// -------------------------------------------------- // // EnergyFunctional.cc // Contact Person: Krish Majumdar // See EnergyFunctional.hh and DocDB-2782 for more details // -------------------------------------------------- // #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace RAT; using namespace RAT::Methods; using namespace RAT::DS; #include #include #include using namespace std; #include void EnergyFunctional::Initialise(const std::string& param) { fIndex = param; } void EnergyFunctional::BeginOfRun(DS::Run&) { DB * const db = DB::Get(); fMaterial = fIndex; if (fIndex.empty()) { try { fMaterial = db->GetLink("GEO", "inner_av")->GetS("material"); } catch( DBNotFoundError& e ) { try { // If we are in a partial-fill geometry, use the upper material fMaterial = db->GetLink("GEO", "inner_av")->GetS("material_top"); } catch ( DBNotFoundError & ) { Log::Die("EnergyFunctional::BeginOfRun: inner_av material and material_top undefined. Try something like: \n" "/rat/db/set GEO[inner_av] material \"labppo_scintillator\" or \n" "/rat/db/set GEO[inner_av] material_top \"labppo_scintillator\""); } } } // Default parameters are those of "labppo_scintillator" DBLinkPtr dbNAVLink = db->GetLink("FIT_ENERGY_FUNCTIONAL", "labppo_scintillator"); DBLinkGroup grp = db->GetLinkGroup("FIT_ENERGY_FUNCTIONAL"); // Check for the material-specific entry and overwrite the default values only if found for (DBLinkGroup::iterator it = grp.begin(); it != grp.end(); ++it) { if (fMaterial == it->first) { dbNAVLink = db->GetLink("FIT_ENERGY_FUNCTIONAL", fMaterial); break; } } fEnergyCoefficients = dbNAVLink->GetDArray("energyCoeffs"); if (fEnergyCoefficients.size() != 4) { Log::Die("EnergyFunctional::BeginOfRun: the \"energyCoeffs\" vector does not contain 4 parameters - please check the .ratdb file"); } fRadiusCoefficients_Internal_Low = dbNAVLink->GetDArray("radiusCoeffsInternalLow"); fRadiusCutoff_Internal_Mid = dbNAVLink->GetD("internalMidRadiusCut"); fRadiusCoefficients_Internal_Mid = dbNAVLink->GetDArray("radiusCoeffsInternalMid"); fRadiusCutoff_Internal_High = dbNAVLink->GetD("internalHighRadiusCut"); fRadiusCoefficients_Internal_High = dbNAVLink->GetDArray("radiusCoeffsInternalHigh"); fRadiusCutoff_External_Low = dbNAVLink->GetD("externalLowRadiusCut"); fRadiusCoefficients_External_Low = dbNAVLink->GetDArray("radiusCoeffsExternalLow"); fRadiusCutoff_External_High = dbNAVLink->GetD("externalHighRadiusCut"); fRadiusCoefficients_External_High = dbNAVLink->GetDArray("radiusCoeffsExternalHigh"); fZCoefficients = dbNAVLink->GetDArray("zCoeffs"); fAVRadius = db->GetLink("SOLID", "acrylic_vessel_outer")->GetD("r_sphere"); } void EnergyFunctional::EndOfRun(DS::Run&) { fEnergyCoefficients.clear(); fRadiusCoefficients_Internal_Low.clear(); fRadiusCoefficients_Internal_Mid.clear(); fRadiusCoefficients_Internal_High.clear(); fRadiusCoefficients_External_Low.clear(); fRadiusCoefficients_External_High.clear(); fZCoefficients.clear(); } void EnergyFunctional::DefaultSeed() { FitVertex seedVertex; // In the following line, the booleans indicate: (1) the validity of the position, (2) if the position was calculated here (false) or passed from a seed (true) seedVertex.SetPosition( TVector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), false, true); fSeedResult.SetVertex( 0, seedVertex ); } DS::FitResult EnergyFunctional::GetBestFit() { fFitResult.Reset(); if( fPMTData.empty() ) return fFitResult; CopySeedToResult(); FitVertex fitVertex = fSeedResult.GetVertex( 0 ); double eventRadius = fitVertex.GetPosition().Mag(); double eventZ = fitVertex.GetPosition().Z(); const int eventNhits = fPMTData.size(); // Get the Segmentor information: // 1) a vector of integers denoting in which (theta, phi) segment each raw PMT is in // 2) a vector of integers denoting the raw PMT population of each segment // 3) a vector of integers denoting the triggered PMT population of each segment DU::Segmentor segmentor = DU::Utility::Get()->GetSegmentor(); vector rawPMTSegmentIDs = segmentor.GetSegmentIDs(); vector rawPMTSegmentPopulations = segmentor.GetSegmentPopulations(); vector hitPMTSegmentPopulations (rawPMTSegmentPopulations.size(), 0); for (int j = 0; j < eventNhits; j++) { hitPMTSegmentPopulations[rawPMTSegmentIDs[fPMTData[j].GetID()]]++; } double hParameter = 0.0; for (unsigned int s = 0; s < rawPMTSegmentPopulations.size(); s++) { double numberOfRawPMTs = static_cast(rawPMTSegmentPopulations[s]); double numberOfHitPMTs = static_cast(hitPMTSegmentPopulations[s]); if (numberOfHitPMTs > numberOfRawPMTs) { Log::Die("EnergyFunctional::GetBestFit: (fatal error) encountered segment with more hit PMTs than actual PMTs - signifies a deeper problem ... exiting energy fitter"); } else if (numberOfHitPMTs == numberOfRawPMTs) { warn << "EnergyFunctional::GetBestFit: (warning) encountered saturated segment with the same number of hit PMTs as actual PMTs ... correcting and continuing \n"; numberOfHitPMTs = numberOfRawPMTs - 1; } hParameter -= (numberOfRawPMTs * log(1.0 - (numberOfHitPMTs / numberOfRawPMTs))); } // Calculate the value of the radius function, choosing the specific set of function coefficients based on the reconstructed event radius double functionOfRadius; if (eventRadius < fRadiusCutoff_Internal_Mid) { functionOfRadius = EvaluatePolynomial(fRadiusCoefficients_Internal_Low, eventRadius); } else if ((eventRadius >= fRadiusCutoff_Internal_Mid) && (eventRadius < fRadiusCutoff_Internal_High)) { functionOfRadius = EvaluatePolynomial(fRadiusCoefficients_Internal_Mid, eventRadius); } else if ((eventRadius >= fRadiusCutoff_Internal_High) && (eventRadius < fRadiusCutoff_External_Low)) { functionOfRadius = EvaluatePolynomial(fRadiusCoefficients_Internal_High, eventRadius); } else if ((eventRadius >= fRadiusCutoff_External_Low) && (eventRadius < fRadiusCutoff_External_High)) { functionOfRadius = EvaluatePolynomial(fRadiusCoefficients_External_Low, eventRadius); } else { functionOfRadius = EvaluatePolynomial(fRadiusCoefficients_External_High, eventRadius); } // Calculate the value of the z function double functionOfZ = EvaluatePolynomial(fZCoefficients, eventZ); // Set the energy coefficients, based on whether the event's radius puts it as an internal or external event double energyCoeff0, energyCoeff1; if (eventRadius < fRadiusCutoff_External_Low) { energyCoeff0 = fEnergyCoefficients[0]; energyCoeff1 = fEnergyCoefficients[1]; } else { energyCoeff0 = fEnergyCoefficients[2]; energyCoeff1 = fEnergyCoefficients[3]; } // Calculate the final fitted energy double energy = (1.0 / energyCoeff1) * ((hParameter / (functionOfRadius * functionOfZ)) - energyCoeff0); // If the event has reconstructed outside the AV and the material being used is NOT water, mark the fit validity as false but set the fit value anyway if ((eventRadius > fAVRadius) && (fMaterial != "internalwater_snoplus") && (fMaterial != "lightwater_sno")) {fitVertex.SetEnergy(energy, false);} else {fitVertex.SetEnergy(energy, true);} fitVertex.SetEnergyErrors(1.0); // Need to explore this energy error a bit more ... fFitResult.SetVertex(0, fitVertex); return fFitResult; } double EnergyFunctional::EvaluatePolynomial(std::vector coefficients, double parameter) { double value = 0.0; for (unsigned int p = 0; p < coefficients.size(); p++) { value += (coefficients[p] * std::pow(parameter, (int)p)); } return value; }