// VertexGen_IBD.cc // Contact person: Nuno Barros // See VertexGen_IBD.hh for more details //———————————————————————// #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using CLHEP::twopi; using CLHEP::electron_mass_c2; using CLHEP::proton_mass_c2; using CLHEP::neutron_mass_c2; using CLHEP::keV; using CLHEP::MeV; namespace RAT { const double VertexGen_IBD::sDeltaM = neutron_mass_c2 - proton_mass_c2; VertexGen_IBD::VertexGen_IBD(const char *arg_dbname) : NeutrinoVertexGen(arg_dbname), fNuDir(0.,0.,0.), fCrossSecMax(0.0), fFluxMax(0.0), fFlux(0), fSpectrumLoaded(false), fStandaloneMode(true) #ifdef RATDEBUG , fProfiler("VertexIBD","Vertex") #endif { fCrossSec = new IBDCrossSec(); fANu = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->FindParticle("anti_nu_e"); fNeutron = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->FindParticle("neutron"); fEplus = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->FindParticle("e+"); } VertexGen_IBD::~VertexGen_IBD() { delete fCrossSec; } void VertexGen_IBD:: GeneratePrimaryVertex(G4Event *argEvent, G4ThreeVector &dx, G4double dt, G4ThreeVector &nu_dir) { #ifdef RATDEBUG fProfiler.Start(); #endif fNuDir = nu_dir; GeneratePrimaryVertex(argEvent,dx,dt); #ifdef RATDEBUG detail << "[VertexGen_IBD]::GeneratePrimaryVertex : Returning an event " << argEvent << newline; fProfiler.Stop(); #endif } void VertexGen_IBD:: GeneratePrimaryVertex(G4Event *argEvent, G4ThreeVector &dx, G4double dt) { #ifdef RATDEBUG detail << "[VertexGen_IBD]::GeneratePrimaryVertex : Generating the IBD vertex." << newline; #endif G4PrimaryVertex* vertex= new G4PrimaryVertex(dx, dt); G4ThreeVector ev_nu_dir(fNuDir); // By default use specified direction #ifdef RATDEBUG detail << "[VertexGen_IBD]::GeneratePrimaryVertex : Vertex generated at " << dx.x() << " , "<< dx.y() << " , "<< dx.z() << " and t0 : " << dt << newline; detail << "[VertexGen_IBD]::GeneratePrimaryVertex : Direction " << ev_nu_dir.x() << " , "<< ev_nu_dir.y() << " , "<< ev_nu_dir.z() << newline; #endif if (ev_nu_dir.mag2() == 0.0) { // Pick isotropic direction double theta = acos(2.0 * G4UniformRand() - 1.0); double phi = G4UniformRand() * twopi; ev_nu_dir.setRThetaPhi(1.0, theta, phi); } // -- Generate inverse beta decay interaction G4LorentzVector mom_nu, mom_eplus, mom_n; GenEvent(ev_nu_dir, mom_nu, mom_eplus, mom_n); // -- Create particles G4PrimaryParticle* antinuParent = new G4PrimaryParticle(fANu, mom_nu.px(), // x component of momentum mom_nu.py(), // y component of momentum mom_nu.pz()); // z component of momentum // positron #ifdef RATVERBOSE detail << "[VertexGen_IBD]::GeneratePrimaryVertex : nuebar details." << newline; detail << " Px : " << mom_nu.px() << " Py : " << mom_nu.py() << " Pz : " << mom_nu.pz() << newline; #endif G4PrimaryParticle* eplus_particle = new G4PrimaryParticle(fEplus, // particle code mom_eplus.px(), // x component of momentum mom_eplus.py(), // y component of momentum mom_eplus.pz()); // z component of momentum eplus_particle->SetMass(fEplus->GetPDGMass()); // Geant4 is silly. #ifdef RATVERBOSE detail << "[VertexGen_IBD]::GeneratePrimaryVertex : e+ details." << newline; detail << " Px : " << mom_eplus.px() << " Py : " << mom_eplus.py() << " Pz : " << mom_eplus.pz() << newline; #endif vertex->SetPrimary( eplus_particle ); // neutron G4PrimaryParticle* n_particle = new G4PrimaryParticle(fNeutron, // particle code mom_n.px(), // x component of