//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Author: Andy Rushton Copyright: (c) Andy Rushton, 2004 License: BSD License, see ../docs/license.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "os_fixes.hpp" #include "textio.hpp" #include "dprintf.hpp" #include "string_utilities.hpp" #include //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // error codes const int textio_uninitialised = -1; const int textio_put_failed = -2; const int textio_format_error = -3; const int textio_get_failed = -4; const int textio_open_failed = -5; static std::string textio_error_string(int error) { switch(error) { case 0: return std::string("no error"); case textio_uninitialised: return std::string("the TextIO device hasn't been initialised"); case textio_put_failed: return std::string("an attempt to put text failed"); case textio_format_error: return std::string("a format error was found reading input"); case textio_get_failed: return std::string("an attempt to get text failed"); case textio_open_failed: return std::string("the device could not be opened"); default: return std::string("unknown error number " + to_string(error)); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Output //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// std::string to_string(otext::newline_t mode) { switch(mode) { case otext::binary_mode: return std::string("binary"); case otext::unix_mode: return std::string("unix"); case otext::msdos_mode: return std::string("msdos"); case otext::macos_mode: return std::string("macos"); } return std::string("*unknown mode*"); } std::string to_string(otext::open_t mode) { switch(mode) { case otext::overwrite: return std::string("overwrite"); case otext::append: return std::string("append"); } return std::string("*unknown mode*"); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// otext::otext (void) : m_buffer(0) { } otext::otext (obuff* b) : m_buffer(0) { open(b); } otext::~otext (void) { close(); } bool otext::initialised (void) const { return m_buffer != 0; } void otext::open (obuff* b) { close(); m_buffer = b; if (m_buffer) m_buffer->m_aliases++; } void otext::close (void) { if (m_buffer) { if (--m_buffer->m_aliases == 0) delete m_buffer; m_buffer = 0; } } otext::otext (const otext& source) : m_buffer(0) { if (m_buffer != source.m_buffer) open(source.m_buffer); } otext& otext::operator = (const otext& source) { if (m_buffer != source.m_buffer) open(source.m_buffer); return *this; } bool otext::error (void) const { return error_number() != 0; } int otext::error_number (void) const { return m_buffer ? m_buffer->error_number() : textio_uninitialised; } std::string otext::error_string(void) const { if (!error()) return std::string(); return m_buffer ? m_buffer->error_string() : textio_error_string(textio_uninitialised); } void otext::set_error(int error_) { if (m_buffer) m_buffer->set_error(error_); } void otext::clear_error (void) { if (m_buffer) m_buffer->clear_error(); } void otext::set_newline_mode(otext::newline_t newline_) { if (m_buffer) m_buffer->set_newline_mode(newline_); } void otext::set_unix_mode(void) { set_newline_mode(otext::unix_mode); } void otext::set_msdos_mode(void) { set_newline_mode(otext::msdos_mode); } void otext::set_macos_mode(void) { set_newline_mode(otext::macos_mode); } void otext::set_native_mode(void) { set_newline_mode(otext::native_mode); } void otext::set_binary_mode(void) { set_newline_mode(otext::binary_mode); } otext::newline_t otext::newline_mode(void) const { return m_buffer ? m_buffer->newline_mode() : otext::native_mode; } bool otext::is_unix_mode(void) const { return newline_mode() == otext::unix_mode; } bool otext::is_msdos_mode(void) const { return newline_mode() == otext::msdos_mode; } bool otext::is_macos_mode(void) const { return newline_mode() == otext::macos_mode; } bool otext::is_native_mode(void) const { return newline_mode() == otext::native_mode; } bool otext::is_binary_mode(void) const { return newline_mode() == otext::binary_mode; } void otext::set_integer_width(unsigned width) { if (m_buffer) m_buffer->set_integer_width(width); } unsigned otext::integer_width(void) const { return m_buffer ? m_buffer->integer_width() : 0; } void otext::set_integer_radix(unsigned radix) { if (m_buffer) m_buffer->set_integer_radix(radix); } unsigned otext::integer_radix(void) const { return m_buffer ? m_buffer->integer_radix() : 0; } void