///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // EnergyRSP.cc // Contact person: John Walker // See EnergyRSP.hh for more details ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace RAT; using namespace RAT::Methods; using namespace RAT::DS; using std::string; using std::vector; using std::greater; using std::isfinite; using std::abs; using CLHEP::nm; void EnergyRSP::Initialise( const string& param ) { fIndex = param; fUseRefracted = false; fStoreDiagnostics = false; fTimeResidualCut = PMTSelectors::PMTSelectorFactory::Get()->GetPMTSelector( "timeResidualCut" ); fPMTCalSelector = PMTSelectors::PMTSelectorFactory::Get()->GetPMTSelector( "PMTCalSelector" ); twLowLimit = -10.0*ns; twHighLimit = 8.0*ns; fChannelEfficiency = ChannelEfficiency::Get(); fPMTVariation = PMTVariation::Get(); } void EnergyRSP::SetI( const string& param, const int value ) { if(param == "useRefracted") { if(value == 1) fUseRefracted = true; else fUseRefracted = false; } else if(param == "storeDiagnostics") { if(value == 1) fStoreDiagnostics = true; else fStoreDiagnostics = false; } else{ info << "Unkown RSP parameter" << newline; throw 1; } } void EnergyRSP::BeginOfRun( DS::Run& run ) { DB *db = DB::Get(); string index = fIndex; if( fIndex.empty() ) { try{ index = db->GetLink("GEO","inner_av")->GetS("material"); } catch( DBNotFoundError& e ) { /* Will use defaults instead */ } } // Get default parameters DBLinkPtr dbRSPLink = db->GetLink("FIT_ENERGY_RSP"); DBLinkGroup grp=db->GetLinkGroup("FIT_ENERGY_RSP"); DBLinkGroup::iterator it; // Check for material specific parameters // If not, keep default values for(it=grp.begin(); it != grp.end(); ++it){ if(index == it->first){ dbRSPLink = db->GetLink("FIT_ENERGY_RSP", index); break; } } fLightPath = DU::Utility::Get()->GetLightPathCalculator(); fTimeResidualCut->BeginOfRun( run ); fChannelEfficiency->BeginOfRun(); fPMTVariation->BeginOfRun(); // Get data ratdb fMaxIterations = dbRSPLink->GetI( "max_iterations" ); fTolerance = dbRSPLink->GetD( "tolerance" ); fRMax = dbRSPLink->GetD( "r_max" ); fMeVValues = dbRSPLink->GetDArray( "energies" ); fPredictedMeVValues = dbRSPLink->GetDArray( "predicted_energies" ); fEventDirDotInitialLightVecValues = dbRSPLink->GetDArray( "event_dir_dot_initial_light_vec" ); fDirectionDotVecSize = fEventDirDotInitialLightVecValues.size(); fDirectionDotVecWidth = fEventDirDotInitialLightVecValues[1] - fEventDirDotInitialLightVecValues[0]; fDirectionDotVecMin = fEventDirDotInitialLightVecValues[0]; fDirectionDotVecMax = fEventDirDotInitialLightVecValues[fDirectionDotVecSize-1]; fRadialValues = dbRSPLink->GetDArray( "radii" ); fRadialSize = fRadialValues.size(); fRadialWidth = fRadialValues[1] - fRadialValues[0]; fRadialMin = fRadialValues[0]; fRadialMax = fRadialValues[fRadialSize-1]; fAngularValues = dbRSPLink->GetDArray( "angularValues" ); fNphotonValues = dbRSPLink->GetDArray( "nphotons_energy" ); fCerenkovAngularDist = dbRSPLink->GetDArray( "cerenkov_angular_dist" ); fRayleighLateProb = dbRSPLink->GetDArray( "rayleigh_late_prob" ); fAngularResponse = dbRSPLink->GetDArray( "pmt_angular_response" ); fAngularResponseSpline = new TSpline3("f_ang_spline",&fAngularValues[0],&fAngularResponse[0],fAngularValues.size()); fPhotonScalingFactor = 1; fPredictedTableExists = true; try{ fPredictedNphotonValues = dbRSPLink->GetDArray( "predicted_nphotons_energy" ); fPhotonScalingFactor = fNphotonValues[4] / fPredictedNphotonValues[18]; // Set scaling factor to value at 5 MeV for( size_t i=0; iGetLink( "PMT_DQXX" )->GetIArray( "dqch" ).size(); // Number of channels std::vector ppmt_noise_rate; bool table_found = false; DBLinkPtr noiseDB; try { noiseDB = db->GetLink( "NOISE_RUN_INTEGRATED" ); table_found = true; } catch( DBNotFoundError& e ){ warn << "EnergyRSP::BeginOfRun: