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// $Id: G4VITProcess.hh 82326 2014-06-16 09:19:18Z gcosmo $
// Author: Mathieu Karamitros (kara (AT) cenbg . in2p3 . fr)
// WARNING : This class is released as a prototype.
// It might strongly evolve or even disapear in the next releases.
// History:
// -----------
// 10 Oct 2011 M.Karamitros created
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

#ifndef G4VITProcess_H
#define G4VITProcess_H

#include <G4VProcess.hh>
#include "AddClone_def.hh"
#include "G4ReferenceCast.hh"
#include "G4shared_ptr.hh"

class G4IT ;
class G4TrackingInformation ;

struct G4ProcessState_Lock{
	inline virtual ~G4ProcessState_Lock(){;}

#define DowncastProcessState(destinationType) \

#define UpcastProcessState(destinationType) \

#define DowncastState(destinationType,source) \

#define UpcastState(destinationType,source) \

 * G4VITProcess inherits from G4VProcess.
 * A G4VITProcess is able to save its current state for a given track into G4IT.
 * This state may be retrieve latter on to be used by the G4VITProcess.
 * Each G4VITProcess is tagged.

class G4VITProcess : public G4VProcess
	// Constructors & destructors
	G4VITProcess(const G4String& name, G4ProcessType type = fNotDefined);

	virtual ~G4VITProcess();
	G4VITProcess(const G4VITProcess& other);
	G4VITProcess& operator=(const G4VITProcess& other);

	// equal opperators
	G4int operator==(const G4VITProcess &right) const;
	G4int operator!=(const G4VITProcess &right) const;


	size_t GetProcessID() const
		return fProcessID;

	G4::shared_ptr<G4ProcessState_Lock> GetProcessState()
		return UpcastProcessState(G4ProcessState_Lock);

	void SetProcessState(G4::shared_ptr<G4ProcessState_Lock> aProcInfo)
		fpState = DowncastState(G4ProcessState,aProcInfo);

	void ResetProcessState()

	// Initialize and Save process info

	virtual void StartTracking(G4Track*);

	virtual void BuildPhysicsTable(const G4ParticleDefinition&){}

	inline G4double GetInteractionTimeLeft();

	/** WARNING : Redefine the method of G4VProcess
	 * reset (determine the value of)NumberOfInteractionLengthLeft
	virtual void  ResetNumberOfInteractionLengthLeft();

	inline G4bool ProposesTimeStep() const;

	inline static const size_t& GetMaxProcessIndex();

protected:  // with description

	void RetrieveProcessInfo();
	void CreateInfo();

	// Process info
	// friend class G4TrackingInformation ;

	struct G4ProcessState : public G4ProcessState_Lock
		virtual ~G4ProcessState();

		G4double          theNumberOfInteractionLengthLeft;
		// The flight length left for the current tracking particle
		// in unit of "Interaction length".

		G4double          theInteractionTimeLeft;
		// Time left before the interaction : for at rest processes

		G4double          currentInteractionLength;
		// The InteractionLength in the current material

		template<typename T> T* GetState()
			return dynamic_cast<T*>(this);

	G4::shared_ptr<G4ProcessState> fpState;

	template<typename T> T* GetState()
		return fpState->GetState<T>();

	inline virtual void ClearInteractionTimeLeft();

	inline virtual void      ClearNumberOfInteractionLengthLeft();
	// clear NumberOfInteractionLengthLeft
	// !!! This method should be at the end of PostStepDoIt()
	// !!! and AtRestDoIt

	void SetInstantiateProcessState(G4bool flag)
	{ fInstantiateProcessState = flag; }

	G4bool InstantiateProcessState() { return fInstantiateProcessState; }

	G4bool fProposesTimeStep;

	private :

	size_t fProcessID;
	// During all the simulation will identify a process, so if two identical
	// processes are created using a copy constructor they will have the same
	// fProcessID. NOTE: due to MT, this cannot be "const".

	static /*G4ThreadLocal*/ size_t *fNbProcess;

	G4bool fInstantiateProcessState;
	// Redefine needed members and method of G4VProcess
	G4double*          theNumberOfInteractionLengthLeft;
	G4double*          currentInteractionLength;
	G4double*          theInteractionTimeLeft;

inline void G4VITProcess::ClearInteractionTimeLeft()
	fpState->theInteractionTimeLeft = -1.0;

inline void G4VITProcess::ClearNumberOfInteractionLengthLeft()
	fpState->theNumberOfInteractionLengthLeft =  -1.0;

inline void G4VITProcess::ResetNumberOfInteractionLengthLeft()
	fpState->theNumberOfInteractionLengthLeft =  -std::log( G4UniformRand() );

inline G4double G4VITProcess::GetInteractionTimeLeft()
		return fpState->theInteractionTimeLeft ;

	return -1 ;

inline G4bool G4VITProcess::ProposesTimeStep() const
	return fProposesTimeStep;

inline const size_t& G4VITProcess::GetMaxProcessIndex()
	if (!fNbProcess) fNbProcess = new size_t ( 0);
	return *fNbProcess ;
#endif // G4VITProcess_H