/// \class RAT::VertexGen_Flasher
/// \brief Vertex generator for flashers
/// \author John Walker <john.walker@liverpool.ac.uk> -- contact person
///     2015-05-28 : J. Walker - New file
///     2016-03-15 : J. Walker - Functionality to replicate SNO flasher distribution.
///     2016-05-04 : J. Walker - Set upper limit on number of photons.
///     2016-05-04 : J. Walker - Added 350nm photon distribution.
///     2017-02-10 : N. Barros - Added BeginOfRun
/// \details This generator simulates photon emissions from PMTs. User
/// RatDB settings for intensity, angular, timing and wavelength distributions.

#ifndef __RAT_VertexGen_Flasher__
#define __RAT_VertexGen_Flasher__

#include <RAT/GLG4VertexGen.hh>

#include <G4Event.hh>
#include <G4ThreeVector.hh>
#include <G4ParticleDefinition.hh>

#include <vector>

class G4ParticleDefinition;

namespace RAT {

class VertexGen_Flasher : public GLG4VertexGen {

  VertexGen_Flasher( const char *arg_dbname="vertexflasher" );

  virtual ~VertexGen_Flasher(){ };

  void Init();

  virtual void BeginOfRun();
  virtual void GeneratePrimaryVertex( G4Event *event,
                                      G4ThreeVector &dx,
                                      G4double dt );

  virtual void SetDirection( G4ThreeVector &dir );

  G4double SampleRandom( std::vector<G4double> myx,
                         std::vector<G4double> myy,
                         std::vector<G4double> mycum );

  /** interface for getting and setting the state*/
  virtual void SetState( G4String state );

  virtual G4String GetState();

  /** Only call the initialisation once - if this flag isn't set */
  G4bool  fInitDB;

  /** Flasher direction  */
  G4double fDirX, fDirY, fDirZ;

  /** Distribution type */
  G4String fFlasherDist;

  /** For "uniform" distribution: range of photons per Flasher pulse */
  G4int fMinPhotonsPerEvent;
  G4int fMaxPhotonsPerEvent;

  /** For "uniform" distribution: \n
      true = number of photons per pulse is selected from poisson distribution with mean=photons_per_event, \n
      false = number of photons per pulse=photons_per_event */
  G4bool fPoisson;

  /** For "SNO" distribution: */
  G4double fNphotonNhitParam0;
  G4double fNphotonNhitParam1;
  G4double fNphotonNhitParam2;
  G4double fSNODistParam0;
  G4double fSNODistParam1;
  G4double fSNODistParam2;
  G4double fSNODistParam3;
  G4double fSNODistParam4;
  G4double fSNODistParam5;
  G4double fSNODistParam6;
  G4double fSNODistParam7;
  G4double fSNODistParam8;
  G4double fSNODistParam9;
  G4double fSNODistBound0;
  G4double fSNODistBound1;
  G4double fSNODistBound2;
  G4double fSNODistBound3;
  G4int fSNOMaxNPhoton;

  /** Wavelength mode for flashers */
  /** flag set to single wavelength value */
  G4double fMono_wl;
  /** flag set to temperature for blackbody radiation spectrum */
  G4int fBlackbody_T;
  /** Flasher angular distribution - string tells you what distribution to read */
  G4String fFlasherWavelength;

  /** Time mode for flashers (1 for "mono", 0 for the distribution) */
  G4int fMono_time;
  /** Flasher time distribution - string tells you what distribution to read */
  G4String fFlasherTime;

  /** Angle mode for flashers */
  /** flag set to 1 for isotropic dispersion of the beam */
  G4int fIso_angle;
  /** flag set to 1 if there is to be no dispersion of the beam */
  G4int fZero_angle;
  /** Flasher angular distribution - string tells you what distribution to read */
  G4String fFlasherAngle;

  /** Vector for specified angles */
  std::vector<G4double> fang;
  /** Vector for cumulative angular intensity distribution */
  std::vector<G4double> fangCumMag;
  /** Vector for angular intensity */
  std::vector<G4double> fangInt;

  /** Vector for specified times */
  std::vector<G4double> ftime;
  /** Vector for cumulative time intensity distribution */
  std::vector<G4double> ftimeCumMag;
  /** Vector for time intensity */
  std::vector<G4double> ftimeInt;

  /** Vector for specified wavelengths */
  std::vector<G4double> fwave;
  /** Vector for cumulative wave intensity distribution */
  std::vector<G4double> fwaveCumMag;
  /** Vector for wave intensity */
  std::vector<G4double> fwaveInt;
  /** Vector for wave probability */
  std::vector<G4double> fwaveProb;
  /** Vector for wave cumulative probability */
  std::vector<G4double> fwaveCumProb;

  /** Limits in angular distribution */
  G4double fMinAngle, fMaxAngle;
  /** Limits on wavelength distribution */
  G4double fMinWl, fMaxWl;
  /** Limits on time distribution */
  G4double fMinTime,fMaxTime;
  /** Factor for converting angles (random generator uses radians so if distribution set in degrees = 360/twopi, otherwise =1*/
  G4double fConvertAngle;

  /** Particles must be defined as optical photons */
  G4ParticleDefinition *fPhotonDef;


} // namespace RAT

#endif // __RAT_VertexGen_Flasher__