This is further development of JSRootIO, original version was download from At its current state code is very differ from original project of Bertrand Bellenot, but provides very similar functionality. Main motivation for changes - fix different errors, make JavaScript code more flexible and applicable for online environment. July 2014: 1. Migration to d3.v3.js and jQuery v2.1.1 2. Fix errors in filling of histogram statbox 3. Possibility of move and resize of statbox, title, color palete 4. Remove many (not all) global variables 5. Example with direct usage of JSRootIO graphics 6. Example of inserting ROOT graphics from THttpServer into May 2014: 1. This JSRootIO code together with THttpServer class included in ROOT repository March 2014: 1. Introduce JSROOTIO.TBuffer class, which plays similar role as TBuffer in native ROOT I/O. Simplifies I/O logic, reduce duplication of code in many places, fix errors. Main advantage - one could try to keep code synchronous with C++. 2. Avoid objects cloning when object referenced several times. 3. Treat special cases (collection, arrays) in one place. This is major advantage, while any new classes need to be implemented only once. 4. Object representation, produced by JSRootIO is similar to objects, produced by TBufferJSON class. By this one can exchange I/O engine and use same JavaSctript graphic for display. 5. More clear functions to display different elements of the file. In the future functions should be fully separated from I/O part and organized in similar way as online part. 6. Eliminate usage of gFile pointer in the I/O part. 7. Provide TBufferJSON::JsonWriteMember method. It allows to stream any selected data member of the class. Supported are: basic data types, arrays of basic data types, TString, TArray classes. Also any object as data member can be streamed. 8. TRootSniffer do not creates sublevels for base classes To do: 1. Redraw of canvas do not work at all. 3. In JSROOTIO.R__unzip buffers bigger than 16 MB (0xfffffff) are not treated correctly. In TKey.cxx, lines 259-275, big raw buffer cutted on blocks of 16MB.