/**PosGen_UFO * contact person: Mark Stringer <ms711@sussex.ac.uk> */ #include <Randomize.hh> #include <RAT/GLG4StringUtil.hh> #include <sstream> #include <string> using namespace std; #include <RAT/DB.hh> #include <RAT/PosGen_UFO.hh> #include <RAT/Log.hh> using namespace RAT; PosGen_UFO::PosGen_UFO(const std::string& dbname) : GLG4PosGen( dbname ) { // Not yet initialised - call the Init function to setup on first event fInitDB=false; } void PosGen_UFO::Init() { // This function should be run once on the first event (once DB all set up) warn << "PosGen_UFO::Init: Initialising simulation settings \n"; // Load database values DBLinkPtr lUFO = DB::Get()->GetLink("UFOGEO"); fPosition.setX(lUFO->GetD("position_x")); fPosition.setY(lUFO->GetD("position_y")); fPosition.setZ(lUFO->GetD("position_z")); info << "PosGen_UFO::Init: Setting position from db to "<< (float) fPosition.x() <<" " << (float) fPosition.y() << " "<< (float) fPosition.z()<<"\n"; fInitDB = true; } void PosGen_UFO::BeginOfRun() { Init(); } void PosGen_UFO::GeneratePosition( G4ThreeVector& argResult ) { if(!fInitDB)Init(); argResult = fPosition; } void PosGen_UFO::SetState( G4String newValues ) { Log::Die("SetState is deprecated, do not call it. Set all variables with /rat/db/set."); return; } G4String PosGen_UFO::GetState() const { stringstream result; result << "UFO at (" << fPosition.x() << ", " << fPosition.y() << ", " << fPosition.z() << ")"; return result.str(); }