// @(#)root/tmva $Id$ // Author: Andreas Hoecker, Joerg Stelzer, Helge Voss, Kai Voss /********************************************************************************** * Project: TMVA - a Root-integrated toolkit for multivariate data analysis * * Package: TMVA * * Class : BinarySearchTree * * Web : http://tmva.sourceforge.net * * * * Description: * * Implementation (see header file for description) * * * * Authors (alphabetical): * * Andreas Hoecker - CERN, Switzerland * * Joerg Stelzer - DESY, Germany * * Helge Voss - MPI-K Heidelberg, Germany * * Kai Voss - U. of Victoria, Canada * * * * Copyright (c) 2005: * * CERN, Switzerland * * U. of Victoria, Canada * * MPI-K Heidelberg, Germany * * LAPP, Annecy, France * * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * * modification, are permitted according to the terms listed in LICENSE * * (http://tmva.sourceforge.net/LICENSE) * * * **********************************************************************************/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // BinarySearchTree // // // // A simple Binary search tree including a volume search method // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include // #if ROOT_VERSION_CODE >= 364802 // #ifndef ROOT_TMathBase // #include "TMathBase.h" // #endif // #else // #ifndef ROOT_TMath #include "TMath.h" // #endif // #endif #include "TMatrixDBase.h" #include "TObjString.h" #include "TTree.h" #ifndef ROOT_TMVA_MsgLogger #include "TMVA/MsgLogger.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TMVA_MethodBase #include "TMVA/MethodBase.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TMVA_Tools #include "TMVA/Tools.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TMVA_Event #include "TMVA/Event.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TMVA_BinarySearchTree #include "TMVA/BinarySearchTree.h" #endif ClassImp(TMVA::BinarySearchTree) //_______________________________________________________________________ TMVA::BinarySearchTree::BinarySearchTree( void ) : BinaryTree(), fPeriod ( 1 ), fCurrentDepth( 0 ), fStatisticsIsValid( kFALSE ), fSumOfWeights( 0 ), fCanNormalize( kFALSE ) { // default constructor fNEventsW[0]=fNEventsW[1]=0.; } //_______________________________________________________________________ TMVA::BinarySearchTree::BinarySearchTree( const BinarySearchTree &b) : BinaryTree(), fPeriod ( b.fPeriod ), fCurrentDepth( 0 ), fStatisticsIsValid( kFALSE ), fSumOfWeights( b.fSumOfWeights ), fCanNormalize( kFALSE ) { // copy constructor that creates a true copy, i.e. a completely independent tree fNEventsW[0]=fNEventsW[1]=0.; Log() << kFATAL << " Copy constructor not implemented yet " << Endl; } //_______________________________________________________________________ TMVA::BinarySearchTree::~BinarySearchTree( void ) { // destructor for(std::vector< std::pair >::iterator pIt = fNormalizeTreeTable.begin(); pIt != fNormalizeTreeTable.end(); pIt++) { delete pIt->second; } } //_______________________________________________________________________ TMVA::BinarySearchTree* TMVA::BinarySearchTree::CreateFromXML(void* node, UInt_t tmva_Version_Code ) { // re-create a new tree (decision tree or search tree) from XML std::string type(""); gTools().ReadAttr(node,"type", type); BinarySearchTree* bt = new BinarySearchTree(); bt->ReadXML( node, tmva_Version_Code ); return bt; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::BinarySearchTree::Insert( const Event* event ) { // insert a new "event" in the binary tree fCurrentDepth=0; fStatisticsIsValid = kFALSE; if (this->GetRoot() == NULL) { // If the list is empty... this->SetRoot( new BinarySearchTreeNode(event)); //Make the new node the root. // have to use "s" for start as "r" for "root" would be the same as "r" for "right" this->GetRoot()->SetPos('s'); this->GetRoot()->SetDepth(0); fNNodes = 1; fSumOfWeights = event->GetWeight(); ((BinarySearchTreeNode*)this->GetRoot())->SetSelector((UInt_t)0); this->SetPeriode(event->GetNVariables()); } else { // sanity check: if (event->GetNVariables() != (UInt_t)this->GetPeriode()) { Log() << kFATAL << " event vector length != Periode specified in Binary Tree" << Endl << "--- event size: " << event->GetNVariables() << " Periode: " << this->GetPeriode() << Endl << "--- and all this when trying filling the "<Insert(event, this->GetRoot()); } // normalise the tree to speed up searches if (fCanNormalize) fNormalizeTreeTable.push_back( std::make_pair(0.0,new const Event(*event)) ); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::BinarySearchTree::Insert( const Event *event, Node *node ) { // private internal function to insert a event (node) at the proper position fCurrentDepth++; fStatisticsIsValid = kFALSE; if (node->GoesLeft(*event)){ // If the adding item is less than the current node's data... if (node->GetLeft() != NULL){ // If there is a left node... // Add the new event to the left node this->Insert(event, node->GetLeft()); } else { // If there is not