// @(#)root/treeplayer:$Id$
// Author: Philippe Canal 06/06/2004

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2004, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers and al.        *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

#ifndef ROOT_TBranchProxyClassDescriptor
#define ROOT_TBranchProxyClassDescriptor

#ifndef ROOT_TList
#include "TList.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TNamed
#include "TNamed.h"

class TTree;
class TVirtualStreamerInfo;

namespace ROOT {

   class TBranchProxyDescriptor;

   class TBranchProxyClassDescriptor : public TNamed {

      enum ELocation { kOut=0, kClones, kSTL, kInsideClones, kInsideSTL }; // for IsClones
      TList          fListOfSubProxies;
      TList          fListOfBaseProxies;
      ELocation      fIsClones;      // 0 for the general case, 1 when this a split clases inside a TClonesArray, 2 when this is a split classes inside an STL container.
      TString        fContainerName; // Name of the container if any
      Bool_t         fIsLeafList;    // true if the branch was constructed from a leaf list.
      UInt_t         fSplitLevel;

      TString        fRawSymbol;
      TString        fBranchName;
      TString        fSubBranchPrefix;
      TVirtualStreamerInfo *fInfo;     // TVirtualStreamerInfo describing this class

      UInt_t  fMaxDatamemberType;

      void NameToSymbol();

      TBranchProxyClassDescriptor(const TBranchProxyClassDescriptor &b) :TNamed(b){;}
      TBranchProxyClassDescriptor& operator=(const TBranchProxyClassDescriptor&) {return *this;}


      TBranchProxyClassDescriptor(const char *type, TVirtualStreamerInfo *info, const char *branchname,
                                  ELocation isclones, UInt_t splitlevel, const TString &containerName);
      TBranchProxyClassDescriptor(const char *branchname);

      TBranchProxyClassDescriptor(const char *type, TVirtualStreamerInfo *info, const char *branchname,
                                  const char *branchPrefix, ELocation isclones,
                                  UInt_t splitlevel, const TString &containerName);

      const char* GetBranchName() const;
      const char* GetSubBranchPrefix() const;

      const char* GetRawSymbol() const;
      TVirtualStreamerInfo *GetInfo() const { return fInfo; }

      UInt_t GetSplitLevel() const;

      virtual Bool_t IsEquivalent(const TBranchProxyClassDescriptor* other);

      void AddDescriptor(TBranchProxyDescriptor *desc, Bool_t isBase);
      Bool_t IsLoaded() const;
      static Bool_t IsLoaded(const char*);
      Bool_t IsClones() const;
      Bool_t IsSTL() const;
      ELocation GetIsClones() const;
      TString GetContainerName() const;

      void OutputDecl(FILE *hf, int offset, UInt_t /* maxVarname */);

      ClassDef(TBranchProxyClassDescriptor,0); // Class to cache the information we gathered about the branch and its content

