#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace RAT; using namespace RAT::Methods; using namespace RAT::DS; using namespace std; using std::isfinite; void EnergyPromptLookup::Initialise( const string& param ) { fIndex = param; } void EnergyPromptLookup::BeginOfRun( DS::Run& run ) { DB *db = DB::Get(); string index = fIndex; if( fIndex.empty() ) { try{ index = db->GetLink("GEO","inner_av")->GetS("material"); } catch( DBNotFoundError& e ) { /* Will use defaults instead */ } } // Get default parameters DBLinkPtr dbEPLLink = db->GetLink("FIT_ENERGY_PROMPT_LOOKUP"); DBLinkGroup grp=db->GetLinkGroup("FIT_ENERGY_PROMPT_LOOKUP"); DBLinkGroup::iterator it; // Check for material specific parameters // If not, keep default values for(it=grp.begin(); it != grp.end(); ++it){ if(index == it->first){ dbEPLLink = db->GetLink("FIT_ENERGY_PROMPT_LOOKUP", index); break; } } fMaterial = dbEPLLink->GetS( "index" ); fRBins = dbEPLLink->GetD( "r_bins" ); fCosThetaBins = dbEPLLink->GetD( "costheta_bins" ); fRMax = dbEPLLink->GetD( "r_max" ); fPromptWindow = dbEPLLink->GetDArray( "prompt_window" ); fWorkingPMTs = dbEPLLink->GetD( "working_pmts" ); fScalingFactor = dbEPLLink->GetDArray( "scaling_factor" ); fMeVValues = dbEPLLink->GetDArray( "mev_values" ); fNhitValues = dbEPLLink->GetDArray( "nhit_values" ); fTimeResidualCut = PMTSelectors::PMTSelectorFactory::Get()->GetPMTSelector( "timeResidualCut" ); fPMTCalSelector = PMTSelectors::PMTSelectorFactory::Get()->GetPMTSelector( "PMTCalSelector" ); fTimeResidualCut->BeginOfRun( run ); } void EnergyPromptLookup::EndOfRun( DS::Run& ) { fPromptWindow.clear(); fScalingFactor.clear(); fMeVValues.clear(); fNhitValues.clear(); } void EnergyPromptLookup::DefaultSeed() { // Radius = 0.0, direction = -1z, time = 0.0 DS::FitVertex vertex; vertex.SetPosition( TVector3( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ), false, true ); vertex.SetDirection( TVector3( 0.0, 0.0, -1.0 ), false, true ); vertex.SetTime( 0.0, false, true ); fSeedResult.SetVertex( 0, vertex ); } DS::FitResult EnergyPromptLookup::GetBestFit() { fFitResult.Reset(); if( fPMTData.empty() ) return fFitResult; CopySeedToResult(); DS::FitVertex fitVertex = fFitResult.GetVertex( 0 ); // Get number of working PMTs const DU::PMTInfo& pmtInfo = DU::Utility::Get()->GetPMTInfo(); unsigned int numChannels = pmtInfo.GetCount(); const DU::PMTCalStatus& PMTCalStatus = DU::Utility::Get()->GetPMTCalStatus(); double totalActiveChannels = 0; for( size_t lcn = 0; lcn < numChannels; lcn++ ){ if( pmtInfo.GetType( lcn ) != DU::PMTInfo::NORMAL && pmtInfo.GetType( lcn ) != DU::PMTInfo::HQE) continue; double fractionGoodCells = PMTCalStatus.GetChannelStatus( static_cast(lcn) ); totalActiveChannels += fractionGoodCells; } // Get prompt calibrated PMTs fTimeResidualCut->SetD( "lowLimit", fPromptWindow[0] ); fTimeResidualCut->SetD( "highLimit", fPromptWindow[1] ); fTimeResidualCut->SetI( "useGroup", 1 ); const vector promptPMTs = fTimeResidualCut->GetSelectedPMTs( fPMTData, fitVertex ); const vector promptCalPMTs = fPMTCalSelector->GetSelectedPMTs( promptPMTs, fitVertex ); size_t promptCalNhits = promptCalPMTs.size(); // Get position and direction scaling value // First get reconstructed event information from seed const TVector3 eventPosition = fitVertex.GetPosition(); const TVector3 eventDirection = fitVertex.GetDirection(); // Get event radius and costheta from event position vector Double_t radius = eventPosition.Mag(); Double_t costheta = 0; if( fMaterial != "internalwater_snoplus" && fMaterial != "lightwater_sno" ) costheta = eventPosition.CosTheta(); else