// @(#)root/pyroot:$Id$ // Author: Wim Lavrijsen, Jan 2005 // Bindings #include "PyROOT.h" #include "PyStrings.h" #include "Converters.h" #include "ObjectProxy.h" #include "PyBufferFactory.h" #include "TCustomPyTypes.h" #include "Utility.h" #include "RootWrapper.h" // ROOT #include "TClass.h" #include "TClassEdit.h" // CINT #include "Api.h" // Standard #include #include #include #include //- data ______________________________________________________________________ namespace PyROOT { ConvFactories_t gConvFactories; R__EXTERN PyObject* gNullPtrObject; } //- base converter implementation --------------------------------------------- PyObject* PyROOT::TConverter::FromMemory( void* ) { // could happen if no derived class override PyErr_SetString( PyExc_TypeError, "unknown type can not be converted from memory" ); return 0; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t PyROOT::TConverter::ToMemory( PyObject*, void* ) { // could happen if no derived class override PyErr_SetString( PyExc_TypeError, "unknown type can not be converted to memory" ); return kFALSE; } //- helper macro's ------------------------------------------------------------ #define PYROOT_IMPLEMENT_BASIC_CONVERTER( name, type, stype, F1, F2 ) \ PyObject* PyROOT::T##name##Converter::FromMemory( void* address ) \ { \ return F1( (stype)*((type*)address) ); \ } \ \ Bool_t PyROOT::T##name##Converter::ToMemory( PyObject* value, void* address ) \ { \ type s = (type)F2( value ); \ if ( s == (type)-1 && PyErr_Occurred() ) \ return kFALSE; \ *((type*)address) = (type)s; \ return kTRUE; \ } #define PYROOT_IMPLEMENT_BASIC_REF_CONVERTER( name ) \ PyObject* PyROOT::T##name##Converter::FromMemory( void* ) \ { \ return 0; \ } \ \ Bool_t PyROOT::T##name##Converter::ToMemory( PyObject*, void* ) \ { \ return kFALSE; \ } //_____________________________________________________________________________ #define PYROOT_IMPLEMENT_BASIC_CHAR_CONVERTER( name, type, low, high ) \ Bool_t PyROOT::T##name##Converter::SetArg( \ PyObject* pyobject, TParameter_t& para, G__CallFunc* func, Long_t ) \ { \ /* convert to C++ <>, set arg for call, allow int -> char */ \ if ( PyROOT_PyUnicode_Check( pyobject ) ) { \ if ( PyROOT_PyUnicode_GET_SIZE( pyobject ) == 1 ) { \ para.fLong = (Long_t)PyROOT_PyUnicode_AsString( pyobject )[0]; \ if ( func ) \ func->SetArg( para.fLong ); \ } else { \ PyErr_Format( PyExc_TypeError, \ #type" expected, got string of size " PY_SSIZE_T_FORMAT, PyROOT_PyUnicode_GET_SIZE( pyobject ) );\ return kFALSE; \ } \ } else { \ para.fLong = PyLong_AsLong( pyobject ); \ if ( para.fLong == -1 && PyErr_Occurred() ) { \ return kFALSE; \ } else if ( ! ( low <= para.fLong && para.fLong <= high ) ) { \ PyErr_Format( PyExc_ValueError, \ "integer to character: value %ld not in range [%d,%d]", para.fLong, low, high );\ return kFALSE; \ } else if ( func ) \ func->SetArg( para.fLong ); \ } \ return kTRUE; \ } \ \ PyObject* PyROOT::T##name##Converter::FromMemory( void* address ) \ { \ return PyROOT_PyUnicode_FromFormat( "%c", *((type*)address) ); \ } \ \ Bool_t PyROOT::T##name##Converter::ToMemory( PyObject* value, void* address ) \ { \ if ( PyROOT_PyUnicode_Check( value ) ) { \ const char* buf = PyROOT_PyUnicode_AsString( value ); \ if ( PyErr_Occurred() ) \ return kFALSE; \ int len = PyROOT_PyUnicode_GET_SIZE( value ); \ if ( len != 1 ) { \ PyErr_Format( PyExc_TypeError, #type" expected, got string of size %d", len );\ return kFALSE; \ } \ *((type*)address) = (type)buf[0]; \ } else { \ Long_t l = PyLong_AsLong( value ); \ if ( l == -1 && PyErr_Occurred() ) \ return kFALSE; \ if ( ! ( low <= l && l <= high ) ) { \ PyErr_Format( PyExc_ValueError, \ "integer to character: value %ld not in range [%d,%d]", l, low, high );\ return kFALSE; \ } \ *((type*)address) = (type)l; \ } \ return kTRUE; \ } //- converters for built-ins -------------------------------------------------- Bool_t PyROOT::TLongConverter::SetArg( PyObject* pyobject, TParameter_t& para, G__CallFunc* func, Long_t ) { // convert to C++ long, set arg for call #if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x02070000 // p2.7 silently converts floats to long ... if ( ! (PyLong_Check( pyobject ) || PyInt_Check( pyobject )) ) return kFALSE; #endif para.fLong = PyLong_AsLong( pyobject ); if ( para.fLong == -1 && PyErr_Occurred() ) return kFALSE; else if ( func ) func->SetArg( para.fLong ); return kTRUE; } PYROOT_IMPLEMENT_BASIC_CONVERTER( Long, Long_t, Long_t, PyLong_FromLong, PyLong_AsLong ) //____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t PyROOT::TLongRefConverter::SetArg( PyObject* pyobject, TParameter_t& para, G__CallFunc* func, Long_t ) { // convert to C++ long&, set arg for call if ( ! TCustomInt_CheckExact( pyobject ) ) { if ( PyInt_Check( pyobject ) ) PyErr_SetString( PyExc_TypeError, "use ROOT.Long for pass-by-ref of longs" ); return kFALSE; } #if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x03000000 para.fLong = (Long_t)&((PyIntObject*)pyobject)->ob_ival; if ( func ) func->SetArgRef( (Long_t&)((PyIntObject*)pyobject)->ob_ival ); return kTRUE; #else para.fLong = 0; func = 0; return (Bool_t)func; // there no longer is a PyIntObject in p3 #endif } PYROOT_IMPLEMENT_BASIC_REF_CONVERTER( LongRef ) //____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t PyROOT::TConstLongRefConverter::SetArg( PyObject* pyobject, TParameter_t& para, G__CallFunc* func, Long_t ) { // convert to C++ const long&, set arg for call using buffer para.fLong = fBuffer = PyLong_AsLong( pyobject ); if ( para.fLong == -1 && PyErr_Occurred() ) return kFALSE; else if ( func ) func->SetArgRef( fBuffer ); return kTRUE; } //____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t PyROOT::TIntRefConverter::SetArg( PyObject* pyobject, TParameter_t& para, G__CallFunc* func, Long_t ) { // convert to C++ (pseudo)int&, set arg for call if ( TCustomInt_CheckExact( pyobject ) ) { #if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x03000000 para.fLong = (Long_t)&((PyIntObject*)pyobject)->ob_ival; if ( func ) { G__value v; G__setnull( &v ); v.ref = (Long_t)&((PyIntObject*)pyobject)->ob_ival; G__letint( &v, 'i', para.fLong ); func->SetArg( v ); } return kTRUE; #else para.fLong = 0; func = 0; PyErr_SetString( PyExc_NotImplementedError, "int pass-by-ref not implemented in p3" ); return kFALSE; // there no longer is a PyIntObject in p3 #endif } // alternate, pass pointer from buffer int buflen = Utility::GetBuffer( pyobject, 'i', sizeof(int), para.fVoidp ); if ( para.fVoidp && buflen && func ) { G__value v; G__setnull( &v ); v.ref = (Long_t)para.fVoidp; G__letint( &v, 'i', para.fLong ); func->SetArg( v ); return kTRUE; } PyErr_SetString( PyExc_TypeError, "use ROOT.Long for pass-by-ref of ints" ); return kFALSE; } PYROOT_IMPLEMENT_BASIC_REF_CONVERTER( IntRef ) //____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t PyROOT::TBoolConverter::SetArg( PyObject* pyobject, TParameter_t& para, G__CallFunc* func, Long_t ) { // convert to C++ bool, allow int/long -> bool, set arg for call para.fLong = PyLong_AsLong( pyobject ); if ( ! ( para.fLong == 0 || para.fLong == 1 ) ) { PyErr_SetString( PyExc_TypeError, "boolean value should be bool, or integer 1 or 0" ); return kFALSE; } if ( func ) func->SetArg( para.fLong ); return kTRUE; } PYROOT_IMPLEMENT_BASIC_CONVERTER( Bool, Bool_t, Long_t, PyInt_FromLong, PyInt_AsLong ) //____________________________________________________________________________ PYROOT_IMPLEMENT_BASIC_CHAR_CONVERTER( Char, Char_t, CHAR_MIN, CHAR_MAX ) PYROOT_IMPLEMENT_BASIC_CHAR_CONVERTER( UChar, UChar_t, 0, UCHAR_MAX ) //____________________________________________________________________________ PYROOT_IMPLEMENT_BASIC_CONVERTER( Short, Short_t, Long_t, PyInt_FromLong, PyInt_AsLong ) PYROOT_IMPLEMENT_BASIC_CONVERTER( UShort, UShort_t, Long_t, PyInt_FromLong, PyInt_AsLong ) PYROOT_IMPLEMENT_BASIC_CONVERTER( Int, Int_t, Long_t, PyInt_FromLong, PyInt_AsLong ) //____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t PyROOT::TULongConverter::SetArg( PyObject* pyobject, TParameter_t& para, G__CallFunc* func, Long_t ) { // convert to C++ unsigned long, set arg for call para.fULong = PyLongOrInt_AsULong( pyobject ); if ( PyErr_Occurred() ) return kFALSE; else if ( func ) func->SetArg( para.fULong ); return kTRUE; } PyObject* PyROOT::TULongConverter::FromMemory( void* address ) { // construct python object from C++ unsigned long read at
return PyLong_FromUnsignedLong( *((ULong_t*)address) ); } Bool_t PyROOT::TULongConverter::ToMemory( PyObject* value, void* address ) { // convert to C++ unsigned long, write it at
ULong_t u = PyLongOrInt_AsULong( value ); if ( PyErr_Occurred() ) return kFALSE; *((ULong_t*)address) = u; return kTRUE; } //____________________________________________________________________________ PyObject* PyROOT::TUIntConverter::FromMemory( void* address ) { // construct python object from C++ unsigned int read at
return PyLong_FromUnsignedLong( *((UInt_t*)address) ); } Bool_t PyROOT::TUIntConverter::ToMemory( PyObject* value, void* address ) { // convert to C++ unsigned int, write it at
ULong_t u = PyLongOrInt_AsULong( value ); if ( PyErr_Occurred() ) return kFALSE; if ( u > (ULong_t)UINT_MAX ) { PyErr_SetString( PyExc_OverflowError, "value too large for unsigned int" ); return kFALSE; } *((UInt_t*)address) = (UInt_t)u; return kTRUE; } //____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t PyROOT::TDoubleConverter::SetArg( PyObject* pyobject, TParameter_t& para, G__CallFunc* func, Long_t ) { // convert to C++ double, set arg for call para.fDouble = PyFloat_AsDouble( pyobject ); if ( para.fDouble == -1.0 && PyErr_Occurred() ) return kFALSE; else if ( func ) func->SetArg( para.fDouble ); return kTRUE; } PYROOT_IMPLEMENT_BASIC_CONVERTER( Float, Float_t, Double_t, PyFloat_FromDouble, PyFloat_AsDouble ) PYROOT_IMPLEMENT_BASIC_CONVERTER( Double, Double_t, Double_t, PyFloat_FromDouble, PyFloat_AsDouble ) PYROOT_IMPLEMENT_BASIC_CONVERTER( LongDouble, LongDouble_t, LongDouble_t, PyFloat_FromDouble, PyFloat_AsDouble ) //____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t PyROOT::TDoubleRefConverter::SetArg( PyObject* pyobject, TParameter_t& para, G__CallFunc* func, Long_t ) { // convert to C++ double&, set arg for call if ( TCustomFloat_CheckExact( pyobject ) ) { para.fLong = (Long_t)&((PyFloatObject*)pyobject)->ob_fval; if ( func ) { func->SetArgRef( ((PyFloatObject*)pyobject)->ob_fval ); return kTRUE; } } // alternate, pass pointer from buffer int buflen = Utility::GetBuffer( pyobject, 'd', sizeof(double), para.fVoidp ); if ( para.fVoidp && buflen && func ) { func->SetArgRef( *(double*)para.fVoidp ); return kTRUE; } PyErr_SetString( PyExc_TypeError, "use ROOT.Double for pass-by-ref of doubles" ); return kFALSE; } PYROOT_IMPLEMENT_BASIC_REF_CONVERTER( DoubleRef ) //____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t PyROOT::TConstDoubleRefConverter::SetArg( PyObject* pyobject, TParameter_t& para, G__CallFunc* func, Long_t ) { // convert to C++ const double&, set arg for call using buffer para.fDouble = fBuffer = PyFloat_AsDouble( pyobject ); if ( para.fDouble == -1.0 && PyErr_Occurred() ) return kFALSE; else if ( func ) func->SetArgRef( fBuffer ); return kTRUE; } //____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t PyROOT::TVoidConverter::SetArg( PyObject*, TParameter_t&, G__CallFunc*, Long_t ) { // can't happen (unless a type is mapped wrongly), but implemented for completeness PyErr_SetString( PyExc_SystemError, "void/unknown arguments can\'t be set" ); return kFALSE; } //____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t PyROOT::TMacroConverter::SetArg( PyObject*, TParameter_t&, G__CallFunc*, Long_t ) { // C++ macro's are not acceptable function args (but their values could be) PyErr_SetString( PyExc_SystemError, "macro arguments can\'t be set" ); return kFALSE; } PyObject* PyROOT::TMacroConverter::FromMemory( void* address ) { // no info available from ROOT/meta; go directly to CINT for the type info G__DataMemberInfo dmi; while ( dmi.Next() ) { // using G__ClassInfo().GetDataMember() would cause overwrite if ( (Long_t)address == dmi.Offset() ) { // for now, only handle int, double, and C-string switch ( dmi.Type()->Type() ) { case 'p': return PyInt_FromLong( (Long_t) *(Int_t*)address ); case 'P': return PyFloat_FromDouble( (double) *(Double_t*)address ); case 'T': return PyROOT_PyUnicode_FromString( *(char**)address ); default: // type unknown/not implemented PyErr_SetString( PyExc_NotImplementedError, "macro value could not be converted" ); return 0; } } } // type unknown/not implemented PyErr_SetString( PyExc_AttributeError, "requested macro not found" ); return 0; } //____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t PyROOT::TLongLongConverter::SetArg( PyObject* pyobject, TParameter_t& para, G__CallFunc* func, Long_t ) { // convert to C++ long long, set arg for call if ( PyFloat_Check( pyobject ) ) { // special case: float implements nb_int, but allowing rounding conversions // interferes with overloading PyErr_SetString( PyExc_ValueError, "can not convert float to long long" ); return kFALSE; } para.fLongLong = PyLong_AsLongLong( pyobject ); if ( PyErr_Occurred() ) return kFALSE; else if ( func ) func->SetArg( para.fLongLong ); return kTRUE; } PyObject* PyROOT::TLongLongConverter::FromMemory( void* address ) { // construct python object from C++ long long read at
return PyLong_FromLongLong( *(Long64_t*)address ); } Bool_t PyROOT::TLongLongConverter::ToMemory( PyObject* value, void* address ) { // convert to C++ long long, write it at
Long64_t ll = PyLong_AsLongLong( value ); if ( ll == -1 && PyErr_Occurred() ) return kFALSE; *((Long64_t*)address) = ll; return kTRUE; } //____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t PyROOT::TULongLongConverter::SetArg( PyObject* pyobject, TParameter_t& para, G__CallFunc* func, Long_t ) { // convert to C++ unsigned long long, set arg for call para.fULongLong = PyLongOrInt_AsULong64( pyobject ); if ( PyErr_Occurred() ) return kFALSE; else if ( func ) func->SetArg( para.fULongLong ); return kTRUE; } PyObject* PyROOT::TULongLongConverter::FromMemory( void* address ) { // construct python object from C++ unsigned long long read at
return PyLong_FromUnsignedLongLong( *(ULong64_t*)address ); } Bool_t PyROOT::TULongLongConverter::ToMemory( PyObject* value, void* address ) { // convert to C++ unsigned long long, write it at
Long64_t ull = PyLongOrInt_AsULong64( value ); if ( PyErr_Occurred() ) return kFALSE; *((ULong64_t*)address) = ull; return kTRUE; } //____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t PyROOT::TCStringConverter::SetArg( PyObject* pyobject, TParameter_t& para, G__CallFunc* func, Long_t ) { // construct a new string and copy it in new memory const char* s = PyROOT_PyUnicode_AsStringChecked( pyobject ); if ( PyErr_Occurred() ) return kFALSE; fBuffer = std::string( s, PyROOT_PyUnicode_GET_SIZE( pyobject ) ); para.fVoidp = (void*)fBuffer.c_str(); // verify (too long string will cause truncation, no crash) if ( fMaxSize < (UInt_t)fBuffer.size() ) PyErr_Warn( PyExc_RuntimeWarning, (char*)"string too long for char array (truncated)" ); else if ( fMaxSize != UINT_MAX ) fBuffer.resize( fMaxSize, '\0' ); // padd remainder of buffer as needed // set the value and declare success if ( func ) func->SetArg( reinterpret_cast< Long_t >( fBuffer.c_str() ) ); return kTRUE; } PyObject* PyROOT::TCStringConverter::FromMemory( void* address ) { // construct python object from C++ const char* read at
