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// $Id: G4ChargeState.hh $
// class G4ChargeState
// Class description:
// History
// - First version: Apr 10, 2013  John Apostolakis, Peter Gumplinger
// - Modified:
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

#ifndef G4ChargeState_HH
#define G4ChargeState_HH

#include "globals.hh"

class  G4ChargeState  // Charge & moments
   public:  // without description

     G4ChargeState(G4double charge,
                   G4double magnetic_dipole_moment,
                   G4double pdgSpin, 
                   G4double electric_dipole_moment = 0.0,
                   G4double magnetic_charge = 0.0);

     G4ChargeState( const G4ChargeState& right );
     G4ChargeState& operator = ( const G4ChargeState& right );

     void SetChargeSpinMoments(G4double charge,
                               G4double pdgSpin,  
                               G4double magnetic_dipole_moment= DBL_MAX,
                               G4double electric_dipole_moment= DBL_MAX,
                               G4double magnetic_charge= DBL_MAX );
     //  Revise the charge, pdgSpin, and optionally both moments and magnetic charge 

     void SetCharge(G4double charge){ fCharge = charge; }
     G4double GetCharge() const { return fCharge; }
     // Revise the charge (in units of the positron charge)

     //  Basic Get / Set methods 
     void     SetPDGSpin(G4double spin){ fSpin = spin; }
     G4double GetPDGSpin() const { return fSpin; }

     void     SetMagneticDipoleMoment(G4double moment){ fMagn_dipole = moment; }
     G4double GetMagneticDipoleMoment() const { return fMagn_dipole; }

     void     SetElectricDipoleMoment(G4double moment){ fElec_dipole = moment; }
     G4double ElectricDipoleMoment() const { return fElec_dipole; }

     void     SetMagneticCharge(G4double charge){ fMagneticCharge=charge; }
     G4double MagneticCharge() const { return fMagneticCharge; }

     // Auxiliary methods to set several properties at once 

     inline void SetChargeMdm(G4double charge, G4double mag_dipole_moment);
       // SetCharge and Magnetic Dipole Moment

     inline void SetChargeMdmSpin(G4double charge,
                                  G4double magnetic_dipole_moment,
                                  G4double pdgSpin); 

     inline void SetChargeSpin(G4double charge,
                               G4double pdgSpin); 

     //  Revise the charge, spin and all both moments
     inline void SetChargeDipoleMoments(G4double charge,
                                 G4double magnetic_dipole_moment,
                                 G4double electric_dipole_moment); 

     inline void SetChargesAndMoments(G4double charge,
                               G4double magnetic_dipole_moment, 
                               G4double electric_dipole_moment,
                               G4double magnetic_charge );

   public: // Obsolete
     inline void     SetSpin(G4double spin){ SetPDGSpin( spin); } 
     inline G4double GetSpin() const { return GetPDGSpin(); }


     G4double fCharge;
     G4double fSpin;
     G4double fMagn_dipole;
     G4double fElec_dipole;
     G4double fMagneticCharge;  // for magnetic monopole

inline void G4ChargeState::SetChargeMdm(G4double charge, G4double mag_dipole_moment)
   SetCharge( charge ); 
   SetMagneticDipoleMoment( mag_dipole_moment); 

inline void G4ChargeState::SetChargeMdmSpin(G4double charge,
                                  G4double magDipoleMoment,
                                  G4double pdgSpin)
   SetChargeMdm( charge, magDipoleMoment ); 
   SetPDGSpin( pdgSpin ); 

inline void G4ChargeState::SetChargeSpin(G4double charge,
                                         G4double pdgSpin)
   SetCharge( charge ); 
   SetPDGSpin( pdgSpin ); 

inline void 
G4ChargeState::SetChargeDipoleMoments(G4double charge,
                                      G4double magneticDM,
                                      G4double electricDM)
   SetChargeMdm( charge, magneticDM ); 
   SetElectricDipoleMoment( electricDM ); 

inline void 
G4ChargeState::SetChargesAndMoments(G4double charge,
                                    G4double magneticDM,
                                    G4double electricDM,
                                    G4double magnetic_charge )
   SetChargeDipoleMoments( charge, magneticDM, electricDM); 
   SetMagneticCharge( magnetic_charge ); 
#endif  /* End of ifndef G4ChargeState_HH */