// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // $Id: G4VMultipleScattering.hh 74657 2013-10-18 08:13:12Z gcosmo $ // // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // // GEANT4 Class header file // // // File name: G4VMultipleScattering // // Author: Vladimir Ivanchenko on base of Laszlo Urban code // // Creation date: 12.03.2002 // // Modifications: // // 16-07-03 Update GetRange interface (V.Ivanchenko) // // // Class Description: // // It is the generic process of multiple scattering it includes common // part of calculations for all charged particles // // 26-11-03 bugfix in AlongStepDoIt (L.Urban) // 25-05-04 add protection against case when range is less than steplimit (VI) // 30-06-04 make destructor virtual (V.Ivanchenko) // 27-08-04 Add InitialiseForRun method (V.Ivanchneko) // 08-11-04 Migration to new interface of Store/Retrieve tables (V.Ivanchenko) // 15-04-05 optimize internal interfaces (V.Ivanchenko) // 15-04-05 remove boundary flag (V.Ivanchenko) // 07-10-05 error in a protection in GetContinuousStepLimit corrected (L.Urban) // 27-10-05 introduce virtual function MscStepLimitation() (V.Ivanchenko) // 26-01-06 Rename GetRange -> GetRangeFromRestricteDEDX (V.Ivanchenko) // 17-02-06 Save table of transport cross sections not mfp (V.Ivanchenko) // 07-03-06 Move step limit calculation to model (V.Ivanchenko) // 13-05-06 Add method to access model by index (V.Ivanchenko) // 12-02-07 Add get/set skin (V.Ivanchenko) // 27-10-07 Virtual functions moved to source (V.Ivanchenko) // 15-07-08 Reorder class members for further multi-thread development (VI) // 07-04-09 Moved msc methods from G4VEmModel to G4VMscModel (VI) // // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // #ifndef G4VMultipleScattering_h #define G4VMultipleScattering_h 1 #include "G4VContinuousDiscreteProcess.hh" #include "globals.hh" #include "G4Material.hh" #include "G4ParticleChangeForMSC.hh" #include "G4Track.hh" #include "G4Step.hh" #include "G4EmModelManager.hh" #include "G4VMscModel.hh" #include "G4MscStepLimitType.hh" class G4ParticleDefinition; class G4VEnergyLossProcess; class G4LossTableManager; class G4SafetyHelper; //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo.... class G4VMultipleScattering : public G4VContinuousDiscreteProcess { public: G4VMultipleScattering(const G4String& name = "msc", G4ProcessType type = fElectromagnetic); virtual ~G4VMultipleScattering(); //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Virtual methods to be implemented for the concrete model //------------------------------------------------------------------------ virtual G4bool IsApplicable(const G4ParticleDefinition& p) = 0; virtual void PrintInfo() = 0; protected: virtual void InitialiseProcess(const G4ParticleDefinition*) = 0; public: //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Generic methods common to all ContinuousDiscrete processes //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Initialise for build of tables void PreparePhysicsTable(const G4ParticleDefinition&); // Build physics table during initialisation void BuildPhysicsTable(const G4ParticleDefinition&); // Print out of generic class parameters void PrintInfoDefinition(); // Store PhysicsTable in a file. // Return false in case of failure at I/O G4bool StorePhysicsTable(const G4ParticleDefinition*, const G4String& directory, G4bool ascii = false); // Retrieve Physics from a file. // (return true if the Physics Table can be build by using file) // (return false if the process has no functionality or in case of failure) // File name should is constructed as processName+particleName and the // should be placed under the directory specifed by the argument. G4bool RetrievePhysicsTable(const G4ParticleDefinition*, const G4String& directory, G4bool ascii); // This is called in the beginning of tracking for a new track void StartTracking(G4Track*); // The function overloads the corresponding function of the base // class.It limits the step near to boundaries only // and invokes the method GetMscContinuousStepLimit at every step. G4double AlongStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength( const G4Track&, G4double previousStepSize, G4double currentMinimalStep, G4double& currentSafety, G4GPILSelection* selection); // The function overloads the corresponding function of the base // class. G4double PostStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength( const G4Track&, G4double previousStepSize, G4ForceCondition* condition); // Along step actions G4VParticleChange* AlongStepDoIt(const G4Track&, const G4Step&); // Post step actions G4VParticleChange* PostStepDoIt(const G4Track&, const G4Step&); // This method does not used for tracking, it is intended only for tests G4double ContinuousStepLimit(const G4Track& track, G4double previousStepSize, G4double currentMinimalStep, G4double& currentSafety); //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Specific methods to set, access, modify models //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Select model in run time inline G4VEmModel* SelectModel(G4double kinEnergy, size_t idx); public: // Add model for region, smaller value of order defines which // model will be selected for a given energy interval void AddEmModel(G4int order, G4VEmModel*, const G4Region* region = 0); // Assign a model to a process void SetEmModel(G4VMscModel*, G4int index = 1); // return the