# @(#)root/config:$Id$ # Author: Fons Rademakers 22/09/95 # ROOT Environment settings are handled via the class TEnv. To see # which values are active do: gEnv->Print(). # Path used by dynamic loader to find shared libraries. # This path will be appended to the (DY)LD_LIBRARY_PATH on Unix # and to PATH on Windows. # Paths are different for Unix and Windows. The example shows the defaults # for all ROOT applications for either Unix or Windows. Unix.*.Root.DynamicPath: .:@libdir@: WinNT.*.Root.DynamicPath: .;@bindir@; # Path used to find macros. # Paths are different for Unix and Windows. The example shows the defaults # for all ROOT applications for either Unix or Windows. Unix.*.Root.MacroPath: .:@macrodir@: WinNT.*.Root.MacroPath: .;@macrodir@; # Path used to find plugin macros. # Paths are different for Unix and Windows. The example shows the defaults # for all ROOT applications for either Unix or Windows. Unix.*.Root.PluginPath: :@plugindir@: WinNT.*.Root.PluginPath: ;@plugindir@; # Path where to look for TrueType fonts. Unix.*.Root.UseTTFonts: true *.*.Root.TTFontPath: @ttffontdir@ # Use Net* API functions. WinNT.UseNetAPI: true # Use thread library (if exists). Unix.*.Root.UseThreads: false # Select the compression algorithm (0=old zlib, 1=new zlib) # Note, setting this to `0' may be a security vulnerability. Root.ZipMode: 1 # Show where item is found in the specified path. Root.ShowPath: false # Activate malloc/new, free/delete calls via the TMemStat class # the parameter buffersize is the number of calls to malloc or free that can be stored in one memory buffer. # when the buffer is full, the calls to malloc/free pointing to the same location # are eliminated and not written to the final Tree. The default value 100000 # is such that between 50 and 90% of the calls are eliminated depending on the application. # the parameter TMemStat.maxcalls is the maximum number of new/delete calls to be monitored # 5 million calls is a reasonable number. # if your code has been compiled with -fno-omit-frame-pointer you can specify # gnubuiltin for Root.TMemStat.system. In this case the backtrace is much faster. Root.TMemStat: 0 Root.TMemStat.buffersize: 100000 Root.TMemStat.maxcalls: 5000000 #Root.TMemStat.system: gnubuiltin Root.TMemStat.system: # Activate memory statistics (size and cnt is used to trap allocation of # blocks of a certain size after cnt times). Root.MemStat: 0 Root.MemStat.size: -1 Root.MemStat.cnt: -1 Root.ObjectStat: 0 # Activate memory leak checker (use in conjunction with $ROOTSYS/bin/memprobe). # Currently only works on Linux with gcc. Root.MemCheck: 0 Root.MemCheckFile: memcheck.out # Global debug mode. When >0 turns on progressively more details debugging. Root.Debug: 0 Root.ErrorHandlers: 1 Root.Stacktrace: yes # Allow for a customized backtrace script. #Root.StacktraceScript: $(ROOTSYS)/etc/gdb-backtrace.sh # Allow for a customized backtrace messages (e.g. referencing your own project # bug tracking system). Change this message rather then the entire script. # The % characters will be replaced by newlines. #Root.StacktraceMessage: The lines below might hint at the cause of the crash.%If they do not help you then please submit a bug report at%http://myproject/bugs. Please post the ENTIRE stack trace%from above as an attachment in addition to anything else%that might help us fixing this issue. # Ignore errors lower than the ignore level. Possible values: # Print, Info, Warning, Error, Break, SysError and Fatal. Root.ErrorIgnoreLevel: Print # Settings for X11 behaviour. X11.Sync: no X11.FindBestVisual: yes X11.UseXft: no X11.XInitThread: yes # Settings for Cocoa backend. # The EnableAntiAliasing flag defines if you want to have anti-aliased # lines/polygon in a canvas/pad. Possible values: # yes (enable AA), no (disable AA) and auto (use AA only on Retina displays) Cocoa.EnableAntiAliasing: yes # Settings for Win32 behavior. Win32.UseSysPointers: no # Default editor. Unix.*.Editor: vi WinNT.