//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Author: Andy Rushton Copyright: (c) Andy Rushton, 2004 License: BSD License, see ../docs/license.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "dprintf.hpp" #include "debug.hpp" #include "string_utilities.hpp" #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <limits.h> #include <float.h> #include <ctype.h> /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have chosen to partially re-invent the wheel here. This is because the obvious solution to the problem of in-memory formatted output is to use sprintf(), but this is a potentially dangerous operation since it will quite happily charge off the end of the string it is printing to and thereby corrupt memory. Building in potential bear-traps by using arbitrary-sized internal buffers is not part of any quality-orientated design philosophy. Simply buggering around with huge buffers is not a solution to this problem, it just pushes the problem into a different shape. However, sprintf() is acceptable if used in strictly controlled conditions that make overflow impossible. This is what I do here. I break the format string up to get the individual formatting codes for each argument and use sprintf() to format just the numeric substitutions. String substitutions are handled directly. Notes: serious problems apparently with unsigned short - getting the argument value doesn't work at least on SunOS4. Therefore I will pass this value as an unsigned int and see if that fixes it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static const int max_int_length = 20; // allow for up to 64 bits; static const int max_mantissa_length = (DBL_MAX_EXP*4/10); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int vdprintf(std::string& formatted, const char* format, va_list args) { int start_length = formatted.size(); while (*format) { switch (*format) { case '\\': { format++; switch (*format) { case 'b': formatted += '\b'; format++; break; case 'f': formatted += '\f'; format++; break; case 'n': formatted += '\n'; format++; break; case 'r': formatted += '\r'; format++; break; case 't': formatted += '\t'; format++; break; case 'v': formatted += '\v'; format++; break; case '\\': formatted += '\\'; format++; break; case '\?': formatted += '\?'; format++; break; case '\'': formatted += '\''; format++; break; case '\"': formatted += '\"'; format++; break; default: break; } break; } case '%': { std::string element_format(1,*format++); bool left_justified = false; for(bool found = true; found && *format; ) { switch (*format) { case '-': left_justified = true; case '+': case ' ': case '0': case '#': element_format += *format++; break; default: found = false; break; } } int field = 0; if (*format == '*') { format++; field = va_arg(args, int); element_format += to_string(field); if (field < 0) { left_justified = true; field = -field; } } else { while (isdigit(*format)) { field *= 10; field +=(*format - '0'); element_format += *format++; } } int precision = -1; if (*format == '.') { element_format += *format++; if (*format == '*') { format++; precision = va_arg(args, int); element_format += to_string(precision); if (precision < 0) { left_justified = true; precision = -precision; } } else { precision = 0; while (isdigit(*format)) { precision *= 10; precision +=(*format - '0'); element_format += *format++; } } } char modifier = '\0'; switch (*format) { case 'h': case 'l': case 'L': modifier = *format++; element_format += modifier; break; default: break; } char conversion = *format; if (conversion) element_format += *format++; switch (conversion) { case 'd': case 'i': { int length = max_int_length; if (precision > length) length = precision; if (field > length) length = field; length += 2; // for possible prefix sign/0x etc; char* element_result = new char[length+1]; switch (modifier) { case 'h': { short value =(short)va_arg(args, int); sprintf(element_result,element_format.c_str(), value); } break; case 'l': { long value = va_arg(args, long); sprintf(element_result,element_format.c_str(), value); } break; default: { int value = va_arg(args, int); sprintf(element_result,element_format.c_str(), value); } break; } formatted += element_result; delete[] element_result; break; } case 'u': case 'o': case 'X': case 'x': { int length = max_int_length; if (precision > length) length = precision; if (field > length) length = field; length += 2; // for possible prefix sign/0x etc; char* element_result = new char[length+1]; switch (modifier) { case 'h': { unsigned /*short*/ value = va_arg(args, unsigned /*short*/); sprintf(element_result,element_format.c_str(), value); } break; case 'l': { unsigned long value = va_arg(args, unsigned long); sprintf(element_result,element_format.c_str(), value); } break; default: { unsigned int value = va_arg(args, unsigned int); sprintf(element_result,element_format.c_str(), value); } break; } formatted += element_result; delete[] element_result; break; } case 'p': { int length = max_int_length; if (precision > length) length = precision; if (field > length) length = field; length += 2; // for possible prefix sign/0x etc; char* element_result = new char[length+1]; void* value = va_arg(args, void*); sprintf(element_result,element_format.c_str(), value); formatted += element_result; delete[] element_result; break; } case 'f': case 'E': case 'e': case 'G': case 'g': { if (precision == -1) precision = 6; int length = max_mantissa_length + precision; if (field > length) length = field; length += 2; // for punctuation; char* element_result = new char[length+1]; if (modifier == 'L') { long double value = va_arg(args, long double); sprintf(element_result,element_format.c_str(), value); } else { double value = va_arg(args, double); sprintf(element_result,element_format.c_str(), value); } formatted += element_result; delete[] element_result; break; } case 'c': { char value =(char)va_arg(args, int); if (!left_justified) for(int i = 1; i < field; i++) formatted += ' '; formatted += value; if (left_justified) for(int i = 1; i < field; i++) formatted += ' '; break; } case 's': { char* value = va_arg(args, char*); int length = strlen(value); if (precision != -1 && length > precision) length = precision; if (!left_justified) for(int i = length; i < field; i++) formatted += ' '; for(int i = 0; i < length; i++) formatted += value[i]; if (left_justified) for(int i = length; i < field; i++) formatted += ' '; break; } case 'n': { int* result = va_arg(args, int*); *result = formatted.size() - start_length; break; } case '%': default: formatted += conversion; break; } break; } default: formatted += *format++; break; } } return formatted.size() - start_length; } int dprintf(std::string& formatted, const char* format, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, format); int result = vdprintf(formatted, format, args); va_end(args); return result; } std::string vdformat(const char* format, va_list args) { std::string formatted; vdprintf(formatted, format, args); return formatted; } std::string dformat(const char* format, ...) { std::string formatted; va_list args; va_start(args, format); vdprintf(formatted, format, args); va_end(args); return formatted; }