#include using CLHEP::pi; using CLHEP::twopi; using CLHEP::halfpi; #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace RAT; using namespace RAT::DU; #include #include #include #include #include #include using std::string; using std::vector; ClassImp( RAT::DU::LightPathCalculator ) ////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////// namespace RAT { namespace DU { TGraph LightPathCalculator::fInnerAVRI = 0; TGraph LightPathCalculator::fUpperTargetRI = 0; TGraph LightPathCalculator::fLowerTargetRI = 0; TGraph LightPathCalculator::fAVRI = 0; TGraph LightPathCalculator::fWaterRI = 0; void LightPathCalculator::LoadRefractiveIndex( DBLinkPtr dbTable, TGraph& property ) { // Define the constants for the conversion of the wavelength values [nm] -> [MeV] // Planck's Constant * Speed of Light in Vacuum ( 197.3270 MeV fm ) // equivalent to 197.3270e-6 MeV nm const double hbarc = 197.32705e-6; // Enumeration for database value type of the refractive indices enum EWavelength { eWavelength, eDyWavelength, eEnergy }; int wavelengthOption = eEnergy; // Obtain the value type from the RATDB table for the refractive indices const string option = dbTable->GetS( "RINDEX_option" ); if( option == string( "wavelength" ) ) wavelengthOption = eWavelength; else if( option == string( "dy_dwavelength" ) ) wavelengthOption = eDyWavelength; else if( option == string( "energy" ) ) wavelengthOption = eEnergy; // Fill in the values into two vectors, the wavelengths (val1) and the corresponding refractive indices (val2) vector< double > val1 = dbTable->GetDArray( "RINDEX_value1" ); vector< double > val2 = dbTable->GetDArray( "RINDEX_value2" ); // Check that the vectors actually have the wavelength/refractive indices values in them Log::Assert( val1.size() == val2.size() && !val1.empty(), "LightPathCalculator::LoadPropertyVector: Value arrays are miss-sized for RINDEX in " + dbTable->GetName() + "[" + dbTable->GetIndex() + "]" ); int start = 0, dir = +1; // Now, based on the value type (i.e. wavelength, energy, dy_dWavelength) declare the values in the TGraph if( wavelengthOption != eEnergy && val1.front() < val1.back() ) // Must invert the order as energy is 1/wavelength { start = val1.size() - 1; dir = -1; } else if( wavelengthOption == eEnergy && val1.front() > val1.back() ) // Must invert the energy order { start = val1.size() - 1; dir = -1; } int point = 0; for( int index = start; index >= 0 && index < static_cast( val1.size() ); index += dir ) { double energy = val1[index]; double value = val2[index]; if( wavelengthOption == eDyWavelength ) { energy = twopi * hbarc / ( val1[index] ); value *= val1[index] / energy; // Times value by the } else if( wavelengthOption == eWavelength ) energy = twopi * hbarc / ( val1[index] ); property.SetPoint( point, energy, value ); point++; } } ////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////// void LightPathCalculator::BeginOfRun() { DB *db = DB::Get(); // Obtain the inner/outer radii of the acrylic vessel from the RAT database fAVInnerRadius = db->GetLink( "NATIVE_GEO_DIMENSIONS", "natgeo_dimensions" )->GetD( "inner_av_radius" ); double AVthickness = db->GetLink( "NATIVE_GEO_DIMENSIONS", "natgeo_dimensions" )->GetD( "av_thickness" ); fAVOuterRadius = fAVInnerRadius + AVthickness; // Obtain the inner/outer radii of the acrylic vessel neck from the RAT database fNeckInnerRadius = db->GetLink( "NATIVE_GEO_DIMENSIONS", "natgeo_dimensions" )->GetD( "neck_inner_radius" ); double NeckThickness = db->GetLink( "NATIVE_GEO_DIMENSIONS", "natgeo_dimensions" )->GetD( "neck_thickness" ); fNeckOuterRadius = fNeckInnerRadius + NeckThickness; // Obtain the radius of the PMT bucket from the RAT database fPMTRadius = db->GetLink( "GREY_DISC_PARAMETERS", "DiscOptics0_0" )->GetD( "disc_radius" ); // If the geometry is using a partial fill configuration, obtain the fill fraction (fFillZ) as well as the refractive indices // for the upper/lower targets try { fFillZ = db->GetLink( "GEO", "inner_av" )->GetD( "split_z" ); LoadRefractiveIndex( db->GetLink( "OPTICS", db->GetLink( "GEO", "inner_av" )->GetS( "material_top" ) ), fUpperTargetRI ); LoadRefractiveIndex( db->GetLink( "OPTICS", db->GetLink( "GEO", "inner_av" )->GetS( "material_bottom" ) ), fLowerTargetRI ); warn << "LightPathCalculator::BeginOfRun: Non-homogeneous detector medium (partial fill) assumed.\n"; } catch( DBNotFoundError& e ) { fFillZ = fAVInnerRadius; warn << "LightPathCalculator::BeginOfRun: Homogeneous detector medium (not partial fill) assumed.\n"; } // Now obtain the refractive indices of the three main detector media, the material in the inner AV region, the acrylic of // the AV region and the water in the water region surrounding the acrylic vessel (AV) try { LoadRefractiveIndex( db->GetLink( "OPTICS", db->GetLink( "GEO", "inner_av" )->GetS( "material" ) ), fInnerAVRI ); } catch( DBNotFoundError& e ) { if( fFillZ == fAVInnerRadius ) warn << "LightPathCalculator::BeginOfRun: inner_av material refractive index cannot be loaded.\n"; } try { LoadRefractiveIndex( db->GetLink( "OPTICS", db->GetLink( "GEO", "av" )->GetS( "material" ) ), fAVRI ); } catch( DBNotFoundError& e ) { warn << "LightPathCalculator::BeginOfRun: av material refractive index cannot be loaded.\n"; } try { LoadRefractiveIndex( db->GetLink( "OPTICS", db->GetLink( "GEO", "cavity" )->GetS( "material" ) ), fWaterRI ); } catch( DBNotFoundError& e ) { warn << "LightPathCalculator::BeginOfRun: cavity material refractive index cannot be loaded.\n"; } // Declare the enumerator values for the path types. fLightPathTypeMap[ SAW ] = "Scint/InnerAV->AV->Water"; fLightPathTypeMap[ AW ] = "AV->Water"; fLightPathTypeMap[ ASAW ] = "AV->Scint/InnerAV->AV->Water"; fLightPathTypeMap[ WASAW ] = "Water->AV->Scint/InnerAV->AV->Water"; fLightPathTypeMap[ WAW ] = "Water->AV->Water"; fLightPathTypeMap[ W ] = "Water"; fLightPathTypeMap[ WRefl ] = "Water->Reflection->Water"; fLightPathTypeMap[ Null ] = "Light Path Uninitialised"; // Initialise private member variables in this class to non-physical dummy values. ResetValues(); // Separately initialize values that a user may set before calling CalcByPosition or that we do not want to reset each call. fLoopCeiling = -10.0; fFinalLoopSize = -10.0; fELLIEReflect = false; fInnerAVRIVal = -10.0; fUpperTargetRIVal = -10.0; fLowerTargetRIVal = -10.0; fAVRIVal = -10.0; fWaterRIVal = -10.0; } ////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////// void LightPathCalculator::ResetValues() { // Reset the private member variables with non-physical dummy values fPathPrecision = -10.0; fIncidentVecOnPMT.SetXYZ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); fInitialLightVec.SetXYZ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); fStartPos.SetXYZ( -10.0e6, -10.0e6, -10.0e6 ); fEndPos.SetXYZ( -10.0e6, -10.0e6, -10.0e6 ); fLightPathEndPos.SetXYZ( -10.0e6, -10.0e6, -10.0e6 ); fIsTIR = false; fResvHit = false; fXAVNeck = false; fStraightLine = false; fPointOnAV1st.SetXYZ( -10.0e6, -10.0e6, -10.0e6 ); fPointOnAV2nd.SetXYZ( -10.0e6, -10.0e6, -10.0e6 ); fPointOnAV3rd.SetXYZ( -10.0e6, -10.0e6, -10.0e6 ); fPointOnAV4th.SetXYZ( -10.0e6, -10.0e6, -10.0e6 ); fPointOnNeck1st.SetXYZ( -10.0e6, -10.0e6, -10.0e6 ); fPointOnNeck2nd.SetXYZ( -10.0e6, -10.0e6, -10.0e6 ); fLightPathType = Null; fDistInInnerAV = -100.0; fDistInUpperTarget = -100.0; fDistInLowerTarget = -100.0; fDistInAV = -100.0; fDistInWater = -100.0; fDistInNeckInnerAV = 0.0; fDistInNeckAV = 0.0; fDistInNeckWater = 0.0; fEnergy = RAT::util::WavelengthToEnergy( 400.0 * CLHEP::nm ); fSolidAngle = -100.0; fCosThetaAvg = -2.0; fFresnelTCoeff = -10.0; fFresnelRCoeff = -10.0; } ////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////// void LightPathCalculator::CalcByPosition( const TVector3& eventPos, const TVector3& pmtPos, const Double_t energyMeV, const Double_t localityVal ) { ResetValues(); // Check Refractive indicies were properly populated. if ( fInnerAVRI.GetN()==0 ){ // Now check if the partial fill equivalents were populated - if they were call the appropriate function if (fUpperTargetRI.GetN() > 0 && fLowerTargetRI.GetN() > 0 ){ CalcByPositionPartial(eventPos, pmtPos, energyMeV, localityVal); return; } else { Log::Die("LightPathCalculator::CalcByPosition: The inner AV materials refractive index distribution was not properly set."); } } // Check that none of the start or end positions are 'nan or 'inf' Double_t startPosMag = eventPos.Mag(); if ( std::isnan( startPosMag ) || std::isinf( startPosMag ) ){ warn << "\nLightPathCalculator::CalcByPosition: Position Magnitude = " << startPosMag << "\n"; Log::Die("LightPathCalculator::CalcByPosition: The start position is nan/inf, ensure you use a valid start position!"); } Double_t endPosMag = pmtPos.Mag(); if ( std::isnan( endPosMag ) || std::isinf( endPosMag ) ){ warn << "\nLightPathCalculator::CalcByPosition: Position Magnitude = " << endPosMag << "\n"; Log::Die("LightPathCalculator::CalcByPosition: The end position is nan/inf, ensure you use a valid end position!"); } if( startPosMag >= endPosMag ) { debug << "LightPathCalculator::CalcByPosition: eventPos.Mag()=" << startPosMag << " is greater than pmtPos.Mag()=" << endPosMag << endl; return; } // Set the start and end position requirements of the path fStartPos = eventPos; // Start Position of the path fEndPos = pmtPos; // (Required) End Position of the path // Set the tolerance of the final path position fPathPrecision = localityVal; // Required proximity to the end position // Set the energy of the photon [MeV] and (update || initialize) RIVals if( fEnergy != energyMeV || ( fInnerAVRIVal<1 || fAVRIVal<1 || fWaterRIVal<1 ) ) { fEnergy = energyMeV; // Energy of the photon (MeV) // Set refractive indices of scintillator, acrylic and water based on energy value provided fInnerAVRIVal = GetInnerAVRI( fEnergy ); fAVRIVal = GetAVRI( fEnergy ); fWaterRIVal = GetWaterRI( fEnergy ); } // Check that the refractive indices are initialised properly if ( std::isnan( fInnerAVRIVal * fAVRIVal * fWaterRIVal ) ){ warn << "\nfEnergy: " << fEnergy << ". fInnerAVRIVal: " << fInnerAVRIVal << ", fAVRIVal: " << fAVRIVal << ", fWaterRIVal: " << fWaterRIVal << "\n"; Log::Die("LightPathCalculator::CalcByPosition: One or more refractive indices is 'nan'. Check your wavelength value is within limits and the correct units (MeV)."); } // Check that the refractive indices are not zero if ( fInnerAVRIVal * fAVRIVal * fWaterRIVal == 0.0 ){ warn << "\nfEnergy: " << fEnergy << ". fInnerAVRIVal: " << fInnerAVRIVal << ", fAVRIVal: " << fAVRIVal << ", fWaterRIVal: " << fWaterRIVal << "\n"; Log::Die("LightPathCalculator::CalcByPosition: One or more refractive indices is zero. Check your wavelength value is within limits and the correct units (MeV)."); } // Check to see if the straight line approximation is required, or if // reflected ELLIE distances are required. if ( fPathPrecision == 0.0 || fELLIEReflect == true ){ // Set the straight line path boolean (true) fStraightLine = true; PathCalculation( ( fEndPos - fStartPos ).Unit() ); return; } // ...otherwise, continue with the refracted path calculation using // CalculateDistancesInnerAV, CalculateDistancesOutside // based on the starting location of the path. else{ // Set the straight line path boolean (false) fStraightLine = false; } // If the start position magnitude is 0.0, then set it to something very // small so that all the vector algerbra works if ( startPosMag == 0.0 ){ fStartPos.SetXYZ( 1.0e-4, 0.0, 0.0 ); } if ( endPosMag == 0.0 ){ fEndPos.SetXYZ( 1.0e-4, 0.0, 0.0 ); } // The path result, whether it was calculated successfully (true) // or it failed (false) Bool_t pathResult = false; // Check to see if the starting position is in the inner AV region... if ( startPosMag < fAVInnerRadius ){ pathResult = CalculateDistancesInnerAV( fStartPos, fEndPos ); } // ...or inside the acrylic itself (rare cases - return a straight line)... else if ( startPosMag >= fAVInnerRadius && startPosMag <= fAVOuterRadius ){ pathResult = false; } // ...or in the acrylic/water region outside. else{ pathResult = CalculateDistancesOutsideAV( fStartPos, fEndPos ); } // Check to see the status of the pathResult boolean. // If it is false, it is likely one of the above methods // either encountered Total Internal Reflection [TIR] (fIsTIR = true) // or the calculated end position of the path is far from the required // localityVal (fResvHit = true) // Return the straight line path instead. if ( pathResult == false ){ // Safegaurd to keep the original total internal reflection // and locality end position statuses Bool_t tmpTIR = false; Bool_t tmpResv = false; if ( fIsTIR == true ){ tmpTIR = true; } if ( fResvHit == true ){ tmpResv = true; } // Set the straight line path boolean (TRUE) fStraightLine = true; // Reperform the calculations as straight lines... // Check to see if the starting position is in the inner AV region... if ( startPosMag < fAVInnerRadius ){ CalculateDistancesInnerAV( fStartPos, fEndPos ); } // ...or inside the acrylic itself (rare cases - return a straight line)... else if ( ( startPosMag >= fAVInnerRadius && startPosMag <= fAVOuterRadius ) || fLightPathType == WAW ){ PathCalculation( ( fEndPos - fStartPos ).Unit() ); } // ...or in the acrylic/water region outside. else{ CalculateDistancesOutsideAV( fStartPos, fEndPos ); } // Restore the original total internal reflection // and locality end position statuses if ( tmpTIR == true ){ fIsTIR = true; } if ( tmpResv == true ){ fResvHit = true; } } return; } ////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////// Bool_t LightPathCalculator::CalculateDistancesInnerAV( const TVector3& startPos, const TVector3& endPos ) { // Set the path type 'SAW' - Scint/InnerAV -> AV -> Water fLightPathType = SAW; // Assign the private variables the starting and (required) finishing position fStartPos = startPos; fEndPos = endPos; // xUnit - Points along the radial direction from the // origin to the start position. // zUnit - Vector perpendicular to the plane // containing the origin, start and pmt position. // yUnit - Vector perpendicular to the starting position vector, // located in the plane of the start and pmt positions. TVector3 xUnit = fStartPos.Unit(); TVector3 zUnit = ( xUnit.Cross( fEndPos ) ).Unit(); TVector3 yUnit = ( zUnit.Cross( xUnit ) ).Unit(); // The required target angle between the starting position vector // and the PMT radial vector. This is required for LightPathCalculator::RTSafe() fPMTTargetTheta = TMath::ATan2( ( fEndPos.Cross( fStartPos ) ).Mag(), fEndPos * fStartPos ); // 'theta': the calculated angle between the starting position vector // and the PMT radial vector. This is compared to the 'fPMTTargetTheta' // value and minimised against in RTSafe // ( and inherently, ::ThetaResidual, ::DThetaResidual and ::FuncD ) Double_t theta = RTSafe( 0.0, pi, 1.0e-3 ); // RTSafe implicitly computes the angles between each of the interface // points for the path. It accounts for the refractive effects between // each of these boundaries (see Theta1st(), Theta2nd() etc.) // So it knows about Snell's law and thus if an instance of total internal // reflection is encountered. // ...otherwise we can continue to define the refracted path intersection points. // Test for total internal reflection whilst calculating the below // ThetaX values to see if the fitted 'theta' value is invalid. fIsTIR = false; // 'theta1' - The angle between the start position radial vector // and the inner AV/AV intersection point. Double_t theta1 = Theta1st( theta ); // 'theta2' - The angle between the (Scint/InnerAV)/AV intersection point // and the AV/Water intersection point. Double_t theta2 = Theta2nd( theta ) + theta1; // 'theta3' - The angle between the AV/Water intersection point // and the required light path end position Double_t theta3 = Theta3rd( theta ) + theta2; // If total internal reflection was encountered for one of the // above theta calculations (fIsTIR = true), return false and // a straight line will be calculated. if ( fStraightLine != true && fIsTIR == true ){ return false; } else{ fIsTIR = false; } // Define the point on the AV where the path first intersected with the AV ((Scint/InnerAV)/AV) TVector3 avPoint1st = TMath::Cos( theta1 ) * xUnit + TMath::Sin( theta1 ) * yUnit; avPoint1st.SetMag( fAVInnerRadius ); fPointOnAV1st = avPoint1st; // Define the point on the AV where the path intersected with the AV for a second time (AV/Water) TVector3 avPoint2nd = TMath::Cos( theta2 ) * xUnit + TMath::Sin( theta2 ) * yUnit; avPoint2nd.SetMag( fAVOuterRadius ); fPointOnAV2nd = avPoint2nd; // Define the calculated end path position fLightPathEndPos = TMath::Cos( theta3 ) * xUnit + TMath::Sin( theta3 ) * yUnit; fLightPathEndPos.SetMag( fEndPos.Mag() ); // Set the fResvHit variable, if the calculated light path end position // is outside of the threshold value (fPathPrecision), then the path was // difficult to calculate and so therefore return 'false' for this // function call and use a straight line path instead. if ( fStraightLine != true ){ if ( ( fLightPathEndPos - fEndPos ).Mag() > fPathPrecision ){ fResvHit = true; return false; } } // If our calculated path is close enough to the required end position // we can therefore define the distances through the three materials fDistInInnerAV = ( fPointOnAV1st - fStartPos ).Mag(); fDistInAV = ( fPointOnAV2nd - fPointOnAV1st ).Mag(); fDistInWater = ( fLightPathEndPos - fPointOnAV2nd ).Mag(); // Define the initial light vector from the starting position fInitialLightVec = ( fPointOnAV1st - fStartPos ).Unit(); // Define the incident vector on the end position fIncidentVecOnPMT = ( fLightPathEndPos - fPointOnAV2nd ).Unit(); // Incident angles at the media interfaces // (Scint/Inner AV) / AV Double_t cosScAV = fPointOnAV1st.Unit() * fInitialLightVec; if ( cosScAV > 1.0 ){ cosScAV = 1.0; } else if ( cosScAV < -1.0 ){ cosScAV = -1.0; } Double_t incidentScAV = TMath::ACos( cosScAV ); // AV / Water Double_t cosAVH2O = fPointOnAV2nd.Unit() * ( fPointOnAV2nd - fPointOnAV1st ).Unit(); if ( cosAVH2O > 1.0 ){ cosAVH2O = 1.0; } else if ( cosAVH2O < -1.0 ){ cosAVH2O = -1.0; } Double_t incidentAVH2O = TMath::ACos( cosAVH2O ); // Calculate the Fresnel Transmission Coefficient fFresnelTCoeff = 0.5 * ( CalculateParallelTransmissionCoefficient( fInnerAVRIVal, fAVRIVal, incidentScAV ) * CalculateParallelTransmissionCoefficient( fAVRIVal, fWaterRIVal, incidentAVH2O ) + CalculatePerpendicularTransmissionCoefficient( fInnerAVRIVal, fAVRIVal, incidentScAV ) * CalculatePerpendicularTransmissionCoefficient( fAVRIVal, fWaterRIVal, incidentAVH2O ) ); // If we have reached this far, then we have neither encountered total internal reflection // nor is the calculated end position of the light path outside of the locality threshold // requirements (fIsTIR and fResvHit respectively). // Thus we can return 'true' and the path is safe to use... return true; } ////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////// Bool_t LightPathCalculator::CalculateDistancesOutsideAV( const TVector3& startPos, const TVector3& endPos ) { // Assign the private variables the starting and (required) finishing position TVector3 eventPos = startPos; TVector3 pmtPos = endPos; // xUnit - Points along the radial direction from the // origin to the start position. // zUnit - Vector perpendicular to the plane // containing the origin, start and pmt position. // yUnit - Vector perpendicular to the starting position vector, // located in the plane of the start and pmt positions. TVector3 xUnit = fStartPos.Unit(); TVector3 zUnit = ( xUnit.Cross( fEndPos ) ).Unit(); TVector3 yUnit = ( zUnit.Cross( xUnit ) ).Unit(); // The required target angle between the starting position vector // and the PMT radial vector. This is required for LightPathCalculator::RTSafe() fPMTTargetTheta = TMath::ATan2( ( fEndPos.Cross( fStartPos ) ).Mag(), fEndPos * fStartPos ); // We need to first perform a check to see if the direct line of sight // from the starting position (in cases outside of the AV, as is here) // 'grazes', that is to say; intersects with the inner surface of the AV // or the outer surface of the AV. // If it does we enter either the AV reigon only or both the // AV and (Scint/InnerAV) region. If not, we are only in the water // and therefore go directly to a PMT. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // thetaInit - Angle between event position vector and direct light path to PMT // (for positions outside the AV, this is near 0.0 for direct tubes, // and near pi for tubes across the AV). // // thetaCutOut - Line of sight just grazes the outer surface of AV // // thetaCutIn - Line of sight just grazes the inner surface of AV //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Displacement between the start and end position Double_t displacement = ( pmtPos - eventPos ).Mag(); // Expressions for sinT and cosT below derived from the vector rule for // sinT, i.e. sinT = [ A x B ] / ( |A||B| ) // and from the cosine rule for // cosT, i.e. Cos( gamma ) = [ c^2 - a^b - b^2 ] / ( 2ab ) // where 'gamma' is the angle (< pi) between the direction vector from the starting // position and the radial vector to the starting position itself. It is the angle opposite // the end position radial vector in the triangle formed in the plane // of the source position and the pmt position Double_t sinT = 1 / ( displacement * eventPos.Mag() ) * ( pmtPos.Cross( eventPos ).Mag() ); Double_t cosT = ( ( pmtPos.Mag2() ) - ( displacement * displacement ) - ( eventPos.Mag2() ) ) / ( 2.0 * displacement * eventPos.Mag() ); // The angle between the starting position (pointing back towards the origin) // and the direction towards the PMT. Double_t thetaInit = TMath::ATan2( sinT, cosT ); // A tolerance of ( fAVOuterRadius - fAVInnerRadius ) =~ 55.0 mm is included either side // in the below declarations of 'thetaCutOut' and 'thetaCutIn' // Threshold angle for grazing the outer surface of the AV Double_t thetaCutOut = pi - TMath::ASin( ( ( fAVOuterRadius ) + ( fAVOuterRadius - fAVInnerRadius ) ) / eventPos.Mag() ); // Threshold angle for grazing the inner surface of the AV Double_t thetaCutIn = pi - TMath::ASin( ( ( fAVInnerRadius ) - ( fAVOuterRadius - fAVInnerRadius ) ) / eventPos.Mag() ); // In the below condition, the light path is entirely outside the AV // and so the path only travels through the water region. if ( thetaInit < thetaCutOut ){ // Set the light path type Water -> PMT fLightPathType = W; // Path is solely outside of the AV, so just a straight line fDistInInnerAV = 0.0; fDistInAV = 0.0; fDistInWater = ( pmtPos - eventPos ).Mag(); fIncidentVecOnPMT = ( pmtPos - eventPos ).Unit(); fInitialLightVec = ( pmtPos - eventPos ).Unit(); fLightPathEndPos = pmtPos; fFresnelTCoeff = 1.0; return true; } // In the below case the line of sight is inbetween // both the inner and outer surfaces of the AV (tolerances included). // Therefore we enter the acrylic, and exit again into the water without // entering the Scint/InnerAV region. This particualr path type // is prone to error, and in most cases will be calculated as // a straight line as total internal reflection is likely to be // encountered. So we return 'false' and a straight line is computed. else if ( ( thetaInit <= thetaCutIn ) && ( thetaInit >= thetaCutOut ) ){ fLightPathType = WAW; return false; } // In the below case, the light paths goes through the AV and into the // (Scint/InnerAV) region, i.e. Light path type is: // Water -> AV -> Scint/InnerAV -> AV -> Water else if ( thetaInit > thetaCutIn ){ // Set the light path type: // Water -> AV -> Scint/InnerAV -> AV -> Water -> PMT fLightPathType = WASAW; // 'theta': the calculated angle between the starting position vector // and the PMT radial vector. This is compared to the 'fPMTTargetTheta' // value and minimised against in RTSafe // ( and inherently, ::ThetaResidual, ::DThetaResidual and ::FuncD ) Double_t theta = RTSafe( halfpi, pi, 1.0e-3 ); // RTSafe implicitly computes the angles between each of the interface // points for the path. It accounts for the refractive effects between // each of these boundaries (see Theta1st(), Theta2nd() etc.) // So it knows about Snell's law and thus if an instance of total internal // reflection is encountered. // ...otherwise we can continue to define the refracted path intersection points. // Test for total internal reflection whilst calculating the below // ThetaX values to see if the fitted 'theta' value is invalid. fIsTIR = false; // 'theta1' - The angle between the start position radial vector // and the Water/AV intersection point. Double_t theta1 = Theta1st( theta ); // 'theta2' - The angle between the Water/AV intersection point // and the AV/(Scint/InnerAV) intersection point. Double_t theta2 = Theta2nd( theta ) + theta1; // 'theta3'- The angle between the AV/(Scint/InnerAV) intersection point // and the (Scint/InnerAV)/AV intersection point. Double_t theta3 = Theta3rd( theta ) + theta2; // 'theta4' - The angle between the (Scint/InnerAV)/AV intersection point // and the AV/Water intersection point. Double_t theta4 = Theta4th( theta ) + theta3; // 'theta5' - The angle between the AV/Water intersection point // and the required light path end position. Double_t theta5 = Theta5th( theta ) + theta4; // If total internal reflection was encountered for one of the // above theta calculations (fIsTIR = true ), return false and // a straight line will be calculated. if ( fStraightLine != true && fIsTIR == true ){ return false; } else { fIsTIR = false; } // Define the point on the AV where the path first intersected with the AV (Water/AV) TVector3 avPoint1st = TMath::Cos( theta1 ) * xUnit + TMath::Sin( theta1 ) * yUnit; avPoint1st.SetMag( fAVOuterRadius ); fPointOnAV1st = avPoint1st; // Define the point on the AV where the path intersected with the AV for a second time (AV/(Scint/InnerAV)) TVector3 avPoint2nd = TMath::Cos( theta2 ) * xUnit + TMath::Sin( theta2 ) * yUnit; avPoint2nd.SetMag( fAVInnerRadius ); fPointOnAV2nd = avPoint2nd; // Define the point on the AV where the path intersected with the AV for a third time ((Scint/InnerAV)/AV) TVector3 avPoint3rd = TMath::Cos( theta3 ) * xUnit + TMath::Sin( theta3 ) * yUnit; avPoint3rd.SetMag( fAVInnerRadius ); fPointOnAV3rd = avPoint3rd; // Define the point on the AV where the path intersected with the AV for a fourth time (AV/Water) TVector3 avPoint4th = TMath::Cos( theta4 ) * xUnit + TMath::Sin( theta4 ) * yUnit; avPoint4th.SetMag( fAVOuterRadius ); fPointOnAV4th = avPoint4th; // Define the calculated end path position fLightPathEndPos = TMath::Cos( theta5 ) * xUnit + TMath::Sin( theta5 ) * yUnit; fLightPathEndPos.SetMag( fEndPos.Mag() ); // Set the fResvHit variable, if the calculated light path end position // is outside of the threshold value (fPathPrecision), then the path was // difficult to calculate and so therefore return 'false' for this // function call and use a straight line path instead. if ( fStraightLine != true ){ if ( ( fLightPathEndPos - fEndPos ).Mag() > fPathPrecision ){ fResvHit = true; return false; } } // If our calculated path is close enough to the required end position // we can therefore define the distances through the three materials fDistInInnerAV = ( fPointOnAV3rd - fPointOnAV2nd ).Mag(); fDistInAV = ( fPointOnAV2nd - fPointOnAV1st ).Mag() + ( fPointOnAV4th - fPointOnAV3rd ).Mag(); fDistInWater = ( fPointOnAV1st - fStartPos ).Mag() + ( fLightPathEndPos - fPointOnAV4th ).Mag(); // Define the initial light vector from the starting position fInitialLightVec = ( fPointOnAV1st - fStartPos ).Unit(); // Define the incident vector on the end position fIncidentVecOnPMT = ( fLightPathEndPos - fPointOnAV4th ).Unit(); // Incident angles at the media interfaces // Water / AV Double_t cosH2OAV = -1.0 * fPointOnAV1st.Unit() * ( fPointOnAV1st - fStartPos ).Unit(); if ( cosH2OAV > 1.0 ){ cosH2OAV = 1.0; } else if ( cosH2OAV < -1.0 ){ cosH2OAV = -1.0; } Double_t incidentH2OAV = TMath::ACos( cosH2OAV ); // AV / (Scint/InnerAV) Double_t cosAVSc = -1.0 * fPointOnAV2nd.Unit() * ( fPointOnAV2nd - fPointOnAV1st ).Unit(); if ( cosAVSc > 1.0 ){ cosAVSc = 1.0; } else if ( cosAVSc < -1.0 ){ cosAVSc = -1.0; } Double_t incidentAVSc = TMath::ACos( cosAVSc ); // (Scint/InnerAV) / AV Double_t cosScAV = fPointOnAV3rd.Unit() * ( fPointOnAV3rd - fPointOnAV2nd ).Unit(); if ( cosScAV > 1.0 ){ cosScAV = 1.0; } else if ( cosScAV < -1.0 ){ cosScAV = -1.0; } Double_t incidentScAV = TMath::ACos( cosScAV ); // AV / Water Double_t cosAVH2O = fPointOnAV4th.Unit() * ( fPointOnAV4th - fPointOnAV3rd ).Unit(); if ( cosAVH2O > 1.0 ){ cosAVH2O = 1.0; } else if ( cosAVH2O < -1.0 ){ cosAVH2O = -1.0; } Double_t incidentAVH2O = TMath::ACos( cosAVH2O ); // Calculate the Fresnel Transmission Coefficient fFresnelTCoeff = 0.5 * ( CalculateParallelTransmissionCoefficient( fWaterRIVal, fAVRIVal, incidentH2OAV ) * CalculateParallelTransmissionCoefficient( fAVRIVal, fInnerAVRIVal, incidentAVSc ) * CalculateParallelTransmissionCoefficient( fInnerAVRIVal, fAVRIVal, incidentScAV ) * CalculateParallelTransmissionCoefficient( fAVRIVal, fWaterRIVal, incidentAVH2O ) + CalculatePerpendicularTransmissionCoefficient( fWaterRIVal, fAVRIVal, incidentH2OAV ) * CalculatePerpendicularTransmissionCoefficient( fAVRIVal, fInnerAVRIVal, incidentAVSc ) * CalculatePerpendicularTransmissionCoefficient( fInnerAVRIVal, fAVRIVal, incidentScAV ) * CalculatePerpendicularTransmissionCoefficient( fAVRIVal, fWaterRIVal, incidentAVH2O ) ); // If we have reached this far, then we have neither encountered total internal reflection // nor is the calculated end position of the light path outside of the locality threshold // requirements (fIsTIR and fResvHit respectively). // Thus we can return true and the path is safe to use. return true; } // Shouldn't reach here, but handle just in case and return the light path type else{ debug << "LightPathCalculator::CalculateDistancesOutsideAV: Error! Unknown light path encountered!\n"; debug << "With light path type: " << fLightPathTypeMap[ fLightPathType ] << "\n"; return false; } } ////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////// Double_t LightPathCalculator::Theta1st( const Double_t theta ) { // This method calculates 'theta1' // theta1 - Angle between source radial vector and the first intersection point // as viewed from the origin // sourceR - The radius of the starting position // theta - The angle between source radial vector // and the initial light direction vector as viewed from the origin Double_t sourceR = fStartPos.Mag(); Double_t cosTheta1 = 0.0; Double_t sinT = TMath::Sin( theta ); Double_t cosT = TMath::Cos( theta ); // For light path types: // Scint/InnerAV -> AV -> Water if ( fLightPathType == SAW ){ cosTheta1 = ( ( sourceR / fAVInnerRadius ) * sinT * sinT ) + ( cosT * TMath::Sqrt( 1.0 - TMath::Power( ( sourceR / fAVInnerRadius ) * sinT, 2 ) ) ); } // For light path types: // Water -> AV -> Scint/InnerAV -> AV -> Water else if (fLightPathType == WASAW ){ cosTheta1 = ( ( sourceR / fAVOuterRadius ) * sinT * sinT ) - cosT * TMath::Sqrt( 1.0 - TMath::Power( ( sourceR / fAVOuterRadius ) * sinT, 2 ) ); } // Shouldn't reach here, but handle just in case and return the light path type else{ debug << "LightPathCalculator::Theta1st: Error! Unknown light path encountered!\n"; debug << "With light path type: " << fLightPathTypeMap[ fLightPathType ] << "\n"; } // If we encounter a negative radicand i.e. negative square-root, then we // have total internal reflection occuring. if ( std::isnan( cosTheta1 ) ){ fIsTIR = true; } if ( cosTheta1 > 1.0 ){ cosTheta1 = 1.0; } else if ( cosTheta1 < -1.0 ){ cosTheta1 = -1.0; } return TMath::ACos( cosTheta1 ); } ////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////// Double_t LightPathCalculator::DTheta1st( const Double_t theta ) { // Calculates the derivative of theta1 with respect to theta Double_t sourceR = fStartPos.Mag(); Double_t cosTheta1 = 0.0; Double_t d1D = 0.0; Double_t sinT = TMath::Sin( theta ); Double_t cosT = TMath::Cos( theta ); // For light path types: // Scint/InnerAV -> AV -> Water if ( fLightPathType == SAW ) { cosTheta1 = ( ( sourceR / fAVInnerRadius ) * sinT * sinT ) + ( cosT * TMath::Sqrt( 1.0 - TMath::Power( ( sourceR / fAVInnerRadius ) * sinT, 2 ) ) ); if ( 1.0 - TMath::Abs( cosTheta1 ) > 1.0e-6 ){ d1D = ( -1.0 / TMath::Sqrt( 1.0 - cosTheta1 * cosTheta1 ) ) * ( ( ( sourceR / fAVInnerRadius ) * 2.0 * sinT * cosT ) - sinT * TMath::Sqrt( 1.0 - TMath::Power( ( sourceR / fAVInnerRadius ) * sinT, 2 ) ) - ( TMath::Power( ( ( sourceR / fAVInnerRadius ) * cosT ), 2 ) * sinT ) / ( TMath::Sqrt( 1.0 - TMath::Power( ( sourceR / fAVInnerRadius ) * sinT, 2 ) ) ) ); } else{ d1D = 0.0; } } // For light path types: // Water -> AV -> Scint/InnerAV -> AV -> Water else if ( fLightPathType == WASAW ){ cosTheta1 = ( ( sourceR / fAVOuterRadius ) * sinT * sinT ) - cosT * TMath::Sqrt( 1.0 - TMath::Power( ( sourceR / fAVOuterRadius ) * sinT, 2 ) ); if ( 1.0 - TMath::Abs( cosTheta1 ) > 1.0e-6 ){ d1D = ( -1.0 / TMath::Sqrt( 1.0 - cosTheta1 * cosTheta1 ) ) * ( sourceR / fAVOuterRadius * 2.0 * cosT * sinT + sinT * TMath::Sqrt( 1.0 - TMath::Power( ( sourceR / fAVOuterRadius ) * sinT, 2 ) ) + TMath::Power( ( sourceR / fAVOuterRadius ) * cosT, 2 ) * sinT / ( TMath::Sqrt( 1.0 - TMath::Power( ( sourceR / fAVOuterRadius ) * sinT, 2 ) ) ) ); } else{ d1D = 0.0; } } // Shouldn't reach here, but handle just in case and return the light path type else{ debug << "LightPathCalculator::DTheta1st: Error! Unknown light path encountered!\n"; debug << "With light path type: " << fLightPathTypeMap[ fLightPathType ] << "\n"; } return d1D; } ////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////// Double_t LightPathCalculator::Theta2nd( const Double_t theta ) { // This method calculates 'theta2' // theta2 - Angle between first and second interface locations on the // AV as viewed from the origin. // sourceR - The radius of the starting position // endPosR - The radius of the ending position // theta - The angle between source radial vector // and the initial light direction vector as viewed from the origin Double_t sourceR = fStartPos.Mag(); Double_t cosTheta2 = 0.0; Double_t sinT = TMath::Sin( theta ); // For light path types: // Scint/InnerAV -> AV -> Water if ( fLightPathType == SAW ){ cosTheta2 = TMath::Power( ( fInnerAVRIVal / fAVRIVal ) * sourceR * sinT, 2 ) / ( fAVInnerRadius * fAVOuterRadius ) + TMath::Sqrt( 1.0 - TMath::Power( ( fInnerAVRIVal / fAVRIVal ) * ( sourceR / fAVInnerRadius ) * sinT, 2 ) ) * TMath::Sqrt( 1.0 - TMath::Power( ( fInnerAVRIVal / fAVRIVal ) * ( sourceR / fAVOuterRadius ) * sinT, 2 ) ); } // For light path types: // Water -> AV -> Scint/InnerAV -> AV -> Water else if ( fLightPathType == WASAW ){ cosTheta2 = TMath::Power( fWaterRIVal / fAVRIVal * sourceR * sinT, 2 ) / ( fAVInnerRadius * fAVOuterRadius ) + TMath::Sqrt( 1.0 - TMath::Power( ( fWaterRIVal / fAVRIVal ) * ( sourceR / fAVInnerRadius ) * sinT, 2 ) ) * TMath::Sqrt( 1.0 - TMath::Power( ( fWaterRIVal / fAVRIVal ) * ( sourceR / fAVOuterRadius ) * sinT, 2 ) ); } // Shouldn't reach here, but handle just in case and return the light path type else{ debug << "LightPathCalculator::Theta2nd: Error! Unknown light path encountered!\n"; debug << "With light path type: " << fLightPathTypeMap[ fLightPathType ] << "\n"; } // If we encounter a negative radicand i.e. negative square-root, then we // have total internal reflection occuring. if ( std::isnan( cosTheta2 ) ){ fIsTIR = true; } if( cosTheta2 > 1.0 ){ cosTheta2 = 1.0; } else if( cosTheta2 < -1.0 ){ cosTheta2 = -1.0; } return TMath::ACos( cosTheta2 ); } ////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////// Double_t LightPathCalculator::DTheta2nd( const Double_t theta ) { // Calculates the derivative of theta2 with respect to theta Double_t sourceR = fStartPos.Mag(); Double_t cosTheta2 = 0.0; Double_t d2D = 0.0; Double_t sinT = TMath::Sin( theta ); Double_t cosT = TMath::Cos( theta ); // For light path types: // Scint/InnerAV -> AV -> Water if ( fLightPathType == SAW ) { cosTheta2 = TMath::Power( ( fInnerAVRIVal / fAVRIVal ) * sourceR * sinT, 2 ) / ( fAVInnerRadius * fAVOuterRadius ) + TMath::Sqrt( 1.0 - TMath::Power( ( fInnerAVRIVal / fAVRIVal ) * ( sourceR / fAVInnerRadius ) * sinT, 2 ) ) * TMath::Sqrt( 1.0 - TMath::Power( ( fInnerAVRIVal / fAVRIVal ) * ( sourceR / fAVOuterRadius ) * sinT, 2 ) ); // Safe catch to ensure that the derivative doesn't blow up in cases of normal incidence // i.e. cosTheta2 ~ 1.0 if ( 1.0 - TMath::Abs( cosTheta2 ) > 1.0e-6 ) { d2D = ( -1.0 / TMath::Sqrt( 1.0 - cosTheta2 * cosTheta2 ) ) * ( ( ( TMath::Power( ( fInnerAVRIVal / fAVRIVal ) * sourceR, 2 ) * 2.0 * sinT * cosT ) / ( fAVInnerRadius * fAVOuterRadius ) ) - ( ( TMath::Power( ( fInnerAVRIVal / fAVRIVal ) * ( sourceR / fAVInnerRadius ), 2 ) * sinT * cosT * TMath::Sqrt( 1.0 - TMath::Power( ( fInnerAVRIVal / fAVRIVal ) * ( sourceR / fAVOuterRadius ) * sinT, 2 ) ) ) / ( TMath::Sqrt( 1.0 - TMath::Power( ( sourceR / fAVInnerRadius ) * ( fInnerAVRIVal / fAVRIVal ) * sinT, 2 ) ) ) ) - ( ( TMath::Power( ( fInnerAVRIVal / fAVRIVal ) * ( sourceR / fAVOuterRadius ), 2 ) * sinT * cosT * TMath::Sqrt( 1.0 - TMath::Power( ( fInnerAVRIVal / fAVRIVal ) * ( sourceR / fAVInnerRadius ) * sinT, 2 ) ) ) / ( TMath::Sqrt( 1.0 - TMath::Power( ( sourceR / fAVOuterRadius ) * ( fInnerAVRIVal / fAVRIVal ) * sinT, 2 ) ) ) ) ); } else { d2D = 0.0; } } // For light path types: // Water -> AV -> Scint/InnerAV -> AV -> Water else if ( fLightPathType == WASAW ){ cosTheta2 = TMath::Power( fWaterRIVal / fAVRIVal * sourceR * sinT, 2 ) / ( fAVInnerRadius * fAVOuterRadius ) + TMath::Sqrt( 1.0 - TMath::Power( ( fWaterRIVal / fAVRIVal ) * ( sourceR / fAVInnerRadius ) * sinT, 2 ) ) * TMath::Sqrt( 1.0 - TMath::Power( ( fWaterRIVal / fAVRIVal ) * ( sourceR / fAVOuterRadius ) * sinT, 2 ) ); if ( 1.0 - TMath::Abs( cosTheta2 ) > 1.0e-6 ) { d2D = ( -1.0 / TMath::Sqrt( 1.0 - cosTheta2 * cosTheta2 ) ) * ( TMath::Power( ( fWaterRIVal / fAVRIVal ) * sourceR, 2 ) * 2.0 * sinT * cosT / ( fAVInnerRadius * fAVOuterRadius ) - ( ( TMath::Power( ( fWaterRIVal / fAVRIVal ) * ( sourceR / fAVOuterRadius ), 2 ) * sinT * cosT * ( TMath::Sqrt( 1.0 - TMath::Power( ( fWaterRIVal / fAVRIVal ) * ( sourceR / fAVInnerRadius ) * sinT, 2 ) ) ) ) / ( TMath::Sqrt( 1.0 - TMath::Power( ( fWaterRIVal / fAVRIVal ) * ( sourceR / fAVOuterRadius ) * sinT, 2 ) ) ) ) - ( ( TMath::Power( ( fWaterRIVal / fAVRIVal ) * ( sourceR / fAVInnerRadius ), 2 ) * sinT * cosT * ( TMath::Sqrt( 1.0 - TMath::Power( ( fWaterRIVal / fAVRIVal ) * ( sourceR / fAVOuterRadius ) * sinT, 2 ) ) ) ) / ( TMath::Sqrt( 1.0 - TMath::Power( ( fWaterRIVal / fAVRIVal ) * ( sourceR / fAVInnerRadius ) * sinT, 2 ) ) ) ) ); } else { d2D = 0.0; } } // Shouldn't reach here, but handle just in case and return the light path type else{ debug << "LightPathCalculator::DTheta2nd: Error! Unknown light path encountered!