){ fPrescaleHigh = false; fPrescaleTime = -10.; } // Set prescale bit if(fPrescaleHigh){analogword = bits.SetBit(analogword, DU::TrigBits::Prescale);} } unsigned int TrigWord = analogword | externalword | internalword; bool MissedTrigger=0; unsigned int potentials = 0; // Get a missed trigger iff: // >=1 bit that is now high (in TrigWord) was low (in fTrigHigh) i.e. new t/h crossing for(int itrig=0;itrig<27;++itrig){ if(bits.TestBit(TrigWord,itrig) && !bits.TestBit(fTrigHigh,itrig)){ potentials = bits.SetBit(potentials,itrig); } } // AND that bit is masked in if (potentials & fTriggerMask) MissedTrigger = 1; return MissedTrigger; } ULong64_t MTCD::GetClockCount50() { ULong64_t count50 = fClock50->GetCount(); return count50; } ULong64_t MTCD::GetClockCount50(EventTime GTrigTime) { ULong64_t count50 = fClock50->GetCount(GTrigTime); return count50; } ULong64_t MTCD::GetClockCount10(EventTime GTrigTime) { ULong64_t count10 = fClock10->GetCount(GTrigTime); return count10; } EventTime MTCD::GetClockTime10() { EventTime thisTime10 = fClock10->GetUTime(); return thisTime10; } void MTCD::SetGTCount(UInt_t count) { // So that the first event is the ID we init with, we want to init to count-1 // because we then increment for every event, before recording the ID // If the count was 0, init to 2^24-1 if(count==0){ fGTCount = (1<<24) - 1; } if(count>0){ int iGTCount = (int) count - 1; int ibroll = 1 << 24; fGTCount = iGTCount%ibroll; } } void MTCD::IncrementGTCount() { int iGTCount = fGTCount; // Add 1 to the event counter iGTCount += 1; // Check if we want a SYNC CLEAR // (i.e. we're at 2^16 - 1 and about to roll over bit 17) int ibtest = (1<<16); if(((iGTCount+1)%ibtest) == 0){ fSYNC = true; } // Check if we're at 24 bits, and should roll over int ibroll = 1 << 24; if(((iGTCount+1)%ibroll) == 0){ fSYNC24 = true; if(!fSYNC)printf("%s MTCD::IncrementGTCount: ERROR: We have SYNC24 but not SYNC at event %26i%s\n", BBLUE, iGTCount, CLR); } if(fSYNC){ // We're getting a SYNC CLEAR, so we skip the next event ID iGTCount += 1; } fGTCount = iGTCount%ibroll; //if(!fSYNC24 && (fGTCount != iGTCount)){ // We rolled over but didn't expect to //printf("\033[1;34m ERROR: We don't have SYNC24 at event %26i but we got event ID %26i \033[m \n",iGTCount,fGTCount); //} } void MTCD::SetTrigErrBits() { //These are the bits that are set when counter test modes are NOT enabled UInt_t testCount = (1)+(1<<1)+(1<<2); //int iGTCount = (int) fGTCount; // Set bit 5 (7) when all bits 0-15 (23) are 1s by testing on SYNC(24) // (Add 32 (128) to testCount) if(fSYNC){ testCount = 32+testCount; fSYNC = false; } if(fSYNC24){ testCount = 128+testCount; fSYNC24 = false; } fErrBits = testCount; } } // namespace RAT