// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // INCL++ intra-nuclear cascade model // Pekka Kaitaniemi, CEA and Helsinki Institute of Physics // Davide Mancusi, CEA // Alain Boudard, CEA // Sylvie Leray, CEA // Joseph Cugnon, University of Liege // #define INCLXX_IN_GEANT4_MODE 1 #include "globals.hh" #ifndef G4INCLGlobals_hh #define G4INCLGlobals_hh 1 #include #include #include "G4INCLParticleType.hh" namespace G4INCL { class Particle; namespace PhysicalConstants { /// \brief \f$\hbar c\f$ [MeV*fm] const G4double hc = 197.328; /// \brief \f$\hbar^2 c^2\f$ [MeV^2*fm^2] const G4double hcSquared = hc*hc; /// \brief Fermi momentum [MeV/c] const G4double Pf = 1.37*hc; // const G4double Pf = 1.36828*hc; /// \brief Fermi momentum squared [(MeV/c)^2] const G4double PfSquared = Pf*Pf; /// \brief Fermi momentum cubed [(MeV/c)^3] const G4double PfCubed = Pf*PfSquared; /** \brief Coulomb conversion factor [MeV*fm] * * \f[ e^2/(4 pi epsilon_0) \f] */ const G4double eSquared = 1.439964; } namespace Math { const G4double pi = 3.14159265358979323846264338328; const G4double twoPi = 2.0 * pi; const G4double tenPi = 10.0 * pi; const G4double piOverTwo = 0.5 * pi; const G4double oneOverSqrtTwo = 1./std::sqrt((G4double)2.); const G4double oneOverSqrtThree = 1./std::sqrt((G4double)3.); const G4double oneThird = 1./3.; const G4double twoThirds = 2./3.; const G4double sqrtFiveThirds = std::sqrt(5./3.); const G4double sqrtThreeFifths = std::sqrt(3./5.); inline G4double toDegrees(G4double radians) { return radians * (180.0 / pi); } inline G4int heaviside(G4int n) { if(n < 0) return 0; else return 1; } inline G4double pow13(G4double x) { return std::pow(x, oneThird); } inline G4double powMinus13(G4double x) { return std::pow(x, -oneThird); } inline G4double pow23(G4double x) { return std::pow(x, twoThirds); } inline G4double aSinH(G4double x) { return std::log(x + std::sqrt(x*x+1.)); } /** * A simple sign function that allows us to port fortran code to c++ more easily. */ template inline G4int sign(const T t) { return t > 0 ? 1: t < 0 ? -1 : 0; } /// brief Return the largest of the two arguments template inline T max(const T t1, const T t2) { return t1 > t2 ? t1 : t2; } /// brief Return the smallest of the two arguments template inline T min(const T t1, const T t2) { return t1 < t2 ? t1 : t2; } /** \brief Cumulative distribution function for Gaussian * * A public-domain approximation taken from Abramowitz and Stegun. Applies * to a Gaussian with mean=0 and sigma=1. * * \param x a Gaussian variable */ G4double gaussianCDF(const G4double x); /** \brief Generic cumulative distribution function for Gaussian * * A public-domain approximation taken from Abramowitz and Stegun. Applies * to a generic Gaussian. * * \param x a Gaussian variable * \param x0 mean of the Gaussian * \param sigma standard deviation of the Gaussian */ G4double gaussianCDF(const G4double x, const G4double x0, const G4double sigma); } namespace ParticleConfig { G4bool isPair(Particle const * const p1, Particle const * const p2, ParticleType t1, ParticleType t2); } namespace String { void wrap(std::string &str, const size_t lineLength=78, const std::string &separators=" \t"); void replaceAll(std::string &str, const std::string &from, const std::string &to, const size_t maxPosition=std::string::npos); } } #endif