// GLG4VertexGen.cc // Contact person: Phil Jones // See GLG4VertexGen.hh for more details //———————————————————————// #include "globals.hh" #include "G4ParticleDefinition.hh" #include "G4ParticleTable.hh" #include "G4IonTable.hh" #include "G4Ions.hh" #include "G4OpticalPhoton.hh" #include "G4Event.hh" #include "G4Track.hh" #include "G4HEPEvtParticle.hh" #include #include "Randomize.hh" #include #include // for strcmp #include #if defined( __GNUC__ ) && __GNUC__ < 3 extern "C" { FILE *popen (const char *__command, const char *__modes) throw(); int pclose (FILE *__stream) throw(); } #else #include // for popen #endif // we assume STL compatibility below #include #include #include using namespace CLHEP; using namespace std; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const char * GLG4VertexGen_Gun::fTheElementNames[] = { "H", "He", "Li", "Be", "B", "C", "N", "O", "F", "Ne", "Na", "Mg", "Al", "Si", "P", "S", "Cl", "Ar", "K", "Ca", "Sc", "Ti", "V", "Cr", "Mn", "Fe", "Co", "Ni", "Cu", "Zn", "Ga", "Ge", "As", "Se", "Br", "Kr", "Rb", "Sr", "Y", "Zr", "Nb", "Mo","Tc", "Ru", "Rh", "Pd", "Ag", "Cd", "In", "Sn", "Sb", "Te", "I", "Xe", "Cs", "Ba", "La", "Ce", "Pr", "Nd", "Pm", "Sm", "Eu", "Gd", "Tb", "Dy", "Ho", "Er", "Tm", "Yb", "Lu", "Hf", "Ta", "W", "Re", "Os", "Ir", "Pt", "Au", "Hg", "Tl", "Pb", "Bi", "Po", "At", "Rn", "Fr", "Ra", "Ac", "Th", "Pa", "U", "Np", "Pu", "Am", "Cm", "Bk", "Cf", "Es", "Fm", "Md", "No", "Lr", "Rf", "Db", "Sg", "Bh", "Hs", "Mt", "Xa" }; GLG4VertexGen_Gun::GLG4VertexGen_Gun(const char *arg_dbname) : GLG4VertexGen(arg_dbname), fMom(0.,0.,0.), fKe(0.0), fPol(0.,0.,0.), fMultiplicity(1), fRandom(0) { fPDef= G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->FindParticle("geantino"); } GLG4VertexGen_Gun::~GLG4VertexGen_Gun() { } /** Generates one or more particles with a specified momentum, or isotropic momentum with specific energy, and specified polarization, or uniformly random polarization, based on parameters set via SetState() */ void GLG4VertexGen_Gun:: GeneratePrimaryVertex(G4Event *argEvent, G4ThreeVector &dx, G4double dt) { int max; if (fRandom==1){max=(int)(fMultiplicity*G4UniformRand()+1);}//!explain in header else{max=fMultiplicity;} for (int imult=0; imultFindParticle("geantino"); } G4double mass= fPDef->GetPDGMass(); G4PrimaryParticle* particle; G4ThreeVector dir; if (fMom.mag2() > 0.0) { // fixed momentum and direction particle= new G4PrimaryParticle(fPDef, // particle code fMom.x(), // x component of momentum fMom.y(), // y component of momentum fMom.z()); // z component of momentum dir= fMom.unit(); } else { // isotropic direction /* generate random ThreeVector of unit length isotropically distributed on sphere by cutting two circles from a rectangular area and mapping circles onto top and bottom of sphere. N.B. the square of the radius is a uniform random variable. -GAHS. */ while (1) { double u,v,q2; // try first circle u= 3.5*G4UniformRand()-1.75; v= 2.0*G4UniformRand()-1.0; q2= u*u + v*v; if (q2 < 1.0) { double rho_over_q= sqrt(2.0-q2); dir= G4ThreeVector( u*rho_over_q, v*rho_over_q, 1.0-q2 ); break; } // try second circle u= (u>0.0) ? u-1.75 : u+1.75; v= (v>0.0) ? v-1.00 : v+1.00; q2= u*u + v*v; if (q2 < 1.0) { double rho_over_q= sqrt(2.0-q2); dir= G4ThreeVector( u*rho_over_q, v*rho_over_q, q2-1.0 ); break; } } G4ThreeVector rmom( dir * sqrt(fKe*(fKe+2.