/// \class RAT::MissedMuonFollowerCut
/// \brief  Flags high nhit events when they're close in time
/// \author Eric Marzec  <marzece@hep.upenn.edu>
/// \contact Eric Marzec <marzece@hep.upenn.edu>
///    26 Aug 2017 : Eric Marzec - first version
///  \details  This cut will tag any high nhit events that are near
///            other high nhit events in time. The idea is that most
///            interesting (high nhit) physics events happen at a
///            low enough rate that if you do see two high nhit events
///            near in time its probably worth flagging.
///            This cut is similar to the Muon Follower cuts in that it
///            requires two passes. After the first pass it will produce
///            a ratdb file with all the GTIDs to be flagged. In the 2nd
///            pass it does the flagging.
#ifndef __RAT_MissedMuonFollowerCut__
#define __RAT_MissedMuonFollowerCut__

#include <RAT/Processor.hh>
#include <RAT/DataCleaningProc.hh>
#include <RAT/DS/UniversalTime.hh>
#include <RAT/DB.hh>
#include <RAT/DS/Entry.hh>

namespace RAT {

  class MissedMuonFollowerCut : public DataCleaningProc {
      MissedMuonFollowerCut() : DataCleaningProc("missedmuonfollower",1){};
      virtual ~MissedMuonFollowerCut(){};
      virtual Processor::Result DSEvent(DS::Run& run, DS::Entry& ds);
      void BeginOfRun(DS::Run& run);
      void EndOfRun(DS::Run& run);

      virtual Processor::Result Event(DS::Entry& ds, DS::EV& ev);
      double TimeDiff(DS::UniversalTime time_a, DS::UniversalTime time_b);

      std::vector<int> fEventStore; //<  stores gtids of events to be flagged
      std::vector<int> fDaysTimeStore; //<  stores day of events to be flagged
      std::vector<int> fSecsTimeStore; //<  stores seconds of events to be flagged
      std::vector<int> fNSecsTimeStore; //<  stores nano-seconds of events to be flagged
      unsigned int fNhitMin; ///< min nhit for a muon
      unsigned int fSecondaryNhitMin; ///< min nhit for muon follower
      double fTimeWindow; ///< time window after high nhit event (ns)
      int fLastHighNHitGTID; ///< most recent high nhit event
      bool fInWindow; ///< indicates if you've recently seen a high nhit event
      DS::UniversalTime fTimeOfLastHighNhit; ///< time of last high nhit event

      // A bunch of strings to specify the various DB table/column names
      // required by this cut
      string fDBName; ///< name of RATDB/JSON file to load/save info
      string fDBTableName; ///< name of table used by this cut
      string fDBGTIDColumnName; ///< name of column that stores relevant gtids
      string fDBDaysColumnName; ///< name of column that stores days for relevant events
      string fDBSecondsColumnName; ///< name of column that stores seconds of relevant events
      string fDBNanoSecondsColumnName; ///< name of column that stores seconds of relevant events

} // namespace RAT