// Bindings #include "PyROOT.h" #include "Adapters.h" #include "Utility.h" // ROOT #include "TInterpreter.h" #include "TBaseClass.h" #include "TClass.h" #include "TClassEdit.h" #include "TDataType.h" #include "TDataMember.h" #include "TMethod.h" #include "TFunction.h" #include "TMethodArg.h" #include "TList.h" #include "TError.h" // CINT #include "Api.h" //= TReturnTypeAdapter ======================================================= std::string PyROOT::TReturnTypeAdapter::Name( unsigned int mod ) const { // get the name of the return type that is being adapted std::string name = fName; if ( ! ( mod & ( ROOT::Reflex::QUALIFIED | ROOT::Reflex::Q ) ) ) name = TClassEdit::CleanType( fName.c_str(), 1 ); if ( mod & ( ROOT::Reflex::FINAL | ROOT::Reflex::F ) ) name = Utility::ResolveTypedef( name ); return name; } //= TMemberAdapter =========================================================== PyROOT::TMemberAdapter::TMemberAdapter( TMethod* meth ) : fMember( meth ) { /* empty */ } //____________________________________________________________________________ PyROOT::TMemberAdapter::operator TMethod*() const { // cast the adapter to a TMethod* being adapted, returns 0 on failure return dynamic_cast< TMethod* >( const_cast< TDictionary* >( fMember ) ); } //____________________________________________________________________________ PyROOT::TMemberAdapter::TMemberAdapter( TFunction* func ) : fMember( func ) { /* empty */ } //____________________________________________________________________________ PyROOT::TMemberAdapter::operator TFunction*() const { // cast the adapter to a TFunction* being adapted, returns 0 on failure return dynamic_cast< TFunction* >( const_cast< TDictionary* >( fMember ) ); } //____________________________________________________________________________ PyROOT::TMemberAdapter::TMemberAdapter( TDataMember* mb ) : fMember( mb ) { /* empty */ } //____________________________________________________________________________ PyROOT::TMemberAdapter::operator TDataMember*() const { // cast the adapter to a TDataMember* being adapted, returns 0 on failure return dynamic_cast< TDataMember* >( const_cast< TDictionary* >( fMember ) ); } //____________________________________________________________________________ PyROOT::TMemberAdapter::TMemberAdapter( TMethodArg* ma ) : fMember( ma ) { /* empty */ } //____________________________________________________________________________ PyROOT::TMemberAdapter::operator TMethodArg*() const { // cast the adapter to a TMethodArg* being adapted, returns 0 on failure return dynamic_cast< TMethodArg* >( const_cast< TDictionary* >( fMember ) ); } //____________________________________________________________________________ std::string PyROOT::TMemberAdapter::Name( unsigned int mod ) const { // Return name of the type described by fMember TMethodArg* arg = (TMethodArg*)*this; if ( arg ) { std::string name = arg->GetTypeName(); if ( mod & ( ROOT::Reflex::QUALIFIED | ROOT::Reflex::Q ) ) name = arg->GetFullTypeName(); if ( mod & ( ROOT::Reflex::FINAL | ROOT::Reflex::F ) ) name = Utility::ResolveTypedef( name ); return name; } else if ( mod & ( ROOT::Reflex::FINAL | ROOT::Reflex::F ) ) return Utility::ResolveTypedef( fMember->GetName() ); return fMember->GetName(); } //____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t PyROOT::TMemberAdapter::IsEnum() const { // test if the adapted member is of an enum type return fMember->Property() & kIsEnum; } //____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t PyROOT::TMemberAdapter::IsPublic() const { // test if the adapted member represents an public (data) member return fMember->Property() & kIsPublic; } //____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t PyROOT::TMemberAdapter::IsStatic() const { // test if the adapted member represents a class (data) member if ( DeclaringScope().IsNamespace() ) return kTRUE; return fMember->Property() & G__BIT_ISSTATIC; } //____________________________________________________________________________ size_t PyROOT::TMemberAdapter::FunctionParameterSize( Bool_t required ) const { // get the total number of parameters that the adapted function/method takes TFunction* func = (TFunction*)fMember; if ( ! func ) return 0; if ( required == true ) return func->GetNargs() - func->GetNargsOpt(); return func->GetNargs(); } //____________________________________________________________________________ PyROOT::TMemberAdapter