a left node... // Make the new node for the new event BinarySearchTreeNode* current = new BinarySearchTreeNode(event); fNNodes++; fSumOfWeights += event->GetWeight(); current->SetSelector(fCurrentDepth%((Int_t)event->GetNVariables())); current->SetParent(node); // Set the new node's previous node. current->SetPos('l'); current->SetDepth( node->GetDepth() + 1 ); node->SetLeft(current); // Make it the left node of the current one. } } else if (node->GoesRight(*event)) { // If the adding item is less than or equal to the current node's data... if (node->GetRight() != NULL) { // If there is a right node... // Add the new node to it. this->Insert(event, node->GetRight()); } else { // If there is not a right node... // Make the new node. BinarySearchTreeNode* current = new BinarySearchTreeNode(event); fNNodes++; fSumOfWeights += event->GetWeight(); current->SetSelector(fCurrentDepth%((Int_t)event->GetNVariables())); current->SetParent(node); // Set the new node's previous node. current->SetPos('r'); current->SetDepth( node->GetDepth() + 1 ); node->SetRight(current); // Make it the left node of the current one. } } else Log() << kFATAL << " neither left nor right :)" << Endl; } //_______________________________________________________________________ TMVA::BinarySearchTreeNode* TMVA::BinarySearchTree::Search( Event* event ) const { //search the tree to find the node matching "event" return this->Search( event, this->GetRoot() ); } //_______________________________________________________________________ TMVA::BinarySearchTreeNode* TMVA::BinarySearchTree::Search(Event* event, Node* node) const { // Private, recursive, function for searching. if (node != NULL) { // If the node is not NULL... // If we have found the node... if (((BinarySearchTreeNode*)(node))->EqualsMe(*event)) return (BinarySearchTreeNode*)node; // Return it if (node->GoesLeft(*event)) // If the node's data is greater than the search item... return this->Search(event, node->GetLeft()); //Search the left node. else //If the node's data is less than the search item... return this->Search(event, node->GetRight()); //Search the right node. } else return NULL; //If the node is NULL, return NULL. } //_______________________________________________________________________ Double_t TMVA::BinarySearchTree::GetSumOfWeights( void ) const { //return the sum of event (node) weights if (fSumOfWeights <= 0) { Log() << kWARNING << "you asked for the SumOfWeights, which is not filled yet" << " I call CalcStatistics which hopefully fixes things" << Endl; } if (fSumOfWeights <= 0) Log() << kFATAL << " Zero events in your Search Tree" <& events, const std::vector& theVars, Int_t theType ) { // create the search tree from the event collection // using ONLY the variables specified in "theVars" fPeriod = theVars.size(); return Fill(events, theType); } //_______________________________________________________________________ Double_t TMVA::BinarySearchTree::Fill( const std::vector& events, Int_t theType ) { // create the search tree from the events in a TTree // using ALL the variables specified included in the Event UInt_t n=events.size(); UInt_t nevents = 0; if (fSumOfWeights != 0) { Log() << kWARNING << "You are filling a search three that is not empty.. " << " do you know what you are doing?" << Endl; } for (UInt_t ievt=0; ievtGetClass()) == theType) ) { this->Insert( events[ievt] ); nevents++; fSumOfWeights += events[ievt]->GetWeight(); } } // end of event loop CalcStatistics(0); return fSumOfWeights; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::BinarySearchTree::NormalizeTree ( std::vector< std::pair >::iterator leftBound, std::vector< std::pair >::iterator rightBound, UInt_t actDim ) { // normalises the binary-search tree to reduce the branch length and hence speed up the // search procedure (on average) if (leftBound == rightBound) return; if (actDim == fPeriod) actDim = 0; for (std::vector< std::pair >::iterator i=leftBound; i!=rightBound; i++) { i->first = i->second->GetValue( actDim ); } std::sort( leftBound, rightBound ); std::vector< std::pair >::iterator leftTemp = leftBound; std::vector< std::pair >::iterator rightTemp = rightBound; // meet in the middle while (true) { rightTemp--; if (rightTemp == leftTemp ) { break; } leftTemp++; if (leftTemp == rightTemp) { break; } } std::vector< std::pair >::iterator mid = leftTemp; std::vector< std::pair >::iterator midTemp = mid; if (mid!