// @(#)root/rootxx-cocoa.mm:$Id$ // Author: Timur Pocheptsov 22/01/2014 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Rootxx-cocoa // // // // Cocoa based routines used to display the splash screen for rootx, // // the root front-end program. // // // // WaitChildGeneric/StayUp/-main (ROOTWaitpidThread) copy-pasted/based // // on rootx.cxx/rootxx.cxx (author - Fons Rademakers). // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "CocoaUtils.h" #include "RConfigure.h" #include "RVersion.h" // //'root' with Cocoa is a quite special application. In principle, it's a background process, //but it can create a GUI (in our case it's a simple splash-screen - a window with a ROOT's logo //and "Credits" info. The first version was converting its process into foreground, which //leads to some undesired effects like ... lost keyboard focus. Now this process never explicitly //converted into foreground and [NSApp activateAppIgnorinxxxx] is never called. //Instead, special window style is used - NSNonactivatingPanelMask (splash-screen's class derives NSPanel) //and I still have to specify activation policy (to avoid NSInternalInconsistencyException on window creation). //Also, I set a window level to NSFloatingPanelWindow (otherwise window is not visible). //This behavior is still different from how X11 based root works on Mac, but is very close. // namespace ROOT { namespace ROOTX { //This had internal linkage before, now must be accessible from rootx-cocoa.mm. extern int gChildpid; } } namespace { NSString * const gConception = @"Conception: Rene Brun, Fons Rademakers\n\n"; NSString * const gLeadDevelopers = @"Lead Developers: Rene Brun, Philippe Canal, Fons Rademakers\n\n"; //Ok, and poor little me. NSString * const gRootDevelopers = @"Core Engineering: Bertrand Bellenot, Olivier Couet, Gerardo Ganis," "Andrei Gheata, Lorenzo Moneta, Axel Naumann, " "Paul Russo, Matevz Tadel, Timur Pocheptsov\n\n"; NSString * const gRootDocumentation = @"Documentation: Ilka Antcheva\n\n"; bool showAboutInfo = false; } //ROOTSplashScreenView: content view for our panel (splash screen window) //with a background (ROOT's logo) + scrollview and textview to show info //about contributors. @interface ROOTSplashScreenView : NSView @end @implementation ROOTSplashScreenView { NSImage *backgroundImage; NSScrollView *scrollView; NSTextView *textView; } //_________________________________________________________________ - (id) initWithImage : (NSImage *) image text : (NSAttributedString *) textToScroll aboutMode : (BOOL) about { assert(image != nil && "initWithImage:text:, parameter 'image' is nil"); assert(textToScroll != nil && "initWithImage:text:, parameter 'textToScroll' is nil"); using ROOT::MacOSX::Util::NSScopeGuard; const CGSize imageSize = image.size; //minimal sizes required by text view's position (which is 'hardcoded' and //must be the same as in rootxx (X11 version). assert(imageSize.width >= 300 && imageSize.height >= 285 && "initWithImage:text:, unexpected background image sizes"); self = [super initWithFrame : CGRectMake(0, 0, imageSize.width, imageSize.height)]; if (self) { //Let's create our child views. backgroundImage = [image retain]; //In rootxx it's: x == 15, y == 155, w == 285, h == 130 (top-left corner). //In Cocoa it's counted from the bottom left: y = height - yX11 - h CGRect scrollRect = CGRectMake(15., imageSize.height - 285., 285., 130.); scrollView = [[NSScrollView alloc] initWithFrame : scrollRect]; [self addSubview : scrollView]; scrollRect.origin = CGPoint(); textView = [[NSTextView alloc] initWithFrame : scrollRect]; [textView setEditable : NO]; [[textView textStorage] setAttributedString : textToScroll]; [scrollView setDocumentView : textView]; [scrollView setBorderType : NSNoBorder]; if (about) { [textView setTextContainerInset : CGSizeMake(0., scrollRect.size.height)]; [textView scrollPoint : NSMakePoint(0., scrollRect.size.height)]; } //Hehehehe. [scrollView setDrawsBackground : NO]; [textView setDrawsBackground : NO]; } return self; } //_________________________________________________________________ - (void) dealloc { [backgroundImage release]; [textView release]; [scrollView release]; [super dealloc]; } //Background image. //_________________________________________________________________ - (void) drawRect : (NSRect) rect { #pragma unused(rect) assert(backgroundImage != nil && "drawRect:, backgroundImage is nil"); CGRect frame = self.frame; frame.origin = CGPoint(); const CGSize imageSize = backgroundImage.size; [backgroundImage drawInRect : frame fromRect : CGRectMake(0., 0., imageSize.width, imageSize.height) operation : NSCompositeSourceOver fraction : 1.]; //Let's now draw a version. if (NSString * const version = [NSString stringWithFormat : @"Version %s", ROOT_RELEASE]) { if (NSFont * const font = [NSFont fontWithName : @"Helvetica" size : 11.]) { NSDictionary * dict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject : font forKey : NSFontAttributeName]; [version drawAtPoint : CGPointMake(15., 15.) withAttributes : dict]; } } } //Animation. //_________________________________________________________________ - (void) scrollText { const CGFloat scrollAmountPixels = 1.; // How far have we scrolled so far? const CGFloat currentScrollAmount = [scrollView documentVisibleRect].origin.y; if (currentScrollAmount + scrollAmountPixels >= textView.frame.size.height - scrollView.frame.size.height) [textView scrollPoint : NSMakePoint(0., 0.)];//Make a "loop". else { [textView scrollPoint : NSMakePoint(0., currentScrollAmount + scrollAmountPixels)]; } // If anything overlaps the text we just scrolled, it won’t get redraw by the // scrolling, so force everything in that part of the panel to redraw. NSRect scrollViewFrame = [scrollView bounds]; scrollViewFrame = [self convertRect : scrollViewFrame fromView : scrollView]; // Redraw everything which overlaps it. [self setNeedsDisplayInRect : scrollViewFrame]; } @end //To be set from a signal handler. namespace { bool popupDone = false; } //Our "top-level-window" - borderless panel. @interface ROOTSplashScreenPanel : NSPanel @end @implementation ROOTSplashScreenPanel //Events and behaviour. //_________________________________________________________________ - (BOOL) canBecomeMainWindow { return NO;//YES; } //_________________________________________________________________ - (BOOL) canBecomeKeyWindow { return NO;//YES; } //_________________________________________________________________ - (void) sendEvent : (NSEvent *) theEvent { if ([theEvent type] == NSKeyDown) { popupDone = true; return; } if ([theEvent type] == NSLeftMouseDown || [theEvent type] == NSRightMouseDown) { popupDone = true; return; } [super sendEvent : theEvent]; } @end // //Waitpid is a blocking call and we're a foreground process (a 'normal' Cocoa application). //Waitpid with WNOHUNG return immediately and does not solve our problems. //Here's the trick: create a background thread executing ... waitpid //and performing its special selector on a main thread (when status changed). // namespace { //Timer callbacks 'fire' custom NSEvents: enum CustomEventSource {//make it enum class when C++11 is here. kScrollTimer = 1, kSignalTimer = 2, kWaitpidThread = 3 }; } @interface ROOTWaitpidThread : NSThread { int status; int result; bool normalExit; } - (int) getStatus; @end @implementation ROOTWaitpidThread //_________________________________________________________________ - (id) init { if (self = [super init]) { status = 0; result = 0; normalExit = false; } return