costheta = (eventPosition.Dot(eventDirection)/(radius*eventDirection.Mag())); // Calculate radius and costheta bin centres vector radialValues; for( int bin=0; bin(bin)*fRMax/(fRBins-1) ); } vector costhetaValues; for( int bin=0; bin(bin)+0.5)*2.0/fCosThetaBins ); } // Get corresponding scaling factor from database double posdirscalefactor = Interpolate2D( radius, costheta, radialValues, costhetaValues, fScalingFactor ); // Scale prompt nhits with scaling factor and number of working PMTs Double_t promptCalNhits_scaled = ( static_cast(promptCalNhits) / posdirscalefactor ) * ( fWorkingPMTs / totalActiveChannels ); // Convert nhits to mev double energy = Interpolate1D( promptCalNhits_scaled, fNhitValues, fMeVValues); // Check if result is valid bool valid = true; if( radius > fRMax ){ debug << "EnergyPromptLookup::GetBestFit: Radius larger than maximum in lookup table." << newline; valid = false; } if( (fMaterial == "internalwater_snoplus" || fMaterial == "lightwater_sno") && energy < 0.26 ){ debug << "EnergyPromptLookup::GetBestFit: Energy less than Cerenkov threshold." << newline; valid = false; } if( energy < 0 || !isfinite( energy ) ){ debug << "EnergyPromptLookup::GetBestFit: Energy negative, infinity, or nan. Setting result invalid" << newline; valid = false; } // Set fit result fitVertex.SetEnergy( energy, valid ); fitVertex.SetEnergyErrors( 1.0 ); fFitResult.SetVertex( 0, fitVertex ); return fFitResult; } // 1D interpolation using TSpline3 method for selected values Double_t EnergyPromptLookup::Interpolate1D( const Double_t inValue, const vector inTable, const vector outTable ) { if( inTable.size() != outTable.size() ){ debug << "EnergyRSP::Interpolate1D: Tables do not match in size" << newline; } // Define vector of points to use vector points (inTable.size(), 0); // Find lowest inTable value greater than inValue int inTableEntry = 0; inTableEntry = distance( inTable.begin(), find_if( inTable.begin(), inTable.end(), bind2nd(greater(),inValue) ) ); // Set points to use for( int i=1; i<4; i++ ){ if( inTableEntry - i >= 0 ) points[inTableEntry - i] = 1; } for( int i=0; i<3; i++ ){ if( inTableEntry + i < static_cast(inTable.size()) ) points[inTableEntry + i] = 1; } // Find total number of points UInt_t total_points = accumulate( points.begin(), points.end(), 0 ); // Find first point UInt_t firstPoint = distance( points.begin(), find( points.begin(), points.end(), 1 ) ); // Perform cubic spline vector x(total_points, 0); vector y(total_points, 0); for( unsigned int i=0; i inTable1, const vector inTable2, const vector outTable ) { if( inTable1.size() * inTable2.size() != outTable.size() ){ debug << "EnergyRSP::Interpolate2D: Tables do not match in size" << newline; } // Define vector of points to use vector points (inTable2.size(), 0); // Find lowest inTable value greater than inValue int inTable2Entry = distance( inTable2.begin(), find_if( inTable2.begin(), inTable2.end(), bind2nd(greater(),inValue2) ) ); // Set points to use for( int i=1; i<4; i++ ){ if( inTable2Entry - i >= 0 ) points[inTable2Entry - i] = 1; } for( int i=0; i<3; i++ ){ if( inTable2Entry + i < static_cast(inTable2.size()) ) points[inTable2Entry + i] = 1; } // Find total number of points UInt_t total_points = accumulate( points.begin(), points.end(), 0 ); // Find first point UInt_t firstPoint = distance( points.begin(), find( points.begin(), points.end(), 1 ) ); // Get shortened inTable2 vector inTable2_shortened; for( unsigned int i=0; i yValues; for( UInt_t j=firstPoint; j<(firstPoint+total_points); j++ ){ vector xValues; for( unsigned int i=0; i