// @(#)root/proofplayer:$Id$ // Author: Maarten Ballintijn 07/01/02 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2001, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TProofPlayer // // // // This internal class and its subclasses steer the processing in PROOF.// // Instances of the TProofPlayer class are created on the worker nodes // // per session and do the processing. // // Instances of its subclass - TProofPlayerRemote are created per each // // query on the master(s) and on the client. On the master(s), // // TProofPlayerRemote coordinate processing, check the dataset, create // // the packetizer and take care of merging the results of the workers. // // The instance on the client collects information on the input // // (dataset and selector), it invokes the Begin() method and finalizes // // the query by calling Terminate(). // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "TProofDraw.h" #include "TProofPlayer.h" #include "THashList.h" #include "TEnv.h" #include "TEventIter.h" #include "TVirtualPacketizer.h" #include "TSelector.h" #include "TSocket.h" #include "TProofServ.h" #include "TProof.h" #include "TProofOutputFile.h" #include "TProofSuperMaster.h" #include "TSlave.h" #include "TClass.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TError.h" #include "TException.h" #include "MessageTypes.h" #include "TMessage.h" #include "TDSetProxy.h" #include "TString.h" #include "TSystem.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TFileCollection.h" #include "TFileInfo.h" #include "TFileMerger.h" #include "TProofDebug.h" #include "TTimer.h" #include "TMap.h" #include "TPerfStats.h" #include "TStatus.h" #include "TEventList.h" #include "TProofLimitsFinder.h" #include "THashList.h" #include "TSortedList.h" #include "TTree.h" #include "TEntryList.h" #include "TDSet.h" #include "TDrawFeedback.h" #include "TNamed.h" #include "TObjString.h" #include "TQueryResult.h" #include "TMD5.h" #include "TMethodCall.h" #include "TObjArray.h" #include "TMutex.h" #include "TH1.h" #include "TVirtualMonitoring.h" #include "TParameter.h" #include "TOutputListSelectorDataMap.h" #include "TStopwatch.h" // Timeout exception #define kPEX_STOPPED 1001 #define kPEX_ABORTED 1002 // To flag an abort condition: use a local static variable to avoid // warnings about problems with longjumps static Bool_t gAbort = kFALSE; class TAutoBinVal : public TNamed { private: Double_t fXmin, fXmax, fYmin, fYmax, fZmin, fZmax; public: TAutoBinVal(const char *name, Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax, Double_t ymin, Double_t ymax, Double_t zmin, Double_t zmax) : TNamed(name,"") { fXmin = xmin; fXmax = xmax; fYmin = ymin; fYmax = ymax; fZmin = zmin; fZmax = zmax; } void GetAll(Double_t& xmin, Double_t& xmax, Double_t& ymin, Double_t& ymax, Double_t& zmin, Double_t& zmax) { xmin = fXmin; xmax = fXmax; ymin = fYmin; ymax = fYmax; zmin = fZmin; zmax = fZmax; } }; // // Special timer to dispatch pending events while processing //______________________________________________________________________________ class TDispatchTimer : public TTimer { private: TProofPlayer *fPlayer; public: TDispatchTimer(TProofPlayer *p) : TTimer(1000, kFALSE), fPlayer(p) { } Bool_t Notify(); }; //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TDispatchTimer::Notify() { // Handle expiration of the timer associated with dispatching pending // events while processing. We must act as fast as possible here, so // we just set a flag submitting a request for dispatching pending events if (gDebug > 0) printf("TDispatchTimer::Notify: called!\n"); fPlayer->SetBit(TProofPlayer::kDispatchOneEvent); // Needed for the next shot Reset(); return kTRUE; } // // Special timer to notify reach of max packet proc time //______________________________________________________________________________ class TProctimeTimer : public TTimer { private: TProofPlayer *fPlayer; public: TProctimeTimer(TProofPlayer *p, Long_t to) : TTimer(to, kFALSE), fPlayer(p) { } Bool_t Notify(); }; //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TProctimeTimer::Notify() { // Handle expiration of the timer associated with dispatching pending // events while processing. We must act as fast as possible here, so // we just set a flag submitting a request for dispatching pending events if (gDebug > 0) printf("TProctimeTimer::Notify: called!\n"); fPlayer->SetBit(TProofPlayer::kMaxProcTimeReached); // One shot only return kTRUE; } // // Special timer to handle stop/abort request via exception raising //______________________________________________________________________________ class TStopTimer : public TTimer { private: Bool_t fAbort; TProofPlayer *fPlayer; public: TStopTimer(TProofPlayer *p, Bool_t abort, Int_t to); Bool_t Notify(); }; //______________________________________________________________________________ TStopTimer::TStopTimer(TProofPlayer *p, Bool_t abort, Int_t to) : TTimer(((to <= 0 || to > 864000) ? 10 : to * 1000), kFALSE) { // Constructor for the timer to stop/abort processing. // The 'timeout' is in seconds. // Make sure that 'to' make sense, i.e. not larger than 10 days; // the minimum value is 10 ms (0 does not seem to start the timer ...). if (gDebug > 0) Info ("TStopTimer","enter: %d, timeout: %d", abort, to); fPlayer = p; fAbort = abort; if (gDebug > 1) Info ("TStopTimer","timeout set to %s ms", fTime.AsString()); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TStopTimer::Notify() { // Handle the signal coming from the expiration of the timer // associated with an abort or stop request. // We raise an exception which will be processed in the // event loop. if (gDebug > 0) printf("TStopTimer::Notify: called!\n"); if (fAbort) Throw(kPEX_ABORTED); else Throw(kPEX_STOPPED); return kTRUE; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ClassImp(TProofPlayer) THashList *TProofPlayer::fgDrawInputPars = 0; //______________________________________________________________________________ TProofPlayer::TProofPlayer(TProof *) : fAutoBins(0), fOutput(0), fSelector(0), fCreateSelObj(kTRUE), fSelectorClass(0), fFeedbackTimer(0), fFeedbackPeriod(2000), fEvIter(0), fSelStatus(0), fTotalEvents(0), fReadBytesRun(0), fReadCallsRun(0), fProcessedRun(0), fQueryResults(0), fQuery(0), fPreviousQuery(0), fDrawQueries(0), fMaxDrawQueries(1), fStopTimer(0), fStopTimerMtx(0), fDispatchTimer(0), fProcTimeTimer(0), fProcTime(0), fOutputFile(0), fSaveMemThreshold(-1), fSavePartialResults(kFALSE), fSaveResultsPerPacket(kFALSE) { // Default ctor. fInput = new TList; fExitStatus = kFinished; fProgressStatus = new TProofProgressStatus(); ResetBit(TProofPlayer::kDispatchOneEvent); ResetBit(TProofPlayer::kIsProcessing); ResetBit(TProofPlayer::kMaxProcTimeReached); ResetBit(TProofPlayer::kMaxProcTimeExtended); static Bool_t initLimitsFinder = kFALSE; if (!initLimitsFinder && gProofServ && !gProofServ->IsMaster()) { THLimitsFinder::SetLimitsFinder(new TProofLimitsFinder); initLimitsFinder = kTRUE; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ TProofPlayer::~TProofPlayer() { // Destructor. fInput->Clear("nodelete"); SafeDelete(fInput); // The output list is owned by fSelector and destroyed in there SafeDelete(fSelector); SafeDelete(fFeedbackTimer); SafeDelete(fEvIter); SafeDelete(fQueryResults); SafeDelete(fDispatchTimer); SafeDelete(fProcTimeTimer); SafeDelete(fProcTime); SafeDelete(fStopTimer); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofPlayer::SetProcessing(Bool_t on) { // Set processing bit according to 'on' if (on) SetBit(TProofPlayer::kIsProcessing); else ResetBit(TProofPlayer::kIsProcessing); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofPlayer::StopProcess(Bool_t abort, Int_t timeout) { // Stop the process after this event. If timeout is positive, start // a timer firing after timeout seconds to hard-stop time-expensive // events. if (gDebug > 0) Info ("StopProcess","abort: %d, timeout: %d", abort, timeout); if (fEvIter != 0) fEvIter->StopProcess(abort); Long_t to = 1; if (abort == kTRUE) { fExitStatus = kAborted; } else { fExitStatus = kStopped; to = timeout; } // Start countdown, if needed if (to > 0) SetStopTimer(kTRUE, abort, to); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofPlayer::SetDispatchTimer(Bool_t on) { // Enable/disable the timer to dispatch pening events while processing. SafeDelete(fDispatchTimer); ResetBit(TProofPlayer::kDispatchOneEvent); if (on) { fDispatchTimer = new TDispatchTimer(this); fDispatchTimer->Start(); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofPlayer::SetStopTimer(Bool_t on, Bool_t abort, Int_t timeout) { // Enable/disable the timer to stop/abort processing. // The 'timeout' is in seconds. fStopTimerMtx = (fStopTimerMtx) ? fStopTimerMtx : new TMutex(kTRUE); R__LOCKGUARD(fStopTimerMtx); // Clean-up the timer SafeDelete(fStopTimer); if (on) { // create timer fStopTimer = new TStopTimer(this, abort, timeout); // Start the countdown fStopTimer->Start(); if (gDebug > 0) Info ("SetStopTimer", "%s timer STARTED (timeout: %d)", (abort ? "ABORT" : "STOP"), timeout); } else { if (gDebug > 0) Info ("SetStopTimer", "timer STOPPED"); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofPlayer::AddQueryResult(TQueryResult *q) { // Add query result to the list, making sure that there are no // duplicates. if (!q) { Warning("AddQueryResult","query undefined - do nothing"); return; } // Treat differently normal and draw queries if (!(q->IsDraw())) { if (!fQueryResults) { fQueryResults = new TList; fQueryResults->Add(q); } else { TIter nxr(fQueryResults); TQueryResult *qr = 0; TQueryResult *qp = 0; while ((qr = (TQueryResult *) nxr())) { // If same query, remove old version and break if (*qr == *q) { fQueryResults->Remove(qr); delete qr; break; } // Record position according to start time if (qr->GetStartTime().Convert() <= q->GetStartTime().Convert()) qp = qr; } if (!qp) { fQueryResults->AddFirst(q); } else { fQueryResults->AddAfter(qp, q); } } } else if (IsClient()) { // If max reached, eliminate first the oldest one if (fDrawQueries == fMaxDrawQueries && fMaxDrawQueries > 0) { TIter nxr(fQueryResults); TQueryResult *qr = 0; while ((qr = (TQueryResult *) nxr())) { // If same query, remove old version and break if (qr->IsDraw()) { fDrawQueries--; fQueryResults->Remove(qr); delete qr; break; } } } // Add new draw query if (fDrawQueries >= 0 && fDrawQueries < fMaxDrawQueries) { fDrawQueries++; if (!fQueryResults) fQueryResults = new TList; fQueryResults->Add(q); } } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofPlayer::RemoveQueryResult(const char *ref) { // Remove all query result instances referenced 'ref' from // the list of results. if (fQueryResults) { TIter nxq(fQueryResults); TQueryResult *qr = 0; while ((qr = (TQueryResult *) nxq())) { if (qr->Matches(ref)) { fQueryResults->Remove(qr); delete qr; } } } } //______________________________________________________________________________ TQueryResult *TProofPlayer::GetQueryResult(const char *ref) { // Get query result instances referenced 'ref' from // the list of results. if (fQueryResults) { if (ref && strlen(ref) > 0) { TIter nxq(fQueryResults); TQueryResult *qr = 0; while ((qr = (TQueryResult *) nxq())) { if (qr->Matches(ref)) return qr; } } else { // Get last return (TQueryResult *) fQueryResults->Last(); } } // Nothing found return (TQueryResult *)0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofPlayer::SetCurrentQuery(TQueryResult *q) { // Set current query and save previous value. fPreviousQuery = fQuery; fQuery = q; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofPlayer::AddInput(TObject *inp) { // Add object to input list. fInput->Add(inp); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofPlayer::ClearInput() { // Clear input list. fInput->Clear(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TObject *TProofPlayer::GetOutput(const char *name) const { // Get output object by name. if (fOutput) return fOutput->FindObject(name); return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TList *TProofPlayer::GetOutputList() const { // Get output list. TList *ol = fOutput; if (!ol && fQuery) ol = fQuery->GetOutputList(); return ol; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TProofPlayer::ReinitSelector(TQueryResult *qr) { // Reinitialize fSelector using the selector files in the query result. // Needed when Finalize is called after a Process execution for the same // selector name. Int_t rc = 0; // Make sure we have a query if (!qr) { Info("ReinitSelector", "query undefined - do nothing"); return -1; } // Selector name TString selec = qr->GetSelecImp()->GetName(); if (selec.Length() <= 0) { Info("ReinitSelector", "selector name undefined - do nothing"); return -1; } // Find out if this is a standard selection used for Draw actions Bool_t stdselec = TSelector::IsStandardDraw(selec); // Find out if this is a precompiled selector: in such a case we do not // have the code in TMacros, so we must rely on local libraries Bool_t compselec = (selec.Contains(".") || stdselec) ? kFALSE : kTRUE; // If not, find out if it needs to be expanded TString ipathold; if (!stdselec && !compselec) { // Check checksums for the versions of the selector files Bool_t expandselec = kTRUE; TString dir, ipath; char *selc = gSystem->Which(TROOT::GetMacroPath(), selec, kReadPermission); if (selc) { // Check checksums TMD5 *md5icur = 0, *md5iold = 0, *md5hcur = 0, *md5hold = 0; // Implementation files md5icur = TMD5::FileChecksum(selc); md5iold = qr->GetSelecImp()->Checksum(); // Header files TString selh(selc); Int_t dot = selh.Last('.'); if (dot != kNPOS) selh.Remove(dot); selh += ".h"; if (!gSystem->AccessPathName(selh, kReadPermission)) md5hcur = TMD5::FileChecksum(selh); md5hold = qr->GetSelecHdr()->Checksum(); // If nothing has changed nothing to do if (md5hcur && md5hold && md5icur && md5iold) if (*md5hcur == *md5hold && *md5icur == *md5iold) expandselec = kFALSE; SafeDelete(md5icur); SafeDelete(md5hcur); SafeDelete(md5iold); SafeDelete(md5hold); if (selc) delete [] selc; } Bool_t ok = kTRUE; // Expand selector files, if needed if (expandselec) { ok = kFALSE; // Expand files in a temporary directory TUUID u; dir = Form("%s/%s",gSystem->TempDirectory(),u.AsString()); if (!