#include #include #include #include #include using namespace RAT; #include #include #include using namespace CLHEP; using namespace std; void Optics::LoadOptics() { DBLinkGroup optics = DB::Get()->GetLinkGroup( "OPTICS" ); DBLinkGroup::iterator iMaterialOptics; for( iMaterialOptics = optics.begin(); iMaterialOptics != optics.end(); ++iMaterialOptics ) { const string name = iMaterialOptics->first; DBLinkPtr dbTable = iMaterialOptics->second; Log::Assert( G4Material::GetMaterial( name ) != NULL, "Optics::LoadOptics: Optical properties defined for non-existant material." ); LoadOpticalProperties( name, dbTable ); } } void Optics::LoadOpticalProperties( const std::string& name, DBLinkPtr dbTable ) { vector properties; try { properties = dbTable->GetSArray( "PROPERTY_LIST" ); } catch( DBNotFoundError& e ) { Log::Die( "Optics::LoadOpticalProperties: No PROPERTY_LIST for material " + name ); } G4Material* material = G4Material::GetMaterial( name ); G4MaterialPropertiesTable* propertiesTable = material->GetMaterialPropertiesTable(); // Now loop over and load in the properties bool absScaling = false, rsScaling = false, mieScaling = false; for( vector::const_iterator iProperty = properties.begin(); iProperty != properties.end(); ++iProperty ) { if( *iProperty == string( "LIGHT_YIELD" ) || *iProperty == string( "MIEHG_FORWARD" ) || *iProperty == string( "MIEHG_BACKWARD" ) || *iProperty == string( "MIEHG_FORWARD_RATIO" ) || *iProperty == string( "RINDEX_MEAN" ) || *iProperty == string( "RS_SCALE_FACTOR" ) ) propertiesTable->AddConstProperty( iProperty->c_str(), dbTable->GetD( *iProperty ) ); else if( *iProperty == string( "ISOTHERMAL_COMPRESSIBILITY" ) ) propertiesTable->AddConstProperty( iProperty->c_str(), dbTable->GetD( *iProperty ) / pascal ); // Convert units else if( *iProperty == string( "NUM_COMP" ) ) propertiesTable->AddConstProperty( iProperty->c_str(), dbTable->GetI( *iProperty ) ); else if( *iProperty == string( "ABSLENGTH_SCALING" ) ) absScaling = true; else if( *iProperty == string( "RSLENGTH_SCALING" ) ) rsScaling = true; else if( *iProperty == string( "MIEHG_SCALING" ) ) mieScaling = true; else if( *iProperty == string( "RINDEX" ) || *iProperty == string( "KINDEX" ) || *iProperty == string( "SCINTILLATION" ) || iProperty->find( "SCINTILLATION_WLS" ) != string::npos || iProperty->find( "ABSLENGTH" ) != string::npos || iProperty->find( "RSLENGTH") != string::npos || iProperty->find( "MIEHG" ) != string::npos || *iProperty == string( "GROUPVEL" ) || iProperty->find( "REEMISSION_PROB" ) != string::npos) // Note this loads in optical component vectors, rescale occurs later if needed propertiesTable->AddProperty( iProperty->c_str(), LoadWavelengthPropertyVector( *iProperty, dbTable ) ); else if( *iProperty == string( "SCINTWAVEFORM" ) || *iProperty == string( "SCINTWAVEFORMalpha" ) || iProperty->find( "REEMITWAVEFORM" ) != string::npos || *iProperty == string( "SCINTMOD" ) || *iProperty == string( "SCINTMODalpha" ) || *iProperty == string( "SCINTMODneutron" ) ) propertiesTable->AddProperty( iProperty->c_str(), LoadPropertyVector( *iProperty, dbTable ) ); else if (*iProperty == string("SCINT_RISE_TIME")) propertiesTable->AddConstProperty(iProperty->c_str(), dbTable->GetD(*iProperty)); else Log::Die( "Optics::LoadOpticalProperties: Unknown property " + *iProperty ); } try { const int numComp = dbTable->GetI( "NUM_COMP" ); // Must duplicate the SCINTILLATION_WLS data (if it exists), this should change with #191 G4MaterialPropertyVector* current = propertiesTable->GetProperty( "SCINTILLATION_WLS" ); if( current != NULL ) { for( int component = 0; component < numComp; component++ ) { stringstream propertyName; propertyName << "SCINTILLATION_WLS" << component; if( propertiesTable->GetProperty( propertyName.str().c_str() ) != NULL ) continue; // Copy the SCINTILLATION_WLS vector, this has to be done awkwardly... G4MaterialPropertyVector* copy = new G4MaterialPropertyVector(); for( size_t bin = 0; bin < current->GetVectorLength(); bin++ ) copy->InsertValues( current->Energy( bin ), (*current)[bin] ); propertiesTable->AddProperty( propertyName.str().c_str(), copy ); } } } catch( DBNotFoundError& e ) { /* Not a problem */ } // Now rescale ABSLENGTH, RSLENGTH and MIEHG if there are multiple components but Only rescale if a single property doesn't exist, i.e. the scaling is required if( absScaling ) { if( propertiesTable->GetProperty( "ABSLENGTH" ) == NULL ) RescaleProperty( dbTable, propertiesTable, "ABSLENGTH" ); else Log::Die( "Optics::LoadOpticalProperties: ABSLENGTH is defined alongside ABSLENGTH_SCALING." ); } if( rsScaling ) { if( propertiesTable->GetProperty( "RSLENGTH" ) == NULL ) RescaleProperty( dbTable, propertiesTable, "RSLENGTH" ); else Log::Die( "Optics::LoadOpticalProperties: RSLENGTH