// @(#)root/proof:$Id$ // Author: G. Ganis, Mar 2010 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ // ************************************************************************* // // * * // // * p q 2 a c t i o n s * // // * * // // * This file implements the action functions used in PQ2 * // // * * // // ************************************************************************* // #include #include "pq2actions.h" #include "pq2wrappers.h" #include "redirguard.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TFileCollection.h" #include "TFileInfo.h" #include "THashList.h" #include "TH1D.h" #include "TParameter.h" #include "TRegexp.h" #include "TString.h" #include "TSystem.h" // Global variables defined by other PQ2 components extern TString flog; extern TString ferr; extern TString fres; extern Int_t gverbose; // Local globals static const char *glabMet[] = { "#files", "size" }; THashList gProtoPortMap; // Local functions int do_anadist_ds(TFileCollection *fc, const char *newsrvs = 0, const char *ignsrvs = 0, const char *excsrvs = 0, int met = 0, const char *fnout = 0, TList *distinfo = 0, const char *outfile = 0, const char *infile = 0); void do_anadist_getkey(const char *p, TString &key); void do_anadist_getkey(TUrl *u, TString &key); // Usefule macros #define SDELTWO(x,y) { SafeDelete(x); SafeDelete(y); } #define SDELTRE(x,y,z) { SafeDelete(x); SafeDelete(y); SafeDelete(z); } #define SDELETE(x,y,z,w,t) { SafeDelete(x); SafeDelete(y); SafeDelete(z); SafeDelete(w); SafeDelete(t); } //_______________________________________________________________________________________ void do_cache(bool clear, const char *ds) { // Execute 'cache' // Show / Clear the cache DataSetCache(clear, ds); // Remove the error file gSystem->Unlink(ferr.Data()); } //_______________________________________________________________________________________ void do_ls(const char *ds, const char *opt) { // Execute 'ls' // List the data sets ShowDataSets(ds, opt); // Remove the error file gSystem->Unlink(ferr.Data()); } //_______________________________________________________________________________________ void do_ls_files_server(const char *ds, const char *server) { // Execute 'ls-files' const char *action = (server && strlen(server) > 0) ? "pq2-ls-files-server" : "pq2-ls-files"; // We need to scan all the datasets to find the matching ones ... TFileCollection *fc = 0; { redirguard rog(flog.Data(), "a", gverbose); if (server && strlen(server) > 0) { fc = GetDataSet(ds, server); } else { fc = GetDataSet(ds); } } if (!fc) { // Notify gSystem->Rename(flog.Data(), ferr.Data()); Printf("%s: ERROR: problems retrieving info about dataset '%s'", action, ds); return; } // Overall info if (server && strlen(server) > 0) { Printf("%s: dataset '%s' has %d files on server: %s", action, ds, fc->GetList()->GetSize(), server); } else { Printf("%s: dataset '%s' has %d files", action, ds, fc->GetList()->GetSize()); } // Header TString num(" # "); TString nam("File"); nam.Resize(80); TString siz(" Size"); TString met("#Objs Obj|Type|Entries, ..."); TString header; header.Form("%s%s%s %s", num.Data(), nam.Data(), siz.Data(), met.Data()); // Iterate const char *unit[4] = {"kB", "MB", "GB", "TB"}; TString uu, meta, name; TIter nxf(fc->GetList()); TFileInfo *fi = 0; Int_t nf = 0; while ((fi = (TFileInfo *) nxf())) { nf++; if (nf == 1) Printf("%s:%s", action, header.Data()); // URL uu = fi->GetCurrentUrl()->GetUrl(); if (uu.Length() < 80) uu.Resize(80); // Size renormalize to kB, MB or GB Int_t k = 0; Long64_t refsz = 1024; Long64_t xsz = (Long64_t) (fi->GetSize() / refsz); while (xsz > 1024 && k < 3) { k++; refsz *= 1024; xsz = (Long64_t) (fi->GetSize() / refsz); } // Meta info meta = ""; if (fi->GetMetaDataList()) { meta.Form(" %d ", fi->GetMetaDataList()->GetSize()); Bool_t firstObj = kTRUE; TIter nxm(fi->GetMetaDataList()); TFileInfoMeta *fim = 0; while ((fim = (TFileInfoMeta *) nxm())) { if (!firstObj) meta += ","; name = fim->GetObject(); if (strcmp(fim->GetDirectory(),"/")) name = fim->GetName(); meta += Form("%s|%s|%lld", name.Data(), fim->GetClass(), fim->GetEntries()); firstObj = kFALSE; } } // Printout if (xsz > 0) { Printf("%s: %5d %s %8lld %s %s", action, nf, uu.Data(), xsz, unit[k], meta.Data()); } else { Printf("%s: %5d %s N/A N/A", action, nf, uu.Data()); } } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void printDataSet(TFileCollection *fc, Int_t popt) { // Formatted printout of the content of TFileCollection 'fc'. // Options in the form // popt = u * 10 + f // f 0 => header only, 1 => header + files // when printing files // u 0 => print file name only, 1 => print full URL if (!fc) return; Int_t f = popt%10; Int_t u = popt - 10 * f; Printf("+++"); if (fc->GetTitle() && (strlen(fc->GetTitle()) > 0)) { Printf("+++ Dumping: %s: ", fc->GetTitle()); } else { Printf("+++ Dumping: %s: ", fc->GetName()); } Printf("%s", fc->ExportInfo("+++ Summary:", 1)->GetName()); if (f == 1) { Printf("+++ Files:"); Int_t nf = 0; TIter nxfi(fc->GetList()); TFileInfo *fi = 0; while ((fi = (TFileInfo *)nxfi())) { if (u == 1) Printf("+++ %5d. %s", ++nf, fi->GetCurrentUrl()->GetUrl()); else Printf("+++ %5d. %s", ++nf, fi->GetCurrentUrl()->GetFile()); } } Printf("+++"); } //_______________________________________________________________________________________ void do_info_server(const char *server) { // Execute 'info-server' const char *action = "pq2-info-server"; // We need to scan all the datasets to find the matching ones ... TMap *dsmap = 0; { redirguard rog(flog.Data(), "a", gverbose); dsmap = GetDataSets("/*/*", server); } if (!dsmap) { // Notify gSystem->Rename(flog.Data(), ferr.Data()); Printf("%s: ERROR: problems retrieving info about datasets for server '%s'", action, server); return; } redirguard rog(fres.Data(), "w", gverbose); Int_t popt = 0; TIter nxk(dsmap); TObject *k = 0; TFileCollection *fc = 0; while ((k = nxk()) && (fc = (TFileCollection *) dsmap->GetValue(k))) { printDataSet(fc, popt); } delete dsmap; // Done return; } //_______________________________________________________________________________________ Int_t pq2register(const char *dsname, const char *files, const char *opt) { // If the dataset exists already do not continue TString oo(opt); oo.ToUpper(); redirguard rog(flog.Data(), "a", gverbose); if (ExistsDataSet(dsname) && !oo.Contains("O") && !oo.Contains("U")) { return 2; } // Create the file collection TFileCollection *fc = new TFileCollection("dum", "dum", files); // The option may contain the default tree name and/or the staged status Int_t itb = kNPOS, ite = kNPOS; TString o(opt), deftree; if ((itb = o.Index("tree:")) != kNPOS) { deftree = o(itb + 5, o.Length()); if ((ite = deftree.Index('|')) != kNPOS) deftree.Remove(ite); o.ReplaceAll(TString::Format("tree:%s|", deftree.Data()), ""); if (!deftree.BeginsWith("/")) deftree.Insert(0, "/"); if (!deftree.IsNull()) fc->SetDefaultTreeName(deftree); } if (o.Contains("staged|")) { fc->SetBitAll(TFileInfo::kStaged); o.ReplaceAll("staged|", ""); } // Update the collection fc->Update(); // Register the file collection Int_t rc =0; if (RegisterDataSet(dsname, fc, o) == 0) rc = 1; // Cleanup delete fc; // Done return rc; } //_______________________________________________________________________________________ void do_put(const char *files, const char *opt) { // Execute 'put' const char *action = "pq2-put"; // Check the file path makes sense if (!files || strlen(files) <= 0) { // Notify gSystem->Rename(flog.Data(), ferr.Data()); Printf("%s: ERROR: path files not defined!", action); return ; } // Find out if it is a single file or a directory or contains a wildcard Bool_t isDir = kFALSE; Bool_t isWild = kFALSE; TString dir, base; FileStat_t st; if (gSystem->GetPathInfo(files, st) != 0) { // Path does not exists: check the basename for wild cards; in such a case // we have to do a selective search in the directory base = gSystem->BaseName(files); if (base.Contains("*")) { isWild = kTRUE; base.ReplaceAll("*", ".