# retrigger.mac # Macro for rerunning the daq over an existing simulation with retriggers enabled # # Date: 2015-6-24 # Contact: J Wilson # Revisions: # # This macro shows to run a DAQ with two forced retriggers. Care must be taken # when processing an existing file to prune the evs and mcevs. # Run with > rat -i existingfile.root -o outputfile.root retrigger.mac # Run on an existing root file (e.g. production MC) from command line /rat/inroot/load_default # Set number of forced retriggers to 2 on each trigger /rat/db/set DAQ_RUN_LEVEL n100_retrig 2 /rat/db/set DAQ_RUN_LEVEL n20_retrig 2 /rat/db/set DAQ_RUN_LEVEL eshi_retrig 2 /rat/db/set DAQ_RUN_LEVEL eslo_retrig 2 /rat/db/set DAQ_RUN_LEVEL owln_retrig 2 /rat/db/set DAQ_RUN_LEVEL owlehi_retrig 2 /rat/db/set DAQ_RUN_LEVEL owlelo_retrig 2 /run/initialize # BEGIN EVENT LOOP # firstly prune off the existing evs and mcevs /rat/proc prune /rat/procset prune "evs" /rat/proc prune /rat/procset prune "mcevs" # Now run the DAQ and calibration again /rat/proc frontend /rat/proc trigger /rat/proc eventbuilder /rat/proc calibratePMT # And the analysis - fitter now includes classifiers /rat/proc scintFitter /rat/proclast outroot # END EVENT LOOP # Read in rootfile from command line /rat/inroot/read exit