/// \file cerenkov.cc
/// \brief Extracts Cerenkov photon properties from tracking
/// \author P G Jones
/// 2014-07-21 : P G Jones - Moved to rat-tools validation.\n
/// 2016-10-19 : M Stringer - Changes to how MCTracks are accessed (PR #1508).
/// \details The Number, wavelength direction and time of Cerenkov photons are
/// extracted.
void make_plots( RAT::DU::DSReader* dsReader, TFile* out_file )
TH1D* hNum = new TH1D( "Num", "Number of emitted photons", 200, 0.0, 4000.0 );
hNum->SetXTitle( "Number of photons per event." );
hNum->SetYTitle( "Count per 20 photon bin." );
TH1D* hWave = new TH1D( "Wave", "Wavelength of emitted photons", 80, 100.0, 900.0 );
hWave->SetXTitle( "Wavelength nm." );
hWave->SetYTitle( "Count per 10nm bin." );
TH1D* hDir = new TH1D( "Dir", "Direction of emitted photons relative to initial electron", 10, -1.0, 1.0 );
hDir->SetXTitle( "cos(#theta)." );
hDir->SetYTitle( "Count per 0.1 cos(#theta) bin." );
TH1D* hTime = new TH1D( "Time", "Time of photon emission", 10, 0.0, 10.0 );
hTime->SetXTitle( "Emission time ns." );
hTime->SetYTitle( "Count per 1 ns bin." );
for( size_t iEntry = 0; iEntry < dsReader->GetEntryCount(); iEntry++ )
const RAT::DS::Entry& rDS = dsReader->GetEntry( iEntry );
const RAT::DS::MC& rMC = rDS.GetMC();
std::vector mcTrackIDs = rMC.GetMCTrackIDs();
const TVector3 initialDir = rMC.GetMCParticle( 0 ).GetMomentum().Unit();
unsigned int numPhotons = 0;
for( size_t iMCTrack = 0; iMCTrack < mcTrackIDs.size(); iMCTrack++ )
const RAT::DS::MCTrack& rMCTrack = rMC.GetMCTrack( mcTrackIDs.at(iMCTrack) );
if( rMCTrack.GetPDGCode() != 0 ) // Optical photon is 0
continue; // Only want optical photon tracks
const RAT::DS::MCTrackStep& initialStep = rMCTrack.GetMCTrackStep( 0 );
if( initialStep.GetProcess() != string( "Cerenkov" ) )
continue; // Only want Cerenkov photons
hWave->Fill( 0.001242375 / initialStep.GetKineticEnergy() ); // MeV to nm
hDir->Fill( initialStep.GetMomentum().Unit().Dot( initialDir ) );
hTime->Fill( initialStep.GetGlobalTime() );
hNum->Fill( numPhotons );