assigned model G4VMscModel* EmModel(G4int index = 1) const; // Access to models by index G4VEmModel* GetModelByIndex(G4int idx = 0, G4bool ver = false) const; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Get/Set parameters for simulation of multiple scattering //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void SetIonisation(G4VEnergyLossProcess*); inline G4bool LateralDisplasmentFlag() const; inline void SetLateralDisplasmentFlag(G4bool val); inline G4double Skin() const; inline void SetSkin(G4double val); inline G4double RangeFactor() const; inline void SetRangeFactor(G4double val); inline G4double GeomFactor() const; inline void SetGeomFactor(G4double val); inline G4double PolarAngleLimit() const; inline void SetPolarAngleLimit(G4double val); inline G4MscStepLimitType StepLimitType() const; inline void SetStepLimitType(G4MscStepLimitType val); inline G4double LowestKinEnergy() const; inline void SetLowestKinEnergy(G4double val); inline const G4ParticleDefinition* FirstParticle() const; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Run time methods //------------------------------------------------------------------------ protected: // This method is not used for tracking, it returns mean free path value G4double GetMeanFreePath(const G4Track& track, G4double, G4ForceCondition* condition); // This method is not used for tracking, it returns step limit G4double GetContinuousStepLimit(const G4Track& track, G4double previousStepSize, G4double currentMinimalStep, G4double& currentSafety); private: // hide assignment operator G4VMultipleScattering(G4VMultipleScattering &); G4VMultipleScattering & operator=(const G4VMultipleScattering &right); // ======== Parameters of the class fixed at construction ========= G4EmModelManager* modelManager; G4LossTableManager* emManager; G4double geomMin; // ======== Parameters of the class fixed at initialisation ======= G4SafetyHelper* safetyHelper; std::vector mscModels; G4int numberOfModels; const G4ParticleDefinition* firstParticle; const G4ParticleDefinition* currParticle; G4MscStepLimitType stepLimit; G4double skin; G4double facrange; G4double facgeom; G4double polarAngleLimit; G4double lowestKinEnergy; G4bool latDisplasment; G4bool isIon; // ======== Cashed values - may be state dependent ================ protected: G4GPILSelection valueGPILSelectionMSC; G4ParticleChangeForMSC fParticleChange; private: // cache G4VMscModel* currentModel; G4VEnergyLossProcess* fIonisation; G4double physStepLimit; G4double tPathLength; G4double gPathLength; G4ThreeVector fNewPosition; G4bool fPositionChanged; G4bool isActive; G4int warn; }; // ======== Run time inline methods ================ //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo.... inline G4VEmModel* G4VMultipleScattering::SelectModel(G4double kinEnergy, size_t coupleIndex) { return modelManager->SelectModel(kinEnergy, coupleIndex); } //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo.... inline G4bool G4VMultipleScattering::LateralDisplasmentFlag() const { return latDisplasment; } //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo.... inline void G4VMultipleScattering::SetLateralDisplasmentFlag(G4bool val) { latDisplasment = val; } //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo.... inline G4double G4VMultipleScattering::Skin() const { return skin; } //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo.... inline void G4VMultipleScattering::SetSkin(G4double val) { if(val < 1.0) { skin = 0.0; } else { skin = val; } } //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo.... inline G4double G4VMultipleScattering::RangeFactor() const { return facrange; } //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo.... inline void G4VMultipleScattering::SetRangeFactor(G4double val) { if(val > 0.0) facrange = val; } //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo.... inline G4double G4VMultipleScattering::GeomFactor() const { return facgeom; } //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo.... inline void G4VMultipleScattering::SetGeomFactor(G4double val) { if(val > 0.0) facgeom = val; } //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo.... inline G4double G4VMultipleScattering::PolarAngleLimit() const { return polarAngleLimit; } //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo.... inline void G4VMultipleScattering::SetPolarAngleLimit(G4double val) { if(val < 0.0) { polarAngleLimit = 0.0; } else if(val > CLHEP::pi) { polarAngleLimit = CLHEP::pi; } else { polarAngleLimit = val; } } //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo.... inline G4MscStepLimitType G4VMultipleScattering::StepLimitType() const { return stepLimit; } //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo.... inline void G4VMultipleScattering::SetStepLimitType(G4MscStepLimitType val) { stepLimit = val; if(val == fMinimal) { facrange = 0.2; } } //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo.... inline G4double G4VMultipleScattering::LowestKinEnergy() const { return lowestKinEnergy; } //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo.... inline void G4VMultipleScattering::SetLowestKinEnergy(G4double val) { lowestKinEnergy = val; } //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo.... inline const G4ParticleDefinition* G4VMultipleScattering::FirstParticle() const { return firstParticle; } //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo.... #endif