(gSystem->MakeDirectory(dir))) { // Export implementation file selec = Form("%s/%s",dir.Data(),selec.Data()); qr->GetSelecImp()->SaveSource(selec); // Export header file TString seleh = Form("%s/%s",dir.Data(),qr->GetSelecHdr()->GetName()); qr->GetSelecHdr()->SaveSource(seleh); // Adjust include path ipathold = gSystem->GetIncludePath(); ipath = Form("-I%s %s", dir.Data(), gSystem->GetIncludePath()); gSystem->SetIncludePath(ipath.Data()); ok = kTRUE; } } TString opt(qr->GetOptions()); Ssiz_t id = opt.Last('#'); if (id != kNPOS && id < opt.Length() - 1) selec += opt(id + 1, opt.Length()); if (!ok) { Info("ReinitSelector", "problems locating or exporting selector files"); return -1; } } // Cleanup previous stuff SafeDelete(fSelector); fSelectorClass = 0; // Init the selector now Int_t iglevelsave = gErrorIgnoreLevel; if (compselec) // Silent error printout on first attempt gErrorIgnoreLevel = kBreak; if ((fSelector = TSelector::GetSelector(selec))) { if (compselec) gErrorIgnoreLevel = iglevelsave; // restore ignore level fSelectorClass = fSelector->IsA(); fSelector->SetOption(qr->GetOptions()); } else { if (compselec) { gErrorIgnoreLevel = iglevelsave; // restore ignore level // Retry by loading first the libraries listed in TQueryResult, if any if (strlen(qr->GetLibList()) > 0) { TString sl(qr->GetLibList()); TObjArray *oa = sl.Tokenize(" "); if (oa) { Bool_t retry = kFALSE; TIter nxl(oa); TObjString *os = 0; while ((os = (TObjString *) nxl())) { TString lib = gSystem->BaseName(os->GetName()); if (lib != "lib") { lib.ReplaceAll("-l", "lib"); if (gSystem->Load(lib) == 0) retry = kTRUE; } } // Retry now, if the case if (retry) fSelector = TSelector::GetSelector(selec); } } } if (!fSelector) { if (compselec) Info("ReinitSelector", "compiled selector re-init failed:" " automatic reload unsuccessful:" " please load manually the correct library"); rc = -1; } } if (fSelector) { // Draw needs to reinit temp histos fSelector->SetInputList(qr->GetInputList()); if (stdselec) { ((TProofDraw *)fSelector)->DefVar(); } else { // variables may have been initialized in Begin() fSelector->Begin(0); } } // Restore original include path, if needed if (ipathold.Length() > 0) gSystem->SetIncludePath(ipathold.Data()); return rc; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TProofPlayer::AddOutputObject(TObject *) { // Incorporate output object (may not be used in this class). MayNotUse("AddOutputObject"); return -1; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofPlayer::AddOutput(TList *) { // Incorporate output list (may not be used in this class). MayNotUse("AddOutput"); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofPlayer::StoreOutput(TList *) { // Store output list (may not be used in this class). MayNotUse("StoreOutput"); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofPlayer::StoreFeedback(TObject *, TList *) { // Store feedback list (may not be used in this class). MayNotUse("StoreFeedback"); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofPlayer::Progress(Long64_t /*total*/, Long64_t /*processed*/) { // Report progress (may not be used in this class). MayNotUse("Progress"); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofPlayer::Progress(Long64_t /*total*/, Long64_t /*processed*/, Long64_t /*bytesread*/, Float_t /*evtRate*/, Float_t /*mbRate*/, Float_t /*evtrti*/, Float_t /*mbrti*/) { // Report progress (may not be used in this class). MayNotUse("Progress"); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofPlayer::Progress(TProofProgressInfo * /*pi*/) { // Report progress (may not be used in this class). MayNotUse("Progress"); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofPlayer::Feedback(TList *) { // Set feedback list (may not be used in this class). MayNotUse("Feedback"); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TDrawFeedback *TProofPlayer::CreateDrawFeedback(TProof *p) { // Draw feedback creation proxy. When accessed via TProof avoids // link dependency on libProofPlayer. return new TDrawFeedback(p); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofPlayer::SetDrawFeedbackOption(TDrawFeedback *f, Option_t *opt) { // Set draw feedback option. if (f) f->SetOption(opt); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofPlayer::DeleteDrawFeedback(TDrawFeedback *f) { // Delete draw feedback object. delete f; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TProofPlayer::SavePartialResults(Bool_t queryend, Bool_t force) { // Save the partial results of this query to a dedicated file under the user // data directory. The file name has the form // .q.root // The file pat and the file are created if not existing already. // Only objects in the outputlist not being TProofOutputFile are saved. // The packets list 'packets' is saved if given. // Trees not attached to any file are attached to the open file. // If 'queryend' is kTRUE evrything is written out (TTrees included). // The actual saving action is controlled by 'force' and by fSavePartialResults / // fSaveResultsPerPacket: // // fSavePartialResults = kFALSE/kTRUE no-saving/saving // fSaveResultsPerPacket = kFALSE/kTRUE save-per-query/save-per-packet // // The function CheckMemUsage sets fSavePartialResults = 1 if fSaveMemThreshold > 0 and // ProcInfo_t::fMemResident >= fSaveMemThreshold: from that point on partial results // are always saved and expensive calls to TSystem::GetProcInfo saved. // The switch fSaveResultsPerPacket is instead controlled by the user or admin // who can also force saving in all cases; parameter PROOF_SavePartialResults or // RC env ProofPlayer.SavePartialResults . // However, if 'force' is kTRUE, fSavePartialResults and fSaveResultsPerPacket // are ignored. // Return -1 in case of problems, 0 otherwise. Bool_t save = (force || (fSavePartialResults && (queryend || fSaveResultsPerPacket))) ? kTRUE : kFALSE; if (!save) { PDB(kOutput, 2) Info("SavePartialResults", "partial result saving disabled"); return 0; } // Sanity check if (!gProofServ) { Error("SavePartialResults", "gProofServ undefined: something really wrong going on!!!"); return -1; } if (!fOutput) { Error("SavePartialResults", "fOutput undefined: something really wrong going on!!!"); return -1; } PDB(kOutput, 1) Info("SavePartialResults", "start saving partial results {%d,%d,%d,%d}", queryend, force, fSavePartialResults, fSaveResultsPerPacket); // Get list of processed packets from the iterator PDB(kOutput, 2) Info("SavePartialResults", "fEvIter: %p", fEvIter); TList *packets = (fEvIter) ? fEvIter->GetPackets() : 0; PDB(kOutput, 2) Info("SavePartialResults", "list of packets: %p, sz: %d", packets, (packets ? packets->GetSize(): -1)); // Open the file const char *oopt = "UPDATE"; // Check if the file has already been defined TString baseName(fOutputFilePath); if (fOutputFilePath.IsNull()) { baseName.Form("output-%s.q%d.root", gProofServ->GetTopSessionTag(), gProofServ->GetQuerySeqNum()); if (gProofServ->GetDataDirOpts() && strlen(gProofServ->GetDataDirOpts()) > 0) { fOutputFilePath.Form("%s/%s?%s", gProofServ->GetDataDir(), baseName.Data(), gProofServ->GetDataDirOpts()); } else { fOutputFilePath.Form("%s/%s", gProofServ->GetDataDir(), baseName.Data()); } Info("SavePartialResults", "file with (partial) output: '%s'", fOutputFilePath.Data()); oopt = "RECREATE"; } // Open the file in write mode if (!(fOutputFile = TFile::Open(fOutputFilePath, oopt)) || (fOutputFile && fOutputFile->IsZombie())) { Error("SavePartialResults", "cannot open '%s' for writing", fOutputFilePath.Data()); SafeDelete(fOutputFile); return -1; } // Save current directory TDirectory *curdir = gDirectory; fOutputFile->cd(); // Write first the packets list, if required if (packets) { TDirectory *packetsDir = fOutputFile->mkdir("packets"); if (packetsDir) packetsDir->cd(); packets->Write(0, TObject::kSingleKey | TObject::kOverwrite); fOutputFile->cd(); } Bool_t notempty = kFALSE; // Write out the output list TList torm; TIter nxo(fOutput); TObject *o = 0; while ((o = nxo())) { // Skip output file drivers if (o->InheritsFrom(TProofOutputFile::Class())) continue; // Skip control objets if (!strncmp(o->GetName(), "PROOF_", 6)) continue; // Skip data members mapping if (o->InheritsFrom(TOutputListSelectorDataMap::Class())) continue; // Skip missing file info if (!strcmp(o->GetName(), "MissingFiles")) continue; // Trees need a special treatment if (o->InheritsFrom("TTree")) { TTree *t = (TTree *) o; TDirectory *d = t->GetDirectory(); // If the tree is not attached to any file ... if (!d || (d && !d->InheritsFrom("TFile"))) { // ... we attach it t->SetDirectory(fOutputFile); } if (t->GetDirectory() == fOutputFile) { if (queryend) { // ... we write it out o->Write(0, TObject::kOverwrite); // At least something in the file notempty = kTRUE; // Flag for removal from the outputlist torm.Add(o); // Prevent double-deletion attempts t->SetDirectory(0); } else { // ... or we set in automatic flush mode t->SetAutoFlush(); } } } else if (queryend || fSaveResultsPerPacket) { // Save overwriting what's already there o->Write(0, TObject::kOverwrite); // At least something in the file notempty = kTRUE; // Flag for removal from the outputlist if (queryend) torm.Add(o); } } // Restore previous directory gDirectory = curdir; // Close the file if required if (notempty) { if (!fOutput->FindObject(baseName)) { TProofOutputFile *po = 0; // Get directions TNamed *nm = (TNamed *) fInput->FindObject("PROOF_DefaultOutputOption"); TString oname = (nm) ? nm->GetTitle() : fOutputFilePath.Data(); if (nm && oname.BeginsWith("ds:")) { oname.Replace(0, 3, ""); TString qtag = TString::Format("%s_q%d", gProofServ->GetTopSessionTag(), gProofServ->GetQuerySeqNum()); oname.ReplaceAll("", qtag); // Create the TProofOutputFile for dataset creation po = new TProofOutputFile(baseName, "DRO", oname.Data()); } else { Bool_t hasddir = kFALSE; // Create the TProofOutputFile for automatic merging po = new TProofOutputFile(baseName, "M"); if (oname.BeginsWith("of:")) oname.Replace(0, 3, ""); if (gProofServ->IsTopMaster()) { if (!strcmp(TUrl(oname, kTRUE).GetProtocol(), "file")) { TString dsrv; TProofServ::GetLocalServer(dsrv); TProofServ::FilterLocalroot(oname, dsrv); oname.Insert(0, dsrv); } } else { if (nm) { // The name has been sent by the client: resolve local place holders oname.ReplaceAll("", baseName); } else { // We did not get any indication; the final file will be in the datadir on // the top master and it will be resolved there oname.Form("/%s", baseName.Data()); hasddir = kTRUE; } } po->SetOutputFileName(oname.Data()); if (hasddir) // Reset the bit, so that has a chance to be resolved in AddOutputObject po->ResetBit(TProofOutputFile::kOutputFileNameSet); po->SetName(gSystem->BaseName(oname.Data())); } po->AdoptFile(fOutputFile); fOutput->Add(po); // Flag the nature of this file po->SetBit(TProofOutputFile::kSwapFile); } } fOutputFile->Close(); SafeDelete(fOutputFile); // If last call, cleanup the output list from objects saved to file if (queryend && torm.GetSize() > 0) { TIter nxrm(&torm); while ((o = nxrm())) { fOutput->Remove(o); } } torm.SetOwner(kFALSE); PDB(kOutput, 1) Info("SavePartialResults", "partial results saved to file"); // We are done return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TProofPlayer::AssertSelector(const char *selector_file) { // Make sure that a valid selector object // Return -1 in case of problems, 0 otherwise if (selector_file && strlen(selector_file)) { if (fCreateSelObj) SafeDelete(fSelector); // Get selector files from cache if (gProofServ) { gProofServ->GetCacheLock()->Lock(); gProofServ->CopyFromCache(selector_file, 1); } if (!(fSelector = TSelector::GetSelector(selector_file))) { Error("AssertSelector", "cannot load: %s", selector_file ); gProofServ->GetCacheLock()->Unlock(); return -1; } // Save binaries to cache, if any if (gProofServ) { gProofServ->CopyToCache(selector_file, 1); gProofServ->GetCacheLock()->Unlock(); } fCreateSelObj = kTRUE; Info("AssertSelector", "Processing via filename"); } else if (!fSelector) { Error("AssertSelector", "no TSelector object define : cannot continue!"); return -1; } else { Info("AssertSelector", "Processing via TSelector object"); } // Done return 0; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void TProofPlayer::UpdateProgressInfo() { // Update fProgressStatus if (fProgressStatus) { fProgressStatus->IncEntries(fProcessedRun); fProgressStatus->SetBytesRead(TFile::GetFileBytesRead()-fReadBytesRun); fProgressStatus->SetReadCalls(TFile::GetFileReadCalls()-fReadCallsRun); fProgressStatus->SetLastUpdate(); if (gMonitoringWriter) gMonitoringWriter->SendProcessingProgress(fProgressStatus->GetEntries(), fReadBytesRun, kFALSE); fProcessedRun = 0; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ Long64_t TProofPlayer::Process(TDSet *dset, const char *selector_file, Option_t *option, Long64_t nentries, Long64_t first) { // Process specified TDSet on PROOF worker. // The return value is -1 in case of error and TSelector::GetStatus() // in case of success. PDB(kGlobal,1) Info("Process","Enter"); fExitStatus = kFinished; fOutput = 0; TCleanup clean(this); fSelectorClass = 0; Int_t version = -1; TString wmsg; TRY { if (AssertSelector(selector_file) != 0 || !fSelector) { Error("Process", "cannot assert the selector object"); return -1; } fSelectorClass = fSelector->IsA(); version = fSelector->Version(); if (version == 0 && IsClient()) fSelector->GetOutputList()->Clear(); fOutput = (THashList *) fSelector->GetOutputList(); if (gProofServ) TPerfStats::Start(fInput, fOutput); fSelStatus = new TStatus; fOutput->Add(fSelStatus); fSelector->SetOption(option); fSelector->SetInputList(fInput); // If in sequential (0-PROOF) mode validate the data set to get // the number of entries fTotalEvents = nentries; if (fTotalEvents < 0 && gProofServ && gProofServ->IsMaster() && !gProofServ->IsParallel()) { dset->Validate(); dset->Reset(); TDSetElement *e = 0; while ((e = dset->Next())) { fTotalEvents += e->GetNum(); } } dset->Reset(); // Set parameters controlling the iterator behaviour Int_t useTreeCache = 1; if (TProof::GetParameter(fInput, "PROOF_UseTreeCache", useTreeCache) == 0) { if (useTreeCache > -1 && useTreeCache < 2) gEnv->SetValue("ProofPlayer.UseTreeCache", useTreeCache); } Long64_t cacheSize = -1; if (TProof::GetParameter(fInput, "PROOF_CacheSize", cacheSize) == 0) { TString sz = TString::Format("%lld", cacheSize); gEnv->SetValue("ProofPlayer.CacheSize", sz.Data()); } // Parallel unzipping Int_t useParallelUnzip = 0; if (TProof::GetParameter(fInput, "PROOF_UseParallelUnzip", useParallelUnzip) == 0) { if (useParallelUnzip > -1 && useParallelUnzip < 2) gEnv->SetValue("ProofPlayer.UseParallelUnzip", useParallelUnzip); } // OS file caching (Mac Os X only) Int_t dontCacheFiles = 0; if (TProof::GetParameter(fInput, "PROOF_DontCacheFiles", dontCacheFiles) == 0) { if (dontCacheFiles == 1) gEnv->SetValue("ProofPlayer.DontCacheFiles", 1); } fEvIter = TEventIter::Create(dset, fSelector, first, nentries); // Control file object swap // *10 + // = 0 end of run // 1 after each packet // = 0 no, swap only if memory threshold is reached // 1 swap in all cases, accordingly to Int_t opt = 0; if (TProof::GetParameter(fInput, "PROOF_SavePartialResults", opt) != 0) { opt = gEnv->GetValue("ProofPlayer.SavePartialResults", 0); } fSaveResultsPerPacket = (opt >= 10) ? kTRUE : kFALSE; fSavePartialResults = (opt%10 > 0) ? kTRUE : kFALSE; Info("Process", "save partial results? %d per-packet? %d", fSavePartialResults, fSaveResultsPerPacket); // Memory threshold for file object swap Float_t memfrac = gEnv->GetValue("ProofPlayer.SaveMemThreshold", -1.); if (memfrac > 0.) { // The threshold is per core SysInfo_t si; if (gSystem->GetSysInfo(&si) == 0) { fSaveMemThreshold = (Long_t) ((memfrac * si.fPhysRam * 1024.) / si.fCpus); Info("Process", "memory threshold for saving objects to file set to %ld kB", fSaveMemThreshold); } else { Error("Process", "cannot get SysInfo_t (!)"); } } if (version == 0) { PDB(kLoop,1) Info("Process","Call Begin(0)"); fSelector->Begin(0); } else { if (IsClient()) { // on client (for local run) PDB(kLoop,1) Info("Process","Call Begin(0)"); fSelector->Begin(0); } if (!fSelStatus->TestBit(TStatus::kNotOk)) { PDB(kLoop,1) Info("Process","Call SlaveBegin(0)"); fSelector->SlaveBegin(0); // Init is called explicitly // from GetNextEvent() } } } CATCH(excode) { ResetBit(TProofPlayer::kIsProcessing); Error("Process","exception %d caught", excode); gProofServ->GetCacheLock()->Unlock(); return -1; } ENDTRY; // Save the results, if needed, closing the file if (SavePartialResults(kFALSE) < 0) Warning("Process", "problems seetting up file-object swapping"); // Create feedback lists, if required SetupFeedback(); if (gMonitoringWriter) gMonitoringWriter->SendProcessingStatus("STARTED",kTRUE); PDB(kLoop,1) Info("Process","Looping over Process()"); // get the byte read counter at the beginning of processing fReadBytesRun = TFile::GetFileBytesRead(); fReadCallsRun = TFile::GetFileReadCalls(); fProcessedRun = 0; // force the first monitoring info if (gMonitoringWriter) gMonitoringWriter->SendProcessingProgress(0,0,kTRUE); // Start asynchronous timer to dispatch pending events SetDispatchTimer(kTRUE); // Loop over range gAbort = kFALSE; Long64_t entry; fProgressStatus->Reset(); if (gProofServ) gProofServ->ResetBit(TProofServ::kHighMemory); TRY { Int_t mrc = -1; // Get the frequency for checking memory consumption and logging information Long64_t memlogfreq = -1; if (((mrc = TProof::GetParameter(fInput, "PROOF_MemLogFreq", memlogfreq))) != 0) memlogfreq = -1; Long64_t singleshot = 1; Bool_t warnHWMres = kTRUE, warnHWMvir = kTRUE; TString lastMsg("(unfortunately no detailed info is available about current packet)"); // Initial memory footprint if (!CheckMemUsage(singleshot, warnHWMres, warnHWMvir, wmsg)) { Error("Process", "%s", wmsg.Data()); wmsg.Insert(0, TString::Format("ERROR:%s, after SlaveBegin(), ", gProofServ->GetOrdinal())); fSelStatus->Add(wmsg.Data()); if (gProofServ) { gProofServ->SendAsynMessage(wmsg.Data()); gProofServ->SetBit(TProofServ::kHighMemory); } fExitStatus = kStopped; ResetBit(TProofPlayer::kIsProcessing); } else if (!wmsg.IsNull()) { Warning("Process", "%s", wmsg.Data()); } TPair *currentElem = 0; // The event loop on the worker Long64_t fst = -1, num; TEntryList *enl = 0; TEventList *evl = 0; Long_t maxproctime = -1; Bool_t newrun = kFALSE; while ((fEvIter->GetNextPacket(fst, num, &enl, &evl) != -1) && !fSelStatus->TestBit(TStatus::kNotOk) && fSelector->GetAbort() == TSelector::kContinue) { // This is needed by the inflate infrastructure to calculate // sleeping times SetBit(TProofPlayer::kIsProcessing); // Give the possibility to the selector to access additional info in the // incoming packet if (dset->Current()) { if (!currentElem) { currentElem = new TPair(new TObjString("PROOF_CurrentElement"), dset->Current()); fInput->Add(currentElem); } else { if (currentElem->Value() != dset->Current()) { currentElem->SetValue(dset->Current()); } else if (dset->Current()->TestBit(TDSetElement::kNewRun)) { dset->Current()->ResetBit(TDSetElement::kNewRun); } } if (dset->Current()->TestBit(TDSetElement::kNewPacket)) { if (dset->TestBit(TDSet::kEmpty)) { lastMsg = "check logs for possible stacktrace - last cycle:"; } else { TDSetElement *elem = dynamic_cast(currentElem->Value()); TString fn = (elem) ? elem->GetFileName() : ""; lastMsg.Form("while processing dset:'%s', file:'%s'" " - check logs for possible stacktrace - last event:", dset->GetName(), fn.Data()); } TProofServ::SetLastMsg(lastMsg); } // Set the max proc time, if any if (dset->Current()->GetMaxProcTime() >= 0.) maxproctime = (Long_t) (1000 * dset->Current()->GetMaxProcTime()); newrun = (dset->Current()->TestBit(TDSetElement::kNewPacket)) ? kTRUE : kFALSE; } ResetBit(TProofPlayer::kMaxProcTimeReached); ResetBit(TProofPlayer::kMaxProcTimeExtended); // Setup packet proc time measurement if (maxproctime > 0) { if (!fProcTimeTimer) fProcTimeTimer = new TProctimeTimer(this, maxproctime); fProcTimeTimer->Start(maxproctime, kTRUE); // One shot if (!fProcTime) fProcTime = new TStopwatch(); fProcTime->Reset(); // Reset counters } Long64_t refnum = num; if (refnum < 0 && maxproctime <= 0) { wmsg.Form("neither entries nor max proc time specified:" " risk of infinite loop: processing aborted"); Error("Process", "%s", wmsg.Data()); if (gProofServ) { wmsg.Insert(0, TString::Format("ERROR:%s, entry:%lld, ", gProofServ->GetOrdinal(), fProcessedRun)); gProofServ->SendAsynMessage(wmsg.Data()); } fExitStatus = kAborted; ResetBit(TProofPlayer::kIsProcessing); break; } while (refnum < 0 || num--) { // Did we use all our time? if (TestBit(TProofPlayer::kMaxProcTimeReached)) { fProcTime->Stop(); if (!newrun && !TestBit(TProofPlayer::kMaxProcTimeExtended) && refnum > 0) { // How much are we left with? Float_t xleft = (refnum > num) ? (Float_t) num / (Float_t) (refnum) : 1.; if (xleft < 0.2) { // Give another try, 1.5 times the remaining measured expected time Long_t mpt = (Long_t) (1500 * num / ((Double_t)(refnum - num) / fProcTime->RealTime())); SetBit(TProofPlayer::kMaxProcTimeExtended); fProcTimeTimer->Start(mpt, kTRUE); // One shot ResetBit(TProofPlayer::kMaxProcTimeReached); } } if (TestBit(TProofPlayer::kMaxProcTimeReached)) { Info("Process", "max proc time reached (%ld msecs): packet processing stopped:\n%s", maxproctime, lastMsg.Data()); break; } } if (!