// OutNtupleProc.cc // Contact person: Kevin Labe // See OutNtupleProc.hh for more details. //—————————————————————---------------------------------------------——// #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace RAT { OutNtupleProc::OutNtupleProc() : Processor("OutNtupleProc") { fDefaultFileName = ""; fFileName = ""; fFileNameSuffix = ""; file = NULL; output = NULL; branchDS = NULL; branchRun = NULL; fAutoFlush = 1000000; fAutoSave = 10000000; branchDS = new DS::Entry(); McIndex = 0; } void OutNtupleProc::BeginOfRun(DS::Run&) { // Extract default filename from database, to use if none specified by user // with /rat/procset file DB *db = DB::Get(); DBLinkPtr io = db->GetLink("IO"); try{ fDefaultFileName = io->GetS("default_output_filename"); if( fDefaultFileName.find( "." ) == std::string::npos ) fDefaultFileName += ".ntuple.root"; } catch (DBNotFoundError & e){ Log::Die("OutNtupleProc::BeginOfRun: Default file name not found" " in IO[] ratdb."); } // -- Create the output file at this point. No need to wait for the event loop // At this point we have everything we need if (!file) { OpenFile(); } } void OutNtupleProc::EndOfRun(DS::Run& run){ fMetaHelper.AddRun(run); } OutNtupleProc::~OutNtupleProc() { if (file) { file->cd(); if(!output->Write()) Log::Die("Could not write ntuple tree!"); // write the meta information fMetaHelper.SetStoredEvents(output -> GetEntries()); MetaInformation::Get()->Finalise(fMetaHelper); // Write the MetaInformation (RAT and DB state) if(!MetaInformation::Get()->GetDSMeta().Write( "meta" )) Log::Die("Could not write meta to ROOT file"); file->Close(); delete file; } } void OutNtupleProc::SetS(const std::string& param, const std::string& value) { if (param == "file"){ fFileName = value; // if (!OpenFile(value)) // Log::Die("OutNtupleProc::SetS: Cannot open file " + value); } else if ( param == "suffix" ) { fFileNameSuffix = value; } else{ throw ParamUnknown(param); } } void OutNtupleProc::OpenFile() { string theFilename = fDefaultFileName; if( !fFileName.empty() ) theFilename = fFileName; if (!fFileNameSuffix.empty()) { info << "OutNtupleProc: Appending [" << fFileNameSuffix << "] to the output NTuple file name. " << newline; string tmp_file = ""; if( theFilename.find( ".root" ) == string::npos ) { // -- there is no .root extension tmp_file = theFilename; } else { size_t pos = theFilename.rfind(".ntuple.root"); // If there is no 'ntuple.root', look just for '.root' if (pos == std::string::npos) { pos = theFilename.rfind(".root"); } tmp_file = theFilename.substr(0,pos); } theFilename = tmp_file; theFilename += "_"; theFilename += fFileNameSuffix; theFilename += ".ntuple.root"; } else { debug << "OutNtupleProc: There is **NO** appendix to be added [" << fFileNameSuffix << "] to the file name. " << newline; } info << "OutNtupleProc: Writing to " << theFilename << newline; file = TFile::Open(theFilename.c_str(), "RECREATE"); if (!file) Log::Die("OutNtupleProc::DSEvent: Cannot open output file " + theFilename); output = new TTree("output","output"); // runID uniquely identifies a run. // runID comes from GetRunID(); output->Branch("runID",&mcdata.runID); // ratversion tells which version of rat was used. // ratversion comes from GetRatVersion(); output->Branch("ratversion",&mcdata.ratversion); // mcIndex uniquely identifies each MC event. // It counts the events as they are fed into the processor. output->Branch("mcIndex",&McIndex); // evIndex uniquely identifies a trigger within a MC event. // It counts from 0 to GetEVCount()-1 within each MC event. output->Branch("evIndex",&EvIndex); // mc tells whether there is MC data associated to a trigger. // mc comes from ExistMC(); output->Branch("mc",&mcdata.mcvalid); // eventID uniquely identifies each trigger. // eventID comes from GetGTID(); output->Branch("eventID",&data.eventID); // The following branches store data on the two most energetic particles in an // event for which MC data is present. If there is only one particle, the // second set of data