/// \class RAT::ParentPrimaryVertexInformation
/// \brief  Concrete instance of G4 Information class to pass
///  information alongside PrimaryVertex.
/// \author Jeanne Wilson <j.r.wilson@qmul.ac.uk> -- contact person
/// Revison history:
///   - 2014-11-26: Matt Strait - doxygen fixes
/// \details
///  This class includes a G4PrimaryParticle object that stores the
///  information required about the parent particle for a vertex.
///  This parent is not propagated but we wish to store the information
///  into the Rat DS for later use - eg neutrino parent of ES event

#ifndef __RAT_ParentPrimaryVertexInformation__
#define __RAT_ParentPrimaryVertexInformation__

#include <G4PrimaryParticle.hh>
#include <G4VUserPrimaryVertexInformation.hh>

namespace RAT {

class ParentPrimaryVertexInformation : public G4VUserPrimaryVertexInformation
  explicit ParentPrimaryVertexInformation() {parent = 0; meta_info = "";};

  ~ParentPrimaryVertexInformation() {};
  void Print() const {};

  inline bool ExistParentParticle() const
      return true;
      return false;

  inline G4PrimaryParticle *GetVertexParentParticle() const
    return parent;

  virtual void SetVertexParentParticle(G4PrimaryParticle *p) {parent = p;};

  inline bool ExistParentMetaInfo() const {return (meta_info != "");};
  inline G4String GetVertexParentMetaInfo() const { return meta_info;};
  virtual void SetVertexParentMetaInfo(G4String &data) {meta_info = data;};

  G4PrimaryParticle *parent;
  G4String meta_info;
} // namespace RAT