(!fSelStatus->TestBit(TStatus::kNotOk) && fSelector->GetAbort() == TSelector::kContinue)) break; // Set entry number; if data iteration we may need to test the entry or event lists if (fEvIter->TestBit(TEventIter::kData)) { if (enl){ entry = enl->GetEntry(fst); } else if (evl) { entry = evl->GetEntry(fst); } else { entry = fst; } fst++; } else { entry = fst++; } // Pre-event processing fEvIter->PreProcessEvent(entry); // Set the last entry TProofServ::SetLastEntry(entry); if (version == 0) { PDB(kLoop,3) Info("Process","Call ProcessCut(%lld)", entry); if (fSelector->ProcessCut(entry)) { PDB(kLoop,3) Info("Process","Call ProcessFill(%lld)", entry); fSelector->ProcessFill(entry); } } else { PDB(kLoop,3) Info("Process","Call Process(%lld)", entry); fSelector->Process(entry); if (fSelector->GetAbort() == TSelector::kAbortProcess) { ResetBit(TProofPlayer::kIsProcessing); break; } else if (fSelector->GetAbort() == TSelector::kAbortFile) { Info("Process", "packet processing aborted following the" " selector settings:\n%s", lastMsg.Data()); fEvIter->InvalidatePacket(); fProgressStatus->SetBit(TProofProgressStatus::kFileCorrupted); } } if (!fSelStatus->TestBit(TStatus::kNotOk)) fProcessedRun++; // Check the memory footprint, if required if (memlogfreq > 0 && (GetEventsProcessed() + fProcessedRun)%memlogfreq == 0) { if (!CheckMemUsage(memlogfreq, warnHWMres, warnHWMvir, wmsg)) { Error("Process", "%s", wmsg.Data()); if (gProofServ) { wmsg.Insert(0, TString::Format("ERROR:%s, entry:%lld, ", gProofServ->GetOrdinal(), entry)); gProofServ->SendAsynMessage(wmsg.Data()); } fExitStatus = kStopped; ResetBit(TProofPlayer::kIsProcessing); if (gProofServ) gProofServ->SetBit(TProofServ::kHighMemory); break; } else { if (!wmsg.IsNull()) { Warning("Process", "%s", wmsg.Data()); if (gProofServ) { wmsg.Insert(0, TString::Format("WARNING:%s, entry:%lld, ", gProofServ->GetOrdinal(), entry)); gProofServ->SendAsynMessage(wmsg.Data()); } } } } if (TestBit(TProofPlayer::kDispatchOneEvent)) { gSystem->DispatchOneEvent(kTRUE); ResetBit(TProofPlayer::kDispatchOneEvent); } ResetBit(TProofPlayer::kIsProcessing); if (fSelStatus->TestBit(TStatus::kNotOk) || gROOT->IsInterrupted()) break; // Make sure that the selector abort status is reset if (fSelector->GetAbort() == TSelector::kAbortFile) fSelector->Abort("status reset", TSelector::kContinue); } } } CATCH(excode) { if (excode == kPEX_STOPPED) { Info("Process","received stop-process signal"); fExitStatus = kStopped; } else if (excode == kPEX_ABORTED) { gAbort = kTRUE; Info("Process","received abort-process signal"); fExitStatus = kAborted; } else { Error("Process","exception %d caught", excode); // Perhaps we need a dedicated status code here ... gAbort = kTRUE; fExitStatus = kAborted; } ResetBit(TProofPlayer::kIsProcessing); } ENDTRY; // Clean-up the envelop for the current element TPair *currentElem = 0; if ((currentElem = (TPair *) fInput->FindObject("PROOF_CurrentElement"))) { if ((currentElem = (TPair *) fInput->Remove(currentElem))) { delete currentElem->Key(); delete currentElem; } } // Final memory footprint Long64_t singleshot = 1; Bool_t warnHWMres = kTRUE, warnHWMvir = kTRUE; Bool_t shrc = CheckMemUsage(singleshot, warnHWMres, warnHWMvir, wmsg); if (!wmsg.IsNull()) Warning("Process", "%s (%s)", wmsg.Data(), shrc ? "warn" : "hwm"); PDB(kGlobal,2) Info("Process","%lld events processed", fProgressStatus->GetEntries()); if (gMonitoringWriter) { gMonitoringWriter->SendProcessingProgress(fProgressStatus->GetEntries(), TFile::GetFileBytesRead()-fReadBytesRun, kFALSE); gMonitoringWriter->SendProcessingStatus("DONE"); } // Stop active timers SetDispatchTimer(kFALSE); if (fStopTimer != 0) SetStopTimer(kFALSE, gAbort); if (fFeedbackTimer != 0) HandleTimer(0); StopFeedback(); // Save the results, if needed, closing the file if (SavePartialResults(kTRUE) < 0) Warning("Process", "problems saving the results to file"); SafeDelete(fEvIter); // Finalize if (fExitStatus != kAborted) { TIter nxo(GetOutputList()); TObject *o = 0; while ((o = nxo())) { // Special treatment for files if (o->IsA() == TProofOutputFile::Class()) { TProofOutputFile *of = (TProofOutputFile *)o; of->Print(); of->SetWorkerOrdinal(gProofServ->GetOrdinal()); const char *dir = of->GetDir(); if (!dir || (dir && strlen(dir) <= 0)) { of->SetDir(gProofServ->GetSessionDir()); } else if (dir && strlen(dir) > 0) { TUrl u(dir); if (!strcmp(u.GetHost(), "localhost") || !strcmp(u.GetHost(), "") || !strcmp(u.GetHost(), "localhost.localdomain")) { u.SetHost(TUrl(gSystem->HostName()).GetHostFQDN()); of->SetDir(u.GetUrl(kTRUE)); } of->Print(); } } } MapOutputListToDataMembers(); if (!fSelStatus->TestBit(TStatus::kNotOk)) { if (version == 0) { PDB(kLoop,1) Info("Process","Call Terminate()"); fSelector->Terminate(); } else { PDB(kLoop,1) Info("Process","Call SlaveTerminate()"); fSelector->SlaveTerminate(); if (IsClient() && !fSelStatus->TestBit(TStatus::kNotOk)) { PDB(kLoop,1) Info("Process","Call Terminate()"); fSelector->Terminate(); } } } // Add Selector status in the output list so it can be returned to the client as done // by Tree::Process (see ROOT-748). The status from the various workers will be added. fOutput->Add(new TParameter("PROOF_SelectorStatus", (Long64_t) fSelector->GetStatus())); if (gProofServ && !gProofServ->IsParallel()) { // put all the canvases onto the output list TIter nxc(gROOT->GetListOfCanvases()); while (TObject *c = nxc()) fOutput->Add(c); } } if (gProofServ) TPerfStats::Stop(); return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Long64_t TProofPlayer::Process(TDSet *dset, TSelector *selector, Option_t *option, Long64_t nentries, Long64_t first) { // Process specified TDSet on PROOF worker with TSelector object // The return value is -1 in case of error and TSelector::GetStatus() // in case of success. if (!selector) { Error("Process", "selector object undefiend!"); return -1; } if (fCreateSelObj) SafeDelete(fSelector); fSelector = selector; fCreateSelObj = kFALSE; return Process(dset, (const char *)0, option, nentries, first); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TProofPlayer::JoinProcess(TList *) { // Not implemented: meaningful only in the remote player. Returns kFALSE. return kFALSE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TProofPlayer::CheckMemUsage(Long64_t &mfreq, Bool_t &w80r, Bool_t &w80v, TString &wmsg) { // Check the memory usage, if requested. // Return kTRUE if OK, kFALSE if above 95% of at least one between virtual or // resident limits are depassed. Long64_t processed = GetEventsProcessed() + fProcessedRun; if (mfreq > 0 && processed%mfreq == 0) { // Record the memory information ProcInfo_t pi; if (!gSystem->GetProcInfo(&pi)){ wmsg = ""; if (gProofServ) Info("CheckMemUsage|Svc", "Memory %ld virtual %ld resident event %lld", pi.fMemVirtual, pi.fMemResident, processed); // Save info in TStatus fSelStatus->SetMemValues(pi.fMemVirtual, pi.fMemResident); // Apply limit on virtual memory, if any: warn if above 80%, stop if above 95% of max if (TProofServ::GetVirtMemMax() > 0) { if (pi.fMemVirtual > TProofServ::GetMemStop() * TProofServ::GetVirtMemMax()) { wmsg.Form("using more than %d%% of allowed virtual memory (%ld kB)" " - STOP processing", (Int_t) (TProofServ::GetMemStop() * 100), pi.fMemVirtual); return kFALSE; } else if (pi.fMemVirtual > TProofServ::GetMemHWM() * TProofServ::GetVirtMemMax() && w80v) { // Refine monitoring mfreq = 1; wmsg.Form("using more than %d%% of allowed virtual memory (%ld kB)", (Int_t) (TProofServ::GetMemHWM() * 100), pi.fMemVirtual); w80v = kFALSE; } } // Apply limit on resident memory, if any: warn if above 80%, stop if above 95% of max if (TProofServ::GetResMemMax() > 0) { if (pi.fMemResident > TProofServ::GetMemStop() * TProofServ::GetResMemMax()) { wmsg.Form("using more than %d%% of allowed resident memory (%ld kB)" " - STOP processing", (Int_t) (TProofServ::GetMemStop() * 100), pi.fMemResident); return kFALSE; } else if (pi.fMemResident > TProofServ::GetMemHWM() * TProofServ::GetResMemMax() && w80r) { // Refine monitoring mfreq = 1; if (wmsg.Length() > 0) { wmsg.Form("using more than %d%% of allowed both virtual and resident memory ({%ld,%ld} kB)", (Int_t) (TProofServ::GetMemHWM() * 100), pi.fMemVirtual, pi.fMemResident); } else { wmsg.Form("using more than %d%% of allowed resident memory (%ld kB)", (Int_t) (TProofServ::GetMemHWM() * 100), pi.fMemResident); } w80r = kFALSE; } } // In saving-partial-results mode flag the saving regime when reached to save expensive calls // to TSystem::GetProcInfo in SavePartialResults if (fSaveMemThreshold > 0 && pi.fMemResident >= fSaveMemThreshold) fSavePartialResults = kTRUE; } } // Done return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Long64_t TProofPlayer::Finalize(Bool_t, Bool_t) { // Finalize query (may not be used in this class). MayNotUse("Finalize"); return -1; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Long64_t TProofPlayer::Finalize(TQueryResult *) { // Finalize query (may not be used in this class). MayNotUse("Finalize"); return -1; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofPlayer::MergeOutput() { // Merge output (may not be used in this class). MayNotUse("MergeOutput"); return; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofPlayer::MapOutputListToDataMembers() const { TOutputListSelectorDataMap* olsdm = new TOutputListSelectorDataMap(fSelector); fOutput->Add(olsdm); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofPlayer::UpdateAutoBin(const char *name, Double_t& xmin, Double_t& xmax, Double_t& ymin, Double_t& ymax, Double_t& zmin, Double_t& zmax) { // Update automatic binning parameters for given object "name". if ( fAutoBins == 0 ) { fAutoBins = new THashList; } TAutoBinVal *val = (TAutoBinVal*) fAutoBins->FindObject(name); if ( val == 0 ) { //look for info in higher master if (gProofServ && !gProofServ->IsTopMaster()) { TString key = name; TProofLimitsFinder::AutoBinFunc(key,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax); } val = new TAutoBinVal(name,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax); fAutoBins->Add(val); } else { val->GetAll(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ TDSetElement *TProofPlayer::GetNextPacket(TSlave *, TMessage *) { // Get next packet (may not be used in this class). MayNotUse("GetNextPacket"); return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofPlayer::SetupFeedback() { // Set up feedback (may not be used in this class). MayNotUse("SetupFeedback"); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofPlayer::StopFeedback() { // Stop feedback (may not be used in this class). MayNotUse("StopFeedback"); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Long64_t TProofPlayer::DrawSelect(TDSet * /*set*/, const char * /*varexp*/, const char * /*selection*/, Option_t * /*option*/, Long64_t /*nentries*/, Long64_t /*firstentry*/) { // Draw (may not be used in this class). MayNotUse("DrawSelect"); return -1; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofPlayer::HandleGetTreeHeader(TMessage *) { // Handle tree header request. MayNotUse("HandleGetTreeHeader|"); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofPlayer::HandleRecvHisto(TMessage *mess) { // Receive histo from slave. TObject *obj = mess->ReadObject(mess->GetClass()); if (obj->InheritsFrom(TH1::Class())) { TH1 *h = (TH1*)obj; h->SetDirectory(0); TH1 *horg = (TH1*)gDirectory->GetList()->FindObject(h->GetName()); if (horg) horg->Add(h); else h->SetDirectory(gDirectory); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TProofPlayer::DrawCanvas(TObject *obj) { // Draw the object if it is a canvas. // Return 0 in case of success, 1 if it is not a canvas or libProofDraw // is not available. static Int_t (*gDrawCanvasHook)(TObject *) = 0; // Load the library the first time if (!gDrawCanvasHook) { // Load library needed for graphics ... TString drawlib = "libProofDraw"; char *p = 0; if ((p = gSystem->DynamicPathName(drawlib, kTRUE))) { delete[] p; if (gSystem->Load(drawlib) != -1) { // Locate DrawCanvas Func_t f = 0; if ((f = gSystem->DynFindSymbol(drawlib,"DrawCanvas"))) gDrawCanvasHook = (Int_t (*)(TObject *))(f); else Warning("DrawCanvas", "can't find DrawCanvas"); } else Warning("DrawCanvas", "can't load %s", drawlib.Data()); } else Warning("DrawCanvas", "can't locate %s", drawlib.Data()); } if (gDrawCanvasHook && obj) return (*gDrawCanvasHook)(obj); // No drawing hook or object undefined return 1; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TProofPlayer::GetDrawArgs(const char *var, const char *sel, Option_t *opt, TString &selector, TString &objname) { // Parse the arguments from var, sel and opt and fill the selector and // object name accordingly. // Return 0 in case of success, 1 if libProofDraw is not available. static Int_t (*gGetDrawArgsHook)(const char *, const char *, Option_t *, TString &, TString &) = 0; // Load the library the first time if (!gGetDrawArgsHook) { // Load library needed for graphics ... TString drawlib = "libProofDraw"; char *p = 0; if ((p = gSystem->DynamicPathName(drawlib, kTRUE))) { delete[] p; if (gSystem->Load(drawlib) != -1) { // Locate GetDrawArgs Func_t f = 0; if ((f = gSystem->DynFindSymbol(drawlib,"GetDrawArgs"))) gGetDrawArgsHook = (Int_t (*)(const char *, const char *, Option_t *, TString &, TString &))(f); else Warning("GetDrawArgs", "can't find GetDrawArgs"); } else Warning("GetDrawArgs", "can't load %s", drawlib.Data()); } else Warning("GetDrawArgs", "can't locate %s", drawlib.Data()); } if (gGetDrawArgsHook) return (*gGetDrawArgsHook)(var, sel, opt, selector, objname); // No parser hook or object undefined return 1; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofPlayer::FeedBackCanvas(const char *name, Bool_t create) { // Create/destroy a named canvas for feedback static void (*gFeedBackCanvasHook)(const char *, Bool_t) = 0; // Load the library the first time if (!gFeedBackCanvasHook) { // Load library needed for graphics ... TString drawlib = "libProofDraw"; char *p = 0; if ((p = gSystem->DynamicPathName(drawlib, kTRUE))) { delete[] p; if (gSystem->Load(drawlib) != -1) { // Locate FeedBackCanvas Func_t f = 0; if ((f = gSystem->DynFindSymbol(drawlib,"FeedBackCanvas"))) gFeedBackCanvasHook = (void (*)(const char *, Bool_t))(f); else Warning("FeedBackCanvas", "can't find FeedBackCanvas"); } else Warning("FeedBackCanvas", "can't load %s", drawlib.Data()); } else Warning("FeedBackCanvas", "can't locate %s", drawlib.Data()); } if (gFeedBackCanvasHook) (*gFeedBackCanvasHook)(name, create); // No parser hook or object undefined return; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Long64_t TProofPlayer::GetCacheSize() { // Return the size in bytes of the cache if (fEvIter) return fEvIter->GetCacheSize(); return -1; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TProofPlayer::GetLearnEntries() { // Return the number of entries in the learning phase if (fEvIter) return fEvIter->GetLearnEntries(); return -1; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ClassImp(TProofPlayerLocal) //______________________________________________________________________________ Long64_t TProofPlayerLocal::Process(TSelector *selector, Long64_t nentries, Option_t *option) { // Process the specified TSelector object 'nentries' times. // Used to test the PROOF interator mechanism for cycle-driven selectors in a // local session. // The return value is -1 in case of error and TSelector::GetStatus() // in case of success. if (!selector) { Error("Process", "selector object undefiend!"); return -1; } TDSetProxy *set = new TDSetProxy("", "", ""); set->SetBit(TDSet::kEmpty); set->SetBit(TDSet::kIsLocal); Long64_t rc = Process(set, selector, option, nentries); SafeDelete(set); // Done return rc; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Long64_t TProofPlayerLocal::Process(const char *selector, Long64_t nentries, Option_t *option) { // Process the specified TSelector file 'nentries' times. // Used to test the PROOF interator mechanism for cycle-driven selectors in a // local session. // Process specified TDSet on PROOF worker with TSelector object // The return value is -1 in case of error and TSelector::GetStatus() // in case of success. TDSetProxy *set = new TDSetProxy("", "", ""); set->SetBit(TDSet::kEmpty); set->SetBit(TDSet::kIsLocal); Long64_t rc = Process(set, selector, option, nentries); SafeDelete(set); // Done return rc; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ClassImp(TProofPlayerRemote) //______________________________________________________________________________ TProofPlayerRemote::~TProofPlayerRemote() { // Destructor. SafeDelete(fOutput); // owns the output list SafeDelete(fOutputLists); // Objects stored in maps are already deleted when merging the feedback SafeDelete(fFeedbackLists); SafeDelete(fPacketizer); if (fProcessMessage) SafeDelete(fProcessMessage); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TProofPlayerRemote::InitPacketizer(TDSet *dset, Long64_t nentries, Long64_t first, const char *defpackunit, const char *defpackdata) { // Init the packetizer // Return 0 on success (fPacketizer is correctly initialized), -1 on failure. SafeDelete(fPacketizer); PDB(kGlobal,1) Info("Process","Enter"); fDSet = dset; fExitStatus = kFinished; // This is done here to pickup on the fly changes Int_t honebyone = 1; if (TProof::GetParameter(fInput, "PROOF_MergeTH1OneByOne", honebyone) != 0) honebyone = gEnv->GetValue("ProofPlayer.MergeTH1OneByOne", 1); fMergeTH1OneByOne = (honebyone == 1) ? kTRUE : kFALSE; Bool_t noData = dset->TestBit(TDSet::kEmpty) ? kTRUE : kFALSE; TString packetizer; TList *listOfMissingFiles = 0; TMethodCall callEnv; TClass *cl; noData = dset->TestBit(TDSet::kEmpty) ? kTRUE : kFALSE; if (noData) { if (TProof::GetParameter(fInput, "PROOF_Packetizer", packetizer) != 0) packetizer = defpackunit; else Info("InitPacketizer", "using alternate packetizer: %s", packetizer.Data()); // Get linked to the related class cl = TClass::GetClass(packetizer); if (cl == 0) { Error("InitPacketizer", "class '%s' not found", packetizer.Data()); fExitStatus = kAborted; return -1; } // Init the constructor callEnv.InitWithPrototype(cl, cl->GetName(),"TList*,Long64_t,TList*,TProofProgressStatus*"); if (!callEnv.IsValid()) { Error("InitPacketizer", "cannot find correct constructor for '%s'", cl->GetName()); fExitStatus = kAborted; return -1; } callEnv.ResetParam(); callEnv.SetParam((Long_t) fProof->GetListOfActiveSlaves()); callEnv.SetParam((Long64_t) nentries); callEnv.SetParam((Long_t) fInput); callEnv.SetParam((Long_t) fProgressStatus); } else if (dset->TestBit(TDSet::kMultiDSet)) { // We have to process many datasets in one go, keeping them separate if (fProof->GetRunStatus() != TProof::kRunning) { // We have been asked to stop Error("InitPacketizer", "received stop/abort request"); fExitStatus = kAborted; return -1; } // The multi packetizer packetizer = "TPacketizerMulti"; // Get linked to the related class cl = TClass::GetClass(packetizer); if (cl == 0) { Error("InitPacketizer", "class '%s' not found", packetizer.Data()); fExitStatus = kAborted; return -1; } // Init the constructor callEnv.InitWithPrototype(cl, cl->GetName(),"TDSet*,TList*,Long64_t,Long64_t,TList*,TProofProgressStatus*"); if (!callEnv.IsValid()) { Error("InitPacketizer", "cannot find correct constructor for '%s'", cl->GetName()); fExitStatus = kAborted; return -1; } callEnv.ResetParam(); callEnv.SetParam((Long_t) dset); callEnv.SetParam((Long_t) fProof->GetListOfActiveSlaves()); callEnv.SetParam((Long64_t) first); callEnv.SetParam((Long64_t) nentries); callEnv.SetParam((Long_t) fInput); callEnv.SetParam((Long_t) fProgressStatus); // We are going to test validity during the packetizer initialization dset->SetBit(TDSet::kValidityChecked); dset->ResetBit(TDSet::kSomeInvalid); } else { // Lookup - resolve the end-point urls to optmize the distribution. // The lookup was previously called in the packetizer's constructor. // A list for the missing files may already have been added to the // output list; otherwise, if needed it will be created inside if ((listOfMissingFiles = (TList *)fInput->FindObject("MissingFiles"))) { // Move it to the output list fInput->Remove(listOfMissingFiles); } else { listOfMissingFiles = new TList; } // Do the lookup; we only skip it if explicitly requested so. TString lkopt; if (TProof::GetParameter(fInput, "PROOF_LookupOpt", lkopt) != 0 || lkopt != "none") dset->Lookup(kTRUE, &listOfMissingFiles); if (fProof->GetRunStatus() != TProof::kRunning) { // We have been asked to stop Error("InitPacketizer", "received stop/abort request"); fExitStatus = kAborted; return -1; } if (!(dset->GetListOfElements()) || !(dset->GetListOfElements()->GetSize())) { if (gProofServ) gProofServ->SendAsynMessage("InitPacketizer: No files from the data set were found - Aborting"); Error("InitPacketizer", "No files from the data set were found - Aborting"); fExitStatus = kAborted; if (listOfMissingFiles) { listOfMissingFiles->SetOwner(); fOutput->Remove(listOfMissingFiles); SafeDelete(listOfMissingFiles); } return -1; } if (TProof::GetParameter(fInput, "PROOF_Packetizer", packetizer) != 0) // Using standard packetizer TAdaptivePacketizer packetizer = defpackdata; else Info("InitPacketizer", "using alternate packetizer: %s", packetizer.Data()); // Get linked to the related class cl = TClass::GetClass(packetizer); if (cl == 0) { Error("InitPacketizer", "class '%s' not found", packetizer.Data()); fExitStatus = kAborted; return -1; } // Init the constructor callEnv.InitWithPrototype(cl, cl->GetName(),"TDSet*,TList*,Long64_t,Long64_t,TList*,TProofProgressStatus*"); if (!callEnv.IsValid()) { Error("InitPacketizer", "cannot find correct constructor for '%s'", cl->GetName()); fExitStatus = kAborted; return -1; } callEnv.ResetParam(); callEnv.SetParam((Long_t) dset); callEnv.SetParam((Long_t) fProof->GetListOfActiveSlaves()); callEnv.SetParam((Long64_t) first); callEnv.SetParam((Long64_t) nentries); callEnv.SetParam((Long_t) fInput); callEnv.SetParam((Long_t) fProgressStatus); // We are going to test validity during the packetizer initialization dset->SetBit(TDSet::kValidityChecked); dset->ResetBit(TDSet::kSomeInvalid); } // Get an instance of the packetizer Long_t ret = 0; callEnv.Execute(ret); if ((fPacketizer = (TVirtualPacketizer *)ret) == 0) { Error("InitPacketizer", "cannot construct '%s'", cl->GetName()); fExitStatus = kAborted; return -1; } if (!fPacketizer->IsValid()) { Error("InitPacketizer", "instantiated packetizer object '%s' is invalid", cl->GetName()); fExitStatus = kAborted; SafeDelete(fPacketizer); return -1; } // In multi mode retrieve the list of missing files if (!noData && dset->TestBit(TDSet::kMultiDSet)) { if ((listOfMissingFiles = (TList *) fInput->FindObject("MissingFiles"))) { // Remove it; it will be added to the output list fInput->Remove(listOfMissingFiles); } } if (!noData) { // Add invalid elements to the list of missing elements TDSetElement *elem = 0; if (dset->TestBit(TDSet::kSomeInvalid)) { TIter nxe(dset->GetListOfElements()); while ((elem = (TDSetElement *)nxe())) { if (!elem->GetValid()) { if (!listOfMissingFiles) listOfMissingFiles = new TList; listOfMissingFiles->Add(elem->GetFileInfo(dset->GetType())); dset->Remove(elem, kFALSE); } } // The invalid elements have been removed dset->ResetBit(TDSet::kSomeInvalid); } // Record the list of missing or invalid elements in the output list if (listOfMissingFiles && listOfMissingFiles->GetSize() > 0) { TIter missingFiles(listOfMissingFiles); TString msg; if (gDebug > 0) { TFileInfo *fi = 0; while ((fi = (TFileInfo *) missingFiles.Next())) { if (fi->GetCurrentUrl()) { msg = Form("File not found: %s - skipping!", fi->GetCurrentUrl()->GetUrl()); } else { msg = Form("File not found: %s - skipping!", fi->GetName()); } if (gProofServ) gProofServ->SendAsynMessage(msg.Data()); } } // Make sure it will be sent back if (!GetOutput("MissingFiles")) { listOfMissingFiles->SetName("MissingFiles"); AddOutputObject(listOfMissingFiles); } TStatus *tmpStatus = (TStatus *)GetOutput("PROOF_Status"); if (!tmpStatus) AddOutputObject((tmpStatus = new TStatus())); // Estimate how much data are missing Int_t ngood = dset->GetListOfElements()->GetSize(); Int_t nbad = listOfMissingFiles->GetSize(); Double_t xb = Double_t(nbad) / Double_t(ngood + nbad); msg = Form(" About %.2f %c of the requested files (%d out of %d) were missing or unusable; details in" " the 'missingFiles' list", xb * 100., '%', nbad, nbad + ngood); tmpStatus->Add(msg.Data()); msg = Form(" +++\n" " +++ About %.2f %c of the requested files (%d out of %d) are missing or unusable; details in" " the 'MissingFiles' list\n" " +++", xb * 100., '%', nbad, nbad + ngood); if (gProofServ) gProofServ->SendAsynMessage(msg.Data()); } else { // Cleanup SafeDelete(listOfMissingFiles); } } // Done return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Long64_t TProofPlayerRemote::Process(TDSet *dset, const char *selector_file, Option_t *option, Long64_t nentries, Long64_t first) { // Process specified TDSet on PROOF. // This method is called on client and on the PROOF master. // The return value is -1 in case of an error and TSelector::GetStatus() in // in case of success. PDB(kGlobal,1) Info("Process", "Enter"); fDSet = dset; fExitStatus = kFinished; if (!fProgressStatus) { Error("Process", "No progress status"); return -1; } fProgressStatus->Reset(); // delete fOutput; if (!fOutput) fOutput = new THashList; else fOutput->Clear(); SafeDelete(fFeedbackLists); if (fProof->IsMaster()){ TPerfStats::Start(fInput, fOutput); } else { TPerfStats::Setup(fInput); } TStopwatch elapsed; // Define filename TString fn; fSelectorFileName = selector_file; if (fCreateSelObj) { if(!SendSelector(selector_file)) return -1; fn = gSystem->BaseName(selector_file); } else { fn = selector_file; } TMessage mesg(kPROOF_PROCESS); // Parse option Bool_t sync = (fProof->GetQueryMode(option) == TProof::kSync); TList *inputtmp = 0; // List of temporary input objects TDSet *set = dset; if (fProof->IsMaster()) { PDB(kPacketizer,1) Info("Process","Create Proxy TDSet"); set = new TDSetProxy( dset->GetType(), dset->GetObjName(), dset->GetDirectory() ); if (dset->TestBit(TDSet::kEmpty)) set->SetBit(TDSet::kEmpty); const char *datapack = (fProof->IsLite()) ? "TPacketizer" : "TPacketizerAdaptive"; if (InitPacketizer(dset, nentries, first, "TPacketizerUnit", datapack) != 0) { Error("Process", "cannot init the packetizer"); fExitStatus = kAborted; return -1; } // Reset start, this is now managed by the packetizer first = 0; // Negative memlogfreq disable checks. // If 0 is passed we try to have 100 messages about memory // Otherwise we use the frequency passed. Int_t mrc = -1; Long64_t memlogfreq = -1, mlf; if (gSystem->Getenv("PROOF_MEMLOGFREQ")) { TString clf(gSystem->Getenv("PROOF_MEMLOGFREQ")); if (clf.IsDigit()) { memlogfreq = clf.Atoi(); mrc = 0; } } if ((mrc = TProof::GetParameter(fProof->GetInputList(), "PROOF_MemLogFreq", mlf)) == 0) memlogfreq = mlf; if (memlogfreq == 0) { memlogfreq = fPacketizer->GetTotalEntries()/(fProof->GetParallel()*100); if (memlogfreq <= 0) memlogfreq = 1; } if (mrc == 0) fProof->SetParameter("PROOF_MemLogFreq", memlogfreq); // Send input data, if any TString emsg; if (TProof::SendInputData(fQuery, fProof, emsg) != 0) Warning("Process", "could not forward input data: %s", emsg.Data()); // Attach to the transient histogram with the assigned packets, if required if (fInput->FindObject("PROOF_StatsHist") != 0) { if (!(fProcPackets = (TH1I *) fOutput->FindObject("PROOF_ProcPcktHist"))) { Warning("Process", "could not attach to histogram 'PROOF_ProcPcktHist'"); } else { PDB(kLoop,1) Info("Process", "attached to histogram 'PROOF_ProcPcktHist' to record" " packets being processed"); } } } else { // Check whether we have to enforce the use of submergers if (gEnv->Lookup("Proof.UseMergers") && !fInput->FindObject("PROOF_UseMergers")) { Int_t smg = gEnv->GetValue("Proof.UseMergers",-1); if (smg >= 0) { fInput->Add(new TParameter("PROOF_UseMergers", smg)); if (gEnv->Lookup("Proof.MergersByHost")) { Int_t mbh = gEnv->GetValue("Proof.MergersByHost",0); if (mbh != 0) { // Administrator settings have the priority TObject *o = 0; if ((o = fInput->FindObject("PROOF_MergersByHost"))) { fInput->Remove(o); delete o; } fInput->Add(new TParameter("PROOF_MergersByHost", mbh)); } } } } // For a new query clients should make sure that the temporary // output list is empty if (fOutputLists) { fOutputLists->Delete(); delete fOutputLists; fOutputLists = 0; } if (!sync) { gSystem->RedirectOutput(fProof->fLogFileName); Printf(" "); Info("Process","starting new query"); } // Define fSelector in Client if processing with filename if (fCreateSelObj) { SafeDelete(fSelector); if (!(fSelector = TSelector::GetSelector(selector_file))) { if (!sync) gSystem->RedirectOutput(0); return -1; } } fSelectorClass = 0; fSelectorClass = fSelector->IsA(); // Add fSelector to inputlist if processing with object if (!fCreateSelObj) { // In any input list was set into the selector move it to the PROOF // input list, because we do not want to stream the selector one if (fSelector->GetInputList() && fSelector->GetInputList()->GetSize() > 0) { TIter nxi(fSelector->GetInputList()); TObject *o = 0; while ((o = nxi())) { if (!fInput->FindObject(o)) { fInput->Add(o); if (!inputtmp) { inputtmp = new TList; inputtmp->SetOwner(kFALSE); } inputtmp->Add(o); } } } fInput->Add(fSelector); } // Set the input list for initialization fSelector->SetInputList(fInput); fSelector->SetOption(option); if (fSelector->GetOutputList()) fSelector->GetOutputList()->Clear(); PDB(kLoop,1) Info("Process","Call Begin(0)"); fSelector->Begin(0); // Reset the input list to avoid double streaming and related problems (saving // the TQueryResult) if (!fCreateSelObj) fSelector->SetInputList(0); // Send large input data objects, if any fProof->SendInputDataFile(); if (!sync) gSystem->RedirectOutput(0); } TCleanup clean(this); SetupFeedback(); TString opt = option; // Old servers need a dedicated streamer if (fProof->fProtocol < 13) dset->SetWriteV3(kTRUE); // Workers will get the entry ranges from the packetizer Long64_t num = (gProofServ && gProofServ->IsMaster() && gProofServ->IsParallel()) ? -1 : nentries; Long64_t fst = (gProofServ && gProofServ->IsMaster() && gProofServ->IsParallel()) ? -1 : first; // Entry- or Event- list ? TEntryList *enl = (!fProof->IsMaster()) ? dynamic_cast(set->GetEntryList()) : (TEntryList *)0; TEventList *evl = (!fProof->IsMaster() && !enl) ? dynamic_cast(set->GetEntryList()) : (TEventList *)0; if (fProof->fProtocol > 14) { if (fProcessMessage) delete fProcessMessage; fProcessMessage = new TMessage(kPROOF_PROCESS); mesg << set << fn << fInput << opt << num << fst << evl << sync << enl; (*fProcessMessage) << set << fn << fInput << opt << num << fst << evl << sync << enl; } else { mesg << set << fn << fInput << opt << num << fst << evl << sync; if (enl) // Not supported remotely Warning("Process","entry lists not supported by the server"); } // Reset the merging progress information fProof->ResetMergePrg(); PDB(kGlobal,1) Info("Process","Calling Broadcast"); fProof->Broadcast(mesg); // Reset streamer choice if (fProof->fProtocol < 13) dset->SetWriteV3(kFALSE); // Redirect logs from master to special log frame if (IsClient()) fProof->fRedirLog = kTRUE; if (!IsClient()){ // Signal the start of finalize for the memory log grepping Info("Process|Svc", "Start merging Memory information"); } if (!sync) { if (IsClient()) { // Asynchronous query: just make sure that asynchronous input // is enabled and return the prompt PDB(kGlobal,1) Info("Process","Asynchronous processing:" " activating CollectInputFrom"); fProof->Activate(); // Receive the acknowledgement and query sequential number fProof->Collect(); return fProof->fSeqNum; } else { PDB(kGlobal,1) Info("Process","Calling Collect"); fProof->Collect(); HandleTimer(0); // force an update of final result // This forces a last call to TPacketizer::HandleTimer via the second argument // (the first is ignored). This is needed when some events were skipped so that // the total number of entries is not the one requested. The packetizer has no // way in such a case to understand that processing is finished: it must be told. if (fPacketizer) { fPacketizer->StopProcess(kFALSE, kTRUE); // The progress timer will now stop itself at the next call fPacketizer->SetBit(TVirtualPacketizer::kIsDone); // Store process info elapsed.Stop(); if (fQuery) fQuery->SetProcessInfo(0, 0., fPacketizer->GetBytesRead(), fPacketizer->GetInitTime(), elapsed.RealTime()); } StopFeedback(); return Finalize(kFALSE,sync); } } else { PDB(kGlobal,1) Info("Process","Synchronous processing: calling Collect"); fProof->Collect(); if (!