branches is filled with zeros. The function // SearchEnergies() is used to determine which particles are most energetic. // pdg1 is the PDG code of the most energetic particle in an event. // pdg1 comes from GetPDGCode(); output->Branch("pdg1",&mcdata.pdg1); // pdg2 is the same for the second-most energetic particle. output->Branch("pdg2",&mcdata.pdg2); // parentpdg1 is the PDG code of the parent of the most energetic particle, // if one exists. It also comes from GetPDGCode(); output->Branch("parentpdg1",&mcdata.parentpdg1); // parentpdg2 is the same, for the second-most energetic particle. output->Branch("parentpdg2",&mcdata.parentpdg2); // parentKE1 is the kinetic energy of the parent of the most energetic particle, // if one exists. output->Branch("parentKE1",&mcdata.parentKE1); // parentKE2 is the same, for the second-most energetic particle. output->Branch("parentKE2",&mcdata.parentKE2); // parentMeta1 is the meta info of the parent of the most energetic particle, // if one exists. output->Branch("parentMeta1",&mcdata.parentMetaInfo1); // parentMeta2 is the same, for the second-most energetic particle. output->Branch("parentMeta2",&mcdata.parentMetaInfo2); // mcke1 is the true kinetic energy of the most energetic particle. // mcke1 comes from GetKE(); output->Branch("mcke1",&mcdata.ke1); // mcke2 is the same for the second-most energetic particle. output->Branch("mcke2",&mcdata.ke2); // mcMomx1 is the true x momentum of the most energetic particle. // mcMomx1 comes from GetMomentum().X(); // mcMomy1 and mcMomz1 are the same for the y and z directions. output->Branch("mcmom1x", &mcdata.mom1x); output->Branch("mcmom1y", &mcdata.mom1y); output->Branch("mcmom1z", &mcdata.mom1z); // mcMom*2 is the same for the second-most energetic particle. output->Branch("mcmom2x", &mcdata.mom2x); output->Branch("mcmom2y", &mcdata.mom2y); output->Branch("mcmom2z", &mcdata.mom2z); // mctime1 is the true time of the most energetic particle output->Branch("mctime1",&mcdata.time1); // mctime2 is the same for the second-most energetic particle output->Branch("mctime2",&mcdata.time2); // End of two most energetic particles data. // mct is the true time of the event, counting from the start of the run. // mct comes from GetMCTime(); output->Branch("mct",&mcdata.mct); // mcEdep is the true total energy deposited in the scintillator. // mcEdep comes from GetScintEnergyDeposit(); output->Branch("mcEdep",&mcdata.Edep); // mcEdepQuenched is the true energy deposited with quenched energy removed. // mcEdepQuenched comes from GetTotScintEdepQuenched(); output->Branch("mcEdepQuenched",&mcdata.EdepQuenched); // mcPosx is the true x position of the event. (In case of possible // ambiguity, it uses the vertex of the most energetic particle). // mcPosx comes from GetPosition().X(); output->Branch("mcPosx",&mcdata.mcposx); // mcPosy is the same, for the y direction. output->Branch("mcPosy",&mcdata.mcposy); // mcPosz is the same, for the z direction. output->Branch("mcPosz",&mcdata.mcposz); // mcPosr is the radius output->Branch("mcPosr",&mcdata.mcposr); // nhits is the number of normal and HQE PMTs hit at least once. // nhits comes from GetNhits(); output->Branch("nhits",&data.nhits); // owlnhits is the number of OWL PMTs hit at least once. // owlnhits comes from GetUncalPMTs().GetOWLCount() output->Branch("owlnhits",&data.owlnhits); // nhits cleaned is the number of normal and HQE PMTs hit at least once // and pass the channel and hit cleaning cuts output->Branch("nhitsCleaned",&data.nhitsCleaned); // inTimeHits100 is the number of in-time hits with triggers enabled // occuring in a 89 ns time window output->Branch("inTimeHits100",&data.inTimeHits100); // inTimeHits20 is the number of in-time hits with triggers enabled // occuring in a 46 ns time window output->Branch("inTimeHits20",&data.inTimeHits20); // isCal is whether the event was tagged by a calibration souce // returns true if it was a tagged event output->Branch("isCal", &data.isCal); // fecdHits is a 32-bit