self; } //_________________________________________________________________ - (int) getStatus { return status; } //_________________________________________________________________ - (void) main { using ROOT::ROOTX::gChildpid; do { while ((result = ::waitpid(gChildpid, &status, WUNTRACED) < 0)) { if (errno != EINTR) break; errno = 0; } if (WIFEXITED(status) || WIFSIGNALED(status)) { [self performSelectorOnMainThread : @selector(exitEventLoop) withObject : nil waitUntilDone : NO]; return; } if (WIFSTOPPED(status)) { // child got ctlr-Z ::raise(SIGTSTP); // stop also parent ::kill(gChildpid, SIGCONT); // if parent wakes up, wake up child } } while (WIFSTOPPED(status)); normalExit = true; [self performSelectorOnMainThread : @selector(exitEventLoop) withObject : nil waitUntilDone : NO]; } //_________________________________________________________________ - (void) exitEventLoop { //assert - we are on a main thread. NSEvent * const timerEvent = [NSEvent otherEventWithType : NSApplicationDefined location : NSMakePoint(0, 0) modifierFlags : 0 timestamp : 0. windowNumber : 0 context : nil subtype : 0 data1 : kWaitpidThread data2 : 0]; [NSApp postEvent : timerEvent atStart : NO]; } @end @interface ROOTSplashScreenAppDelegate : NSObject @end @implementation ROOTSplashScreenAppDelegate //_________________________________________________________________ - (void) applicationDidResignActive : (NSNotification *) aNotification { #pragma unused(aNotification) popupDone = true; } @end namespace { volatile sig_atomic_t popdown = 0; ROOTSplashScreenPanel *splashScreen = nil; //Top-level autorelease pool. NSAutoreleasePool * topLevelPool = nil; //We use a signal timer to check: //if we got a SIGUSR1 (see rootx.cxx) or //if we have to remove a splash-screen after a delay. CFRunLoopTimerRef signalTimer = 0; const CFTimeInterval signalInterval = 0.1; timeval popupCreationTime; const CFTimeInterval splashScreenDelayInSec = 2.;//4 seconds in rootx.cxx, I'm gonna use 2. //Timer for a scroll animation. CFRunLoopTimerRef scrollTimer = 0; const CFTimeInterval scrollInterval = 0.1; //Aux. functions: bool InitCocoa(); bool InitTimers(); void RunEventLoop(); void RunEventLoopInBackground(); bool StayUp(); bool CreateSplashscreen(bool about); void SetSplashscreenPosition(); //Non GUI aux. function. NSAttributedString *CreateTextToScroll(bool about); bool ReadContributors(std::list & contributors); }//unnamed namespace. //Platform-specific (OS X) versions of PopupLogo, WaitLogo, PopdownLogo, CloseDisplay. //_________________________________________________________________ void PopupLogo(bool about) { if (!InitCocoa()) { //TODO: diagnostic. return; } //0. For StayUp to check when we should hide our splash-screen. if (gettimeofday(&popupCreationTime, 0) == -1) { //TODO: check errno and issue a message, //we need a valid popup creation time. return; } if (!CreateSplashscreen(about)) { //TODO: diagnostic. return; } showAboutInfo = about; SetSplashscreenPosition(); [splashScreen setLevel : NSFloatingWindowLevel]; [splashScreen makeKeyAndOrderFront : nil]; } //_________________________________________________________________ void PopdownLogo() { //This function is called from the signal handler. popdown = 1; } //_________________________________________________________________ void WaitLogo() { if (!splashScreen) //TODO: diagnostic. return; ROOTSplashScreenAppDelegate *delegate = nil; if (showAboutInfo) { delegate = [[ROOTSplashScreenAppDelegate alloc] init]; [NSApp setDelegate : (id)delegate]; } RunEventLoop(); //Cleanup. [splashScreen orderOut : nil]; [splashScreen release]; splashScreen = nil; if (showAboutInfo) { [NSApp setDelegate : nil]; [delegate release]; } } //_________________________________________________________________ void