// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // INCL++ intra-nuclear cascade model // Pekka Kaitaniemi, CEA and Helsinki Institute of Physics // Davide Mancusi, CEA // Alain Boudard, CEA // Sylvie Leray, CEA // Joseph Cugnon, University of Liege // #define INCLXX_IN_GEANT4_MODE 1 #include "globals.hh" #ifndef G4INCLParticleStore_hh #define G4INCLParticleStore_hh 1 #include #include #include #include #include "G4INCLParticle.hh" #include "G4INCLIAvatar.hh" #include "G4INCLBook.hh" #include "G4INCLConfig.hh" #ifdef INCLXX_IN_GEANT4_MODE #define INCL_AVATAR_SEARCH_MinElement 1 #endif // INCLXX_IN_GEANT4_MODE namespace G4INCL { /** * The purpose of the Store object is to act as a "particle manager" * that keeps track ofall the particles in our simulation. It also * tracks the avatars and their connections to particles. */ class Store { public: /** * Store constructor */ Store(Config const * const config); /** * Store destructor */ ~Store(); /** * Add one particle to the store. * * Particle objects don't know anything about avatars so this * method will only do two things: * 1. add the particle to the particle map ParticleID -> Particle* * 2. add an empty entry for this particle into map AvatarID -> [ParticleID] */ void add(Particle *p); /// \brief Add one ParticleEntry avatar void addParticleEntryAvatar(IAvatar *a); /// \brief Add one ParticleEntry avatar void addParticleEntryAvatars(IAvatarList const &al); /** * Add one avatar to the store * * Avatars know about the particles they are associated * with. Adding an avatar consists of the following steps: * 1. Add the new avatar to the avatar list * 2. Add any related new particles to the store by calling add(Particle*) * (this should not happen, by the time we are adding avatars all particles * should have already been added) * 3. Connect the particles involved to the avatar in the map: * particleAvatarConnections :: ParticleID -> [AvatarID] * 4. Add the new avatar to the map: * avatarParticleConnections :: AvatarID -> [ParticleID] */ void add(IAvatar *a); /** * Return the list of avatars */ IAvatarList const &getAvatars() const { return avatarList; } /** * Add a particle to the incoming list. * * \param p particle to add */ void addIncomingParticle(Particle * const p); /** * Add a particle to the incoming list. * * \param p particle to add */ void removeFromIncoming(Particle * const p) { incoming.remove(p); } /// \brief Clear the incoming list inline void clearIncoming() { incoming.clear(); } /// \brief Clear the incoming list and delete the particles inline void deleteIncoming() { for(ParticleIter iter=incoming.begin(), e=incoming.end(); iter!=e; ++iter) { delete (*iter); } clearIncoming(); } /** * Notify the Store that a particle has been updated. This * triggers the removal of obsolete avatars and their * disconnection from the particle. */ void particleHasBeenUpdated(Particle * const); /** * Find the avatar that has the smallest time. */ IAvatar* findSmallestTime(); /** * Make one time step: propagate particles and subtract the length * of the step from the avatar times. */ void timeStep(G4double step); /** * Mark the particle as ejected. This removes it from the list of * inside particles and removes all avatars related to this * particle. */ void particleHasBeenEjected(Particle * const); /** \brief add the particle to the outgoing particle list. * * \param p pointer to the particle to be added */ void addToOutgoing(Particle *p) { outgoing.push_back(p); } /** \brief Add a list of particles to the outgoing particle list. * * \param pl list of particles to be added */ void addToOutgoing(ParticleList const &pl) { for(ParticleIter p=pl.begin(), e=pl.end(); p!=e; ++p) addToOutgoing(*p); } /** * Remove the particle from the system. This also removes all * avatars related to this particle. */ void particleHasBeenDestroyed(Particle * const); /** \brief Move a particle from incoming to inside * * \param particle pointer to a particle **/ void particleHasEntered(Particle * const particle); /** * Return the list of incoming particles (i.e. particles that have yet to * enter the cascade). */ ParticleList const & getIncomingParticles() const { return incoming; } /** * Return the list of outgoing particles (i.e. particles that have left the * cascade). */ ParticleList const & getOutgoingParticles() const { return outgoing; } /** \brief Returns a list of dynamical spectators * * Looks in the outgoing list for particles without collisions and decays, * removes them from outgoing and returns them in a list. * * \return the (possibly empty) list of dynamical spectators */ ParticleList extractDynamicalSpectators() { ParticleList spectators; for(ParticleIter p=outgoing.begin(), e=outgoing.end(); p!=e; ++p) { if((*p)->isProjectileSpectator()) { // assert((*p)->isNucleon()); spectators.push_back(*p); // add them to the list we will return } } // Now erase them from outgoing for(ParticleIter i=spectators.begin(); i!=spectators.end(); ++i) { outgoing.remove(*i); } return spectators; } /** * Return the list of "active" particles (i.e. particles that can * participate in collisions). */ ParticleList const & getParticles() const { return inside; } /** * Return the pointer to the Book object which keeps track of * various counters. */ Book &getBook() { return theBook; }; G4int countCascading() { G4int n=0; for(ParticleIter i=inside.begin(), e=inside.end(); i!