\n"; debug << "With light path type: " << fLightPathTypeMap[ fLightPathType ] << "\n"; } return d2D; } ////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////// Double_t LightPathCalculator::Theta3rd( const Double_t theta ) { // This method calculates 'theta3' // theta3 - Angle between the second light path intersection point // and the final light path position (for a light path starting // inside the detector) // For other light path types this will be the angle between // the second and thrid intersection points as viewed from the // origin. // sourceR - The radius of the starting position // endPosR - The radius of the ending posiiton // theta - The angle between source radial vector // and the initial light direction vector as viewed from the origin Double_t cosTheta3 = 0.0; Double_t sourceR = fStartPos.Mag(); Double_t endPosR = fEndPos.Mag(); Double_t sinT = TMath::Sin( theta ); // For light path types: // Scint/InnerAV -> AV -> Water if ( fLightPathType == SAW ){ cosTheta3 = ( ( TMath::Power( ( fInnerAVRIVal / fWaterRIVal ) * sourceR * sinT, 2 ) ) / ( fAVOuterRadius * endPosR ) ) + TMath::Sqrt( 1.0 - TMath::Power( ( fInnerAVRIVal / fWaterRIVal ) * ( sourceR / fAVOuterRadius ) * sinT, 2 ) ) * TMath::Sqrt( 1.0 - TMath::Power( ( fInnerAVRIVal / fWaterRIVal ) * ( sourceR / endPosR ) * sinT, 2 ) ); } // For light path types: // Water -> AV -> Scint/InnerAV -> AV -> Water else if ( fLightPathType == WASAW ){ cosTheta3 = 2.0 * TMath::Power( ( fWaterRIVal / fInnerAVRIVal ) * ( sourceR / fAVInnerRadius ) * sinT, 2 ) - 1.0; } // Shouldn't reach here, but handle just in case and return the light path type else{ debug << "LightPathCalculator::Theta3rd: Error! Unknown light path encountered!\n"; debug << "With light path type: " << fLightPathTypeMap[ fLightPathType ] << "\n"; } // If we encounter a negative radicand i.e. negative square-root, then we // have total internal reflection occuring. if ( std::isnan( cosTheta3 ) ){ fIsTIR = true; } if ( cosTheta3 > 1.0 ){ cosTheta3 = 1.0; } else if ( cosTheta3 < -1.0 ){ cosTheta3 = -1.0; } return TMath::ACos( cosTheta3 ); } ////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////// Double_t LightPathCalculator::DTheta3rd( const Double_t theta ) { // Calculates the derivative of theta3 with respect to theta Double_t sourceR = fStartPos.Mag(); Double_t endPosR = fEndPos.Mag(); Double_t cosTheta3 = 0.0; Double_t d3D = 0.0; Double_t sinT = TMath::Sin( theta ); Double_t cosT = TMath::Cos( theta ); // For light path types: // Scint/InnerAV -> AV -> Water if ( fLightPathType == SAW ) { cosTheta3 = ( ( TMath::Power( ( fInnerAVRIVal / fWaterRIVal ) * sourceR * sinT, 2 ) ) / ( fAVOuterRadius * endPosR ) ) + TMath::Sqrt( 1.0 - TMath::Power( ( fInnerAVRIVal / fWaterRIVal ) * ( sourceR / fAVOuterRadius ) * sinT, 2 ) ) * TMath::Sqrt( 1.0 - TMath::Power( ( fInnerAVRIVal / fWaterRIVal ) * ( sourceR / endPosR ) * sinT, 2 ) ); if ( 1.0 - TMath::Abs( cosTheta3 ) > 1.0e-6 ){ d3D = ( -1.0 / TMath::Sqrt( 1.0 - cosTheta3 * cosTheta3 ) ) * ( ( ( TMath::Power ( ( fInnerAVRIVal / fWaterRIVal ) * sourceR, 2 ) * 2.0 * sinT * cosT ) / ( fAVOuterRadius * endPosR ) ) - ( TMath::Power( ( fInnerAVRIVal / fWaterRIVal ) * ( sourceR / fAVOuterRadius ), 2 ) * sinT * cosT * TMath::Sqrt( 1.0 - TMath::Power( ( fInnerAVRIVal / fWaterRIVal ) * ( sourceR / endPosR ) * sinT, 2 ) ) ) / ( TMath::Sqrt( 1.0 - TMath::Power( ( fInnerAVRIVal / fWaterRIVal ) * ( sourceR / fAVOuterRadius ) * sinT, 2 ) ) ) - ( TMath::Power( ( fInnerAVRIVal / fWaterRIVal ) * ( sourceR / endPosR ), 2 ) * sinT * cosT * ( TMath::Sqrt( 1.0 - TMath::Power( ( fInnerAVRIVal / fWaterRIVal ) * ( sourceR / fAVOuterRadius ) * sinT, 2 ) ) ) ) / ( TMath::Sqrt( 1.0 - TMath::Power( ( fInnerAVRIVal / fWaterRIVal ) * ( sourceR / endPosR ) * sinT, 2 ) ) ) ); } else { d3D = 0.0; } } // For light path types: // Water -> AV -> Scint/InnerAV -> AV -> Water else if ( fLightPathType == WASAW ){ cosTheta3 = 2.0 * TMath::Power( ( fWaterRIVal / fInnerAVRIVal ) * ( sourceR / fAVInnerRadius ) * sinT, 2 ) - 1.0; if ( 1.0 - TMath::Abs( cosTheta3 ) > 1.0e-6 ){ d3D = ( -1.0 / TMath::Sqrt( 1.0 - cosTheta3 * cosTheta3 ) ) * ( sinT * cosT * TMath::Power( 2.0 * ( sourceR / fAVInnerRadius ) * ( fAVRIVal / fInnerAVRIVal ), 2 ) ); } else{ d3D = 0.0; } } // Shouldn't reach here, but handle just in case and return the light path type else{ debug << "LightPathCalculator::DTheta3rd: Error! Unknown light path encountered!\n"; debug << "With light path type: " << fLightPathTypeMap[ fLightPathType ] << "\n"; } return d3D; } ////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////// Double_t LightPathCalculator::Theta4th( const Double_t theta ) { // This method calculates 'theta4' // theta4 - Angle between the third light path intersection point // and the fourth light path position as viewed from the origin // sourceR - The radius of the starting position // endPosR - The radius of the ending posiiton // theta - The angle between source radial vector // and the initial light direction vector as viewed from the origin Double_t cosTheta4 = 0.0; // For light path types: // Water -> AV -> Scint/InnerAV -> AV -> Water if ( fLightPathType == WASAW ){ cosTheta4 = TMath::Cos( Theta2nd( theta ) ); } // Shouldn't reach here, but handle just in case and return the light path type else{ debug << "LightPathCalculator::Theta4th: Error! Unknown light path encountered!\n"; debug << "With light path type: " << fLightPathTypeMap[ fLightPathType ] << "\n"; } // If we encounter a negative radicand i.e. negative square-root, then we // have total internal reflection occuring. if ( std::isnan( cosTheta4 ) ){ fIsTIR = true; } if( cosTheta4 > 1.0 ){ cosTheta4 = 1.0; } else if( cosTheta4 < -1.0 ){ cosTheta4 = -1.0; } return TMath::ACos( cosTheta4 ); } ////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////// Double_t LightPathCalculator::DTheta4th( const Double_t theta ) { // Calculates the derivative of theta4 with respect to theta Double_t d4D = 0.0; // For light path types: // Water -> AV -> Scint/InnerAV -> AV -> Water if ( fLightPathType == WASAW ){ d4D = DTheta2nd( theta ); } // Shouldn't reach here, but handle just in case and return the light path type else{ debug << "LightPathCalculator::DTheta4th: Error! Unknown light path encountered!\n"; debug << "With light path type: " << fLightPathTypeMap[ fLightPathType ] << "\n"; } return d4D; } ////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////// Double_t LightPathCalculator::Theta5th( const Double_t theta ) { // This method calculates 'theta5' // theta5 - This is the angle between the fourth AV intersection // point and the path end position. This is only applicable // in the case of path types: // Water -> AV -> Scint/InnerAV -> AV -> Water // sourceR - The radius of the starting position // endPosR - The radius of the ending posiiton // theta - The angle between source radial vector // and the initial light direction vector as viewed from the origin // For source outside the AV only: // theta5 - angle between the radial vectors from origin to acrylic/light water // interface and pmt position Double_t sourceR = fStartPos.Mag(); Double_t endPosR = fEndPos.Mag(); Double_t cosTheta5 = 0.0; Double_t sinT = TMath::Sin( theta ); // For light path types: // Water -> AV -> Scint/InnerAV -> AV -> Water if ( fLightPathType == WASAW ){ cosTheta5 = TMath::Power( sourceR * sinT, 2 ) / ( endPosR * fAVOuterRadius ) + TMath::Sqrt( 1.0 - TMath::Power( ( sourceR / fAVOuterRadius ) * sinT, 2 ) ) * TMath::Sqrt( 1.0 - TMath::Power( ( sourceR / endPosR ) * sinT, 2 ) ); } // Shouldn't reach here, but handle just in case and return the light path type else{ debug << "LightPathCalculator::Theta5th: Error! Unknown light path encountered!\n"; debug << "With light path type: " << fLightPathTypeMap[ fLightPathType ] << "\n"; } // If we encounter a negative radicand i.e. negative square-root, then we // have total internal reflection occuring. if ( std::isnan( cosTheta5 ) ){ fIsTIR = true; } if( cosTheta5 > 1.0 ){ cosTheta5 = 1.0; } else if( cosTheta5 < -1.0 ){ cosTheta5 = -1.0; } return TMath::ACos( cosTheta5 ); } ////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////// Double_t LightPathCalculator::DTheta5th( const Double_t theta ) { // Calculates the derivative of theta5 with respect to theta Double_t cosTheta5 = 0.0; Double_t d5D = 0.0; Double_t sourceR = fStartPos.Mag(); Double_t endPosR = fEndPos.Mag(); Double_t sinT = TMath::Sin( theta ); Double_t cosT = TMath::Cos( theta ); // For light path types: // Water -> AV -> Scint/InnerAV -> AV -> Water if ( fLightPathType == WASAW ){ cosTheta5 = TMath::Power( sourceR * sinT, 2 ) / ( fAVOuterRadius * endPosR ) + TMath::Sqrt( 1.0 - TMath::Power( ( sourceR / fAVOuterRadius ) * sinT, 2 ) ) * TMath::Sqrt( 1.0 - TMath::Power ( ( sourceR / endPosR ) * sinT, 2 ) ); if ( 1.0 - TMath::Abs( cosTheta5 ) > 1.0e-6 ){ d5D = ( -1.0 / TMath::Sqrt( 1.0 - cosTheta5 * cosTheta5 ) ) * ( ( sourceR * sourceR * 2.0 * sinT * cosT ) / ( fAVOuterRadius * endPosR ) - ( ( TMath::Power( sourceR / fAVOuterRadius, 2 ) * sinT * cosT * ( TMath::Sqrt( 1.0 - TMath::Power( ( sourceR / endPosR ) * sinT, 2 ) ) ) ) / ( TMath::Sqrt( 1.0 - TMath::Power( sourceR / fAVOuterRadius * sinT, 2 ) ) ) ) - ( ( TMath::Power( sourceR / endPosR, 2 ) * sinT * cosT * ( TMath::Sqrt( 1.0 - TMath::Power( ( sourceR / fAVOuterRadius ) * sinT, 2 ) ) ) ) / ( TMath::Sqrt( 1.0 - TMath::Power( ( sourceR / endPosR ) * sinT, 2 ) ) ) ) ); } else { d5D = 0.0; } } // Shouldn't reach here, but handle just in case and return the light path type else{ debug << "LightPathCalculator::DTheta5th: Error! Unknown light path encountered!\n"; debug << "With light path type: " << fLightPathTypeMap[ fLightPathType ] << "\n"; } return d5D; } ////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////// Double_t LightPathCalculator::ThetaResidual( const Double_t theta ) { // Compute the difference between the PMT's fPMTTargetTheta // and ThetaX( theta ) for the current estimate of starting angle // from the source theta. // Here thetaX( theta ) is the final angle in the path type // e.g. for Scint/InnerAV -> AV -> Water; ThetaX = Theta3 // e.g. for Water -> AV -> Scint/InnerAV -> AV -> Water; ThetaX = Theta5 Double_t retValue = 0.0; // For light path types: // Scint/InnerAV -> AV -> Water if ( fLightPathType == SAW ){ retValue = fPMTTargetTheta - ( Theta3rd( theta ) + Theta2nd( theta ) + Theta1st( theta ) ); } // For light path types: // Water -> AV -> Scint/InnerAV -> AV -> Water else if ( fLightPathType == WASAW ){ retValue = fPMTTargetTheta - ( Theta5th( theta ) + Theta4th( theta ) + Theta3rd( theta ) + Theta2nd( theta ) + Theta1st( theta ) ); } // Shouldn't reach here, but handle just in case and return the light path type else{ debug << "LightPathCalculator::ThetaResidual: Error! Unknown light path encountered!\n"; debug << "With light path type: " << fLightPathTypeMap[ fLightPathType ] << "\n"; } return retValue; } ////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////// Double_t LightPathCalculator::DThetaResidual( const Double_t theta ) { // Compute the derivative in the difference between ... (see above) Double_t retDValue = 0.0; // For light path types: // Scint/InnerAV -> AV -> Water if ( fLightPathType == SAW ){ retDValue = ( -1.0 * ( DTheta3rd( theta ) + DTheta2nd( theta ) + DTheta1st( theta ) ) ); } // For light path types: // Water -> AV -> Scint/InnerAV -> AV -> Water else if ( fLightPathType == WASAW ){ retDValue = ( -1.0 * ( DTheta5th( theta ) + DTheta4th( theta ) + DTheta3rd( theta ) + DTheta2nd( theta ) + DTheta1st( theta ) ) ); } // Shouldn't reach here, but handle just in case and return the light path type else{ debug << "LightPathCalculator::DThetaResidual: Error! Unknown light path encountered!\n"; debug << "With light path type: " << fLightPathTypeMap[ fLightPathType ] << "\n"; } return retDValue; } ////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////// void LightPathCalculator::FuncD( Double_t theta, Double_t& funcVal, Double_t& dFuncVal ) { funcVal = ThetaResidual( theta ); dFuncVal = DThetaResidual( theta ); } ////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////// Double_t LightPathCalculator::RTSafe( Double_t x1, Double_t x2, Double_t xAcc ) { // This routine is inspired by the original // numerical recipes routine 'rtsafe' as featured on page 460 of... // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // --- 'Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing' 3rd Edition // --- W.H.Press, S.A. Teukolsky, W.T. Vetterling, B.P. Flannery // --- Cambridge University Press, 2007 // --- ISBN-10 0-521-88068-8 // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // It has been annotated and rewritten to be consistent with the // programming style of RAT. // Using a combination of Newton-Raphson and bisection methods, // this function returns the root of the function 'LightPathCalculator::FuncD' // defined on the domain [x1, x2] to within an acceptable accuracy of +/- xAcc // Maximum number of iterations for the RTSafe scheme. const Int_t rtSafeMaxIter = 100; // dF = d( f( x* ) ) / d( x* ) := dF / dX Double_t dF = 0.0; Double_t dX = 0.0; Double_t dXOld = 0.0; Double_t f = 0.0; // The value of the function, 'FuncD' at x1 (fL) and x2 (fH). Double_t fH = 0.0; Double_t fL = 0.0; // temporary variable used in the iteration. Double_t temp = 0.0; // xL := Lower limit on domain. xH := Upper limit on domain. Double_t xH = 0.0; Double_t xL = 0.0; // Current value of the root. Double_t rTS = 0.0; // Evaluate the function at x1 and x2, and assign the values of the function and its derivative // fL = f( x1 ), fH = f( x2 ), dF = d( f( x* ) ) / d( x* ) FuncD( x1, fL, dF ); FuncD( x2, fH, dF ); // Check to see whether a root to the function, 'FuncD' exists on the domain [x1, x2] if ( ( fL > 