/// \file PlotFit.cc
/// \brief Functions to plot aspects of the fit, e.g. positions & energy
/// \author P G Jones
/// 2014-03-27 : P G Jones - First Revision.\n
/// 2014-08-30 : I Coulter - Add additional functions showing how to access the reconstructed
/// vertex for fitters of any name (rather than just the default)
/// Also add more comments, descriptions and classifiers.
/// 2018-04-17 : N Barros - Add the energy corrector into the example
/// \details This file contains functions which show how to plot
/// aspects of the fit, such as energy, position, time or
/// direction as well as the results of a classifer.
/// These exist for the generic case in which the user wants
/// to specific the name of the fitter and for the special
/// case where the user just wants the last fitter applied
/// (for which functions are noted as Default).
/// Contains: PlotFitEnergy( fileName, fitName ) // These show how to plot the reconstructed energy, position,
/// PlotFitPosition( fileName, fitName ) // time or direction for a fitter with name "fitName"
/// PlotFitTime( fileName, fitName )
/// PlotFitDirection( fileName, fitName )
/// PlotClassification( fileName, className, classification ) // How to get the results of a classifier
/// PlotDefaultFitEnergy( fileName ) // These plot the reconstructed energy, position, time or
/// PlotDefaultFitPosition( fileName ) // direction for the defaultFitter within the rootfile,
/// PlotDefaultFitTime( fileName ) // That is, the last one to be applied
/// PlotDefaultFitDirectionPhi( fileName )
/// PlotDefaultFitDirectionTheta( fileName )
/// \details Functions to plot aspects of the fit.
using namespace std;
/// Plot the fitted energy for a fitter with name "fitName"
/// @param[in] fileName of the RAT::DS root file to analyse
/// @param[in] fitName of the fitter whose results we want
void PlotFitEnergy( const string& fileName, const string& fitName )
TH1D* hFitEnergy = new TH1D( "hFitEnergy", "Fit energy", 500, 0.0, 5.0 );
// If this is being done on data that does not require remote database connection
// eg.: a simple simulation with default run number (0)
// We can disable the remote connections:
// NOTE: Don't do this if you are using real data!!!
const RAT::DU::ReconCorrector &eCorr = RAT::DU::Utility::Get()->GetReconCorrector();
RAT::DU::DSReader dsReader( fileName );
// Loop through entrys in rootfile
for( size_t iEntry = 0; iEntry < dsReader.GetEntryCount(); iEntry++ )
const RAT::DS::Entry& rDS = dsReader.GetEntry( iEntry );
// Look at each triggered event in the entry
for( size_t iEV = 0; iEV < rDS.GetEVCount(); iEV++ )
// Get the EV
const RAT::DS::EV& rEV = rDS.GetEV( iEV );
// Check for non-existant or poor fits
if( !rEV.FitResultExists(fitName) ) continue; // No fit vertex exists
if( !rEV.GetFitResult(fitName).GetVertex(0).ContainsEnergy() ) continue; // Fit vertex doesn't contain an energy fit
if( !rEV.GetFitResult(fitName).GetVertex(0).ValidEnergy() ) continue; // Energy fit was marked as an invalid fit
// Should be left with only the events with successful energy fits from the "fitName" fitter
RAT::DS::FitResult fResult = rEV.GetFitResult(fitName); // Get fit result
RAT::DS::FitVertex fVertex = fResult.GetVertex(0); // Get first fit vertex
double fEnergy = fVertex.GetEnergy(); // Get reconstructed energy
fEnergy = eCorr.CorrectEnergyRSP(fEnergy); // Correct the reconstructed energy
hFitEnergy->Fill( fEnergy );
hFitEnergy->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "Count per 10keV bin" );
hFitEnergy->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "Fitted energy [MeV]" );
/// Plot the fitted position for a fitter with name "fitName"
/// @param[in] fileName of the RAT::DS root file to analyse
/// @param[in] fitName of the fitter whose results we want
void PlotFitRadius( const string& fileName, const string& fitName )
TH1D* hFitRadius = new TH1D( "hFitRadius", "Fit radius", 800, 0.0, 8000.0 );
// If this is being done on data that does not require remote database connection
// eg.: a simple simulation with default run number (0)
// We can disable the remote connections:
// NOTE: Don't do this if you are using real data!!!
