"""rattest __init__ Author: Andy Mastbaum <mastbaum@hep.upenn.edu> Revision history: 15-09-2015 F. Descamps: add handling of 'proclast' syntax """ import sys import os.path import shutil import re from math import sqrt # ROOT changes into whatever directory it finds in the command line args _argv = sys.argv sys.argv = sys.argv[:1] import ROOT from ROOT import gROOT, gSystem, TFile, TH1, TCanvas, kRed, kBlue, kDashed sys.argv = _argv gROOT.SetBatch(True) gROOT.ProcessLine(".x "+os.path.join(os.environ['RATROOT'], 'rootinit.C')) TH1.SetDefaultSumw2() # Detect if we already loaded the dictionary, for example inside RAT already if ROOT.TClassTable.GetID("RAT::DS::Root") == -1: gROOT.ProcessLine(".x "+os.path.join(os.environ['RATROOT'], "rootinit.C")) from ROOT import RAT ### Other modules ### import os.path import re def target_needs_update(target, sources): if not os.path.exists(target): return True else: target_date = os.path.getmtime(target) for source in sources: if target_date < os.path.getmtime(source): return True return False def find_outfile_name(filename): f = file(filename).read() dsmatch = re.search(r'/rat/proc[last]*\s+outroot\s+/rat/procset\s+file\s+"(.+)"', f) socmatch = re.search(r'/rat/proc[last]*\s+outsoc\s+/rat/procset\s+file\s+"(.+)"', f) ntuplematch = re.search(r'/rat/proc[last]*\s+outntuple\s+/rat/procset\s+file\s+"(.+)"', f) if dsmatch: return dsmatch.group(1) elif socmatch: return socmatch.group(1) elif ntuplematch: return ntuplematch.group(1) else: return None def dir_to_strlist(directory): l = [] for obj in directory.GetListOfKeys(): l.append(obj.GetName()) return l class RatTest: def __init__(self, config_file): self.config_file = config_file self.testdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(config_file)) # Create default name out of bottom level dir name self.name = os.path.basename(self.testdir) self.description = '' # Load testcase settings from file and store all attributes in this object params = {} # Set default of no fixing of random seed self.seed = -1 # Set default of 1% threshold on KS tests self.KS_threshold = 0.01 execfile(self.config_file, {}, params) for k,v in params.items(): setattr(self, k, v) # Expand full paths self.rat_macro = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.testdir, self.rat_macro)) self.root_macro = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.testdir, self.root_macro)) self.rat_script = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.environ['RATROOT'], 'bin', 'rat')) self.rat_bin = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.environ['RATROOT'], 'bin', 'rat_%s' % os.environ['RATSYSTEM'])) # Find name of file holding events self.event_file = os.path.join(self.testdir, find_outfile_name(self.rat_macro)) print 'Event file:', self.event_file # Generate names of standard and current output files self.standard_results = os.path.join(self.testdir, 'standard.root') self.current_results = os.path.join(self.testdir, 'current.root') def run(self, regen_mc=False, regen_plots=False, html=None): print '='*5, 'Run Test:', self.name, '='*5 self._do_run(regen_mc=regen_mc, regen_plots=regen_plots) if html: html.header(name=self.name, description=self.description) return self.compare_hists(self.standard_results, self.current_results, html=html) def update(self, regen_mc=False, regen_plots=False): print '='*5, 'Update Test:', self.name, '='*5 self._do_run(regen_mc=regen_mc, regen_plots=regen_plots) print 'Copying current results to master file of standard results' shutil.copyfile(self.current_results, self.standard_results) def _do_run(self, regen_mc, regen_plots): if regen_mc or target_needs_update(self.event_file, [self.rat_macro, self.rat_script, self.rat_bin]): self.run_rat() if regen_plots or target_needs_update(self.current_results, [self.event_file, self.root_macro]): self.run_root() def run_rat(self): if self.seed == -1: self.run_cmd_in_testdir('rat ' + os.path.basename(self.rat_macro)) else: self.run_cmd_in_testdir('rat -s ' + str(self.seed) + ' ' + os.path.basename(self.rat_macro)) def