0.0 && fH > 0.0 ) || ( fL < 0.0 && fH < 0.0 ) ) { if ( fIsTIR ){ Double_t thetaTemp = ( fStartPos.Unit() ).Angle( (fEndPos - fStartPos.Unit() ) ); return thetaTemp; } } // If 'FuncD' has a root at x1 or x2 exactly, then return the respective root. if (fL == 0.0){ return x1; } if (fH == 0.0){ return x2; } // If 'FuncD' evaluated at x1 (fL) is lower than 'FuncD' evaluated at x2 (fH), then // keep the domain as -> [x1, x2] if (fL < 0.0) { xL = x1; xH = x2; } // Otherwise, reverse the domain -> [x2, x1] else { xH = x1; xL = x2; } // The initial guess for the root rTS = ( fStartPos.Unit() ).Angle( ( fEndPos - fStartPos ).Unit() ); dXOld = fabs( x2 - x1 ); // The "stepsize before last" dX = dXOld; // The last step // Evaluate the function for this guess of the root, 'rTS' FuncD( rTS, f, dF ); // Now loop over and perform the Newton-Raphson and bisection methods for (Int_t j = 1; j <= rtSafeMaxIter; j++ ) { // Bisect if the Newton formula is out of range or is not decreasing // at a fast enough rate if ( ( ( ( rTS - xH ) * dF - f ) * ( ( rTS - xL ) * dF - f ) >= 0.0 ) || ( fabs( 2.0 * f ) > fabs( dXOld * dF ) ) ) { dXOld = dX; dX = 0.5 * ( xH - xL ); rTS = xL + dX; if ( xL == rTS ){ return rTS; } } // Otherwise the change in the root is negligible, thus the Newton step // is acceptable, so can accept it. else { dXOld = dX; dX = f/dF; temp = rTS; rTS -= dX; if ( temp == rTS ){ return rTS; } } // If the step size used for the current root candidate is // within the required accuracy, then return the root. if ( fabs( dX ) < xAcc){ return rTS; } // New function evaluation for the iteration in preparation // for the next step. FuncD( rTS, f, dF ); if (f < 0.0){ xL = rTS; } else { xH = rTS; } } return -rTS; } ////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////// TVector3 LightPathCalculator::PathRefraction( const TVector3& incidentVec, const TVector3& incidentSurfVec, const Double_t incRIndex, const Double_t refRIndex ) { if( fStraightLine ) // No need to calculate refraction return incidentVec; const Double_t ratioRI = incRIndex / refRIndex; const Double_t cosTheta1 = incidentSurfVec.Dot( -1.0 * incidentVec ); // Incident angle [Snell's Law] const Double_t cosTheta2 = TMath::Sqrt( 1 - TMath::Power( ratioRI, 2 ) * ( 1 - TMath::Power( cosTheta1, 2 ) ) ); // Refracted Angle [Snell's Law] // Initialise the refracted photon vector TVector3 refractedVec( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); // Check for Total Internal Reflection (TIR) (equivalent to a 'nan' radicand i.e. a negative squareroot) if ( std::isnan( cosTheta2 ) ){ fIsTIR = true; // Set the refracted vec to the straight equivalent refractedVec = incidentVec; } // Define the refracted vector else if ( cosTheta1 >= 0.0 ){ refractedVec = ( ratioRI * incidentVec ) + ( ( ratioRI * cosTheta1 ) - cosTheta2 ) * incidentSurfVec; } else { refractedVec = ( ratioRI * incidentVec ) - ( ( ratioRI * cosTheta1 ) - cosTheta2 ) * incidentSurfVec; } // Ensure the refracted vector is unit normalised return refractedVec.Unit(); } ////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////// void LightPathCalculator::PathCalculation( const TVector3& initOffset ) { fInitialLightVec = initOffset; // Calculation for events that originate within the scintillator region if ( fStartPos.Mag() < fAVInnerRadius ){ // Set the light path type // Scint -> AV -> Water -> PMT fLightPathType = SAW; // Calculate the vector from the event position in the scintillator to the inner AV edge fPointOnAV1st = VectorToSphereEdge( fStartPos, initOffset, fAVInnerRadius, 0 ); // Calculate the refraction between the scintillator and the acrylic TVector3 vec1 = PathRefraction( initOffset, ( -1.0 * fPointOnAV1st ).Unit(), fInnerAVRIVal, fAVRIVal ); // Calculate the vector from the scintillator/av intersection to the outer AV edge fPointOnAV2nd = VectorToSphereEdge( fPointOnAV1st, vec1, fAVOuterRadius, 0 ); // Calculate the refraction between the acrylic and the water TVector3 vec2 = PathRefraction( vec1, ( -1.0 * fPointOnAV2nd ).Unit(), fAVRIVal, fWaterRIVal ); // Set the incident vector on the PMT bucket fIncidentVecOnPMT = vec2; // Calculate the vector from the av/water intersection to the hypothesised PMT position fLightPathEndPos = VectorToSphereEdge( fPointOnAV2nd, vec2, fEndPos.Mag(), 0 ); fDistInInnerAV = ( fStartPos - fPointOnAV1st ).Mag(); fDistInAV = ( fPointOnAV1st - fPointOnAV2nd ).Mag(); fDistInWater = ( fPointOnAV2nd - fLightPathEndPos ).Mag(); // Check whether path enters the neck region SetAVNeckInformation( fPointOnAV1st, initOffset ); // If the light path went through the neck, then the values need to account for this // and are adjusted based on information concerning the neck calculated by 'SetNeckInformation' if ( fXAVNeck ){ fDistInInnerAV += fDistInNeckInnerAV; fDistInAV = fDistInNeckAV; fDistInWater = fDistInNeckWater; fIncidentVecOnPMT = ( fLightPathEndPos - fPointOnNeck2nd ).Unit(); } return; } // Calculation for events that originate within the AV else if ( ( fStartPos.Mag() >= fAVInnerRadius ) && ( fStartPos.Mag() <= fAVOuterRadius ) ){ // First need to check if the path enters the scintillator region... // Calculate the maximum angle threshold between the event position // and the light direction for the path to enter the scintillator region Double_t approachAngle = ClosestAngle( fStartPos, fAVInnerRadius ); // The angle between event position and path direction Double_t angle = ( -1.0 * fStartPos ).Angle( initOffset ); // These are calculated to ensure a non-zero discriminant in the calculation ( see 'VectorToSphereEdge' ) Double_t sinAngle = TMath::Sin( angle ); Double_t rRatio = fAVInnerRadius / fStartPos.Mag(); // If event enters the scintillator region... if ( ( angle < approachAngle ) && ( sinAngle < rRatio ) ){ // Set the light path type // AV -> Scint -> AV -> Water -> PMT fLightPathType = ASAW; // Calculate the vector from the event position to the inner AV edge fPointOnAV1st = VectorToSphereEdge( fStartPos, initOffset, fAVInnerRadius, 1 ); // Calculate the refraction between the acrylic and the scintillator TVector3 vec1 = PathRefraction( initOffset, ( fPointOnAV1st ).Unit(), fAVRIVal, fInnerAVRIVal ); // Calculate the vector from the inner AV radius to the otherside of the scintillator region fPointOnAV2nd = VectorToSphereEdge( fPointOnAV1st, vec1, fAVInnerRadius, 0 ); // Calculate the refraction between the scintillator and the acrylic TVector3 vec2 = PathRefraction( vec1, ( -1.0 * fPointOnAV2nd ).Unit(), fInnerAVRIVal, fAVRIVal ); // Calculate the vector from the scintillator/av intersection to the av/water intersection fPointOnAV3rd = VectorToSphereEdge( fPointOnAV2nd, vec2, fAVOuterRadius, 0 ); // Calculate the refraction between the acrylic and the water TVector3 vec3 = PathRefraction( vec2, ( -1.0 * fPointOnAV3rd ).Unit(), fAVRIVal, fWaterRIVal ); // The incident vector on the PMT bucket fIncidentVecOnPMT = vec3; // Calculate the vector to the hypothesised PMT position fLightPathEndPos = VectorToSphereEdge( fPointOnAV3rd, vec3, fEndPos.Mag(), 0 ); fDistInInnerAV = ( fPointOnAV1st - fPointOnAV2nd ).Mag(); fDistInAV = ( fStartPos - fPointOnAV1st ).Mag() + ( fPointOnAV2nd - fPointOnAV3rd ).Mag(); fDistInWater = ( fPointOnAV3rd - fLightPathEndPos ).Mag(); // Check to see if the path enters the neck region SetAVNeckInformation( fPointOnAV2nd, vec1 ); if ( fXAVNeck ){ fDistInInnerAV += fDistInNeckInnerAV; fDistInAV = ( fPointOnAV1st - fStartPos ).Mag() + fDistInNeckAV; fDistInWater = fDistInNeckWater; fIncidentVecOnPMT = ( fLightPathEndPos - fPointOnNeck2nd ).Unit(); } return; } // Event exits the AV and immediately into the water else{ // Set the light path type // AV -> Water -> PMT fLightPathType = AW; // Calculate the vector from the event position to the outer AV edge fPointOnAV1st = VectorToSphereEdge( fStartPos, initOffset, fAVOuterRadius, 0 ); // Calculate the refraction between the acrylic and the water TVector3 vec1 = PathRefraction( initOffset, ( -1.0 * fPointOnAV1st ).Unit(), fAVRIVal, fWaterRIVal ); // The incident vector on the PMT bucket fIncidentVecOnPMT = vec1; // Calculate the vector from the outer AV radius to the hypothesised PMT position fLightPathEndPos = VectorToSphereEdge( fPointOnAV1st, vec1, fEndPos.Mag(), 0 ); fDistInInnerAV = 0.0; fDistInAV = ( fStartPos - fPointOnAV1st ).Mag(); fDistInWater = ( fPointOnAV1st - fLightPathEndPos ).Mag(); // Check to see if the light path enters the neck region SetAVNeckInformation( fPointOnAV1st, initOffset ); if ( fXAVNeck ){ fDistInInnerAV += fDistInNeckInnerAV; fDistInAV = fDistInNeckAV; fDistInWater = fDistInNeckWater; fIncidentVecOnPMT = ( fLightPathEndPos - fPointOnNeck2nd ).Unit(); } return; } } // Calculation for events that originate outside of the AV (in the water) else { Double_t maxReflectionAngle = ReflectionAngle( fStartPos, fAVOuterRadius ); // Check to see if reflect path off of the AV are required (fELLIEReflect = true), // and if so, whether they are eligible for being reflected off of the AV if ( fELLIEReflect && ( fStartPos.Angle( fEndPos ) < maxReflectionAngle ) ){ // Assume that light reflected off of the outer AV surface fLightPathType = WRefl; // Find the magnitude weighted average vector between the pmt position and event position. TVector3 avVec = ( fEndPos + fStartPos ).Unit(); // Note: This is different to (fEndPos.Unit() + fStartPos.Unit()).Unit() // which is the bisection of the two unit vectors. // Calculate the point on the AV where the light reflected TVector3 reflectedPoint = avVec * fAVOuterRadius; fPointOnAV1st = reflectedPoint; // Distance through the acrylic and scintillator is zero fDistInInnerAV = 0.0; fDistInAV = 0.0; // Distance through the water fDistInWater = ( fStartPos - reflectedPoint ).Mag() + ( reflectedPoint - fEndPos ).Mag(); fIncidentVecOnPMT = ( fEndPos - reflectedPoint ).Unit(); fInitialLightVec = ( reflectedPoint - fStartPos ).Unit(); return; } // Calculate the path as normal else{ // First need to check if the path enters the AV region... // Calculate the maximum angle threshold between the event position // and the light direction for the path to enter the AV region Double_t approachAngle = ClosestAngle( fStartPos, fAVOuterRadius ); // The angle between event position and path direction Double_t angle = ( -1.0 * fStartPos ).Angle( initOffset ); // These are calculated to ensure a non-zero discriminant in the calculation ( see 'VectorToSphereEdge' ) Double_t sinAngle = TMath::Sin( angle ); Double_t rRatio = fAVOuterRadius / fStartPos.Mag(); // If the path enters the AV Aregion if ( ( angle < approachAngle ) && ( sinAngle < rRatio ) ){ // Calculate the vector from the event position to the outer AV edge fPointOnAV1st = VectorToSphereEdge( fStartPos, initOffset, fAVOuterRadius, 1 ); // Calculate the refraction between the water and the acrylic TVector3 vec1 = PathRefraction( initOffset, ( fPointOnAV1st ).Unit(), fWaterRIVal, fAVRIVal ); // Now need to check if the path enters the scintillator region... approachAngle = ClosestAngle( fPointOnAV1st, fAVInnerRadius ); angle = ( -1.0 * fPointOnAV1st ).Angle( vec1 ); sinAngle = TMath::Sin( angle ); rRatio = fAVInnerRadius / fPointOnAV1st.Mag(); // If the path then enters the scintillator region if ( ( angle < approachAngle ) && ( sinAngle < rRatio ) ){ // Set the light path type // Water -> AV -> Scint -> AV -> Water -> PMT fLightPathType = WASAW; // Calculate path to the scintillator through the AV region fPointOnAV2nd = VectorToSphereEdge( fPointOnAV1st, vec1, fAVInnerRadius, 1 ); // Calculate the refraction between the acrylic and the scintillator TVector3 vec2 = PathRefraction( vec1, ( fPointOnAV2nd ).Unit(), fAVRIVal, fInnerAVRIVal ); // Calculate the vector from the inner AV radius to the otherside of the scintillator region fPointOnAV3rd = VectorToSphereEdge( fPointOnAV2nd, vec2, fAVInnerRadius, 0 ); // Calculate the refraction between the scintillator and the acrylic TVector3 vec3 = PathRefraction( vec2, ( -1.0 * fPointOnAV3rd ).Unit(), fInnerAVRIVal, fAVRIVal ); // Calculate the vector from the scint/av intersection to the av/water intersection fPointOnAV4th = VectorToSphereEdge( fPointOnAV3rd, vec3, fAVOuterRadius, 0 ); // Calculate the refraction between the acrylic and the water TVector3 vec4 = PathRefraction( vec3, ( -1.0 * fPointOnAV4th ).Unit(), fAVRIVal, fWaterRIVal ); // The incident vector on the PMT bucket fIncidentVecOnPMT = vec4; // Calculate the vector to the hypothesised PMT position fLightPathEndPos = VectorToSphereEdge( fPointOnAV4th, vec4, fEndPos.Mag(), 0 ); fDistInInnerAV = ( fPointOnAV2nd - fPointOnAV3rd ).Mag(); fDistInAV = ( fPointOnAV1st - fPointOnAV2nd ).Mag() + ( fPointOnAV3rd - fPointOnAV4th ).Mag(); fDistInWater = ( fStartPos - fPointOnAV1st ).Mag() + ( fPointOnAV4th - fLightPathEndPos ).Mag(); // Check to see if the path enters the neck region SetAVNeckInformation( fPointOnAV3rd, vec2 ); if ( fXAVNeck ){ fDistInInnerAV += fDistInNeckInnerAV; fDistInAV = ( fPointOnAV1st - fPointOnAV2nd ).Mag() + fDistInNeckAV; fDistInWater = ( fStartPos - fPointOnAV1st ).Mag() + fDistInNeckWater; fIncidentVecOnPMT = ( fLightPathEndPos - fPointOnNeck2nd ).Unit(); } return; } else{ // Set the light path