#ifndef ASIMAGE_HEADER_FILE_INCLUDED #define ASIMAGE_HEADER_FILE_INCLUDED #include "asvisual.h" #include "blender.h" #include "asstorage.h" #undef TRACK_ASIMAGES #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif struct ASImageBevel; struct ASImageDecoder; struct ASImageOutput; struct ASScanline; /****h* libAfterImage/asimage.h * NAME * asimage defines main structures and function for image manipulation. * DESCRIPTION * libAfterImage provides powerful functionality to load, store * and transform images. It allows for smaller memory utilization by * utilizing run-length encoding of the image data. There could be * different levels of compression selected, allowing to choose best * speed/memory ratio. * * SEE ALSO * Structures : * ASImage * ASImageManager * ASImageBevel * ASImageDecoder * ASImageOutput * ASImageLayer * ASGradient * * Functions : * asimage_init(), asimage_start(), create_asimage(), * clone_asimage(), destroy_asimage() * * ImageManager Reference counting and managing : * create_image_manager(), destroy_image_manager(), * store_asimage(), fetch_asimage(), query_asimage(), * dup_asimage(), release_asimage(), * release_asimage_by_name(), forget_asimage(), * safe_asimage_destroy() * * Gradients helper functions : * flip_gradient(), destroy_asgradient() * * Layers helper functions : * init_image_layers(), create_image_layers(), * destroy_image_layers() * * Encoding : * asimage_add_line(), asimage_add_line_mono(), * asimage_print_line(), get_asimage_chanmask(), * move_asimage_channel(), copy_asimage_channel(), * copy_asimage_lines() * * Decoding * start_image_decoding(), stop_image_decoding(), * asimage_decode_line (), set_decoder_shift(), * set_decoder_back_color() * * Output : * start_image_output(), set_image_output_back_color(), * toggle_image_output_direction(), stop_image_output() * * Other libAfterImage modules : * ascmap.h asfont.h asimage.h asvisual.h blender.h export.h * import.h transform.h ximage.h * AUTHOR * Sasha Vasko ******/ #define ASIMAGE_PATH_ENVVAR "IMAGE_PATH" #define ASFONT_PATH_ENVVAR "FONT_PATH" /****d* libAfterImage/ASAltImFormats * NAME * ASAltImFormats identifies what output format should be used for storing * the transformation result. Also identifies what data is currently stored * in alt member of ASImage structure. * SOURCE */ typedef enum { ASA_ASImage = 0, ASA_XImage, ASA_MaskXImage, /* temporary XImages to be allocated from static pool of memory :*/ ASA_ScratchXImage, ASA_ScratchMaskXImage, ASA_ScratchXImageAndAlpha, ASA_ARGB32, ASA_Vector, /* This cannot be used for transformation's result * format */ ASA_Formats }ASAltImFormats; /*******/ /****s* libAfterImage/ASImage * NAME * ASImage is the main structure to hold image data. * DESCRIPTION * Images are stored internally split into ARGB channels, each split * into scanline. Actuall data is stored using ASStorage container. Inside * ASImage data structure we only store IDs pointing to data in ASStorage * ASStorage implements reference counting, data compression, * automatic memory defragmentation and other nice things. * SEE ALSO * asimage_init() * asimage_start() * create_asimage() * destroy_asimage() * SOURCE */ struct ASImageAlternative; struct ASImageManager; /* magic number identifying ASFont data structure */ #define MAGIC_ASIMAGE 0xA3A314AE typedef struct ASImage { unsigned long magic ; unsigned int width, height; /* size of the image in pixels */ /* arrays of storage ids of stored scanlines of particular channel: */ ASStorageID *alpha, *red, *green, *blue; ASStorageID *channels[IC_NUM_CHANNELS]; /* merely a shortcut so we can * somewhat simplify code in loops */ ARGB32 back_color ; /* background color of the image, so * we could discard everything that * matches it, and then restore it * back. */ struct ASImageAlternative { /* alternative forms of ASImage storage : */ XImage *ximage ; /* pointer to XImage created as the * result of transformations whenever * we request it to output into * XImage ( see to_xim parameter ) */ XImage *mask_ximage ; /* XImage of depth 1 that could be * used to store mask of the image */ ARGB32 *argb32 ; /* array of widthxheight ARGB32 * values */ double *vector ; /* scientific data that should be used * in conjunction with * ASScientificPalette to produce * actuall ARGB data */ }alt; struct ASImageManager *imageman; /* if not null - then image could be * referenced by some other code */ int ref_count ;/* this will tell us what us how many * times */ char *name ; /* readonly copy of image name * this name is a hash value used to * store image in the image-man's hash, * and gets freed automagically on image * removal from hash */ #define ASIM_DATA_NOT_USEFUL (0x01<<0) #define ASIM_VECTOR_TOP2BOTTOM (0x01<<1) #define ASIM_XIMAGE_8BIT_MASK (0x01<<2) #define ASIM_NO_COMPRESSION (0x01<<3) /* Do not use compression to * save some computation time */ #define ASIM_ALPHA_IS_BITMAP (0x01<<4) #define ASIM_RGB_IS_BITMAP (0x01<<5) #define ASIM_XIMAGE_NOT_USEFUL (0x01<<6) #define ASIM_NAME_IS_FILENAME (0x01<<7) ASFlagType flags ; /* combination of the above flags */ } ASImage; /*******/ /****d* libAfterImage/LIMITS * NAME * MAX_IMPORT_IMAGE_SIZE effectively limits size of the allowed * images to be loaded from files. That is * needed to be able to filter out corrupt files. * NAME * MAX_BEVEL_OUTLINE Limit on bevel outline to be drawn around * the image. * NAME * MAX_SEARCH_PATHS Number of search paths to be used while loading * images from files. */ #define MAX_IMPORT_IMAGE_SIZE 8000 #define MAX_BEVEL_OUTLINE 100 #define MAX_SEARCH_PATHS 8 /* prudently limiting ourselfs */ /******/ /****s* libAfterImage/ASImageManager * NAME * ASImageManager structure to be used to maintain list of loaded images * for given set of search paths and gamma. Images are named and reference * counted. * SOURCE */ typedef struct ASImageManager { ASHashTable *image_hash ; /* misc stuff that may come handy : */ char *search_path[MAX_SEARCH_PATHS+1]; double gamma ; }ASImageManager; /*************/ /* Auxiliary data structures : */ /****s* libAfterImage/ASVectorPalette * NAME * ASVectorPalette contains pallette allowing us to map double values * in vector image data into actuall ARGB values. * SOURCE */ typedef struct ASVectorPalette { unsigned int npoints ; double *points ; CARD16 *channels[IC_NUM_CHANNELS] ; /* ARGB data for key points. */ ARGB32 default_color; }ASVectorPalette; /*************/ /****s* libAfterImage/asimage/ASImageLayer * NAME * ASImageLayer specifies parameters of the image superimposition. * DESCRIPTION * libAfterImage allows for simultaneous superimposition (overlaying) of * arbitrary number of images. To facilitate this ASImageLayer structure * has been created in order to specify parameters of each image * participating in overlaying operation. Images need not to be exact * same size. For each image its position on destination is specified * via dst_x and dst_y data members. Each image maybe tiled and clipped * to fit into rectangle specified by clip_x, clip_y, clip_width, * clip_height ( in image coordinates - not destination ). If image is * missing, then area specified by dst_x, dst_y, clip_width, clip_height * will be filled with solid_color. * Entire image will be tinted using tint parameter prior to overlaying. * Bevel specified by bevel member will be drawn over image prior to * overlaying. Specific overlay method has to be specified. * merge_scanlines method is pointer to a function, * that accepts 2 ASScanlines as arguments and performs overlaying of * first one with the second one. * There are 15 different merge_scanline methods implemented in * libAfterImage, including alpha-blending, tinting, averaging, * HSV and HSL colorspace operations, etc. * NOTES * ASImageLayer s could be organized into chains using next pointers. * Since there could be a need to rearrange layers and maybe bypass some * layers - we need to provide for flexibility, while at the same time * allowing for simplicity of arrays. As the result next pointers could * be used to link together continuous arrays of layer, like so : * array1: [layer1(next==NULL)][layer2(next!=NULL)] * ____________________________| * V * array2: [layer3(next==NULL)][layer4(next==NULL)][layer5(next!=NULL)] * ________________________________________________| * V * array3: [layer6(next==NULL)][layer7(next==layer7)] * ^______| * * While iterating throught such a list we check for two conditions - * exceeding count of layers and layer pointing to self. When any of * that is met - we stopping iteration. * SEE ALSO * merge_layers() * blender.h * SOURCE */ typedef struct ASImageLayer { ASImage *im; ARGB32 solid_color ; /* If im == NULL, then fill * the area with this color. */ int dst_x, dst_y; /* placement in overall * composition */ /* clip area could be partially outside of the image - * image gets tiled in it */ int clip_x, clip_y; unsigned int clip_width, clip_height; ARGB32 tint ; /* if 0 - no tint */ struct ASImageBevel *bevel ; /* border to wrap layer with * (for buttons, etc.)*/ /* if image is clipped then we need to specify offsets of bevel as * related to clipped rectangle. Normally it should be : * 0, 0, im->width, im->height. And if width/height left 0 - it will * default to this values. Note that clipped image MUST be entirely * inside the bevel rectangle. !!!*/ int bevel_x, bevel_y; unsigned int bevel_width, bevel_height; int merge_mode ; /* reserved for future use */ merge_scanlines_func merge_scanlines ; /* overlay method */ struct ASImageLayer *next; /* optional pointer to next * layer. If it points to * itself - then end of the * chain.