//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \class RAT::VertexGen_ELLIE /// /// \brief Vertex generator - for ELLIE (or other light source) beams /// /// \author Jeanne Wilson -- contact person /// /// REVISION HISTORY /// - first version : J. Wilson - a modification of Gen_ELLIE to only deal with vertex. /// motivated by need for separate vertex, position generators for /// use with coincidence generator /// - 2014-11-26: Matt Strait - doxygen fixes /// - 2017-02-07: Nuno Barros - Added BeginOfRun to load the database /// /// \details This generator simulates bunches of photons from fibres. User RatDB settings for fibre position, direction, angular, timing and wavelength distributions. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef __RAT_VertexGen_ELLIE__ #define __RAT_VertexGen_ELLIE__ #include #include #include #include #include "RAT/GLG4Gen.hh" class G4ParticleDefinition; namespace RAT { class VertexGen_ELLIE : public GLG4VertexGen { public: VertexGen_ELLIE(const char *arg_dbname="vertexellie"); virtual ~VertexGen_ELLIE(); void Init(); virtual void GeneratePrimaryVertex(G4Event *event, G4ThreeVector &dx, G4double dt); float SampleRandom(std::vector myx, std::vector myy, std::vector mycum); /** interface for getting and setting the state*/ virtual void SetState(G4String state); virtual G4String GetState(); virtual void BeginOfRun(); private: /** Only call the initialisation once - if this flag isn't set */ bool fInitDB; /** Fibre IDs */ std::string fFibreID; /** ELLIE direction */ float fDirX, fDirY, fDirZ; /** Wavelength mode for this ELLIE (1 for "mono", 0 for the distribution) The distribution name is the wavelength as a string and defines the index of the ELLIEWAVE ratdb table*/ int fMono_wls; /** ELLIE wavelength distribution - string tells you what distribution to read */ std::string fELLIEWavelength; /** ELLIE wavelength range - use a portion of the wavelength distribution within low and high setpoints */ std::vector fELLIEWavelengthRange; /** Time mode for this ELLIE (1 for "mono", 0 for the distribution) The distribution name is the wavelength as a string and defines the index of the ELLIETIME ratdb table*/ int fMono_time; /** ELLIE time distribution - string tells you what distribution to read */ std::string fELLIETime; /** Or if a timing parameterisation is present - define with IPW and pulser_board */ double fELLIEIPW; std::string fELLIEPulserBoard; /** Angle mode for this ELLIE (1 for "iso", 0 otherwise) The distribution name is the fibre id and defines the index of the ELLIEANGLE ratdb table*/ int fIso_angle; /** flag set to 1 if there is to be no dispersion of the beam */ int fZero_angle; /** ELLIE angular distribution - string tells you what distribution to read */ std::string fELLIEAngle; /** true = number of photons per pulse is selected from poisson distribution with mean=photons_per_event, \n false = number of photons per pulse=photons_per_event */ bool fPoisson; /** Vector for specified angles */ std::vector fang; /** Vector for cumulative angular intensity distribution */ std::vector fangCumMag; /** Vector for angular intensity */ std::vector fangInt; /** Vector for specified times */ std::vector ftime; /** Vector for cumulative time intensity distribution */ std::vector ftimeCumMag; /** Vector for time intensity */ std::vector ftimeInt; /** Vector for specified wavelengths */ std::vector fwave; /** Vector for cumulative wave intensity distribution */ std::vector fwaveCumMag; /** Vector for wave intensity */ std::vector fwaveInt; /** Limits in angular distribution */ float fMinAngle, fMaxAngle; /** Limits on wavelength distribution */ float fMinWl, fMaxWl; /** Limits on time distribution */ float fMinTime,fMaxTime; /** Factor for converting angles (random generator uses radians so if distribution set in degrees = 360/twopi, otherwise =1*/ float fConvertAngle; /** Number of photons per ELLIE pulse */ int fPhotonsPerEvent; /** Particles must be defined as optical photons */ G4ParticleDefinition *fPhotonDef; }; } // namespace RAT #endif