// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // INCL++ intra-nuclear cascade model // Pekka Kaitaniemi, CEA and Helsinki Institute of Physics // Davide Mancusi, CEA // Alain Boudard, CEA // Sylvie Leray, CEA // Joseph Cugnon, University of Liege // #define INCLXX_IN_GEANT4_MODE 1 #include "globals.hh" #ifndef G4INCLClusteringModelIntercomparison_hh #define G4INCLClusteringModelIntercomparison_hh 1 #ifdef INCLXX_IN_GEANT4_MODE #define INCL_CACHING_CLUSTERING_MODEL_INTERCOMPARISON_Set 1 #endif // INCLXX_IN_GEANT4_MODE #include "G4INCLIClusteringModel.hh" #include "G4INCLParticle.hh" #include "G4INCLParticleTable.hh" #include "G4INCLCluster.hh" #include "G4INCLNucleus.hh" #include "G4INCLKinematicsUtils.hh" #include "G4INCLHashing.hh" #include #include namespace G4INCL { /** \brief Container for the relevant information * * This struct contains all the information that is relevant for the * clustering algorithm. It is probably more compact than the Particles it * feeds on, hopefully improving cache performance. */ struct ConsideredPartner { Particle *particle; G4bool isTargetSpectator; G4int Z; ThreeVector position; ThreeVector momentum; G4double energy; G4double potentialEnergy; ConsideredPartner() : particle(NULL), isTargetSpectator(false), Z(0), energy(0.), potentialEnergy(0.) {} ConsideredPartner(Particle * const p) : particle(p), isTargetSpectator(particle->isTargetSpectator()), Z(particle->getZ()), position(particle->getPosition()), momentum(particle->getMomentum()), energy(particle->getEnergy()), potentialEnergy(particle->getPotentialEnergy()) {} }; /// \brief Cluster coalescence algorithm used in the IAEA intercomparison class ClusteringModelIntercomparison : public IClusteringModel { public: ClusteringModelIntercomparison(Config const * const theConfig) : theNucleus(NULL), selectedA(0), selectedZ(0), sqtot(0.), cascadingEnergyPool(0.), protonMass(ParticleTable::getRealMass(Proton)), neutronMass(ParticleTable::getRealMass(Neutron)), runningMaxClusterAlgorithmMass(theConfig->getClusterMaxMass()), nConsideredMax(0), nConsidered(0), consideredPartners(NULL), isInRunningConfiguration(NULL), maxMassConfigurationSkipping(ParticleTable::maxClusterMass) { // Set up the maximum charge and neutron number for clusters clusterZMaxAll = 0; clusterNMaxAll = 0; for(G4int A=0; A<=runningMaxClusterAlgorithmMass; ++A) { if(clusterZMax[A]>clusterZMaxAll) clusterZMaxAll = clusterZMax[A]; if(A-clusterZMin[A]>clusterNMaxAll) clusterNMaxAll = A-clusterZMin[A]; } std::fill(candidateConfiguration, candidateConfiguration + ParticleTable::maxClusterMass, static_cast(NULL)); std::fill(runningEnergies, runningEnergies + ParticleTable::maxClusterMass, 0.0); std::fill(runningPotentials, runningPotentials + ParticleTable::maxClusterMass, 0.0); std::fill(runningConfiguration, runningConfiguration + ParticleTable::maxClusterMass, -1); } virtual ~ClusteringModelIntercomparison() { delete [] consideredPartners; delete [] isInRunningConfiguration; } virtual Cluster* getCluster(Nucleus*, Particle*); virtual G4bool clusterCanEscape(Nucleus const * const, Cluster const * const); private: void findClusterStartingFrom(const G4int oldA, const G4int oldZ); G4double getPhaseSpace(const G4int oldA, ConsideredPartner const &p); Nucleus *theNucleus; G4double runningEnergies[ParticleTable::maxClusterMass+1]; ThreeVector runningMomenta[ParticleTable::maxClusterMass+1]; ThreeVector runningPositions[ParticleTable::maxClusterMass+1]; G4double runningPotentials[ParticleTable::maxClusterMass+1]; #if defined(INCL_CACHING_CLUSTERING_MODEL_INTERCOMPARISON_HashMask) Hashing::NucleonItem runningConfiguration[ParticleTable::maxClusterMass]; #elif defined(INCL_CACHING_CLUSTERING_MODEL_INTERCOMPARISON_Set) G4int runningConfiguration[ParticleTable::maxClusterMass]; #else #error Unrecognized INCL_CACHING_CLUSTERING_MODEL_INTERCOMPARISON. Allowed values are: Set, HashMask. #endif G4int selectedA, selectedZ; G4double sqtot; G4int clusterZMaxAll, clusterNMaxAll; G4double cascadingEnergyPool; /// \brief Lower limit of Z for cluster of mass A static const G4int clusterZMin[ParticleTable::maxClusterMass+1]; /// \brief Upper limit of Z for cluster of mass A static const G4int clusterZMax[ParticleTable::maxClusterMass+1]; /// \brief Precomputed factor 1.0/A static const G4double clusterPosFact[ParticleTable::maxClusterMass+1]; /// \brief