type // Water -> AV -> Water -> PMT fLightPathType = WAW; // Calculate the vector from the outer AV radius to the otherside of the AV region fPointOnAV2nd = VectorToSphereEdge( fPointOnAV1st, vec1, fAVOuterRadius, 0 ); // Calculate the refraction between the acrylic and the water TVector3 vec2 = PathRefraction( vec1, ( -1.0 * fPointOnAV2nd ).Unit(), fAVRIVal, fWaterRIVal ); // Set the incident vector on the PMT bucket fIncidentVecOnPMT = vec2; // Calculate the vector from the av/water intersection to the hypothesised PMT position fLightPathEndPos = VectorToSphereEdge( fPointOnAV2nd, vec2, fEndPos.Mag(), 0 ); fDistInInnerAV = 0.0; fDistInAV = ( fPointOnAV1st - fPointOnAV2nd ).Mag(); fDistInWater = ( fStartPos - fPointOnAV1st ).Mag() + ( fPointOnAV2nd - fLightPathEndPos ).Mag(); // Check to see if the path enters the neck region SetAVNeckInformation( fPointOnAV2nd, vec1 ); if ( fXAVNeck ){ fDistInInnerAV += fDistInNeckInnerAV; fDistInAV = ( fPointOnAV1st - fPointOnAV2nd ).Mag() + fDistInNeckAV; fDistInWater = ( fStartPos - fPointOnAV1st ).Mag() + fDistInNeckWater; fIncidentVecOnPMT = ( fLightPathEndPos - fPointOnNeck2nd ).Unit(); } return; } } // If event does not enter AV or scintillator region. else{ // Set the light path type // Water -> PMT fLightPathType = W; fLightPathEndPos = fEndPos; fDistInInnerAV = 0.0; fDistInAV = 0.0; fDistInWater = ( fStartPos - fEndPos ).Mag(); // The incident vector on the PMT bucket fIncidentVecOnPMT = ( fEndPos - fStartPos ).Unit(); fXAVNeck = false; // assume no neck contact return; } } } } ////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////// Bool_t LightPathCalculator::LocalityCheck( const Int_t iVal ) { // Check the locality condition if ( ( ( fLightPathEndPos - fEndPos ).Mag() < fPathPrecision ) || ( iVal == fLoopCeiling - 1 ) ){ // Meets the conditions // If in-precise measurement (only occurs at final loop value i == fLoopCeiling-1) if ( ( fLightPathEndPos - fEndPos ).Mag() > fPathPrecision ){ fResvHit = true; } return true; } else{ // Does not meet the conditions return false; } } ////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////// void LightPathCalculator::ReadjustOffset( const TVector3& distWater, TVector3& initOffset ) { Double_t scale = fStartPos.Mag() / ( 10000.0 ); if ( distWater.Theta() > fEndPos.Theta() ){ Double_t thetaAdj = ( initOffset.Theta() ) - scale * ( TMath::Abs( distWater.Theta() - fEndPos.Theta() ) ); initOffset.SetTheta( thetaAdj ); } else{ Double_t thetaAdj = ( initOffset.Theta() ) + scale * ( TMath::Abs( distWater.Theta() - fEndPos.Theta() ) ); initOffset.SetTheta( thetaAdj ); } if ( distWater.Phi() > fEndPos.Phi() ){ Double_t phiAdj = ( initOffset.Phi() ) - scale * ( TMath::Abs(distWater.Phi() - fEndPos.Phi() ) ); initOffset.SetPhi( phiAdj ); } else{ Double_t phiAdj = ( initOffset.Phi() ) + scale * ( TMath::Abs( distWater.Phi() - fEndPos.Phi() ) ); initOffset.SetPhi( phiAdj ); } } ////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////// Double_t LightPathCalculator::ClosestAngle( const TVector3& eventPos, const Double_t edgeRadius ) { // Calculate one of the angles of the Right-Angled triangle to obtain // the other Double_t Phi = TMath::ACos( edgeRadius / ( eventPos.Mag() ) ); Double_t angle = halfpi - Phi; return angle; } ////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////// Double_t LightPathCalculator::ReflectionAngle( const TVector3& eventPos, const Double_t edgeRadius ) { Double_t angle = 2.0 * ( TMath::ACos( edgeRadius / eventPos.Mag() ) ); return angle; } ////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////// void LightPathCalculator::CalcByPositionPartial( const TVector3& eventPos, const TVector3& pmtPos, const Double_t energyMeV, const Double_t localityVal ) { ResetValues(); Double_t startPosMag = eventPos.Mag(); // Check that none of the start or end positions are 'nan' or 'inf' if ( std::isnan( startPosMag ) || std::isinf( startPosMag ) ){ warn << "\nLightPathCalculator::CalcByPositionPartial: Position Magnitude = " << startPosMag << "\n"; Log::Die("LightPathCalculator::CalcByPositionPartial: The start position is nan/inf, ensure you use a valid start position!"); } Double_t endPosMag = pmtPos.Mag(); if ( std::isnan( endPosMag ) || std::isinf( endPosMag ) ){ warn << "\nLightPathCalculator::CalcByPositionPartial: Position Magnitude = " << endPosMag << "\n"; Log::Die("LightPathCalculator::CalcByPositionPartial: The end position is nan/inf, ensure you use a valid end position!"); } if( startPosMag >= endPosMag ) { debug << "LightPathCalculator::CalcByPositionPartial: eventPos.Mag()=" << startPosMag << " is greater than pmtPos.Mag()=" << endPosMag << endl; return; } // Set the start and end position requirements of the path fStartPos = eventPos; fEndPos = pmtPos; // Set the tolerance of the final path position fPathPrecision = localityVal; // Set the energy of the photon [MeV] and (update || initialize) RIVals if( fEnergy != energyMeV || ( fUpperTargetRIVal<1 || fLowerTargetRIVal<1 || fAVRIVal<1 || fWaterRIVal<1 ) ) { fEnergy = energyMeV; // Energy of the photon (MeV) // Set refractive indices of upper/lower target, acrylic and water based on energy value provided fUpperTargetRIVal = GetUpperTargetRI( fEnergy ); fLowerTargetRIVal = GetLowerTargetRI( fEnergy ); fAVRIVal = GetAVRI( fEnergy ); fWaterRIVal = GetWaterRI( fEnergy ); } // Check that the refractive indices are Initialised Properly if ( std::isnan( fUpperTargetRIVal * fLowerTargetRIVal * fAVRIVal * fWaterRIVal ) ){ warn << "\nfEnergy: " << fEnergy << ". fUpperTargetRIVal: " << fUpperTargetRIVal << ", fLowerTargetRIVal: " << fLowerTargetRIVal << ", fAVRIVal: " << fAVRIVal << ", fWaterRIVal: " << fWaterRIVal << "\n"; Log::Die("LightPathCalculator::CalcByPositionPartial: One or more refractive indices is 'nan', check your wavelength value is within limits!"); } // Check that the refractive indices are not zero if ( fUpperTargetRIVal * fLowerTargetRIVal * fAVRIVal * fWaterRIVal == 0.0 ){ warn << "\nfEnergy: " << fEnergy << ". fUpperTargetRIVal: " << fUpperTargetRIVal << ", fLowerTargetRIVal: " << fLowerTargetRIVal << ", fAVRIVal: " << fAVRIVal << ", fWaterRIVal: " << fWaterRIVal << "\n"; Log::Die("LightPathCalculator::CalcByPositionPartial: One or more refractive indices is zero, check your wavelength value is within limits!"); } // Check to see if the straight line approximation is required. if ( fPathPrecision == 0.0 ){ // Set the straight line path boolean fStraightLine = true; // Calculate a the straight line path TVector3 initOffset = ( fEndPos - fStartPos ).Unit(); PathCalculationPartial( initOffset ); return; } else{ fStraightLine = false; } // Check the size of the loop (i.e. maximum number of iterations) // if not declared - set to 20 if ( fLoopCeiling <= 0 ){ fLoopCeiling = 20; } // Check for the path precision - the proximity required to the PMT bucket // If not declared, set to 10 mm to within the PMT. if ( fPathPrecision <= 0.0 ){ fPathPrecision = 10.0; } // Begin with the initial light path direction as the straight line direction TVector3 initOffset = ( fEndPos - fStartPos ).Unit(); // Beginning of algorithm loop for ( Int_t iVal = 0; iVal < fLoopCeiling; iVal++ ){ // Calculate refracted path based on the initial direction 'initOffset' PathCalculationPartial( initOffset ); // Check for locality or total internal reflection (TIR) if( ( LocalityCheck( iVal ) ) || fIsTIR ){ if ( fIsTIR ){ PathCalculationPartial( ( fEndPos - fStartPos ).Unit() ); fIsTIR = true; fStraightLine = true; fFinalLoopSize = 0.0; } else{ fFinalLoopSize = iVal; fIsTIR = false; } break; } // Readjust initial photon vector to be used in the next iteration and // recalculate the path else{ ReadjustOffset( fLightPathEndPos, initOffset ); } } return; } ////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////// TVector3 LightPathCalculator::VectorToSphereEdge( const TVector3& startPos, const TVector3& startDir, const Double_t radiusFromCentre, const bool outside ) { const Double_t startDirMag = startDir.Mag(); if( startDirMag == 0.0 ) { warn << "LightPathCalculator::VectorToSphereEdge: startDir has magnitude 0.0. Returning startPos." << endl; debug << " fStartPos.Mag(): " << fStartPos.Mag() << ", startPos.Mag(): " << startPos.Mag() << ", radius: " << radiusFromCentre << endl; return startPos; } // The a, b, and c coefficients of a typical quadratic equation const Double_t aCoeff = 1.0; const Double_t bCoeff = 2.0 * startPos.Dot( startDir ) / startDirMag; const Double_t cCoeff = startPos.Mag2() - ( radiusFromCentre * radiusFromCentre ); // Parameter (set to 0.0 to begin with) Double_t distParam = 0.0; // Discriminant for quadratic equation const Double_t discrim = bCoeff * bCoeff - ( 4.0 * aCoeff * cCoeff ); // Intersection Calculation if ( discrim >= 0.0 ){ if( !outside ) distParam = ( ( -1.0 * bCoeff ) + TMath::Sqrt(discrim) ) / ( 2.0 * aCoeff ); else distParam = ( ( -1.0 * bCoeff ) - TMath::Sqrt(discrim) ) / ( 2.0 * aCoeff ); if( distParam < 0.0 ) { fLightPathType = Null; warn << "LightPathCalculator::VectorToSphereEdge: Erroneous calculation - negative distance. Setting light path type to Null." << endl; debug << " Distance Value: " << distParam << ". ACoeff: " << aCoeff << ", BCoeff: " << bCoeff << ", CCoeff: " << cCoeff << endl; debug << " fStartPos.Mag(): " << fStartPos.Mag() << ", startPos.Mag(): " << startPos.Mag() << ", radius: " << radiusFromCentre << ", outside: " << outside << endl; } } else { fLightPathType = Null; warn << "LightPathCalculator::VectorToSphereEdge: Erroneous calculation - negative discriminant. Setting light path type to Null." << endl; debug << " Discriminant Value: " << discrim << ". ACoeff: " << aCoeff << ", BCoeff: " << bCoeff << ", CCoeff: " << cCoeff << endl; debug << " fStartPos.Mag(): " << fStartPos.Mag() << ", startPos.Mag(): " << startPos.Mag() << ", radius: " << radiusFromCentre << ", outside: " << outside << endl; } // Implementation of Parameterisation to find intersection point TVector3 endPointVec = startPos + ( distParam * startDir * (1.0/startDirMag) ); if( std::abs( endPointVec.Mag() - radiusFromCentre ) > 0.01 ) { warn << "LightPathCalculator::VectorToSphereEdge: Intersection point has unexpected magnitude." << endl; debug << " Magnitude: " << endPointVec.Mag() << ", radius: " << radiusFromCentre << ". ACoeff: " << aCoeff << ", BCoeff: " << bCoeff << ", CCoeff: " << cCoeff << endl; debug << " fStartPos.Mag(): " << fStartPos.Mag() << ", startPos.Mag(): " << startPos.Mag() << ", outside: " << outside << endl; } return endPointVec; } ////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////// TVector3 LightPathCalculator::VectorToCylinderEdge( const TVector3& startPos, const TVector3& startDir, const TVector3& cylinderBaseOrigin, const Double_t cylinderRadius ) { TVector3 startDirXY = startDir; startDirXY.SetZ( 0.0 ); TVector3 startPosXY = startPos; startPosXY.SetZ( 0.0 ); bool outside = false; if( startPosXY.Mag() > cylinderRadius ) outside = true; TVector3 pointOnCylinderBase = VectorToSphereEdge( startPosXY, startDirXY.Unit(), cylinderRadius, outside ); Double_t angleTmp = ( startDirXY ).Angle( startDir ); Double_t heightInCylinder = 0.0; if ( angleTmp != halfpi ){ heightInCylinder = ( ( pointOnCylinderBase - startPosXY ).Mag() ) * TMath::Tan( angleTmp ); } TVector3 pointOnCylinder = pointOnCylinderBase + cylinderBaseOrigin; pointOnCylinder.SetZ( pointOnCylinder.Z() + heightInCylinder ); return pointOnCylinder; } ////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////// void LightPathCalculator::PathThroughTarget( const TVector3& enterPos, const TVector3& enterDir, TVector3& exitPos, TVector3& exitDir ) { // Initialise two refractive indices Double_t firstRI = 1.0; Double_t secondRI = 1.0; // Check which target the start position begins in... // ...the upper target if ( enterPos.Z() > fFillZ ){ firstRI = fUpperTargetRIVal; secondRI = fLowerTargetRIVal; } // ...the lower target else{ firstRI = fLowerTargetRIVal; secondRI = fUpperTargetRIVal; } Double_t d = ( fFillZ - enterPos.Z() ) / enterDir.Z(); // check if it enters both targets if ( enterDir.Z() != 0 && d > 0 && ( pow ( d * enterDir.X() + enterPos.X(), 2 ) + pow( d * enterDir.Y() + enterPos.Y(), 2 ) <= pow( fAVInnerRadius, 2 ) - pow( fFillZ, 2 ) ) ){ // Calculate the vector from the event position to the lower target TVector3 firstTargetPos = d * enterDir + enterPos; // Calculate the refraction between the upper target and the lower target TVector3 boundaryDir; if ( enterDir.Z() > 0 ){ boundaryDir = TVector3( 0, 0, -1 ); } else{ boundaryDir = TVector3( 0, 0, 1 ); } TVector3 vec0 = PathRefraction( enterDir, boundaryDir, firstRI, secondRI ); // calculate the vector from the last point to the inner AV edge exitPos = VectorToSphereEdge( firstTargetPos, vec0, fAVInnerRadius, 0 ); // calculate the refraction between the lower target and the acrylic exitDir = PathRefraction( vec0, ( -1.0 * exitPos ).Unit(), secondRI, fAVRIVal ); if ( enterPos.Z() > fFillZ ){ fDistInUpperTarget = d; fDistInLowerTarget = ( exitPos - enterPos ).Mag() - d; } else{ fDistInLowerTarget = d; fDistInUpperTarget = ( exitPos - enterPos ).Mag() - d; } } else{ // Calculate the vector from the event position