if ( address && *(char**)address ) { if ( fMaxSize != UINT_MAX ) { // need to prevent reading beyond boundary std::string buf( *(char**)address, fMaxSize ); // cut on fMaxSize return PyROOT_PyUnicode_FromString( buf.c_str() ); // cut on \0 } return PyROOT_PyUnicode_FromString( *(char**)address ); } // empty string in case there's no address Py_INCREF( PyStrings::gEmptyString ); return PyStrings::gEmptyString; } Bool_t PyROOT::TCStringConverter::ToMemory( PyObject* value, void* address ) { // convert to C++ const char*, write it at
const char* s = PyROOT_PyUnicode_AsStringChecked( value ); if ( PyErr_Occurred() ) return kFALSE; // verify (too long string will cause truncation, no crash) if ( fMaxSize < (UInt_t)PyROOT_PyUnicode_GET_SIZE( value ) ) PyErr_Warn( PyExc_RuntimeWarning, (char*)"string too long for char array (truncated)" ); if ( fMaxSize != UINT_MAX ) strncpy( *(char**)address, s, fMaxSize ); // padds remainder else // coverity[secure_coding] - can't help it, it's intentional. strcpy( *(char**)address, s ); return kTRUE; } //- pointer/array conversions ------------------------------------------------- namespace { using namespace PyROOT; inline Bool_t CArraySetArg( PyObject* pyobject, PyROOT::TParameter_t& para, G__CallFunc* func, char tc, int size ) { // general case of loading a C array pointer (void* + type code) as function argument if ( pyobject == gNullPtrObject ) { para.fVoidp = NULL; } else { int buflen = PyROOT::Utility::GetBuffer( pyobject, tc, size, para.fVoidp ); if ( ! para.fVoidp || buflen == 0 ) return kFALSE; } if ( func ) func->SetArg( para.fLong ); return kTRUE; } } // unnamed namespace //____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t PyROOT::TNonConstCStringConverter::SetArg( PyObject* pyobject, TParameter_t& para, G__CallFunc* func, Long_t ) { // attempt base class first (i.e. passing a string), but if that fails, try a buffer if ( this->TCStringConverter::SetArg( pyobject, para, func ) ) return kTRUE; // apparently failed, try char buffer PyErr_Clear(); return CArraySetArg( pyobject, para, func, 'c', sizeof(char) ); } //____________________________________________________________________________ PyObject* PyROOT::TNonConstCStringConverter::FromMemory( void* address ) { // assume this is a buffer access if the size is known; otherwise assume string if ( fMaxSize != UINT_MAX ) return PyROOT_PyUnicode_FromStringAndSize( *(char**)address, fMaxSize ); return this->TCStringConverter::FromMemory( address ); } //____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t PyROOT::TNonConstUCStringConverter::SetArg( PyObject* pyobject, TParameter_t& para, G__CallFunc* func, Long_t ) { // attempt base class first (i.e. passing a string), but if that fails, try a buffer if ( this->TCStringConverter::SetArg( pyobject, para, func ) ) return kTRUE; // apparently failed, try char buffer PyErr_Clear(); return CArraySetArg( pyobject, para, func, 'B', sizeof(unsigned char) ); } //____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t PyROOT::TVoidArrayConverter::GetAddressSpecialCase( PyObject* pyobject, void*& address ) { // (1): "null pointer" or C++11 style nullptr if ( pyobject == Py_None || pyobject == gNullPtrObject ) { address = (void*)0; return kTRUE; } // (2): allow integer zero to act as a null pointer, no deriveds if ( PyInt_CheckExact( pyobject ) || PyLong_CheckExact( pyobject ) ) { Long_t val = (Long_t)PyLong_AsLong( pyobject ); if ( val == 0l ) { address = (void*)val; return kTRUE; } return kFALSE; } // (3): opaque PyCapsule (CObject in older pythons) from somewhere if ( PyROOT_PyCapsule_CheckExact( pyobject ) ) { address = (void*)PyROOT_PyCapsule_GetPointer( pyobject, NULL ); return kTRUE; } return kFALSE; } //____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t PyROOT::TVoidArrayConverter::SetArg( PyObject* pyobject, TParameter_t& para, G__CallFunc* func, Long_t user ) { // just convert pointer if it is a ROOT object if ( ObjectProxy_Check( pyobject ) ) { // depending on memory policy, some objects are no longer owned when passed to C++ if ( ! fKeepControl && user != Utility::kStrict ) ((ObjectProxy*)pyobject)->Release(); // set pointer (may be null) and declare success para.fVoidp = ((ObjectProxy*)pyobject)->GetObject(); if ( func ) func->SetArg( para.fLong ); return kTRUE; } // handle special cases if ( GetAddressSpecialCase( pyobject, para.fVoidp ) ) { if ( func ) func->SetArg( para.fLong ); return kTRUE; } // final try: attempt to get buffer int buflen = Utility::GetBuffer( pyobject, '*', 1, para.fVoidp, kFALSE ); // ok if buffer exists (can't perform any useful size checks) if ( para.fVoidp && buflen != 0 ) { if ( func ) func->SetArg( para.fLong ); return kTRUE; } // give up return kFALSE; } //____________________________________________________________________________ PyObject* PyROOT::TVoidArrayConverter::FromMemory( void* address ) { // nothing sensible can be done, just return
as pylong return PyLong_FromLong( (Long_t)address ); } //____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t PyROOT::TVoidArrayConverter::ToMemory( PyObject* value, void* address ) { // just convert pointer if it is a ROOT object if ( ObjectProxy_Check( value ) ) { // depending on memory policy, some objects are no longer owned when passed to C++ if ( ! fKeepControl && Utility::gMemoryPolicy != Utility::kStrict ) ((ObjectProxy*)value)->Release(); // set pointer (may be null) and declare success *(void**)address = ((ObjectProxy*)value)->GetObject(); return kTRUE; } // handle special cases void* ptr = 0; if ( GetAddressSpecialCase( value, ptr ) ) { *(void**)address = ptr; return kTRUE; } // final try: attempt to get buffer void* buf = 0; int buflen = Utility::GetBuffer( value, '*', 1, buf, kFALSE ); if ( ! buf || buflen == 0 ) return kFALSE; *(void**)address = buf; return kTRUE; } //____________________________________________________________________________ #define PYROOT_IMPLEMENT_ARRAY_CONVERTER( name, type, code ) \ Bool_t PyROOT::T##name##ArrayConverter::SetArg( \ PyObject* pyobject, TParameter_t& para, G__CallFunc* func, Long_t ) \ { \ return CArraySetArg( pyobject, para, func, code, sizeof(type) ); \ } \ \ PyObject* PyROOT::T##name##ArrayConverter::FromMemory( void* address ) \ { \ return BufFac_t::Instance()->PyBuffer_FromMemory( *(type**)address, fSize );\ } \ \ Bool_t PyROOT::T##name##ArrayConverter::ToMemory( PyObject* value, void* address )\ { \ void* buf = 0; \ int buflen = Utility::GetBuffer( value, code, sizeof(type), buf ); \ if ( ! buf || buflen == 0 ) \ return kFALSE; \ if ( 0 <= fSize ) { \ if ( fSize < buflen/(int)sizeof(type) ) { \ PyErr_SetString( PyExc_ValueError, "buffer too large for value" ); \ return kFALSE; \ } \ memcpy( *(type**)address, buf, 0 < buflen ? ((size_t) buflen) : sizeof(type) );\ } else \ *(type**)address = (type*)buf; \ return kTRUE; \ } //____________________________________________________________________________ PYROOT_IMPLEMENT_ARRAY_CONVERTER( Bool, Bool_t, 'b' ) // signed char PYROOT_IMPLEMENT_ARRAY_CONVERTER( Short, Short_t, 'h' ) PYROOT_IMPLEMENT_ARRAY_CONVERTER( UShort, UShort_t, 'H' ) PYROOT_IMPLEMENT_ARRAY_CONVERTER( Int, Int_t, 'i' ) PYROOT_IMPLEMENT_ARRAY_CONVERTER( UInt, UInt_t, 'I' ) PYROOT_IMPLEMENT_ARRAY_CONVERTER( Long, Long_t, 'l' ) PYROOT_IMPLEMENT_ARRAY_CONVERTER( ULong, ULong_t, 'L' ) PYROOT_IMPLEMENT_ARRAY_CONVERTER( Float, Float_t, 'f' ) PYROOT_IMPLEMENT_ARRAY_CONVERTER( Double, Double_t, 'd' ) //____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t PyROOT::TLongLongArrayConverter::SetArg( PyObject* pyobject, TParameter_t& para, G__CallFunc* func, Long_t user ) { // convert to C++ long long*, set arg for call PyObject* pytc = PyObject_GetAttr( pyobject, PyStrings::gTypeCode ); if ( pytc != 0 ) { // iow, this array has a known type, but there's no Py_DECREF( pytc ); // such thing for long long in module array return kFALSE; } return TVoidArrayConverter::SetArg( pyobject, para, func, user ); } //- converters for special cases ---------------------------------------------- #define PYROOT_IMPLEMENT_STRING_AS_PRIMITIVE_CONVERTER( name, type, F1, F2 ) \ PyROOT::T##name##Converter::T##name##Converter( Bool_t keepControl ) : \ TRootObjectConverter( TClass::GetClass( #type ), keepControl ) {} \ \ Bool_t PyROOT::T##name##Converter::SetArg( \ PyObject* pyobject, TParameter_t& para, G__CallFunc* func, Long_t user )\ { \ if ( PyROOT_PyUnicode_Check( pyobject ) ) { \ fBuffer = type( PyROOT_PyUnicode_AsString( pyobject ), \ PyROOT_PyUnicode_GET_SIZE( pyobject ) ); \ para.fVoidp = &fBuffer; \ if ( func ) { \ G__value v; \ G__setnull( &v ); \ v.ref = para.fLong; \ G__letint( &v, 'u', para.fLong ); \ G__set_tagnum( &v, ((G__ClassInfo*)fClass->GetClassInfo())->Tagnum() ); \ func->SetArg( v ); \ } \ return kTRUE; \ } \ \ if ( ! ( PyInt_Check( pyobject ) || PyLong_Check( pyobject ) ) ) \ return TRootObjectConverter::SetArg( pyobject, para, func, user ); \ return kFALSE; \ } \ \ PyObject* PyROOT::T##name##Converter::FromMemory( void* address ) \ { \ if ( address ) \ return PyROOT_PyUnicode_FromStringAndSize( ((type*)address)->F1(), ((type*)address)->F2() );\ Py_INCREF( PyStrings::gEmptyString ); \ return PyStrings::gEmptyString; \ } \ \ Bool_t PyROOT::T##name##Converter::ToMemory( PyObject* value, void* address ) \ { \ if ( PyROOT_PyUnicode_Check( value ) ) { \ *((type*)address) = PyROOT_PyUnicode_AsString( value ); \ return kTRUE; \ } \ \ return TRootObjectConverter::ToMemory( value, address ); \ } PYROOT_IMPLEMENT_STRING_AS_PRIMITIVE_CONVERTER( TString, TString, Data, Length ) PYROOT_IMPLEMENT_STRING_AS_PRIMITIVE_CONVERTER( STLString, std::string, c_str, size ) //____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t PyROOT::TRootObjectConverter::SetArg( PyObject* pyobject, TParameter_t& para, G__CallFunc* func, Long_t user ) { // convert to C++ instance*, set arg for call if ( ! ObjectProxy_Check( pyobject ) ) { if ( GetAddressSpecialCase( pyobject, para.fVoidp ) ) { if ( func ) func->SetArg( para.fLong ); // allow special cases such as NULL return kTRUE; } // not a PyROOT object (TODO: handle SWIG etc.) return kFALSE; } ObjectProxy* pyobj = (ObjectProxy*)pyobject; if ( pyobj->ObjectIsA() && pyobj->ObjectIsA()->GetBaseClass( fClass.GetClass() ) ) { // depending on memory policy, some objects need releasing when passed into functions if ( ! KeepControl() && user != Utility::kStrict ) ((ObjectProxy*)pyobject)->Release(); // calculate offset between formal and actual arguments para.fVoidp = pyobj->GetObject(); G__ClassInfo* clFormalInfo = (G__ClassInfo*)fClass->GetClassInfo(); G__ClassInfo* clActualInfo = (G__ClassInfo*)pyobj->ObjectIsA()->GetClassInfo(); Long_t offset = 0; if ( clFormalInfo && clActualInfo && clFormalInfo != clActualInfo ) offset = G__isanybase( clFormalInfo->Tagnum(), clActualInfo->Tagnum(), para.fLong ); // set pointer (may be null) and declare success para.fLong += offset; if ( func ) func->SetArg( para.fLong ); return kTRUE; } else if ( ! fClass.GetClass()->GetClassInfo() ) { // assume "user knows best" to allow anonymous pointer passing para.fVoidp = pyobj->GetObject(); if ( func ) func->SetArg( para.fLong ); return kTRUE; } return kFALSE; } //____________________________________________________________________________ PyObject* PyROOT::TRootObjectConverter::FromMemory( void* address ) { // construct python object from C++ instance read at
return BindRootObject( address, fClass, kFALSE ); } //____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t PyROOT::TRootObjectConverter::ToMemory( PyObject* value, void* address ) { // convert to C++ instance, write it at
if ( ! ObjectProxy_Check( value ) ) { void* ptr = 0; if ( GetAddressSpecialCase( value, ptr ) ) { *(void**)address = ptr; // allow special cases such as NULL return kTRUE; } // not a PyROOT object (TODO: handle SWIG etc.) return kFALSE; } if ( ((ObjectProxy*)value)->ObjectIsA()->GetBaseClass( fClass.GetClass() ) ) { // depending on memory policy, some objects need releasing when passed into functions if ( ! KeepControl() && Utility::gMemoryPolicy != Utility::kStrict ) ((ObjectProxy*)value)->Release(); // call assignment operator through a temporarily wrapped object proxy PyObject* pyobj = BindRootObjectNoCast( address, fClass.GetClass() ); ((ObjectProxy*)pyobj)->Release(); // TODO: might be recycled (?) PyObject* result = PyObject_CallMethod( pyobj, (char*)"__assign__", (char*)"O", value ); Py_DECREF( pyobj ); if ( result ) { Py_DECREF( result ); return kTRUE; } } return kFALSE; } //____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t PyROOT::TRootObjectPtrConverter::SetArg( PyObject* pyobject, TParameter_t& para, G__CallFunc* func, Long_t user ) { // convert to C++ instance**, set arg for call if ( ! ObjectProxy_Check( pyobject ) ) return kFALSE; // not a PyROOT object (TODO: handle SWIG etc.) if ( ((ObjectProxy*)pyobject)->ObjectIsA()->GetBaseClass( fClass.GetClass() ) ) { // depending on memory policy, some objects need releasing when passed into functions if ( ! KeepControl() && user != Utility::kStrict ) ((ObjectProxy*)pyobject)->Release(); // set pointer (may be null) and declare success para.fVoidp = &((ObjectProxy*)pyobject)->fObject; if ( func ) func->SetArg( para.fLong ); return kTRUE; } return kFALSE; } //____________________________________________________________________________ PyObject* PyROOT::TRootObjectPtrConverter::FromMemory( void* address ) { // construct python object from C++ instance* read at
return BindRootObject( address, fClass, kTRUE ); } //____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t PyROOT::TRootObjectPtrConverter::ToMemory( PyObject* value, void* address ) { // convert to C++ instance*, write it at
if ( ! ObjectProxy_Check( value ) ) return kFALSE; // not a PyROOT object (TODO: handle SWIG etc.) if ( ((ObjectProxy*)value)->ObjectIsA()->GetBaseClass( fClass.GetClass() ) ) { // depending on memory policy, some objects need releasing when passed into functions if ( ! KeepControl() && Utility::gMemoryPolicy != Utility::kStrict ) ((ObjectProxy*)value)->Release(); // set pointer (may be null) and declare success *(void**)address = ((ObjectProxy*)value)->GetObject(); return kTRUE; } return kFALSE; } //____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t PyROOT::TVoidPtrRefConverter::SetArg( PyObject* pyobject, TParameter_t& para, G__CallFunc* func, Long_t ) { // convert to C++ void*&, set arg for call if ( ObjectProxy_Check( pyobject ) ) { para.fVoidp = &((ObjectProxy*)pyobject)->fObject; if ( func ) func->SetArg( para.fLong ); // this assumes that CINT will treat void*& as void** return kTRUE; } return kFALSE; } //____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t PyROOT::TVoidPtrPtrConverter::SetArg( PyObject* pyobject, TParameter_t& para, G__CallFunc* func, Long_t ) { // convert to C++ void**, set arg for call if ( ObjectProxy_Check( pyobject ) ) { // this is a ROOT object, take and set its address para.fVoidp = &((ObjectProxy*)pyobject)->fObject; if ( func ) func->SetArg( para.fLong ); return kTRUE; } // buffer objects are allowed under "user knows best" int buflen = Utility::GetBuffer( pyobject, '*', 1, para.fVoidp, kFALSE ); // ok if buffer exists (can't perform any useful size checks) if ( para.fVoidp && buflen != 0 ) { if ( func ) func->SetArg( para.fLong ); return kTRUE; } return kFALSE; } //____________________________________________________________________________ PyObject* PyROOT::TVoidPtrPtrConverter::FromMemory( void* address ) { // read a void** from address; since this is unknown, long is used (user can cast) return PyLong_FromLong( (Long_t)*((Long_t**)address) ); } //____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t PyROOT::TPyObjectConverter::SetArg( PyObject* pyobject, TParameter_t& para, G__CallFunc* func, Long_t ) { // by definition: set and declare success para.fVoidp = pyobject; if ( func ) func->SetArg( para.fLong ); return kTRUE; } PyObject* PyROOT::TPyObjectConverter::FromMemory( void* address ) { // construct python object from C++ PyObject* read at
PyObject* pyobject = *((PyObject**)address); if ( ! pyobject ) { Py_INCREF( Py_None ); return Py_None; } Py_INCREF( pyobject ); return pyobject; } Bool_t PyROOT::TPyObjectConverter::ToMemory( PyObject* value, void* address ) { // no conversion needed, write at
Py_INCREF( value ); *((PyObject**)address) = value; return kTRUE; } //- factories ----------------------------------------------------------------- PyROOT::TConverter* PyROOT::CreateConverter( const std::string& fullType, Long_t user ) { // The matching of the fulltype to a converter factory goes through up to five levels: // 1) full, exact match // 2) match of decorated, unqualified type // 3) accept const ref as by value // 4) accept ref as pointer // 5) generalized cases (covers basically all ROOT classes) // // If all fails, void is used, which will generate a run-time warning when used. // resolve typedefs etc. G__TypeInfo ti( fullType.c_str() ); std::string resolvedType = ti.TrueName(); if ( ! ti.IsValid() ) resolvedType = fullType; // otherwise, resolvedType will be "(unknown)" // an exactly matching converter is preferred ConvFactories_t::iterator h = gConvFactories.find( resolvedType ); if ( h != gConvFactories.end() ) return (h->second)( user ); //-- nothing? ok, collect information about the type and possible qualifiers/decorators const std::string& cpd = Utility::Compound( resolvedType ); std::string realType = TClassEdit::ShortType( resolvedType.c_str(), 1 ); // accept unqualified type (as python does not know about qualifiers) h = gConvFactories.find( realType + cpd ); if ( h != gConvFactories.end() ) return (h->second)( user ); //-- nothing? collect qualifier information Bool_t isConst = ti.Property() & G__BIT_ISCONSTANT; // accept const & as converter by value (as python copies most types) if ( isConst && cpd == "&" ) { h = gConvFactories.find( realType ); if ( h != gConvFactories.end() ) return (h->second)( user ); } //-- still nothing? try pointer instead of ref, if ref if ( cpd == "&" ) { h = gConvFactories.find( realType + "*" ); if ( h != gConvFactories.end() ) return (h->second)( user ); } //-- still nothing? use a generalized converter Bool_t control = cpd == "&" || isConst; // converters for known/ROOT classes and default (void*) TConverter* result = 0; if ( TClass* klass = TClass::GetClass( realType.c_str() ) ) { if ( cpd == "**" || cpd == "*&" || cpd == "&*" ) result = new TRootObjectPtrConverter( klass, control ); else if ( cpd == "*" ) result = new TRootObjectConverter( klass, control ); else if ( cpd == "&" ) result = new TStrictRootObjectConverter( klass, control ); else if ( cpd == "" ) // by value result = new TStrictRootObjectConverter( klass, kTRUE ); } else if ( ti.Property() & G__BIT_ISENUM ) { // special case (CINT): represent enums as unsigned integers if ( cpd == "&" ) { h = isConst ? gConvFactories.find( "const long&" ) : gConvFactories.find( "long&" ); } else h = gConvFactories.find( "UInt_t" ); } if ( ! result && h != gConvFactories.end() ) // converter factory available, use it to create converter result = (h->second)( user ); else if ( ! result ) { if ( cpd != "" ) { std::stringstream s; s << "creating converter for unknown type \"" << fullType << "\"" << std::ends; PyErr_Warn( PyExc_RuntimeWarning, (char*)s.str().c_str() ); result = new TVoidArrayConverter(); // "user knows best" } else result = new TVoidConverter(); // fails on use } return result; } //____________________________________________________________________________ #define PYROOT_BASIC_CONVERTER_FACTORY( name ) \ TConverter* Create##name##Converter( Long_t ) \ { \ return new T##name##Converter(); \ } #define PYROOT_ARRAY_CONVERTER_FACTORY( name ) \ TConverter* Create##name##Converter( Long_t user ) \ { \ return new T##name##Converter( (Int_t)user ); \ } //____________________________________________________________________________ namespace { using namespace PyROOT; // use macro rather than template for portability ... PYROOT_BASIC_CONVERTER_FACTORY( Bool ) PYROOT_BASIC_CONVERTER_FACTORY( Char ) PYROOT_BASIC_CONVERTER_FACTORY( UChar ) PYROOT_BASIC_CONVERTER_FACTORY( Short ) PYROOT_BASIC_CONVERTER_FACTORY( UShort ) PYROOT_BASIC_CONVERTER_FACTORY( Int ) PYROOT_BASIC_CONVERTER_FACTORY( IntRef ) PYROOT_BASIC_CONVERTER_FACTORY( UInt ) PYROOT_BASIC_CONVERTER_FACTORY( Long ) PYROOT_BASIC_CONVERTER_FACTORY( LongRef ) PYROOT_BASIC_CONVERTER_FACTORY( ConstLongRef ) PYROOT_BASIC_CONVERTER_FACTORY( ULong ) PYROOT_BASIC_CONVERTER_FACTORY( Float ) PYROOT_BASIC_CONVERTER_FACTORY( Double ) PYROOT_BASIC_CONVERTER_FACTORY( DoubleRef ) PYROOT_BASIC_CONVERTER_FACTORY( ConstDoubleRef ) PYROOT_BASIC_CONVERTER_FACTORY( LongDouble ) PYROOT_BASIC_CONVERTER_FACTORY( Void ) PYROOT_BASIC_CONVERTER_FACTORY( Macro ) PYROOT_BASIC_CONVERTER_FACTORY( LongLong ) PYROOT_BASIC_CONVERTER_FACTORY( ULongLong ) PYROOT_ARRAY_CONVERTER_FACTORY( CString ) PYROOT_ARRAY_CONVERTER_FACTORY( NonConstCString ) PYROOT_ARRAY_CONVERTER_FACTORY( NonConstUCString ) PYROOT_ARRAY_CONVERTER_FACTORY( BoolArray ) PYROOT_ARRAY_CONVERTER_FACTORY( ShortArray ) PYROOT_ARRAY_CONVERTER_FACTORY( UShortArray ) PYROOT_ARRAY_CONVERTER_FACTORY( IntArray ) PYROOT_ARRAY_CONVERTER_FACTORY( UIntArray ) PYROOT_ARRAY_CONVERTER_FACTORY( LongArray ) PYROOT_ARRAY_CONVERTER_FACTORY( ULongArray ) PYROOT_ARRAY_CONVERTER_FACTORY( FloatArray ) PYROOT_ARRAY_CONVERTER_FACTORY( DoubleArray ) PYROOT_BASIC_CONVERTER_FACTORY( VoidArray ) PYROOT_BASIC_CONVERTER_FACTORY( LongLongArray ) PYROOT_BASIC_CONVERTER_FACTORY( TString ) PYROOT_BASIC_CONVERTER_FACTORY( STLString ) PYROOT_BASIC_CONVERTER_FACTORY( VoidPtrRef ) PYROOT_BASIC_CONVERTER_FACTORY( VoidPtrPtr ) PYROOT_BASIC_CONVERTER_FACTORY( PyObject ) // converter factories for ROOT types typedef std::pair< const char*, ConverterFactory_t > NFp_t; NFp_t factories_[] = { // factories for built-ins NFp_t( "bool", &CreateBoolConverter ), NFp_t( "char", &CreateCharConverter ), NFp_t( "unsigned char", &CreateUCharConverter ), NFp_t( "short", &CreateShortConverter ), NFp_t( "unsigned short", &CreateUShortConverter ), NFp_t( "int", &CreateIntConverter ), NFp_t( "int&", &CreateIntRefConverter ), NFp_t( "const int&", &CreateIntConverter ), NFp_t( "unsigned int", &CreateUIntConverter ), NFp_t( "UInt_t", /* enum */ &CreateUIntConverter ), NFp_t( "long", &CreateLongConverter ), NFp_t( "long&", &CreateLongRefConverter ), NFp_t( "const long&", &CreateConstLongRefConverter ), NFp_t( "unsigned long", &CreateULongConverter ), NFp_t( "long long", &CreateLongLongConverter ), NFp_t( "unsigned long long", &CreateULongLongConverter ), NFp_t( "float", &CreateFloatConverter ), NFp_t( "double", &CreateDoubleConverter ), NFp_t( "double&", &CreateDoubleRefConverter ), NFp_t( "const double&", &CreateConstDoubleRefConverter ), NFp_t( "long double", &CreateLongDoubleConverter ), NFp_t( "void", &CreateVoidConverter ), NFp_t( "#define", &CreateMacroConverter ), // pointer/array factories NFp_t( "bool*", &CreateBoolArrayConverter ), NFp_t( "const unsigned char*", &CreateCStringConverter ), NFp_t( "unsigned char*", &CreateNonConstUCStringConverter ), NFp_t( "short*", &CreateShortArrayConverter ), NFp_t( "unsigned short*", &CreateUShortArrayConverter ), NFp_t( "int*", &CreateIntArrayConverter ), NFp_t( "unsigned int*", &CreateUIntArrayConverter ), NFp_t( "long*", &CreateLongArrayConverter ), NFp_t( "unsigned long*", &CreateULongArrayConverter ), NFp_t( "float*", &CreateFloatArrayConverter ), NFp_t( "double*", &CreateDoubleArrayConverter ), NFp_t( "long long*", &CreateLongLongArrayConverter ), NFp_t( "unsigned long long*", &CreateLongLongArrayConverter ), NFp_t( "void*", &CreateVoidArrayConverter ), // factories for special cases NFp_t( "const char*", &CreateCStringConverter ), NFp_t( "char*", &CreateNonConstCStringConverter ), NFp_t( "TString", &CreateTStringConverter ), NFp_t( "const TString&", &CreateTStringConverter ), NFp_t( "std::string", &CreateSTLStringConverter ), NFp_t( "string", &CreateSTLStringConverter ), NFp_t( "const std::string&", &CreateSTLStringConverter ), NFp_t( "const string&", &CreateSTLStringConverter ), NFp_t( "void*&", &CreateVoidPtrRefConverter ), NFp_t( "void**", &CreateVoidPtrPtrConverter ), NFp_t( "PyObject*", &CreatePyObjectConverter ), NFp_t( "_object*", &CreatePyObjectConverter ), NFp_t( "FILE*", &CreateVoidArrayConverter ) }; struct InitConvFactories_t { public: InitConvFactories_t() { // load all converter factories in the global map 'gConvFactories' int nf = sizeof( factories_ ) / sizeof( factories_[ 0 ] ); for ( int i = 0; i < nf; ++i ) { gConvFactories[ factories_[ i ].first ] = factories_[ i ].second; } } } initConvFactories_; } // unnamed namespace