=leftBound) midTemp--; while (mid != leftBound && mid->second->GetValue( actDim ) == midTemp->second->GetValue( actDim )) { mid--; midTemp--; } Insert( mid->second ); // Print(std::cout); // std::cout << std::endl << std::endl; NormalizeTree( leftBound, mid, actDim+1 ); mid++; // Print(std::cout); // std::cout << std::endl << std::endl; NormalizeTree( mid, rightBound, actDim+1 ); return; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::BinarySearchTree::NormalizeTree() { // Normalisation of tree SetNormalize( kFALSE ); Clear( NULL ); this->SetRoot(NULL); NormalizeTree( fNormalizeTreeTable.begin(), fNormalizeTreeTable.end(), 0 ); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::BinarySearchTree::Clear( Node* n ) { // clear nodes BinarySearchTreeNode* currentNode = (BinarySearchTreeNode*)(n == NULL ? this->GetRoot() : n); if (currentNode->GetLeft() != 0) Clear( currentNode->GetLeft() ); if (currentNode->GetRight() != 0) Clear( currentNode->GetRight() ); if (n != NULL) delete n; return; } //_______________________________________________________________________ Double_t TMVA::BinarySearchTree::SearchVolume( Volume* volume, std::vector* events ) { // search the whole tree and add up all weigths of events that // lie within the given voluem return SearchVolume( this->GetRoot(), volume, 0, events ); } //_______________________________________________________________________ Double_t TMVA::BinarySearchTree::SearchVolume( Node* t, Volume* volume, Int_t depth, std::vector* events ) { // recursively walk through the daughter nodes and add up all weigths of events that // lie within the given volume if (t==NULL) return 0; // Are we at an outer leave? BinarySearchTreeNode* st = (BinarySearchTreeNode*)t; Double_t count = 0.0; if (InVolume( st->GetEventV(), volume )) { count += st->GetWeight(); if (NULL != events) events->push_back( st ); } if (st->GetLeft()==NULL && st->GetRight()==NULL) { return count; // Are we at an outer leave? } Bool_t tl, tr; Int_t d = depth%this->GetPeriode(); if (d != st->GetSelector()) { Log() << kFATAL << " selector in Searchvolume " << d << " != " << "node "<< st->GetSelector() << Endl; } tl = (*(volume->fLower))[d] < st->GetEventV()[d]; // Should we descend left? tr = (*(volume->fUpper))[d] >= st->GetEventV()[d]; // Should we descend right? if (tl) count += SearchVolume( st->GetLeft(), volume, (depth+1), events ); if (tr) count += SearchVolume( st->GetRight(), volume, (depth+1), events ); return count; } Bool_t TMVA::BinarySearchTree::InVolume(const std::vector& event, Volume* volume ) const { // test if the data points are in the given volume Bool_t result = false; for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar< fPeriod; ivar++) { result = ( (*(volume->fLower))[ivar] < event[ivar] && (*(volume->fUpper))[ivar] >= event[ivar] ); if (!result) break; } return result; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::BinarySearchTree::CalcStatistics( Node* n ) { // calculate basic statistics (mean, rms for each variable) if (fStatisticsIsValid) return; BinarySearchTreeNode * currentNode = (BinarySearchTreeNode*)n; // default, start at the tree top, then descend recursively if (n == NULL) { fSumOfWeights = 0; for (Int_t sb=0; sb<2; sb++) { fNEventsW[sb] = 0; fMeans[sb] = std::vector(fPeriod); fRMS[sb] = std::vector(fPeriod); fMin[sb] = std::vector(fPeriod); fMax[sb] = std::vector(fPeriod); fSum[sb] = std::vector(fPeriod); fSumSq[sb] = std::vector(fPeriod); for (UInt_t j=0; jGetRoot(); if (currentNode == NULL) return; // no root-node } const std::vector & evtVec = currentNode->GetEventV(); Double_t weight = currentNode->GetWeight(); // Int_t type = currentNode->IsSignal(); // Int_t type = currentNode->IsSignal() ? 0 : 1; Int_t type = Int_t(currentNode->GetClass())== Types::kSignal ? 0 : 1; fNEventsW[type] += weight; fSumOfWeights += weight; for (UInt_t j=0; j fMax[type][j]) fMax[type][j] = val; } if ( (currentNode->GetLeft() != NULL) ) CalcStatistics( currentNode->GetLeft() ); if ( (currentNode->GetRight() != NULL) ) CalcStatistics( currentNode->GetRight() ); if (n == NULL) { // i.e. the root node for (Int_t sb=0; sb<2; sb++) { for (UInt_t j=0; j* events, Int_t max_points ) { // recursively walk through the daughter nodes and add up all weigths of events that // lie within the given volume a maximum number of events can be given if (this->GetRoot() == NULL) return 0; // Are we at an outer leave? std::queue< std::pair< const BinarySearchTreeNode*, Int_t > > queue; std::pair< const BinarySearchTreeNode*, Int_t > st = std::make_pair( (const BinarySearchTreeNode*)this->GetRoot(), 0 ); queue.push( st ); Int_t count = 0; while ( !queue.empty() ) { st = queue.front(); queue.pop(); if (count == max_points) return count; if (InVolume( st.first->GetEventV(), volume )) { count++; if (NULL != events) events->push_back( st.first ); } Bool_t tl, tr; Int_t d = st.second; if ( d == Int_t(this->GetPeriode()) ) d = 0; if (d != st.first->GetSelector()) { Log() << kFATAL << " selector in Searchvolume " << d << " != " << "node "<< st.first->GetSelector() << Endl; } tl = (*(volume->fLower))[d] < st.first->GetEventV()[d] && st.first->GetLeft() != NULL; // Should we descend left? tr = (*(volume->fUpper))[d] >= st.first->GetEventV()[d] && st.first->GetRight() != NULL; // Should we descend right? if (tl) queue.push( std::make_pair( (const BinarySearchTreeNode*)st.first->GetLeft(), d+1 ) ); if (tr) queue.push( std::make_pair( (const BinarySearchTreeNode*)st.first->GetRight(), d+1 ) ); } return count; }