*/ void *data; /* hook to hung data on */ }ASImageLayer; /********/ /****d* libAfterImage/asimage/GRADIENT_TYPE_flags * FUNCTION * Combination of this flags defines the way gradient is rendered. * NAME * GRADIENT_TYPE_DIAG when set it will cause gradient's direction to be * rotated by 45 degrees * NAME * GRADIENT_TYPE_ORIENTATION will cause gradient direction to be rotated * by 90 degrees. When combined with GRADIENT_TYPE_DIAG - rotates gradient * direction by 135 degrees. * SOURCE */ #define GRADIENT_TYPE_DIAG (0x01<<0) #define GRADIENT_TYPE_ORIENTATION (0x01<<1) #define GRADIENT_TYPE_MASK (GRADIENT_TYPE_ORIENTATION| \ GRADIENT_TYPE_DIAG) /********/ /****d* libAfterImage/asimage/GRADIENT_TYPE * FUNCTION * This are named combinations of above flags to define type of gradient. * NAME * GRADIENT_Left2Right normal left-to-right gradient. * NAME * GRADIENT_TopLeft2BottomRight diagonal top-left to bottom-right. * NAME * GRADIENT_Top2Bottom vertical top to bottom gradient. * NAME * GRADIENT_BottomLeft2TopRight diagonal bottom-left to top-right. * SOURCE */ #define GRADIENT_Left2Right 0 #define GRADIENT_TopLeft2BottomRight GRADIENT_TYPE_DIAG #define GRADIENT_Top2Bottom GRADIENT_TYPE_ORIENTATION #define GRADIENT_BottomLeft2TopRight (GRADIENT_TYPE_DIAG| \ GRADIENT_TYPE_ORIENTATION) /********/ /****s* libAfterImage/ASGradient * NAME * ASGradient describes how gradient is to be drawn. * DESCRIPTION * libAfterImage includes functionality to draw multipoint gradients in * 4 different directions left->right, top->bottom and diagonal * lefttop->rightbottom and bottomleft->topright. Each gradient described * by type, number of colors (or anchor points), ARGB values for each * color and offsets of each point from the beginning of gradient in * fractions of entire length. There should be at least 2 anchor points. * very first point should have offset of 0. and last point should have * offset of 1. Gradients are drawn in ARGB colorspace, so it is possible * to have semitransparent gradients. * SEE ALSO * make_gradient() * SOURCE */ typedef struct ASGradient { int type; /* see GRADIENT_TYPE above */ int npoints; /* number of anchor points */ ARGB32 *color; /* ARGB color values for each anchor point*/ double *offset; /* offset of each point from the beginning in * fractions of entire length */ }ASGradient; /********/ /****d* libAfterImage/asimage/flip * FUNCTION * This are flags that define rotation angle. * NAME * FLIP_VERTICAL defines rotation of 90 degrees counterclockwise. * NAME * FLIP_UPSIDEDOWN defines rotation of 180 degrees counterclockwise. * combined they define rotation of 270 degrees counterclockwise. * SOURCE */ #define FLIP_VERTICAL (0x01<<0) #define FLIP_UPSIDEDOWN (0x01<<1) #define FLIP_MASK (FLIP_UPSIDEDOWN|FLIP_VERTICAL) /********/ /****d* libAfterImage/asimage/tint * FUNCTION * We use 32 bit ARGB values to define how tinting should be done. * The formula for tinting particular channel data goes like that: * tinted_data = (image_data * tint)/128 * So if tint channel value is greater then 127 - same channel will be * brighter in destination image; if it is lower then 127 - same channel * will be darker in destination image. Tint channel value of 127 * ( or 0x7F hex ) does not change anything. * Alpha channel is tinted as well, allowing for creation of * semitransparent images. Calculations are performed in 24.8 format - * with 8 bit precision. Result is saturated to avoid overflow, and * precision is carried over to next pixel ( error diffusion ), when con * verting 24.8 to 8 bit format. * NAME * TINT_NONE special value that disables tinting * NAME * TINT_LEAVE_SAME also disables tinting. * SOURCE */ #define TINT_NONE 0 #define TINT_LEAVE_SAME (0x7F7F7F7F) #define TINT_HALF_DARKER (0x3F3F3F3F) #define TINT_HALF_BRIGHTER (0xCFCFCFCF) #define TINT_RED (0x7F7F0000) #define TINT_GREEN (0x7F007F00) #define TINT_BLUE (0x7F00007F) /********/ /****d* libAfterImage/asimage/compression * FUNCTION * Defines the level of compression to attempt on ASImage scanlines. * NAME * ASIM_COMPRESSION_NONE defined as 0 - disables compression. * NAME * ASIM_COMPRESSION_FULL defined as 100 - highest compression level. * Anything in between 0 and 100 will cause only part of the scanline to * be compressed. * This is obsolete. Now all images are compressed if possible. ********/ #define ASIM_COMPRESSION_NONE 0 #define ASIM_COMPRESSION_FULL 100 extern Bool asimage_use_mmx ; /****f* libAfterImage/asimage/asimage_init() * NAME * asimage_init() frees datamembers of the supplied ASImage structure, and * initializes it to all 0. * SYNOPSIS * void asimage_init (ASImage * im, Bool free_resources); * INPUTS * im - pointer to valid ASImage structure * free_resources - if True will make function attempt to free * all non-NULL pointers. *********/ /****f* libAfterImage/asimage/flush_asimage_cache() * NAME * flush_asimage_cache() destroys XImage and mask XImage kept from previous * conversions to/from X Pixmap. * SYNOPSIS * void flush_asimage_cache (ASImage * im ); * INPUTS * im - pointer to valid ASImage structure *********/ /****f* libAfterImage/asimage/asimage_start() * NAME * asimage_start() Allocates memory needed to store scanline of the image * of supplied size. Assigns all the data members valid values. Makes sure * that ASImage structure is ready to store image data. * SYNOPSIS * void asimage_start (ASImage * im, unsigned int width, * unsigned int height, * unsigned int compression); * INPUTS * im - pointer to valid ASImage structure * width - width of the image * height - height of the image * compression - level of compression to perform on image