otext::set_integer_display(radix_display_t display) { if (m_buffer) m_buffer->set_integer_display(display); } radix_display_t otext::integer_display(void) const { return m_buffer ? m_buffer->integer_display() : radix_c_style_or_hash; } void otext::set_real_width(unsigned width) { if (m_buffer) m_buffer->set_real_width(width); } unsigned otext::real_width(void) const { return m_buffer ? m_buffer->real_width() : 0; } void otext::set_real_precision(unsigned width) { if (m_buffer) m_buffer->set_real_precision(width); } unsigned otext::real_precision(void) const { return m_buffer ? m_buffer->real_precision() : 0; } void otext::set_real_display(real_display_t display) { if (m_buffer) m_buffer->set_real_display(display); } real_display_t otext::real_display(void) const { return m_buffer ? m_buffer->real_display() : display_mixed; } bool otext::put (int ch) { if (!m_buffer) return false; bool success = true; // its illegal to put a value outside the range of unsigned char if (ch < 0 || ch > 255) { set_error(textio_put_failed); success = false; } else if (ch != newline) { // no special handling for non-newline characters if (m_buffer->put((unsigned char)ch)) m_buffer->increment(); else { set_error(textio_put_failed); success = false; } } else { switch(m_buffer->newline_mode()) { case otext::unix_mode: // convert the abstract newline character to the literal linefeed character if (m_buffer->put('\xa')) m_buffer->increment(true); else { set_error(textio_put_failed); success = false; } // test for line buffer condition only on end-of-line if (m_buffer->line_buffer()) flush(); break; case otext::msdos_mode: // convert the abstract newline character to the literal carriage-return/linefeed pair if (m_buffer->put('\xd')) m_buffer->increment(); else { set_error(textio_put_failed); success = false; } if (m_buffer->put('\xa')) m_buffer->increment(true); else { set_error(textio_put_failed); success = false; } // test for line buffer condition only on end-of-line if (m_buffer->line_buffer()) flush(); break; case otext::macos_mode: // convert the abstract newline character to the literal carriage-return character if (m_buffer->put('\xd')) m_buffer->increment(true); else { set_error(textio_put_failed); success = false; } // test for line buffer condition only on end-of-line if (m_buffer->line_buffer()) flush(); break; case otext::binary_mode: // raw data mode so no special handling of newlines if (m_buffer->put((unsigned char)ch)) m_buffer->increment(true); else { set_error(textio_put_failed); success = false; } break; } } return success; } bool otext::put (const char* str) { // treat a null string as acceptable - the method does nothing but returns a success flag if (!str) return true; bool result = true; // C arrays are null terminated for (unsigned i = 0; str[i]; ++i) { // rely on the put method to set the error status if (!put((unsigned char)str[i])) result = false; } return result; } bool otext::put (const std::string& str) { bool result = true; // STL strings are delimited by their size method and may contain nulls // it would therefore be a bug to call str.c_str() and use the above put(char*) for (unsigned i = 0; i < str.size(); ++i) { // rely on the put method to set the error status if (!put((unsigned char)str[i])) result = false; } return result; } unsigned long otext::bytes (void) const { return m_buffer ? m_buffer->bytes() : 0; } unsigned otext::line (void) const { return m_buffer ? m_buffer->line() : 0; } unsigned otext::column (void) const { return m_buffer ? m_buffer->column() : 0; } void otext::flush (void) { if (m_buffer) m_buffer->flush(); } otext::operator bool (void) const { return !error(); } bool otext::operator ! (void) const { return error(); } otext& otext::operator << (char ch) { put((unsigned char)ch); return *this; } otext& otext::operator << (signed char ch) { put((unsigned char)ch); return *this; } otext& otext::operator << (unsigned char ch) { put(ch); return *this; } otext& otext::operator << (const char* str) { put(str); return *this; } otext& otext::operator << (const std::string& str) { put(str); return *this; } otext& otext::operator << (const std::vector& str) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < str.size(); i++) { operator << (str[i]); operator << (newline); } return *this; } otext& otext::operator << (bool b) { return operator << (b ? '1' : '0'); } otext& otext::operator << (short s) { try { operator << (to_string(s, integer_radix(), integer_display(), integer_width())); } catch(const std::invalid_argument) { set_error(textio_format_error); } return *this; } otext& otext::operator << (unsigned short s) { try { operator << (to_string(s, integer_radix(), integer_display(), integer_width())); } catch(const std::invalid_argument) { set_error(textio_format_error); } return *this; } otext& otext::operator << (int i) { try { operator << (to_string(i, integer_radix(), integer_display(), integer_width())); } catch(const std::invalid_argument) { set_error(textio_format_error); } return *this; } otext& otext::operator << (unsigned int i) { try { operator << (to_string(i, integer_radix(), integer_display(), integer_width())); } catch(const std::invalid_argument) { set_error(textio_format_error); } return *this; } otext& otext::operator << (long l) { try { operator << (to_string(l, integer_radix(), integer_display(), integer_width())); } catch(const std::invalid_argument) { set_error(textio_format_error); } return *this; } otext& otext::operator << (unsigned long l) { try { operator << (to_string(l, integer_radix(), integer_display(), integer_width())); } catch(const std::invalid_argument) { set_error(textio_format_error); } return *this; } otext& otext::operator << (long long l) { try { operator << (to_string(l, integer_radix(), integer_display(), integer_width())); } catch(const std::invalid_argument) { set_error(textio_format_error); } return *this; } otext& otext::operator << (float f) { try { operator << (to_string(f, real_display(), real_width(), real_precision())); } catch(const std::invalid_argument) { set_error(textio_format_error); } return *this; } otext& otext::operator << (double d) { try { operator << (to_string(d, real_display(), real_width(), real_precision())); } catch(const std::invalid_argument) { set_error(textio_format_error); } return *this; } otext& otext::operator << (const void* p) { try { operator << (to_string(p, 16, integer_display(), integer_width())); } catch(const std::invalid_argument) { set_error(textio_format_error); } return *this; } otext& otext::operator << (otext::manipulator_function fn) { if (fn) fn(*this); return *this; } otext& otext::operator << (itext& in) { while (in) put((unsigned char)in.get()); return *this; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // otext Manipulators void flush (otext& ot) { ot.flush(); } void endl (otext& ot) { ot.put(newline); } void close (otext& ot) { ot.close(); } void hex(otext& ot) { ot.set_integer_radix(16); } void oct(otext& ot) { ot.set_integer_radix(8); } void dec(otext& ot) { ot.set_integer_radix(10); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Input //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// std::string to_string(itext::newline_t mode) { switch(mode) { case itext::binary_mode: return std::string("binary"); case itext::convert_mode: return std::string("convert"); } return std::string("*unknown mode*"); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// itext::itext (void) : m_buffer(0) { } itext::itext (ibuff* b) : m_buffer(0) { open(b); } itext::~itext (void) { close(); } bool itext::initialised (void) const { return m_buffer != 0; } void itext::open (ibuff* b) { close(); m_buffer = b; if (m_buffer) m_buffer->m_aliases++; } void itext::close (void) { if (m_buffer) { if (--m_buffer->m_aliases == 0) delete m_buffer; m_buffer = 0; } } itext::itext (const itext& source) : m_buffer(0) { if (m_buffer != source.m_buffer) open(source.m_buffer); } itext& itext::operator = (const itext& source) { if (m_buffer != source.m_buffer) open(source.m_buffer); return *this; } bool itext::error (void) const { return error_number() != 0; } int itext::error_number (void) const { return m_buffer ? m_buffer->error_number() : textio_uninitialised; } std::string itext::error_string(void) const { if (!error()) return std::string(); return m_buffer ? m_buffer->error_string() : textio_error_string(textio_uninitialised); } void itext::set_error(int error_) { if (m_buffer) m_buffer->set_error(error_); } void itext::clear_error (void) { if (m_buffer) m_buffer->clear_error(); } void itext::set_newline_mode(itext::newline_t nl) { if (m_buffer) m_buffer->set_newline_mode(nl); } void itext::set_convert_mode(void) { set_newline_mode(itext::convert_mode); } void itext::set_binary_mode(void) { set_newline_mode(itext::binary_mode); } itext::newline_t