*mass)) ); particle= new G4PrimaryParticle(fPDef, // particle code rmom.x(), // x component of momentum rmom.y(), // y component of momentum rmom.z() ); // z component of momentum } // adjust polarization if needed if (fPDef->GetPDGSpin() == 1.0 && mass == 0.0) { // spin 1 mass 0 particles should have transverse polarization G4ThreeVector rpol= fPol - dir * (dir*fPol); G4double rpolmag= rpol.mag(); if (rpolmag > 0.0) { // use projected orthogonal pol, normalized rpol *= (1.0/rpolmag); } else { // choose random pol G4double phi= (G4UniformRand()*2.0-1.0)*pi; G4ThreeVector e1= dir.orthogonal().unit(); G4ThreeVector e2= dir.cross(e1); rpol= e1*cos(phi)+e2*sin(phi); } particle->SetPolarization(rpol.x(), rpol.y(), rpol.z()); } else { // use user-set polarization unmodified particle->SetPolarization(fPol.x(), fPol.y(), fPol.z()); } particle->SetMass(mass); // Geant4 is silly. vertex->SetPrimary( particle ); argEvent->AddPrimaryVertex(vertex); } } /** Set state of the GLG4VertexGen_Gun, or show current state and explanation of state syntax if empty string provided. Format of argument to GLG4VertexGen_Gun::SetState: "pname momx_MeV momy_MeV momz_MeV KE_MeV polx poly polz mult rand", where - pname is the name of a particle type (e-, mu-, U238, ...) - mom*_MeV is a momentum in MeV/c - KE_MeV is an optional override for kinetic energy - pol* is an optional polarization vector. If mom*_MeV==0 and KE_MeV!=0, then random isotropic directions chosen. If pol*==0, then random transverse polarization for photons. - mult is an optional multiplicity of the particles. - rand is the possibility to vary the number of particles from event to event that: fMultiplicity*G4UniformRand()+1; */ void GLG4VertexGen_Gun:: SetState(G4String newValues) { newValues = util_strip_default(newValues); if (newValues.length() == 0) { // print help and current state G4cout << "Current state of this GLG4VertexGen_Gun:\n" << " \"" << GetState() << "\"\n" << G4endl; G4cout << "Format of argument to GLG4VertexGen_Gun::SetState: \n" " \"pname momx_MeV momy_MeV momz_MeV KE_MeV polx poly polz mult\"\n" " where pname is the name of a particle type (e-, mu-, U238, ...)\n" " mom*_MeV is a momentum in MeV/c\n" " KE_MeV is an optional override for kinetic energy\n" " pol* is an optional polarization vector.\n" " mult is an optional multiplicity of the particles.\n" " mom*_MeV==0 and KE_MeV!=0 --> random isotropic directions chosen\n" " pol*==0 --> random transverse polarization for photons.\n" << G4endl; return; } std::istringstream is(newValues.c_str()); // set particle std::string pname; is >> pname; if (is.fail() || pname.length()==0) return; G4ParticleDefinition * newTestGunG4Code = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->FindParticle(pname); if (newTestGunG4Code == NULL) { // not a particle name // see if we can parse it as an ion, e.g., U238 or Bi214 std::string elementName; int A,Z; if (pname[1] >= '0' && pname[1] <='9') { A= atoi(pname.substr(1).c_str()); elementName= pname.substr(0,1); } else { A= atoi(pname.substr(2).c_str()); elementName= pname.substr(0,2); } if (A > 0) { for (Z=1; Z<=fNumberOfElements; Z++) if (elementName == fTheElementNames[Z-1]) break; if (Z <= fNumberOfElements) newTestGunG4Code=G4IonTable::GetIonTable()->GetIon(Z, A, 0.0); } if (newTestGunG4Code == NULL) { G4cerr << "test gun particle type not changed! Could not" " find " << pname << G4endl; return; } } fPDef= newTestGunG4Code; // set momentum G4double x,y,z; is >> x >> y >> z; if (is.fail()) return; fMom= G4ThreeVector(x*MeV,y*MeV,z*MeV); fKe= sqrt(fMom.mag2()+fPDef->GetPDGMass()*fPDef->GetPDGMass()) - fPDef->GetPDGMass(); // optional override of kinetic energy G4double p_renorm; is >> x; if (is.fail()) { return; } if (x <= 0.0) { p_renorm = 0.0; fKe= 0.0; } else { fKe= x*MeV; if (fMom.mag2() <= 0.0) p_renorm= 0.0; else p_renorm= sqrt( fKe*(fKe+2.0*newTestGunG4Code->GetPDGMass()) / fMom.mag2() ); } fMom *= p_renorm; // set particle polarization is >> x >> y >> z; if (is.fail()) return; fPol= G4ThreeVector(x,y,z); // set multiplicity is >> fMultiplicity; // set if random is >> fRandom; if (is.fail()) { fRandom=0; return;} } G4String GLG4VertexGen_Gun:: GetState() { std::ostringstream os; if (fPDef == 0) { fPDef= G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->FindParticle("geantino"); } os << fPDef->GetParticleName() << '\t' << fMom.x() << ' ' << fMom.y() << ' ' << fMom.z() << '\t' << fKe << '\t' << fPol.x() << ' ' << fPol.y() << ' ' << fPol.z() << '\t' << fMultiplicity << ' '<< fRandom << std::ends; G4String rv(os.str()); return rv; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Gun V2 const char * GLG4VertexGen_Gun2::fTheElementNames[] = { "H", "He", "Li", "Be", "B", "C", "N", "O", "F", "Ne", "Na", "Mg", "Al", "Si", "P", "S", "Cl", "Ar", "K", "Ca", "Sc", "Ti", "V", "Cr", "Mn", "Fe", "Co", "Ni", "Cu", "Zn", "Ga", "Ge", "As", "Se", "Br", "Kr", "Rb", "Sr", "Y", "Zr", "Nb", "Mo","Tc", "Ru", "Rh", "Pd", "Ag", "Cd", "In", "Sn", "Sb", "Te", "I", "Xe", "Cs", "Ba", "La", "Ce", "Pr", "Nd", "Pm", "Sm", "Eu", "Gd", "Tb", "Dy", "Ho", "Er", "Tm", "Yb", "Lu", "Hf", "Ta", "W", "Re", "Os", "Ir", "Pt", "Au", "Hg", "Tl", "Pb", "Bi", "Po", "At", "Rn", "Fr", "Ra", "Ac", "Th", "Pa", "U", "Np", "Pu", "Am", "Cm", "Bk", "Cf", "Es", "Fm", "Md", "No", "Lr", "Rf", "Db", "Sg", "Bh", "Hs", "Mt", "Xa" }; GLG4VertexGen_Gun2::GLG4VertexGen_Gun2(const char *arg_dbname) : GLG4VertexGen(arg_dbname), fMom(0.,0.,0.), fKe1(0.0), fKe2(0.0), fPol(0.,0.,0.), fMultiplicity(1) { fPDef= G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->FindParticle("geantino"); } GLG4VertexGen_Gun2::~GLG4VertexGen_Gun2() { } /** Generates one or more particles with a specified momentum, or isotropic momentum with specific energy, and specified polarization, or uniformly random polarization, based on parameters set via SetState() */ void GLG4VertexGen_Gun2:: GeneratePrimaryVertex(G4Event *argEvent, G4ThreeVector &dx, G4double dt) { G4PrimaryVertex* vertex= new G4PrimaryVertex( dx, dt ); if (fPDef == 0) { fPDef= G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->FindParticle("geantino"); } G4double mass= fPDef->GetPDGMass(); G4PrimaryParticle* particle; G4double _ke = (fKe2 - fKe1)*G4UniformRand()+fKe1; G4ThreeVector dir; if (fMom.mag2() > 0.0) { if (fMomTheta > 0.0){ // emission into a cone of angle fMomTheta G4double phi= twopi* G4UniformRand(); G4double cosTheta = 1.0 - (1.0 - cos(fMomTheta)) * G4UniformRand(); G4double sinTheta = sqrt(1. - cosTheta * cosTheta); G4double ux = sinTheta * cos(phi); G4double uy = sinTheta * sin(phi); G4double uz = cosTheta; dir = G4ThreeVector(ux,uy,uz); dir.rotateY(fMom.theta()); dir.rotateZ(fMom.phi()); } else dir = fMom; dir *= sqrt( _ke*(_ke+2*mass) / dir.mag2() ); particle= new G4PrimaryParticle(fPDef, // particle code dir.x(), // x component of momentum dir.y(), // y component of momentum dir.z() ); // z component of momentum dir = dir.unit(); } else { // isotropic direction G4double phi= twopi* G4UniformRand(); G4double cosTheta = -1. + 2. * G4UniformRand(); G4double sinTheta = sqrt(1. - cosTheta * cosTheta); G4double ux = sinTheta * cos(phi); G4double uy = sinTheta * sin(phi); G4double uz = cosTheta; dir = G4ThreeVector(ux,uy,uz); G4ThreeVector rmom( dir * sqrt(_ke*(_ke+2.*mass)) ); particle= new G4PrimaryParticle(fPDef, // particle code rmom.x(), // x component of momentum rmom.y(), // y component of momentum rmom.z() ); // z component of momentum } // adjust polarization if needed if (fPDef->GetPDGSpin() == 1.0 && mass == 0.0) { // spin 1 mass 0 particles should have transverse polarization G4ThreeVector rpol= fPol - dir * (dir*fPol); G4double rpolmag= rpol.mag(); if (rpolmag > 0.0) { // use projected orthogonal pol, normalized rpol *= (1.0/rpolmag); } else { // choose random pol G4double phi= (G4UniformRand()*2.0-1.0)*pi; G4ThreeVector e1= dir.orthogonal().unit(); G4ThreeVector e2= dir.cross(e1); rpol= e1*cos(phi)+e2*sin(phi); } particle->SetPolarization(rpol.x(), rpol.y(), rpol.z()); } else { // use user-set polarization unmodified particle->SetPolarization(fPol.x(), fPol.y(), fPol.z()); } particle->SetMass(mass); // Geant4 is silly. vertex->SetPrimary( particle ); argEvent->AddPrimaryVertex(vertex); } /** Set state of the GLG4VertexGen_Gun, or show current state and explanation of state syntax if empty string provided. Format of argument to GLG4VertexGen_Gun::SetState: "pname momx_MeV momy_MeV momz_MeV KE_MeV polx poly polz mult", where - pname is the name of a particle type (e-, mu-, U238, ...) - mom*_MeV is a momentum in MeV/c - KE_MeV is an optional override for kinetic energy - pol* is an optional polarization vector. - mult is an optional multiplicity of the particles. If mom*_MeV==0 and KE_MeV!=0, then random isotropic directions chosen. If pol*==0, then random transverse polarization for photons. */ void GLG4VertexGen_Gun2:: SetState(G4String newValues) { newValues = util_strip_default(newValues); if (newValues.length() == 0) { // print help and current state G4cout << "Current state of this GLG4VertexGen_Gun:\n" << " \"" << GetState() << "\"\n" << G4endl; G4cout << "Format of argument to GLG4VertexGen_Gun::SetState: \n" " \"pname momx_MeV momy_MeV momz_MeV KE1_MeV KE2_MeV \"\n" " where pname is the name of a particle type (e-, mu-, U238, ...)\n" " mom*_MeV is a momentum in MeV/c\n" " KE1_MeV is the minimum kinetic energy\n" " KE2_MeV is the maximum kinetic energy\n" "mom*_MeV==0 --> random isotropic directions chosen\n" << G4endl; return; } std::istringstream is(newValues.c_str()); // set particle std::string pname; is >> pname; if (is.fail() || pname.length()==0) return; G4ParticleDefinition * newTestGunG4Code = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->FindParticle(pname); if (newTestGunG4Code == NULL) { // not a particle name // see if we can parse it as an ion, e.g., U238 or Bi214 std::string elementName; int A,Z; if (pname[1] >= '0' && pname[1] <='9') { A= atoi(pname.substr(1).c_str()); elementName= pname.substr(0,1); } else { A= atoi(pname.substr(2).c_str()); elementName= pname.substr(0,2); } if (A > 0) { for (Z=1; Z<=fNumberOfElements; Z++) if (elementName == fTheElementNames[Z-1]) break; if (Z <= fNumberOfElements) newTestGunG4Code= G4IonTable::GetIonTable()->GetIon(Z, A, 0.0); } if (newTestGunG4Code == NULL) { G4cerr << "test gun particle type not changed! Could not" " find " << pname << G4endl; return; } } fPDef= newTestGunG4Code; // set momentum G4double x,y,z; is >> x >> y >> z; if (is.fail()) return; fMom= G4ThreeVector(x, y, z); is >> x; if (is.fail()) return; fMomTheta = x * deg; is >> x >> y; if (is.fail()) return; fKe1= x * MeV; fKe2= y * MeV; // set particle polarization is >> x >> y >> z; if (is.fail()) return; fPol= G4ThreeVector(x,y,z); // set multiplicity is >> fMultiplicity; // set if random is >> fRandom; if (is.fail()) return; } G4String GLG4VertexGen_Gun2:: GetState() { std::ostringstream os; if (fPDef == 0) { fPDef= G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->FindParticle("geantino"); } os << fPDef->GetParticleName() << '\t' << fMom.x() << ' ' << fMom.y() << ' ' << fMom.z() << '\t' << fKe1 << '\t' << fKe2 << '\t' << std::ends; G4String rv(os.str()); return rv; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// end Gun2 GLG4VertexGen_HEPEvt::GLG4VertexGen_HEPEvt(const char *arg_dbname) : GLG4VertexGen(arg_dbname) { fFileName=""; fFile= 0; fIsPipe= false; } GLG4VertexGen_HEPEvt::~GLG4VertexGen_HEPEvt() { Close(); } void GLG4VertexGen_HEPEvt:: Open(const char *argFilename) { if (argFilename == NULL || argFilename[0]=='\0') { G4cerr << "GLG4VertexGen_HEPEvt::Open(): null filename" << G4endl; return; } if (fFile != 0) Close(); fFileName= argFilename; // is a pipe requested? if (argFilename[strlen(argFilename)-1]=='|') { fIsPipe= true; fFile= popen(fFileName.substr(0,fFileName.length()-1).c_str(), "r"); if (!fFile) { perror(fFileName.c_str()); fFileName= ""; fIsPipe= false; return; } } else { fIsPipe= false; fFile= fopen(argFilename, "r"); if (!fFile) { perror(fFileName.c_str()); fFileName= ""; return; } } } void GLG4VertexGen_HEPEvt:: Close() { if (fFile) { if (fIsPipe) { int status= pclose(fFile); if (status != 0) { G4cerr << "HEPEvt input pipe from " << fFileName << " gave status " << status << " on close." << G4endl; } fFile= 0; fIsPipe= false; fFileName= ""; } else { fclose(fFile); fFile= 0; fFileName= ""; } } } void GLG4VertexGen_HEPEvt:: GetDataLine(char *buffer, size_t size) { int rewind_count= 0; char firstword[64]; for (;;) { buffer[0]= '\0'; if ( fgets(buffer, size, fFile) != buffer ) { // try from beginning of file on failure G4cerr << (feof(fFile) ? "End-of_file reached" : "Failure") << " on " << fFileName << " at " << ftell(fFile); if (rewind_count == 0) { if (fIsPipe == false) { G4cerr << ", rewinding." << G4endl; rewind(fFile); } else { G4cerr << ", reopening." << G4endl; pclose(fFile); fFile= popen(fFileName.substr(0,fFileName.length()-1).c_str(), "r"); } rewind_count++; continue; } else { G4cerr << ", closing." << G4endl; Close(); return; } } // check for "sentinel" block firstword[0]= '\0'; sscanf(buffer, " %63s", firstword); // leading space means skip whitespace if ( firstword[0]=='#' || firstword[0] == '\0' ) continue; // This is a comment line or blank line if ( firstword[0] >= '0' && firstword[0] <= '9' ) break; // found