data. * compression has to be in range of 0-100 with 100 * signifying highest level of compression. * NOTES * In order to resize ASImage structure after asimage_start() has been * called, asimage_init() must be invoked to free all the memory, and * then asimage_start() has to be called with new dimensions. *********/ /****f* libAfterImage/asimage/create_asimage() * NAME * create_asimage() Performs memory allocation for the new ASImage * structure, as well as initialization of allocated structure based on * supplied parameters. * SYNOPSIS * ASImage *create_asimage( unsigned int width, * unsigned int height, * unsigned int compression); * INPUTS * width - desired image width * height - desired image height * compression - compression level in new ASImage( see asimage_start() * for more ). * RETURN VALUE * Pointer to newly allocated and initialized ASImage structure on * Success. NULL in case of any kind of error - that should never happen. *********/ /****f* libAfterImage/asimage/clone_asimage() * NAME * clone_asimage() * SYNOPSIS * ASImage *clone_asimage(ASImage *src, ASFlagType filter ); * INPUTS * src - original ASImage. * filter - bitmask of channels to be copied from one image to another. * RETURN VALUE * New ASImage, as a copy of original image. * DESCRIPTION * Creates exact clone of the original ASImage, with same compression, * back_color and rest of the attributes. Only ASImage data will be * carried over. Any attached alternative forms of images (XImages, etc.) * will not be copied. Any channel with unset bit in filter will not be * copied. Image name, ASImageManager and ref_count will not be copied - * use store_asimage() afterwards and make sure you use different name, * to avoid clashes with original image. *********/ /****f* libAfterImage/asimage/destroy_asimage() * NAME * destroy_asimage() frees all the memory allocated for specified ASImage. * SYNOPSIS * void destroy_asimage( ASImage **im ); * INPUTS * im - pointer to valid ASImage structure. * NOTES * If there was XImage attached to it - it will be deallocated as well. * EXAMPLE * asview.c: ASView.5 *********/ /****f* libAfterImage/asimage/asimage_replace() * NAME * asimage_replace() will replace ASImage's data using data from * another ASImage * SYNOPSIS * Bool asimage_replace (ASImage *im, ASImage *from); * INPUTS * im - pointer to valid ASImage structure. * from - pointer to ASImage from which to take the data. * NOTES * this function updates image without reallocating structure itself, which * means that all pointers to it will still be valid. If that function * succeeds - [from] ASImage will become unusable and should be deallocated * using free() call. *********/ void asimage_init (ASImage * im, Bool free_resources); void flush_asimage_cache( ASImage *im ); void asimage_start (ASImage * im, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned int compression); ASImage *create_asimage( unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned int compression); ASImage *create_static_asimage( unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned int compression); ASImage *clone_asimage( ASImage *src, ASFlagType filter ); void destroy_asimage( ASImage **im ); Bool asimage_replace (ASImage *im, ASImage *from); /****f* libAfterImage/asimage/set_asimage_vector() * NAME * set_asimage_vector() This function replaces contents of the vector * member of ASImage structure with new double precision data. * SYNOPSIS * set_asimage_vector( ASImage *im, register double *vector ); * INPUTS * im - pointer to valid ASImage structure. * vector - scientific data to attach to the image. * NOTES * Data must have size of width*height ahere width and height are size of * the ASImage. *********/ Bool set_asimage_vector( ASImage *im, register double *vector ); /****f* libAfterImage/asimage/vectorize_asimage() * NAME * vectorize_asimage() This function replaces contents of the vector * member of ASImage structure with new double precision data, generated * from native ARGB32 image contents. Color palette is generated by * indexing color values using max_colors, dither and opaque_threshold * parameters. * SYNOPSIS * ASVectorPalette* vectorize_asimage( ASImage *im, * unsigned int max_colors, * unsigned int dither, * int opaque_threshold ); * INPUTS * im - pointer to valid ASImage structure. * max_colors - maximum size of the colormap. * dither - number of bits to strip off the color data ( 0...7 ) * opaque_threshold - alpha channel threshold at which pixel should be * treated as opaque * RETURN VALUE * pointer to the ASVectorPalette structure that could be used for * reverse conversion from double values to ARGB32. * NOTES * alt.vector member of the supplied ASImage will be replaced and will * contain WIDTHxHEIGHT double values representing generated scientific * data. *********/ ASVectorPalette* vectorize_asimage( ASImage *im, unsigned int max_colors, unsigned int dither, int opaque_threshold ); /****f* libAfterImage/asimage/create_image_manager() * NAME * create_image_manager() create ASImage management and reference * counting