#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright 2008 Jan Lehnardt # # This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which # you should have received as part of this distribution. """ CouchDB ``update_notification`` script that triggers replication. Daemon script that can be used as a CouchDB ``update_notification`` process and triggers replication on each incoming database update between the specified servers. Setup: Add this to your local.ini, in the section ``[update_notification]``:: replication = /path/to/couchdb-replicate \\ --source-server= \\ --target-server= Format of the messages it reads:: {"db":"replication_notification_test","type":"updated"} TODO: - Generic'-out the listener part and implement the replication trigger as a delegate or subclass. - Check if sub-second sleep delays are possible """ import fcntl import httplib import httplib2 import logging import optparse import os import re import sys import time from couchdb import __version__ as VERSION from couchdb import json log = logging.getLogger('couchdb.tools.replication_helper') class ReplicationHelper(object): """Listener daemon for CouchDB database notifications""" def __init__(self, source, targets, options): super(ReplicationHelper, self).__init__() self.source = source self.targets = targets self.options = options self.http = httplib2.Http() self.databases = [] def concat_uri(self, server, path): """Concat a server name and a path, is smart about slashes""" if not server.endswith("/"): return server + "/" + path else: return server + path def trigger_creation(self, database): """Creates database in all target servers.""" log.debug('Create database %r', database) # send creation request to target server for target in self.targets: if target['username'] is not None: self.http.add_credentials(target['username'], target['password']) log.debug('Requesting creation of %r from %s', database, target['scheme'] + target['host']) resp, data = self.http.request( self.concat_uri(target['scheme'] + target['host'], database), 'PUT') if resp.status != 201: log.error('Unexpected HTTP response: %s %s (%s)', resp.status, resp.reason, data) self.http.clear_credentials() def trigger_deletion(self, database): """Deletes database in all target servers.""" log.debug('Delete database %r', database) # send deletion request to target server for target in self.targets: if target['username'] is not None: self.http.add_credentials(target['username'], target['password']) log.debug('Requesting deletion of %r from %s', database, target['scheme'] + target['host']) resp, data = self.http.request( self.concat_uri(target['scheme'] + target['host'], database), 'DELETE') if resp.status != 200: log.error('Unexpected HTTP response: %s %s (%s)', resp.status, resp.reason, data) self.http.clear_credentials() def trigger_replication(self, database): """Triggers replication between source and target servers.""" log.debug('Replicate database %r', database) body = {'source': self.concat_uri(self.source, database)} # send replication request to target server for target in self.targets: body['target'] = database if target['username'] is not None: self.http.add_credentials(target['username'], target['password']) log.debug('Request replication %r from %s', body, target['scheme'] + target['host']) resp, data = self.http.request( self.concat_uri(target['scheme'] + target['host'], '_replicate'), 'POST', body=json.encode(body)) if resp.status != 200: log.error('Unexpected HTTP response: %s %s (%s)', resp.status, resp.reason, data) self.http.clear_credentials() def sync_databases(self): """Sync self.databases to all target servers.""" if len(self.databases) > 0: log.debug('Syncing databases after %d change(s)', len(self.databases)) for operation, database in self.databases: try: # not elegant, but we just don't care for problems # CouchDB will relaunch us if operation == 'updated': self.trigger_replication(database) elif operation == 'deleted': self.trigger_deletion(database) elif operation == 'created': self.trigger_creation(database) except httplib.HTTPException, e: log.error('HTTP error: %s', e, exc_info=True) sys.exit(0) self.databases = [] def __call__(self): """Reads notifications from stdin and triggers replication""" options = self.options wait_counter = time.time() while True: # non-blocking readline(), raises IOErrors fcntl.fcntl(sys.stdin, fcntl.F_SETFL, os.O_NONBLOCK) try: line = sys.stdin.readline() # poor man's validation. If we get garbage, we sys.exit if not line.endswith('}\n'): sys.exit(0) note = json.decode(line) log.debug('Received %r', note) # we don't care for deletes if note['type'] == 'delete' and not options.ignore_deletes: continue self.databases.append((note['type'], note['db'])) # if there are more docs that we want to batch, flush if len(self.databases) >= int(options.batch_threshold): self.sync_databases() continue except IOError: # if we waited longer that we want to wait, flush if (time.time() - wait_counter) > int(options.wait_threshold): self.sync_databases() wait_counter = time.time() time.sleep(float(options.wait_threshold)) # implicit continue URLSPLIT_RE = re.compile( r'(?Phttps?://)' # http:// or https:// r'((?P.*):(?P.*)@)?' # optional user:pass combo r'(?P.*)', # hostname:port''' re.VERBOSE ) def main(): usage = '%prog [options] SOURCE_URL TARGET_URL1 [TARGET_URL2 ...]' parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage, version=VERSION) parser.add_option('--batch-threshold', action='store', dest='batch_threshold', default=0, metavar='NUM', help='number of changes that are to be replicated') parser.add_option('--wait-threshold', action='store', dest='wait_threshold', default=0.01, metavar='SECS', help='number of seconds to wait before triggering replication') parser.add_option('--ignore-deletes', action='store_true', dest='ignore_deletes', help='whether to ignore "delete" notifications') parser.add_option('--debug', action='store_true', dest='debug', help='enable debug logging; requires --log-file to be specified') parser.add_option('--log-file', action='store', dest='log_file', metavar='FILE', help='name of the file to write log messages to, or "-" to enable ' 'logging to the standard error stream') parser.add_option('--json-module', action='store', dest='json_module', metavar='NAME', help='the JSON module to use ("simplejson", "cjson", or "json" are ' 'supported)') options, args = parser.parse_args() if len(args) < 2: parser.error("need at least one source and target server") sys.exit(1) src_url = args[0] targets = [ URLSPLIT_RE.match(url).groupdict() for url in args[1:] ] if options.debug: log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) if options.log_file: if options.log_file == '-': handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr) handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter( ' -> [%(levelname)s] %(message)s' )) else: handler = logging.FileHandler(options.log_file) handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter( '[%(asctime)s] [%(levelname)s] %(message)s' )) log.addHandler(handler) if options.json_module: json.use(options.json_module) log.debug('Syncing changes from %r to %r', src_url, targets) try: ReplicationHelper(src_url, targets, options)() except Exception, e: log.exception(e) if __name__ == '__main__': main()