#include <G4UIdirectory.hh> #include <G4StateManager.hh> #include <RAT/Log.hh> #include <RAT/DBMessenger.hh> #include <RAT/DB.hh> #include <RAT/DBCommandLoader.hh> #include <RAT/MetaInformation.hh> #include <RAT/GLG4StringUtil.hh> using namespace RAT; #include <string> using std::string; void DBMessenger::Init(DB *dbToUse) { fDb = dbToUse; // Build UI commands G4UIdirectory* dbdir = new G4UIdirectory("/rat/db/"); dbdir->SetGuidance("RATDB commands"); // load database file command fLoadCmd = new G4UIcmdWithAString("/rat/db/load", this); fLoadCmd->SetParameterName("filename", false); // required fLoadCmd->SetGuidance("Load a file into the database"); // set database attribute fSetCmd = new G4UIcommand("/rat/db/set", this); G4UIparameter *aParam; aParam = new G4UIparameter("table", 's', false); //required fSetCmd->SetParameter(aParam); aParam = new G4UIparameter("field", 's', false); //required fSetCmd->SetParameter(aParam); aParam = new G4UIparameter("newvalue", 's', false); //required fSetCmd->SetParameter(aParam); // connect to server command serverCmd = new G4UIcmdWithAString("/rat/db/server", this); serverCmd->SetParameterName("server_url", false); // required serverCmd->SetGuidance("Connect to CouchDB database"); // allow self to set uninitialised values in tables fAllowDangerCmd = new G4UIcommand("/rat/db/allowdanger", this); G4UIparameter *anotherParam; anotherParam = new G4UIparameter("allow", 's', false); //required fAllowDangerCmd->SetParameter(anotherParam); fSetDBEntryPassCmd = new G4UIcommand("/rat/db/set_pass", this); G4UIparameter *yaParam = new G4UIparameter("type[index]",'s',true); fSetDBEntryPassCmd->SetGuidance("Set the pass number that should be loaded for specific types and index of RATDB objects."); fSetDBEntryPassCmd->SetParameter(yaParam); yaParam = new G4UIparameter("pass",'i',true); fSetDBEntryPassCmd->SetParameter(yaParam); fAddTblNoDefaultPlane = new G4UIcmdWithAString("/rat/db/disallow_default_plane", this); fAddTblNoDefaultPlane->SetParameterName("table", true); // required fAddTblNoDefaultPlane->SetGuidance("Set table to not fetch from the default plane and instead throw an exception."); fRmTblNoDefaultPlane = new G4UIcmdWithAString("/rat/db/allow_default_plane", this); fRmTblNoDefaultPlane->SetParameterName("table", true); // required fRmTblNoDefaultPlane->SetGuidance("Remove table from default plane lock."); fRmAllTblNoDefaultPlane = new G4UIcmdWithABool("/rat/db/allow_all_default_plane", this); fRmAllTblNoDefaultPlane->SetParameterName("status",false); fRmAllTblNoDefaultPlane->SetGuidance("Bypass default plane lock for all tables."); fSetRATDBTag = new G4UIcmdWithAString("/rat/db/set_tag", this); fSetRATDBTag->SetParameterName("tag", true); // required fSetRATDBTag->SetGuidance("Set tag for use in RATDB."); fAirplaneMode = new G4UIcmdWithABool("/rat/db/airplane_mode",this); fAirplaneMode->SetParameterName("status",true); fAirplaneMode->SetGuidance("Activate airplane mode (bypass remote database connection."); } DBMessenger::~DBMessenger() { delete fLoadCmd; delete fSetCmd; delete fAllowDangerCmd; delete fSetDBEntryPassCmd; delete fAddTblNoDefaultPlane; delete fRmTblNoDefaultPlane; delete fRmAllTblNoDefaultPlane; delete fSetRATDBTag; delete fAirplaneMode; } G4String DBMessenger::GetCurrentValue(G4UIcommand * /*unused*/) { warn << "DBMessenger::GetCurrentValue: Get current value not implemented\n"; return ""; } void DBMessenger::SetNewValue(G4UIcommand * command, G4String newValue) { G4ApplicationState state = G4StateManager::GetStateManager()->GetCurrentState(); if (state != G4State_PreInit) Log::Die("Error: Cannot call " + command->GetCommandPath() + " after /run/initialize."); if( command == fLoadCmd ) { fDb->Load( newValue, true ); // Prints the path MetaInformation::Get()->AddLoadCommand( newValue ); } else if( command == fSetCmd ) { // The value is after the second space const size_t tableFieldIndex = newValue.find( " ", newValue.find( " " ) + 1 ); const string tableField = newValue.substr( 0, tableFieldIndex ); const string value = newValue.substr( tableFieldIndex ); DBCommandLoader::LoadCommand( tableField, value ); MetaInformation::Get()->AddOverrideCommand( tableField, value ); } else if (command == serverCmd) { Server(newValue); } else if (command == fAllowDangerCmd) { AllowDanger(newValue); } else if (command == fSetDBEntryPassCmd) { // First strip the field from the pass std::vector<std::string> parts = util_split(newValue, " "); if (parts.size() != 2) { Log::Die(dformat("DBMessenger::SetNewValue : Invalid input in pass number setting. Got [%s], expected (type[index] pass)",newValue.c_str())); } std::string type, index; if (fDb->ParseTableName(parts.at(0),type,index)) { fDb->SetPassDBEntry(type,index,util_to_int(parts.at(1),0)); } else { Log::Die(dformat("DBMessenger::SetNewValue : Invalid input in pass number setting. Got [%s], expected (type[index] pass)",newValue.c_str())); } } else if (command == fAddTblNoDefaultPlane) { // Push it to RAT::DB object fDb->AddTblNoDefaultPlane(newValue); } else if (command == fRmTblNoDefaultPlane) { fDb->RemoveTblNoDefaultPlane(newValue); } else if (command == fRmAllTblNoDefaultPlane) { fDb->SetDefaultPlaneLockStatus(fRmAllTblNoDefaultPlane->GetNewBoolValue(newValue)); } else if (command == fSetRATDBTag) { // Push it into RAT::DB object fDb->SetDbTag(newValue); } else if (command == fAirplaneMode) { fDb->SetAirplaneModeStatus(fAirplaneMode->GetNewBoolValue(newValue)); } else { warn << "DBMessenger::SetNewValue: Invalid DB command" << newline; } } void DBMessenger::AllowDanger(std::string allow){ if(allow == "0")return; if(allow== "secretcode"){ fDb->AllowDanger(); return; } Log::Die("Error parsing \"AllowDanger\" parameter: `" + allow + "'. You didn't read the manual, did you??? Naughty."); } void DBMessenger::Server(std::string url) { info << "RATDB: Connecting to PgSQL server at " << url << "\n"; fDb->SetServer(url); }