object. * SYNOPSIS * ASImageManager *create_image_manager( ASImageManager *reusable_memory, * double gamma, ... ); * INPUTS * reusable_memory - optional pointer to a block of memory to be used to * store ASImageManager object. * double gamma - value of gamma correction to be used while loading * images from files. * ... - NULL terminated list of up to 8 PATH strings to list * locations at which images could be found. * DESCRIPTION * Creates ASImageManager object in memory and initializes it with * requested gamma value and PATH list. This Object will contain a hash * table referencing all the loaded images. When such object is used while * loading images from the file - gamma and PATH values will be used, so * that all the loaded and referenced images will have same parameters. * File name will be used as the image name, and if same file is attempted * to be loaded again - instead reference will be incremented, and * previously loaded image will be retyrned. All the images stored in * ASImageManager's table will contain a back pointer to it, and they must * be deallocated only by calling release_asimage(). destroy_asimage() will * refuse to deallocate such an image. *********/ /****f* libAfterImage/asimage/destroy_image_manager() * NAME * destroy_image_manager() destroy management obejct. * SYNOPSIS * void destroy_image_manager( struct ASImageManager *imman, * Bool reusable ); * INPUTS * imman - pointer to ASImageManager object to be deallocated * reusable - if True, then memory that holds object itself will * not be deallocated. Usefull when object is created * on stack. * DESCRIPTION * Destroys all the referenced images, PATH values and if reusable is False, * also deallocates object's memory. *********/ ASImageManager *create_image_manager( struct ASImageManager *reusable_memory, double gamma, ... ); void destroy_image_manager( struct ASImageManager *imman, Bool reusable ); /****f* libAfterImage/asimage/store_asimage() * NAME * store_asimage() add ASImage to the reference. * SYNOPSIS * Bool store_asimage( ASImageManager* imageman, ASImage *im, * const char *name ); * INPUTS * imageman - pointer to valid ASImageManager object. * im - pointer to the image to be stored. * name - unique name of the image. * DESCRIPTION * Adds specifyed image to the ASImageManager's list of referenced images. * Stored ASImage could be deallocated only by release_asimage(), or when * ASImageManager object itself is destroyed. *********/ /****f* libAfterImage/asimage/relocate_asimage() * NAME * relocate_asimage() relocate ASImage into a different image manager. * SYNOPSIS * void relocate_asimage( ASImageManager* to_imageman, ASImage *im ); * INPUTS * to_imageman - pointer to valid ASImageManager object. * im - pointer to the image to be stored. * DESCRIPTION * Moves image from one ASImageManager's list of referenced images into * another ASImageManager. Reference count will be kept the same. *********/ Bool store_asimage( ASImageManager* imageman, ASImage *im, const char *name ); void relocate_asimage( ASImageManager* to_imageman, ASImage *im ); /****f* libAfterImage/asimage/fetch_asimage() * NAME * fetch_asimage() * NAME * query_asimage() * SYNOPSIS * ASImage *fetch_asimage( ASImageManager* imageman, const char *name ); * ASImage *query_asimage( ASImageManager* imageman, const char *name ); * INPUTS * imageman - pointer to valid ASImageManager object. * name - unique name of the image. * DESCRIPTION * Looks for image with the name in ASImageManager's list and if found, * returns pointer to it. Note that query_asimage() does not increment * reference count, while fetch_asimage() does. Therefore if fetch_asimage() * is used - release_asimage() should be called , when image is no longer * in use. *********/ ASImage *fetch_asimage( ASImageManager* imageman, const char *name ); ASImage *query_asimage( ASImageManager* imageman, const char *name ); /****f* libAfterImage/asimage/dup_asimage() * NAME * dup_asimage() increment reference count of stored ASImage. * SYNOPSIS * ASImage *dup_asimage( ASImage* im ); * INPUTS * im - pointer to already referenced image. *********/ ASImage *dup_asimage ( ASImage* im ); /* increment ref countif applicable */ /****f* libAfterImage/asimage/release_asimage() * NAME * release_asimage() decrement reference count for given ASImage. * NAME * release_asimage_by_name() decrement reference count for ASImage * identifyed by its name. * SYNOPSIS * int release_asimage( ASImage *im ); * int release_asimage_by_name( ASImageManager *imman, char *name ); * INPUTS * im - pointer to already referenced image. * imageman - pointer to valid ASImageManager object. * name - unique name of the image. * DESCRIPTION * Decrements reference count on the ASImage object and destroys it if * reference count is below zero. *********/ int release_asimage( ASImage *im ); int release_asimage_by_name( ASImageManager *imman, char *name ); /****f* libAfterImage/asimage/forget_asimage() * NAME * forget_asimage() remove ASImage from ASImageManager's hash by pointer. * NAME * forget_asimage_name() remove ASImage