numeric data -- first value is always non-neg int! if ( strcmp(firstword, "STATE") == 0 ) { double value; int nscan; while ( fgets(buffer, size, fFile) == buffer ) { firstword[0]= '\0'; nscan= sscanf(buffer, " %63s %lf", firstword, &value); if (firstword[0] == '#' || firstword[0] == '\0') continue; if ( strcmp(firstword, "ENDSTATE") == 0 ) break; if (nscan != 2) { G4cout << "Warning, bad STATE line in " << fFileName << ": " << buffer << G4endl; } } continue; } else if ( strcmp(firstword, "HEPEVT")==0 ) { char sentinel[20]; sentinel[0]= '\0'; sscanf(buffer, " HEPEVT DATA SENTINEL IS %19s", sentinel); if (sentinel[0]== '\0') { G4cerr << "Warning, line starting with word HEPEVT ignored" << G4endl; continue; } // skip until sentinel found while ( fgets(buffer, size, fFile) == buffer ) { firstword[0]= '\0'; sscanf(buffer, " %63s", firstword); if ( strcmp(firstword, sentinel)==0 ) break; } continue; } // not comment, blank line, STATE, or numeric data G4cerr << "Warning, ignoring garbage line in " << fFileName << G4endl << buffer; } } /** Generates one or more particles with type, momentum, and optional time offset, spatial offset, and polarization, based on lines read from file via SetState(). The file has the format
  ... [NHEP times]
  ... [NHEP times]
    ISTHEP   == status code
    IDHEP    == HEP PDG code
    JDAHEP   == first daughter
    JDAHEP   == last daughter
    PHEP1    == px in GeV
    PHEP2    == py in GeV
    PHEP3    == pz in GeV
    PHEP5    == mass in GeV
    DT       == vertex _delta_ time, in ns (*)
    X        == x vertex in mm
    Y        == y vertex in mm
    Z        == z vertex in mm
    PLX      == x polarization
    PLY      == y polarization
    PLZ      == z polarization
PHEP5, DT, X, Y, Z, PLX, PLY, and PLZ are all optional. If omitted, the respective quantity is left unchanged. If DT is specified, the time offset of this and subsequent vertices is increased by DT: (*) note DT is a relative shift from the previous line! (This is because there is often a very large dynamic range of time offsets in certain types of events, e.g., in radioactive decay chains, and this convention allows such events to be represented using a reasonable number of significant digits.) If X, Y, Z, PLX, PLY, and/or PLZ is specified, then the values replace any previously specified. */ void GLG4VertexGen_HEPEvt:: GeneratePrimaryVertex(G4Event *argEvent, G4ThreeVector &dx, G4double dt) { // this is a modified and adapted version of G4HEPEvt // (which itself may be a modified and adapted version of CLHEP/StdHep++...) if (fFile == 0) { G4cerr << "GLG4VertexGen_HEPEvt::GeneratePrimaryVertex: " "Error, no file open!" << G4endl; return; } char buffer[400]; int istat; int NHEP; // number of entries GetDataLine(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (fFile == 0) { G4cerr << "Unexpected end of file in " << fFileName << ", expecting NHEP." << G4endl; Close(); return; } istat= sscanf(buffer, "%d", &NHEP); if ( istat != 1 ) { // this should never happen: GetDataLine() should make sure integer is ok // -- but the test above is cheap and a good cross-check, so leave it. G4cerr << "Bad data in " << fFileName << ", expecting NHEP but got:\n" << buffer << " --> closing file." << G4endl; Close(); return; } vector HPlist; vector vertexList; // same indices as