// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // INCL++ intra-nuclear cascade model // Pekka Kaitaniemi, CEA and Helsinki Institute of Physics // Davide Mancusi, CEA // Alain Boudard, CEA // Sylvie Leray, CEA // Joseph Cugnon, University of Liege // #define INCLXX_IN_GEANT4_MODE 1 #include "globals.hh" #ifndef G4INCLCascade_hh #define G4INCLCascade_hh 1 #include "G4INCLParticle.hh" #include "G4INCLNucleus.hh" #include "G4INCLIPropagationModel.hh" #include "G4INCLCascadeAction.hh" #include "G4INCLEventInfo.hh" #include "G4INCLGlobalInfo.hh" #include "G4INCLLogger.hh" #include "G4INCLConfig.hh" #include "G4INCLRootFinder.hh" namespace G4INCL { class INCL { public: INCL(Config const * const config); ~INCL(); /// \brief Dummy copy constructor to silence Coverity warning INCL(const INCL &rhs); /// \brief Dummy assignment operator to silence Coverity warning INCL &operator=(const INCL &rhs); G4bool prepareReaction(const ParticleSpecies &projectileSpecies, const G4double kineticEnergy, const G4int A, const G4int Z); G4bool initializeTarget(const G4int A, const G4int Z); inline const EventInfo &processEvent() { return processEvent( theConfig->getProjectileSpecies(), theConfig->getProjectileKineticEnergy(), theConfig->getTargetA(), theConfig->getTargetZ() ); } const EventInfo &processEvent( ParticleSpecies const &projectileSpecies, const G4double kineticEnergy, const G4int targetA, const G4int targetZ ); void finalizeGlobalInfo(); const GlobalInfo &getGlobalInfo() const { return theGlobalInfo; } private: IPropagationModel *propagationModel; G4int theA, theZ; G4bool targetInitSuccess; G4double maxImpactParameter; G4double maxUniverseRadius; G4double maxInteractionDistance; G4double fixedImpactParameter; CascadeAction *cascadeAction; Config const * const theConfig; Nucleus *nucleus; G4bool forceTransparent; EventInfo theEventInfo; GlobalInfo theGlobalInfo; /// \brief Remnant size below which cascade stops G4int minRemnantSize; /// \brief Class to adjust remnant recoil class RecoilFunctor : public RootFunctor { public: /** \brief Prepare for calling the () operator and scaleParticleEnergies * * The constructor sets the private class members. */ RecoilFunctor(Nucleus * const n, const EventInfo &ei) : RootFunctor(0., 1E6), nucleus(n), outgoingParticles(n->getStore()->getOutgoingParticles()), theEventInfo(ei) { for(ParticleIter p=outgoingParticles.begin(), e=outgoingParticles.end(); p!=e; ++p) { particleMomenta.push_back((*p)->getMomentum()); particleKineticEnergies.push_back((*p)->getKineticEnergy()); } ProjectileRemnant * const aPR = n->getProjectileRemnant(); if(aPR && aPR->getA()>0) { particleMomenta.push_back(aPR->getMomentum()); particleKineticEnergies.push_back(aPR->getKineticEnergy()); outgoingParticles.push_back(aPR); } } virtual ~RecoilFunctor() {} /** \brief Compute the energy-conservation violation. * * \param x scale factor for the particle energies * \return the energy-conservation violation */ G4double operator()(const G4double x) const { scaleParticleEnergies(x); return nucleus->getConservationBalance(theEventInfo,true).energy; } /// \brief Clean up after root finding void cleanUp(const G4bool success) const { if(!success) scaleParticleEnergies(1.); } private: /// \brief Pointer to the nucleus Nucleus *nucleus; /// \brief List of final-state particles. ParticleList outgoingParticles; // \brief Reference to the EventInfo object EventInfo const &theEventInfo; /// \brief Initial momenta of the outgoing particles std::list particleMomenta; /// \brief Initial kinetic energies of the outgoing particles std::list particleKineticEnergies; /** \brief Scale the kinetic energies of the outgoing particles. * * \param rescale scale factor */ void scaleParticleEnergies(const G4double rescale) const { // Rescale the energies (and the momenta) of the outgoing particles. ThreeVector pBalance = nucleus->getIncomingMomentum(); std::list::const_iterator iP = particleMomenta.begin(); std::list::const_iterator iE = particleKineticEnergies.begin(); for( ParticleIter i = outgoingParticles.begin(), e = outgoingParticles.end(); i!=e; ++i, ++iP, ++iE) { const G4double mass = (*i)->getMass(); const G4double newKineticEnergy = (*iE) * rescale; (*i)->setMomentum(*iP); (*i)->setEnergy(mass + newKineticEnergy); (*i)->adjustMomentumFromEnergy(); pBalance -= (*i)->getMomentum(); } nucleus->setMomentum(pBalance); const G4double remnantMass = ParticleTable::getTableMass(nucleus->getA(),nucleus->getZ()) + nucleus->getExcitationEnergy(); const G4double pRem2 = pBalance.mag2(); const G4double recoilEnergy = pRem2/ (std::sqrt(pRem2+remnantMass*remnantMass) + remnantMass); nucleus->setEnergy(remnantMass + recoilEnergy); } }; /// \brief Class to adjust remnant recoil in the reaction CM system class RecoilCMFunctor : public RootFunctor { public: /** \brief Prepare for calling the () operator and scaleParticleEnergies * * The constructor sets the private class members. */ RecoilCMFunctor(Nucleus * const n, const EventInfo &ei) : RootFunctor(0., 1E6), nucleus(n), theIncomingMomentum(nucleus->getIncomingMomentum()), outgoingParticles(n->getStore()->getOutgoingParticles()), theEventInfo(ei) { thePTBoostVector = nucleus->getIncomingMomentum()/nucleus->getInitialEnergy(); for(ParticleIter p=outgoingParticles.begin(), e=outgoingParticles.end(); p!