*"); isDir = kTRUE; dir = gSystem->DirName(files); } } else { // Path exists: is it a dir or a file ? if (R_ISDIR(st.fMode)) { isDir = kTRUE; dir = files; } } Int_t ndp = 0, nd = 0; Int_t printerr = 1; Int_t rc = 0; // If simple file ... if (!isDir) { nd++; // ... just register and exit TString dsname = gSystem->BaseName(files); if ((rc = pq2register(dsname.Data(), files, opt)) != 0) { // Notify gSystem->Rename(flog.Data(), ferr.Data()); if (rc == 2) { Printf("%s: WARNING: dataset '%s' already exists - ignoring request", action, dsname.Data()); Printf("%s: (use '-o O' to overwrite, '-o U' to update)", action); } else { Printf("%s: ERROR: problems registering '%s' from '%s'", action, dsname.Data(), files); } return; } printerr = 0; } else { // ... else, scan the directory void *dirp = gSystem->OpenDirectory(dir.Data()); if (!dirp) { // Notify gSystem->Rename(flog.Data(), ferr.Data()); Printf("%s: ERROR: could not open directory '%s'", action, dir.Data()); return; } printerr = 0; // Loop over the entries TString file; TRegexp reg(base); const char *ent = 0; while ((ent = gSystem->GetDirEntry(dirp))) { // Skip default entries if (!strcmp(ent, ".") || !strcmp(ent, "..")) continue; if (isWild) { file = ent; if (file.Index(reg) == kNPOS) continue; } nd++; file.Form("%s/%s", dir.Data(), ent); if ((rc = pq2register(ent, file.Data(), opt)) != 0) { nd--; ndp++; printerr = 1; // Notify if (rc == 1) { Printf("%s: ERROR: problems registering '%s' from '%s'", action, ent, file.Data()); } else { Printf("%s: WARNING: dataset '%s' already exists - ignoring request", action, ent); Printf("%s: (use '-o O' to overwrite, '-o U' to update)", action); } continue; } } gSystem->FreeDirectory(dirp); } // If no match, notify if (printerr == 1) { if (ndp > 0) Printf("%s: WARNING: problems with %d dataset(s)", action, ndp); else Printf("%s: WARNING: some problems occured", action); gSystem->Rename(flog.Data(), ferr.Data()); } Printf("%s: %d dataset(s) registered", action, nd); // Done return; } //_______________________________________________________________________________________ void do_rm(const char *dsname) { // Execute 'rm' const char *action = "pq2-ds"; Int_t nd = 0; Int_t printerr = 1; TString ds(dsname); if (!ds.Contains("*")) { nd++; // Remove the dataset redirguard rog(flog.Data(), "a", gverbose); if (RemoveDataSet(dsname) != 0) { // Notify gSystem->Rename(flog.Data(), ferr.Data()); Printf("%s: ERROR: problems removing dataset '%s'", action, dsname); return; } printerr = 0; } else { // We need to scan all the datasets to find the matching ones ... TMap *dss = 0; { redirguard rog(flog.Data(), "a", gverbose); dss = GetDataSets(); } if (!dss) { // Notify gSystem->Rename(flog.Data(), ferr.Data()); Printf("%s: ERROR: problems retrieving info about datasets", action); return; } printerr = 0; // Iterate TRegexp reg(dsname, kTRUE); TIter nxd(dss); TObjString *os = 0; while ((os = dynamic_cast(nxd()))) { ds = os->GetName(); if (ds.Index(reg) != kNPOS) { nd++; // Remove the dataset redirguard rog(flog.Data(), "a", gverbose); if (RemoveDataSet(ds.Data()) != 0) { printerr = 1; // Notify Printf("%s: ERROR: problems removing dataset '%s'", action, ds.Data()); continue; } } } } // If no match, notify if (nd == 0) { Printf("%s: WARNING: no matching dataset found!", action); } else { Printf("%s: %d dataset(s) removed", action, nd); } if (printerr) gSystem->Rename(flog.Data(), ferr.Data()); // Done return; } //_______________________________________________________________________________________ int do_verify(const char *dsname, const