itext::newline_mode(void) const { return m_buffer ? m_buffer->newline_mode() : itext::convert_mode; } bool itext::is_convert_mode(void) { return newline_mode() == itext::convert_mode; } bool itext::is_binary_mode(void) { return newline_mode() == itext::binary_mode; } bool itext::eof (void) { return peek() == -1; } bool itext::eoln (void) { return peek() == newline; } int itext::peek (void) { if (!m_buffer) return -1; int ch = m_buffer->peek(); if (m_buffer->newline_mode() == itext::convert_mode) { switch(ch) { case '\xd': // carriage-return case '\xa': // line-feed ch = newline; break; default: break; } } return ch; } int itext::get (void) { if (!m_buffer) return -1; // get a raw character from the input buffer int ch = m_buffer->get(); // Note: it used to be an error to get an eof // However, this seems unnecessary - input buffers should be designed to just return -1 repeatedly // It is then legal to get an eof any number of times if (ch == -1) return -1; // optionally do line-end conversion if this cg=haracter is a line-end character if (m_buffer->newline_mode() == itext::convert_mode) { switch(ch) { case '\xd': // carriage-return - optionally followed by linefeed ch = newline; if (m_buffer->peek() == '\xa') { m_buffer->get(); m_buffer->increment(); } break; case '\xa': // linefeed ch = newline; break; default: break; } } m_buffer->increment(ch == newline); return ch; } unsigned long itext::bytes (void) const { return m_buffer ? m_buffer->bytes() : 0; } unsigned itext::line (void) const { return m_buffer ? m_buffer->line() : 0; } unsigned itext::column (void) const { return m_buffer ? m_buffer->column() : 0; } bool itext::good (void) { return !error() && !eof(); } itext::operator bool (void) { return good(); } bool itext::operator ! (void) { return !good(); } itext& itext::operator >> (char& c) { // TODO - test for out of range or eof value c = (char)get(); return *this; } itext& itext::operator >> (signed char& c) { // TODO - test for out of range or eof value c = (signed char)get(); return *this; } itext& itext::operator >> (unsigned char& c) { // TODO - test for out of range or eof value c = (unsigned char)get(); return *this; } static std::string get_token(itext& str) { // Keep number handling simple by just getting a token // let the string-to-numeric conversions detect any errors // TODO - be fussier and allow other delimiters std::string result; int ch = 0; skipwhite(str); // get token for (ch = str.peek(); ch !=-1 && !isspace(ch); ch = str.peek()) result += (char)str.get(); return result; } itext& itext::operator >> (std::string& s) { s = get_token(*this); return *this; } bool itext::getline(std::string& line_) { line_.erase(); bool result = false; for (;;) { int ch = peek(); if (ch == -1) break; result = true; ch = get(); if (ch == newline) break; line_ += (char)ch; } return result; } itext& itext::operator >> (std::vector& d) { d.clear(); std::string line; while(getline(line)) d.push_back(line); return *this; } itext& itext::operator >> (bool& b) { try { b = to_bool(get_token(*this)); } catch(const std::invalid_argument) { set_error(textio_format_error); } return *this; } itext& itext::operator >> (short& s) { try { s = to_short(get_token(*this)); } catch(const std::invalid_argument) { set_error(textio_format_error); } return *this; } itext& itext::operator >> (unsigned short& us) { try { us = to_ushort(get_token(*this)); } catch(const std::invalid_argument) { set_error(textio_format_error); } return *this; } itext& itext::operator >> (int& i) { try { i = to_int(get_token(*this)); } catch(const std::invalid_argument) { set_error(textio_format_error); } return *this; } itext& itext::operator >> (unsigned int& u) { try { u = to_uint(get_token(*this)); } catch(const std::invalid_argument) { set_error(textio_format_error); } return *this; } itext& itext::operator >> (long& l) { try { l = to_long(get_token(*this)); } catch(const std::invalid_argument) { set_error(textio_format_error); } return *this; } itext& itext::operator >> (unsigned long& ul) { try { ul = to_ulong(get_token(*this)); } catch(const std::invalid_argument) { set_error(textio_format_error); } return *this; } itext& itext::operator >> (float& f) { try { f = to_float(get_token(*this)); } catch(const std::invalid_argument) { set_error(textio_format_error); } return *this; } itext& itext::operator >> (double& d) { try { d = to_double(get_token(*this)); } catch(const std::invalid_argument) { set_error(textio_format_error); } return *this; } itext& itext::operator >> (void*& p) { try { p = to_void_star(get_token(*this)); } catch(const std::invalid_argument) { set_error(textio_format_error); } return *this; } itext& itext::operator >> (itext::manipulator_function fn) { if (fn) fn(*this); return *this; } itext& itext::operator >> (otext& out) { while (good()) out.put(get()); return *this; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////; // itext manipulators void skipwhite (itext& it) { for (int ch = it.peek(); ch != -1 && isspace(ch); ch = it.peek()) it.get(); } void skiponewhite (itext& it) { int ch = it.peek(); if (ch != -1 && isspace(ch)) it.get(); } void skipspaces (itext& it) { for (int ch = it.peek(); ch != -1 && ch != newline && isspace(ch); ch = it.peek()) it.get(); } void skipline (itext& it) { for (int ch = it.peek(); ch !=-1 ; ch = it.peek()) { it.get(); if (ch==newline) break; } } void skipendl (itext& it) { for (int ch = it.peek(); ch != -1 && isspace(ch); ch = it.peek()) { it.get(); if (ch==newline) break; } } void close (itext& it) { it.close(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // obuff obuff::obuff (bool line_buffer_, otext::newline_t newline_) : m_line_buffer(line_buffer_), m_newline(newline_), m_bytes(0), m_line(1), m_column(0), m_integer_width(0), m_integer_radix(10), m_integer_display(radix_c_style_or_hash), m_real_width(0), m_real_precision(6), m_real_display(display_mixed), m_error_number(0), m_aliases(0) { } obuff::~obuff (void) { } void obuff::increment(bool newline_) { m_bytes++; if (newline_) { m_line++; m_column = 0; } else { m_column++; } } unsigned long obuff::bytes(void) const { return m_bytes; } unsigned obuff::line(void) const { return m_line; } unsigned obuff::column(void) const { return m_column; } bool obuff::line_buffer(void) const { return m_line_buffer; } void obuff::set_line_buffer(bool mode) { m_line_buffer = mode; } void obuff::set_newline_mode(otext::newline_t newline_) { m_newline = newline_; } otext::newline_t obuff::newline_mode(void) const { return m_newline; } unsigned obuff::integer_width(void) const { return m_integer_width; } void obuff::set_integer_width(unsigned width) { m_integer_width = width; } unsigned obuff::integer_radix(void) const { return m_integer_radix; } void obuff::set_integer_radix(unsigned radix) { m_integer_radix = radix; } radix_display_t obuff::integer_display(void) const { return m_integer_display; } void obuff::set_integer_display(radix_display_t display) { m_integer_display = display; } unsigned obuff::real_width(void) const { return m_real_width; } void obuff::set_real_width(unsigned width) { m_real_width = width; } unsigned obuff::real_precision(void) const { return m_real_precision; } void obuff::set_real_precision(unsigned precision) { m_real_precision = precision; } real_display_t obuff::real_display(void) const { return m_real_display; } void obuff::set_real_display(real_display_t display) { m_real_display = display; } void obuff::set_error(int error) { if (!m_error_number) m_error_number = error; } void obuff::clear_error(void) { m_error_number = 0; } int obuff::error_number (void) const { return m_error_number; } std::string obuff::error_string(void) const { return textio_error_string(error_number()); } void obuff::flush (void) { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ibuff ibuff::ibuff (itext::newline_t newline_) : m_newline_mode(newline_), m_bytes(0), m_line(1), m_column(0), m_error_number(0), m_aliases(0) { } ibuff::~ibuff (void) { } void ibuff::increment(bool newline_) { m_bytes++; if (newline_) { m_line++; m_column = 0; } else { m_column++; } } unsigned long ibuff::bytes(void) const { return m_bytes; } unsigned ibuff::line(void) const { return m_line; } unsigned ibuff::column(void) const { return m_column; } void ibuff::set_newline_mode(itext::newline_t newline_) { m_newline_mode = newline_; } itext::newline_t ibuff::newline_mode(void) const { return m_newline_mode; } void ibuff::set_error(int error) { if (!m_error_number) m_error_number = error; } void ibuff::clear_error(void) { m_error_number = 0; } int ibuff::error_number (void) const { return m_error_number; } std::string ibuff::error_string(void) const { return textio_error_string(error_number()); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////