(fProof->IsSync())) { // The server required to switch to asynchronous mode Info("Process", "switching to the asynchronous mode ..."); return fProof->fSeqNum; } // Restore prompt logging, for clients (Collect leaves things as they were // at the time it was called) if (IsClient()) fProof->fRedirLog = kFALSE; if (!IsClient()) { // Force an update of final result HandleTimer(0); // This forces a last call to TPacketizer::HandleTimer via the second argument // (the first is ignored). This is needed when some events were skipped so that // the total number of entries is not the one requested. The packetizer has no // way in such a case to understand that processing is finished: it must be told. if (fPacketizer) { fPacketizer->StopProcess(kFALSE, kTRUE); // The progress timer will now stop itself at the next call fPacketizer->SetBit(TVirtualPacketizer::kIsDone); // Store process info if (fQuery) fQuery->SetProcessInfo(0, 0., fPacketizer->GetBytesRead(), fPacketizer->GetInitTime(), fPacketizer->GetProcTime()); } } else { // Set the input list: maybe required at termination if (!fCreateSelObj) fSelector->SetInputList(fInput); } StopFeedback(); Long64_t rc = -1; if (!IsClient() || GetExitStatus() != TProofPlayer::kAborted) rc = Finalize(kFALSE,sync); // Remove temporary input objects, if any if (inputtmp) { TIter nxi(inputtmp); TObject *o = 0; while ((o = nxi())) fInput->Remove(o); SafeDelete(inputtmp); } // Done return rc; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ Long64_t TProofPlayerRemote::Process(TDSet *dset, TSelector *selector, Option_t *option, Long64_t nentries, Long64_t first) { // Process specified TDSet on PROOF. // This method is called on client and on the PROOF master. // The return value is -1 in case of an error and TSelector::GetStatus() in // in case of success. if (!selector) { Error("Process", "selector object undefined"); return -1; } // Define fSelector in Client if (IsClient() && (selector != fSelector)) { if (fCreateSelObj) SafeDelete(fSelector); fSelector = selector; } fCreateSelObj = kFALSE; Long64_t rc = Process(dset, selector->ClassName(), option, nentries, first); fCreateSelObj = kTRUE; // Done return rc; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TProofPlayerRemote::JoinProcess(TList *workers) { // Prepares the given list of new workers to join a progressing process. // Returns kTRUE on success, kFALSE otherwise. if (!fProcessMessage || !fProof || !fPacketizer) { Error("Process", "Should not happen: fProcessMessage=%p fProof=%p fPacketizer=%p", fProcessMessage, fProof, fPacketizer); return kFALSE; } if (!workers || !fProof->IsMaster()) { Error("Process", "Invalid call"); return kFALSE; } PDB(kGlobal, 1) Info("Process", "Preparing %d new worker(s) to process", workers->GetEntries()); // Sends the file associated to the TSelector, if necessary if (fCreateSelObj) { PDB(kGlobal, 2) Info("Process", "Sending selector file %s", fSelectorFileName.Data()); if(!SendSelector(fSelectorFileName.Data())) { Error("Process", "Problems in sending selector file %s", fSelectorFileName.Data()); return kFALSE; } } PDB(kGlobal, 2) Info("Process", "Adding new workers to the packetizer"); if (fPacketizer->AddWorkers(workers) == -1) { Error("Process", "Cannot add new workers to the packetizer!"); return kFALSE; // TODO: make new wrks inactive } PDB(kGlobal, 2) Info("Process", "Broadcasting process message to new workers"); fProof->Broadcast(*fProcessMessage, workers); // Don't call Collect(): we came here from a global Collect() already which // will take care of new workers as well return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TProofPlayerRemote::MergeOutputFiles() { // Merge output in files PDB(kOutput,1) Info("MergeOutputFiles", "enter: fOutput size: %d", fOutput->GetSize()); PDB(kOutput,2) fOutput->ls(); TList *rmList = 0; if (fMergeFiles) { TIter nxo(fOutput); TObject *o = 0; TProofOutputFile *pf = 0; while ((o = nxo())) { if ((pf = dynamic_cast(o))) { PDB(kOutput,2) pf->Print(); if (pf->IsMerge()) { // Point to the merger Bool_t localMerge = (pf->GetTypeOpt() == TProofOutputFile::kLocal) ? kTRUE : kFALSE; TFileMerger *filemerger = pf->GetFileMerger(localMerge); if (!filemerger) { Error("MergeOutputFiles", "file merger is null in TProofOutputFile! Protocol error?"); pf->Print(); continue; } // If only one instance the list in the merger is not yet created: do it now if (!pf->IsMerged()) { PDB(kOutput,2) pf->Print(); TString fileLoc = TString::Format("%s/%s", pf->GetDir(), pf->GetFileName()); filemerger->AddFile(fileLoc); } // Datadir TString ddir, ddopts; if (gProofServ) { ddir.Form("%s/", gProofServ->GetDataDir()); if (gProofServ->GetDataDirOpts()) ddopts= gProofServ->GetDataDirOpts(); } // Set the output file TString outfile(pf->GetOutputFileName()); if (outfile.Contains("/")) { outfile.ReplaceAll("/", ddir.Data()); if (!ddopts.IsNull()) outfile += TString::Format("?%s", ddopts.Data()); pf->SetOutputFileName(outfile); } if ((gProofServ && gProofServ->IsTopMaster()) || (fProof && fProof->IsLite())) { TFile::EFileType ftyp = TFile::kLocal; TString srv; TProofServ::GetLocalServer(srv); TUrl usrv(srv); Bool_t localFile = kFALSE; if (pf->IsRetrieve()) { // This file will be retrieved by the client: we created it in the data dir // and save the file URL on the client in the title if (outfile.BeginsWith("client:")) outfile.Replace(0, 7, ""); TString bn = gSystem->BaseName(TUrl(outfile.Data(), kTRUE).GetFile()); // The output file path on the master outfile.Form("%s%s", ddir.Data(), bn.Data()); // Save the client path in the title if not defined yet if (strlen(pf->GetTitle()) <= 0) pf->SetTitle(bn); // The file is local localFile = kTRUE; } else { // Check if the file is on the master or elsewhere if (outfile.BeginsWith("master:")) outfile.Replace(0, 7, ""); // Check locality TUrl uof(outfile.Data(), kTRUE); TString lfn; ftyp = TFile::GetType(uof.GetUrl(), "RECREATE", &lfn); if (ftyp == TFile::kLocal && !srv.IsNull()) { // Check if is a different server if (uof.GetPort() > 0 && usrv.GetPort() > 0 && usrv.GetPort() != uof.GetPort()) ftyp = TFile::kNet; } // If it is really local set the file name if (ftyp == TFile::kLocal) outfile = lfn; // The file maybe local if (ftyp == TFile::kLocal || ftyp == TFile::kFile) localFile = kTRUE; } // The remote output file name (the one to be used by the client) TString outfilerem(outfile); // For local files we add the local server if (localFile) { // Remove prefix, if any, if included and if Xrootd TProofServ::FilterLocalroot(outfilerem, srv); outfilerem.Insert(0, srv); } // Save the new remote output filename pf->SetOutputFileName(outfilerem); // Align the filename pf->SetFileName(gSystem->BaseName(outfilerem)); } if (!filemerger->OutputFile(outfile)) { Error("MergeOutputFiles", "cannot open the output file"); continue; } // Merge PDB(kSubmerger,2) filemerger->PrintFiles(""); if (!filemerger->Merge()) { Error("MergeOutputFiles", "cannot merge the output files"); continue; } // Remove the files TList *fileList = filemerger->GetMergeList(); if (fileList) { TIter next(fileList); TObjString *url = 0; while((url = (TObjString*)next())) { TUrl u(url->GetName()); if (!strcmp(u.GetProtocol(), "file")) { gSystem->Unlink(u.GetFile()); } else { gSystem->Unlink(url->GetName()); } } } // Reset the merger filemerger->Reset(); } else { // If not yet merged (for example when having only 1 active worker, // we need to create the dataset by calling Merge on an effectively empty list if (!pf->IsMerged()) { TList dumlist; dumlist.Add(new TNamed("dum", "dum")); dumlist.SetOwner(kTRUE); pf->Merge(&dumlist); } // Point to the dataset TFileCollection *fc = pf->GetFileCollection(); if (!fc) { Error("MergeOutputFiles", "file collection is null in TProofOutputFile! Protocol error?"); pf->Print(); continue; } // Add the collection to the output list for registration and/or to be returned // to the client fOutput->Add(fc); // Do not cleanup at destruction pf->ResetFileCollection(); // Tell the main thread to register this dataset, if needed if (pf->IsRegister()) { TString opt; if ((pf->GetTypeOpt() & TProofOutputFile::kOverwrite)) opt += "O"; if ((pf->GetTypeOpt() & TProofOutputFile::kVerify)) opt += "V"; if (!fOutput->FindObject("PROOFSERV_RegisterDataSet")) fOutput->Add(new TNamed("PROOFSERV_RegisterDataSet", "")); TString tag = TString::Format("DATASET_%s", pf->GetTitle()); fOutput->Add(new TNamed(tag, opt)); } // Remove this object from the output list and schedule it for distruction fOutput->Remove(pf); if (!rmList) rmList = new TList; rmList->Add(pf); PDB(kOutput,2) fOutput->Print(); } } } } // Remove objects scheduled for removal if (rmList && rmList->GetSize() > 0) { TIter nxo(rmList); TObject *o = 0; while((o = nxo())) { fOutput->Remove(o); } rmList->SetOwner(kTRUE); delete rmList; } PDB(kOutput,1) Info("MergeOutputFiles", "done!"); // Done return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofPlayerRemote::SetSelectorDataMembersFromOutputList() { // Set the selector's data members: // find the mapping of data members to otuput list entries in the output list // and apply it. TOutputListSelectorDataMap* olsdm = TOutputListSelectorDataMap::FindInList(fOutput); if (!olsdm) { PDB(kOutput,1) Warning("SetSelectorDataMembersFromOutputList", "failed to find map object in output list!"); return; } olsdm->SetDataMembers(fSelector); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Long64_t TProofPlayerRemote::Finalize(Bool_t force, Bool_t sync) { // Finalize a query. // Returns -1 in case of an error, 0 otherwise. if (IsClient()) { if (fOutputLists == 0) { if (force) if (fQuery) return fProof->Finalize(Form("%s:%s", fQuery->GetTitle(), fQuery->GetName()), force); } else { // Make sure the all objects are in the output list PDB(kGlobal,1) Info("Finalize","Calling Merge Output to finalize the output list"); MergeOutput(); } } Long64_t rv = 0; if (fProof->IsMaster()) { // Fill information for monitoring and stop it TStatus *status = (TStatus *) fOutput->FindObject("PROOF_Status"); if (!status) { // The query was aborted: let's add some info in the output list status = new TStatus(); fOutput->Add(status); TString emsg = TString::Format("Query aborted after %lld entries", GetEventsProcessed()); status->Add(emsg); } status->SetExitStatus((Int_t) GetExitStatus()); PDB(kOutput,1) Info("Finalize","Calling Merge Output"); // Some objects (e.g. histos in autobin) may not have been merged yet // do it now MergeOutput(); fOutput->SetOwner(); // Add the active-wrks-vs-proctime info from the packetizer if (fPacketizer) { TObject *pperf = (TObject *) fPacketizer->GetProgressPerf(kTRUE); if (pperf) fOutput->Add(pperf); TList *parms = fPacketizer->GetConfigParams(kTRUE); if (parms) { TIter nxo(parms); TObject *o = 0; while ((o = nxo())) fOutput->Add(o); } // If other invalid elements were found during processing, add them to the // list of missing elements TDSetElement *elem = 0; if (fPacketizer->GetFailedPackets()) { TString type = (fPacketizer->TestBit(TVirtualPacketizer::kIsTree)) ? "TTree" : ""; TList *listOfMissingFiles = (TList *) fOutput->FindObject("MissingFiles"); if (!listOfMissingFiles) { listOfMissingFiles = new TList; listOfMissingFiles->SetName("MissingFiles"); } TIter nxe(fPacketizer->GetFailedPackets()); while ((elem = (TDSetElement *)nxe())) listOfMissingFiles->Add(elem->GetFileInfo(type)); if (!fOutput->FindObject(listOfMissingFiles)) fOutput->Add(listOfMissingFiles); } } TPerfStats::Stop(); // Save memory usage on master Long_t vmaxmst, rmaxmst; TPerfStats::GetMemValues(vmaxmst, rmaxmst); status->SetMemValues(vmaxmst, rmaxmst, kTRUE); SafeDelete(fSelector); } else { if (fExitStatus != kAborted) { if (!sync) { // Reinit selector (with multi-sessioning we must do this until // TSelector::GetSelector() is optimized to i) avoid reloading of an // unchanged selector and ii) invalidate existing instances of // reloaded selector) if (ReinitSelector(fQuery) == -1) { Info("Finalize", "problems reinitializing selector \"%s\"", fQuery->GetSelecImp()->GetName()); return -1; } } if (fPacketizer) if (TList *failedPackets = fPacketizer->GetFailedPackets()) { fPacketizer->SetFailedPackets(0); failedPackets->SetName("FailedPackets"); AddOutputObject(failedPackets); TStatus *status = (TStatus *)GetOutput("PROOF_Status"); if (!status) AddOutputObject((status = new TStatus())); status->Add("Some packets were not processed! Check the the" " 'FailedPackets' list in the output list"); } // Some input parameters may be needed in Terminate fSelector->SetInputList(fInput); TList *output = fSelector->GetOutputList(); if (output) { TIter next(fOutput); while(TObject* obj = next()) { if (fProof->IsParallel() || DrawCanvas(obj) == 1) // Either parallel or not a canvas or not able to display it: // just add to the list output->Add(obj); } } else { Warning("Finalize", "undefined output list in the selector! Protocol error?"); } // We need to do this because the output list can be modified in TSelector::Terminate // in a way to invalidate existing objects; so we clean the links when still valid and // we re-copy back later fOutput->SetOwner(kFALSE); fOutput->Clear("nodelete"); // Map output objects to selector members SetSelectorDataMembersFromOutputList(); PDB(kLoop,1) Info("Finalize","Call Terminate()"); fSelector->Terminate(); rv = fSelector->GetStatus(); // Copy the output list back and clean the selector's list TIter it(output); while(TObject* o = it()) { fOutput->Add(o); } // Save the output list in the current query, if any if (fQuery) { fQuery->SetOutputList(fOutput); // Set in finalized state (cannot be done twice) fQuery->SetFinalized(); } else { Warning("Finalize","current TQueryResult object is undefined!"); } if (!fCreateSelObj) { fInput->Remove(fSelector); fOutput->Remove(fSelector); if (output) output->Remove(fSelector); fSelector = 0; } // We have transferred copy of the output objects in TQueryResult, // so now we can cleanup the selector, making sure that we do not // touch the output objects if (output) { output->SetOwner(kFALSE); output->Clear("nodelete"); } if (fCreateSelObj) SafeDelete(fSelector); // Delete fOutput (not needed anymore, cannot be finalized twice), // making sure that the objects saved in TQueryResult are not deleted fOutput->SetOwner(kFALSE); fOutput->Clear("nodelete"); SafeDelete(fOutput); } else { // Cleanup fOutput->SetOwner(); SafeDelete(fSelector); if (!fCreateSelObj) fSelector = 0; } } PDB(kGlobal,1) Info("Process","exit"); if (!IsClient()) { Info("Finalize", "finalization on %s finished", gProofServ->GetPrefix()); } fProof->FinalizationDone(); return rv; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Long64_t TProofPlayerRemote::Finalize(TQueryResult *qr) { // Finalize the results of a query already processed. PDB(kGlobal,1) Info("Finalize(TQueryResult *)","Enter"); if (!IsClient()) { Info("Finalize(TQueryResult *)", "method to be executed only on the clients"); return -1; } if (!qr) { Info("Finalize(TQueryResult *)", "query undefined"); return -1; } if (qr->IsFinalized()) { Info("Finalize(TQueryResult *)", "query already finalized"); return -1; } // Reset the list if (!fOutput) fOutput = new THashList; else fOutput->Clear(); // Make sure that the temporary output list is empty if (fOutputLists) { fOutputLists->Delete(); delete fOutputLists; fOutputLists = 0; } // Re-init the selector gSystem->RedirectOutput(fProof->fLogFileName); // Import the output list TList *tmp = (TList *) qr->GetOutputList(); if (!tmp) { gSystem->RedirectOutput(0); Info("Finalize(TQueryResult *)", "outputlist is empty"); return -1; } TList *out = fOutput; if (fProof->fProtocol < 11) out = new TList; TIter nxo(tmp); TObject *o = 0; while ((o = nxo())) out->Add(o->Clone()); // Adopts the list if (fProof->fProtocol < 11) { out->SetOwner(); StoreOutput(out); } gSystem->RedirectOutput(0); SetSelectorDataMembersFromOutputList(); // Finalize it SetCurrentQuery(qr); Long64_t rc = Finalize(); RestorePreviousQuery(); return rc; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TProofPlayerRemote::SendSelector(const char* selector_file) { // Send the selector file(s) to master or worker nodes. // Check input if (!selector_file) { Info("SendSelector", "Invalid input: selector (file) name undefined"); return kFALSE; } if (!strchr(gSystem->BaseName(selector_file), '.')) { if (gDebug > 1) Info("SendSelector", "selector name '%s' does not contain a '.':" " nothing to send, it will be loaded from a library", selector_file); return kTRUE; } // Extract the fine name first TString selec = selector_file; TString aclicMode; TString arguments; TString io; selec = gSystem->SplitAclicMode(selec, aclicMode, arguments, io); // Expand possible envs or '~' gSystem->ExpandPathName(selec); // Update the macro path TString mp(TROOT::GetMacroPath()); TString np(gSystem->DirName(selec)); if (!np.IsNull()) { np += ":"; if (!mp.BeginsWith(np) && !mp.Contains(":"+np)) { Int_t ip = (mp.BeginsWith(".:")) ? 