to the inner AV edge exitPos = VectorToSphereEdge( enterPos, enterDir, fAVInnerRadius, 0 ); // Calculate the refraction between the scintillator and the acrylic exitDir = PathRefraction( enterDir,( -1.0 * exitPos ).Unit(), firstRI, fAVRIVal ); if ( enterPos.Z() > fFillZ ){ fDistInUpperTarget = ( exitPos - enterPos ).Mag(); fDistInLowerTarget = 0.0; } else{ fDistInLowerTarget = ( exitPos - enterPos ).Mag(); fDistInUpperTarget = 0.0; } } } ////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////// void LightPathCalculator::PathCalculationPartial( const TVector3& initOffset ) { fInitialLightVec = initOffset; // Calculation for events that originate within the target volume if ( fStartPos.Mag() < fAVInnerRadius ){ // Set the light path type fLightPathType = SAW; TVector3 exitTargetPos, exitTargetDir; // Calculate the path through the upper/lower targets PathThroughTarget( fStartPos, fInitialLightVec, fPointOnAV1st, exitTargetDir ); // Calculate the vector from inner AV to outer AV edge fPointOnAV2nd = VectorToSphereEdge( fPointOnAV1st, exitTargetDir, fAVOuterRadius, 0 ); // calculate the refraction between the acrylic and the water interface TVector3 exitAVDir = PathRefraction( exitTargetDir, ( -1.0 * fPointOnAV2nd ).Unit(), fAVRIVal, fWaterRIVal ); // Set the incident vector on the PMT bucket fIncidentVecOnPMT = exitAVDir; // calculate the vector from the av/water intersection to the hypothesised PMT position fLightPathEndPos = VectorToSphereEdge( fPointOnAV2nd, exitAVDir, fEndPos.Mag(), 0 ); fDistInAV = ( fPointOnAV1st - fPointOnAV2nd ).Mag(); fDistInWater = ( fPointOnAV2nd - fLightPathEndPos ).Mag(); // Check whether path enters the neck region SetAVNeckInformation( fPointOnAV1st, exitTargetDir ); // If the light path went through the neck, then the values need to account for this // and are adjusted based on information concerning the neck calculated by 'SetNeckInformation' if ( fXAVNeck ){ fDistInUpperTarget += fDistInNeckInnerAV; fDistInAV = fDistInNeckAV; fDistInWater = fDistInNeckWater; fIncidentVecOnPMT = ( fEndPos - fPointOnNeck2nd ).Unit(); } return; } // Calculation for events that originate within the AV else if ( ( fStartPos.Mag() >= fAVInnerRadius ) && ( fStartPos.Mag() <= fAVOuterRadius ) ){ // First need to check if the path enters inside the scintillator region (containing the uperr/lower targets)... // Calculate the maximum angle threshold between the event position // and the light direction for the path to enter the scintillator region Double_t approachAngle = ClosestAngle( fStartPos, fAVInnerRadius ); // The angle between event position and path direction Double_t angle = ( -1.0 * fStartPos ).Angle( initOffset ); // These are calculated to ensure a non-zero discriminant in the calculation ( see 'VectorToSphereEdge' ) Double_t sinAngle = TMath::Sin( angle ); Double_t rRatio = fAVInnerRadius / fStartPos.Mag(); // If event enters the scintillator (lower/upper target) regions... if ( ( angle < approachAngle ) && ( sinAngle < rRatio ) ){ // Set the light path type // AV -> Scint -> AV -> Water -> PMT fLightPathType = ASAW; // Calculate the vector from the event position to the inner AV edge fPointOnAV1st = VectorToSphereEdge( fStartPos, initOffset, fAVInnerRadius, 1 ); Double_t targetRI = 1.0; // Check which target we are intersecting if ( fPointOnAV1st.Z() > fFillZ ) targetRI = fUpperTargetRIVal; else targetRI = fLowerTargetRIVal; // Calculate the refraction between the acrylic and the scintillator TVector3 enterTargetDir = PathRefraction( initOffset, ( fPointOnAV1st ).Unit(), fAVRIVal, targetRI ); // Calculate the vector from the inner AV radius to the otherside of the scintillator region TVector3 exitTargetDir; PathThroughTarget( fPointOnAV1st, enterTargetDir, fPointOnAV2nd, exitTargetDir ); // Calculate the vector from the scintillator/AV intersection to the AV/water intersection fPointOnAV3rd = VectorToSphereEdge( fPointOnAV2nd, exitTargetDir, fAVOuterRadius, 0 ); // Calculate the refraction between the acrylic and the water TVector3 exitAVDir = PathRefraction( exitTargetDir, ( -1.0 * fPointOnAV3rd ).Unit(), fAVRIVal, fWaterRIVal ); // The incident vector on the PMT bucket fIncidentVecOnPMT = exitAVDir; // Calculate the vector to the hypothesised PMT position fLightPathEndPos = VectorToSphereEdge( fPointOnAV3rd, exitAVDir, ( fEndPos ).Mag(), 0 ); fDistInAV = ( fStartPos - fPointOnAV1st ).Mag() + ( fPointOnAV2nd - fPointOnAV3rd ).Mag(); fDistInWater = ( fPointOnAV3rd - fLightPathEndPos ).Mag(); // Check to see if the path enters the neck region SetAVNeckInformation( fPointOnAV2nd, exitTargetDir ); if ( fXAVNeck ){ fDistInUpperTarget += fDistInNeckInnerAV; fDistInAV = ( fPointOnAV1st - fStartPos ).Mag() + fDistInNeckAV; fDistInWater = fDistInNeckWater; fIncidentVecOnPMT = ( fLightPathEndPos - fPointOnNeck2nd ).Unit(); } } // Event exits the AV and immediately into the water else{ // Set the light path type // AV -> Water -> PMT fLightPathType = AW; // Calculate the vector from the event position to the outer AV edge fPointOnAV1st = VectorToSphereEdge( fStartPos, initOffset, fAVOuterRadius, 0 ); // Calculate the refraction between the acrylic and the water TVector3 exitAVDir = PathRefraction( initOffset, ( -1.0 * fPointOnAV1st ).Unit(), fAVRIVal, fWaterRIVal ); // The incident vector on the PMT bucket fIncidentVecOnPMT = exitAVDir; // Calculate the vector from the outer AV radius to the hypothesised PMT position fLightPathEndPos = VectorToSphereEdge( fPointOnAV1st, exitAVDir, fEndPos.Mag(), 0 ); fDistInAV = ( fStartPos - fPointOnAV1st ).Mag(); fDistInWater = ( fPointOnAV1st - fLightPathEndPos ).Mag(); // Check to see if the light path enters the neck region SetAVNeckInformation( fPointOnAV1st, initOffset ); if ( fXAVNeck ){ fDistInUpperTarget += fDistInNeckInnerAV; fDistInAV = fDistInNeckAV; fDistInWater = fDistInNeckWater; fIncidentVecOnPMT = ( fLightPathEndPos - fPointOnNeck2nd ).Unit(); } return; } } // Calculation for events that originate outside of the AV (in the water) else { Double_t maxReflectionAngle = ReflectionAngle( fStartPos, fAVOuterRadius ); // Check to see if reflect path off of the AV are required (fELLIEReflect = true), // and if so, whether they are eligible for being reflected off of the AV if ( fELLIEReflect && ( fStartPos.Angle( fEndPos ) < maxReflectionAngle ) ){ // Assume that light reflected off of the outer AV surface fLightPathType = WRefl; // Find the magnitude weighted average vector between the pmt position and event position. TVector3 avVec = ( fEndPos + fStartPos ).Unit(); // Note: This is different to (fEndPos.Unit() + fStartPos.Unit()).Unit() // which is the bisection of the two unit vectors. // Calculate the point on the AV where the light reflected TVector3 reflectedPoint = avVec * fAVOuterRadius; fPointOnAV1st = reflectedPoint; // Distance through the acrylic and scintillator is zero fDistInInnerAV = 0.0; fDistInAV = 0.0; // Distance through the water fDistInWater = ( fStartPos - reflectedPoint ).Mag() + ( reflectedPoint - fEndPos ).Mag(); fIncidentVecOnPMT = ( fEndPos - reflectedPoint ).Unit(); fInitialLightVec = ( reflectedPoint - fStartPos ).Unit(); return; } // Calculate the path as normal else{ // First need to check if the path enters the AV region... // Calculate the maximum angle threshold between the event position // and the light direction for the path to enter the AV region Double_t approachAngle = ClosestAngle( fStartPos, fAVOuterRadius ); // The angle between event position and path direction Double_t angle = ( -1.0 * fStartPos ).Angle( initOffset ); // These are calculated to ensure a non-zero discriminant in the calculation ( see 'VectorToSphereEdge' ) Double_t sinAngle = TMath::Sin( angle ); Double_t rRatio = fAVOuterRadius / fStartPos.Mag(); // If the path enters the AV Aregion if ( ( angle < approachAngle ) && ( sinAngle < rRatio ) ){ // Calculate the vector from the event position to the outer AV edge fPointOnAV1st = VectorToSphereEdge( fStartPos, initOffset, fAVOuterRadius, 1 ); // Calculate the refraction between the water and the acrylic TVector3 enterAVDir = PathRefraction( initOffset, ( fPointOnAV1st ).Unit(), fWaterRIVal, fAVRIVal ); // Now need to check if the path enters the scintillator region... approachAngle = ClosestAngle( fPointOnAV1st, fAVInnerRadius ); angle = ( -1.0 * fPointOnAV1st ).Angle( enterAVDir ); sinAngle = TMath::Sin( angle ); rRatio = fAVInnerRadius / fPointOnAV1st.Mag(); // If the path then enters the scintillator region if ( ( angle < approachAngle ) && ( sinAngle < rRatio ) ){ // Set the light path type // Water -> AV -> Scint -> AV -> Water -> PMT fLightPathType = WASAW; // Calculate path to the scintillator through the AV region fPointOnAV2nd = VectorToSphereEdge( fPointOnAV1st, enterAVDir, fAVInnerRadius, 1 ); Double_t targetRI = 1.0; // Check which target we are intersecting if ( fPointOnAV2nd.Z() > fFillZ ){ targetRI = fUpperTargetRIVal; } else{ targetRI = fLowerTargetRIVal; } // Calculate the refraction between the acrylic and the scintillator TVector3 enterTargetDir = PathRefraction( enterAVDir, ( fPointOnAV2nd ).Unit(), fAVRIVal, targetRI ); // Calculate the vector from the inner AV radius to the otherside of the scintillator region TVector3 exitTargetDir; PathThroughTarget( fPointOnAV2nd, enterTargetDir, fPointOnAV3rd, exitTargetDir ); // Calculate the vector from the scint/av intersection to the av/water intersection fPointOnAV4th = VectorToSphereEdge( fPointOnAV3rd, exitTargetDir, fAVOuterRadius, 0 ); // Calculate the refraction between the acrylic and the water TVector3 exitAVDir = PathRefraction( exitTargetDir, ( -1.0 * fPointOnAV4th ).Unit(), fAVRIVal, fWaterRIVal ); // The incident vector on the PMT bucket fIncidentVecOnPMT = exitAVDir; // Calculate the vector to the hypothesised PMT position fLightPathEndPos = VectorToSphereEdge( fPointOnAV4th, exitAVDir, fEndPos.Mag(), 0 ); fDistInAV = ( fPointOnAV1st - fPointOnAV2nd ).Mag() + ( fPointOnAV3rd - fPointOnAV4th ).Mag(); fDistInWater = ( fStartPos - fPointOnAV1st ).Mag() + ( fPointOnAV4th - fLightPathEndPos ).Mag(); // Check to see if the path enters the neck region SetAVNeckInformation( fPointOnAV3rd, exitTargetDir ); if ( fXAVNeck ){ fDistInUpperTarget += fDistInNeckInnerAV; fDistInAV = ( fPointOnAV1st - fPointOnAV2nd ).Mag() + fDistInNeckAV; fDistInWater = ( fStartPos - fPointOnAV1st ).Mag() + fDistInNeckWater; fIncidentVecOnPMT = ( fLightPathEndPos - fPointOnNeck2nd ).Unit(); } return; } else{ // Set the light path type // Water -> AV -> Water -> PMT fLightPathType = WAW; // Calculate the vector from the outer AV radius to the otherside of the AV region fPointOnAV2nd = VectorToSphereEdge( fPointOnAV1st, enterAVDir, fAVOuterRadius, 0 ); // Calculate the refraction between the acrylic and the water TVector3 vec2 = PathRefraction( enterAVDir, ( -1.0 * fPointOnAV2nd ).Unit(), fAVRIVal, fWaterRIVal ); // Set the incident vector on the PMT bucket fIncidentVecOnPMT = vec2; // Calculate the vector from the av/water intersection to the hypothesised PMT position fLightPathEndPos = VectorToSphereEdge( fPointOnAV2nd, vec2, fEndPos.Mag(), 0 ); fDistInUpperTarget = 0.0; fDistInLowerTarget = 0.0; fDistInAV = ( fPointOnAV1st - fPointOnAV2nd ).Mag(); fDistInWater = ( fStartPos - fPointOnAV1st ).Mag() + ( fPointOnAV2nd - fLightPathEndPos ).Mag(); // Check to see if the path enters the neck region SetAVNeckInformation( fPointOnAV2nd, enterAVDir ); if ( fXAVNeck ){ fDistInUpperTarget += fDistInNeckInnerAV; fDistInAV = ( fPointOnAV1st - fPointOnAV2nd ).Mag() + fDistInNeckAV; fDistInWater = ( fStartPos - fPointOnAV1st ).Mag() + fDistInNeckWater; fIncidentVecOnPMT = ( fLightPathEndPos - fPointOnNeck2nd ).Unit(); } return; } } // If event does not enter AV or scintillator region. else{ // Set the light path type // Water -> PMT fLightPathType = W; fLightPathEndPos = fEndPos; fDistInUpperTarget = 0.0; fDistInLowerTarget = 0.0; fDistInInnerAV = 0.0; fDistInAV = 0.0; fDistInWater = ( fStartPos - fEndPos ).Mag(); // The incident vector on the PMT bucket fIncidentVecOnPMT = ( fEndPos - fStartPos ).Unit(); fXAVNeck = false; // assume no neck contact return; } } } } ////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////// void LightPathCalculator::SetAVNeckInformation( const TVector3& pointOnAV, const TVector3& dirVec ) { fDistInNeckInnerAV = 0.0; fDistInNeckAV = 0.0; fDistInNeckWater = 0.0; Double_t minHeight2 = fAVInnerRadius*fAVInnerRadius - fNeckInnerRadius*fNeckInnerRadius; if( pointOnAV.Z()*pointOnAV.Z() >= minHeight2 && dirVec.Z() > 0 ) { TVector3 pointOnAVXY( pointOnAV.X(), pointOnAV.Y(), 0.0 ); if( pointOnAVXY.Mag2() <= fNeckInnerRadius*fNeckInnerRadius ) { fXAVNeck = true; // The refractive indices of the scintillator, av and water Double_t scRI = fInnerAVRIVal; Double_t avRI = fAVRIVal; Double_t waterRI = fWaterRIVal; TVector3 neckBaseInner( 0.0, 0.0, pointOnAV.Z() ); TVector3 pointOnInnerNeck = VectorToCylinderEdge( pointOnAV, dirVec, neckBaseInner, fNeckInnerRadius ); fDistInNeckInnerAV = ( pointOnInnerNeck - pointOnAV ).Mag(); fPointOnNeck1st = pointOnInnerNeck; TVector3 innerNeckNorm( pointOnInnerNeck.X(), pointOnInnerNeck.Y(), 0.0 ); TVector3 vec1 = PathRefraction( dirVec, ( -1.0 * innerNeckNorm ).Unit(), scRI, avRI ); TVector3 neckBaseOuter( 0.0, 0.0, pointOnInnerNeck.Z() ); TVector3 pointOnOuterNeck = VectorToCylinderEdge( pointOnInnerNeck, vec1, neckBaseOuter, fNeckOuterRadius ); fDistInNeckAV = ( pointOnOuterNeck - pointOnInnerNeck ).Mag(); fPointOnNeck2nd = pointOnOuterNeck; TVector3 outerNeckNorm( pointOnOuterNeck.X(), pointOnOuterNeck.Y(), 0.0 ); TVector3 vec2 = PathRefraction( vec1, ( -1.0 * outerNeckNorm ).Unit(), avRI, waterRI ); // Calculate the vector from the neck/water intersection to the hypothesised PMT position fLightPathEndPos = VectorToSphereEdge( pointOnOuterNeck, vec2, fEndPos.Mag(), 0 ); fDistInNeckWater = ( fLightPathEndPos - fPointOnNeck2nd ).Mag(); } else { fXAVNeck = false; } } else { fXAVNeck = false; } } ////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////// void LightPathCalculator::CalculateSolidAngle( const TVector3& pmtNorm, const UInt_t nVal ) { if ( fLightPathType == Null ) { debug << "LightPathCalculator::CalculateSolidAngle: must first call LightPathCalculator::CalcByPosition and obtain a valid light path.