#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace RAT; using CLHEP::mm; using CLHEP::twopi; G4int OpticalModelBase::fsTrackID = -1; G4int OpticalModelBase::fsPMTID = -1; G4double OpticalModelBase::fsBucketCos = 0.0; OpticalModelBase::OpticalModelBase() { fMaxIterations = 100; fSurfaceTolerance = 0.005 * mm; } double OpticalModelBase::GetSPolarisationFraction( const G4ThreeVector& polarisation, const G4ThreeVector& normal, const G4ThreeVector& direction ) { G4ThreeVector planeNormal = direction.cross( normal ); planeNormal = planeNormal.unit(); const double sFraction = polarisation.dot( planeNormal ); return sFraction * sFraction; } OpticalModelBase::EPolarisation OpticalModelBase::GetPolarisation( const G4ThreeVector& normal, const G4ThreeVector& direction, const G4ThreeVector& polarisation ) { const double sFraction = GetSPolarisationFraction( normal, direction, polarisation ); const double uniRand = G4UniformRand(); if( uniRand < sFraction ) { return esPolarised; } else { return epPolarised; } } void OpticalModelBase::NormalReflect( const G4ThreeVector& normal, G4ThreeVector& direction, G4ThreeVector& polarisation ) { // TESTED //assert( polarisation.mag() == 1.0 && normal.mag() == 1.0 && direction.mag() == 1.0 ); direction = direction - 2.0 * direction.dot( normal ) * normal; polarisation = polarisation - 2.0 * polarisation.dot( normal ) * normal; direction = direction.unit(); polarisation = polarisation.unit(); } void OpticalModelBase::DiffuseReflect( const G4ThreeVector& normal, G4ThreeVector& direction, G4ThreeVector& polarisation ) { // First pick a random direction double theta = acos( G4UniformRand() ); double phi = twopi * G4UniformRand(); RayScatter( normal, theta, phi, direction ); // Then do the same for the polarisation, but perpendicular to the direction theta = twopi / 4.0; phi = twopi * G4UniformRand(); RayScatter( direction, theta, phi, polarisation ); } void OpticalModelBase::Refract( const G4ThreeVector& normal, const G4double n1, const G4double n2, G4ThreeVector& direction, G4ThreeVector& polarisation ) { // TESTED const double nRatio = n1 / n2; double cosTheta1 = direction.dot( normal ); const double sinTheta1_2 = 1.0 - cosTheta1 * cosTheta1; const double cosTheta2 = sqrt( 1 - nRatio * nRatio * sinTheta1_2 ); direction = nRatio * direction - nRatio * cosTheta1 * normal - cosTheta2 * normal; polarisation = polarisation - polarisation.dot( direction ) * direction; direction = direction.unit(); polarisation = polarisation.unit(); } // As in pmt_rayscatter.for void OpticalModelBase::RayScatter( const G4ThreeVector& normal, const G4double theta, const G4double phi, G4ThreeVector& resp ) { // TESTED const double cosTheta = cos( theta ); const double sinTheta = sin( theta ); const double cosPhi = cos( phi ); const double sinPhi = sin( phi ); const G4double u = normal.x(); const G4double v = normal.y(); const G4double w = normal.z(); G4double sinAlpha = sqrt( 1 - w*w ); G4double cosBeta, sinBeta; if( sinAlpha > 0.0 ) { cosBeta = u / sinAlpha; sinBeta = v / sinAlpha; } else { cosBeta = 1.0; sinBeta = 0.0; } resp.setX( cosTheta * u + sinTheta * ( w * cosPhi * cosBeta - sinPhi * sinBeta ) ); resp.setY( cosTheta * v + sinTheta * ( w * cosPhi * sinBeta + sinPhi * cosBeta ) ); resp.setZ( cosTheta * w - sinTheta * cosPhi * sinAlpha ); resp = resp.unit(); } void OpticalModelBase::RecordTrajectory( const G4FastTrack& fastTrack, const G4ThreeVector& endPos, const G4ThreeVector& direction, const G4double stepLength, const G4double time, const G4double energy, const std::string& startVolume, const std::string& endVolume ) { // I'm not sure why the run manager returns a const, it doesn't need to... TrackingAction* trackingAction = dynamic_cast( const_cast( G4RunManager::GetRunManager()->GetUserTrackingAction() ) ); if( trackingAction == NULL ) return; // User is using a special tracking action, thus leave PhotonTrajectory* trajectory = dynamic_cast( trackingAction->GetTrajectory() ); if( trajectory == NULL ) return; // Not storing trajectories thus leave this const G4ThreeVector globalEndPos = fastTrack.GetInverseAffineTransformation()->TransformPoint( endPos ); const G4ThreeVector globalDir = fastTrack.GetInverseAffineTransformation()->TransformAxis( direction ); const G4double localTime = time - fastTrack.GetPrimaryTrack()->GetGlobalTime() + fastTrack.GetPrimaryTrack()->GetLocalTime(); TVector3 globalMom( globalDir.x(), globalDir.y(), globalDir.z() ); globalMom *= energy; // As photon RAT::DS::MCTrackStep thisStep; thisStep.SetLength( stepLength ); thisStep.SetPosition( TVector3( globalEndPos.x(), globalEndPos.y(), globalEndPos.z() ) ); thisStep.SetGlobalTime( time ); thisStep.SetLocalTime( localTime ); thisStep.SetProperTime( 0.0 ); //? thisStep.SetMomentum( globalMom ); thisStep.SetKineticEnergy( energy ); thisStep.SetProcess( fProcessName ); thisStep.SetEndVolume( endVolume ); thisStep.SetStartVolume( startVolume ); thisStep.SetStatus( RAT::DS::MCTrackStep::GeomBoundary ); trajectory->AppendStep( thisStep ); } void OpticalModelBase::RecordPhotoelectron( const int pmtID ) { // I'm not sure why the run manager returns a const, it doesn't need to... TrackingAction* trackingAction = dynamic_cast( const_cast( G4RunManager::GetRunManager()->GetUserTrackingAction() ) ); if( trackingAction == NULL ) return; // User is using a special tracking action, thus leave PhotonTrajectory* trajectory = dynamic_cast( trackingAction->GetTrajectory() ); if( trajectory == NULL ) return; // Not storing trajectories thus leave this trajectory->AppendPhotoelectron( pmtID ); } int OpticalModelBase::GetPMTID( const G4FastTrack& fastTrack ) { int iDepth; for( iDepth = 0; iDepth < fastTrack.GetPrimaryTrack()->GetTouchableHandle()->GetHistoryDepth(); iDepth++ ) { const string volName = fastTrack.GetPrimaryTrack()->GetTouchableHandle()->GetVolume( iDepth )->GetName(); const size_t envelopeHistory = volName.find( "_pmtenv" ); if( envelopeHistory != string::npos ) return fastTrack.GetPrimaryTrack()->GetTouchableHandle()->GetCopyNumber( iDepth ); } // Should never get here Log::Die( "OpticalModelBase::GetPMTID: Cannot decode PMT ID." ); return -1; } void OpticalModelBase::SetBucketCos( const G4int trackID, const G4int pmtID, const G4double bucketCos ) { if( trackID != fsTrackID || pmtID != fsPMTID ) { fsTrackID = trackID; fsPMTID = pmtID; if( bucketCos < 0.0 ) fsBucketCos = -bucketCos; else fsBucketCos = bucketCos; } } void OpticalModelBase::ExtractPhotonHistory(const G4FastTrack& fastTrack, DS::MCPE &photoelectron) { UserTrackInformation *history = dynamic_cast(fastTrack.GetPrimaryTrack()->GetUserInformation()); if (history) { // History already exists. Simply copy it photoelectron.SetHistory(history->GetHistory()); } else { #ifdef RATDEBUG warn << "OpticalModelBase::ExtractPhotonHistory : Didn't find track user information. Storing only track creating process." << newline; #endif const G4VProcess *crProc = fastTrack.GetPrimaryTrack()->GetCreatorProcess(); if (!crProc) { #ifdef RATDEBUG warn << "OpticalModelBase::ExtractPhotonHistory : Creator Process not found." << newline; #endif return; } if (crProc->GetProcessType() == fOptical) { if ( crProc->GetProcessSubType() == fOpRayleigh) { photoelectron.AddToHistory(DS::MCPE::hRayleighScatt); } else if (crProc->GetProcessSubType() == fOpMieHG) { photoelectron.AddToHistory(DS::MCPE::hMieScatt); } else { warn << "OpticalModelBase::ExtractPhotonHistory : Unknown optical process subtype : " << crProc->GetProcessName() << newline; photoelectron.AddToHistory(DS::MCPE::hUnknown); } } else if (crProc->GetProcessType() == fUserDefined) { // This could means re-emission or scintillation if (crProc->GetProcessName() == "Scintillation") { photoelectron.AddToHistory(DS::MCPE::hScintillation); } else if (crProc->GetProcessName().find("Reemission") != std::string::npos) { // This envelopes several types of reemission (from the different componentds) photoelectron.AddToHistory(DS::MCPE::hWLS); } else { warn << "OpticalModelBase::ExtractPhotonHistory : Unknown user process : " << crProc->GetProcessName() << newline; photoelectron.AddToHistory(DS::MCPE::hUnknown); } } else if (crProc->GetProcessType() == fElectromagnetic) { if (crProc->GetProcessSubType() == fCerenkov) { photoelectron.AddToHistory(DS::MCPE::hCherenkov); } else { warn << "OpticalModelBase::ExtractPhotonHistory : Unknown EM process : " << crProc->GetProcessName() << newline; photoelectron.AddToHistory(DS::MCPE::hUnknown); } } else { warn << "OpticalModelBase::ExtractPhotonHistory : Unknown process : " << crProc->GetProcessName() << newline; photoelectron.AddToHistory(DS::MCPE::hUnknown); } } }