2 : 0; mp.Insert(ip, np); TROOT::SetMacroPath(mp); if (gDebug > 0) Info("SendSelector", "macro path set to '%s'", TROOT::GetMacroPath()); } } // Header file TString header = selec; header.Remove(header.Last('.')); header += ".h"; if (gSystem->AccessPathName(header, kReadPermission)) { TString h = header; header.Remove(header.Last('.')); header += ".hh"; if (gSystem->AccessPathName(header, kReadPermission)) { Info("SendSelector", "header file not found: tried: %s %s", h.Data(), header.Data()); return kFALSE; } } // Send files now if (fProof->SendFile(selec, (TProof::kBinary | TProof::kForward | TProof::kCp | TProof::kCpBin)) == -1) { Info("SendSelector", "problems sending implementation file %s", selec.Data()); return kFALSE; } if (fProof->SendFile(header, (TProof::kBinary | TProof::kForward | TProof::kCp)) == -1) { Info("SendSelector", "problems sending header file %s", header.Data()); return kFALSE; } return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofPlayerRemote::MergeOutput() { // Merge objects in output the lists. PDB(kOutput,1) Info("MergeOutput","Enter"); TObject *obj = 0; if (fOutputLists) { TIter next(fOutputLists); TList *list; while ( (list = (TList *) next()) ) { if (!(obj = fOutput->FindObject(list->GetName()))) { obj = list->First(); list->Remove(obj); fOutput->Add(obj); } if ( list->IsEmpty() ) continue; TMethodCall callEnv; if (obj->IsA()) callEnv.InitWithPrototype(obj->IsA(), "Merge", "TCollection*"); if (callEnv.IsValid()) { callEnv.SetParam((Long_t) list); callEnv.Execute(obj); } else { // No Merge interface, return individual objects while ( (obj = list->First()) ) { fOutput->Add(obj); list->Remove(obj); } } } SafeDelete(fOutputLists); } else { PDB(kOutput,1) Info("MergeOutput","fOutputLists empty"); } if (!IsClient() || fProof->IsLite()) { // Merge the output files created on workers, if any MergeOutputFiles(); } // If there are TProofOutputFile objects we have to make sure that the internal // information is consistent for the cases where this object is going to be merged // again (e.g. when using submergers or in a multi-master setup). This may not be // the case because the first coming in is taken as reference and it has the // internal dir and raw dir of the originating worker. TString key; TNamed *nm = 0; TList rmlist; TIter nxo(fOutput); while ((obj = nxo())) { TProofOutputFile *pf = dynamic_cast(obj); if (pf) { if (gProofServ) { PDB(kOutput,2) Info("MergeOutput","found TProofOutputFile '%s'", obj->GetName()); TString dir(pf->GetOutputFileName()); PDB(kOutput,2) Info("MergeOutput","outputfilename: '%s'", dir.Data()); // The dir if (dir.Last('/') != kNPOS) dir.Remove(dir.Last('/')+1); PDB(kOutput,2) Info("MergeOutput","dir: '%s'", dir.Data()); pf->SetDir(dir); // The raw dir; for xrootd based system we include the 'localroot', if any TUrl u(dir); dir = u.GetFile(); TString pfx = gEnv->GetValue("Path.Localroot",""); if (!pfx.IsNull() && (!strcmp(u.GetProtocol(), "root") || !strcmp(u.GetProtocol(), "xrd"))) dir.Insert(0, pfx); PDB(kOutput,2) Info("MergeOutput","rawdir: '%s'", dir.Data()); pf->SetDir(dir, kTRUE); // The worker ordinal pf->SetWorkerOrdinal(gProofServ ? gProofServ->GetOrdinal() : "0"); // The saved output file name, if any key.Form("PROOF_OutputFileName_%s", pf->GetFileName()); if ((nm = (TNamed *) fOutput->FindObject(key.Data()))) { pf->SetOutputFileName(nm->GetTitle()); rmlist.Add(nm); } else if (TestBit(TVirtualProofPlayer::kIsSubmerger)) { pf->SetOutputFileName(0); pf->ResetBit(TProofOutputFile::kOutputFileNameSet); } // The filename (order is important to exclude '.merger' from the key) dir = pf->GetFileName(); if (TestBit(TVirtualProofPlayer::kIsSubmerger)) { dir += ".merger"; pf->SetMerged(kFALSE); } else { if (dir.EndsWith(".merger")) dir.Remove(dir.Last('.')); } pf->SetFileName(dir); } else if (fProof->IsLite()) { // The ordinal pf->SetWorkerOrdinal("0"); // The dir pf->SetDir(gSystem->DirName(pf->GetOutputFileName())); // The filename and raw dir TUrl u(pf->GetOutputFileName(), kTRUE); pf->SetFileName(gSystem->BaseName(u.GetFile())); pf->SetDir(gSystem->DirName(u.GetFile()), kTRUE); // Notify the output path Printf("\nOutput file: %s", pf->GetOutputFileName()); } } else { PDB(kOutput,2) Info("MergeOutput","output object '%s' is not a TProofOutputFile", obj->GetName()); } } // Remove temporary objects from fOutput if (rmlist.GetSize() > 0) { TIter nxrm(&rmlist); while ((obj = nxrm())) fOutput->Remove(obj); rmlist.SetOwner(kTRUE); } PDB(kOutput,1) fOutput->Print(); PDB(kOutput,1) Info("MergeOutput","leave (%d object(s))", fOutput->GetSize()); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofPlayerRemote::Progress(Long64_t total, Long64_t processed) { // Progress signal. if (IsClient()) { fProof->Progress(total, processed); } else { // Send to the previous tier TMessage m(kPROOF_PROGRESS); m << total << processed; gProofServ->GetSocket()->Send(m); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofPlayerRemote::Progress(Long64_t total, Long64_t processed, Long64_t bytesread, Float_t initTime, Float_t procTime, Float_t evtrti, Float_t mbrti) { // Progress signal. PDB(kGlobal,1) Info("Progress","%lld %lld %lld %f %f %f %f", total, processed, bytesread, initTime, procTime, evtrti, mbrti); if (IsClient()) { fProof->Progress(total, processed, bytesread, initTime, procTime, evtrti, mbrti); } else { // Send to the previous tier TMessage m(kPROOF_PROGRESS); m << total << processed << bytesread << initTime << procTime << evtrti << mbrti; gProofServ->GetSocket()->Send(m); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofPlayerRemote::Progress(TProofProgressInfo *pi) { // Progress signal. if (pi) { PDB(kGlobal,1) Info("Progress","%lld %lld %lld %f %f %f %f %d %f", pi->fTotal, pi->fProcessed, pi->fBytesRead, pi->fInitTime, pi->fProcTime, pi->fEvtRateI, pi->fMBRateI, pi->fActWorkers, pi->fEffSessions); if (IsClient()) { fProof->Progress(pi->fTotal, pi->fProcessed, pi->fBytesRead, pi->fInitTime, pi->fProcTime, pi->fEvtRateI, pi->fMBRateI, pi->fActWorkers, pi->fTotSessions, pi->fEffSessions); } else { // Send to the previous tier TMessage m(kPROOF_PROGRESS); m << pi; gProofServ->GetSocket()->Send(m); } } else { Warning("Progress","TProofProgressInfo object undefined!"); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofPlayerRemote::Feedback(TList *objs) { // Feedback signal. fProof->Feedback(objs); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofPlayerRemote::StopProcess(Bool_t abort, Int_t) { // Stop process after this event. if (fPacketizer != 0) fPacketizer->StopProcess(abort, kFALSE); if (abort == kTRUE) fExitStatus = kAborted; else fExitStatus = kStopped; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TProofPlayerRemote::AddOutputObject(TObject *obj) { // Incorporate the received object 'obj' into the output list fOutput. // The latter is created if not existing. // This method short cuts 'StoreOutput + MergeOutput' optimizing the memory // consumption. // Returns -1 in case of error, 1 if the object has been merged into another // one (so that its ownership has not been taken and can be deleted), and 0 // otherwise. PDB(kOutput,1) Info("AddOutputObject","Enter: %p (%s)", obj, obj ? obj->ClassName() : "undef"); // We must something to process if (!obj) { PDB(kOutput,1) Info("AddOutputObject","Invalid input (obj == 0x0)"); return -1; } // Create the output list, if not yet done if (!fOutput) fOutput = new THashList; // Flag about merging Bool_t merged = kTRUE; // Process event lists first TList *elists = dynamic_cast (obj); if (elists && !strcmp(elists->GetName(), "PROOF_EventListsList")) { // Create a global event list, result of merging the event lists // coresponding to the various data set elements TEventList *evlist = new TEventList("PROOF_EventList"); // Iterate the list of event list segments TIter nxevl(elists); TEventList *evl = 0; while ((evl = dynamic_cast (nxevl()))) { // Find the file offset (fDSet is the current TDSet instance) // locating the element by name TIter nxelem(fDSet->GetListOfElements()); TDSetElement *elem = 0; while ((elem = dynamic_cast (nxelem()))) { if (!strcmp(elem->GetFileName(), evl->GetName())) break; } if (!elem) { Error("AddOutputObject", "Found an event list for %s, but no object with" " the same name in the TDSet", evl->GetName()); continue; } Long64_t offset = elem->GetTDSetOffset(); // Shift the list by the number of first event in that file Long64_t *arr = evl->GetList(); Int_t num = evl->GetN(); if (arr && offset > 0) for (Int_t i = 0; i < num; i++) arr[i] += offset; // Add to the global event list evlist->Add(evl); } // Incorporate the resulting global list in fOutput SetLastMergingMsg(evlist); Incorporate(evlist, fOutput, merged); NotifyMemory(evlist); // Delete the global list if merged if (merged) SafeDelete(evlist); // The original object has been transformed in something else; we do // not have ownership on it return 1; } // Check if we need to merge files TProofOutputFile *pf = dynamic_cast(obj); if (pf) { fMergeFiles = kTRUE; if (!IsClient() || fProof->IsLite()) { if (pf->IsMerge()) { Bool_t hasfout = (pf->GetOutputFileName() && strlen(pf->GetOutputFileName()) > 0 && pf->TestBit(TProofOutputFile::kOutputFileNameSet)) ? kTRUE : kFALSE; Bool_t setfout = (!hasfout || TestBit(TVirtualProofPlayer::kIsSubmerger)) ? kTRUE : kFALSE; if (setfout) { TString ddir, ddopts; if (gProofServ) { ddir.Form("%s/", gProofServ->GetDataDir()); if (gProofServ->GetDataDirOpts()) ddopts = gProofServ->GetDataDirOpts(); } // Set the output file TString outfile(pf->GetOutputFileName()); outfile.ReplaceAll("/", ddir.Data()); if (!ddopts.IsNull()) outfile += TString::Format("?%s", ddopts.Data()); pf->SetOutputFileName(outfile); if (gProofServ) { // If submerger, save first the existing filename, if any if (TestBit(TVirtualProofPlayer::kIsSubmerger) && hasfout) { TString key = TString::Format("PROOF_OutputFileName_%s", pf->GetFileName()); if (!fOutput->FindObject(key.Data())) fOutput->Add(new TNamed(key.Data(), pf->GetOutputFileName())); } TString of; TProofServ::GetLocalServer(of); if (of.IsNull()) { // Assume an xroot server running on the machine of.Form("root://%s/", gSystem->HostName()); if (gSystem->Getenv("XRDPORT")) { TString sp(gSystem->Getenv("XRDPORT")); if (sp.IsDigit()) of.Form("root://%s:%s/", gSystem->HostName(), sp.Data()); } } TString sessionPath(gProofServ->GetSessionDir()); TProofServ::FilterLocalroot(sessionPath, of); of += TString::Format("%s/%s", sessionPath.Data(), pf->GetFileName()); if (TestBit(TVirtualProofPlayer::kIsSubmerger)) { if (!of.EndsWith(".merger")) of += ".merger"; } else { if (of.EndsWith(".merger")) of.Remove(of.Last('.')); } pf->SetOutputFileName(of); } } // Notify PDB(kOutput, 1) pf->Print(); } } else { // On clients notify the output path Printf("Output file: %s", pf->GetOutputFileName()); } } // For other objects we just run the incorporation procedure SetLastMergingMsg(obj); Incorporate(obj, fOutput, merged); NotifyMemory(obj); // We are done return (merged ? 1 : 0); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofPlayerRemote::RedirectOutput(Bool_t on) { // Control output redirection to TProof::fLogFileW if (on && fProof && fProof->fLogFileW) { TProofServ::SetErrorHandlerFile(fProof->fLogFileW); fErrorHandler = SetErrorHandler(TProofServ::ErrorHandler); } else if (!on) { if (fErrorHandler) { TProofServ::SetErrorHandlerFile(0); SetErrorHandler(fErrorHandler); } } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofPlayerRemote::AddOutput(TList *out) { // Incorporate the content of the received output list 'out' into the final // output list fOutput. The latter is created if not existing. // This method short cuts 'StoreOutput + MergeOutput' limiting the memory // consumption. PDB(kOutput,1) Info("AddOutput","Enter"); // We must something to process if (!out) { PDB(kOutput,1) Info("AddOutput","Invalid input (out == 0x0)"); return; } // Create the output list, if not yet done if (!fOutput) fOutput = new THashList; // Process event lists first Bool_t merged = kTRUE; TList *elists = dynamic_cast (out->FindObject("PROOF_EventListsList")); if (elists) { // Create a global event list, result of merging the event lists // corresponding to the various data set elements TEventList *evlist = new TEventList("PROOF_EventList"); // Iterate the list of event list segments TIter nxevl(elists); TEventList *evl = 0; while ((evl = dynamic_cast (nxevl()))) { // Find the file offset (fDSet is the current TDSet instance) // locating the element by name TIter nxelem(fDSet->GetListOfElements()); TDSetElement *elem = 0; while ((elem = dynamic_cast (nxelem()))) { if (!strcmp(elem->GetFileName(), evl->GetName())) break; } if (!elem) { Error("AddOutput", "Found an event list for %s, but no object with" " the same name in the TDSet", evl->GetName()); continue; } Long64_t offset = elem->GetTDSetOffset(); // Shift the list by the number of first event in that file Long64_t *arr = evl->GetList(); Int_t num = evl->GetN(); if (arr && offset > 0) for (Int_t i = 0; i < num; i++) arr[i] += offset; // Add to the global event list evlist->Add(evl); } // Remove and delete the events lists object to avoid spoiling iteration // during next steps out->Remove(elists); delete elists; // Incorporate the resulting global list in fOutput SetLastMergingMsg(evlist); Incorporate(evlist, fOutput, merged); NotifyMemory(evlist); } // Iterate on the remaining objects in the received list TIter nxo(out); TObject *obj = 0; while ((obj = nxo())) { SetLastMergingMsg(obj); Incorporate(obj, fOutput, merged); // If not merged, drop from the temporary list, as the ownership // passes to fOutput if (!merged) out->Remove(obj); NotifyMemory(obj); } // Done return; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofPlayerRemote::NotifyMemory(TObject *obj) { // Printout the memory record after merging object 'obj' // This record is used by the memory monitor if (fProof && (!IsClient() || fProof->IsLite())){ ProcInfo_t pi; if (!gSystem->GetProcInfo(&pi)){ // For PROOF-Lite we redirect this output to a the open log file so that the // memory monitor can pick these messages up RedirectOutput(fProof->IsLite()); Info("NotifyMemory|Svc", "Memory %ld virtual %ld resident after merging object %s", pi.fMemVirtual, pi.fMemResident, obj->GetName()); RedirectOutput(0); } // Record also values