// @(#)root/tmva $Id$ // Author: Alexander Voigt /********************************************************************************** * Project: TMVA - a Root-integrated toolkit for multivariate data analysis * * Package: TMVA * * Classes: PDEFoamDecisionTree * * Web : http://tmva.sourceforge.net * * * * Description: * * Implementation of decision tree like PDEFoam * * * * Authors (alphabetical): * * Tancredi Carli - CERN, Switzerland * * Dominik Dannheim - CERN, Switzerland * * S. Jadach - Institute of Nuclear Physics, Cracow, Poland * * Alexander Voigt - TU Dresden, Germany * * Peter Speckmayer - CERN, Switzerland * * * * Copyright (c) 2010: * * CERN, Switzerland * * MPI-K Heidelberg, Germany * * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * * modification, are permitted according to the terms listed in LICENSE * * (http://tmva.sourceforge.net/LICENSE) * **********************************************************************************/ //_____________________________________________________________________ // // PDEFoamDecisionTree // // This PDEFoam variant acts like a decision tree and stores in every // cell the discriminant // // D = #events with given class / total number of events // // as well as the statistical error on the discriminant. It therefore // acts as a discriminant estimator. The decision tree-like behaviour // is achieved by overriding PDEFoamDiscriminant::Explore() to use a // decision tree-like cell splitting algorithm (given a separation // type). // // This PDEFoam variant should be booked together with the // PDEFoamDecisionTreeDensity density estimator, which returns the // events in a cell without sampling. // //_____________________________________________________________________ #ifndef ROOT_TMVA_PDEFoamDecisionTree #include "TMVA/PDEFoamDecisionTree.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TMVA_PDEFoamDecisionTreeDensity #include "TMVA/PDEFoamDecisionTreeDensity.h" #endif ClassImp(TMVA::PDEFoamDecisionTree) //_____________________________________________________________________ TMVA::PDEFoamDecisionTree::PDEFoamDecisionTree() : PDEFoamDiscriminant() , fSepType(NULL) { // Default constructor for streamer, user should not use it. } //_____________________________________________________________________ TMVA::PDEFoamDecisionTree::PDEFoamDecisionTree(const TString& name, SeparationBase *sepType, UInt_t cls) : PDEFoamDiscriminant(name, cls) , fSepType(sepType) { // Parameters: // // - name - name of the foam // // - sepType - separation type used for the cell splitting (will be // deleted in the destructor) // // - cls - class to consider as signal when calcualting the purity } //_____________________________________________________________________ TMVA::PDEFoamDecisionTree::PDEFoamDecisionTree(const PDEFoamDecisionTree &from) : PDEFoamDiscriminant(from) , fSepType(from.fSepType) { // Copy Constructor NOT IMPLEMENTED (NEVER USED) Log() << kFATAL << "COPY CONSTRUCTOR NOT IMPLEMENTED" << Endl; } //_____________________________________________________________________ TMVA::PDEFoamDecisionTree::~PDEFoamDecisionTree() { // Destructor // deletes fSepType if (fSepType) delete fSepType; } //_____________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::PDEFoamDecisionTree::Explore(PDEFoamCell *cell) { // Internal subprogram used by Create. It explores newly defined // cell with according to the decision tree logic. The separation // set via the 'sepType' option in the constructor. // // The optimal division point for eventual future cell division is // determined/recorded. Note that links to parents and initial // volume = 1/2 parent has to be already defined prior to calling // this routine. // // Note, that according to the decision tree logic, a cell is only // split, if the number of (unweighted) events in each dautghter // cell is greater than fNmin. if (!cell) Log() << kFATAL << "<DTExplore> Null pointer given!" << Endl; // create edge histograms