CloseDisplay() { //Noop. } //Aux. functions. extern "C" { //_________________________________________________________________ void ROOTSplashscreenTimerCallback(CFRunLoopTimerRef timer, void *info) { #pragma unused(info) if (timer == signalTimer) { NSEvent * const timerEvent = [NSEvent otherEventWithType : NSApplicationDefined location : NSMakePoint(0, 0) modifierFlags : 0 timestamp : 0. windowNumber : 0 context : nil subtype : 0 data1 : kSignalTimer data2 : 0]; [NSApp postEvent : timerEvent atStart : NO]; } else { NSEvent * const timerEvent = [NSEvent otherEventWithType : NSApplicationDefined location : NSMakePoint(0, 0) modifierFlags : 0 timestamp : 0. windowNumber : 0 context : nil subtype : 0 data1 : kScrollTimer data2 : 0]; [NSApp postEvent : timerEvent atStart : NO]; } } }//extern "C" namespace { //_________________________________________________________________ bool InitCocoa() { if (!topLevelPool) { [[NSApplication sharedApplication] setActivationPolicy : NSApplicationActivationPolicyAccessory];//Do I need this? topLevelPool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; } return true; } //_________________________________________________________________ bool InitTimers() { assert(scrollTimer == 0 && "InitTimers, scrollTimer was initialized already"); assert(signalTimer == 0 && "InitTimers, signalTimer was initialized already"); using ROOT::MacOSX::Util::CFScopeGuard; CFScopeGuard guard1(CFRunLoopTimerCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault,//allocator CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() + signalInterval,//fireDate signalInterval,//interval in seconds(?) 0,//flags - not used 0,//order - not used ROOTSplashscreenTimerCallback, 0//info )); if (!guard1.Get()) return false; //Scroll animation. if (showAboutInfo) { CFScopeGuard guard2(CFRunLoopTimerCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() + splashScreenDelayInSec, scrollInterval, 0, 0, ROOTSplashscreenTimerCallback, 0 )); if (!guard2.Get()) return false; //TODO: refactor CFScopeGuard to return the pointer from Release. scrollTimer = guard2.Get(); guard2.Release(); } signalTimer = guard1.Get(); guard1.Release(); return true; } //_________________________________________________________________ void AttachTimers() { assert(signalTimer != 0 && "AttachTimer, invalid signalTimer (null)"); CFRunLoopAddTimer(CFRunLoopGetMain(), signalTimer, kCFRunLoopCommonModes); if (showAboutInfo) { assert(scrollTimer != 0 && "AttachTimer, invalid scrollTimer (null)"); CFRunLoopAddTimer(CFRunLoopGetMain(), scrollTimer, kCFRunLoopCommonModes); } } //_________________________________________________________________ void RemoveTimers() { assert(signalTimer != 0 && "RemoveTimers, signalTimer is null"); CFRunLoopRemoveTimer(CFRunLoopGetMain(), signalTimer, kCFRunLoopCommonModes); CFRunLoopTimerInvalidate(signalTimer); //TODO: test if I also have to call release!!! signalTimer = 0; if (showAboutInfo) { assert(scrollTimer != 0 && "RemoveTimers, scrollTimer is null"); CFRunLoopRemoveTimer(CFRunLoopGetMain(), scrollTimer, kCFRunLoopCommonModes); CFRunLoopTimerInvalidate(scrollTimer); //TODO: test if I also have to call release!!! scrollTimer = 0; } } //_________________________________________________________________ void RunEventLoop() { //Kind of event loop. if (!splashScreen) //TODO: diagnostic. return; if (!InitTimers()) return; AttachTimers(); popupDone = false; while (!popupDone) { //Here we (possibly) suspend waiting for event. using ROOT::MacOSX::Util::NSScopeGuard; const NSScopeGuard pool([[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]); if (NSEvent * const event = [NSApp nextEventMatchingMask : NSAnyEventMask untilDate : [NSDate distantFuture] inMode : NSDefaultRunLoopMode dequeue : YES]) { //Let's first check the