char *opt, const char *redir) { // Execute 'verify' const char *action = "pq2-verify"; Int_t nd = 0, rc = -1; Int_t printerr = 1; TString ds(dsname); if (!ds.Contains("*")) { nd++; // Verify the dataset if ((rc = VerifyDataSet(dsname, opt, redir)) < 0) { // Notify Printf("%s: ERROR: problems verifing dataset '%s'", action, dsname); return rc; } else if (rc > 0) { // Notify Printf("%s: WARNING: %s: some files not yet online (staged)", action, dsname); } printerr = 0; } else { // We need to scan all the datasets to find the matching ones ... TMap *dss = GetDataSets(dsname, "", "list"); if (!dss) { // Notify Printf("%s: ERROR: problems retrieving info about datasets", action); return rc; } printerr = 0; // Iterate Int_t xrc = -1; TIter nxd(dss); TObjString *os = 0; while ((os = dynamic_cast(nxd()))) { nd++; // Verify the dataset Printf("%s: start verification of dataset '%s' ...", action, os->GetName()); if ((xrc = VerifyDataSet(os->GetName(), opt, redir)) < 0) { printerr = 1; // Notify Printf("%s: ERROR: problems verifying dataset '%s'", action, os->GetName()); continue; } else if (xrc > 0) { // At least one is not fully available rc = 1; // Notify Printf("%s: WARNING: %s: some files not yet online (staged)", action, os->GetName()); } else if (rc < 0) { // At least one is good rc = 0; } } } // If no match, notify if (nd == 0) { Printf("%s: WARNING: no matching dataset found!", action); } else { Printf("%s: %d dataset(s) verified", action, nd); } if (printerr) gSystem->Rename(flog.Data(), ferr.Data()); // Done return rc; } //_______________________________________________________________________________________ void do_anadist(const char *ds, const char *servers, const char *ignsrvs, const char *excsrvs, const char *metrics, const char *fnout, const char *plot, const char *outfile, const char *infile) { // Execute 'analyze-distribution' for the dataset(s) described by 'ds'. // The result is output to the screan and the details about file movement to file // 'fnout', if defined. const char *action = "pq2-ana-dist"; // Running mode Bool_t plot_m = (plot && strlen(plot)) ? kTRUE : kFALSE; Bool_t plotonly_m = (plot_m && infile && strlen(infile)) ? kTRUE : kFALSE; // We need to scan all the datasets to find the matching ones ... TMap *fcmap = 0; TObject *k = 0; if (!plotonly_m) { redirguard rog(flog.Data(), "a", gverbose); TString dss(ds), d; Int_t from = 0; while (dss.Tokenize(d, from, ",")) { TMap *xm = GetDataSets(d); if (xm) { if (!fcmap) { fcmap = xm; } else { TIter nxds(xm); while ((k = nxds())) { fcmap->Add(k, xm->GetValue(k)); xm->Remove(k); } } if (xm != fcmap) { xm->SetOwner(kFALSE); SafeDelete(xm); } } } if (!fcmap || fcmap->GetSize() <= 0) { SafeDelete(fcmap); // Notify gSystem->Rename(flog.Data(), ferr.Data()); Printf("%s: ERROR: problems retrieving info about dataset '%s' (or empty dataset)", action, ds); return; } if (gverbose > 0) fcmap->Print(); } // Which metrics Int_t optMet = 0; // # of files if (metrics && !strcmp(metrics, "S")) optMet = 1; // Size in bytes if (gverbose > 0) Printf("%s: using metrics: '%s'", action, glabMet[optMet]); TList distinfo; if (plotonly_m) { // Get the dist info if (do_anadist_ds(0, 0, 0, 0, optMet, 0, &distinfo, 0, infile) != 0) { Printf("%s: problems getting dist info from '%s'", action, infile); } } else { // Name TString cname(ds); if (cname.BeginsWith("/")) cname.Remove(0,1); Ssiz_t ilst = kNPOS; if (cname.EndsWith("/") && (ilst = cname.Last('/')) != kNPOS) cname.Remove(ilst); cname.ReplaceAll("/", "-"); cname.ReplaceAll("*", "-star-"); distinfo.SetName(cname); TFileCollection *fc = 0; TIter nxd(fcmap); TFileCollection *fctot = 0; while ((k = nxd()) && (fc = (TFileCollection *) fcmap->GetValue(k))) { if (!fctot) { // The first one fctot = fc; fcmap->Remove(k); } else { // Add fctot->Add(fc); } } // Analyse the global dataset if (do_anadist_ds(fctot, servers, ignsrvs, excsrvs, optMet, fnout, &distinfo, outfile, infile) != 0) { Printf("%s: problems analysing dataset '%s'", action, fc ? fc->GetName() : ""); } // Cleanup SafeDelete(fcmap); SafeDelete(fctot); } // Save histo, if any TString fileplot(plot), gext; if (!