integer that contains the FECD hits // in the event output->Branch("fecdHits", &data.fecdHits); // q is the sum of all charge samples in the event. // q comes from GetTotalCharge(); output->Branch("q",&data.Q); // trigger is the trigger word. // trigger comes from GetTrigType(); output->Branch("triggerWord",&data.trigger); // tubiiWord is the TUBii trigger word. // tubiiWord comes from GetTubiiTrig(); output->Branch("tubiiWord",&data.tubii); // dcApplied is the applied data cleaning cuts // dcApplied comes from rEV->GetDataCleaningFlags().GetApplied().GetULong64_t(0) output->Branch("dcApplied", &data.dcApplied); // dcFlagged is the data cleaning word. // dcFlagged comes from rEV->GetDataCleaningFlags().GetFlags().GetULong64_t(0) output->Branch("dcFlagged",&data.dcFlagged); // clockCount10 is the tick count of the trigger on the 10MHz clock. // clockCount10 comes from GetClockCount10(); output->Branch("clockCount10",&data.ClockCount10); // clockCount50 is the tick count of the trigger on the 50MHz clock. // clockCount50 comes from GetClockCount50(); output->Branch("clockCount50",&data.ClockCount50); // uTDays is part of the time stamp of a trigger, counting number of days // since January 1, 2010. // uTDays comes from GetUTDays(); output->Branch("uTDays",&data.UTDays); // uTSecs is part of the time stamp of a trigger, counting number of seconds // since the beginning of the day. // uTSecs comes from GetUTSecs(); output->Branch("uTSecs",&data.UTSecs); // uTNSecs is part of the time stamp of a trigger, giving ns precision. // uTNSecs comes from GetUTNSecs(); output->Branch("uTNSecs",&data.UTNSecs); // scintFit tells whether scintFitter results are present in the data. // scintFit comes from GetFitResult("scintFitter"); output->Branch("scintFit",&data.scintFit); // waterFit tells whether waterFitter results are present in the data. // waterFit comes from GetFitResult("waterFitter"); output->Branch("waterFit",&data.waterFit); // partialWaterFit tells whether partialWaterFitter results are present in the data. // partialWaterFit comes from GetFitResult("partialWaterFitter"); output->Branch("partialWaterFit",&data.partialWaterFit); // partialFit tells whether partialFitter results are present in the data. // partialFit comes from GetFitResult("partialFitter"); output->Branch("partialFit",&data.partialFit); // set fitValid bool - is the default fitter valid overall - and fitValidityMask // for each component for the fit result. output->Branch("fitValid",&data.fitValid); output->Branch("fitValidityMask",&data.fitValidityMask); // posx is the reconstructed position of the event. It can come from // scintFitter, waterFitter, partialWaterFitter or partialFitter. // posx comes from GetVertex().GetPosition().X(); // The fitted position has asymmetric errors, recorded as posxErrorPos and // posxErrorNeg. These come from GetVertex().GetPositivePositionError().X() and // GetNegativePositionError().X(). output->Branch("posx",&data.posx); output->Branch("posxPosError",&data.posxPosError); output->Branch("posxNegError",&data.posxNegError); // posy is the same for the y direction. output->Branch("posy",&data.posy); output->Branch("posyPosError",&data.posyPosError); output->Branch("posyNegError",&data.posyNegError); // posz is the same for the z direction. output->Branch("posz",&data.posz); output->Branch("poszPosError",&data.poszPosError); output->Branch("poszNegError",&data.poszNegError); // posr is the radius output->Branch("posr",&data.posr); // posFOM is the figure of merit of the fitted position. // posFOM comes from GetFOM("PositionLogL"); output->Branch("posFOM",&data.posFOM); // dirx is the reconstructed direction of the event (waterFitter only). // dirx comes from GetVertex().GetDirection().X(); // dirxPosError and dirxNegError are the associated error. // dirxPosError comes from GetVertex().GetPositiveDirectionError().X(); output->Branch("dirx",&data.dirx); output->Branch("dirxPosError",&data.dirxPosError); output->Branch("dirxNegError",&data.dirxNegError); // diry