/// \file alphadEdx.cc
/// \brief Extracts dE/dx from tracking
/// \author P G Jones
/// 2014-07-21 : P G Jones - Moved to rat-tools validation.\n
/// 2016-10-19 : M Stringer - Changes to how MCTracks are accessed (PR #1508).
/// \details The dEdx at various energies is extracted
void make_plots( RAT::DU::DSReader* dsReader, TFile* out_file )
const double energyBins[] = { 0.05, 0.15, 0.25, 0.35, 0.45, 0.55, 0.65, 0.75, 0.85, 0.95,
1.50, 2.50, 3.50, 4.50, 5.50, 6.50, 7.50, 8.50, 9.50,
15.0, 25.0, 35.0, 45.0, 55.0, 65.0, 75.0, 85.0, 95.0, 200.0 };
TH1D* dedx = new TH1D( "dedx", "dedx", 28, energyBins );
TH1D* count = new TH1D( "count", "count", 28, energyBins );
dedx->SetXTitle( "Energy in MeV." );
dedx->SetYTitle( "dE/dx in MeV/mm." );
for( size_t iEntry = 0; iEntry < dsReader->GetEntryCount(); iEntry++ )
const RAT::DS::Entry& rDS = dsReader->GetEntry( iEntry );
const RAT::DS::MC& rMC = rDS.GetMC();
std::vector mcTrackIDs = rMC.GetMCTrackIDs();
for( size_t iTrack = 0; iTrack < mcTrackIDs.size(); iTrack++ )
const RAT::DS::MCTrack& rMCTrack = rMC.GetMCTrack( mcTrackIDs.at(iTrack) );
if( rMCTrack.GetParentID() != 0 ) // Primary track has parent ID 0
double previousEnergy = rMCTrack.GetMCTrackStep( 0 ).GetKineticEnergy();
for( size_t iStep = 1; iStep < rMCTrack.GetMCTrackStepCount(); iStep++ )
const RAT::DS::MCTrackStep& rMCTrackStep = rMCTrack.GetMCTrackStep( iStep );
const double dE = previousEnergy - rMCTrackStep.GetKineticEnergy();
if( dE > 0.0 && rMCTrackStep.GetLength() > 0.0 )
dedx->Fill( previousEnergy, dE / rMCTrackStep.GetLength() );
count->Fill( previousEnergy );
previousEnergy = rMCTrackStep.GetKineticEnergy();
dedx->Divide( count );