Integrated noise table not found for this run. Attempting to use less precise low statistics NOISE_RUN_LEVEL" << endl; } if (!table_found) { try { noiseDB = db->GetLink( "NOISE_RUN_LEVEL" ); } catch( DBNotFoundError& e ){ Log::Die("EnergyRSP::BeginOfRun: Failed to find noise tables for this run. Can't estimate the noise level."); } } // Grab the per-pmt noise level ppmt_noise_rate = noiseDB->GetDArray("perpmt_noiserate"); fNoiseRate = 0.0; const DU::PMTCalStatus& PMTCalStatus = DU::Utility::Get()->GetPMTCalStatus(); const DU::PMTInfo& pmtInfo = DU::Utility::Get()->GetPMTInfo(); for( unsigned int lcn = 0; lcn < fNumChannels; lcn++ ) { if( pmtInfo.GetType( lcn ) != DU::PMTInfo::NORMAL && pmtInfo.GetType( lcn ) != DU::PMTInfo::HQE) continue; fNoiseRate += (ppmt_noise_rate[lcn]/s) *PMTCalStatus.GetChannelStatus(lcn)* ( twHighLimit - twLowLimit); } info << "EnergyRSP::BeginOfRun : Noise rate estimated to be " << fNoiseRate << " in prompt time window [" << twLowLimit << "," << twHighLimit << "]" << newline; if( fNoiseRate < 0 ) Log::Die("EnergyRSP::BeginOfRun : Noise rate less than zero."); #ifdef RSP_DEBUG size_t totalActiveChannels = 0; for( int lcn = 0; lcn < fNumChannels; lcn++ ) { if( pmtInfo.GetType( lcn ) != DU::PMTInfo::NORMAL && pmtInfo.GetType( lcn ) != DU::PMTInfo::HQE) continue; if (PMTCalStatus.GetChannelStatus( static_cast(lcn) ) > 0.0) { totalActiveChannels++; } } double fNoiseRateOld = db->GetLink( "NOISE_RUN_LEVEL" )->GetD( "average_noiserate" ) / s; // Noise rate fNoiseRateOld = fNoiseRateOld * ( twHighLimit - twLowLimit ) * ns * static_cast(totalActiveChannels); info << "EnergyRSP::BeginOfRun : Old noise rate estimated to be " << fNoiseRateOld << " in prompt time window [" << twLowLimit << "," << twHighLimit << "]" << newline; #endif // PMT model parameters (load both 3D PMT and grey disc PMT) DBLinkPtr pmtModelTable = db->GetLink( "PMT_OPTICAL_PARAMETERS", "PMTOptics0_0" ); fPEEscapeProbability = Optics::LoadWavelengthPropertyVector( "pe_escape_probability", pmtModelTable ); DBLinkPtr discModelTable = db->GetLink( "GREY_DISC_PARAMETERS", "DiscOptics0_0" ); fAbsorptionProb = discModelTable->GetDArray( "absorption_probability" ); const vector greyDisc = db->GetLink("GEO","innerPMT")->GetIArray("grey_disc"); fUsePMTdisc = (greyDisc[0]==1); if( fUsePMTdisc ) { // Grey Disc PMT fCollectionEfficiency = discModelTable->GetD( "collection_efficiency" ); } else { // 3D PMT fCollectionEfficiency = pmtModelTable->GetD( "collection_efficiency" ); info << "EnergyRSP::BeginOfRun : Using 3D PMT model" << newline; } // Absorption and Rayleigh scattering lengths string innerAVMaterial = db->GetLink("GEO","inner_av")->GetS("material"); string avMaterial = db->GetLink("GEO","av")->GetS("material"); string cavityMaterial = db->GetLink("GEO","cavity")->GetS("material"); LoadOpticsVectors(innerAVMaterial, &fInnerAV_ABSLENGTH, &fInnerAV_RSLENGTH); LoadOpticsVectors(avMaterial, &fAV_ABSLENGTH, &fAV_RSLENGTH); LoadOpticsVectors(cavityMaterial, &fCavity_ABSLENGTH, &fCavity_RSLENGTH); fInnerAVRadius = db->GetLink( "SOLID", "acrylic_vessel_inner" )->GetD( "r_sphere" ); } void EnergyRSP::EndOfRun( DS::Run& ) { fMeVValues.clear(); fPredictedMeVValues.clear(); fEventDirDotInitialLightVecValues.clear(); fRadialValues.clear(); fAngularValues.clear(); fNphotonValues.clear(); fCerenkovAngularDist.clear(); fRayleighLateProb.clear(); fAngularResponse.clear(); fPredictedNphotonValues.clear(); fDistInInnerAV.clear(); fDistInAV.clear(); fDistInWater.clear(); fCosThetan.clear(); fInitialLightVec.clear(); fCerenkovSpline.clear(); if(fAngularResponseSpline) delete fAngularResponseSpline; } void EnergyRSP::DefaultSeed() { // Radius = 0.0, direction = -1z, time = 0.0 DS::FitVertex vertex; vertex.SetPosition( TVector3( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ), false, true ); vertex.SetDirection( TVector3( 0.0, 0.0, -1.0 ), false, true ); vertex.SetEnergy( 2.0 , false, true ); vertex.SetEnergyErrors( 1.0, false, true ); vertex.SetTime( 0.0, false, true ); fSeedResult.SetVertex( 0, vertex ); } DS::FitResult EnergyRSP::GetBestFit() { fFitResult.Reset(); if( fPMTData.empty() ) return fFitResult; CopySeedToResult(); DS::FitVertex fitVertex = fFitResult.GetVertex( 0 ); // Get reconstructed event information from seed // True values used by fit coordinator (part 2) to generate table of predicted Cerenkov photons if( fPredictedTableExists ){ fSeedEnergy = fitVertex.GetEnergy(); fEventPosition = fitVertex.GetPosition(); fEventDirection = fitVertex.GetDirection().Unit(); } else{ fSeedEnergy = fDS->GetMC().GetMCParticle(0).GetKineticEnergy(); fEventPosition = fDS->GetMC().GetMCParticle(0).GetPosition(); fEventDirection = fDS->GetMC().GetMCParticle(0).GetMomentum().Unit(); } // Validity flag // If the seed is bad reset it bool valid = true; fEventPositionMag = fEventPosition.Mag(); if ( fEventPositionMag > fRMax ) { valid = false; // Position outside maximum radius fitVertex.SetEnergyValid( valid ); // Leave energy as seed but set validity 'false' } if (!fitVertex.ValidEnergy()) { fitVertex.SetEnergy(0.0, true); fitVertex.SetEnergyErrors(0.0); fitVertex.SetEnergyValid(false); } if( valid ){ // Only perform EnergyRSP if seed position is inside max radius const DU::PMTCalStatus& PMTCalStatus = DU::Utility::Get()->GetPMTCalStatus(); const DU::PMTInfo& pmtInfo = DU::Utility::Get()->GetPMTInfo(); // Check number of channels match if( fNumChannels != pmtInfo.GetCount() ) warn << "EnergyRSP::GetBestFit: Channel numbers do not match!!!" << newline; // Get prompt PMTs fTimeResidualCut->SetD( "lowLimit", twLowLimit ); fTimeResidualCut->SetD( "highLimit", twHighLimit ); fTimeResidualCut->SetI( "useGroup", 1 ); if(fUseRefracted) fTimeResidualCut->SetI( "useRefracted", 1 ); const vector promptPMTs = fTimeResidualCut->GetSelectedPMTs( fPMTData, fitVertex ); const vector promptCalPMTs = fPMTCalSelector->GetSelectedPMTs( promptPMTs, fitVertex ); vector hitChannels( fNumChannels, false ); unsigned int promptNhits = 0, promptNhitsActive = 0; size_t lcn = 0; double fractionGoodCells = 0; for( unsigned int pmt = 0; pmt < promptCalPMTs.size(); pmt++ ){ lcn = promptCalPMTs[pmt].GetID(); if( pmtInfo.GetType( lcn ) != DU::PMTInfo::NORMAL && pmtInfo.GetType( lcn ) != DU::PMTInfo::HQE) continue; promptNhits++; fractionGoodCells = PMTCalStatus.GetChannelStatus( static_cast(lcn) ); if( fractionGoodCells ){ hitChannels[ lcn ] = true; promptNhitsActive++; } } // Calculate effective nhits double nEff = 1.0e-6; if( static_cast(promptNhits) > fNoiseRate ) { nEff = static_cast(promptNhits) - fNoiseRate; } else { // -- Return a bad result if there are insufficient promptNhits debug << "EnergyRSP::GetBestFit:: Effective hits " << promptNhits << " less than noise rate " << fNoiseRate << "! Setting result invalid." << newline; fitVertex.SetEnergy(0.0, false); fitVertex.SetEnergyErrors(0.0); fitVertex.SetEnergyValid(false); fFitResult.SetVertex( 0, fitVertex ); return fFitResult; } // Get initial estimate for Cerenkov photons // If fit coordinator (part 2) has not generated table of predicted Cerenkov photons, use table of true Cerenkov photons to seed method. double nPhotons = 0.0; if( fPredictedTableExists ) nPhotons = Interpolate1D( fSeedEnergy, fPredictedMeVValues, fPredictedNphotonValues ); else nPhotons = Interpolate1D( fSeedEnergy, fMeVValues, fNphotonValues ); // Find active channels and calculate wavelength independent factors of PMT response unsigned int totalActiveChannels = 0; vector activeChannels( fNumChannels, false ); vector wavelengthIndependentPMTResponse( fNumChannels, 0.0 ); fDistInInnerAV.assign( fNumChannels, 0.0 ); fDistInAV.assign( fNumChannels, 0.0 ); fDistInWater.assign( fNumChannels, 0.0 ); fCosThetan.assign( fNumChannels, 0.0 ); fInitialLightVec.assign( fNumChannels, TVector3( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) ); for( lcn = 0; lcn < fNumChannels; lcn++ ){ if( pmtInfo.GetType( lcn ) != DU::PMTInfo::NORMAL && pmtInfo.GetType( lcn ) != DU::PMTInfo::HQE) continue; fractionGoodCells = PMTCalStatus.GetChannelStatus( static_cast(lcn) ); if( fractionGoodCells ){ totalActiveChannels++; activeChannels[ lcn ] = true; const TVector3 pmtPosition = pmtInfo.GetPosition( lcn ); const TVector3 pmtDirection = pmtInfo.GetDirection( lcn ); double wiresponse = wiPMTResponse(pmtPosition,pmtDirection,lcn); if( wiresponse <= 0.0 ) wavelengthIndependentPMTResponse[ lcn ] = 0.0; else wavelengthIndependentPMTResponse[ lcn ] = wiresponse * fractionGoodCells; } } // Modify estimated Cerenkov photons until efective prompt hits and predicted hits match double nPredicted = 1e-6; bool first = true; unsigned int it = 0; double eventEnergy = fSeedEnergy; // To match RSP in SNO save 6 FOMs to try to check how the different scalings contribute // Also add in the rayleigh scattering coeff, and the final response double finalResponse = 0.0; double preMPEResponse = 0.0; double attnInnerAV = 0; double attnAV = 0; double attnCavity = 0; double mpeEffect = 0; double rayleighCoeff = 0; double pmtAngularResponse = 0; // Calculate response for each active PMT vector responsePerPMT(fNumChannels, 0.0); while( (first || abs(100*(nEff*fPhotonScalingFactor/nPredicted)-100.0) > fTolerance) && it < fMaxIterations ){ first = false; double responseNoAttn = 0.0; double responseNoInnerAV = 0.0; double responseNoCavity = 0.0; double responseNoAV = 0.0; double responseNoRayleigh = 0.0; // Generate cubic spline of Cerenkov angular distribution fCerenkovSpline = GenerateCerenkovSpline( eventEnergy ); for( lcn = 0; lcn < fNumChannels; lcn++ ){ if( !activeChannels[ lcn ] ) continue; double cherPMT = CerenkovAngularDist(lcn); double response = 0.0; double pmtResponseNoAttn = 0.0; double pmtResponseNoInnerAV = 0.0; double pmtResponseNoCavity = 0.0; double pmtResponseNoAV = 0.0; double pmtResponseNoRayleigh = 0.0; double oneOverWl2 = 0.0; for( double wl = 220.0; wl <= 710.0; wl = wl+10.0 ){ // wavelength in nm double absInnerAV = 0, absAV = 0, absCavity = 0, rayleigh = 0; double energy = RAT::util::WavelengthToEnergy(wl*nm); // nm to MeV double pmtResp = PMTEfficiency(energy, fCosThetan[lcn], lcn); double wl2 = wl*wl; double attenuation = Attenuation(energy, lcn, absInnerAV, absAV, absCavity, rayleigh); response += pmtResp * attenuation / wl2; pmtResponseNoAttn += (pmtResp / wl2); pmtResponseNoInnerAV += (pmtResp * absAV * absCavity * rayleigh) / wl2; pmtResponseNoAV += (pmtResp * absInnerAV * absCavity * rayleigh) / wl2; pmtResponseNoCavity += (pmtResp * absInnerAV * absAV * rayleigh) / wl2; pmtResponseNoRayleigh += (pmtResp * absInnerAV * absAV * absCavity) / wl2; // To get the individual components need to back out the pmtresponse here // and then the angular response below (wavelength independent) oneOverWl2 += 1.0 /(wl2); } // wl double wicher = wavelengthIndependentPMTResponse[ lcn ] * cherPMT; response *= wicher; response /= oneOverWl2; pmtResponseNoAttn *= wicher / oneOverWl2; pmtResponseNoInnerAV *= wicher / oneOverWl2; pmtResponseNoAV *= wicher / oneOverWl2; pmtResponseNoCavity *= wicher / oneOverWl2; pmtResponseNoRayleigh *= wicher / oneOverWl2; if( response <= 0.0 || std::isnan(response)) responsePerPMT[lcn] = 0.0; else { responsePerPMT[lcn] = response; responseNoAttn += pmtResponseNoAttn; responseNoInnerAV += pmtResponseNoInnerAV; responseNoAV += pmtResponseNoAV; responseNoCavity += pmtResponseNoCavity; responseNoRayleigh += pmtResponseNoRayleigh; } } // lcn nPredicted = 0.0; finalResponse = 0.0; preMPEResponse = 0.0; // Sum estimated photons registering hits for each PMT (corrected for multi-photons) mpeEffect = 0.0; for( unsigned int pmt = 0; pmt < responsePerPMT.size(); pmt++ ){ double pmtMPEEffect = MultiPhotonCorrector(nPhotons * responsePerPMT[pmt]); preMPEResponse += responsePerPMT[pmt]; responsePerPMT[pmt] = responsePerPMT[pmt] * pmtMPEEffect; finalResponse += responsePerPMT[pmt]; mpeEffect += responsePerPMT[pmt]; nPredicted += nPhotons * responsePerPMT[pmt]; } mpeEffect /= preMPEResponse; attnInnerAV = preMPEResponse / responseNoInnerAV; attnAV = preMPEResponse /responseNoAV; attnCavity = preMPEResponse / responseNoCavity; rayleighCoeff = preMPEResponse / responseNoRayleigh; pmtAngularResponse = responseNoAttn; // Modify number of photons nPhotons *= nEff * fPhotonScalingFactor / nPredicted; // Re-calculate event energy, except when generating table of predicted Cerenkov photons in fit coordinator (part 2) if( fPredictedTableExists ) eventEnergy = Interpolate1D( nPhotons, fPredictedNphotonValues , fPredictedMeVValues); it++; } // while // Clear vectors for next event fDistInInnerAV.clear(); fDistInAV.clear(); fDistInWater.clear(); fCosThetan.clear(); fInitialLightVec.clear(); // Calculate additional figures of merit - see DocDB 4971 // Loops over all active channels float medianProbNotHit = 0.0, medianDevNotHit = 0.0; vector probPMT; probPMT.reserve(totalActiveChannels); vector rankPMT(totalActiveChannels, 1.0); if( totalActiveChannels-promptNhitsActive > 0 ) { // using promptNhitsActive instead of promptNhits // Determine median probability of active PMTs that were not hit (promptly) vector probPMTnotHit; probPMTnotHit.reserve(totalActiveChannels-promptNhitsActive); // using promptNhitsActive for( lcn = 0; lcn < fNumChannels; lcn++ ){ if( activeChannels[ lcn ] ){ probPMT.push_back( responsePerPMT[lcn] ); if( !hitChannels[ lcn ] ){ probPMTnotHit.push_back( responsePerPMT[lcn] ); } } } std::nth_element(probPMTnotHit.begin(), probPMTnotHit.begin() + probPMTnotHit.size()/2, probPMTnotHit.end()); medianProbNotHit = probPMTnotHit[probPMTnotHit.size()/2]; sort( probPMT.begin(), probPMT.end() ); // Determine median absolute deviation of active PMTs that were not hit vector absDevPMT; absDevPMT.reserve(probPMTnotHit.size()); for( unsigned int pmt = 0; pmt < probPMTnotHit.size(); pmt++ ){ absDevPMT.push_back( abs( probPMTnotHit[pmt] - medianProbNotHit ) ); } std::nth_element(absDevPMT.begin(), absDevPMT.begin() + absDevPMT.size()/2, absDevPMT.end()); medianDevNotHit = absDevPMT[absDevPMT.size()/2]; // Determine rank of all active PMTs unsigned int firstPMT = 0, lastPMT = 0; float mean = 1.0; for( unsigned int pmt = 0; pmt < probPMT.size()-1; pmt++ ){ rankPMT[pmt] = (float)pmt + 1.0; // equivalent probabilities are assigned a mean rank if( probPMT[pmt+1]==probPMT[pmt] ) { lastPMT = pmt+1; mean += (float)lastPMT + 1.0; } else { if( firstPMT < lastPMT ) { mean /= (lastPMT - firstPMT + 1); for( unsigned int n = firstPMT; n <= lastPMT; n++ ) rankPMT[n] = mean; } firstPMT = pmt+1; mean = (float)firstPMT + 1.0; } } // assign last element rankPMT[probPMT.size()-1] = (float)(probPMT.size()); if( firstPMT < lastPMT ) { mean /= (lastPMT - firstPMT + 1); for( unsigned int n = firstPMT; n <= lastPMT; n++ ) rankPMT[n] = mean; } } // Loops over prompt hit channels float medianProbHit = 0.0, medianDevHit = 0.0; double sumGtest = 0.0, sumRank = 0.0; if( promptNhits > 0 ) { // Determine median probability of hit PMTs vector probPMThit; probPMThit.reserve(promptNhits); double sumProb = 0.0; for( unsigned int pmt = 0; pmt < promptCalPMTs.size(); pmt++ ){ lcn = promptCalPMTs[pmt].GetID(); if( pmtInfo.GetType( lcn ) != DU::PMTInfo::NORMAL && pmtInfo.GetType( lcn ) != DU::PMTInfo::HQE ) // instead of if( hitChannels[ lcn ] ){ continue; probPMThit.push_back( responsePerPMT[lcn] ); sumProb += responsePerPMT[lcn]; } std::nth_element(probPMThit.begin(), probPMThit.begin() + probPMThit.size()/2, probPMThit.end()); medianProbHit = probPMThit[ probPMThit.size()/2 ]; // Determine median absolute deviation of hit PMTs (and calculate G-test and U-test sums) vector absDevPMThit; absDevPMThit.reserve(probPMThit.size()); float prob = 0.0; double norm = nEff/sumProb; // to normalize channel probabilities to the number of hits for( unsigned int pmt = 0; pmt < probPMThit.size(); pmt++ ){ prob = probPMThit[pmt]; absDevPMThit.push_back( abs( prob - medianProbHit ) ); if( prob>0 ) sumGtest += log( 1./(norm*prob) ); for( int n = probPMT.size()-1; n>=0; n-- ){ if( probPMT[n]==prob ){ sumRank += rankPMT[n]; break; } } } std::nth_element(absDevPMThit.begin(), absDevPMThit.begin() + absDevPMThit.size()/2, absDevPMThit.end()); medianDevHit = absDevPMThit[ absDevPMThit.size()/2 ]; } // Store Figures Of Merit fFitResult.SetFOM( "promptHits", promptNhits ); fFitResult.SetFOM( "nCerPhotons", nPhotons ); fFitResult.SetFOM( "MedianProb", medianProbNotHit ); fFitResult.SetFOM( "MedianProbHit", medianProbHit ); fFitResult.SetFOM( "MedianDev", medianDevNotHit ); fFitResult.SetFOM( "MedianDevHit", medianDevHit ); if( promptNhits > 0 ) { fFitResult.SetFOM( "Gtest", sumGtest/promptNhits ); if( totalActiveChannels-promptNhits > 0 ) fFitResult.SetFOM( "Utest", (sumRank-promptNhits*(promptNhits-1)/2.)/promptNhits/(totalActiveChannels-promptNhits) ); else fFitResult.SetFOM( "Utest", 1.1 ); // impossible value } else { fFitResult.SetFOM( "Gtest", 12.0 ); // impossible value fFitResult.SetFOM( "Utest", 1.1 ); // impossible value } if(fStoreDiagnostics) { fFitResult.SetFOM( "finalResponse", finalResponse ); fFitResult.SetFOM( "mpeEffect", mpeEffect ); fFitResult.SetFOM( "attnInnerAV", attnInnerAV ); fFitResult.SetFOM( "attnAV", attnAV ); fFitResult.SetFOM( "attnCavity", attnCavity ); fFitResult.SetFOM( "rayleighCoeff", rayleighCoeff ); fFitResult.SetFOM( "pmtAngularResponse", pmtAngularResponse ); } // Check if result is valid if( eventEnergy < 0.26 ){ debug << "EnergyRSP::GetBestFit: Energy below Cerenkov threshold." << newline; // Keep result because of large resolution at low energies } if( eventEnergy < 0.0 || !isfinite(eventEnergy) ){ debug << "EnergyRSP::GetBestFit: Fit energy negative, infinite, or nan. Setting result invalid." << newline; valid = false; } if( it == fMaxIterations ){ debug << "EnergyRSP::GetBestFit: Reached maximum iterations." << newline; valid = false; } if( !fPredictedTableExists ){ debug << "EnergyRSP::GetBestFit: Predicted Cerenkov photons per MeV table does not exist." << newline; valid = false; } // Set fit result fitVertex.SetEnergy( eventEnergy, valid ); fitVertex.SetEnergyErrors( 1.0 ); } // if( valid ) fFitResult.SetVertex( 0, fitVertex ); return fFitResult; } double EnergyRSP::wiPMTResponse( const TVector3& pmtPos, const TVector3& pmtDir, const int pmtID ) { // Calculate light path if(!fUseRefracted) fLightPath.CalcByPosition( fEventPosition, pmtPos ); else // assumes a wavelength fLightPath.CalcByPosition( fEventPosition, pmtPos, 3.103125 * 1e-6, 10.0 ); TVector3 initialLightVec; double distInInnerAV = 0.0, distInAV = 0.0, distInWater = 0.0; double fresnelTCoeff = 0.0; if( fLightPath.GetPathValid() ) { initialLightVec = (fLightPath.GetInitialLightVec()).Unit(); distInInnerAV = fLightPath.GetDistInInnerAV(); distInAV = fLightPath.GetDistInAV(); distInWater = fLightPath.GetDistInWater(); fLightPath.CalculateFresnelTRCoeff(); fresnelTCoeff = fLightPath.GetFresnelTCoeff(); } else { // make approximations initialLightVec = (pmtPos - fEventPosition).Unit(); double totalDist = (pmtPos - fEventPosition).Mag(); distInAV = 55.118; // av_thickness from NATIVE_GEO_DIMENSIONS.ratdb distInInnerAV = (totalDist - distInAV) / 2.0; distInWater = distInInnerAV; fresnelTCoeff = 1.0; } fLightPath.CalculateSolidAngle( pmtDir, 0 ); double solidAngle = fLightPath.GetSolidAngle(); double cosThetaPMT = fLightPath.GetCosThetaAvg(); // Store values needed for later fInitialLightVec[ pmtID ] = initialLightVec; fDistInInnerAV[ pmtID ] = distInInnerAV; fDistInAV[ pmtID ] = distInAV; fDistInWater[ pmtID ] = distInWater; fCosThetan[ pmtID ] = cosThetaPMT; // Get Channel Efficiency double chanEff = fChannelEfficiency->GetChannelEfficiency( pmtID ); // Wavelength independent factors for PMT response: // PMT solid angle // Fresnel transmission probability // Channel Efficiency double response = ( solidAngle / (4*pi) ) * fresnelTCoeff * chanEff; return response; } double EnergyRSP::CerenkovAngularDist( const int pmtID ) { double eventDirDotInitialLightVec = fEventDirection.Dot(fInitialLightVec[ pmtID ]); double scalefactor = Interpolate1DSpline( eventDirDotInitialLightVec, fEventDirDotInitialLightVecValues, fCerenkovSpline ); if( scalefactor > 0.0 ) return scalefactor; else return 0.0; } double EnergyRSP::PMTEfficiency( const double energy, const double CosThetan, const int pmtID ) { double acceptance = 0; double angle = acos( -1.0 * CosThetan ) / CLHEP::degree; if( fUsePMTdisc ) { // see DiscOpticalModel.cc int iTheta = static_cast( angle + 0.5 ); double wavelength = RAT::util::EnergyToWavelength( energy ); // MeV to nm int iWavelength = static_cast( wavelength/10.0 + 0.5 ); // Want in units of 10 nm iWavelength -= 22; // Data file starts at 220 nm thus 22 = index 0, and runs to 710 nm acceptance = fAbsorptionProb[ iTheta + iWavelength * 90 ]; } else { acceptance = fAngularResponseSpline->Eval( angle ); // degrees acceptance *= fPEEscapeProbability->Value( energy ); // MeV } // PMT efficiency: // PMT collection efficiency // PMT acceptance (angular response and quantum efficiency) // Relative PMT efficiency double pmtEfficiency = 0; if( acceptance > 0.0 ) pmtEfficiency = fCollectionEfficiency * acceptance * fPMTVariation->GetVariation( pmtID ); return pmtEfficiency; } double EnergyRSP::Attenuation( const double energy, const int pmtID, double& absInnerAV, double& absAV, double& absCavity, double& rayleigh ) { // Get absorption and Rayleigh scattering lengths double innerAVAbsLength = fInnerAV_ABSLENGTH->Value( energy ); double innerAVRSLength = fInnerAV_RSLENGTH->Value( energy ); double avAbsLength = fAV_ABSLENGTH->Value( energy ); double avRSLength = fAV_RSLENGTH->Value( energy ); double cavityAbsLength = fCavity_ABSLENGTH->Value( energy ); double cavityRSLength = fCavity_RSLENGTH->Value( energy ); // Get distances travelled in each medium double distInInnerAV = fDistInInnerAV[ pmtID ]; double distInAV = fDistInAV[ pmtID ]; double distInWater = fDistInWater[ pmtID ]; // Calculate absorption absInnerAV = exp(-distInInnerAV / innerAVAbsLength); absAV = exp(-distInAV / avAbsLength); absCavity = exp(-distInWater / cavityAbsLength); double absorption = absInnerAV * absAV * absCavity; // Get probability that a Rayleigh scattered photon will be late double initialLightVecDotEventPos = fInitialLightVec[ pmtID ].Dot(fEventPosition.Unit()); double RayleighLateProb = RayleighLookup(pow(fEventPositionMag/fInnerAVRadius, 3), initialLightVecDotEventPos); // Calculate Rayleigh scattering rayleigh = 0; if( RayleighLateProb >= 0.0 && RayleighLateProb <= 1.0 && fEventPositionMag < fRMax) { rayleigh = 1 - ((1 - exp( - distInInnerAV/innerAVRSLength - distInAV/avRSLength - distInWater/cavityRSLength )) * RayleighLateProb); } else if( RayleighLateProb > 1.0 ){ rayleigh = 1 - ((1 - exp( - distInInnerAV/innerAVRSLength - distInAV/avRSLength - distInWater/cavityRSLength ))); } else if( RayleighLateProb < 0.0 ){ rayleigh = 1; } // Calculate attenuation: // Absorption and Rayleigh scattering double attenuation = absorption * rayleigh; return attenuation; } double EnergyRSP::MultiPhotonCorrector( const double photons ) { // Correct for multi-photons using a Poisson estimate double corrector = 0.0; if(photons>0){ corrector = (1-exp(-photons))/photons; } else if(photons==0){ corrector = 1; } else{ debug << "EnergyRSP::MultiPhotonCorrector: Negative number of photons" << newline; } return corrector; } // 1D interpolation using TSpline3 method for selected values double EnergyRSP::Interpolate1DSpline( const double inValue, const vector& inTable, const vector& outTable ) { if( inTable.size() != outTable.size() ){ debug << "EnergyRSP::Interpolate tables do not match in size" << newline; } // Find lowest inTable value greater than inValue int inTableEntry = distance( inTable.begin(), find_if( inTable.begin(), inTable.end(), bind2nd(greater(),inValue) ) ); // Set points to use vector x(6, 0); vector y(6, 0); int startEntry = inTableEntry - 3; int endEntry = inTableEntry + 2; int idx = 0; for(int i = startEntry; i <= endEntry; i++) { if((i >= 0) && (i < static_cast(inTable.size()))) { x[idx] = inTable[i]; y[idx] = outTable[i]; idx++; } } if(idx!=6) { x.resize(idx); y.resize(idx); } TSpline3 Spline("spline",&x[0],&y[0],x.size()); return Spline.Eval(inValue); } // 1D linear interpolation double EnergyRSP::Interpolate1D( const double inValue, const vector& inTable, const vector& outTable ) { if( inTable.size() != outTable.size() ){ debug << "EnergyRSP::Interpolate tables do not match in size" << newline; } // Find lowest inTable value greater than inValue int inTableEntry = distance( inTable.begin(), find_if( inTable.begin(), inTable.end(), bind2nd(greater(),inValue) ) ); // If inValue < inTable.begin() use inTableEntry=1 and extrapolate from lowest two points if(inTableEntry==0) inTableEntry=1; // Return linear interpolation return (outTable[inTableEntry-1]*(inTable[inTableEntry]-inValue)+outTable[inTableEntry]*(inValue-inTable[inTableEntry-1]))/(inTable[inTableEntry]-inTable[inTableEntry-1]); } double EnergyRSP::RayleighLookup( const double radius, const double eventDotLightVec ) { // For some reason the data file bin values are bin centres! int radiusBin = (radius - (fRadialMin - fRadialWidth/2)) / fRadialWidth; if(radiusBin < 0) radiusBin = 0; else if(radiusBin > static_cast(fRadialSize)-1) radiusBin = fRadialSize-1; int dotBin = (eventDotLightVec - (fDirectionDotVecMin - fDirectionDotVecWidth/2)) / fDirectionDotVecWidth; if(dotBin < 0) dotBin = 0; else if(dotBin > static_cast(fDirectionDotVecSize)-1) dotBin = fDirectionDotVecSize-1; return fRayleighLateProb[radiusBin * fDirectionDotVecSize + dotBin]; } // Generate vector of interpolated Cerenkov angular distribution vector EnergyRSP::GenerateCerenkovSpline( const double energy ) { if( fEventDirDotInitialLightVecValues.size() * fMeVValues.size() != fCerenkovAngularDist.size() ){ debug << "EnergyRSP::GenerateCerenkovSpline: Tables do not match in size" << newline; } // Create vector of interpolated Cerenkov angular distribution for seed energy vector fCerenkovAngularDist_interp; for( unsigned int i=0; i yValues; for( unsigned int j=0; j properties = db->GetLink("OPTICS", materialName)->GetSArray("PROPERTY_LIST"); for(vector::const_iterator iProperty = properties.begin(); iProperty != properties.end(); ++iProperty) { if(*iProperty == "ABSLENGTH0" || *iProperty == "ABSLENGTH") (*abslength) = Optics::LoadWavelengthPropertyVector( *iProperty, db->GetLink("OPTICS",materialName) ); if(*iProperty == "RSLENGTH0" || *iProperty == "RSLENGTH") (*rindex) = Optics::LoadWavelengthPropertyVector( *iProperty, db->GetLink("OPTICS",materialName) ); } }