type: if (event.type == NSApplicationDefined) {//One of our timers 'fired'. if (event.data1 == kSignalTimer) { popupDone = !showAboutInfo && !StayUp() && popdown; } else if (showAboutInfo) { assert([[splashScreen contentView] isKindOfClass : [ROOTSplashScreenView class]] && "RunEventLoop, splashScreen.contentView has a wrong type"); [(ROOTSplashScreenView *)[splashScreen contentView] scrollText]; } } else [NSApp sendEvent : event]; } } RemoveTimers(); //Empty the queue (hehehe, this makes me feel ... uneasy :) ). while ([NSApp nextEventMatchingMask : NSAnyEventMask untilDate : nil inMode : NSDefaultRunLoopMode dequeue : YES]); } //_________________________________________________________________ void WaitChildGeneric() { //If things with a waitpid thread went wrong, this function is called. //Wait till child (i.e. ROOT) is finished. From rootx.cxx. using ROOT::ROOTX::gChildpid; int status = 0; do { while (::waitpid(gChildpid, &status, WUNTRACED) < 0) { if (errno != EINTR) break; errno = 0; } if (WIFEXITED(status)) std::exit(WEXITSTATUS(status)); if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) std::exit(WTERMSIG(status)); if (WIFSTOPPED(status)) { // child got ctlr-Z ::raise(SIGTSTP); // stop also parent ::kill(gChildpid, SIGCONT); // if parent wakes up, wake up child } } while (WIFSTOPPED(status)); std::exit(0); } //_________________________________________________________________ void RunEventLoopInBackground() { using ROOT::MacOSX::Util::NSScopeGuard; if (!InitCocoa()) { //It's a serious bug and must be either reported or handled in a different way. return WaitChildGeneric(); } int status = 0; {//Block to force a scope guard's lifetime. const NSScopeGuard thread([[ROOTWaitpidThread alloc] init]); if (!thread.Get()) { //TODO: diagnostic. return WaitChildGeneric(); } else { [thread.Get() start]; while (true) { //Autorelease pool? using ROOT::MacOSX::Util::NSScopeGuard; const NSScopeGuard pool([[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]); if (NSEvent * const event = [NSApp nextEventMatchingMask : NSAnyEventMask untilDate : [NSDate distantFuture] inMode : NSDefaultRunLoopMode dequeue : YES]) { if (event.type == NSApplicationDefined && event.data1 == kWaitpidThread) { [thread.Get() cancel]; status = [thread.Get() getStatus]; break; } else [NSApp sendEvent : event]; } } [NSApp hide : nil];//deactivate? } }//to force thread release. if (WIFEXITED(status)) std::exit(WEXITSTATUS(status)); if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) std::exit(WTERMSIG(status)); } //_________________________________________________________________ bool StayUp() { //Taken from rootxx.cxx. const int splashScreenDelay = int(splashScreenDelayInSec * 1000); timeval ctv = {}; timeval dtv = {}; timeval tv = {}; timeval ptv = popupCreationTime; tv.tv_sec = splashScreenDelay / 1000; tv.tv_usec = (splashScreenDelay % 1000) * 1000; gettimeofday(&ctv, 0); if ((dtv.tv_usec = ctv.tv_usec - ptv.tv_usec) < 0) { dtv.tv_usec += 1000000; ptv.tv_sec++; } dtv.tv_sec = ctv.tv_sec - ptv.tv_sec; if ((ctv.tv_usec = tv.tv_usec - dtv.tv_usec) < 0) { ctv.tv_usec += 1000000; dtv.tv_sec++; } ctv.tv_sec = tv.tv_sec - dtv.tv_sec; if (ctv.tv_sec < 0) return false; return true; } //_________________________________________________________________ bool CreateSplashscreen(bool about) { //Try to create NSImage out of Splash.gif, create NSPanel //with ROOTSplashscreenView as its content view + our background image + text in a scroll view. using ROOT::MacOSX::Util::NSScopeGuard; //0. Text to show. const NSScopeGuard textToScroll(CreateTextToScroll(about)); if (!textToScroll.Get()) //Diagnostic was issued by CreateTextToScroll (TODO though). return false; //1. Image for splash screen's background. #ifdef ROOTICONPATH const std::string