PyROOT::TMemberAdapter::FunctionParameterAt( size_t nth ) const { // get the type info of the function parameter at position nth return (TMethodArg*)((TFunction*)fMember)->GetListOfMethodArgs()->At( nth ); } //____________________________________________________________________________ std::string PyROOT::TMemberAdapter::FunctionParameterNameAt( size_t nth ) const { // get the formal name, if available, of the function parameter at position nth const char* name = ((TMethodArg*)((TFunction*)fMember)->GetListOfMethodArgs()->At( nth ))->GetName(); if ( name ) return name; return ""; } //____________________________________________________________________________ std::string PyROOT::TMemberAdapter::FunctionParameterDefaultAt( size_t nth ) const { // get the default value, if available, of the function parameter at position nth TMethodArg* arg = (TMethodArg*)((TFunction*)fMember)->GetListOfMethodArgs()->At( nth ); const char* def = arg->GetDefault(); if ( ! def ) return ""; // special case for strings: "some value" -> ""some value" if ( strstr( Utility::ResolveTypedef( arg->GetTypeName() ).c_str(), "char*" ) ) { std::string sdef = "\""; sdef += def; sdef += "\""; return sdef; } return def; } //____________________________________________________________________________ PyROOT::TReturnTypeAdapter PyROOT::TMemberAdapter::ReturnType() const { // get the return type of the wrapped function/method return TReturnTypeAdapter( ((TFunction*)fMember)->GetReturnTypeName() ); } //____________________________________________________________________________ PyROOT::TScopeAdapter PyROOT::TMemberAdapter::DeclaringScope() const { // get the declaring scope (class) of the wrapped function/method TMethod* method = (TMethod*)*this; if ( method ) return method->GetClass(); TDataMember* data = (TDataMember*)*this; if ( data ) return data->GetClass(); // happens for free-standing functions (i.e. global scope) return std::string( "" ); } //= TBaseAdapter ============================================================= std::string PyROOT::TBaseAdapter::Name() const { // get the name of the base class that is being adapted return fBase->GetName(); } //= TScopeAdapter ============================================================ PyROOT::TScopeAdapter::TScopeAdapter( TClass* klass ) : fClass( klass ) { // wrap a class (scope) if ( fClass.GetClass() != 0 ) fName = fClass->GetName(); } //____________________________________________________________________________ PyROOT::TScopeAdapter::TScopeAdapter( const std::string& name ) : fClass( name.c_str() ), fName( name ) { /* empty */ } PyROOT::TScopeAdapter::TScopeAdapter( const TMemberAdapter& mb ) : fClass( mb.Name( ROOT::Reflex::SCOPED ).c_str() ), fName( mb.Name( ROOT::Reflex::Q | ROOT::Reflex::S ) ) { /* empty */ } //____________________________________________________________________________ PyROOT::TScopeAdapter PyROOT::TScopeAdapter::ByName( const std::string& name, Bool_t quiet ) { // lookup a scope (class) by name Int_t oldEIL = gErrorIgnoreLevel; if ( quiet ) gErrorIgnoreLevel = 3000; TClassRef klass( name.c_str() ); if (klass.GetClass() && klass->GetListOfAllPublicMethods()->GetSize() == 0) { // sometimes I/O interferes, leading to zero methods: reload from CINT ClassInfo_t* cl = gInterpreter->ClassInfo_Factory( name.c_str() ); if ( cl ) gInterpreter->SetClassInfo( klass, kTRUE ); } gErrorIgnoreLevel = oldEIL; return klass.GetClass(); } //____________________________________________________________________________ std::string PyROOT::TScopeAdapter::Name( unsigned int mod ) const { // Return name of type described by fClass if ( ! fClass.GetClass() || ! fClass->Property() ) { // fundamental types have no class, and unknown classes have no property std::string name = fName; if ( ! ( mod & ( ROOT::Reflex::QUALIFIED | ROOT::Reflex::Q ) ) ) name = TClassEdit::CleanType( fName.c_str(), 1 ); if ( mod & ( ROOT::Reflex::FINAL | ROOT::Reflex::F ) ) name = Utility::ResolveTypedef( name ); return name; } if ( mod & ( ROOT::Reflex::FINAL | ROOT::Reflex::F ) ) { G__ClassInfo* clInfo = (G__ClassInfo*)fClass->GetClassInfo(); if ( mod & ( ROOT::Reflex::SCOPED | ROOT::Reflex::S ) ) return clInfo ? clInfo->Fullname() : fClass->GetName(); // unscoped name ... std::string actual = clInfo ? clInfo->Name() : fClass->GetName(); // in case of missing dictionaries, the scope won't have been stripped if ( ! ( clInfo && clInfo->IsValid() ) ) { std::string::size_type pos = actual.substr( 0, actual.find( '<' ) ).rfind( "::" ); if ( pos != std::string::npos ) { // this is somewhat of a gamble, but the alternative is a guaranteed crash actual = actual.substr( pos + 2, std::string::npos ); } } return actual; } else if ( ! ( mod & ( ROOT::Reflex::SCOPED | ROOT::Reflex::S ) ) ) { G__ClassInfo* clInfo = (G__ClassInfo*)fClass->GetClassInfo(); return clInfo ? clInfo->Name() : fClass->GetName(); } return fClass->GetName(); } //____________________________________________________________________________ size_t PyROOT::TScopeAdapter::BaseSize() const { // get the total number of base classes that this class has if ( fClass.GetClass() && fClass->GetListOfBases() != 0 ) return fClass->GetListOfBases()->GetSize(); return 0; } //____________________________________________________________________________ PyROOT::TBaseAdapter PyROOT::TScopeAdapter::BaseAt( size_t nth ) const { // get the nth base of this class return (TBaseClass*)fClass->GetListOfBases()->At( nth ); } //____________________________________________________________________________ size_t PyROOT::TScopeAdapter::FunctionMemberSize() const { // get the total number of methods that this class has if ( fClass.GetClass() ) return fClass->GetListOfMethods()->GetSize(); return 0; } //____________________________________________________________________________ PyROOT::TMemberAdapter PyROOT::TScopeAdapter::FunctionMemberAt( size_t nth ) const { // get the nth method of this class return (TMethod*)fClass->GetListOfMethods()->At( nth ); } //____________________________________________________________________________ size_t PyROOT::TScopeAdapter::DataMemberSize() const { // get the total number of data members that this class has if ( fClass.GetClass() ) return fClass->GetListOfDataMembers()->GetSize(); return 0; } //____________________________________________________________________________ PyROOT::TMemberAdapter PyROOT::TScopeAdapter::DataMemberAt( size_t nth ) const { // get the nth data member of this class return (TDataMember*)fClass->GetListOfDataMembers()->At( nth ); } //____________________________________________________________________________ PyROOT::TScopeAdapter::operator Bool_t() const { // check the validity of this scope (class) if ( fName.empty() ) return false; Int_t oldEIL = gErrorIgnoreLevel; gErrorIgnoreLevel = 3000; Bool_t b = G__TypeInfo( Name( ROOT::Reflex::Q | ROOT::Reflex::S ).c_str() ).IsValid(); gErrorIgnoreLevel = oldEIL; return b; } //____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t PyROOT::TScopeAdapter::IsComplete() const { // verify whether the dictionary of this class is fully available return G__TypeInfo( Name( ROOT::Reflex::SCOPED ).c_str() ).IsLoaded(); } //____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t PyROOT::TScopeAdapter::IsClass() const { // test if this scope represents a class if ( fClass.GetClass() ) { // some inverted logic: we don't have a TClass, but a builtin will be recognized, so // if it is NOT a builtin, it is a class or struct (but may be missing dictionary) return (fClass->Property() & kIsClass) || ! (fClass->Property() & kIsFundamental); } // no class can mean either is no class (i.e. builtin), or no dict but coming in // through PyCintex/Reflex ... as a workaround, use TDataTypes that has a full // enumeration of builtin types return TDataType( Name( ROOT::Reflex::F | ROOT::Reflex::S ).c_str() ).GetType() == kOther_t; } //____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t PyROOT::TScopeAdapter::IsStruct() const { // test if this scope represents a struct if ( fClass.GetClass() ) { // same logic as for IsClass() above ... return (fClass->Property() & kIsStruct) || ! (fClass->Property() & kIsFundamental); } // same logic as for IsClass() above ... return TDataType( Name( ROOT::Reflex::F | ROOT::Reflex::S ).c_str() ).GetType() == kOther_t; } //____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t PyROOT::TScopeAdapter::IsNamespace() const { // test if this scope represents a namespace if ( fClass.GetClass() ) return fClass->Property() & G__BIT_ISNAMESPACE; return kFALSE; } //____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t PyROOT::TScopeAdapter::IsAbstract() const { // test if this scope represents an abstract class if ( fClass.GetClass() ) return fClass->Property() & kIsAbstract; // assume set only for classes return kFALSE; }