HPList vector vertexSet; // bag of unique vertices vertexSet.push_back( new G4PrimaryVertex(dx, dt) ); G4double vertexX=0.0, vertexY=0.0, vertexZ=0.0, vertexT=0.0; for ( int IHEP=0; IHEP> ISTHEP >> IDHEP >> JDAHEP1 >> JDAHEP2 >> PHEP1 >> PHEP2 >> PHEP3 >> PHEP5 >> req_vertex_dT >> req_vertexX >> req_vertexY >> req_vertexZ // note order! >> polx >> poly >> polz; // reset units if "dimensionless" pseudo-particle information if (ISTHEP >= kISTHEP_InformatonMin) energy_unit= position_unit= time_unit= 1.0; // frobnicate IDHEP if ISTHEP != 1 if (ISTHEP != kISTHEP_ParticleForTracking) { if (ISTHEP <= 0 || ISTHEP > kISTHEP_Max) { G4cerr << "Error in GLG4VertexGen_HEPEvt[" << fFileName << "]: ISTHEP=" << ISTHEP << " not allowed: valid range is 1 to 213" << " --> set to 213" << G4endl; ISTHEP= kISTHEP_Max; } if (IDHEP < 0) IDHEP -= kPDGcodeModulus*ISTHEP; else IDHEP += kPDGcodeModulus*ISTHEP; } // create G4PrimaryParticle object // create an "ion" (nucleus) if IDHEP>9800000 G4PrimaryParticle* particle; if (IDHEP > kIonCodeOffset && IDHEP < kIonCodeOffset+99999) { int A= IDHEP%1000; int Z= (IDHEP/1000)%100; G4ParticleDefinition * g4code = G4IonTable::GetIonTable()->GetIon(Z, A, 0.0); if (g4code == 0) { G4cerr << "Warning: GLG4HEPEvt could not find Ion Z=" << Z << " A=" << A << " code=" << IDHEP << G4endl; particle = new G4PrimaryParticle(IDHEP, PHEP1*energy_unit, PHEP2*energy_unit, PHEP3*energy_unit ); } else { particle = new G4PrimaryParticle(g4code, PHEP1*energy_unit, PHEP2*energy_unit, PHEP3*energy_unit ); } } else if (IDHEP==0 && fabs(PHEP1)+fabs(PHEP2)+fabs(PHEP3)<20e-9) { // special case: E less than ~10 eV and pdgcode=0 means optical photon particle = new G4PrimaryParticle(G4OpticalPhoton::OpticalPhoton(), PHEP1*energy_unit, PHEP2*energy_unit, PHEP3*energy_unit ); } else { particle = new G4PrimaryParticle(IDHEP, PHEP1*energy_unit, PHEP2*energy_unit, PHEP3*energy_unit ); } if (PHEP5 != req_novalue) particle->SetMass( PHEP5*energy_unit ); if (polx != 0.0 || poly != 0.0 || polz != 0.0) particle->SetPolarization(polx, poly, polz); // create G4HEPEvtParticle object G4HEPEvtParticle* hepParticle= new G4HEPEvtParticle(particle, ISTHEP, JDAHEP1, JDAHEP2); // Store HPlist.push_back( hepParticle ); // find or make the right vertex for this time and position // as a special case, if a line doesn't have a value for position or time, // then use the position and time previously set if (req_vertexX==req_novalue && req_vertexY==req_novalue && req_vertexZ==req_novalue && req_vertex_dT==req_novalue) { // no change, use current vertex vertexList.push_back( vertexSet[vertexSet.size()-1] ); } else { // update vertex positions, and see if we can reuse an existing vertex if (req_vertexX != req_novalue) vertexX = req_vertexX * position_unit; if (req_vertexY != req_novalue) vertexY = req_vertexY * position_unit; if (req_vertexZ != req_novalue) vertexZ = req_vertexZ * position_unit; if (req_vertex_dT != req_novalue) vertexT = vertexT + req_vertex_dT * time_unit;// relative to prev line! G4ThreeVector position(vertexX, vertexY, vertexZ); int iv; for (iv=vertexSet.size()-1; iv>=0; iv--) { if ( vertexSet[iv]->GetT0() == vertexT && vertexSet[iv]->GetPosition() == position ) break; // found it } if (iv >= 0) // found? vertexList.push_back(vertexSet[iv]); else { // not found. G4PrimaryVertex* nv= new