*.Editor: notepad # Default 3d Viewer. # By default 3-D views are shown in the pad, # if the next line is activated, the default viewer will be OpenGL. #Viewer3D.DefaultDrawOption: ogl # Default Fitter (current choices are Minuit and Fumili). Root.Fitter: Minuit # Specify list of file endings which TTabCom (TAB completion) should ignore. #TabCom.FileIgnore: .cpp:.h:.cmz # TCanvas specific settings. Opaque move and resize show full pad during # the operation instead of only the outline. In case you have a really very # old graphics card turn these options off. UseScreenFactor=true means to # size canvas according to size of screen, so a canvas still looks good on a # low resolution laptop screen without having to change canvas size in macros. # HighLightColor 2 = red. ShowEventStatus allows the event status bar to # be turned on by default. AutoExec allows TExec objects to be executed # on mouse and key events. Canvas.MoveOpaque: true Canvas.ResizeOpaque: true Canvas.ShowGuideLines: true Canvas.UseScreenFactor: false Canvas.HighLightColor: 2 Canvas.ShowEventStatus: false Canvas.ShowToolTips: false Canvas.ShowToolBar: false Canvas.ShowEditor: false Canvas.AutoExec: true Canvas.PrintDirectory: . # Set the default precision when writing floating point numbers in # TCanvas::SaveSource Canvas.SavePrecision: 7 # Set the default TStyle # Predefined styles are: Plain, Bold, Video, Pub, Classic, Modern. Canvas.Style: Modern # Default file format to be used in the Canvas "Save As" dialog Canvas.SaveAsDefaultType pdf # Printer settings. #WinNT.*.Print.Command: AcroRd32.exe #Unix.*.Print.Command: a2ps -P%p --landscape --columns=2 --margin=30 -rf8.0 %f #Print.Printer: 32-rb20-hp #Print.Directory: . #Print.FileType: pdf # Default histogram binnings for TTree::Draw(). Hist.Binning.1D.x: 100 Hist.Binning.2D.x: 40 Hist.Binning.2D.y: 40 Hist.Binning.2D.Prof: 100 Hist.Binning.3D.x: 20 Hist.Binning.3D.y: 20 Hist.Binning.3D.z: 20 Hist.Binning.3D.Profx: 100 Hist.Binning.3D.Profy: 100 # Default statistics parameters names. Hist.Stats.Entries: Entries Hist.Stats.Mean: Mean Hist.Stats.MeanX: Mean x Hist.Stats.MeanY: Mean y Hist.Stats.MeanZ: Mean z Hist.Stats.RMS: RMS Hist.Stats.RMSX: RMS x Hist.Stats.RMSY: RMS y Hist.Stats.RMSZ: RMS z Hist.Stats.Underflow: Underflow Hist.Stats.Overflow: Overflow Hist.Stats.Integral: Integral Hist.Stats.IntegralBinWidth: Integral(w) Hist.Stats.Skewness: Skewness Hist.Stats.SkewnessX: Skewness x Hist.Stats.SkewnessY: Skewness y Hist.Stats.SkewnessZ: Skewness z Hist.Stats.Kurtosis: Kurtosis Hist.Stats.KurtosisX: Kurtosis x Hist.Stats.KurtosisY: Kurtosis y Hist.Stats.KurtosisZ: Kurtosis z # THtml specific settings (for more see doc of THtml class). Root.Html.SourceDir: . Root.Html.Root: http://root.cern.ch/root/html Root.Html.ViewCVS: http://root.cern.ch/viewcvs/trunk/%f?view=log Root.Html.Search: http://www.google.com/search?q=%s+site%3A%u+-site%3A%u%2Fsrc%2F+-site%3A%u%2Fexamples%2F #Root.Html.OutputDir: htmldoc/ #Root.Html.Homepage: #Root.Html.Header: #Root.Html.Footer: #Root.Html.Description: //____________________ #Root.Html.Author: // Author: #Root.Html.LastUpdate: // @(#) #Root.Html.Copyright: * Copyright # GUI specific settings. Gui.Backend: native Gui.Factory: native # GUI style: Modern (flat popup menus) or Classic (win 95 style) Gui.Style: Modern Gui.DefaultFont: -*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1 Gui.MenuFont: -*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1 Gui.MenuHiFont: -*-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1 Gui.DocFixedFont: -*-courier-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1 Gui.DocPropFont: -*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1 Gui.IconFont: -*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1 Gui.StatusFont: -*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1 Gui.BackgroundColor: #e0e0e0 Gui.ForegroundColor: black Gui.HighLightColor: #d0d0d0 Gui.SelectBackgroundColor: #86abd9 Gui.SelectForegroundColor: white Gui.DocumentBackgroundColor: white Gui.DocumentForegroundColor: black Gui.TooltipBackgroundColor: LightYellow Gui.TooltipForegroundColor: black Gui.IconPath: $(HOME)/icons:@iconpath@:. Gui.MimeTypeFile: $(HOME)/.root.mimes # If above does not