is defined alongside RSLENGTH_SCALING." ); } if( mieScaling ) { if( propertiesTable->GetProperty( "MIEHG" ) == NULL ) RescaleProperty( dbTable, propertiesTable, "MIEHG" ); else Log::Die( "Optics::LoadOpticalProperties: MIEHG is defined alongside MIEHG_SCALING." ); } } void Optics::RescaleProperty( DBLinkPtr dbTable, G4MaterialPropertiesTable* propertiesTable, const std::string& property ) { vector scalings; try { scalings = dbTable->GetDArray( property + "_SCALING" ); } catch( DBNotFoundError& e ) { warn << "No " + property + " for " + dbTable->GetIndex() << newline; return; } vector reciprocalSum; vector energies; for( size_t iScale = 0; iScale < scalings.size(); iScale++ ) { stringstream propertyName; propertyName << property << iScale; G4MaterialPropertyVector* current = propertiesTable->GetProperty( propertyName.str().c_str() ); if( current == NULL ) // No guarantee this component has this property continue; if( reciprocalSum.empty() ) { reciprocalSum.resize( current->GetVectorLength(), 0.0 ); energies.resize( current->GetVectorLength(), -1.0 ); } else if( reciprocalSum.size() != current->GetVectorLength() ) Log::Die( "Optics::RescaleProperty: " + property + " components are different length arrays." ); current->ScaleVector( 1.0, 1.0 / scalings[iScale] ); // Scale the values (not energy) for( size_t bin = 0; bin < current->GetVectorLength(); bin++ ) { reciprocalSum[bin] += 1.0 / (*current)[bin]; energies[bin] = current->Energy( bin ); } } // This is empty if no component data exists, in which case don't add the property to the properties table if( reciprocalSum.empty() ) return; G4MaterialPropertyVector* total = new G4MaterialPropertyVector(); for( size_t bin = 0; bin < energies.size(); bin++ ) total->InsertValues( energies[bin], 1.0 / reciprocalSum[bin] ); propertiesTable->AddProperty( property.c_str(), total ); } G4MaterialPropertyVector* Optics::LoadPropertyVector( const std::string& propertyName, DBLinkPtr dbTable ) { vector val1, val2; try { val1 = dbTable->GetDArray( propertyName + "_value1" ); val2 = dbTable->GetDArray( propertyName + "_value2" ); } catch( DBNotFoundError& e ) { Log::Die( "Optics::LoadOpticalProperties: Values missing for " + propertyName ); } Log::Assert( val1.size() == val2.size() && !val1.empty(), "Optics::LoadOpticalProperties: Value arrays are miss-sized for " + propertyName ); G4MaterialPropertyVector* propertyVector = new G4MaterialPropertyVector(); int start = 0, dir = +1; if( val1.front() > val1.back() ) // Must reverse order { start = val1.size() - 1; dir = -1; } for(int index = start; index >=0 && index < int(val1.size()); index += dir) propertyVector->InsertValues( val1[index], val2[index] ); return propertyVector; } G4MaterialPropertyVector* Optics::LoadWavelengthPropertyVector( const std::string& propertyName, DBLinkPtr dbTable ) { enum EWavelength { eWavelength, eDyWavelength, eEnergy }; int wavelengthOption = eEnergy; try { const string option = dbTable->GetS( propertyName + "_option" ); if( option == string( "wavelength" ) ) wavelengthOption = eWavelength; else if( option == string( "dy_dwavelength" ) ) wavelengthOption = eDyWavelength; else if( option == string( "energy" ) ) wavelengthOption = eEnergy; else Log::Die( "Optics::LoadPropertyVector: Unknown wavelength option for " + propertyName ); } catch( DBNotFoundError& e ) { Log::Die( "Optics::LoadPropertyVector: Unknown wavelength option for " + propertyName ); } vector val1, val2; try { val1 = dbTable->GetDArray( propertyName + "_value1" ); val2 = dbTable->GetDArray( propertyName + "_value2" ); } catch( DBNotFoundError& e ) { Log::Die( "Optics::LoadPropertyVector: Values missing for " + propertyName ); } Log::Assert( val1.size() == val2.size() && !val1.empty(), "Optics::LoadPropertyVector: Value arrays are miss-sized for " + propertyName ); // Now must ensure created G4MaterailPropertyVector is ordered ascending in energy. By default go forward over values. int start = 0, dir = +1; if( wavelengthOption != eEnergy && val1.front() < val1.back() ) // Must invert the order as energy is 1/wavelength { start = val1.size() - 1; dir = -1; } else if( wavelengthOption == eEnergy && val1.front() > val1.back() ) // Must invert the energy order { start = val1.size() - 1; dir = -1; } G4MaterialPropertyVector* propertyVector = new G4MaterialPropertyVector(); for( int index = start; index >= 0 && index < static_cast( val1.size() ); index += dir ) { double energy = val1[index]; double value = val2[index]; switch( wavelengthOption ) { case eDyWavelength: energy = twopi * hbarc / ( val1[index] * nm ); value *= val1[index] / energy; // Times value by the break; case eWavelength: energy = twopi * hbarc / ( val1[index] * nm ); break; } propertyVector->InsertValues( energy, value ); } return propertyVector; }