std::vector<TH1D*> hsig, hbkg, hsig_unw, hbkg_unw; hsig.reserve(fDim); hbkg.reserve(fDim); hsig_unw.reserve(fDim); hbkg_unw.reserve(fDim); for (Int_t idim = 0; idim < fDim; idim++) { hsig.push_back(new TH1D(Form("hsig_%i", idim), Form("signal[%i]", idim), fNBin, fXmin[idim], fXmax[idim])); hbkg.push_back(new TH1D(Form("hbkg_%i", idim), Form("background[%i]", idim), fNBin, fXmin[idim], fXmax[idim])); hsig_unw.push_back(new TH1D(Form("hsig_unw_%i", idim), Form("signal_unw[%i]", idim), fNBin, fXmin[idim], fXmax[idim])); hbkg_unw.push_back(new TH1D(Form("hbkg_unw_%i", idim), Form("background_unw[%i]", idim), fNBin, fXmin[idim], fXmax[idim])); } // get cell position and size PDEFoamVect cellSize(GetTotDim()), cellPosi(GetTotDim()); cell->GetHcub(cellPosi, cellSize); // determine lower and upper cell bound std::vector<Double_t> lb(GetTotDim()); // lower bound std::vector<Double_t> ub(GetTotDim()); // upper bound for (Int_t idim = 0; idim < GetTotDim(); idim++) { lb[idim] = VarTransformInvers(idim, cellPosi[idim] - std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon()); ub[idim] = VarTransformInvers(idim, cellPosi[idim] + cellSize[idim] + std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon()); } // fDistr must be of type PDEFoamDecisionTreeDensity* PDEFoamDecisionTreeDensity *distr = dynamic_cast<PDEFoamDecisionTreeDensity*>(fDistr); if (distr == NULL) Log() << kFATAL << "<PDEFoamDecisionTree::Explore>: cast failed: " << "PDEFoamDensityBase* --> PDEFoamDecisionTreeDensity*" << Endl; // create TMVA::Volume object needed for searching within the BST TMVA::Volume volume(&lb, &ub); // fill the signal and background histograms for the given volume distr->FillHistograms(volume, hsig, hbkg, hsig_unw, hbkg_unw); // ------ determine the best division edge Double_t xBest = 0.5; // best division point Int_t kBest = -1; // best split dimension Double_t maxGain = -1.0; // maximum gain Double_t nTotS = hsig.at(0)->Integral(0, hsig.at(0)->GetNbinsX() + 1); Double_t nTotB = hbkg.at(0)->Integral(0, hbkg.at(0)->GetNbinsX() + 1); Double_t nTotS_unw = hsig_unw.at(0)->Integral(0, hsig_unw.at(0)->GetNbinsX() + 1); Double_t nTotB_unw = hbkg_unw.at(0)->Integral(0, hbkg_unw.at(0)->GetNbinsX() + 1); for (Int_t idim = 0; idim < fDim; ++idim) { Double_t nSelS = hsig.at(idim)->GetBinContent(0); Double_t nSelB = hbkg.at(idim)->GetBinContent(0); Double_t nSelS_unw = hsig_unw.at(idim)->GetBinContent(0); Double_t nSelB_unw = hbkg_unw.at(idim)->GetBinContent(0); for (Int_t jLo = 1; jLo < fNBin; jLo++) { nSelS += hsig.at(idim)->GetBinContent(jLo); nSelB += hbkg.at(idim)->GetBinContent(jLo); nSelS_unw += hsig_unw.at(idim)->GetBinContent(jLo); nSelB_unw += hbkg_unw.at(idim)->GetBinContent(jLo); // proceed if total number of events in left and right cell // is greater than fNmin if (!((nSelS_unw + nSelB_unw) >= GetNmin() && (nTotS_unw - nSelS_unw + nTotB_unw - nSelB_unw) >= GetNmin())) continue; Double_t xLo = 1.0 * jLo / fNBin; // calculate separation gain Double_t gain = fSepType->GetSeparationGain(nSelS, nSelB, nTotS, nTotB); if (gain >= maxGain) { maxGain = gain; xBest = xLo; kBest = idim; } } // jLo } // idim if (kBest >= fDim || kBest < 0) { // No best division edge found! One must ensure, that this cell // is not chosen for splitting in PeekMax(). But since in // PeekMax() it is ensured that cell->GetDriv() > epsilon, one // should set maxGain to -1.0 (or even 0.0?) here. maxGain = -1.0; } // set cell properties cell->SetBest(kBest); cell->SetXdiv(xBest); if (nTotB + nTotS > 0) cell->SetIntg(nTotS / (nTotB + nTotS)); else cell->SetIntg(0.0); cell->SetDriv(maxGain); cell->CalcVolume(); // set cell element 0 (total number of events in cell) during // build-up if (GetNmin() > 0) SetCellElement(cell, 0, nTotS + nTotB); // clean up for (UInt_t ih = 0; ih < hsig.size(); ih++) delete hsig.at(ih); for (UInt_t ih = 0; ih < hbkg.size(); ih++) delete hbkg.at(ih); for (UInt_t ih = 0; ih < hsig_unw.size(); ih++) delete hsig_unw.at(ih); for (UInt_t ih = 0; ih < hbkg_unw.size(); ih++) delete hbkg_unw.at(ih); }