(fileplot.IsNull())) { if (fileplot.Contains(".")) { gext = fileplot(fileplot.Last('.') + 1, fileplot.Length()); } else { gext = "png"; } const char *fmts[9] = {"png", "eps", "ps", "pdf", "svg", "gif", "xpm", "jpg", "tiff" }; Int_t iplot = 0; while (iplot < 9 && gext != fmts[iplot]) { iplot++; } if (iplot == 9) { Printf("%s: graphics format '%s' not supported: switching to 'png'", action, gext.Data()); gext = "png"; } if (!(fileplot.EndsWith(gext))) { if (!(fileplot.EndsWith("."))) fileplot += "."; fileplot += gext; } // Create the histogram TH1D *h1d = 0; if (distinfo.GetSize() > 0) { h1d = new TH1D("DistInfoHist", distinfo.GetName(), distinfo.GetSize(), 0.5, distinfo.GetSize() + .5); TIter nxs(&distinfo); TParameter *ent = 0; Double_t x = 0; while ((ent = (TParameter *) nxs())) { x += 1.; h1d->Fill(x, ent->GetVal()); TString nn(TUrl(ent->GetName()).GetHost()), nnn(nn); nnn.ReplaceAll(".", ""); if (!nnn.IsDigit() && nn.Contains(".")) nn.Remove(nn.First('.')); Int_t i = h1d->FindBin(x); h1d->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i, nn.Data()); } h1d->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.03); } else { Printf("%s: plot requested but no server found (info list is empty)!", action); } if (h1d) { TString filehist(fileplot); filehist.Remove(filehist.Last('.')+1); filehist += "root"; TFile *f = TFile::Open(filehist, "RECREATE"); if (f) { f->cd(); h1d->Write(0,TObject::kOverwrite); SafeDelete(f); // Write the instruction for the plotting macro TString filetmp = TString::Format("%s/%s.tmp", gSystem->TempDirectory(), action); FILE *ftmp = fopen(filetmp.Data(), "w"); if (ftmp) { fprintf(ftmp, "%s %s %s", filehist.Data(), fileplot.Data(), glabMet[optMet]); fclose(ftmp); } else { Printf("%s: problems opening temp file '%s' (errno: %d)", action, filetmp.Data(), errno); Printf("%s: relevant info: %s %s %s (input to pq2PlotDist.C)", action, filehist.Data(), fileplot.Data(), glabMet[optMet]); } } else { Printf("%s: problems opening file '%s'", action, filehist.Data()); } } else { Printf("%s: histogram requested but not found", action); } } // Done return; } //_______________________________________________________________________________________ int do_anadist_ds(TFileCollection *fc, const char *servers, const char *ignsrvs, const char *excsrvs, int met, const char *fnout, TList *distinfo, const char *outfile, const char *infile) { // Do analysis of dataset 'fc' const char *action = "pq2-ana-dist-ds"; // Check the inputs Bool_t distonly_m = (!fc && distinfo && infile && strlen(infile) > 0) ? kTRUE : kFALSE; const char *dsname = 0; if (!distonly_m) { if (!fc) { Printf("%s: dataset undefined!", action); return -1; } dsname = fc->GetName(); if (fc->GetList()->GetSize() <= 0) { Printf("%s: dataset '%s' is empty", action, dsname); return -1; } } else { dsname = distinfo->GetName(); } THashList *ignr = 0, *targets = 0, *exclude = 0; Bool_t addmode = kFALSE; if (!distonly_m) { TString ss, k, key; Int_t from = 0; // List of servers to be ignored if (ignsrvs && strlen(ignsrvs)) { ss = ignsrvs; from = 0; while (ss.Tokenize(k, from, ",")) { do_anadist_getkey(k.Data(), key); if (!(key.IsNull())) { if (!ignr) ignr = new THashList(); ignr->Add(new TObjString(key)); } } } // List of servers to be excluded if (excsrvs && strlen(excsrvs)) { ss = excsrvs; from = 0; while (ss.Tokenize(k, from, ",")) { do_anadist_getkey(k.Data(), key); if (!