fileName(std::string(ROOTICONPATH) + "/Splash.gif"); #else const char * const env = std::getenv("ROOTSYS"); if (!env) { //TODO: diagnostic. return false; } const std::string fileName(std::string(env) + "/icons/Splash.gif"); #endif const NSScopeGuard nsStringGuard([[NSString alloc] initWithFormat : @"%s", fileName.c_str()]); if (!nsStringGuard.Get()) { //TODO: diagnostic. return false; } const NSScopeGuard imageGuard([[NSImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile : nsStringGuard.Get()]); if (!imageGuard.Get()) { //TODO: diagnostic. return false; } const CGSize imageSize = imageGuard.Get().size; //These sizes are from X11 version, they are related to the geometry of a scroll view. if (imageSize.width < 300 || imageSize.height < 285) { //TODO: diagnostic. return false; } //2. Splash-screen ('panel' + its content view). NSScopeGuard splashGuard([[ROOTSplashScreenPanel alloc] initWithContentRect : CGRectMake(0, 0, imageSize.width, imageSize.height) styleMask : NSNonactivatingPanelMask backing : NSBackingStoreBuffered defer : NO]); if (!splashGuard.Get()) { //TODO: diagnostic. return false; } const NSScopeGuard viewGuard([[ROOTSplashScreenView alloc] initWithImage : imageGuard.Get() text : textToScroll.Get() aboutMode : about]); if (!viewGuard.Get()) { //TODO: diagnostic. return false; } [splashGuard.Get() setContentView : viewGuard.Get()]; splashScreen = splashGuard.Get(); splashGuard.Release(); return true; } //_________________________________________________________________ void SetSplashscreenPosition() { assert(splashScreen != nil && "SetSplashscreenPosition, splashScreen is nil"); //Set the splash-screen's position (can it be wrong for a multi-head setup?) //TODO: check with a secondary display. if (NSScreen * const screen = [NSScreen mainScreen]) { const NSRect screenFrame = screen.frame; const CGSize splashSize = splashScreen.frame.size; const CGPoint origin = CGPointMake(screenFrame.origin.x + screenFrame.size.width / 2 - splashSize.width / 2, screenFrame.origin.y + screenFrame.size.height / 2 - splashSize.height / 2); [splashScreen setFrameOrigin : origin]; }//else - is it possible? TODO: diagnostic. } //Aux. "non-GUI" functions. //_________________________________________________________________ bool AddDeveloperInfo(NSMutableAttributedString *textToScroll) { assert(textToScroll != nil && "AddDeveloperInfo, parameter 'textToScroll' is nil"); using ROOT::MacOSX::Util::NSScopeGuard; NSScopeGuard newString([[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString : gConception]); if (!newString.Get()) //TODO: diagnostic. return false; [textToScroll appendAttributedString : newString.Get()]; newString.Reset([[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString : gLeadDevelopers]); if (!newString.Get()) //TODO: diagnostic. return false; [textToScroll appendAttributedString : newString.Get()]; newString.Reset([[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString : gRootDevelopers]); if (!newString.Get()) //TODO: diagnostic. return false; [textToScroll appendAttributedString : newString.Get()]; newString.Reset([[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString : gRootDocumentation]); if (!newString.Get()) //TODO: diagnostic. return false; [textToScroll appendAttributedString : newString.Get()]; return true; } //_________________________________________________________________ void AddContributorsInfo(NSMutableAttributedString *textToScroll) { //TODO: diagnostic and error handling + problems with non-ascii. assert(textToScroll != nil && "AddContributorsInfo, parameter 'textToScroll' is nil"); // std::list contributors; ReadContributors(contributors); if (contributors.size()) {//Add more lines here. using ROOT::MacOSX::Util::NSScopeGuard; NSScopeGuard