=e; ++i) { if(!(*i)->isTargetSpectator()) ++n; } return n; } /** * Get the config object */ Config const * getConfig() { return theConfig; }; /** * Clear all avatars and particles from the store. * * Warning! This actually deletes the objects as well! */ void clear(); /** * Clear all inside particles from the store. * * Warning! This actually deletes the objects as well! */ void clearInside(); /** * Clear all outgoing particles from the store. * * Warning! This actually deletes the objects as well! */ void clearOutgoing(); /** * Clear avatars only. */ void clearAvatars(); /** \brief Initialise the particleAvatarConnections map * * Generate an empty avatar-ID vector for each particle in the inside list * and fill in the relevant particle-avatar map entry. */ void initialiseParticleAvatarConnections(); /** * Load particle configuration from ASCII file (see * avatarPredictionTest). */ void loadParticles(std::string filename); /** * Get the value of the nucleus mass number that we read from file * with loadParticles. */ G4int getLoadedA() { return loadedA; }; /** * Get the value of the nucleus charge number that we read from file * with loadParticles. */ G4int getLoadedZ() { return loadedZ; }; /** * Get the value of the stopping time that we read from file * with loadParticles. */ G4double getLoadedStoppingTime() { return loadedStoppingTime; }; /** * Print the nucleon configuration of the nucleus. */ std::string printParticleConfiguration(); /** * Print the nucleon configuration of the nucleus. */ void writeParticles(std::string filename); /** * Print the list of avatars */ std::string printAvatars(); G4bool containsCollisions() const; #if defined(INCL_AVATAR_SEARCH_FullSort) || defined(INCL_AVATAR_SEARCH_MinElement) /** \brief Comparison predicate for avatars. * * avatarComparisonPredicate is used by the std::sort or std::min_element * functions to compare the avatar objects according to their time. * * \param lhs pointer to the first avatar * \param rhs pointer to the second avatar * \return true iff lhs' time is smaller than rhs'. */ static G4bool avatarComparisonPredicate(IAvatar *lhs, IAvatar *rhs) { return (lhs->getTime() < rhs->getTime()); } #elif defined(INCL_AVATAR_SEARCH_INCLSort) /** \brief Perform a binary search on the avatarIterList. * * By construction, the avatarIterList is always sorted in descending time * order. Thus, we can use binary search if we need to look for a specific * avatar in the list. * * Adapted from STL's binary_search algorithm, as seen on * http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/algorithm/binary_search/. * * \param avatar a pointer to the searched avatar. * \return an iterator to the IAvatarIter, if the avatar is found; otherwise, * IAvatarList.end(). */ std::list::iterator binaryIterSearch(IAvatar const * const avatar); #endif private: /// \brief Dummy copy constructor to shut up Coverity warnings Store(const Store &rhs); /// \brief Dummy assignment operator to shut up Coverity warnings Store &operator=(Store const &rhs); /** \brief Connect an avatar to a particle * * Adds the avatar to the list of avatars where the particle appears. This * is typically called when the avatar is created. * * \param p the particle * \param a the avatar */ void connectAvatarToParticle(IAvatar * const a, Particle * const p); /** \brief Disconnect an avatar from a particle * * Removes the avatar from the list of avatars where the particle appears. * This is typically called when the avatar has been invalidated or * realised. * * \param p the particle * \param a the avatar */ void disconnectAvatarFromParticle(IAvatar * const a, Particle * const p); /** \brief Remove an avatar from the list of avatars * * Removes an avatar from the list of all avatars. The avatar is *not* * deleted. Use removeAndDeleteAvatar for that. * * \param a the avatar to remove */ void removeAvatar(IAvatar * const a); /** \brief Remove an avatar from the list of avatars * * Removes an avatar from the list of all avatars and deletes it. * * \param a the avatar to remove and delete */ void removeAndDeleteAvatar(IAvatar * const a); private: /** * Map particle -> [avatar] */ std::map particleAvatarConnections; /** * List of all avatars */ IAvatarList avatarList; /** * List of incoming particles */ ParticleList incoming; /** * List of particles that are inside the nucleus */ ParticleList inside; /** * List of outgoing particles */ ParticleList outgoing; /** * List of geometrical spectators */ ParticleList geomSpectators; /** * The current time in the simulation */ G4double currentTime; /** * The Book object keeps track of global counters */ Book theBook; /** * The target nucleus mass number that was loaded from a particle file */ G4int loadedA; /** * The target nucleus charge number that was loaded from a particle file */ G4int loadedZ; /** * The stopping time that was loaded from a particle file */ G4double loadedStoppingTime; /** * Pointer to the Config object */ Config const * theConfig; #ifdef INCL_AVATAR_SEARCH_INCLSort /** \brief Internal stack for the INCLSort search algorithm. * * List of std::list::const_iterator to keep track of the best * avatars so far. */ std::list avatarIterList; #endif }; } #endif