(key.IsNull())) { if (!exclude) exclude = new THashList(); exclude->Add(new TObjString(key)); } } } // List of sub-TFileCollection for target servers: in add mode we complete it during // the first scan targets = new THashList(); if (servers && strlen(servers)) { ss = servers; if (ss.BeginsWith("+")) { addmode = kTRUE; ss.Remove(0,1); } from = 0; while (ss.Tokenize(k, from, ",")) { do_anadist_getkey(k.Data(), key); if (!(key.IsNull())) targets->Add(new TFileCollection(key)); } } else { addmode = kTRUE; } } // List of sub-TFileCollection for each server, so that we automatically count // the sizes and totals TNamed *fcsls_title = 0; THashList *fcsls = 0; Int_t targets_size = -1; if (infile && strlen(infile)) { TFile *flist = TFile::Open(infile); if (flist) { Printf("%s: reading info from file '%s' ", action, infile); if (!(fcsls = (THashList *) flist->Get("FileDistList"))) { Printf("%s: could not find starting file distribution 'FileDistList' in input file '%s' ", action, infile); flist->Close(); SafeDelete(flist); SDELTRE(ignr, targets, exclude); return -1; } // Get the title fcsls_title = (TNamed *) flist->Get("FileDistList_Title"); // Get the targets size TParameter *psz = (TParameter *) flist->Get("Targets_Size"); if (psz) targets_size = psz->GetVal(); // Close flist->Close(); SafeDelete(flist); // Add info about the current run in the title if (distinfo && fcsls_title && strlen(fcsls_title->GetTitle()) > 0) { TString runt(fcsls_title->GetTitle()); if (strcmp(distinfo->GetName(), "TList")) { if (!(runt.IsNull())) runt += ","; runt += distinfo->GetName(); fcsls_title->SetTitle(runt); } distinfo->SetName(fcsls_title->GetTitle()); } } else { Printf("%s: problems opening input file '%s' ", action, infile); SDELTRE(ignr, targets, exclude); return -1; } } if (!fcsls) { fcsls = new THashList(); fcsls->SetName("FileDistList"); fcsls_title = new TNamed("FileDistList_Title", distinfo ? distinfo->GetName() : ""); } // Set initial values for the counters, if needed Long64_t totsz = 0, totfiles = 0; TFileCollection *fcs = 0; TIter nxfc(fcsls); while ((fcs = (TFileCollection *) nxfc())) { fcs->Update(); totfiles += fcs->GetNFiles(); totsz += fcs->GetTotalSize(); } // Analyze the file collection content now TFileInfo *fi = 0; if (fc) { TIter nxfi(fc->GetList()); while ((fi = (TFileInfo *) nxfi())) { // Get the key TString key; do_anadist_getkey(fi->GetCurrentUrl(), key); // Ignore if requested if (ignr && ignr->FindObject(key)) continue; // Get the TFileCollection for this server if (!(fcs = (TFileCollection *) fcsls->FindObject(key))) { if (gverbose > 0) Printf("%s:%s: found server '%s' ... ", action, dsname, key.Data()); fcs = new TFileCollection(key); fcsls->Add(fcs); } fcs->Add(fi); // In add mode, add as target, if needed Bool_t excluded = (exclude && exclude->FindObject(key)) ? kTRUE : kFALSE; if (!excluded) { if (targets && !(fcs = (TFileCollection *) targets->FindObject(key))) { if (addmode) { if (gverbose > 0) Printf("%s:%s: add new target server '%s' ...", action, dsname, key.Data()); fcs = new TFileCollection(key); targets->Add(fcs); } } if (fcs) fcs->Add(fi); } // Count totsz += fi->GetSize(); totfiles++; } // Nothing to do if no targets if (targets->GetSize() <= 0) { Printf("%s:%s: target servers list is empty!", action, dsname); SDELETE(ignr, targets, exclude, fcsls, fcsls_title); return -1; } else { Printf("%s:%s: %d target servers found", action, dsname, targets->GetSize()); if (gverbose > 0) targets->Print(); } } SDELTWO(ignr, exclude); // Separate into 'excess' and 'defect' lists TList *excls = new TList; TList *defls = new TList; targets_size = (targets) ? targets->GetSize() : targets_size; Double_t avgfiles = 0, avgsize = 0; if (targets_size > 0) { avgfiles = (Double_t)totfiles / targets_size; avgsize = (Double_t)totsz / targets_size / 1024. / 1024. / 1024.; Printf("%s:%s: %d servers found, %lld files; in average: %.3f files / %.3f GBs per server", action, dsname, fcsls->GetSize(), totfiles, avgfiles, avgsize); } else { // Cannot