RAT::DU::DSReader dsReader( fileName );
// Loop through entrys in rootfile
for( size_t iEntry = 0; iEntry < dsReader.GetEntryCount(); iEntry++ )
const RAT::DS::Entry& rDS = dsReader.GetEntry( iEntry );
// Look at each triggered event in the entry
for( size_t iEV = 0; iEV < rDS.GetEVCount(); iEV++ )
// Get the EV
const RAT::DS::EV& rEV = rDS.GetEV( iEV );
// Check for non-existant or poor fits
if( !rEV.FitResultExists(fitName) ) continue; // No fit vertex exists
if( !rEV.GetFitResult(fitName).GetVertex(0).ContainsPosition() ) continue; // Fit vertex doesn't contain a position fit
if( !rEV.GetFitResult(fitName).GetVertex(0).ValidPosition() ) continue; // Position fit was marked as an invalid fit
// Should be left with only the events with successful position fits from the "fitName" fitter
RAT::DS::FitResult fResult = rEV.GetFitResult(fitName); // Get fit result
RAT::DS::FitVertex fVertex = fResult.GetVertex(0); // Get first fit vertex
TVector3 fPosition = fVertex.GetPosition(); // Get reconstructed position
hFitRadius->Fill( fPosition.Mag() );
hFitRadius->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "Count per 10mm bin" );
hFitRadius->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "Fitted radius [mm]" );
/// Plot the fitted time for a fitter with name "fitName"
/// @param[in] fileName of the RAT::DS root file to analyse
/// @param[in] fitName of the fitter whose results we want
void PlotFitTime( const string& fileName, const string& fitName )
TH1D* hFitTime = new TH1D( "hFitTime", "Fit time", 100, 0, 400 );
// If this is being done on data that does not require remote database connection
// eg.: a simple simulation with default run number (0)
// We can disable the remote connections:
// NOTE: Don't do this if you are using real data!!!
RAT::DU::DSReader dsReader( fileName );
// Loop through entrys in rootfile
for( size_t iEntry = 0; iEntry < dsReader.GetEntryCount(); iEntry++ )
const RAT::DS::Entry& rDS = dsReader.GetEntry( iEntry );
// Look at each triggered event in the entry
for( size_t iEV = 0; iEV < rDS.GetEVCount(); iEV++ )
// Get the EV
const RAT::DS::EV& rEV = rDS.GetEV( iEV );
// Check for non-existant or poor fits
if( !rEV.FitResultExists(fitName) ) continue; // No fit vertex exists
if( !rEV.GetFitResult(fitName).GetVertex(0).ContainsTime() ) continue; // Fit vertex doesn't contain a time fit
if( !rEV.GetFitResult(fitName).GetVertex(0).ValidTime() ) continue; // Time fit was marked as an invalid fit
// Should be left with only the events with successful time fits from the "fitName" fitter
RAT::DS::FitResult fResult = rEV.GetFitResult(fitName); // Get fit result
RAT::DS::FitVertex fVertex = fResult.GetVertex(0); // Get first fit vertex
double fTime = fVertex.GetTime(); // Get reconstructed time
hFitTime->Fill( fTime );
hFitTime->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "Count per 4ns bin" );
hFitTime->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "Fitted time [ns]" );
/// Plot the fitted direction for a fitter with name "fitName"
/// @param[in] fileName of the RAT::DS root file to analyse
/// @param[in] fitName of the fitter whose results we want
void PlotFitDirection( const string& fileName, const string& fitName )
TH1D* hFitDirectionPhi = new TH1D( "hFitDirectionPhi", "Fit direction (phi)", 180, -180, 180 );
TH1D* hFitDirectionTheta = new TH1D( "hFitDirectionTheta", "Fit direction (theta)", 90, 0, 180 );
// If this is being done on data that does not require remote database connection
// eg.: a simple simulation with default run number (0)
// We can disable the remote connections:
// NOTE: Don't do this if you are using real data!!!
RAT::DU::DSReader dsReader( fileName );
// Loop through entrys in rootfile
for( size_t iEntry = 0; iEntry < dsReader.GetEntryCount(); iEntry++ )
const RAT::DS::Entry& rDS = dsReader.GetEntry( iEntry );
// Look at each triggered event in the entry
for( size_t iEV = 0; iEV < rDS.GetEVCount(); iEV++ )
// Get the EV
const RAT::DS::EV& rEV = rDS.GetEV( iEV );
// Check for non-existant or poor fits
if( !rEV.FitResultExists(fitName) ) continue; // No fit vertex exists
if( !rEV.GetFitResult(fitName).GetVertex(0).ContainsDirection() ) continue; // Fit vertex doesn't contain a direction fit
if( !rEV.GetFitResult(fitName).GetVertex(0).ValidDirection() ) continue; // Direction fit was marked as an invalid fit
// Should be left with only the events with successful direction fits from the "fitName" fitter
RAT::DS::FitResult fResult = rEV.GetFitResult(fitName); // Get fit result
RAT::DS::FitVertex fVertex = fResult.GetVertex(0); // Get first fit vertex
TVector3 fDirection = fVertex.GetDirection(); // Get reconstructed direction
hFitDirectionPhi->Fill( fDirection.Phi()*TMath::RadToDeg() );
hFitDirectionTheta->Fill( fDirection.Theta()*TMath::RadToDeg() );
TCanvas* can = new TCanvas("cDir","Direction Plots", 600, 600);
hFitDirectionPhi->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "Count per 2 degree bin" );
hFitDirectionPhi->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "Fitted phi direction [#circ]" );
hFitDirectionTheta->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "Count per 2 degree bin" );
hFitDirectionTheta->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "Fitted theta direction [#circ]" );
/// Plot the results of "classification" from the classifier "className"
/// @param[in] fileName of the RAT::DS root file to analyse
/// @param[in] className of the classifier whose results we want
/// @param[in] classication is the type result we want from the classifier
void PlotClassification( const string& fileName, const string& className, const string& classification )
// Range of output values with depend on the classifier
// In this example, assume they range between 0 and 1 (as might be found in beta14)
TH1D* hClass = new TH1D( "hClass", "Classification", 100, 0.0, 1.0 );
// If this is being done on data that does not require remote database connection
// eg.: a simple simulation with default run number (0)
// We can disable the remote connections:
// NOTE: Don't do this if you are using real data!!!
RAT::DU::DSReader dsReader( fileName );
// Loop through entrys in rootfile
for( size_t iEntry = 0; iEntry < dsReader.GetEntryCount(); iEntry++ )
const RAT::DS::Entry& rDS = dsReader.GetEntry( iEntry );
// Look at each triggered event in the entry
for( size_t iEV = 0; iEV < rDS.GetEVCount(); iEV++ )
// Get the EV
const RAT::DS::EV& rEV = rDS.GetEV( iEV );
// Check for non-existant or poor classifications
if( !rEV.ClassifierResultExists(className) ) continue; // No classifier result exists
if( !rEV.GetClassifierResult(className).GetValid() ) continue; // Classifier result is marked as invalid
// Should be left with only the events with successful classifications from the "className" classifier
RAT::DS::ClassifierResult cResult = rEV.GetClassifierResult(className); // Get classifier result
double cValue = cResult.GetClassification(classification); // Get the value of "classification" from the classifier
hClass->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "Counts" );
hClass->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "Classifier value" );
/// Plot the fitted energy for the defaultFitter
/// @param[in] fileName of the RAT::DS root file to analyse
/// @return the histogram plot
TH1D* PlotDefaultFitEnergy( const string& fileName )
TH1D* hFitEnergy = new TH1D( "hFitEnergy", "Fit energy", 500, 0.0, 5.0 );
// If this is being done on data that does not require remote database connection
// eg.: a simple simulation with default run number (0)
// We can disable the remote connections:
// NOTE: Don't do this if you are using real data!!!
RAT::DU::DSReader dsReader( fileName );
// Loop over entries
for( size_t iEntry = 0; iEntry < dsReader.GetEntryCount(); iEntry++ )
const RAT::DS::Entry& rDS = dsReader.GetEntry( iEntry );
// For each entry, loop over triggered events
for( size_t iEV = 0; iEV < rDS.GetEVCount(); iEV++ )
const RAT::DS::EV& rEV = rDS.GetEV( iEV );
// Check that fit exists, contains an energy fit and that energy fit was successful
if( !rEV.DefaultFitVertexExists() || !rEV.GetDefaultFitVertex().ContainsEnergy() || !rEV.GetDefaultFitVertex().ValidEnergy() )
continue; // Didn't fit successfully
hFitEnergy->Fill( rEV.GetDefaultFitVertex().GetEnergy() );
hFitEnergy->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "Count per 10keV bin" );
hFitEnergy->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "Fitted energy [MeV]" );
return hFitEnergy;
/// Plot the fitted radial position for the defaultFitter
/// @param[in] fileName of the RAT::DS root file to analyse
/// @return the histogram plot
TH1D* PlotDefaultFitRadius( const string& fileName )
TH1D* hFitRadius = new TH1D( "hFitRadius", "Fit radius", 800, 0.0, 8000.0 );
// If this is being done on data that does not require remote database connection
// eg.: a simple simulation with default run number (0)
// We can disable the remote connections:
// NOTE: Don't do this if you are using real data!!!
