#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "TFile.h" #include "TH1F.h" #include "TMath.h" //#define DEBUG using namespace RAT; using namespace ROOT; MultiPathWaterDirection::MultiPathWaterDirection() { // parameter definitions fPars.push_back(Parameter("theta",628,-CLHEP::pi,CLHEP::pi)); fPars.push_back(Parameter("phi",942,-CLHEP::pi,2.0*CLHEP::pi)); } void MultiPathWaterDirection::BeginOfRun(DS::Run&) { #ifdef MULTIPATH_FIXED_SEED stepd = 0.0001; #endif DB* db = DB::Get(); DBLinkPtr dbLink = db->GetLink( "FIT_MULTIPATH_ANGLE" ); std::vector fPDFDataChAngle = dbLink->GetDArray( "sPDFAngle_ChFit" ); double fAngleBinWidth = dbLink->GetD( "angle_bin_width" ); double fAngleOffset = dbLink->GetD( "angle_offset" ); /// Drive correction parameters DBLinkPtr dbLinkDrive = db->GetLink( "FIT_MULTIPATH" ); fDriveCorEnable = dbLinkDrive->GetZ( "driveCor_enable" ); fDrivePositionScale = dbLinkDrive->GetD( "driveCor_p0" ); fDriveDirectionScale = dbLinkDrive->GetD( "driveCor_p1" ); fEntriesAngle = fPDFDataChAngle.size(); for (int j = 0; j < fEntriesAngle; j++) { fPDFxChAngle.push_back(fAngleBinWidth * static_cast(j+1) - fAngleOffset); fPDFChAngle.push_back(fPDFDataChAngle[j]); } for (int j = 0; j < fEntriesAngle - 1; j++) { fDerivativeChAngle.push_back((fPDFChAngle[j+1] - fPDFChAngle[j])/fAngleBinWidth); } #ifdef DEBUG //Check the fitting pdfs and their derivatives for any event TFile f("pdfDerivatives_MultiPathWaterDirection.root","RECREATE"); TH1F h3("h3","pdfAngleCh",200,1.0,200.0); TH1F h3x("h3x","pdfXAngleCh",200,1.0,200.0); TH1F dh3("dh3","DerivativeAngleCh",200,1.0,200.0); for(int j = 0; j < fEntriesAngle - 1 ; j++) { h3.SetBinContent(j+1, fPDFChAngle[j]); h3x.SetBinContent(j+1, fPDFxChAngle[j]); dh3.SetBinContent(j+1, fDerivativeChAngle[j]); } f.cd(); h3.Write(); h3x.Write(); dh3.Write(); f.Close(); #endif // DEBUG } void MultiPathWaterDirection::Initialise(const std::string&) { } std::vector MultiPathWaterDirection::GetStart() { // Could set up a seed here, but I'm not using it for now (from aTime and aVertex) #ifdef MULTIPATH_FIXED_SEED double ranPi = stepd; double ran2Pi = 2.0*stepd; stepd += 0.0001; if (stepd > CLHEP::pi) stepd = 0.0001; #else double ranPi = CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot(0.0, CLHEP::pi); double ran2Pi = CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot(0.0, 2.0*CLHEP::pi); #endif std::vector v; v.push_back(ranPi); // theta v.push_back(ran2Pi); // phi return v; } void MultiPathWaterDirection::LAnddLdCosTheta_Ch(double cosTheta, double& L_Ch, double& dLdCosTheta_Ch) { int ibin = (int)floor( ( cosTheta + 1.0 ) * 100.0 ); if (ibin > 0 && ibin < fEntriesAngle - 2) { double dAngle = cosTheta - fPDFxChAngle[ibin]; L_Ch = (fPDFChAngle[ibin] + fDerivativeChAngle[ibin] * dAngle); if (dAngle < 0.005) { double u = 100.0 * dAngle + 0.02; dLdCosTheta_Ch = u*fDerivativeChAngle[ibin] + (1.0-u)*fDerivativeChAngle[ibin-1]; } else { double u = 100.0 * dAngle - 0.02; dLdCosTheta_Ch = (1.0-u)*fDerivativeChAngle[ibin] + u*fDerivativeChAngle[ibin+1]; }// end of the if statement if dAngle<0.005 } else if (ibin <= 0) { L_Ch = fPDFChAngle[0]; dLdCosTheta_Ch = fDerivativeChAngle[0]; } else { L_Ch = fPDFChAngle[fEntriesAngle - 2]; dLdCosTheta_Ch = fDerivativeChAngle[fEntriesAngle - 2]; } } void MultiPathWaterDirection::SetSeed(const DS::FitResult& result) { DS::FitVertex vertex = result.GetVertex(0); TVector3 pos = vertex.GetPosition(); fVertex.clear(); fVertex.push_back(pos.X()); fVertex.push_back(pos.Y()); fVertex.push_back(pos.Z()); fVertex.push_back(vertex.GetTime()); } DS::FitResult MultiPathWaterDirection::MakeResult(const std::vector& pars) { TVector3 v(fVertex[0], fVertex[1], fVertex[2]); TVector3 d; d.SetMagThetaPhi(1.0, pars[0], pars[1]); DS::FitVertex vertex; vertex.SetPosition(v); vertex.SetDirection(d); /// Update the vertex after drive correction. /// Note: if run the MP fitter alone, the drive corrected position is done here, to obtain: /// ev.GetFitResult("multipathdirection").GetVertex(0).GetPosition(); /// If run the MP fitter in the waterFitter recipe, the drive correction is made in the recipe. if( fDriveCorEnable ) { TVector3 vCor; vCor = fDrivePositionScale*v + fDriveDirectionScale*d; vertex.SetPosition(vCor); } vertex.SetTime(fVertex[3]); DS::FitResult result; result.SetVertex(0, vertex); return result; } bool MultiPathWaterDirection::ValidResult(const std::vector&) { return true; } double MultiPathWaterDirection::Calculate(const std::vector& pmt, const std::vector& par, std::vector& diff) { double coszenith = cos(par[0]); double sinzenith = sin(par[0]); double cosazimuth = cos(par[1]); double sinazimuth = sin(par[1]); double dx = pmt[0] - fVertex[0]; double dy = pmt[1] - fVertex[1]; double dz = pmt[2] - fVertex[2]; double dmag = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz); dx /= dmag; dy /= dmag; dz /= dmag; double dirx = sinzenith * cosazimuth; double diry = sinzenith * sinazimuth; double dirz = coszenith; double ddthetax = coszenith * cosazimuth; double ddthetay = coszenith * sinazimuth; double ddthetaz = - sinzenith; double ddphix = - sinzenith * sinazimuth; double ddphiy = sinzenith * cosazimuth; double ddphiz = 0.0; double cosTheta = dirx*dx + diry*dy + dirz*dz; double L = 0.0; double dLdCosThetaCh = 0.0; LAnddLdCosTheta_Ch(cosTheta, L, dLdCosThetaCh); double factor = dLdCosThetaCh / L; diff.assign(2, 0.0); diff[0] = factor * (ddthetax*dx + ddthetay*dy + ddthetaz*dz); diff[1] = factor * (ddphix*dx + ddphiy*dy + ddphiz*dz); L = log(L); #ifdef DEBUG debug << "AWD::CL pmt=(" << pmt[0] << "," << pmt[1] << "," << pmt[2] << ")\n"; debug << " costheta=" << cosTheta << " dL=" << dLdCosThetaCh << "\n"; debug << " L=" << L << " diff=(" << diff[0] << "," << diff[1] << ")\n"; #endif return L; }