is the same for the y direction. output->Branch("diry",&data.diry); output->Branch("diryPosError",&data.diryPosError); output->Branch("diryNegError",&data.diryNegError); // dirz is the same for the z direction. output->Branch("dirz",&data.dirz); output->Branch("dirzPosError",&data.dirzPosError); output->Branch("dirzNegError",&data.dirzNegError); // energy is the reconstructed energy. It can come from scintFitter, // waterFitter, partialWaterFitter or partialFitter. energy comes from GetVertex().GetEnergy(); // energyPosError and energyNegError are the associated errors. // energyPosError comes from GetVertex().GetPositiveEnergyError(); output->Branch("energy",&data.energy); output->Branch("energyPosError",&data.energyPosError); output->Branch("energyNegError",&data.energyNegError); // energyFOM* are figures of merit for EnergyRSP reconstructed energy output->Branch("energyFOMmedProb",&data.energyFOMmedProb); output->Branch("energyFOMmedProbHit",&data.energyFOMmedProbHit); output->Branch("energyFOMmedDev",&data.energyFOMmedDev); output->Branch("energyFOMmedDevHit",&data.energyFOMmedDevHit); output->Branch("energyFOMGtest",&data.energyFOMGtest); output->Branch("energyFOMUtest",&data.energyFOMUtest); // penergy energy is the reconstructed energy from penergy output->Branch("penergyEnergy",&data.penergyEnergy); // time is the reconstructed time. It can come from scintFitter, // waterFitter, partialWaterFitter or partialFitter. time comes from GetVertex().GetTime(); // timePosError and timeNegError are the associated errors. // timePosError comes from GetVertex().GetPositiveTimeError(); output->Branch("time",&data.time); output->Branch("timePosError",&data.timePosError); output->Branch("timeNegError",&data.timeNegError); // itr is a classifier giving the ratio of hits falling within a time window to the total hits // itr comes from GetClassification("ITR"); output->Branch("itr",&data.itr); // timingPeaks is a classifier counting the number of peaks in the PMT hits' // timeseries. timingPeaks comes from GetClassification("timingPeaks"); output->Branch("timingPeaks",&data.timingPeaks); // berkeleyAlphaBeta is a classifier giving the alpha-ness of an event on a scale from // 0 to 1. berkeleyAlphaBeta comes from GetClassification("BerkeleyAlphaBeta"); output->Branch("berkeleyAlphaBeta",&data.berkeleyAlphaBeta); // theta_ij is a classifier describing the anisotropy of an event. // theta_ij comes from GetClassification("isotropy"); output->Branch("thetaij",&data.thetaij); // beta14 is a classifier describing the anisotropy of an event. // beta14 comes from GetClassification("isotropy"); output->Branch("beta14",&data.beta14); // qpdt is a classifier describing the probability of seeing early charge hits // qpdt and nhitsEarly comes from GetClassification("QPDT"); output->Branch("qpdtProbability",&data.qpdtProbability); output->Branch("qpdtNhitsEarly",&data.qpdtNhitsEarly); output->Branch("qpdtQMax",&data.qpdtQMax); // meanTime is a classifier calculating the mean reconstructed emission time. // meanTime comes from GetClassification("meanTime") output->Branch("meanTime",&data.meanTime); // earlyTime is a classifier counting the number of PMT hits not being in // causal contact. earlyTime comes from GetClassification("earlyFraction"); output->Branch("earlyTime",&data.earlyTime); // preTriggerHits is a classifier counting the number of PMT hits before // the event trigger. Comes from GetClassification("preTriggerHits"); output->Branch("preTriggerHits",&data.preTriggerHits); // isoRegions is a classifier describing the anisotropy of an event. // isotropyRegion comes from GetClassification("fullChi"); output->Branch("isotropyRegions",&data.isotropyRegions); // latIsoRegions is a classifier describing the anisotropy of an event. // latIsotropyRegions comes from GetClassification("fullLatChi"); output->Branch("latIsotropyRegions",&data.latIsotropyRegions); // biPoCumulTimeResid is a classifier describing the likelihood of an event