RAT::DU::DSReader dsReader( fileName );
// Loop over entries
for( size_t iEntry = 0; iEntry < dsReader.GetEntryCount(); iEntry++ )
const RAT::DS::Entry& rDS = dsReader.GetEntry( iEntry );
// Loop over triggered events within each entry
for( size_t iEV = 0; iEV < rDS.GetEVCount(); iEV++ )
const RAT::DS::EV& rEV = rDS.GetEV( iEV );
// Check that fit exists, contains a position fit and that position fit was successful
if( !rEV.DefaultFitVertexExists() || !rEV.GetDefaultFitVertex().ContainsPosition() || !rEV.GetDefaultFitVertex().ValidPosition() )
continue; // Didn't fit successfully
hFitRadius->Fill( rEV.GetDefaultFitVertex().GetPosition().Mag() );
hFitRadius->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "Count per 10mm bin" );
hFitRadius->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "Fitted radius [mm]" );
return hFitRadius;
/// Plot the fitted time for the defaultFitter
/// @param[in] fileName of the RAT::DS root file to analyse
/// @return the histogram plot
TH1D* PlotDefaultFitTime( const string& fileName )
TH1D* hFitTime = new TH1D( "hFitTime", "Fit time", 100, 0, 400 );
// If this is being done on data that does not require remote database connection
// eg.: a simple simulation with default run number (0)
// We can disable the remote connections:
// NOTE: Don't do this if you are using real data!!!
RAT::DU::DSReader dsReader( fileName );
// Loop over entries
for( size_t iEntry = 0; iEntry < dsReader.GetEntryCount(); iEntry++ )
const RAT::DS::Entry& rDS = dsReader.GetEntry( iEntry );
// Loop over triggered events for each entry
for( size_t iEV = 0; iEV < rDS.GetEVCount(); iEV++ )
const RAT::DS::EV& rEV = rDS.GetEV( iEV );
// Check that fit exists, contains a time fit and that time fit was successful
if( !rEV.DefaultFitVertexExists() || !rEV.GetDefaultFitVertex().ContainsTime() || !rEV.GetDefaultFitVertex().ValidTime() )
continue; // Didn't fit successfully
hFitTime->Fill( rEV.GetDefaultFitVertex().GetTime() );
hFitTime->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "Count per 4ns bin" );
hFitTime->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "Fitted time [ns]" );
return hFitTime;
/// Plot the fitted direction phi
/// @param[in] fileName of the RAT::DS root file to analyse
/// @return the histogram plot
TH1D* PlotDefaultFitDirectionPhi( const string& fileName )
TH1D* hFitDirectionPhi = new TH1D( "hFitDirectionPhi", "Fit direction (phi)", 180, -180, 180 );
// If this is being done on data that does not require remote database connection
// eg.: a simple simulation with default run number (0)
// We can disable the remote connections:
// NOTE: Don't do this if you are using real data!!!
RAT::DU::DSReader dsReader( fileName );
// Loop over entries
for( size_t iEntry = 0; iEntry < dsReader.GetEntryCount(); iEntry++ )
const RAT::DS::Entry& rDS = dsReader.GetEntry( iEntry );
// Loop over triggered events for each entry
for( size_t iEV = 0; iEV < rDS.GetEVCount(); iEV++ )
const RAT::DS::EV& rEV = rDS.GetEV( iEV );
// Check that fit exists, contains a direction fit and that direction fit was successful
if( !rEV.DefaultFitVertexExists() || !rEV.GetDefaultFitVertex().ContainsDirection() || !rEV.GetDefaultFitVertex().ValidDirection() )
continue; // Didn't fit successfully
hFitDirectionPhi->Fill( rEV.GetDefaultFitVertex().GetDirection().Phi() * TMath::RadToDeg() );
hFitDirectionPhi->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "Count per 2 degree bin" );
hFitDirectionPhi->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "Fitted phi direction [#circ]" );
return hFitDirectionPhi;
/// Plot the fitted direction theta
/// @param[in] fileName of the RAT::DS root file to analyse
/// @return the histogram plot
TH1D* PlotDefaultFitDirectionTheta( const string& fileName )
TH1D* hFitDirectionTheta = new TH1D( "hFitDirectionTheta", "Fit direction (theta)", 90, 0, 180 );
// If this is being done on data that does not require remote database connection
// eg.: a simple simulation with default run number (0)
// We can disable the remote connections:
// NOTE: Don't do this if you are using real data!!!
RAT::DU::DSReader dsReader( fileName );
// Loop over entries
for( size_t iEntry = 0; iEntry < dsReader.GetEntryCount(); iEntry++ )
const RAT::DS::Entry& rDS = dsReader.GetEntry( iEntry );
// Loop over triggered events within entry
for( size_t iEV = 0; iEV < rDS.GetEVCount(); iEV++ )
const RAT::DS::EV& rEV = rDS.GetEV( iEV );
// Check that fit exists, contains a direction fit and that direction fit was successful
if( !rEV.DefaultFitVertexExists() || !rEV.GetDefaultFitVertex().ContainsDirection() || !rEV.GetDefaultFitVertex().ValidDirection() )
continue; // Didn't fit successfully
hFitDirectionTheta->Fill( rEV.GetDefaultFitVertex().GetDirection().Theta() * TMath::RadToDeg() );
hFitDirectionTheta->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "Count per 2 degree bin" );
hFitDirectionTheta->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "Fitted theta direction [#circ]" );
return hFitDirectionTheta;