for monitoring TPerfStats::SetMemValues(); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofPlayerRemote::SetLastMergingMsg(TObject *obj) { // Set the message to be notified in case of exception TString lastMsg = TString::Format("while merging object '%s'", obj->GetName()); TProofServ::SetLastMsg(lastMsg); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TProofPlayerRemote::Incorporate(TObject *newobj, TList *outlist, Bool_t &merged) { // Incorporate object 'newobj' in the list 'outlist'. // The object is merged with an object of the same name already existing in // the list, or just added. // The boolean merged is set to kFALSE when the object is just added to 'outlist'; // this happens if the Merge() method does not exist or if a object named as 'obj' // is not already in the list. If the obj is not 'merged' than it should not be // deleted, unless outlist is not owner of its objects. // Return 0 on success, -1 on error. merged = kTRUE; PDB(kOutput,1) Info("Incorporate", "enter: obj: %p (%s), list: %p", newobj, newobj ? newobj->ClassName() : "undef", outlist); // The object and list must exist if (!newobj || !outlist) { Error("Incorporate","Invalid inputs: obj: %p, list: %p", newobj, outlist); return -1; } // Special treatment for histograms in autobin mode Bool_t specialH = (!fProof || !fProof->TestBit(TProof::kIsClient) || fProof->IsLite()) ? kTRUE : kFALSE; if (specialH && newobj->InheritsFrom(TH1::Class())) { if (!HandleHistogram(newobj, merged)) { if (merged) { PDB(kOutput,1) Info("Incorporate", "histogram object '%s' merged", newobj->GetName()); } else { PDB(kOutput,1) Info("Incorporate", "histogram object '%s' added to the" " appropriate list for delayed merging", newobj->GetName()); } return 0; } } // Check if an object with the same name exists already TObject *obj = outlist->FindObject(newobj->GetName()); // If no, add the new object and return if (!obj) { outlist->Add(newobj); merged = kFALSE; // Done return 0; } // Locate the Merge(TCollection *) method TMethodCall callEnv; if (obj->IsA()) callEnv.InitWithPrototype(obj->IsA(), "Merge", "TCollection*"); if (callEnv.IsValid()) { // Found: put the object in a one-element list static TList *xlist = new TList; xlist->Add(newobj); // Call the method callEnv.SetParam((Long_t) xlist); callEnv.Execute(obj); // Ready for next call xlist->Clear(); } else { // Not found: return individual objects outlist->Add(newobj); merged = kFALSE; } // Done return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TObject *TProofPlayerRemote::HandleHistogram(TObject *obj, Bool_t &merged) { // Low statistic histograms need a special treatment when using autobin TH1 *h = dynamic_cast(obj); if (!h) { // Not an histo return obj; } // This is only used if we return (TObject *)0 and there is only one case // when we set this to kTRUE merged = kFALSE; // Does is still needs binning ? Bool_t tobebinned = (h->GetBuffer()) ? kTRUE : kFALSE; // Number of entries Int_t nent = h->GetBufferLength(); PDB(kOutput,2) Info("HandleHistogram", "h:%s ent:%d, buffer size: %d", h->GetName(), nent, h->GetBufferSize()); // Attach to the list in the outputlists, if any TList *list = 0; if (!fOutputLists) { PDB(kOutput,2) Info("HandleHistogram", "create fOutputLists"); fOutputLists = new TList; fOutputLists->SetOwner(); } list = (TList *) fOutputLists->FindObject(h->GetName()); TH1 *href = 0; if (tobebinned) { // The histogram needs to be projected in a reasonable range: we // do this at the end with all the histos, so we need to create // a list here if (!list) { // Create the list list = new TList; list->SetName(h->GetName()); list->SetOwner(); fOutputLists->Add(list); // Move in it any previously merged object from the output list if (fOutput && (href = (TH1 *) fOutput->FindObject(h->GetName()))) { fOutput->Remove(href); list->Add(href); } } TIter nxh(list); while ((href = (TH1 *) nxh())) { if (href->GetBuffer() && href->GetBufferLength() < nent) break; } if (href) { list->AddBefore(href, h); } else { list->Add(h); } // Done return (TObject *)0; } else { if (list) { TIter nxh(list); while ((href = (TH1 *) nxh())) { if (href->GetBuffer() || href->GetEntries() < nent) break; } if (href) { list->AddBefore(href, h); } else { list->Add(h); } // Done return (TObject *)0; } else { // Check if we can 'Add' the histogram to an existing one; this is more efficient // then using Merge TH1 *hout = (TH1*) fOutput->FindObject(h->GetName()); if (hout) { // Remove the existing histo from the output list ... fOutput->Remove(hout); // ... and create either the list to merge in one-go at the end // (more efficient than merging one by one) or, if too big, merge // these two and start the 'one-by-one' technology Int_t hsz = h->GetNbinsX() * h->GetNbinsY() * h->GetNbinsZ(); if (fMergeTH1OneByOne || (gProofServ && hsz > gProofServ->GetMsgSizeHWM())) { list = new TList; list->Add(hout); h->Merge(list); list->SetOwner(); delete list; return h; } else { list = new TList; list->SetName(h->GetName()); list->SetOwner(); fOutputLists->Add(list); // Add the existing and the incoming histos list->Add(hout); list->Add(h); // Done return (TObject *)0; } } else { // This is the first one; add it to the output list fOutput->Add(h); return (TObject *)0; } } } PDB(kOutput,1) Info("HandleHistogram", "leaving"); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TProofPlayerRemote::HistoSameAxis(TH1 *h0, TH1 *h1) { // Return kTRUE is the histograms 'h0' and 'h1' have the same binning and ranges // on the axis (i.e. if they can be just Add-ed for merging). Bool_t rc = kFALSE; if (!h0 || !h1) return rc; TAxis *a0 = 0, *a1 = 0; // Check X a0 = h0->GetXaxis(); a1 = h1->GetXaxis(); if (a0->GetNbins() == a1->GetNbins()) if (TMath::Abs(a0->GetXmax() - a1->GetXmax()) < 1.e-9) if (TMath::Abs(a0->GetXmin() - a1->GetXmin()) < 1.e-9) rc = kTRUE; // Check Y, if needed if (h0->GetDimension() > 1) { rc = kFALSE; a0 = h0->GetYaxis(); a1 = h1->GetYaxis(); if (a0->GetNbins() == a1->GetNbins()) if (TMath::Abs(a0->GetXmax() - a1->GetXmax()) < 1.e-9) if (TMath::Abs(a0->GetXmin() - a1->GetXmin()) < 1.e-9) rc = kTRUE; } // Check Z, if needed if (h0->GetDimension() > 2) { rc = kFALSE; a0 = h0->GetZaxis(); a1 = h1->GetZaxis(); if (a0->GetNbins() == a1->GetNbins()) if (TMath::Abs(a0->GetXmax() - a1->GetXmax()) < 1.e-9) if (TMath::Abs(a0->GetXmin() - a1->GetXmin()) < 1.e-9) rc = kTRUE; } // Done return rc; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofPlayerRemote::StoreOutput(TList *out) { // Store received output list. PDB(kOutput,1) Info("StoreOutput","Enter"); if ( out == 0 ) { PDB(kOutput,1) Info("StoreOutput","Leave (empty)"); return; } TIter next(out); out->SetOwner(kFALSE); // take ownership of the contents if (fOutputLists == 0) { PDB(kOutput,2) Info("StoreOutput","Create fOutputLists"); fOutputLists = new TList; fOutputLists->SetOwner(); } // process eventlists first TList* lists = dynamic_cast (out->FindObject("PROOF_EventListsList")); if (lists) { out->Remove(lists); TEventList *mainList = new TEventList("PROOF_EventList"); out->Add(mainList); TIter it(lists); TEventList *aList; while ( (aList = dynamic_cast (it())) ) { // find file offset TIter nxe(fDSet->GetListOfElements()); TDSetElement *elem; while ( (elem = dynamic_cast (nxe())) ) { if (strcmp(elem->GetFileName(), aList->GetName()) == 0) break; } if (!elem) { Error("StoreOutput", "found the EventList for %s, but no object with that name " "in the TDSet", aList->GetName()); continue; } Long64_t offset = elem->GetTDSetOffset(); // shift the list by the number of first event in that file Long64_t *arr = aList->GetList(); Int_t num = aList->GetN(); if (arr && offset) for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) arr[i] += offset; mainList->Add(aList); // add to the main list } delete lists; } TObject *obj; while( (obj = next()) ) { PDB(kOutput,2) Info("StoreOutput","find list for '%s'", obj->GetName() ); TList *list = (TList *) fOutputLists->FindObject( obj->GetName() ); if ( list == 0 ) { PDB(kOutput,2) Info("StoreOutput", "list for '%s' not found (creating)", obj->GetName()); list = new TList; list->SetName( obj->GetName() ); list->SetOwner(); fOutputLists->Add( list ); } list->Add( obj ); } delete out; PDB(kOutput,1) Info("StoreOutput", "leave"); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TList *TProofPlayerRemote::MergeFeedback() { // Merge feedback lists. PDB(kFeedback,1) Info("MergeFeedback","Enter"); if ( fFeedbackLists == 0 ) { PDB(kFeedback,1) Info("MergeFeedback","Leave (no output)"); return 0; } TList *fb = new TList; // collection of feedback objects fb->SetOwner(); TIter next(fFeedbackLists); TMap *map; while ( (map = (TMap*) next()) ) { PDB(kFeedback,2) Info("MergeFeedback", "map %s size: %d", map->GetName(), map->GetSize()); // turn map into list ... TList *list = new TList; TIter keys(map); #ifndef R__TH1MERGEFIXED Int_t nbmx = -1; TObject *oref = 0; #endif while ( TObject *key = keys() ) { TObject *o = map->GetValue(key); TH1 *h = dynamic_cast(o); #ifndef R__TH1MERGEFIXED // Temporary fix for to cope with the problem in TH1::Merge. // We need to use a reference histo the one with the largest number // of bins so that the histos from all submasters can be correctly // fit in if (h && !strncmp(o->GetName(),"PROOF_",6)) { if (h->GetNbinsX() > nbmx) { nbmx= h->GetNbinsX(); oref = o; } } #endif if (h) { TIter nxh(list); TH1 *href= 0; while ((href = (TH1 *)nxh())) { if (h->GetBuffer()) { if (href->GetBuffer() && href->GetBufferLength() < h->GetBufferLength()) break; } else { if (href->GetBuffer() || href->GetEntries() < h->GetEntries()) break; } } if (href) { list->AddBefore(href, h); } else { list->Add(h); } } else { list->Add(o); } } // clone first object, remove from list #ifdef R__TH1MERGEFIXED TObject *obj = list->First(); #else TObject *obj = (oref) ? oref : list->First(); #endif list->Remove(obj); obj = obj->Clone(); fb->Add(obj); if ( list->IsEmpty() ) { delete list; continue; } // merge list with clone TMethodCall callEnv; if (obj->IsA()) callEnv.InitWithPrototype(obj->IsA(), "Merge", "TCollection*"); if (callEnv.IsValid()) { callEnv.SetParam((Long_t) list); callEnv.Execute(obj); } else { // No Merge interface, return copy of individual objects while ( (obj = list->First()) ) { fb->Add(obj->Clone()); list->Remove(obj); } } delete list; } PDB(kFeedback,1) Info("MergeFeedback","Leave (%d object(s))", fb->GetSize()); return fb; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofPlayerRemote::StoreFeedback(TObject *slave, TList *out) { // Store feedback results from the specified slave. PDB(kFeedback,1) Info("StoreFeedback","Enter"); if ( out == 0 ) { PDB(kFeedback,1) Info("StoreFeedback","Leave (empty)"); return; } if ( IsClient() ) { // in client Feedback(out); delete out; return; } if (fFeedbackLists == 0) { PDB(kFeedback,2) Info("StoreFeedback","Create fFeedbackLists"); fFeedbackLists = new TList; fFeedbackLists->SetOwner(); } TIter next(out); out->SetOwner(kFALSE); // take ownership of the contents const char *ord = ((TSlave*) slave)->GetOrdinal(); TObject *obj; while( (obj = next()) ) { PDB(kFeedback,2) Info("StoreFeedback","%s: Find '%s'", ord, obj->GetName() ); TMap *map = (TMap*) fFeedbackLists->FindObject(obj->GetName()); if ( map == 0 ) { PDB(kFeedback,2) Info("StoreFeedback", "%s: map for '%s' not found (creating)", ord, obj->GetName()); // Map must not be owner (ownership is with regards to the keys (only)) map = new TMap; map->SetName(obj->GetName()); fFeedbackLists->Add(map); } else { PDB(kFeedback,2) Info("StoreFeedback","%s: removing previous value", ord); if (map->GetValue(slave)) delete map->GetValue(slave); map->Remove(slave); } map->Add(slave, obj); PDB(kFeedback,2) Info("StoreFeedback","%s: %s, size: %d", ord, obj->GetName(), map->GetSize()); } delete out; PDB(kFeedback,1) Info("StoreFeedback","Leave"); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofPlayerRemote::SetupFeedback() { // Setup reporting of feedback objects. if (IsClient()) return; // Client does not need timer fFeedback = (TList*) fInput->FindObject("FeedbackList"); PDB(kFeedback,1) Info("SetupFeedback","\"FeedbackList\" %sfound", fFeedback == 0 ? "NOT ":""); if (fFeedback == 0 || fFeedback->GetSize() == 0) return; // OK, feedback was requested, setup the timer SafeDelete(fFeedbackTimer); fFeedbackPeriod = 2000; TProof::GetParameter(fInput, "PROOF_FeedbackPeriod", fFeedbackPeriod); fFeedbackTimer = new TTimer; fFeedbackTimer->SetObject(this); fFeedbackTimer->Start(fFeedbackPeriod, kTRUE); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofPlayerRemote::StopFeedback() { // Stop reporting of feedback objects. if (fFeedbackTimer == 0) return; PDB(kFeedback,1) Info("StopFeedback","Stop Timer"); SafeDelete(fFeedbackTimer); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TProofPlayerRemote::HandleTimer(TTimer *) { // Send feedback objects to client. PDB(kFeedback,2) Info("HandleTimer","Entry"); if (fFeedbackTimer == 0) return kFALSE; // timer already switched off // process local feedback objects TList *fb = new TList; fb->SetOwner(); TIter next(fFeedback); while( TObjString *name = (TObjString*) next() ) { TObject *o = fOutput->FindObject(name->GetName()); if (o != 0) { fb->Add(o->Clone()); // remove the corresponding entry from the feedback list TMap *m = 0; if (fFeedbackLists && (m = (TMap *) fFeedbackLists->FindObject(name->GetName()))) { fFeedbackLists->Remove(m); m->DeleteValues(); delete m; } } } if (fb->GetSize() > 0) { StoreFeedback(this, fb); // adopts fb } else { delete fb; } if (fFeedbackLists == 0) { fFeedbackTimer->Start(fFeedbackPeriod, kTRUE); // maybe next time return kFALSE; } fb = MergeFeedback(); PDB(kFeedback,2) Info("HandleTimer","Sending %d objects", fb->GetSize()); TMessage m(kPROOF_FEEDBACK); m << fb; // send message to client; gProofServ->GetSocket()->Send(m); delete fb; fFeedbackTimer->Start(fFeedbackPeriod, kTRUE); return kFALSE; // ignored? } //______________________________________________________________________________ TDSetElement *TProofPlayerRemote::GetNextPacket(TSlave *slave, TMessage *r) { // Get next packet for specified slave. // The first call to this determines the end of initialization SetInitTime(); if (fProcPackets) { Int_t bin = fProcPackets->GetXaxis()->FindBin(slave->GetOrdinal()); if (bin >= 0) { if (fProcPackets->GetBinContent(bin) > 0) fProcPackets->Fill(slave->GetOrdinal(), -1); } } TDSetElement *e = fPacketizer->GetNextPacket( slave, r ); if (e == 0) { PDB(kPacketizer,2) Info("GetNextPacket","%s: done!", slave->GetOrdinal()); } else if (e == (TDSetElement*) -1) { PDB(kPacketizer,2) Info("GetNextPacket","%s: waiting ...", slave->GetOrdinal()); } else { PDB(kPacketizer,2) Info("GetNextPacket","%s (%s): '%s' '%s' '%s' %lld %lld", slave->GetOrdinal(), slave->GetName(), e->GetFileName(), e->GetDirectory(), e->GetObjName(), e->GetFirst(), e->GetNum()); if (fProcPackets) fProcPackets->Fill(slave->GetOrdinal(), 1); } return e; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TProofPlayerRemote::IsClient() const { // Is the player running on the client? return fProof ? fProof->TestBit(TProof::kIsClient) : kFALSE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Long64_t TProofPlayerRemote::DrawSelect(TDSet *set, const char *varexp, const char *selection, Option_t *option, Long64_t nentries, Long64_t firstentry) { // Draw (support for TChain::Draw()). // Returns -1 in case of error or number of selected events in case of success. if (!fgDrawInputPars) { fgDrawInputPars = new THashList; fgDrawInputPars->Add(new TObjString("FeedbackList")); fgDrawInputPars->Add(new TObjString("PROOF_ChainWeight")); fgDrawInputPars->Add(new TObjString("PROOF_LineColor")); fgDrawInputPars->Add(new TObjString("PROOF_LineStyle")); fgDrawInputPars->Add(new TObjString("PROOF_LineWidth")); fgDrawInputPars->Add(new TObjString("PROOF_MarkerColor")); fgDrawInputPars->Add(new TObjString("PROOF_MarkerStyle")); fgDrawInputPars->Add(new TObjString("PROOF_MarkerSize")); fgDrawInputPars->Add(new TObjString("PROOF_FillColor")); fgDrawInputPars->Add(new TObjString("PROOF_FillStyle")); } TString selector, objname; if (GetDrawArgs(varexp, selection, option, selector, objname) != 0) { Error("DrawSelect", "parsing arguments"); return -1; } TNamed *varexpobj = new TNamed("varexp", varexp); TNamed *selectionobj = new TNamed("selection", selection); // Save the current input list TObject *o = 0; TList *savedInput = new TList; TIter nxi(fInput); while ((o = nxi())) { savedInput->Add(o); TString n(o->GetName()); if (fgDrawInputPars && !fgDrawInputPars->FindObject(o->GetName())) fInput->Remove(o); } fInput->Add(varexpobj); fInput->Add(selectionobj); // Make