being // caused by in-window bipo // biPoCumul comes from GetClassification("BiPoCumulTimeResid") output->Branch("biPoCumul",&data.biPoCumul); // biPoLikelihoodDiff is a classifier describing the likelihood of an event being // caused by in-window bipo // biPoLikelihood212 and biPoLikelihood214 come from GetClassification("BiPoLikelihoodDiff") // using PDFs for BiPo212 and BiPo214 respectively. output->Branch("biPoLikelihood212",&data.biPoLikelihood212); output->Branch("biPoLikelihood214",&data.biPoLikelihood214); // alphaBetaClassifier is a classifier describing the ratio of likelihoods between an // event being caused by in-window bipo or in-window two betas // alphaBeta212 and alphaBeta214 come from GetClassification("AlphaBetaClassifier") // using PDFs for BiPo212 and BiPo214 respectively. output->Branch("alphaBeta212",&data.alphaBeta212); output->Branch("alphaBeta214",&data.alphaBeta214); // positionANN is a fit method, however for the ntuple we take only the radius of the event output->Branch("annR",&data.annR); // nearAVAngular is a classifier that finds the describes the fraction of the total PMTs hit // that are within an angle from the event. Values are in the range 0 - 1. output->Branch("nearAV",&data.nearAV); output->SetAutoSave(fAutoSave); } Processor::Result OutNtupleProc::DSEvent(DS::Run&, DS::Entry& ds) { std::string fittype; if (!file) { OpenFile(); } memset(&mcdata,0,sizeof(mcDS)); *branchDS = ds; // Handle run-level data mcdata.runID = ds.GetRunID(); mcdata.ratversion = RAT::GetRATVersion(); // Handle MC-level data if (ds.MCExists()){ mcdata.mcvalid = 1; DS::MC& rmc = ds.GetMC(); mcdata.Edep = rmc.GetScintEnergyDeposit(); mcdata.EdepQuenched = rmc.GetScintQuenchedEnergyDeposit(); mcdata.mct = rmc.GetMCTime(); // Collect data on two highest-energy particles const size_t mcpc = rmc.GetMCParticleCount(); std::pair index(-1,-1); if(mcpc == 1) index = std::pair(0, -1); else if(mcpc > 1) index = SearchEnergies(rmc); GetParticleData(index, rmc); } // Handle Trigger-level data size_t evc = ds.GetEVCount(); if (evc != 0){ for (size_t j = 0; j < evc; j++){ memset(&data,0,sizeof(TriggerDS)); fittype.clear(); DS::EV& rEV = ds.GetEV(j); EvIndex = j; GetEventData(&rEV); // Limited check of fit results fittype = CheckFits(&rEV); if(!fittype.empty()) GetFitData(fittype, &rEV); GetPenergyData(&rEV); // Limited check of classifier results try{ data.itr = rEV. GetClassifierResult("ITR:"+fittype) .GetClassification("ITR");} catch(DS::DataNotFound & error) {data.itr = DS::INVALID;} try{ data.timingPeaks = rEV. GetClassifierResult("timingPeaks:"+fittype) .GetClassification("timingPeaks");} catch(DS::DataNotFound & error) {data.timingPeaks = DS::INVALID;} try{ data.thetaij = rEV. GetClassifierResult("isotropy:"+fittype) .GetClassification("thetaij");} catch(DS::DataNotFound & error) {data.thetaij = DS::INVALID;} try{ data.beta14 = rEV. GetClassifierResult("isotropy:"+fittype) .GetClassification("snobeta14");} catch(DS::DataNotFound & error) {data.beta14 = DS::INVALID;} try{ data.qpdtProbability = rEV. GetClassifierResult("QPDT:"+fittype) .GetClassification("QPDT"); data.qpdtNhitsEarly = rEV. GetClassifierResult("QPDT:"+fittype) .GetClassification("NHits_early"); data.qpdtQMax = rEV. GetClassifierResult("QPDT:"+fittype) .GetClassification("QMax"); } catch(DS::DataNotFound & error){ data.qpdtProbability = DS::INVALID; data.qpdtNhitsEarly = DS::INVALID; data.qpdtQMax = DS::INVALID; } try{ data.berkeleyAlphaBeta = rEV. GetClassifierResult("BerkeleyAlphaBeta:"+fittype) .GetClassification("likelihood");} catch(DS::DataNotFound & error) {data.berkeleyAlphaBeta = DS::INVALID;} try{ data.meanTime = rEV. GetClassifierResult("meanTime:"+fittype) .GetClassification("meanTime");} catch(DS::DataNotFound & error) {data.meanTime = DS::INVALID;} try{ data.preTriggerHits = rEV. GetClassifierResult("preTriggerHits:"+fittype) .GetClassification("preTriggerHits");} catch(DS::DataNotFound & error) {data.preTriggerHits = DS::INVALID;} try{ data.isotropyRegions = rEV. GetClassifierResult("isoRegions:"+fittype) .GetClassification("fullChi");} catch(DS::DataNotFound & error) {data.isotropyRegions = DS::INVALID;} try{ data.latIsotropyRegions = rEV. GetClassifierResult("isoRegions:"+fittype) .GetClassification("fullLatChi");} catch(DS::DataNotFound & error) {data.latIsotropyRegions = DS::INVALID;} try{ data.earlyTime = rEV. GetClassifierResult("earlyTime:"+fittype) .GetClassification("earlyFraction");} catch(DS::DataNotFound & error) {data.earlyTime = DS::INVALID;} try{data.biPoCumul = rEV. GetClassifierResult("BiPoCumulTimeResid:"+fittype) .GetClassification("gamma");} catch(DS::DataNotFound & error) {data.biPoCumul = DS::INVALID;} try{data.biPoLikelihood212 = rEV. GetClassifierResult("BiPoLikelihoodDiff:212:"+fittype) .GetClassification("lglklhdDiff");} catch(DS::DataNotFound & error) {data.biPoLikelihood212 = DS::INVALID;} try{data.biPoLikelihood214 = rEV. GetClassifierResult("BiPoLikelihoodDiff:214:"+fittype) .GetClassification("lglklhdDiff");} catch(DS::DataNotFound & error) {data.biPoLikelihood214 = DS::INVALID;} try{data.alphaBeta212 = rEV. GetClassifierResult("AlphaBetaClassifier:212:"+fittype) .GetClassification("AlphaBetaClassifier");} catch(DS::DataNotFound & error) {data.alphaBeta212 = DS::INVALID;} try{data.alphaBeta214 = rEV. GetClassifierResult("AlphaBetaClassifier:214:"+fittype) .GetClassification("AlphaBetaClassifier");} catch(DS::DataNotFound & error) {data.alphaBeta214 = DS::INVALID;} try{data.annR = rEV. GetFitResult("positionANN:"+fittype).GetVertex(0).GetPosition().Mag();} catch(DS::DataNotFound & error) {data.annR = DS::INVALID;} try{data.nearAV = rEV. GetClassifierResult("nearAVAngular:"+fittype).GetClassification("ratio");} catch(DS::DataNotFound & error) {data.nearAV = DS::INVALID;} // Record the collected data to output file if(-1 == output->Fill()) Log::Die("Could not fill ntuple file!"); } } else{ EvIndex = -1; memset(&data,0,sizeof(TriggerDS)); // Record the collected data to output file if(-1 == output->Fill()) Log::Die("Could not fill ntuple file!"); } McIndex++; return Processor::OK; } // Collects Event-level data. void OutNtupleProc::GetEventData(DS::EV *rEV) { data.eventID = rEV->GetGTID(); data.nhits = rEV->GetNhits(); data.owlnhits = rEV->GetUncalPMTs().GetOWLCount(); data.nhitsCleaned = rEV->GetNhitsCleaned(); data.inTimeHits100 = rEV->GetInTimeHits100(); data.inTimeHits20 = rEV->GetInTimeHits20(); data.isCal = rEV->GetCalibrationEvent(); data.Q = rEV->GetTotalCharge(); data.trigger = rEV->GetTrigType(); data.tubii = rEV->GetTubiiTrig(); Int_t fPass = rEV->GetDataCleaningFlags().GetLatestPass(); UInt_t fecd = 0; for(size_t iPMT = 0; iPMT < rEV->GetUncalPMTs().GetFECDCount(); iPMT++) { int channel = rEV->GetUncalPMTs().GetFECDPMT(iPMT).GetChannel(); fecd += (1<= 0) { data.dcApplied = rEV->GetDataCleaningFlags().GetApplied(fPass).GetULong64_t(0); data.dcFlagged = rEV->GetDataCleaningFlags().GetFlags(fPass).GetULong64_t(0); } data.ClockCount10 = rEV->GetClockCount10(); data.ClockCount50 = rEV->GetClockCount50(); data.UTDays = rEV->GetUniversalTime().GetDays(); data.UTSecs = rEV->GetUniversalTime().GetSeconds(); data.UTNSecs = rEV->GetUniversalTime().GetNanoSeconds(); } // Sets fittype and checks fit-specific data. Note that only one fit result // is used even if several are available. The order of preference is: // scintFitter, then waterFitter, then partialFitter and partialWaterFitter, // then quad fitter. std::string OutNtupleProc::CheckFits(DS::EV *rEV) { std::string fittype; try{ data.fitValid = rEV->GetFitResult("scintFitter").GetValid(); data.scintFit = true; fittype = "scintFitter"; } catch( DS::DataNotFound & error ){} if (fittype.empty()){ try{ data.fitValid = rEV->GetFitResult("waterFitter").GetValid(); data.waterFit = true; fittype = "waterFitter"; GetWaterFitterData(fittype, rEV); } catch( DS::DataNotFound & error ){} } if (fittype.empty()){ try{ data.fitValid = rEV->GetFitResult("partialFitter").GetValid(); data.partialFit = true; fittype = "partialFitter"; } catch( DS::DataNotFound & error ){} } if (fittype.empty()){ try{ data.fitValid = rEV->GetFitResult("partialWaterFitter").GetValid(); data.partialWaterFit = true; fittype = "partialWaterFitter"; GetWaterFitterData(fittype, rEV); } catch( DS::DataNotFound & error ){} } if (fittype.empty()){ try{ data.fitValid = rEV->GetFitResult("quad").GetValid(); fittype = "quad"; } catch( DS::DataNotFound & error ){} } return fittype; } // Looks through Monte Carlo data to find the two particles of highest energies. std::pair OutNtupleProc::SearchEnergies(DS::MC& rmc) { int mcpc = rmc.GetMCParticleCount(); std::pair index(0,0); std::pair energy(0,0); DS::MCParticle& rparticle0 = rmc.GetMCParticle(0); DS::MCParticle& rparticle1 = rmc.GetMCParticle(1); float en0 = rparticle0.GetKineticEnergy(); float en1 = rparticle1.GetKineticEnergy(); if( en0 > en1 ){ energy.first = en0; energy.second = en1; index.second = 1; } else{ energy.first = en1; energy.second = en0; index.first = 1; } for (int PIndex = 2; PIndex < mcpc; PIndex++){ DS::MCParticle& rparticle = rmc.GetMCParticle(PIndex); if (rparticle.GetKineticEnergy() > energy.first){ index.second = index.first; index.first = PIndex; } else{ if (rparticle.GetKineticEnergy() > energy.second) index.second = PIndex; } } return index; } // Collects some standardizable fit results void OutNtupleProc::GetFitData(const std::string fittype, DS::EV *rEV) { DS::FitResult fResult = rEV->GetFitResult(fittype); DS::FitVertex rvertex = fResult.GetVertex(0); // Position information if( rvertex.ContainsPosition() && rvertex.ValidPosition() ) { data.posx = rvertex.GetPosition().X(); data.posy = rvertex.GetPosition().Y(); data.posz = rvertex.GetPosition().Z(); data.posr = rvertex.GetPosition().Mag(); } else { data.posx = DS::INVALID; data.posy = DS::INVALID; data.posz = DS::INVALID; data.posr = DS::INVALID; } if( rvertex.ContainsPositivePositionError() && rvertex.ValidPositivePositionError() ) { data.posxPosError = rvertex.GetPositivePositionError().X(); data.posyPosError = rvertex.GetPositivePositionError().Y(); data.poszPosError = rvertex.GetPositivePositionError().Z(); } else { data.posxPosError = DS::INVALID; data.posyPosError = DS::INVALID; data.poszPosError = DS::INVALID; } if( rvertex.ContainsNegativePositionError() && rvertex.ValidNegativePositionError() ) { data.posxNegError = rvertex.GetNegativePositionError().X(); data.posyNegError = rvertex.GetNegativePositionError().Y(); data.poszNegError = rvertex.GetNegativePositionError().Z(); } else { data.posxNegError = DS::INVALID; data.posyNegError = DS::INVALID; data.poszNegError = DS::INVALID; } try{ data.posFOM = fResult.GetFOM("PositionLogL");} catch(const std::out_of_range& oor) { data.posFOM = DS::INVALID; } // Energy information if( rvertex.ContainsEnergy() && rvertex.ValidEnergy() ) data.energy = rvertex.GetEnergy(); else data.energy = DS::INVALID; if( rvertex.ContainsPositiveEnergyError() && rvertex.ValidPositiveEnergyError() ) data.energyPosError = rvertex.GetPositiveEnergyError(); else data.energyPosError = DS::INVALID; if( rvertex.ContainsNegativeEnergyError() && rvertex.ValidNegativeEnergyError() ) data.energyNegError = rvertex.GetNegativeEnergyError(); else data.energyNegError = DS::INVALID; try{ data.energyFOMmedProb = fResult.GetFOM("EnergyMedianProb");} catch(const std::out_of_range& oor) { data.energyFOMmedProb = DS::INVALID; } try{ data.energyFOMmedProbHit = fResult.GetFOM("EnergyMedianProbHit");} catch(const std::out_of_range& oor) { data.energyFOMmedProbHit = DS::INVALID; } try{ data.energyFOMmedDev = fResult.GetFOM("EnergyMedianDev");} catch(const std::out_of_range& oor) { data.energyFOMmedDev = DS::INVALID; } try{ data.energyFOMmedDevHit = fResult.GetFOM("EnergyMedianDevHit");} catch(const std::out_of_range& oor) { data.energyFOMmedDevHit = DS::INVALID; } try{ data.energyFOMGtest = fResult.GetFOM("EnergyGtest");} catch(const std::out_of_range& oor) { data.energyFOMGtest = DS::INVALID; } try{ data.energyFOMUtest = fResult.GetFOM("EnergyUtest");} catch(const std::out_of_range& oor) { data.energyFOMUtest = DS::INVALID; } // Time information if( rvertex.ContainsTime() && rvertex.ValidTime() ) data.time = rvertex.GetTime(); else data.time = DS::INVALID; if( rvertex.ContainsPositiveTimeError() && rvertex.ValidPositiveTimeError() ) data.timePosError = rvertex.GetPositiveTimeError(); else data.timePosError = DS::INVALID; if( rvertex.ContainsNegativeTimeError() && rvertex.ValidNegativeTimeError() ) data.timeNegError = rvertex.GetNegativeTimeError(); else data.timeNegError = DS::INVALID; // Overall validity data.fitValidityMask = rvertex.GetValidityMask(); } void OutNtupleProc::GetPenergyData(DS::EV *rEV){ try{ DS::FitVertex rvertex = rEV->GetFitResult("penergy").GetVertex(0); data.penergyEnergy = rvertex.GetEnergy(); } catch ( DS::DataNotFound & error ){ data.penergyEnergy = DS::INVALID; } } // Collects fit results specific to waterFitter void OutNtupleProc::GetWaterFitterData(const std::string fittype, DS::EV *rEV) { DS::FitVertex rvertex = rEV->GetFitResult(fittype).GetVertex(0); if( rvertex.ContainsDirection() && rvertex.ValidDirection() ) { data.dirx = rvertex.GetDirection().X(); data.diry = rvertex.GetDirection().Y(); data.dirz = rvertex.GetDirection().Z(); } else { data.dirx = DS::INVALID; data.diry = DS::INVALID; data.dirz = DS::INVALID; } if( rvertex.ContainsPositiveDirectionError() && rvertex.ValidPositiveDirectionError() ) { data.dirxPosError = rvertex.GetPositiveDirectionError().X(); data.diryPosError = rvertex.GetPositiveDirectionError().Y(); data.dirzPosError = rvertex.GetPositiveDirectionError().Z(); } else { data.dirxPosError = DS::INVALID; data.diryPosError = DS::INVALID; data.dirzPosError = DS::INVALID; } if( rvertex.ContainsNegativeDirectionError() && rvertex.ValidNegativeDirectionError() ) { data.dirxNegError = rvertex.GetNegativeDirectionError().X(); data.diryNegError = rvertex.GetNegativeDirectionError().Y(); data.dirzNegError = rvertex.GetNegativeDirectionError().Z(); } else { data.dirxNegError = DS::INVALID; data.diryNegError = DS::INVALID; data.dirzNegError = DS::INVALID; } } // Collects the desired data on the two particles of highest energy. void OutNtupleProc::GetParticleData(const std::pair index, DS::MC& rmc) { if(index.first == -1) return; const DS::MCParticle& part1 = rmc.GetMCParticle(index.first); mcdata.pdg1 = part1.GetPDGCode(); mcdata.ke1 = part1.GetKineticEnergy(); mcdata.mcposx = part1.GetPosition().X(); mcdata.mcposy = part1.GetPosition().Y(); mcdata.mcposz = part1.GetPosition().Z(); mcdata.mcposr = part1.GetPosition().Mag(); mcdata.mom1x = part1.GetMomentum().X(); mcdata.mom1y = part1.GetMomentum().Y(); mcdata.mom1z = part1.GetMomentum().Z(); mcdata.time1 = part1.GetTime(); // -- if there is a second particle grab it as well bool has_second = (index.second != -1); if(has_second){ const DS::MCParticle& part2 = rmc.GetMCParticle(index.second); mcdata.pdg2 = part2.GetPDGCode(); mcdata.ke2 = part2.GetKineticEnergy(); mcdata.mom2x = part2.GetMomentum().X(); mcdata.mom2y = part2.GetMomentum().Y(); mcdata.mom2z = part2.GetMomentum().Z(); mcdata.time2 = part2.GetTime(); } // -- How grab the parents and loop for the information size_t mcpar = rmc.GetMCParentCount(); // The previous logic was flawed. If, for some reason the most energetic particle // was not the first in terms of index, this would not give the right result. // This could, for example, happen in a BiPo decay with a delayed electron for (size_t ipar = 0; ipar < mcpar; ++ipar) { const DS::MCParticle& rparent = rmc.GetMCParent(ipar); if (rparent.GetVertexID() == part1.GetVertexID()) { mcdata.parentpdg1 = rparent.GetPDGCode(); mcdata.parentKE1 = rparent.GetKineticEnergy(); mcdata.parentMetaInfo1 = rparent.GetMetaInfo(); } if (has_second) { if (rparent.GetVertexID() == rmc.GetMCParticle(index.second).GetVertexID()) { mcdata.parentpdg2 = rparent.GetPDGCode(); mcdata.parentKE2 = rparent.GetKineticEnergy(); mcdata.parentMetaInfo2 = rparent.GetMetaInfo(); } } } } } // namespace RAT