\n"; fSolidAngle = -10.0; fCosThetaAvg = -1.5; return; } if ( nVal != 0 ) { CalculateSolidAnglePolygon( pmtNorm, nVal ); if ( fSolidAngle > 0 && fSolidAngle <= twopi ) { warn << "LightPathCalculator::CalculateSolidAnglePolygon: Solid Angle="<< fSolidAngle <<" is out of range!\n"; fSolidAngle = -10.0; return; } } Double_t cosThetaAvg = 0.0; TVector3 zPrime = pmtNorm.Unit(); TVector3 yPrime = ( zPrime.Orthogonal() ).Unit(); TVector3 xPrime = ( yPrime.Cross( zPrime ) ).Unit(); TVector3 pmtVec1 = fEndPos + ( fPMTRadius * xPrime ); TVector3 pmtVec2 = fEndPos - ( fPMTRadius * xPrime ); TVector3 pmtVec3 = fEndPos + ( fPMTRadius * yPrime ); TVector3 pmtVec4 = fEndPos - ( fPMTRadius * yPrime ); std::vector nVertices; nVertices.push_back( pmtVec1 ); nVertices.push_back( pmtVec2 ); nVertices.push_back( pmtVec3 ); nVertices.push_back( pmtVec4 ); if ( !fStraightLine && GetPathValid() ) { LightPathCalculator tmpStore = *this; // save original values that will be overwritten by calling CalcByPosition() for ( UInt_t j = 0; j < 4; j++ ) { CalcByPosition( fStartPos, nVertices[j], fEnergy, fPathPrecision ); if ( GetPathValid() ) { if( fLightPathType!=W ) nVertices[j] = fPointOnAV1st; // solid angle determined before path refracts (i.e., fPointOnAV1st) cosThetaAvg += fIncidentVecOnPMT.Dot( -1.0 * zPrime ); } else { nVertices[0] = pmtVec1; nVertices[1] = pmtVec2; nVertices[2] = pmtVec3; nVertices[3] = pmtVec4; cosThetaAvg = ( ( pmtVec1 - fStartPos ).Unit() ).Dot( -1.0 * zPrime ) + ( ( pmtVec2 - fStartPos ).Unit() ).Dot( -1.0 * zPrime ) + ( ( pmtVec3 - fStartPos ).Unit() ).Dot( -1.0 * zPrime ) + ( ( pmtVec4 - fStartPos ).Unit() ).Dot( -1.0 * zPrime ); break; // if any call to CalcByPosition results in a straight-line calculation, // then all calculations should be for straight lines. } } *this = tmpStore; // restore original values overwritten by calling CalcByPosition() } else { cosThetaAvg = ( ( pmtVec1 - fStartPos ).Unit() ).Dot( -1.0 * zPrime ) + ( ( pmtVec2 - fStartPos ).Unit() ).Dot( -1.0 * zPrime ) + ( ( pmtVec3 - fStartPos ).Unit() ).Dot( -1.0 * zPrime ) + ( ( pmtVec4 - fStartPos ).Unit() ).Dot( -1.0 * zPrime ); } fCosThetaAvg = cosThetaAvg/4.0; Double_t angAlpha = ( nVertices[0] - fStartPos ).Angle( nVertices[1] - fStartPos ) / 2.0; Double_t angBeta = ( nVertices[2] - fStartPos ).Angle( nVertices[3] - fStartPos ) / 2.0; fSolidAngle = twopi * ( 1.0 - ( TMath::Cos( angAlpha ) + TMath::Cos( angBeta ) )/2.0 ); // See DocDB 4714 if ( fSolidAngle <= 0 || fSolidAngle > twopi ){ warn << "LightPathCalculator::CalculateSolidAngle: Solid Angle="<< fSolidAngle <<" is out of range!\n"; fSolidAngle = -10.0; } } ////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////// void LightPathCalculator::CalculateSolidAnglePolygon( const TVector3& pmtNorm, const UInt_t nVal ) { if ( nVal < 3 ) { warn << "\nLightPathCalculator::CalculateSolidAnglePolygon: nVal=" << nVal << " must be >= 3!" << endl; Log::Die("LightPathCalculator::CalculateSolidAnglePolygon: nVal must be >= 3!"); } Double_t cosThetaAvg = 0.0; TVector3 nVertexCenter = fEndPos; TVector3 zPrime = pmtNorm.Unit(); TVector3 yPrime = ( zPrime.Orthogonal() ).Unit(); TVector3 nVec, tmpVec; Double_t rotationStep = twopi / nVal; std::vector nVertices; for ( UInt_t j = 0; j < nVal; j++ ) { tmpVec = yPrime; tmpVec.Rotate( j * rotationStep, fEndPos ); nVec = fEndPos + ( fPMTRadius * tmpVec ); nVertices.push_back( nVec ); } if( !fStraightLine && GetPathValid() ) { LightPathCalculator tmpStore = *this; // save original values that will be overwritten by calling CalcByPosition() nVertexCenter = fPointOnAV1st; for ( UInt_t k = 0; k < nVal; k++ ) { CalcByPosition( fStartPos, nVertices[k], fEnergy, fPathPrecision ); if ( GetPathValid() ) { if( fLightPathType!=W ) nVertices[k] = fPointOnAV1st; // solid angle determined before path refracts (i.e., fPointOnAV1st) cosThetaAvg += fIncidentVecOnPMT.Dot( -1.0 * zPrime ); } else { nVertexCenter = fEndPos; cosThetaAvg = 0.0; for ( UInt_t j = 0; j < nVal; j++ ) { tmpVec = yPrime; tmpVec.Rotate( j * rotationStep, fEndPos ); nVertices[j] = fEndPos + ( fPMTRadius * tmpVec ); cosThetaAvg += ( ( nVertices[j] - fStartPos ).Unit() ).Dot( -1.0 * zPrime ); } break; // if any call to CalcByPosition results in a straight-line calculation, // then all calculations should be for straight lines. } } *this = tmpStore; // restore original values overwritten by calling CalcByPosition() } else { for ( UInt_t j = 0; j < nVal; j++ ) { cosThetaAvg += ( ( nVertices[j] - fStartPos ).Unit() ).Dot( -1.0 * zPrime ); } } fCosThetaAvg = cosThetaAvg / nVal; TVector3 evToVMid = ( nVertexCenter - fStartPos ).Unit(); // pointing to the 'center' of the solid angle projection TVector3 vecA, vecB, vecAMid, vecBMid; Double_t sinAngle, solidAngle = 0.0, angleSum = 0.0; for ( UInt_t k = 0; k < nVal; k++ ) { vecA = ( nVertices[k] - fStartPos ).Unit(); if ( k == ( nVal-1 ) ) { vecB = ( nVertices[0] - fStartPos ).Unit(); } else { vecB = ( nVertices[k+1] - fStartPos ).Unit(); } vecAMid = vecA - evToVMid; vecBMid = vecB - evToVMid; sinAngle = ( vecBMid.Cross( vecAMid ) ).Mag(); solidAngle += sinAngle; angleSum += sinAngle / vecBMid.Mag() / vecAMid.Mag(); } fSolidAngle = 0.5 * solidAngle * ( twopi / angleSum ); // See DocDB 4714 } ////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////// void LightPathCalculator::FresnelTRCoeff( const TVector3& dir, const TVector3& norm, const Double_t n1, const Double_t n2, Double_t& T, Double_t& R ) { Double_t cos1 = dir.Dot( norm ); if ( cos1 < 0.0 ){ cos1 = -1.0 * cos1; } const Double_t sin1_2 = 1.0 - ( cos1 * cos1 ); const std::complex n12 = n1 / n2; const std::complex cos2 = std::sqrt( std::complex( 1.0, 0.0 ) - ( n12 * n12 ) * sin1_2 ); const std::complex Ds = ( n2 * cos2 + n1 * cos1 ); const std::complex Dp = ( n2 * cos1 + n1 * cos2 ); const Double_t Rsc = std::abs( ( n1 * cos1 - n2 * cos2 ) / Ds ); const Double_t Rpc = std::abs( ( n1 * cos2 - n2 * cos1 ) / Dp ); const Double_t Rs = Rsc * Rsc; const Double_t Rp = Rpc * Rpc; const std::complex Nt = std::complex( 4.0, 0.0 ) * n12 * cos1 * cos2; const Double_t Ts = std::abs( n2 * n2 * Nt / ( Ds * Ds ) ); const Double_t Tp = std::abs( n2 * n2 * Nt / ( Dp * Dp ) ); const Double_t sFraction = 0.5; //GetSPolarisationFraction( norm, dir, pol ); if ( sFraction < 0.0 || sFraction > 1.0 ){ debug << "LightPathCalculator::FresnelTRCoeff incorrect polarisation calculates as : " << sFraction << "\n"; } T = sFraction * Ts + ( 1.0 - sFraction ) * Tp; R = sFraction * Rs + ( 1.0 - sFraction ) * Rp; if ( T > 1.0 || R < 0.0 ){ debug << "LightPathCalculator::FresnelTRCoeff, fFresnelRCoeff is too high " << Rs << " " << Rp << " " << R << "\n"; } } ////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////// Double_t LightPathCalculator::CalculateCosThetaPMT( const Int_t pmtID ) { Double_t cosTheta = 0.0; const RAT::DU::PMTInfo pmtInfo = RAT::DU::Utility::Get()->GetPMTInfo(); TVector3 pmtNorm = pmtInfo.GetDirection( pmtID ); Double_t angle = fIncidentVecOnPMT.Angle( pmtNorm ); cosTheta = TMath::Cos( angle ); return cosTheta; } ////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////// Double_t LightPathCalculator::CalculateParallelTransmissionCoefficient( const Double_t incRI, const Double_t refRI, const Double_t incAngle ) { // Return the transmitted light intensity for light incident at angle incident // and polarized parallel to the plane from medium incRI to medium refRI. Double_t sinI = TMath::Sin( incAngle ); Double_t refCos2 = ( refRI * refRI - incRI * incRI * sinI * sinI ); // (refRI * Cos( refracted angle ) )**2 Double_t refCos = 0.0; if ( refCos2 <= 0.0 ){ return 0.0; } // total internal reflection else { refCos = TMath::Sqrt( refCos2 ); } Double_t cosI = TMath::Cos( incAngle ); Double_t prefactor = refCos / ( incRI * cosI ); // for amplitute**2 -> power transf. Double_t tParallel = 2.0 * incRI * refRI * cosI / (refRI * refRI * cosI + incRI * refCos ); // parallel polarization Double_t transParallel = prefactor * tParallel * tParallel; return transParallel; } ////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////// Double_t LightPathCalculator::CalculatePerpendicularTransmissionCoefficient( const Double_t incRI, const Double_t refRI, const Double_t incAngle ) { // Return the transmitted light intensity for light incident at angle incident // and polarized perpendicular to the plane from medium incRI to medium refRI. Double_t sinI = TMath::Sin( incAngle ); Double_t refCos2 = ( refRI * refRI - incRI * incRI * sinI * sinI ); // (refRI * Cos( refracted angle ) )**2 Double_t refCos = 0.0; if ( refCos2 <= 0.0 ){ return 0.0; } // total internal reflection else { refCos = TMath::Sqrt( refCos2 ); } Double_t cosI = TMath::Cos( incAngle ); Double_t prefactor = refCos / ( incRI * cosI ); // for amplitute**2 -> power transf. Double_t tPerpendicular = 2.0 * incRI * cosI / ( incRI * cosI + refCos ); // perpendicular polarization Double_t transPerpendicular = prefactor * tPerpendicular * tPerpendicular; return transPerpendicular; } ////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////// void LightPathCalculator::CalculateFresnelTRCoeff() { // Type 'SAW' : Scint -> AV -> Water -> PMT if ( fLightPathType == SAW ){ Double_t T1 = 0.0; Double_t R1 = 0.0; Double_t T2 = 0.0; Double_t R2 = 0.0; FresnelTRCoeff( GetIncidentVecOn1stSurf(), -1.0 * ( GetPointOnAV1st().Unit() ), fInnerAVRIVal, fAVRIVal, T1, R1 ); FresnelTRCoeff( GetIncidentVecOn2ndSurf(), -1.0 * ( GetPointOnAV2nd().Unit() ), fAVRIVal, fWaterRIVal, T2, R2 ); fFresnelTCoeff = T1 * T2; fFresnelRCoeff = R1 * R2; } // Type 'AW' : AV -> Water -> PMT else if ( fLightPathType == AW ){ Double_t T1 = 0.0; Double_t R1 = 0.0; FresnelTRCoeff( GetIncidentVecOn1stSurf(), -1.0 * ( GetPointOnAV1st().Unit() ), fAVRIVal, fWaterRIVal, T1, R1 ); fFresnelTCoeff = T1; fFresnelRCoeff = R1; } // Type 'ASAW' : AV -> Scint -> AV -> Water -> PMT else if ( fLightPathType == ASAW ){ Double_t T1 = 0.0; Double_t R1 = 0.0; Double_t T2 = 0.0; Double_t R2 = 0.0; Double_t T3 = 0.0; Double_t R3 = 0.0; FresnelTRCoeff( GetIncidentVecOn1stSurf(), ( GetPointOnAV1st().Unit() ), fAVRIVal, fInnerAVRIVal, T1, R1 ); FresnelTRCoeff( GetIncidentVecOn2ndSurf(), -1.0 * ( GetPointOnAV2nd().Unit() ), fInnerAVRIVal, fAVRIVal, T2, R2 ); FresnelTRCoeff( GetIncidentVecOn3rdSurf(), -1.0 * ( GetPointOnAV3rd().Unit() ), fAVRIVal, fWaterRIVal, T3, R3 ); fFresnelTCoeff = T1 * T2 * T3; fFresnelRCoeff = R1 * R2 * R3; } // Type 'WASAW' : Water -> AV -> Scint -> AV -> Water -> PMT else if ( fLightPathType == WASAW ){ Double_t T1 = 0.0; Double_t R1 = 0.0; Double_t T2 = 0.0; Double_t R2 = 0.0; Double_t T3 = 0.0; Double_t R3 = 0.0; Double_t T4 = 0.0; Double_t R4 = 0.0; FresnelTRCoeff( GetIncidentVecOn1stSurf(), ( GetPointOnAV1st().Unit() ), fWaterRIVal, fAVRIVal, T1, R1 ); FresnelTRCoeff( GetIncidentVecOn2ndSurf(), ( GetPointOnAV2nd().Unit() ), fAVRIVal, fInnerAVRIVal, T2, R2 ); FresnelTRCoeff( GetIncidentVecOn3rdSurf(), -1.0 * ( GetPointOnAV3rd().Unit() ), fInnerAVRIVal, fAVRIVal, T3, R3 ); FresnelTRCoeff( GetIncidentVecOn4thSurf(), -1.0 * ( GetPointOnAV4th().Unit() ), fAVRIVal, fWaterRIVal, T4, R4 ); fFresnelTCoeff = T1 * T2 * T3 * T4; fFresnelRCoeff = R1 * R2 * R3 * R4; } // Type 'WAW' : Water -> AV -> Water -> PMT else if ( fLightPathType == WAW ){ Double_t T1 = 0.0; Double_t R1 = 0.0; Double_t T2 = 0.0; Double_t R2 = 0.0; FresnelTRCoeff( GetIncidentVecOn1stSurf(), ( GetPointOnAV1st().Unit() ), fWaterRIVal, fAVRIVal, T1, R1 ); FresnelTRCoeff( GetIncidentVecOn2ndSurf(), -1.0 * ( GetPointOnAV2nd().Unit() ), fAVRIVal, fWaterRIVal, T2, R2 ); fFresnelTCoeff = T1 * T2; fFresnelRCoeff = R1 * R2; } // Type 'W' : Water -> PMT else if ( fLightPathType == W ){ fFresnelTCoeff = 1.0; fFresnelRCoeff = 0.0; } // Type 'WRefl' : Water -> Reflection -> Water -> PMT else if ( fLightPathType == WRefl ){ fFresnelTCoeff = 1.0; fFresnelRCoeff = 0.0; } else { debug << "LightPathCalculator::CalculateFresnelTRCoeff: must first call LightPathCalculator::CalcByPosition and obtain a valid light path." << endl; fFresnelTCoeff = -10.0; fFresnelRCoeff = -10.0; } } } // namespace DU } // namespace RAT