sure we have an object name if (objname == "") objname = "htemp"; fProof->AddFeedback(objname); Long64_t r = Process(set, selector, option, nentries, firstentry); fProof->RemoveFeedback(objname); fInput->Remove(varexpobj); fInput->Remove(selectionobj); if (TNamed *opt = dynamic_cast (fInput->FindObject("PROOF_OPTIONS"))) { fInput->Remove(opt); delete opt; } delete varexpobj; delete selectionobj; // Restore the input list fInput->Clear(); TIter nxsi(savedInput); while ((o = nxsi())) fInput->Add(o); savedInput->SetOwner(kFALSE); delete savedInput; return r; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofPlayerRemote::SetInitTime() { // Set init time if (fPacketizer) fPacketizer->SetInitTime(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ClassImp(TProofPlayerSlave) //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofPlayerSlave::SetupFeedback() { // Setup feedback. TList *fb = (TList*) fInput->FindObject("FeedbackList"); if (fb) { PDB(kFeedback,1) Info("SetupFeedback","\"FeedbackList\" found: %d objects", fb->GetSize()); } else { PDB(kFeedback,1) Info("SetupFeedback","\"FeedbackList\" NOT found"); } if (fb == 0 || fb->GetSize() == 0) return; // OK, feedback was requested, setup the timer SafeDelete(fFeedbackTimer); fFeedbackPeriod = 2000; TProof::GetParameter(fInput, "PROOF_FeedbackPeriod", fFeedbackPeriod); fFeedbackTimer = new TTimer; fFeedbackTimer->SetObject(this); fFeedbackTimer->Start(fFeedbackPeriod, kTRUE); fFeedback = fb; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofPlayerSlave::StopFeedback() { // Stop feedback. if (fFeedbackTimer == 0) return; PDB(kFeedback,1) Info("StopFeedback","Stop Timer"); SafeDelete(fFeedbackTimer); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TProofPlayerSlave::HandleTimer(TTimer *) { // Handle timer event. PDB(kFeedback,2) Info("HandleTimer","Entry"); // If in sequential (0-slave-PROOF) mode we do not have a packetizer // so we also send the info to update the progress bar. if (gProofServ) { Bool_t sendm = kFALSE; TMessage m(kPROOF_PROGRESS); if (gProofServ->IsMaster() && !gProofServ->IsParallel()) { sendm = kTRUE; if (gProofServ->GetProtocol() > 25) { m << GetProgressStatus(); } else if (gProofServ->GetProtocol() > 11) { TProofProgressStatus *ps = GetProgressStatus(); m << fTotalEvents << ps->GetEntries() << ps->GetBytesRead() << (Float_t) -1. << (Float_t) ps->GetProcTime() << (Float_t) ps->GetRate() << (Float_t) -1.; } else { m << fTotalEvents << GetEventsProcessed(); } } if (sendm) gProofServ->GetSocket()->Send(m); } if (fFeedback == 0) return kFALSE; TList *fb = new TList; fb->SetOwner(kFALSE); if (fOutput == 0) { fOutput = (THashList *) fSelector->GetOutputList(); } if (fOutput) { TIter next(fFeedback); while( TObjString *name = (TObjString*) next() ) { // TODO: find object in memory ... maybe allow only in fOutput ? TObject *o = fOutput->FindObject(name->GetName()); if (o != 0) fb->Add(o); } } PDB(kFeedback,2) Info("HandleTimer","Sending %d objects", fb->GetSize()); TMessage m(kPROOF_FEEDBACK); m << fb; // send message to client; gProofServ->GetSocket()->Send(m); delete fb; fFeedbackTimer->Start(fFeedbackPeriod, kTRUE); return kFALSE; // ignored? } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofPlayerSlave::HandleGetTreeHeader(TMessage *mess) { // Handle tree header request. TMessage answ(kPROOF_GETTREEHEADER); TDSet *dset; (*mess) >> dset; dset->Reset(); TDSetElement *e = dset->Next(); Long64_t entries = 0; TFile *f = 0; TTree *t = 0; if (!e) { PDB(kGlobal, 1) Info("HandleGetTreeHeader", "empty TDSet"); } else { f = TFile::Open(e->GetFileName()); t = 0; if (f) { t = (TTree*) f->Get(e->GetObjName()); if (t) { t->SetMaxVirtualSize(0); t->DropBaskets(); entries = t->GetEntries(); // compute #entries in all the files while ((e = dset->Next()) != 0) { TFile *f1 = TFile::Open(e->GetFileName()); if (f1) { TTree *t1 = (TTree*) f1->Get(e->GetObjName()); if (t1) { entries += t1->GetEntries(); delete t1; } delete f1; } } t->SetMaxEntryLoop(entries); // this field will hold the total number of entries ;) } } } if (t) answ << TString("Success") << t; else answ << TString("Failed") << t; fSocket->Send(answ); SafeDelete(t); SafeDelete(f); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ClassImp(TProofPlayerSuperMaster) //______________________________________________________________________________ Long64_t TProofPlayerSuperMaster::Process(TDSet *dset, const char *selector_file, Option_t *option, Long64_t nentries, Long64_t first) { // Process specified TDSet on PROOF. Runs on super master. // The return value is -1 in case of error and TSelector::GetStatus() in // in case of success. fProgressStatus->Reset(); PDB(kGlobal,1) Info("Process","Enter"); TProofSuperMaster *proof = dynamic_cast(GetProof()); if (!proof) return -1; delete fOutput; fOutput = new THashList; TPerfStats::Start(fInput, fOutput); if (!SendSelector(selector_file)) { Error("Process", "sending selector %s", selector_file); return -1; } TCleanup clean(this); SetupFeedback(); if (proof->IsMaster()) { // make sure the DSet is valid if (!dset->ElementsValid()) { proof->ValidateDSet(dset); if (!dset->ElementsValid()) { Error("Process", "could not validate TDSet"); return -1; } } TList msds; msds.SetOwner(); // This will delete TPairs TList keyholder; // List to clean up key part of the pairs keyholder.SetOwner(); TList valueholder; // List to clean up value part of the pairs valueholder.SetOwner(); // Construct msd list using the slaves TIter nextslave(proof->GetListOfActiveSlaves()); while (TSlave *sl = dynamic_cast(nextslave())) { TList *submasters = 0; TPair *msd = dynamic_cast(msds.FindObject(sl->GetMsd())); if (!msd) { submasters = new TList; submasters->SetName(sl->GetMsd()); keyholder.Add(submasters); TList *setelements = new TSortedList(kSortDescending); setelements->SetName(TString(sl->GetMsd())+"_Elements"); valueholder.Add(setelements); msds.Add(new TPair(submasters, setelements)); } else { submasters = dynamic_cast(msd->Key()); } if (submasters) submasters->Add(sl); } // Add TDSetElements to msd list Long64_t cur = 0; //start of next element TIter nextelement(dset->GetListOfElements()); while (TDSetElement *elem = dynamic_cast(nextelement())) { if (elem->GetNum()<1) continue; // get rid of empty elements if (nentries !=-1 && cur>=first+nentries) { // we are done break; } if (cur+elem->GetNum()-1GetNum(); continue; } if (curSetNum(elem->GetNum()-(first-cur)); elem->SetFirst(elem->GetFirst()+first-cur); cur=first; } if (nentries==-1 || cur+elem->GetNum()<=first+nentries) { cur+=elem->GetNum(); } else { //modify element to get proper end elem->SetNum(first+nentries-cur); cur=first+nentries; } TPair *msd = dynamic_cast(msds.FindObject(elem->GetMsd())); if (!msd) { Error("Process", "data requires mass storage domain '%s'" " which is not accessible in this proof session", elem->GetMsd()); return -1; } else { TList *elements = dynamic_cast(msd->Value()); if (elements) elements->Add(elem); } } TList usedmasters; TIter nextmsd(msds.MakeIterator()); while (TPair *msd = dynamic_cast(nextmsd())) { TList *submasters = dynamic_cast(msd->Key()); TList *setelements = dynamic_cast(msd->Value()); // distribute elements over the masters Int_t nmasters = submasters ? submasters->GetSize() : -1; Int_t nelements = setelements ? setelements->GetSize() : -1; for (Int_t i=0; iGetType(), dset->GetObjName(), dset->GetDirectory()); for (Int_t j = (i*nelements)/nmasters; j < ((i+1)*nelements)/nmasters; j++) { TDSetElement *elem = setelements ? dynamic_cast(setelements->At(j)) : (TDSetElement *)0; if (elem) { set.Add(elem->GetFileName(), elem->GetObjName(), elem->GetDirectory(), elem->GetFirst(), elem->GetNum(), elem->GetMsd()); nent += elem->GetNum(); } else { Warning("Process", "not a TDSetElement object"); } } if (set.GetListOfElements()->GetSize()>0) { TMessage mesg(kPROOF_PROCESS); TString fn(gSystem->BaseName(selector_file)); TString opt = option; mesg << &set << fn << fInput << opt << Long64_t(-1) << Long64_t(0); TSlave *sl = dynamic_cast(submasters->At(i)); if (sl) { PDB(kGlobal,1) Info("Process", "Sending TDSet with %d elements to submaster %s", set.GetListOfElements()->GetSize(), sl->GetOrdinal()); sl->GetSocket()->Send(mesg); usedmasters.Add(sl); // setup progress info fSlaves.AddLast(sl); fSlaveProgress.Set(fSlaveProgress.GetSize()+1); fSlaveProgress[fSlaveProgress.GetSize()-1] = 0; fSlaveTotals.Set(fSlaveTotals.GetSize()+1); fSlaveTotals[fSlaveTotals.GetSize()-1] = nent; fSlaveBytesRead.Set(fSlaveBytesRead.GetSize()+1); fSlaveBytesRead[fSlaveBytesRead.GetSize()-1] = 0; fSlaveInitTime.Set(fSlaveInitTime.GetSize()+1); fSlaveInitTime[fSlaveInitTime.GetSize()-1] = -1.; fSlaveProcTime.Set(fSlaveProcTime.GetSize()+1); fSlaveProcTime[fSlaveProcTime.GetSize()-1] = -1.; fSlaveEvtRti.Set(fSlaveEvtRti.GetSize()+1); fSlaveEvtRti[fSlaveEvtRti.GetSize()-1] = -1.; fSlaveMBRti.Set(fSlaveMBRti.GetSize()+1); fSlaveMBRti[fSlaveMBRti.GetSize()-1] = -1.; fSlaveActW.Set(fSlaveActW.GetSize()+1); fSlaveActW[fSlaveActW.GetSize()-1] = 0; fSlaveTotS.Set(fSlaveTotS.GetSize()+1); fSlaveTotS[fSlaveTotS.GetSize()-1] = 0; fSlaveEffS.Set(fSlaveEffS.GetSize()+1); fSlaveEffS[fSlaveEffS.GetSize()-1] = 0.; } else { Warning("Process", "not a TSlave object"); } } } } if ( !IsClient() ) HandleTimer(0); PDB(kGlobal,1) Info("Process","Calling Collect"); proof->Collect(&usedmasters); HandleTimer(0); } StopFeedback(); PDB(kGlobal,1) Info("Process","Calling Merge Output"); MergeOutput(); TPerfStats::Stop(); return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofPlayerSuperMaster::Progress(TSlave *sl, Long64_t total, Long64_t processed) { // Report progress. Int_t idx = fSlaves.IndexOf(sl); fSlaveProgress[idx] = processed; if (fSlaveTotals[idx] != total) Warning("Progress", "total events has changed for slave %s", sl->GetName()); fSlaveTotals[idx] = total; Long64_t tot = 0; Int_t i; for (i = 0; i < fSlaveTotals.GetSize(); i++) tot += fSlaveTotals[i]; Long64_t proc = 0; for (i = 0; i < fSlaveProgress.GetSize(); i++) proc += fSlaveProgress[i]; Progress(tot, proc); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofPlayerSuperMaster::Progress(TSlave *sl, Long64_t total, Long64_t processed, Long64_t bytesread, Float_t initTime, Float_t procTime, Float_t evtrti, Float_t mbrti) { // Report progress. PDB(kGlobal,2) Info("Progress","%s: %lld %lld %f %f %f %f", sl->GetName(), processed, bytesread, initTime, procTime, evtrti, mbrti); Int_t idx = fSlaves.IndexOf(sl); if (fSlaveTotals[idx] != total) Warning("Progress", "total events has changed for slave %s", sl->GetName()); fSlaveTotals[idx] = total; fSlaveProgress[idx] = processed; fSlaveBytesRead[idx] = bytesread; fSlaveInitTime[idx] = (initTime > -1.) ? initTime : fSlaveInitTime[idx]; fSlaveProcTime[idx] = (procTime > -1.) ? procTime : fSlaveProcTime[idx]; fSlaveEvtRti[idx] = (evtrti > -1.) ? evtrti : fSlaveEvtRti[idx]; fSlaveMBRti[idx] = (mbrti > -1.) ? mbrti : fSlaveMBRti[idx]; Int_t i; Long64_t tot = 0; Long64_t proc = 0; Long64_t bytes = 0; Float_t init = -1.; Float_t ptime = -1.; Float_t erti = 0.; Float_t srti = 0.; Int_t nerti = 0; Int_t nsrti = 0; for (i = 0; i < fSlaveTotals.GetSize(); i++) { tot += fSlaveTotals[i]; if (i < fSlaveProgress.GetSize()) proc += fSlaveProgress[i]; if (i < fSlaveBytesRead.GetSize()) bytes += fSlaveBytesRead[i]; if (i < fSlaveInitTime.GetSize()) if (fSlaveInitTime[i] > -1. && (init < 0. || fSlaveInitTime[i] < init)) init = fSlaveInitTime[i]; if (i < fSlaveProcTime.GetSize()) if (fSlaveProcTime[i] > -1. && (ptime < 0. || fSlaveProcTime[i] > ptime)) ptime = fSlaveProcTime[i]; if (i < fSlaveEvtRti.GetSize()) if (fSlaveEvtRti[i] > -1.) { erti += fSlaveEvtRti[i]; nerti++; } if (i < fSlaveMBRti.GetSize()) if (fSlaveMBRti[i] > -1.) { srti += fSlaveMBRti[i]; nsrti++; } } srti = (nsrti > 0) ? srti / nerti : 0.; Progress(tot, proc, bytes, init, ptime, erti, srti); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofPlayerSuperMaster::Progress(TSlave *wrk, TProofProgressInfo *pi) { // Progress signal. if (pi) { PDB(kGlobal,2) Info("Progress","%s: %lld %lld %lld %f %f %f %f %d %f", wrk->GetOrdinal(), pi->fTotal, pi->fProcessed, pi->fBytesRead, pi->fInitTime, pi->fProcTime, pi->fEvtRateI, pi->fMBRateI, pi->fActWorkers, pi->fEffSessions); Int_t idx = fSlaves.IndexOf(wrk); if (fSlaveTotals[idx] != pi->fTotal) Warning("Progress", "total events has changed for worker %s", wrk->GetName()); fSlaveTotals[idx] = pi->fTotal; fSlaveProgress[idx] = pi->fProcessed; fSlaveBytesRead[idx] = pi->fBytesRead; fSlaveInitTime[idx] = (pi->fInitTime > -1.) ? pi->fInitTime : fSlaveInitTime[idx]; fSlaveProcTime[idx] = (pi->fProcTime > -1.) ? pi->fProcTime : fSlaveProcTime[idx]; fSlaveEvtRti[idx] = (pi->fEvtRateI > -1.) ? pi->fEvtRateI : fSlaveEvtRti[idx]; fSlaveMBRti[idx] = (pi->fMBRateI > -1.) ? pi->fMBRateI : fSlaveMBRti[idx]; fSlaveActW[idx] = (pi->fActWorkers > -1) ? pi->fActWorkers : fSlaveActW[idx]; fSlaveTotS[idx] = (pi->fTotSessions > -1) ? pi->fTotSessions : fSlaveTotS[idx]; fSlaveEffS[idx] = (pi->fEffSessions > -1.) ? pi->fEffSessions : fSlaveEffS[idx]; Int_t i; Int_t nerti = 0; Int_t nsrti = 0; TProofProgressInfo pisum(0, 0, 0, -1., -1., 0., 0., 0, 0, 0.); for (i = 0; i < fSlaveTotals.GetSize(); i++) { pisum.fTotal += fSlaveTotals[i]; if (i < fSlaveProgress.GetSize()) pisum.fProcessed += fSlaveProgress[i]; if (i < fSlaveBytesRead.GetSize()) pisum.fBytesRead += fSlaveBytesRead[i]; if (i < fSlaveInitTime.GetSize()) if (fSlaveInitTime[i] > -1. && (pisum.fInitTime < 0. || fSlaveInitTime[i] < pisum.fInitTime)) pisum.fInitTime = fSlaveInitTime[i]; if (i < fSlaveProcTime.GetSize()) if (fSlaveProcTime[i] > -1. && (pisum.fProcTime < 0. || fSlaveProcTime[i] > pisum.fProcTime)) pisum.fProcTime = fSlaveProcTime[i]; if (i < fSlaveEvtRti.GetSize()) if (fSlaveEvtRti[i] > -1.) { pisum.fEvtRateI += fSlaveEvtRti[i]; nerti++; } if (i < fSlaveMBRti.GetSize()) if (fSlaveMBRti[i] > -1.) { pisum.fMBRateI += fSlaveMBRti[i]; nsrti++; } if (i < fSlaveActW.GetSize()) pisum.fActWorkers += fSlaveActW[i]; if (i < fSlaveTotS.GetSize()) if (fSlaveTotS[i] > -1 && (pisum.fTotSessions < 0. || fSlaveTotS[i] > pisum.fTotSessions)) pisum.fTotSessions = fSlaveTotS[i]; if (i < fSlaveEffS.GetSize()) if (fSlaveEffS[i] > -1. && (pisum.fEffSessions < 0. || fSlaveEffS[i] > pisum.fEffSessions)) pisum.fEffSessions = fSlaveEffS[i]; } pisum.fMBRateI = (nsrti > 0) ? pisum.fMBRateI / nerti : 0.; Progress(&pisum); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TProofPlayerSuperMaster::HandleTimer(TTimer *) { // Send progress and feedback to client. if (fFeedbackTimer == 0) return kFALSE; // timer stopped already Int_t i; Long64_t tot = 0; Long64_t proc = 0; Long64_t bytes = 0; Float_t init = -1.; Float_t ptime = -1.; Float_t erti = 0.; Float_t srti = 0.; Int_t nerti = 0; Int_t nsrti = 0; for (i = 0; i < fSlaveTotals.GetSize(); i++) { tot += fSlaveTotals[i]; if (i < fSlaveProgress.GetSize()) proc += fSlaveProgress[i]; if (i < fSlaveBytesRead.GetSize()) bytes += fSlaveBytesRead[i]; if (i < fSlaveInitTime.GetSize()) if (fSlaveInitTime[i] > -1. && (init < 0. || fSlaveInitTime[i] < init)) init = fSlaveInitTime[i]; if (i < fSlaveProcTime.GetSize()) if (fSlaveProcTime[i] > -1. && (ptime < 0. || fSlaveProcTime[i] > ptime)) ptime = fSlaveProcTime[i]; if (i < fSlaveEvtRti.GetSize()) if (fSlaveEvtRti[i] > -1.) { erti += fSlaveEvtRti[i]; nerti++; } if (i < fSlaveMBRti.GetSize()) if (fSlaveMBRti[i] > -1.) { srti += fSlaveMBRti[i]; nsrti++; } } erti = (nerti > 0) ? erti / nerti : 0.; srti = (nsrti > 0) ? srti / nerti : 0.; TMessage m(kPROOF_PROGRESS); if (gProofServ->GetProtocol() > 25) { // Fill the message now TProofProgressInfo pi(tot, proc, bytes, init, ptime, erti, srti, -1, gProofServ->GetTotSessions(), gProofServ->GetEffSessions()); m << π } else { m << tot << proc << bytes << init << ptime << erti << srti; } // send message to client; gProofServ->GetSocket()->Send(m); if (fReturnFeedback) return TProofPlayerRemote::HandleTimer(0); else return kFALSE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TProofPlayerSuperMaster::SetupFeedback() { // Setup reporting of feedback objects and progress messages. if (IsClient()) return; // Client does not need timer TProofPlayerRemote::SetupFeedback(); if (fFeedbackTimer) { fReturnFeedback = kTRUE; return; } else { fReturnFeedback = kFALSE; } // setup the timer for progress message SafeDelete(fFeedbackTimer); fFeedbackPeriod = 2000; TProof::GetParameter(fInput, "PROOF_FeedbackPeriod", fFeedbackPeriod); fFeedbackTimer = new TTimer; fFeedbackTimer->SetObject(this); fFeedbackTimer->Start(fFeedbackPeriod, kTRUE); }