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* File: G4WattFissionSpectrumValues.hh
* Author: B. Wendt (wendbryc@isu.edu)
* Created on July 11, 2011, 11:32 AM
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * References * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* *
* 1. MCNP - A General Monte carlo N-Particle Transport Code, Version 5, *
* X-5 Monte Carlo Team, Volume I: Overview and Theory, April, 2005 *
* *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * References * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
#include "globals.hh"
#include "G4FFGDefaultValues.hh"
#include "G4FFGEnumerations.hh"
// TODO Migrate to existing neutron_hp watt constants in G4NeutronHPWattSpectrum.hh
// and then remove this file from the repo and sources.cmake
/** WattSpectrumConstants contains constants and other variables for use in
* sampling the Watt fission spectrum.
struct WattSpectrumConstants
/** Isotope code in ZZZAAA format for which the Watt fission
* spectrum is being sampled
G4int Product;
/** Fission cause for which the Watt fission spectrum is being
* sampled
G4FFGEnumerations::FissionCause Cause;
/** Energy, if any, of the incident particle that cause the fission */
G4double Energy;
/** Sampling constant. Calculated as:
* \f[
* L = \frac{[K + (K^2 - 1)^\frac{1}{2}]}{a}
* \f]
* \f[
* K = 1 + \frac{b}{8a}
* \f]
G4double L;
/** Sampling constant. Calculated as:
* \f[
* M = a*L-1
* \f]
G4double M;
/** Sampling constant taken from the data tables. */
G4double B;
/** These are the energy values in MeV for the neutron induced Watt fission
* spectrum constants.
static const G4double IncidentEnergyBins[] =
1.0 * MeV,
14.0 * MeV,
-1 // End of array
/** Watt fission spectrum constants for neutron induced fission.
* \n Constants
* \n Column 1: 'a' value
* \n Column 2: 'b' value
* \n Incident Neutron Energies
* \n Row 1: Thermal (~0.025 eV)
* \n Row 2: 1 MeV
* \n Row 3: 14 MeV
static const G4double NeutronInducedWattConstants[][3][2] =
// Default
{ {0.95, 2.7},
{1.0, 2.5},
{1.05, 2.4}, },
// Thorium
// 90232
{ {1.0888, 1.6871},
{1.1096, 1.6316},
{1.1700, 1.4610}, },
// Uranium
// 92233
{ {0.977, 2.546},
{0.977, 2.249},
{1.0036, 2.6377}, },
// 92235
{ {0.988, 2.249},
{0.988, 2.249},
{1.028, 2.084}, },
// 92238
{ {0.88111, 3.4005},
{0.89506, 3.2953},
{0.96534, 2.8330}, },
// Plutonium
// 94239
{ {0.966, 2.842},
{0.966, 2.842},
{1.055, 2.383}, }
/** This table provides the indexing for NeutronInducedWattConstants_. The
* index of an isotope in this table is the index for the Watt fission spectrum
* constants in NeutronInducedWattConstants_. The isotopes are listed in ZZZAAA
* format.
static const G4int NeutronInducedWattIsotopesIndex[] =
// Default
// Thorium
// Uranium
// Plutonium
// End of array
/** Watt fission spectrum constants for spontaneous fission.
* \n Column 1: 'a' value
* \n Column 2: 'b' value
static const G4double SpontaneousWattConstants[][2] =
// Default
{0.8, 4.0},
// Plutonium
// 94240
{0.799, 4.903},
// 94242
{0.833668, 4.431658},
// Curium
// 96242
{0.891, 4.046},
// 96244
{0.906, 3.848},
// Californium
// 98252
{1.025, 2.926}
/** This table provides the indexing for SpontaneousWattConstants_. The index of
* an isotope in this table is the index for the Watt fission spectrum constants
* in SpontaneousWattConstants_. The isotopes are listed in ZZZAAA format.
static const G4int SpontaneousWattIsotopesIndex[] =
// Default
// Plutonium
// Curium
// Californium
// End of array