G4PrimaryVertex(position, vertexT); vertexSet.push_back(nv); vertexList.push_back(nv); } } } // check if there is at least one particle if(HPlist.empty()) return; // make connection between daughter particles decayed from // the same mother for ( size_t i=0; iGetJDAHEP1() > 0 ){ // it has daughters int jda1 = HPlist[i]->GetJDAHEP1()-1; // FORTRAN index starts from 1 int jda2 = HPlist[i]->GetJDAHEP2()-1; // but C++ starts from 0. G4PrimaryParticle* mother = HPlist[i]->GetTheParticle(); for ( int j=jda1; j<=jda2; j++ ) { G4PrimaryParticle* daughter = HPlist[j]->GetTheParticle(); if (HPlist[j]->GetISTHEP()>0) { if ( vertexList[i]==vertexList[j] ) { mother->SetDaughter( daughter ); HPlist[j]->Done(); } else { G4cerr << "Error in GLG4VertexGen_HEPEvt[" << fFileName << "]: mother " << i << " and daughter " << j << " are at different vertices, and this cannot be" << " done in Geant4! Must divorce mother and daughter." << G4endl; } } } } } // put initial particles to the vertex (or vertices) for( size_t ii=0; iiGetISTHEP() > 0 ) // ISTHEP of daughters had been // set to negative { G4PrimaryParticle* initialParticle = HPlist[ii]->GetTheParticle(); vertexList[ii]->SetPrimary( initialParticle ); } } // clear G4HEPEvtParticles for(size_t iii=0;iiiAddPrimaryVertex( vertexSet[iv] ); }} } /** Set source of HEPEVT ascii data for this generator, or print current source and help. Format of string: either "filename" or "shell_command (arguments) |". */ void GLG4VertexGen_HEPEvt:: SetState(G4String newValues) { newValues = util_strip_default(newValues); if (newValues.length() == 0) { // print help and current state G4cout << "Current state of this GLG4VertexGen_HEPEvt:\n" << " \"" << GetState() << "\"\n" << G4endl; G4cout << "Format of argument to GLG4VertexGen_HEPEvt::SetState: \n" << "either \"filename\" or \"shell_command (arguments) |\"\n" << G4endl; return; } Open(newValues); } G4String GLG4VertexGen_HEPEvt:: GetState() { return G4String(fFileName); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if 0 /* Below are the standard components for a "GLG4VertexGen": */ GLG4VertexGen_XXX::GLG4VertexGen_XXX(const char *arg_dbname) : GLG4VertexGen(arg_dbname) { ... } GLG4VertexGen_XXX::~GLG4VertexGen_XXX() { ... } void GLG4VertexGen_XXX:: GeneratePrimaryVertex(G4Event *argEvent) { G4PrimaryVertex* vertex= new G4PrimaryVertex( 0.,0.,0.,0. ); pDef= G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->FindParticle("geantino"); G4PrimaryParticle* particle; particle= new G4PrimaryParticle(pDef, // particle code mom.x(), // x component of momentum mom.y(), // y component of momentum mom.z() ); // z component of momentum particle->SetPolarization(rpol.x(), rpol.y(), rpol.z()); particle->SetMass(pDef->GetPDGMass()); // Geant4 is silly. vertex->SetPrimary( particle ); argEvent->AddPrimaryVertex(vertex); } void GLG4VertexGen_XXX:: SetState(G4String newValues) { newValues = util_strip_default(newValues); if (newValues.length() == 0) { // print help and current state G4cout << "Current state of this GLG4VertexGen_XXX:\n" << " \"" << GetState() << "\"\n" << G4endl; G4cout << "Format of argument to GLG4VertexGen_XXX::SetState: \n" << G4endl; return; } ... std::istringstream is(newValues.c_str()); } G4String GLG4VertexGen_XXX:: GetState() { std::ostringstream os; ... G4String rv(os.str()); return rv; } #endif