newString([[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString : @"Contributors: "]); if (!newString.Get()) return; [textToScroll appendAttributedString : newString.Get()]; std::list::const_iterator it = contributors.begin(), end = contributors.end(), begin = contributors.begin(); for (; it != end; ++it) { //Quite ugly :( NSString/NSAttributedString ARE ugly. NSString * const nsFromC = [NSString stringWithFormat : it != begin ? @", %s" : @"%s", it->c_str()]; newString.Reset([[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString : nsFromC]); if (newString.Get()) [textToScroll appendAttributedString : newString.Get()]; } newString.Reset([[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString : @"\n\nOur sincere thanks and apologies to anyone who deserves credit but fails to appear in this list."]); } } //_________________________________________________________________ void AddUserInfo(NSMutableAttributedString *textToScroll) { //TODO: Fix - probably, it does not work with non-ascii? (if pw_gecos/pw_name can be mb strings?). assert(textToScroll != nil && "AddUserInfo, parameter 'textToScroll' is nil"); if (const passwd * const pwd = getpwuid(getuid())) { std::string name; if (pwd->pw_gecos) { const char * const comma = std::strchr(pwd->pw_gecos, ','); if (!comma) name = pwd->pw_gecos; else if (pwd->pw_gecos - comma) name.assign(pwd->pw_gecos, pwd->pw_gecos - comma); } if (!name.length() && pwd->pw_name) name = pwd->pw_name; if (!name.length()) return; using ROOT::MacOSX::Util::NSScopeGuard; NSString * const nsFromC = [NSString stringWithFormat : @"\n\nExtra special thanks go to %s, one of our favorite users.", name.c_str()]; const NSScopeGuard newString([[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString : nsFromC]); if (newString.Get()) [textToScroll appendAttributedString : newString.Get()]; } } //_________________________________________________________________ NSAttributedString *CreateTextToScroll(bool about) { using ROOT::MacOSX::Util::NSScopeGuard; //the resulting string. NSScopeGuard textToScroll([[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] init]); if (!textToScroll.Get()) //TODO: diagnostic. return nil; if (!AddDeveloperInfo(textToScroll.Get())) return nil; //Read contributors. if (about) { AddContributorsInfo(textToScroll.Get()); AddUserInfo(textToScroll.Get()); } if (NSFont * const font = [NSFont fontWithName : @"Helvetica" size : 11.]) { NSDictionary * dict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject : font forKey : NSFontAttributeName]; [textToScroll.Get() setAttributes : dict range : NSMakeRange(0, textToScroll.Get().length)]; } NSAttributedString * const result = textToScroll.Get(); textToScroll.Release(); return result; } //_________________________________________________________________ bool ReadContributors(std::list & contributors) { //TODO: Fix - does not work with something except ascii. #ifdef ROOTDOCDIR const std::string fileName(std::string(ROOTDOCDIR) + "/CREDITS"); #else const char * const env = std::getenv("ROOTSYS"); if (!env) //TODO: diagnostic? return false; const std::string fileName(std::string(env) + "/README/CREDITS"); #endif std::ifstream inputFile(fileName.c_str()); if (!inputFile) return false; std::list tmp; std::string line(200, ' '); while (std::getline(inputFile, line)) { if (line.length() > 3) { if (line[0] == 'N' && line[1] == ':' && line[2] == ' ') //Let's hope this substring is not a pile of whitespaces. tmp.push_back(line.substr(3, line.length() - 3)); } } tmp.swap(contributors); return true; } }//unnamed namespace. namespace ROOT { namespace ROOTX { //This is a 'replacement' version. //_________________________________________________________________ void WaitChild() { RunEventLoopInBackground(); } } }