from ASImageManager's hash by its * name. * SYNOPSIS * void forget_asimage( ASImage *im ); * void forget_asimage_name( ASImageManager *imman, const char *name ); * INPUTS * im pointer to already referenced image. * imageman pointer to valid ASImageManager object. * name unique name of the image. *********/ void forget_asimage( ASImage *im ); void forget_asimage_name( ASImageManager *imman, const char *name ); /****f* libAfterImage/safe_asimage_destroy() * NAME * safe_asimage_destroy() either release or destroy asimage, checking * if it is attached to ASImageManager. * SYNOPSIS * int safe_asimage_destroy( ASImage *im ); * INPUTS * im pointer to and ASImage structure. *********/ int safe_asimage_destroy( ASImage *im ); /****f* libAfterImage/print_asimage_manager() * NAME * print_asimage_manager() prints list of images referenced in given * ASImageManager structure. *********/ void print_asimage_manager(ASImageManager *imageman); /****f* libAfterImage/asimage/destroy_asgradient() * NAME * destroy_asgradient() - destroy ASGradient structure, deallocating all * associated memory *********/ void destroy_asgradient( ASGradient **pgrad ); /****f* libAfterImage/asimage/flip_gradient() * NAME * flip_gradient() - rotates gradient in 90 degree increments. * SYNOPSIS * ASGradient *flip_gradient( ASGradient *orig, int flip ); * INPUTS * orig - pointer to original ASGradient structure to be rotated. * flip - value defining desired rotation. * RETURN VALUE * Same as original gradient if flip is 0. New gradient structure in any * other case. * DESCRIPTION * Rotates ( flips ) gradient data in 90 degree increments. When needed * order of points is reversed. *********/ ASGradient *flip_gradient( ASGradient *orig, int flip ); /****f* libAfterImage/asimage/init_image_layers() * NAME * init_image_layers() - initialize set of ASImageLayer structures. * SYNOPSIS * void init_image_layers( register ASImageLayer *l, int count ); * INPUTS * l - pointer to valid ASImageLayer structure. * count - number of elements to initialize. * DESCRIPTION * Initializes array on ASImageLayer structures to sensible defaults. * Basically - all zeros and merge_scanlines == alphablend_scanlines. *********/ void init_image_layers( register ASImageLayer *l, int count ); /****f* libAfterImage/asimage/create_image_layers() * NAME * create_image_layers() - allocate and initialize set of ASImageLayer's. * SYNOPSIS * ASImageLayer *create_image_layers( int count ); * INPUTS * count - number of ASImageLayer structures in allocated array. * RETURN VALUE * Pointer to newly allocated and initialized array of ASImageLayer * structures on Success. NULL in case of any kind of error - that * should never happen. * DESCRIPTION * Performs memory allocation for the new array of ASImageLayer * structures, as well as initialization of allocated structure to * sensible defaults - merge_func will be set to alphablend_scanlines. *********/ ASImageLayer *create_image_layers( int count ); /****f* libAfterImage/asimage/destroy_image_layers() * NAME * destroy_image_layers() - destroy set of ASImageLayer structures. * SYNOPSIS * void destroy_image_layers( register ASImageLayer *l, * int count, * Bool reusable ); * INPUTS * l - pointer to pointer to valid array of ASImageLayer * structures. * count - number of structures in array. * reusable - if True - then array itself will not be deallocates - * which is usable when it was allocated on stack. * DESCRIPTION * frees all the memory allocated for specified array of ASImageLayer s. * If there was ASImage and/or ASImageBevel attached to it - it will be * deallocated as well. *********/ void destroy_image_layers( register ASImageLayer *l, int count, Bool reusable ); /****f* libAfterImage/asimage/asimage_add_line() * NAME * asimage_add_line() * SYNOPSIS * size_t asimage_add_line ( ASImage * im, ColorPart color, * CARD32 * data, unsigned int y); * INPUTS * im - pointer to valid ASImage structure * color - color channel's number * data - raw channel data of 32 bits per pixel - only lowest 8 bits * gets encoded. * y - image row starting with 0 * RETURN VALUE * asimage_add_line() return size of the encoded channel scanline in * bytes. On failure it will return 0. * DESCRIPTION * Encodes raw data of the single channel into ASImage channel scanline. * based on compression level selected for this ASImage all or part of * the scanline will be RLE encoded. *********/ /****f* libAfterImage/asimage/asimage_add_line_mono() * NAME * asimage_add_line_mono() * SYNOPSIS * size_t asimage_add_line_mono ( ASImage * im, ColorPart color, * CARD8 value, unsigned int y); * INPUTS * im - pointer to valid ASImage structure * color - color channel's number * value - value for the channel * y - image row starting with 0 * RETURN VALUE * asimage_add_line_mono() return size of the encoded channel scanline * in bytes. On failure it will return 0. * DESCRIPTION * encodes ASImage channel scanline to have same color components * value in every pixel. Useful for vertical gradients for example. *********/ /****f* libAfterImage/asimage/get_asimage_chanmask() * NAME * get_asimage_chanmask() * SYNOPSIS * ASFlagType get_asimage_chanmask( ASImage *im); * INPUTS * im - valid ASImage object. * DESCRIPTION * goes throu all the scanlines of the ASImage and toggles bits * representing those components that have at least some data. *********/ /****f* libAfterImage/asimage/move_asimage_channel() * NAME * move_asimage_channel() * SYNOPSIS * void move_asimage_channel( ASImage *dst, int channel_dst, * ASImage *src, int channel_src ); * INPUTS * dst - ASImage which will have its channel substituted; * channel_dst - what channel to move data to; * src - ASImage which will donate its channel to dst; * channel_src - what source image channel to move data from. * DESCRIPTION * MOves channel data from one ASImage to another, while discarding * what was already in destination's channel. * NOTES * Source image (donor) will loose its channel data, as it will be * moved to destination ASImage. Also there is a condition that both * images must be of the same width - otherwise function returns * without doing anything. If height is different - the minimum of * two will be used. *********/ /****f* libAfterImage/asimage/copy_asimage_channel() * NAME * copy_asimage_channel() * SYNOPSIS * void copy_asimage_channel( ASImage *dst, int channel_dst, * ASImage *src, int channel_src ); * INPUTS * dst - ASImage which will have its channel substituted; * channel_dst - what channel to copy data to; * src - ASImage which will donate its channel to dst; * channel_src - what source image channel to copy data from. * DESCRIPTION * Same as move_asimage_channel() but makes copy of channel's data * instead of simply moving it from one image to another. *********/ /****f* libAfterImage/asimage/copy_asimage_lines() * NAME * copy_asimage_lines() * SYNOPSIS * void copy_asimage_lines( ASImage *dst, unsigned int offset_dst, * ASImage *src, unsigned int offset_src, * unsigned int nlines, ASFlagType filter ); * INPUTS * dst - ASImage which will have its channel substituted; * offset_dst - scanline in destination image to copy to; * src - ASImage which will donate its channel to dst; * offset_src - scanline in source image to copy data from; * nlines - number of scanlines to be copied; * filter - specifies what channels should be copied. * DESCRIPTION * Makes copy of scanline data for continuos set of scanlines, affecting * only those channels marked in filter. * NOTE * Images must be of the same width. *********/ size_t asimage_add_line (ASImage * im, ColorPart color, CARD32 * data, unsigned int y); size_t asimage_add_line_mono (ASImage * im, ColorPart color, CARD8 value, unsigned int y); size_t asimage_add_line_bgra (ASImage * im, register CARD32 * data, unsigned int y); ASFlagType get_asimage_chanmask( ASImage *im); int check_asimage_alpha (ASVisual *asv, ASImage *im ); int asimage_decode_line (ASImage * im, ColorPart color, CARD32 * to_buf, unsigned int y, unsigned int skip, unsigned int out_width); void move_asimage_channel( ASImage *dst, int channel_dst, ASImage *src, int channel_src ); void copy_asimage_channel( ASImage *dst, int channel_dst, ASImage *src, int channel_src ); void copy_asimage_lines( ASImage *dst, unsigned int offset_dst, ASImage *src, unsigned int offset_src, unsigned int nlines, ASFlagType filter ); /****d* libAfterImage/asimage/verbosity * FUNCTION * This are flags that define what should be printed by * asimage_print_line(): * VRB_LINE_SUMMARY - print only summary for each scanline * VRB_LINE_CONTENT - print summary and data for each scanline * VRB_CTRL_EXPLAIN - print summary, data and control codes for each * scanline * SOURCE */ #define VRB_LINE_SUMMARY (0x01<<0) #define VRB_LINE_CONTENT (0x01<<1) #define VRB_CTRL_EXPLAIN (0x01<<2) #define VRB_EVERYTHING (VRB_LINE_SUMMARY|VRB_CTRL_EXPLAIN| \ VRB_LINE_CONTENT) /*********/ /****f* libAfterImage/asimage/asimage_print_line() * NAME * asimage_print_line() * SYNOPSIS * unsigned int asimage_print_line ( ASImage * im, ColorPart color, * unsigned int y, * unsigned long verbosity); * INPUTS * im - pointer to valid ASImage structure * color - color channel's number * y - image row starting with 0 * verbosity - verbosity level - any combination of flags is * allowed * RETURN VALUE * amount of memory used by this particular channel of specified * scanline. * DESCRIPTION * asimage_print_line() prints data stored in specified image scanline * channel. That may include simple summary of how much memory is used, * actual visible data, and/or RLE control codes. That helps to see * how effectively data is encoded. * * Useful mostly for debugging purposes. *********/ unsigned int asimage_print_line (ASImage * im, ColorPart color, unsigned int y, unsigned long verbosity); void print_asimage( ASImage *im, int flags, char * func, int line ); void print_asimage_func (ASHashableValue value); #define print_asimage_ptr (ptr) print_asimage_func(AS_HASHABLE(ptr)) void print_asimage_registry(); /* TRACK_ASIMAGES must be defined for this to work */ void purge_asimage_registry(); /* the following 5 macros will in fact unfold