exists defaults to this: #Gui.MimeTypeFile: @etcdir@/root.mimes # Type of Browser: TRootBrowser or TRootBrowserLite Browser.Name: TRootBrowser # Browser Options (plugins) # F: File browser E: Text Editor H: HTML browser # C: Canvas I: I/O redirection P: Proof G: GL viewer Browser.Options: FCEI # Can be either small, big, list, details Browser.IconStyle: small # Can be either name, type, size, date Browser.SortBy: name Browser.GroupView: 10000 Browser.ShowHidden: no Browser.AutoThumbnail: yes # Start URL for the TRootBrowser embedded HTML renderer Browser.StartUrl: http://root.cern.ch/root/html/ClassIndex.html # OpenGL options (defaults are shown) # Default user interaction model for 3D view manipulation assumes that user # controls the scene (rotates or moves it). Change this to 'yes' to switch # to viewer-centric model where controls "move" the viewer (or camera). OpenGL.EventHandler.ViewerCentricControls: no # Following three settings are factors scaling the effect of corresponding # user inputs. Set to negative value to invert sense of action. OpenGL.EventHandler.ArrowKeyFactor: 1.0 OpenGL.EventHandler.MouseDragFactor: 1.0 OpenGL.EventHandler.MouseWheelFactor: 1.0 # Area around mouse cursor used to detect underlying objects for selection # and hihglight. OpenGL.PickingRadius: 3.0 # Additional scaling factor for point-sizes and line-widths. The default value # "native" sets this to 2.0 when running on mac in retina mode and 1.0 # otherwise. Any floating-point number can be set but values above 4.0 do not # make much sense. OpenGL.PointLineScalingFactor: "native" # Default scaling of lines used for drawing of polygons in wireframe mode ('w'). # This can be set for every viewer in GLViewer GUI editor. OpenGL.WireframeLineScalingFactor: 1.0 # Default scaling of lines used for polygon outline in outline mode ('t'). # This can be set for every viewer in GLViewer GUI editor. OpenGL.OutlineLineScalingFactor: 1.0 # Save pictures using framebuffer objects which works even when GL window is # not on screen or is covered by other windows. Image scaling is supported # but there is no GUI support -- call corresponding TGLViewer functions. # FBOs might not work on some machines or over ssh due to buggy GL support. OpenGL.SavePicturesViaFBO: yes # If saving via FBO fails, fallback to using back-buffer for image capture. OpenGL.SavePictureFallbackToBB: yes # Enable multi-sampling (full-scene antialisaing), if supported. # Set to 1 to use lowest available settings or a higher integer to request # a specific number of samples per pixel (4 (linux) or 8 (mac) is reasonable). OpenGL.Framebuffer.Multisample: 0 # Flag to set CanvasPreferGL via gStyle OpenGL.CanvasPreferGL: 0 # EVE options (defaults are shown) # Autmoatically hide/roll up GL viewer menu-bars. Eve.Viewer.HideMenus: 1 # Rint (interactive ROOT executable) specific alias, logon and logoff macros. Rint.Load: rootalias.C Rint.Logon: rootlogon.C Rint.Logoff: rootlogoff.C ### Prompt colors # Whether to use default colors for light-on-dark (i.e. reverse) color scheme: #Rint.ReverseColor: no # Prompt colors: #rgb or #rrggbb or color names: # "black", "red", "green", "yellow", "blue", "magenta", "cyan", "white" # "default" will keep the current terminal color. # can be combined with string containing "under" and "bold". #Rint.TypeColor: bold blue #Rint.BracketColor: bold green #Rint.BadBracketColor: bold red underlined #Rint.PromptColor: default #Rint.TabComColor: magenta # ### History # Record session commands, set to "-" to turn off command recording. Rint.History: $(HOME)/.root_hist # History file size, once HistSize is reached remove all but HistSave entries, # set to 0 to turn off command recording. # Can be overridden by environment variable ROOT_HIST=size[:save], # the ":save" part is optional. # Rint.HistSize: 500 # Set to -1 for sensible default (80% of HistSize), set to 0 to disable history. # Rint.HistSave: 400 # Print a single line welcome message instead of the default verbose version # Rint.WelcomeLite: no # When the interactive ROOT starts, it can automatically load some frequently # used