continue; Printf("%s:%s: target size is null or negative", action, dsname); SDELETE(ignr, targets, exclude, fcsls, fcsls_title); return -1; } // Before redistribution if (gverbose > 0) Printf("\n%s:%s: Before redistribution:", action, dsname); nxfc.Reset(); while ((fcs = (TFileCollection *) nxfc())) { fcs->Update(); Long64_t nfexcess = fcs->GetNFiles() - (Long64_t) avgfiles; Double_t xdf = nfexcess / avgfiles; Double_t fcsz = fcs->GetTotalSize() / 1024. / 1024. / 1024.; Double_t szexcess = fcsz - avgsize; Double_t xdsz = szexcess / avgsize; // Fill the output histogram, if needed if (distinfo) { TParameter *ent = (TParameter *) distinfo->FindObject(fcs->GetName()); if (!ent) { ent = new TParameter(fcs->GetName(), 0.); distinfo->Add(ent); } if (met == 0) { ent->SetVal(ent->GetVal() + (Double_t) fcs->GetNFiles()); } else if (met == 1) { ent->SetVal(ent->GetVal() + fcsz); } } if (gverbose > 0) Printf("%s:%s: server %s: %lld files (diff: %lld, %.3f) - %.3f GBs (diff: %.3f, %.3f)", action, dsname, fcs->GetName(), fcs->GetNFiles(), nfexcess, xdf, fcsz, szexcess, xdsz); if (fc) { // Move to the appropriate list Bool_t isExcess = kFALSE; if (targets && targets->FindObject(fcs->GetName())) { if (met == 0) { if (nfexcess > 0.) isExcess = kTRUE; } else if (met == 1) { if (szexcess > 0.) isExcess = kTRUE; } } else { // This server needs to be freed isExcess = kTRUE; } if (isExcess) { excls->Add(fcs); } else { defls->Add(fcs); } } } if (outfile && strlen(outfile)) { TFile *flist = TFile::Open(outfile, "RECREATE"); if (flist) { flist->cd(); Printf("%s: saving info to file '%s' ", action, outfile); fcsls->Write("FileDistList", TObject::kOverwrite | TObject::kSingleKey); if (fcsls_title) fcsls_title->Write("FileDistList_Title", TObject::kOverwrite); if (targets) { TParameter *psz = new TParameter("Targets_Size", targets->GetSize()); psz->Write("Targets_Size", TObject::kOverwrite); } flist->Close(); SafeDelete(flist); } else { Printf("%s: problems opening output file '%s' ", action, outfile); return -1; } } // Cleanup fcsls->SetOwner(0); SDELTWO(fcsls, fcsls_title); // If we just need the dist info we are done if (!fc) { SDELETE(targets, fcsls, fcsls_title, excls, defls); return 0; } // Notify if (gverbose > 0) { Printf("%s:%s: %d servers found in excess", action, dsname, excls->GetSize()); excls->Print(); Printf("%s:%s: %d servers found in defect", action, dsname, defls->GetSize()); defls->Print(); } else { Printf("%s:%s: %d servers found in excess, %d in defect", action, dsname, excls->GetSize(), defls->GetSize()); } // Open output file, if requested FILE *fout = 0; if (fnout && strlen(fnout) > 0) { if (!(fout = fopen(fnout, "a"))) { Printf("%s: problems opening output file '%s' (errno: %d)", action, fnout, errno); SDELETE(targets, fcsls, fcsls_title, excls, defls); return -1; } } // Get the list of files to be moved THashList szls; TIter nxefc(excls); TIter nxdfc(defls); Int_t mvfiles = 0; Bool_t printheader = kTRUE; TFileCollection *fcd = (TFileCollection *) nxdfc(); while ((fcs = (TFileCollection *) nxefc())) { Bool_t isTarget = (targets->FindObject(fcs->GetName())) ? kTRUE : kFALSE; Long64_t fcfiles = 0; Double_t fcsz = 0.; TIter nxefi(fcs->GetList()); while ((fi = (TFileInfo *) nxefi())) { if (!fcd) { Printf("%s:%s: WARNING: processing list in excess '%s': no more lists in deficit!", action, dsname, fcs->GetName()); break; } // Count fcfiles++; fcsz += (fi->GetSize() / 1024. / 1024. / 1024.) ; if (!isTarget || (((met == 0) && (fcfiles > avgfiles)) || ((met == 1) && (fcsz > avgsize)))) { // Write record in output file, if requested TUrl u(fi->GetCurrentUrl()->GetUrl()); u.SetAnchor(""); u.SetOptions(""); TString php(u.GetUrl()); php.Remove(php.Index(u.GetFile())); Ssiz_t ilst = kNPOS; if (php.EndsWith("/") && ((ilst = php.Last('/')) != kNPOS)) php.Remove(ilst); if (fout) { fprintf(fout,"%s %s %s\n", u.GetFile(), php.Data(), fcd->GetName()); } else { if (printheader) Printf(" File Source_Server Destination_Server"); Printf("%s %s %s", u.GetFile(), php.Data(), fcd->GetName()); printheader = kFALSE; } fcs->GetList()->Remove(fi); fcd->Add(fi); Bool_t getnext = kFALSE; if (met == 0 && fcd->GetList()->GetSize() > avgfiles) getnext = kTRUE; if (met == 1) { Long64_t xfcsz = 0; TParameter *ptot = (TParameter *) szls.FindObject(fcd); if (!ptot) { fcd->Update(); ptot = new TParameter(fcd->GetName(), fcd->GetTotalSize()); xfcsz = ptot->GetVal(); szls.Add(ptot); } else { xfcsz = ptot->GetVal(); xfcsz += fi->GetSize(); } if ((xfcsz / 1024. / 1024. / 1024.) > avgsize) getnext = kTRUE; } if (getnext) fcd = (TFileCollection *) nxdfc(); // Count files to be moved mvfiles++; } } } // Close the file if (fout) { if ((fclose(fout)) != 0) Printf("%s: problems closing output file '%s' (errno: %d)", action, fnout, errno); } Printf("%s:%s: %d files should be moved to make the distribution even (metrics: %s)", action, dsname, mvfiles, glabMet[met]); // After redistribution if (gverbose > 0) { Printf("\n%s:%s: After redistribution:", action, dsname); nxefc.Reset(); while ((fcs = (TFileCollection *) nxefc())) { fcs->Update(); Long64_t nfexcess = fcs->GetNFiles() - (Long64_t) avgfiles; Double_t xdf = nfexcess / avgfiles; Double_t fcsz = fcs->GetTotalSize() / 1024. / 1024. / 1024.; Double_t szexcess = fcsz - avgsize; Double_t xdsz = szexcess / avgsize; Printf("%s:%s: Server %s: %lld files (diff: %lld, %.3f) - %.3f GBs (diff: %.3f, %.3f)", action, dsname, fcs->GetName(), fcs->GetNFiles(), nfexcess, xdf, fcsz, szexcess, xdsz); } nxdfc.Reset(); while ((fcs = (TFileCollection *) nxdfc())) { fcs->Update(); Long64_t nfexcess = fcs->GetNFiles() - (Long64_t) avgfiles; Double_t xdf = nfexcess / avgfiles; Double_t fcsz = fcs->GetTotalSize() / 1024. / 1024. / 1024.; Double_t szexcess = fcsz - avgsize; Double_t xdsz = szexcess / avgsize; Printf("%s:%s: server %s: %lld files (diff: %lld, %.3f) - %.3f GBs (diff: %.3f, %.3f)", action, dsname, fcs->GetName(), fcs->GetNFiles(), nfexcess, xdf, fcsz, szexcess, xdsz); } } // Cleanup SDELETE(targets, fcsls, fcsls_title, excls, defls); // Done return 0; } //_______________________________________________________________________________________ void do_anadist_getkey(const char *p, TString &key) { // Get the key corresponding to path 'p'. TUrl u(p); if (strncmp(p, u.GetProtocol(), strlen(u.GetProtocol()))) { u.SetProtocol("root"); TString sport = TString::Format(":%d", u.GetPort()); if (!strstr(p, sport.Data())) u.SetPort(1094); } if (gverbose > 0) Printf("do_anadist_getkey: url: %s", u.GetUrl()); return do_anadist_getkey(&u, key); } //_______________________________________________________________________________________ void do_anadist_getkey(TUrl *u, TString &key) { // Get the key corresponding to url 'u'. key = ""; if (u) { TParameter *php = (TParameter *)gProtoPortMap.FindObject(u->GetProtocol()); if (!php) { TUrl xu(TString::Format("%s://host//file", u->GetProtocol())); php = new TParameter(u->GetProtocol(), xu.GetPort()); gProtoPortMap.Add(php); } if (u->GetPort() != php->GetVal()) { key.Form("%s://%s:%d", u->GetProtocol(), u->GetHost(), u->GetPort()); } else { key.Form("%s://%s", u->GetProtocol(), u->GetHost()); } } // Done return; } //_______________________________________________________________________________________ int do_anadist_plot(TH1D *h1d, const char */*fnout*/) { // Create the plot for the histogram, and save to 'fnout'. // Format determined by th extension of fnout. Printf("do_anadist_plot: will be doing a plot here ... "); if (h1d) { Printf("do_anadist_plot: we save the histo for now (to testhist.root)"); TFile *f = TFile::Open("testhist.root", "RECREATE"); if (f) { f->cd(); h1d->Write(0,TObject::kOverwrite); SafeDelete(f); return 0; } } return -1; }