into huge but fast piece of code : */ /* we make poor compiler work overtime unfolding all this macroses but I bet it */ /* is still better then C++ templates :) */ #define ENCODE_SCANLINE(im,src,y) \ do{ asimage_add_line((im), IC_RED, (src).red, (y)); \ asimage_add_line((im), IC_GREEN, (src).green, (y)); \ asimage_add_line((im), IC_BLUE, (src).blue, (y)); \ if( get_flags((src).flags,SCL_DO_ALPHA))asimage_add_line((im), IC_ALPHA, (src).alpha, (y)); \ }while(0) #define SCANLINE_FUNC(f,src,dst,scales,len) \ do{ if( (src).offset_x > 0 || (dst).offset_x > 0 ) \ LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT( "(src).offset_x = %d. (dst).offset_x = %d", (src).offset_x, (dst).offset_x ); \ f((src).red+(src).offset_x, (dst).red+(dst).offset_x, (scales),(len)); \ f((src).green+(src).offset_x,(dst).green+(dst).offset_x,(scales),(len)); \ f((src).blue+(src).offset_x, (dst).blue+(dst).offset_x, (scales),(len)); \ if(get_flags((src).flags,SCL_DO_ALPHA)) f((src).alpha+(src).offset_x,(dst).alpha+(dst).offset_x,(scales),(len)); \ }while(0) #define SCANLINE_FUNC_FILTERED(f,src,dst,scales,len) \ do{ if( (src).offset_x > 0 || (dst).offset_x > 0 ) \ LOCAL_DEBUG_OUT( "(src).offset_x = %d. (dst).offset_x = %d", (src).offset_x, (dst).offset_x ); \ if(get_flags((src).flags,SCL_DO_RED)) f((src).red+(src).offset_x, (dst).red+(dst).offset_x, (scales),(len)); \ if(get_flags((src).flags,SCL_DO_GREEN)) f((src).green+(src).offset_x,(dst).green+(dst).offset_x,(scales),(len)); \ if(get_flags((src).flags,SCL_DO_BLUE)) f((src).blue+(src).offset_x, (dst).blue+(dst).offset_x, (scales),(len)); \ if(get_flags((src).flags,SCL_DO_ALPHA)) f((src).alpha+(src).offset_x,(dst).alpha+(dst).offset_x,(scales),(len)); \ }while(0) #define CHOOSE_SCANLINE_FUNC(r,src,dst,scales,len) \ switch(r) \ { case 0: SCANLINE_FUNC(shrink_component11,(src),(dst),(scales),(len));break; \ case 1: SCANLINE_FUNC(shrink_component, (src),(dst),(scales),(len)); break; \ case 2: SCANLINE_FUNC(enlarge_component_dumb,(src),(dst),(scales),(len));break ;\ case 3: SCANLINE_FUNC(enlarge_component12,(src),(dst),(scales),(len));break ; \ case 4: SCANLINE_FUNC(enlarge_component23,(src),(dst),(scales),(len));break; \ default:SCANLINE_FUNC(enlarge_component, (src),(dst),(scales),(len)); \ } #define SCANLINE_MOD(f,src,p,len) \ do{ f((src).red+(src).offset_x,(p),(len)); \ f((src).green+(src).offset_x,(p),(len)); \ f((src).blue+(src).offset_x,(p),(len)); \ if(get_flags((src).flags,SCL_DO_ALPHA)) f((src).alpha+(src).offset_x,(p),(len));\ }while(0) #define SCANLINE_MOD_FILTERED(f,src,p,len) \ do{ if(get_flags((src).flags,SCL_DO_RED)) f((src).red+(src).offset_x,(p),(len)); \ if(get_flags((src).flags,SCL_DO_GREEN)) f((src).green+(src).offset_x,(p),(len)); \ if(get_flags((src).flags,SCL_DO_BLUE)) f((src).blue+(src).offset_x,(p),(len)); \ if(get_flags((src).flags,SCL_DO_ALPHA)) f((src).alpha+(src).offset_x,(p),(len));\ }while(0) #define SCANLINE_COMBINE_slow(f,c1,c2,c3,c4,o1,o2,p,len) \ do{ f((c1).red,(c2).red,(c3).red,(c4).red,(o1).red,(o2).red,(p),(len)); \ f((c1).green,(c2).green,(c3).green,(c4).green,(o1).green,(o2).green,(p),(len)); \ f((c1).blue,(c2).blue,(c3).blue,(c4).blue,(o1).blue,(o2).blue,(p),(len)); \ if(get_flags((c1).flags,SCL_DO_ALPHA)) f((c1).alpha,(c2).alpha,(c3).alpha,(c4).alpha,(o1).alpha,(o2).alpha,(p),(len)); \ }while(0) #define SCANLINE_COMBINE(f,c1,c2,c3,c4,o1,o2,p,len) \ do{ f((c1).red,(c2).red,(c3).red,(c4).red,(o1).red,(o2).red,(p),(len+(len&0x01))*3); \ if(get_flags((c1).flags,SCL_DO_ALPHA)) f((c1).alpha,(c2).alpha,(c3).alpha,(c4).alpha,(o1).alpha,(o2).alpha,(p),(len)); \ }while(0) /* note that we shift values by 8 to keep quanitzation error in */ /* lower 1 byte for subsequent dithering : */ #define QUANT_ERR_BITS 8 #define QUANT_ERR_MASK 0x000000FF void copy_component( register CARD32 *src, register CARD32 *dst, int *unused, int len ); #ifdef X_DISPLAY_MISSING typedef struct XRectangle { short x, y; unsigned short width, height ; }XRectangle ; #endif /****f* libAfterImage/asimage/get_asimage_channel_rects() * NAME * get_asimage_channel_rects() - translate image into a * list of rectangles. * SYNOPSIS * XRectangle* * get_asimage_channel_rects( ASImage *src, int channel, * unsigned int threshold, * unsigned int *rects_count_ret ); * INPUTS * src - ASImage which will donate its channel to dst; * channel - what source image channel to copy data from; * threshold - threshold to compare channel values against; * rects_count_ret - returns count of generated rectangles. * DESCRIPTION * This function will translate contents of selected channel * (usualy alpha) into a list of rectangles, ecompasing regions * with values above the threshold. This is usefull to generate shape * of the window to be used with X Shape extention. *********/ XRectangle* get_asimage_channel_rects( ASImage *src, int channel, unsigned int threshold, unsigned int *rects_count_ret ); void raw2scanline( register CARD8 *row, struct ASScanline *buf, CARD8 *gamma_table, unsigned int width, Bool grayscale, Bool do_alpha ); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif