// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // $Id: G4IT.hh 71125 2013-06-11 15:39:09Z gcosmo $ // // Author: Mathieu Karamitros (kara (AT) cenbg . in2p3 . fr) // // WARNING : This class is released as a prototype. // It might strongly evolve or even disapear in the next releases. // // History: // ----------- // 10 Oct 2011 M.Karamitros created // // ------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef G4IT_h #define G4IT_h 1 #include "globals.hh" #include "G4ITType.hh" #include "G4ThreeVector.hh" #include "G4VUserTrackInformation.hh" #include "G4TrackingInformation.hh" /// // To implement your own IT class, you should use // ITDef(MyClass) in the class define in your MyClass.hh // and ITImp(MyClass) in your MyClass.cc // For instance, see G4Molecule /// class G4IT; class G4KDNode; class G4ITBox; class G4Track; G4IT* GetIT(const G4Track* track) ; G4IT* GetIT(const G4Track& track) ; #if defined G4EM_ALLOC_EXPORT extern G4DLLEXPORT G4ThreadLocal G4Allocator *aITAllocator; #else extern G4DLLIMPORT G4ThreadLocal G4Allocator *aITAllocator; #endif class G4TrackListNode; /** * G4IT is a interface which allows the inheriting object : * - to be included in ITManager for the search of nearest * neighbour * - to be tracked using G4ITStepManager * The inheriting class must implement the operator < , == * and != in order to enable the sorting out. * also the concrete header of MyIT ("MyIt.hh") should contain : ITDef(MyIT) * and the source of MyIT.cc : ITImp(MyIT) */ class G4IT : public virtual G4VUserTrackInformation { public : G4IT(); G4IT(G4Track*); virtual ~G4IT(); inline void *operator new(size_t); inline void operator delete(void *aIT); virtual void Print() const {;} virtual const G4String& GetName() const = 0 ; /// // You should not worried of implementing diff, equal // and GetType. // When using ITDef(MyClass) this will be done. // However, you need to implement in the concrete class // even fake operators for < and == // They will be used by diff and equal. /// virtual G4bool diff(const G4IT& right) const = 0 ; virtual G4bool equal(const G4IT& right) const = 0 ; G4bool operator<(const G4IT& right) const; G4bool operator==(const G4IT& right) const; G4bool operator!=(const G4IT& right) const; void SetTrack(G4Track*); inline G4Track* GetTrack(); inline const G4Track* GetTrack() const; void RecordCurrentPositionNTime(); inline void SetPrevious(G4IT*); inline void SetNext(G4IT*); inline G4IT* GetPrevious(); inline G4IT* GetNext(); inline const G4IT* GetPrevious() const; inline const G4IT* GetNext() const; inline void SetITBox(G4ITBox*); inline const G4ITBox* GetITBox() const; void TakeOutBox(); inline void SetNode(G4KDNode*); inline void SetParentID(int,int); inline void GetParentID(int&,int&); inline const G4ThreeVector& GetPreStepPosition() const; inline G4double GetPreStepLocalTime() const; inline G4double GetPreStepGlobalTime() const; inline G4KDNode* GetNode() const; inline G4TrackingInformation* GetTrackingInfo(){return &fTrackingInformation;} inline G4TrackListNode* GetTrackListNode(){return fpTrackNode;} inline void SetTrackListNode(G4TrackListNode* node){fpTrackNode = node;} virtual const G4ITType GetITType() const = 0 ; protected : G4IT(const G4IT&); G4IT& operator=(const G4IT&); G4Track* fpTrack ; private : G4ITBox * fpITBox; G4IT* fpPreviousIT; G4IT* fpNextIT; G4KDNode* fpKDNode ; int fParentID_A; int fParentID_B; G4TrackingInformation fTrackingInformation ; G4TrackListNode* fpTrackNode; }; //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo.... /// // Inline methods /// inline void* G4IT::operator new(size_t) { if (!aITAllocator) aITAllocator = new G4Allocator; return (void *) aITAllocator->MallocSingle(); } inline void G4IT::operator delete(void *aIT) { aITAllocator->FreeSingle((G4IT *) aIT); } inline const G4ITBox* G4IT::GetITBox() const { return fpITBox ; } inline void G4IT::SetITBox(G4ITBox * aITBox) { fpITBox = aITBox; } inline void G4IT::SetPrevious(G4IT* aIT) { fpPreviousIT = aIT; } inline void G4IT::SetNext(G4IT* aIT) { fpNextIT = aIT; } inline G4IT* G4IT::GetPrevious() { return fpPreviousIT; } inline G4IT* G4IT::GetNext() { return fpNextIT; } inline void G4IT::SetTrack(G4Track* track) { fpTrack = track; } inline G4Track* G4IT::GetTrack() { return fpTrack; } inline const G4Track* G4IT::GetTrack() const { return fpTrack; } inline void G4IT::SetParentID(int p_a, int p_b) { fParentID_A = p_a; fParentID_B = p_b; } inline void G4IT::GetParentID(int& p_a,int&p_b) { p_a = fParentID_A; p_b = fParentID_B ; } inline G4double G4IT::GetPreStepGlobalTime() const { return fTrackingInformation.GetPreStepGlobalTime(); } inline G4double G4IT::GetPreStepLocalTime() const { return fTrackingInformation.GetPreStepLocalTime(); } inline const G4ThreeVector& G4IT::GetPreStepPosition() const { return fTrackingInformation.GetPreStepPosition(); } inline const G4IT* G4IT::GetPrevious() const { return fpPreviousIT ; } inline const G4IT* G4IT::GetNext() const { return fpNextIT ; } inline void G4IT::SetNode(G4KDNode* aNode) { fpKDNode = aNode ; } inline G4KDNode* G4IT::GetNode() const { return fpKDNode ; } #endif