momentum mom_n.py(), // y component of momentum mom_n.pz()); // z component of momentum n_particle->SetMass(fNeutron->GetPDGMass()); // Geant4 is silly. #ifdef RATVERBOSE detail << "[VertexGen_IBD]::GeneratePrimaryVertex : n details." << newline; detail << " Px : " << mom_n.px() << " Py : " << mom_n.py() << " Pz : " << mom_n.pz() << newline; #endif vertex->SetPrimary( n_particle ); // We Don't add this one to the vertex as we don't want to propagate it but alongside // so that the information is present for extraction in Gsim ParentPrimaryVertexInformation *vertinfo = new ParentPrimaryVertexInformation(); vertinfo->SetVertexParentParticle(antinuParent); // The name of the reactor that gave origin to this vertex is added somewhere else vertex->SetUserInformation(vertinfo); argEvent->AddPrimaryVertex(vertex); } void VertexGen_IBD::SetState(G4String newValues) { newValues = util_strip_default(newValues); // from GLG4StringUtil if (newValues.length() == 0) { // print help and current state warn << "Current state of this VertexGen_IBD:\n" << " \"" << GetState() << "\"\n" << newline; warn << "Format of argument to VertexGen_IBD::SetState: \n" " \"fNuDir_x fNuDir_y fNuDir_z\"\n" " where fNuDir is the initial direction of the reactor antineutrino.\n" " Does not have to be normalized. Set to \"0. 0. 0.\" for isotropic\n" " neutrino direction." << newline; return; } std::istringstream is(newValues.c_str()); double x, y, z; is >> x >> y >> z; if (is.fail()) return; if ( x == 0. && y == 0. && z == 0. ) fNuDir.set(0., 0., 0.); else fNuDir = G4ThreeVector(x, y, z).unit(); } G4String VertexGen_IBD:: GetState() { std::ostringstream os; os << fNuDir.x() << "\t" << fNuDir.y() << "\t" << fNuDir.z() << std::ends; G4String rv(os.str()); return rv; } void VertexGen_IBD::GenEvent(const G4ThreeVector &nu_dir, G4LorentzVector &neutrino, G4LorentzVector &positron, G4LorentzVector &neutron) { double Enu, CosThetaLab; #ifdef RATDEBUG detail << "[VertexGen_IBD]::GenEvent : Generating interaction." << newline; #endif // Pick energy of neutrino and relative direction of positron GenInteraction(Enu, CosThetaLab); #ifdef RATDEBUG detail << "[VertexGen_IBD]::GenEvent : Interaction details: Enu : " << Enu/MeV << " CosTheta " << CosThetaLab << newline; #endif // Zero'th order approximation of positron quantities (infinite nucleon mass) double E0 = Enu - sDeltaM; double p0 = sqrt(E0*E0-electron_mass_c2*electron_mass_c2); double v0 = p0/E0; // First order correction for finite nucleon mass double Ysquared = (sDeltaM*sDeltaM-electron_mass_c2*electron_mass_c2)/2; double E1 = E0*(1-Enu/proton_mass_c2*(1-v0*CosThetaLab)) - Ysquared/proton_mass_c2; double p1 = sqrt(E1*E1-electron_mass_c2*electron_mass_c2); // Compute nu 4-momentum neutrino.setVect(nu_dir * Enu); // MeV (divide by c if need real units) neutrino.setE(Enu); // Compute positron 4-momentum G4ThreeVector pos_momentum(p1*nu_dir); // Rotation from nu direction to pos direction. double theta = acos(CosThetaLab); double phi = twopi*G4UniformRand(); // Random phi G4ThreeVector rotation_axis = nu_dir.orthogonal(); rotation_axis.rotate(phi, nu_dir); pos_momentum.rotate(theta, rotation_axis); positron.setVect(pos_momentum); positron.setE(E1); // Compute neutron 4-momentum neutron.setVect(neutrino.vect() - positron.vect()); neutron.setE(sqrt(neutron.vect().mag2() + neutron_mass_c2*neutron_mass_c2)); #ifdef RATDEBUG info << "VertexGen_IBD::GenEvent: Enu = " << Enu/keV << " keV Epos=" << E1/keV << " keV Diff=" << (Enu-E1)/keV << newline; #endif } void VertexGen_IBD::GenInteraction(double &E, double &CosThetaLab) { bool passed=false; #ifdef RATDEBUG detail << "[VertexGen_IBD]::GenInteraction : Generating IBD interaction with the following params: " << newline; detail << "Emin : " << fEmin << newline; detail << "Emax : " << fEmax << newline; detail << "CrossSecMax : " << fCrossSecMax << newline; detail << "FluxMax : " << fFluxMax << newline; #endif // The issue here is that there are different spectra that have to be sampled from based on // which while(!passed){ // Pick E and cos(theta) uniformly E = fEmin+(fEmax-fEmin)*G4UniformRand(); CosThetaLab = -1.0+2.0*G4UniformRand(); // Decided whether to draw again based on relative cross-section. double XCtest = fCrossSecMax * fFluxMax * G4UniformRand(); double XCWeight = fCrossSec->dSigmadTheta(E,CosThetaLab); double FluxWeight = fFlux->Interpolate(E); passed = (XCWeight * FluxWeight) > XCtest; } #ifdef RATDEBUG detail << "[VertexGen_IBD]::GenInteraction : Returning E= " << E/MeV << " CosTheta " << CosThetaLab << newline; #endif } void VertexGen_IBD::BeginOfRun() { if (fStandaloneMode) { warn << "*********************************************************" << endl; warn << "* !! Running VertexGen_IBD in standalone mode !!*" << endl; warn << "* *" << endl; warn << "* There is nothign wrong with this, provided that you *" << endl; warn << "* know what you're doing. Keep in mind that in *" << endl; warn << "* standalone mode, the generator grabs the spectrum from*" << endl; warn << "* the IBD RATDB table. Either modify that ratdb file for*" << endl; warn << "* your needs or change its contents in the macro file. *" << endl; warn << "*********************************************************" << endl; // Running in standalone mode. // Load the spectrum information directly from the IBD database // entry try { DBLinkPtr libd = DB::Get()->GetLink("IBD"); fEmin = libd->GetD("emin"); fEmax = libd->GetD("emax"); // Flux function fSpectrumX = libd->GetDArray("spec_e"); fSpectrumY = libd->GetDArray("spec_flux"); Log::Assert(fSpectrumX.size() == fSpectrumY.size(),"VertexGen_IBD::BeginOfRun : Axes of input spectrum have mismatching dimensions."); double dstep = fSpectrumX.at(1)- fSpectrumX.at(0); fFlux = new TH1D("spectrum","",fSpectrumX.size(),fSpectrumX.at(0),fSpectrumX.at(fSpectrumX.size()-1)+dstep); for (size_t ibin = 1; ibin < fSpectrumX.size()+1; ++ibin) { fFlux->SetBinContent(ibin,fSpectrumY.at(ibin-1)); } // this should be converted to a histogram... // Other useful numbers fCrossSecMax = fCrossSec->dSigmadTheta(fEmax,-1.0); // This assumption is dangerous. // We could be using some weird antineutrino spectrum that does not peak at the // low boundary // I guess it would be more appropriate to actually look specifically for the maximum fFluxMax = fFlux->GetMaximum(); fSpectrumLoaded = true; } catch(RAT::DBNotFoundError &e) { RAT::Log::Die(dformat("VertexGen_IBD::BeginOfRun : Error loading contents from the database : %s",e.what())); } } else if (!fSpectrumLoaded) { Log::Die("[VertexGen_IBD]::BeginOfRun: Antinu spectrum hasn't been loaded yet."); } else { // there's nothing to be done if the spectrum is being used with the ReactorGen // Just check that the necessary inputs are in place // This can actually cause a race condition, since it is not totally clear the order // the factories will call for BeginOfRun if (!fFlux) { Log::Die("[VertexGen_IBD]::BeginOfRun: Neutrino spectrum has not been set yet.",5000); } } } void VertexGen_IBD::EndOfRun() { if (fStandaloneMode) { if (fFlux) { delete fFlux; fFlux = NULL; } } #ifdef RATDEBUG info << "------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; info << "VertexGen_IBD timing profile :" << endl; info << "------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; fProfiler.OutputTiming(); info << "------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; #endif } void VertexGen_IBD::SetSpectrum(TH1D *flux) { #ifdef RATDEBUG detail << "[VertexGen_IBD]::SetSpectrum : Setting the neutrino flux : " << newline; detail << "[VertexGen_IBD]::SetSpectrum : " << flux->GetName() << newline; #endif // if it exists, get rid of it if (fFlux) { #ifdef RATDEBUG detail << "[VertexGen_IBD]::SetSpectrum : Clearing out old spectrum: " << newline; detail << "[VertexGen_IBD]::SetSpectrum : " << fFlux->GetName() << newline; #endif delete fFlux; } // If we want to be able to clear out, then we have to keep ownership. // In that case it is best to clone fFlux = dynamic_cast(flux->Clone(Form("%s_Vtx_IBD",flux->GetName()))); // Check that the integral is 1. If it isn't make it so if (fFlux->Integral("width") != 1.0) { #ifdef RATDEBUG detail << "[VertexGen_IBD]::SetSpectrum : Renormalizing the spectrum." << newline; #endif TH1D* tmph = fFlux; fFlux = (TH1D*)tmph->Clone(Form("%s_norm",tmph->GetName())); fFlux->Scale(1.0/fFlux->Integral("width")); delete tmph; // Delete the original #ifdef RATDEBUG detail << "[VertexGen_IBD]::SetSpectrum : Spectrum renormalized." << newline; detail << "[VertexGen_IBD]::SetSpectrum : name " << fFlux->GetName() << " norm " << fFlux->Integral("width") << newline; #endif } fEmin = flux->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(1); fEmax = flux->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(flux->GetXaxis()->GetNbins()); #ifdef RATDEBUG detail << "[VertexGen_IBD]::SetSpectrum : Emin " << fEmin/CLHEP::MeV << " MeV, Emax " << fEmax/CLHEP::MeV << " MeV" << newline; detail << "[VertexGen_IBD]::SetSpectrum : Estimating maximum of cross section." << newline; detail << "[VertexGen_IBD]::SetSpectrum : Pointer: " << fCrossSec << newline; #endif fCrossSecMax = fCrossSec->dSigmadTheta(fEmax,-1.0); #ifdef RATDEBUG detail << "[VertexGen_IBD]::SetSpectrum : value " << fCrossSecMax << newline; #endif fFluxMax = fFlux->GetMaximum(); #ifdef RATDEBUG detail << "[VertexGen_IBD]::SetSpectrum : Maximum Flux set to " << fFluxMax << newline; #endif fSpectrumLoaded = true; #ifdef RATDEBUG detail << "[VertexGen_IBD]::SetSpectrum : Flux set and normalized." << newline; #endif } G4double VertexGen_IBD::GetRatePerTarget() { #ifdef RATDEBUG detail << "[VertexGen_IBD]::GetRatePerTarget : Convolving cross section with neutrino spectrum." << newline; #endif if (!fSpectrumLoaded) { Log::Die("[VertexGen_IBD]::BeginOfRun: Antinu spectrum hasn't been loaded yet.",1); } double rate = 0.0; for (int ibin = 1; ibin < fFlux->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); ++ibin) { rate += fFlux->GetXaxis()->GetBinWidth(ibin)*fFlux->GetBinContent(ibin)*fCrossSec->Sigma(fFlux->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(ibin)); } #ifdef RATDEBUG detail << "[VertexGen_IBD]::GetRatePerTarget : Returning a rate of " << rate << newline; #endif return rate; } } // namespace RAT