includes. However, this introduces several overheads # - A long list of CINT and system files will be kept open during the session # - The initialisation takes more time (noticeable when using gdb or valgrind) # - Memory overhead of about 5 Mbytes (1/3 of the base ROOT executable) when # including # You can set the variable below to 0 to disable the loading of these # includes at startup. You can set the variable to 1 (default) to load # only , and . You can set it to 2 to # load in addition and . We strongly recommend setting # the variable to 2 if your scripts include and you execute # your scripts multiple times. Rint.Includes: 1 # ACLiC customization. # ACLiC.Linkdef specifies the suffix that will be added to the script name to # try to locate a custom linkdef file when generating the dictionary. ACLiC.Linkdef: _linkdef # Set a top directory for storing the libraries produced by ACLiC. #ACLiC.BuildDir: /where/I/would/like/my/compiled/scripts # Add additional include directives for ACLiC compilations. #ACLiC.IncludePaths: -I/where/the/includes/are # Select whether and how ACLiC tracks the dependency of the libraries. # 0 - No tracking # 1 - [Default] New libraries are explicitly linked to all currently loaded libraries # 2 - Generate and use rootmap file for each library # 3 - Generate rootmap file for each library _and_ explicitly link to the # needed libraries. # On Windows, the default is 3 #ACLiC.LinkLibs: 1 # PROOF related variables # # PROOF debug options. # Proof.DebugLevel: 0 # Proof.DebugMask: -1 # # PROOF GDB hooks # allows a debugger to be attached early in the startup phase of proofserv # 0 - don't wait # 1 - master proofserv enters wait loop # 2 - slave proofserv enters wait loop # 3 - any proofserv enters wait loop # # Proof.GdbHook: 0 # # To control the number of processes in PROOF-Lite (0 disables PROOF-Lite). # This setting cannot be overwritten in the user rootrc files. # ProofLite.MaxWorkers: -1 # # On the master enable parallel startup of workers using threads # Proof.ParallelStartup: no # # Proof.StatsHist: no # Proof.StatsTrace: no # Proof.SlaveStatsTrace: no # # Proof.CondorHome: /opt/condor # Proof.CondorConfig: /opt/condor/etc/condor_config # # PEAC.GmUrl: http://somewhere:8080/clarens/ # PEAC.LmUrl: http://elsewhere:8080/clarens/ # Certificate and key # Clarens.CertFile: $(HOME)/.globus/usercert.pem # Clarens.KeyFile: $(HOME)/.globus/userkey.pem # Variables related to authentication to rootd and proofd. # # Default authentication method for rootd and proofd. # These are supported for backward compatibility but have a very # low priority. System defaults are generated by configure as a list # in system.rootauthrc in $ROOTSYS/etc/ or /etc/root; the file # $HOME/.rootauthrc can be used to override the system defaults. # (0=UsrPwd, 1=SRP, 2=Krb5, 3=Globus,4=SSH, 5=UidGid) Rootd.Authentication: 0 Proofd.Authentication: 0 # Connection is shutdown at timeout expiration. Timeout is in seconds. # Negotiation cannot be attempted at low level (i.e. inside # TAuthenticate::Authenticate()) because of synchronization # problems with the server. # At higher level, TAuthenticate::HasTimedOut() gives information # about timeout: 0 = no timeout; 1 = timeout, no methods left; # 2 = timeout, still methods to be tried . # Caller should decide about an additional attempt. # Timeout disabled (< 0) by default. Can be changed on-the-fly # with the static method TAuthenticate::SetTimeOut(to_value) # # Auth.Timeout: -1 # Password dialog box. # Set to 0 if you do not want a dialog box to be popped-up # when a password is requested. # Default is 1. # # Auth.UsePasswdDialogBox: 0 # Set this to 1 if you want full SRP authentication in PROOF # (Client-to-Master and Master-to-Slave). Proofd.SendSRPPwd: 0 # Set this to 1 to use SSH authentication in PROOF servers # (Master-to-Slave or Slaves-to-DataServers). This is switched # off by default because credentials forwarding for SSH is not # controlled by the system; however the user may have other # ways to guarantee it, so it may want to switch it on. ProofServ.UseSSH: 0 # Default login name (if not defined is taken from $(HOME)). #UsrPwd.Login: qwerty #SRP.Login: qwerty #Krb5.Login: qwerty@LOCAL.DOM.AIN #Globus.Login: cd:~/.globus cf:usercert.pem kf:userkey.pem ad:/etc/grid-security/certificates #SSH.Login: qwerty #UidGid.Login: qwerty # To be prompted for login information. #UsrPwd.LoginPrompt: yes #SRP.LoginPrompt: yes #Krb5.LoginPrompt: yes #Globus.LoginPrompt: yes #SSH.LoginPrompt: yes #UidGid.LoginPrompt: yes # To reuse established security context. UsrPwd.ReUse: yes SRP.ReUse: no Krb5.ReUse: no Globus.ReUse: yes SSH.ReUse: yes # Duration validity of the sec context for UsrPwd, SRP and SSH. # Format: : (default 24:00) #UsrPwd.Valid: 24:00 #SRP.Valid: 24:00 #SSH.Valid: 24:00 # To control password encryption for UsrPwd authentication. UsrPwd.Crypt: yes # Globus miscellanea. # Globus Proxy duration: HH:MM (ex 12:15 for 12 hours and 15 min) # 'default' for system default. Globus.ProxyDuration: default #Globus.ProxyDuration: 14 # Number of bits for the initial key. Globus.ProxyKeyBits: 1024 # Path to alternative 'ssh' (to override $PATH if ever needed). #SSH.ExecDir: /usr/bin # In case of error, SSH returns 1 (or 256 = 0x100). # To trap those errors for which one should retry, error printouts # must be parsed; any substring found under the Env SSH.ErrorRetry # triggers a retry condition; strings can be added here # in the form (including double quotes): # +SSH.ErrorRetry: "" # This is what one usually gets if the server has reached the maximum # number of sshd daemons (defined by MaxStartups in sshd_config); # this is a typical case in which one should retry. SSH.ErrorRetry: "Connection closed by remote host" # Max number of retries for SSH in case of retry error (see above). SSH.MaxRetry: 100 # Type of key to be used for RSA encryption: # 0 = local; 1 = SSL (default if openssl available). RSA.KeyType: 1 # In case of 'RSA.KeyType: 1' this specifies the number of bits to # be used for the Blowfish key used to encrypt the exchanged information # Default 256, minimum 128, maximum 15912. #SSL.BFBits: 256 # Server authentication in TServerSocket. # # General: file with server access rules #SrvAuth.DaemonRc: /etc/root/system.daemonrc # # UsrPwd: check of host equivalence via /etc/hosts.equiv or $HOME/.rhosts. #SrvAuth.CheckHostsEquivalence: 1 # # SRP: pass file (default $HOME/.srootdpass). #SrvAuth.SRPpassfile: $HOME/.srootdpass # # Globus/GSI: hostcert configuration file. #SrvAuth.HostCert: /etc/root/hostcert.conf # Globus/GSI: gridmap file. #SrvAuth.GridMap: /etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile # # SSH: port for the sshd daemon. #SrvAuth.SshdPort: 22 # Force file opening via TNetFile (TXNetFile) if a hostname is specified # in the Url. # By default, for local files TFile::Open() invokes directly TFile #TFile.ForceRemote: yes # Control the action to be taken when opening an existing ROOT file which # looks corrupted; by default an attempt to recover the file is made; if # this variable is set to no the file is just flagged as zombie. #TFile.Recover: no # Control the usage of asynchronous reading capabilities eventually # supported by the underlying TFile implementation. Default is yes. #TFile.AsyncReading: no # Control the usage of asynchronous prefetching capabilities irrespective # of the TFile implementation. By default it is disabled. #TFile.AsyncPrefetching: no # List of S3 servers known to support multi-range HTTP GET requests. # This is the value sent back by the S3 server in the 'Server:' header # of the HTTP response. # Please note that Amazon S3 servers do not support this feature. # Add one line per server type with syntax: # +TS3WebFile.Root.MultiRangeServer: Mucura TS3WebFile.Root.MultiRangeServer: Huawei OBS # Special cases for the TUrl parser, where the special cases are parsed # in a protocol + file part, like rfio:host:/path/file.root, # castor:/path/file.root or /alien/path/file.root. # In case the file namespace descriptor ends with - the namespace # is not a part of the filename. # Extend in private .rootrc with a +Url.Special line. Url.Special: file: rfio: hpss: castor: gfal: dcache: +Url.Special: /alien/- /castor/ # PROOF XRD client variables # Debug level (<0 : errors, 0 : minimal, 1 : low, 2 : medium, 3 : high) [-1] # XProof.Debug: 0 # Socket read timeout [in secs: default 10 secs] # XProof.ReadTimeout: 10 # The following env vars are handled by TXNetFile and related classes # (module netx, libNetx.so). # # XNet.ConnectTimeout - maximum time to wait before server's # response on a connect [120 s] # XNet.RequestTimeout - maximum time to wait before considering # a read/write failure [300 s] # XNet.ConnectDomainAllowRE # - sequence of TRegexp regular expressions # separated by a |. # A domain is granted access to for the # first connection if it matches one of these # regexps. Example: # slac.stanford.edu|pd.infn.it|fe.infn.it # XNet.ConnectDomainDenyRE # - sequence of TRegexp regular expressions # separated by a |. # A domain is denied access to for the # first connection if it matches one of these # regexps. Example: # slac.stanford.edu|pd.infn.it|fe.infn.it # XNet.RedirDomainAllowRE # - sequence of TRegexp regular expressions # separated by a |. # A domain is granted access to for a # redirection if it matches one of these # regexps. Example: # slac.stanford.edu|pd.infn.it|fe.infn.it # XNet.RedirDomainDenyRE # - sequence of TRegexp regular expressions # separated by a |. # A domain is denied access to for a # redirection if it matches one of these # regexps. Example: # slac.stanford.edu|pd.infn.it|fe.infn.it # XNet.MaxRedirectCount - maximum number of redirections from # server [16] # XNet.Debug - log verbosity level # (0=nothing, # 1=messages of interest to the user, # 2=messages of interest to the developers # (includes also user messages), # 3=dump of all sent/received data buffers # (includes also user and developers # messages). [0] # 4=dump also the data received/sent at the lower level # XNet.ReconnectWait - sleep-time before going back to the # load balancer (or rebouncing to the same # failing host) after a read/write error # [5 s] # XNet.ReadAheadSize - read ahead value, in bytes, to use with the XrdClient # internal caching scheme # Generally not much useful together with the TFile cache, # which will disable the readahead as soon it starts operating, # i.e. requesting async data through XrdClient. # Note that we cannot suppose that the TFile cache # will start working at the beginning of the data processing. # Setting a read ahead size > 0 will involve this phase, # sometimes it could be an advantage, sometimes not. # If > 0, TXNetFile will switch it on again if it sees that # synchronous ReadBuffer requests are issued again XNet.ReadAheadSize: 0 # XNet.ReadCacheSize - Default read cache size inside XrdClient, in bytes. # TXNetFile/TFileReadCache automatically sets this to a # 'correct' value when needed. # Set a value here to override a *minimum* # size. It is not preallocated. # TFile/TXNetFile can anyway make it grow # automatically when needed. XNet.ReadCacheSize: 10000000 # XNet.FirstConnectMaxCnt # - Number of connect retries to the first host # XNet.PrintTAG - Print a particular string the developers # can choose to quickly recognize the # version at run time [0] # XNet.ParStreamsPerPhyConn # - Number of additional TCP streams to use per # each physical connection # 0=monostream mode # 1-15=multistream mode XNet.ParStreamsPerPhyConn: 0 # XNet.DfltTcpWindowSize # - Default size of the TCP window; set to 0 to use the # system default, which means automatic scaling under Linux # and MacOsX (at least). Value in bytes [0] # XNet.DfltTcpWindowSize 262144 # XNet.TransactionTimeout # - The maximum amount of time either a request or a server # wait request can be before the client declares an error. # XNet.TransactionTimeout: 28800 # The following env vars are handled by TNetXNGFile (new xrootd client interface) # and related classes (module netxng, libNetxNG.so). # Use the old xrootd client (libNetx) instead of the new (libNetxNG) XNet.UseOldClient: @useoldnetx@ # NetXNG.ConnectionWindow - A time window for the connection establishment. A # connection failure is declared if the connection # is not