=e; ++p) { (*p)->boost(thePTBoostVector); particleCMMomenta.push_back((*p)->getMomentum()); } ProjectileRemnant * const aPR = n->getProjectileRemnant(); if(aPR && aPR->getA()>0) { aPR->boost(thePTBoostVector); particleCMMomenta.push_back(aPR->getMomentum()); outgoingParticles.push_back(aPR); } } virtual ~RecoilCMFunctor() {} /** \brief Compute the energy-conservation violation. * * \param x scale factor for the particle energies * \return the energy-conservation violation */ G4double operator()(const G4double x) const { scaleParticleCMMomenta(x); return nucleus->getConservationBalance(theEventInfo,true).energy; } /// \brief Clean up after root finding void cleanUp(const G4bool success) const { if(!success) scaleParticleCMMomenta(1.); } private: /// \brief Pointer to the nucleus Nucleus *nucleus; /// \brief Projectile-target CM boost vector ThreeVector thePTBoostVector; /// \brief Incoming momentum ThreeVector theIncomingMomentum; /// \brief List of final-state particles. ParticleList outgoingParticles; // \brief Reference to the EventInfo object EventInfo const &theEventInfo; /// \brief Initial CM momenta of the outgoing particles std::list particleCMMomenta; /** \brief Scale the kinetic energies of the outgoing particles. * * \param rescale scale factor */ void scaleParticleCMMomenta(const G4double rescale) const { // Rescale the CM momenta of the outgoing particles. ThreeVector remnantMomentum = theIncomingMomentum; std::list::const_iterator iP = particleCMMomenta.begin(); for( ParticleIter i = outgoingParticles.begin(), e = outgoingParticles.end(); i!=e; ++i, ++iP) { (*i)->setMomentum(*iP * rescale); (*i)->adjustEnergyFromMomentum(); (*i)->boost(-thePTBoostVector); remnantMomentum -= (*i)->getMomentum(); } nucleus->setMomentum(remnantMomentum); const G4double remnantMass = ParticleTable::getTableMass(nucleus->getA(),nucleus->getZ()) + nucleus->getExcitationEnergy(); const G4double pRem2 = remnantMomentum.mag2(); const G4double recoilEnergy = pRem2/ (std::sqrt(pRem2+remnantMass*remnantMass) + remnantMass); nucleus->setEnergy(remnantMass + recoilEnergy); } }; /** \brief Rescale the energies of the outgoing particles. * * Allow for the remnant recoil energy by rescaling the energy (and * momenta) of the outgoing particles. */ void rescaleOutgoingForRecoil(); #ifndef INCLXX_IN_GEANT4_MODE /** \brief Run global conservation checks * * Check that energy and momentum are correctly conserved. If not, issue * a warning. * * Also feeds the balance variables in theEventInfo. * * \param afterRecoil whether to take into account nuclear recoil */ void globalConservationChecks(G4bool afterRecoil); #endif /** \brief Stopping criterion for the cascade * * Returns true if the cascade should continue, and false if any of the * stopping criteria is satisfied. */ G4bool continueCascade(); /** \brief Make a projectile pre-fragment out of geometrical spectators * * The projectile pre-fragment is assigned an excitation energy given * by \f$E_\mathrm{sp}-E_\mathrm{i,A}\f$, where \f$E_\mathrm{sp}\f$ is the * sum of the energies of the spectator particles, and \f$E_\mathrm{i,A}\f$ * is the sum of the smallest \f$A\f$ particle energies initially present * in the projectile, \f$A\f$ being the mass of the projectile * pre-fragment. This is equivalent to assuming that the excitation * energy is given by the sum of the transitions of all excited * projectile components to the "holes" left by the participants. * * This method can modify the outgoing list and adds a projectile * pre-fragment. * * \return the number of dynamical spectators that were merged back in * the projectile */ G4int makeProjectileRemnant(); /** \brief Make a compound nucleus * * Selects the projectile components that can actually enter their * potential and puts them into the target nucleus. If the CN excitation * energy turns out to be negative, the event is considered a * transparent. This method modifies theEventInfo and theGlobalInfo. */ void makeCompoundNucleus(); /// \brief Initialise the cascade G4bool preCascade(ParticleSpecies const projectileSpecies, const G4double kineticEnergy); /// \brief The actual cascade loop void cascade(); /// \brief Finalise the cascade and clean up void postCascade(); /** \brief Initialise the maximum interaction distance. * * Used in forced CN events. */ void initMaxInteractionDistance(ParticleSpecies const &p, const G4double kineticEnergy); /** \brief Initialize the universe radius. * * Used for determining the energy-dependent size of the volume particles * live in. */ void initUniverseRadius(ParticleSpecies const &p, const G4double kineticEnergy, const G4int A, const G4int Z); /// \brief Update global counters and other members of theGlobalInfo object void updateGlobalInfo(); }; } #endif