Precomputed factor (1.0/A)^2 static const G4double clusterPosFact2[ParticleTable::maxClusterMass+1]; /// \brief Phase-space parameters for cluster formation static const G4double clusterPhaseSpaceCut[ParticleTable::maxClusterMass+1]; static const G4double limitCosEscapeAngle; const G4double protonMass; const G4double neutronMass; G4int runningMaxClusterAlgorithmMass; G4int nConsideredMax; G4int nConsidered; /** \brief Array of considered cluster partners * * A dynamical array of ConsideredPartner objects is allocated on this * variable and filled with pointers to nucleons which are eligible for * clustering. We used to use a ParticleList for this purpose, but this * made it very cumbersome to check whether nucleons had already been * included in the running configuration. Using an array of Particle* * coupled with a boolean mask (\see{isInRunningConfiguration}) reduces the * overhead by a large amount. Running times for 1-GeV p+Pb208 went down * by almost 30% (!). * * Lesson learnt: when you need speed, nothing beats a good ol' array. */ ConsideredPartner *consideredPartners; /** \brief Array of flags for nucleons in the running configuration * * Clustering partners that are already used in the running cluster * configuration are flagged as "true" in this array. */ G4bool *isInRunningConfiguration; /** \brief Best cluster configuration * * This array contains pointers to the nucleons which make up the best * cluster configuration that has been found so far. */ Particle *candidateConfiguration[ParticleTable::maxClusterMass]; #if defined(INCL_CACHING_CLUSTERING_MODEL_INTERCOMPARISON_HashMask) typedef std::set HashContainer; typedef HashContainer::iterator HashIterator; /// \brief Array of containers for configurations that have already been checked HashContainer checkedConfigurations[ParticleTable::maxClusterMass-2]; #elif defined(INCL_CACHING_CLUSTERING_MODEL_INTERCOMPARISON_Set) /** \brief Class for storing and comparing sorted nucleon configurations * * This class is actually just a wrapper around an array of Particle* * pointers. It provides a lexicographical comparison operator * (SortedNucleonConfiguration::operator<) for inclusion in std::set * containers. */ class SortedNucleonConfiguration { public: // Use Particle* as nucleon identifiers typedef G4int NucleonItem; /// \brief Constructor SortedNucleonConfiguration() : theSize(0), nucleons(NULL) {} /// \brief Copy constructor SortedNucleonConfiguration(const SortedNucleonConfiguration &rhs) : theSize(rhs.theSize), nucleons(new NucleonItem[theSize]) { std::copy(rhs.nucleons, rhs.nucleons+theSize, nucleons); } /// \brief Destructor ~SortedNucleonConfiguration() { delete [] nucleons; } /// \brief Helper method for the assignment operator void swap(SortedNucleonConfiguration &rhs) { std::swap(theSize, rhs.theSize); std::swap(nucleons, rhs.nucleons); } /// \brief Assignment operator SortedNucleonConfiguration &operator=(const SortedNucleonConfiguration &rhs) { SortedNucleonConfiguration tempConfig(rhs); swap(tempConfig); return *this; } /** \brief Order operator for SortedNucleonConfiguration * * The comparison is done lexicographically (i.e. from the first * element to the last). */ G4bool operator<(const SortedNucleonConfiguration &rhs) const { // assert(theSize==rhs.theSize); return std::lexicographical_compare(nucleons, nucleons+theSize, rhs.nucleons, rhs.nucleons+theSize); } /// \brief Fill configuration with array of NucleonItem void fill(NucleonItem *config, size_t n) { theSize = n; nucleons = new NucleonItem[theSize]; std::copy(config, config+theSize, nucleons); std::sort(nucleons, nucleons+theSize); } private: /// \brief Size of the array size_t theSize; /// \brief The real array NucleonItem *nucleons; }; typedef std::set SortedNucleonConfigurationContainer; typedef SortedNucleonConfigurationContainer::iterator SortedNucleonConfigurationIterator; /// \brief Array of containers for configurations that have already been checked SortedNucleonConfigurationContainer checkedConfigurations[ParticleTable::maxClusterMass-2]; #else #error Unrecognized INCL_CACHING_CLUSTERING_MODEL_INTERCOMPARISON. Allowed values are: Set, HashMask. #endif /** \brief Maximum mass for configuration storage * * Skipping configurations becomes inefficient above this mass. */ G4int maxMassConfigurationSkipping; }; } #endif