run_root(self): cwd = os.getcwd() try: os.chdir(self.testdir) gSystem.ChangeDirectory(self.testdir) if hasattr(self, 'output_type'): # New style compiled macro gSystem.CompileMacro(os.path.basename(self.root_macro), "f", os.path.basename(self.root_macro)) outfile = TFile(self.current_results, 'RECREATE') outfile.cd() if self.output_type == "ds": dsreader = RAT.DU.DSReader(self.event_file) ROOT.make_plots(dsreader, outfile) elif self.output_type == "soc": socreader = RAT.DU.SOCReader(self.event_file) ROOT.make_plots(socreader, outfile) elif self.output_type == "ntuple": event_file = TFile(self.event_file) event_tree = event_file.Get('output') ROOT.make_plots(event_file, event_tree, outfile) event_file.Close() outfile.Close() gSystem.Unload('%s.so' % os.path.basename(self.root_macro)) # Unload the macro try: del ROOT.make_plots except AttributeError: print "rattest: problem deleting ROOT.make_plots" try: del ROOT.ROOT.make_plots except AttributeError: print "rattest: problem deleting ROOT.ROOT.make_plots" else: # Old style uncompiled macro used gROOT.ProcessLine('.L ' + os.path.basename(self.root_macro)) event_file = TFile(self.event_file) event_tree = event_file.Get('T') outfile = TFile(self.current_results, 'RECREATE') outfile.cd() ROOT.make_plots(event_file, event_tree, outfile) event_file.Close() outfile.Close() finally: os.chdir(cwd) def run_cmd_in_testdir(self, cmd): cwd = os.getcwd() try: os.chdir(self.testdir) print 'Running:', cmd os.system(cmd) finally: os.chdir(cwd) def compare_hists(self, master_fname, current_fname,html=None): master_file = TFile(master_fname) current_file = TFile(current_fname) master_objs = set(dir_to_strlist(master_file)) current_objs = set(dir_to_strlist(current_file)) m_only = master_objs.difference(current_objs) both = master_objs.intersection(current_objs) c_only = current_objs.difference(master_objs) if len(m_only) != 0: print 'WARNING: master contains', ' '.join(m_only), 'and current test does not.' if len(c_only) != 0: print 'WARNING: current test file contains', ' '.join(list(c_only)), 'and master does not.' if (len(both) == 0): print "ERROR: current test file contains none of the histograms in master" overall_success = False return overall_success #failure rate set in config file (KS_threshold), defaults to 1% (independent of number of hists) #a perfect match for all distributions can be required by setting the KS_threshold equal to 1 critical_probability = self.KS_threshold/len(both) overall_success = True for objname in both: c_obj = current_file.Get(objname) m_obj = master_file.Get(objname) prob = m_obj.KolmogorovTest(c_obj) if m_obj.GetEntries() == 0 and c_obj.GetEntries() == 0: prob = 1 print "Comparing", objname, ":", c_obj.GetTitle() #Require a perfect match if desired, else test against critical_probability if self.KS_threshold == 1.0: if prob == 1.0: success = True print " SUCCESS", else: success = False overall_success = False print " FAILURE", else: if prob > critical_probability: success = True print " SUCCESS", else: success = False overall_success = False print " FAILURE", print ": KS prob =", prob plotfile = os.path.join(self.testdir, objname+'.png') self.draw_hist(plotfile, m_obj, c_obj) fit_parameters = self.get_fit(m_obj, c_obj) if html: html.hist(name=objname, description='', prob=prob, success=success, plotname=os.path.basename(plotfile), parameters=fit_parameters) return overall_success def draw_hist(self, plotfile, master, current): c1 = TCanvas('c1', '', 600, 400) master.SetLineColor(kBlue) current.SetLineColor(kRed) current.SetLineStyle(kDashed) all_min = min(master.GetMinimum(), current.GetMinimum()) all_max = max(master.GetMaximum(), current.GetMaximum()) span = all_max - all_min master.SetMinimum(all_min - 0.1 * span) master.SetMaximum(all_max + 0.1 * span) master.Draw() current.Draw("SAME") try: print "logX" in self.plot_options and self.plot_options["logX"] == True if "logX" in self.plot_options and self.plot_options["logX"] == True and master.GetBinLowEdge(1) > 