established within the time window. If a # connection failure happens earlier then another # connection attempt will only be made at the # beginning of the next window. # NetXNG.ConnectionRetry - Number of connection attempts that should be # made (number of available connection windows) # before declaring a permanent failure. # NetXNG.RequestTimeout - Default value for the time after which an error # is declared if it was impossible to get a # response to a request. # NetXNG.SubStreamsPerChannel - Number of streams per session. # NetXNG.TimeoutResolution - Resolution for the timeout events. Ie. timeout # events will be processed only every # XRD_TIMEOUTRESOLUTION seconds. # NetXNG.StreamErrorWindow - Time after which the permanent failure flags are # cleared out and a new connection may be # attempted if needed. # NetXNG.RunForkHandler - Determines whether the fork handlers should be # enabled, making the API fork safe. # NetXNG.RedirectLimit - Maximum number of allowed redirections. # NetXNG.WorkerThreads - Number of threads processing user callbacks. # NetXNG.CPChunkSize - Size of a single data chunk handled by xrdcopy. # NetXNG.CPParallelChunks - Maximum number of asynchronous requests being # processed by the xrdcopy command at any given # time. # NetXNG.PollerPreference - A comma separated list of poller implementations # in order of preference. The default is: # libevent,built-in. # NetXNG.ClientMonitor - Path to the client monitor library. # NetXNG.ClientMonitorParam - Additional optional parameters that will be # passed to the monitoring object on initialization. # Parameters that influence the behavior of TDavixFile/TDavixSystem. These # classes give a comprehensive client side support for HTTP and WebDAV, # with all the goodies (session caching, flexible authentication, support # for different dialects like S3, and others) # Use the old TWebFile instead of the new libDavix based version Davix.UseOldClient: @useoldwebfile@ # Verbosity level of the external Davix library # Davix.Debug: 0 # Path to the X.509 user proxy # Davix.GSI.UserProxy: /my/path/my_proxy # Paths to the X.509 user certificate and key, in PEM format # Davix.GSI.UserCert: /my/path/my_cert # Davix.GSI.UserKey: /my/path/my_key # Path to the directory containing the CAs # Davix.GSI.CAdir: /etc/grid-security/certificates # Enable/disable the Check on the peer's certificate # Davix.GSI.CACheck: y # Sets the HTTP client in Grid mode, to talk to Grid HTTP SEs # without having to set additional parameters # Grid mode enable the following action: # - Auto-detect and use the available voms proxy certificate # - Add the standard grid security CAs as valid CAs # - Use the grid specific extensions if needed. # Davix.GSI.GridMode: y # Sets the Amazon S3 authentication parameters # Davix.S3.SecretKey: secret # Davix.S3.AccessKey: token # NOTE: The authentication of TDavixFile/TDavixSystem can be influenced # through some well known environment variables: # X509_USER_CERT, X509_USER_KEY, X509_USER_PROXY # They have the usual meaning for the X509 Grid things. The gEnv vars # have higher priority over the these envvars. # Example of custom setting for the Rint application (root.exe). # This overrides the default specified above for a generic application. # Color 5 is yellow. Rint.Canvas.HighLightColor: 5 # Set a size factor for auto sizing TTreeCache for TTrees. The estimated # cluster size for the TTree and this factor is used to give the cache size. # If option is set to zero auto cache creation is disabled and the default # cache size is the historical one (equivalent to factor 1.0). If set to # non zero auto cache creation is enabled and both auto created and # default sized caches will use the configured factor: # 0.0 no automatic cache (default) # >0.0 enable automatic cache # Can be overridden by the environment variable ROOT_TTREECACHE_SIZE # TTreeCache.Size: 0.0 # Set the default TTreeCache prefilling type. # The prefill type may be: 0 No Prefill (default) # 1 All Branches # Can be overridden by the environment variable ROOT_TTREECACHE_PREFILL # TTreeCache.Prefill: 0