0.0: c1.SetLogx() if "logY" in self.plot_options and self.plot_options["logY"] == True and master.GetMinimum() > 0.0: c1.SetLogy() except AttributeError: # There are no plot options in the file pass c1.Update() c1.Print(plotfile) def get_fit(self, master_hist, current_hist): master_funclist = master_hist.GetListOfFunctions() current_funclist = current_hist.GetListOfFunctions() if master_funclist.GetSize() == 0 or current_funclist.GetSize() == 0: return None # Don't plot fit function parameters # Assume only 1 fit function master_func = master_funclist.At(0) current_func = current_funclist.At(0) # Make sure these are really functions if master_func.Class().GetName() != 'TF1' \ or current_func.Class().GetName() != 'TF1': return None npar = master_func.GetNpar() parameters = [] for ipar in xrange(npar): parameter = { 'name' : master_func.GetParName(ipar), 'm_val': master_func.GetParameter(ipar), 'm_err': master_func.GetParError(ipar), 'c_val': current_func.GetParameter(ipar), 'c_err': current_func.GetParError(ipar) } parameter['delta'] = parameter['c_val'] - parameter['m_val'] parameter['sigma'] = abs(parameter['delta']) \ / sqrt(parameter['m_err']**2 + parameter['c_err']**2) parameters.append(parameter) return parameters class RatHtml: def __init__(self, htmlname): self.htmlname = htmlname self.plots = [] def header(self, name, description): self.name = name self.description = description def hist(self, name, description, prob, success, plotname, parameters): p = {'name': name, 'description': description, 'prob': prob, 'plotname': plotname, 'parameters': parameters} if success: p['result'] = '<font color="green">Success</font>' else: p['result'] = '<font color="red">Failure</font>' self.plots.append(p) def write(self): self.plots.sort(cmp=lambda x,y: cmp(x['name'], y['name'])) f = file(self.htmlname, 'w') f.write( ''' <html> <head> <title>RAT Test: %(name)s</title> </head> <body> <h1>RAT Test: %(name)s</h1> <p>%(description)s</p> ''' % { 'name' : self.name, 'description' : self.description}) for p in self.plots: f.write( ''' <hr> <h3>%(name)s: %(result)s</h3> <p>%(description)s</p> <center>''' % p) f.write( ''' <img src="%(plotname)s"><br> <font color="blue">Blue: Standard</font>, <font color="red">Red: Current Code</font><br> <p>KS Probability: %(prob)f</p>''' % p) # Optional table showing fit parameters if p['parameters']: f.write(''' <table border="1"> <tr><th>Parameter Name</th><th>Standard</th><th>Current</th><th>Diff</th></tr> ''') for par in p['parameters']: f.write('<tr><td>%(name)s</td><td>%(m_val)f (+/- %(m_err)1.3f)</td><td>%(c_val)f (+/- %(c_err)1.3f)</td><td>' % par) if par['sigma'] > 2.0: f.write('<font color="red">') else: f.write('<font color="green">') f.write('%(sigma)1.1fσ</font></td></tr>\n' % par) f.write('</table>\n') f.write(''' </center> ''' % p ) def make_template(testname): ## RAT test config f = open('rattest.config', 'w') f.write("""# -*- python-*- description = '''Put your description here.''' rat_macro = '%(testname)s.mac' root_macro = '%(testname)s.C' output_type = 'ds' # or soc or ntuple """ % { 'testname' : testname }) f.close() ## RAT macro f = open('%s.mac' % (testname,), 'w') f.write(''' /PhysicsList/OmitMuonicProcesses true /PhysicsList/OmitHadronicProcesses true /run/initialize # BEGIN EVENT LOOP /rat/proc count /rat/procset update 5 /rat/proc outroot /rat/procset file "%s.root" # END EVENT LOOP /generator/add combo gun:point /generator/vtx/set e- 0 0 0 1.0 /generator/pos/set 0 0 0 /generator/rate/set 1 /rat/run/start 1000 ''' % (testname,) ) f.close() ## ROOT macro f = open('%s.C' % (testname,), 'w') f.write('''#include <TFile.h> #include <TTree.h> #include <TH1F.h> void make_plots(TFile* event_file, TTree* T, TFile* out_file) { TH1F* hNumPE = new TH1F("hNumPE", "Number of photoelectrons/keV", 40, 1, 10); hNumPE->SetYTitle("Events per bin"); hNumPE->SetXTitle("detected photoelectrons/keV"); T->Draw("numPE/(mc.particle.ke*1000)>>hNumPE","","goff"); hNumPE->Fit("gaus"); out_file->cd(); hNumPE->Write(); } ''')