// @(#)root/cintex:$Id$ // Author: Pere Mato 2005 // Copyright CERN, CH-1211 Geneva 23, 2004-2010, All rights reserved. // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any // purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that this copyright and // permissions notice appear in all copies and derivatives. // // This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. #include "Reflex/Type.h" #include "Reflex/Tools.h" #include "CINTdefs.h" #include "Api.h" #include "CINTFunctional.h" #include "RConfig.h" #include #ifndef CINTEX_USE_MMAP # if (defined(__linux) || defined(R__MACOSX)) && ! defined(DATA_EXECUTABLE) # define CINTEX_USE_MMAP 1 # else # define CINTEX_USE_MMAP 0 # endif #endif #if CINTEX_USE_MMAP #include #elif defined(_WIN32) typedef unsigned long WIN_DWORD; typedef void *WIN_LPVOID; extern "C" { __declspec(dllimport) WIN_LPVOID __stdcall VirtualAlloc(WIN_LPVOID, size_t, WIN_DWORD, WIN_DWORD); __declspec(dllimport) int __stdcall VirtualFree(WIN_LPVOID, size_t, WIN_DWORD); } #endif using namespace ROOT::Reflex; using namespace std; namespace ROOT { namespace Cintex { class StubContexts : public vector { public: static StubContexts& Instance() { static StubContexts s_cont; return s_cont; } private: StubContexts() {} ~StubContexts() { for( vector::iterator j = begin(); j != end(); ++j) delete (*j); clear(); } }; StubContext_t::StubContext_t(const Member& mem, const Type& cl ) : fMethodCode(0), fParam(mem.FunctionParameterSize(), 0), fParCnvLast(0), fRet_tag(-1), fRet_byvalue(false), fRet_byref(false), fRet_plevel(0), fClass_tag(-1), fRet_Sizeof(0), fClass(cl), fNpar(0), fStub(0), fStubctx(0), fNewdelfuncs(0), fInitialized(false) { // Push back a context. StubContexts::Instance().push_back(this); fFunction = mem.TypeOf(); fNpar = fFunction.FunctionParameterSize(); fStub = mem.Stubfunction(); fStubctx = mem.Stubcontext(); // for constructor or destructor locate newdelfunctions pointers if ( mem.IsConstructor() || mem.IsDestructor() ) { Member getnewdelfuncs = fClass.FunctionMemberByName("__getNewDelFunctions", Reflex::Type(), 0, INHERITEDMEMBERS_NO, DELAYEDLOAD_OFF); if( getnewdelfuncs ) { static Type tNewdelfuncs = Type::ByTypeInfo(typeid(fNewdelfuncs)); Object ret( tNewdelfuncs, (void*)&fNewdelfuncs); getnewdelfuncs.Invoke(&ret); } } } StubContext_t::~StubContext_t() { // Destructor. if ( fMethodCode ) Free_function( (void*)fMethodCode ); if (fParCnvLast) delete fParCnvLast; } void StubContext_t::Initialize() { // Initialize a context. if (fNpar > fgNumParCnvFirst) { if (!fParCnvLast) { fParCnvLast = new std::vector(fNpar - fgNumParCnvFirst); } else { fParCnvLast->resize(fNpar - fgNumParCnvFirst); } } else { delete fParCnvLast; fParCnvLast = 0; } // pre-process paramters and remember the treatment that is needed to be done for (int i = 0; i < fNpar; i++ ) { ParCnvInfo_t* parInfo = i < fgNumParCnvFirst ? &fParCnvFirst[i] : &((*fParCnvLast)[i - fgNumParCnvFirst]); Type pt = fFunction.FunctionParameterAt(i); while ( pt.IsTypedef() ) pt = pt.ToType(); if ( pt.IsReference() && ! pt.IsConst() ) if( pt.IsPointer() ) parInfo->fTreat = '*'; else parInfo->fTreat = '&'; else if ( pt.IsFundamental() || pt.IsEnum() ) if ( pt.TypeInfo() == typeid(float) ) parInfo->fTreat = 'f'; else if ( pt.TypeInfo() == typeid(double) ) parInfo->fTreat = 'd'; else if ( pt.TypeInfo() == typeid(long double) ) parInfo->fTreat = 'q'; else if ( pt.TypeInfo() == typeid(long long) ) parInfo->fTreat = 'n'; else if ( pt.TypeInfo() == typeid(unsigned long long) ) parInfo->fTreat = 'm'; else parInfo->fTreat = 'i'; else parInfo->fTreat = 'u'; } // pre-process result block Type rt = fFunction.ReturnType(); fRet_Sizeof = rt.SizeOf(); if (fRet_Sizeof==0) { // Humm a type with sizeof 0 ... more likely to be a type unknown to reflex ... fRet_Sizeof = G__Lsizeof( rt.Name( Reflex::SCOPED ).c_str() ); } fRet_byref = rt.IsReference(); while ( rt.IsTypedef() ) rt = rt.ToType(); fRet_desc = CintType( rt ); fRet_tag = CintTag( fRet_desc.second ); fRet_byvalue = !fRet_byref && !rt.IsFundamental() && !rt.IsPointer() && !rt.IsArray() && !rt.IsEnum(); int plevel = 0; Type frt = rt.FinalType(); while (frt.IsPointer()) { // Note: almost right (does not handle array or reference in between) ++plevel; frt = frt.ToType(); } if ( rt.IsPointer() ) { fRet_desc.first = (fRet_desc.first - ('a'-'A')); --plevel; } fRet_plevel = plevel; // for constructor the result block is the class itself if( fClass) fClass_tag = CintTag( CintType(fClass).second ); else fClass_tag = 0; // Set initialized flag fInitialized = true; } void StubContext_t::ProcessParam(G__param* libp) { // Process param type. fParam.resize(libp->paran); for (int i = 0; i < libp->paran; i++ ) { ParCnvInfo_t* parInfo = i < fgNumParCnvFirst ? &fParCnvFirst[i] : &((*fParCnvLast)[i - fgNumParCnvFirst]); switch(parInfo->fTreat) { case 'd': parInfo->fValCINT.obj.d = G__double(libp->para[i]); fParam[i] = &parInfo->fValCINT.obj.d; break; case 'f': parInfo->fValCINT.obj.fl = (float)G__double(libp->para[i]); fParam[i] = &parInfo->fValCINT.obj.fl; break; case 'n': parInfo->fValCINT.obj.ll = G__Longlong(libp->para[i]); fParam[i] = &parInfo->fValCINT.obj.ll; break; case 'm': parInfo->fValCINT.obj.ull= G__ULonglong(libp->para[i]); fParam[i] = &parInfo->fValCINT.obj.ull; break; case 'q': parInfo->fValCINT.obj.ld = G__Longdouble(libp->para[i]); fParam[i] = &parInfo->fValCINT.obj.ld; break; case 'i': parInfo->fValCINT.obj.i = G__int(libp->para[i]); fParam[i] = &parInfo->fValCINT.obj.i; break; case '*': fParam[i] = libp->para[i].ref ? (void*)libp->para[i].ref : &libp->para[i].obj.i; break; case '&': fParam[i] = (void*)libp->para[i].ref; break; case 'u': fParam[i] = (void*)libp->para[i].obj.i; break; } } } void* StubContext_t::GetReturnAddress(G__value* result) const { // Extract the memory location of the return value given the return type of fMethod Type ret = fFunction.ReturnType().FinalType(); if (ret.IsPointer()) return &result->obj.i; if (ret.IsReference()) return &result->ref; switch (Tools::FundamentalType(ret)) { case kFLOAT: case kDOUBLE: return &result->obj.d; case kLONG_DOUBLE: return &result->obj.ld; case kVOID: return 0; case kLONGLONG: case kULONGLONG: return &result->obj.ll; default: ; } return &result->obj.i; } void StubContext_t::ProcessResult(G__value* result, void* objaddr) { // Process ctx result. char t = fRet_desc.first; result->type = t; void *obj = objaddr; if ( fRet_byref ) { result->ref = (long) *(void**)objaddr; obj = *(void**)objaddr; result->tagnum = fRet_tag; } else { result->ref = 0; } switch( t ) { case 'y': G__setnull(result); break; case 'g': Converter::toCint (result, obj); break; case 'c': Converter::toCint (result, obj); break; case 'Y': Converter::toCint (result, *(void**)obj); break; case 'G': Converter::toCint (result, *(void**)obj); break; case 'C': Converter::toCint (result, *(void**)obj); break; case 'B': Converter::toCint (result, *(void**)obj); break; case 'R': Converter::toCint (result, *(void**)obj); break; case 'I': Converter::toCint (result, *(void**)obj); break; case 'H': Converter::toCint (result, *(void**)obj); break; case 'K': Converter::toCint (result, *(void**)obj); break; case 'M': Converter::toCint (result, *(void**)obj); break; case 'N': Converter::toCint (result, *(void**)obj); break; case 'S': Converter::toCint (result, *(void**)obj); break; case 'F': Converter::toCint (result, *(void**)obj); break; case 'D': Converter::toCint (result, *(void**)obj); break; case 'L': Converter::toCint (result, *(void**)obj); break; case 'b': Converter::toCint (result, obj); break; case 's': Converter::toCint (result, obj); break; case 'r': Converter::toCint(result, obj); break; case 'i': Converter::toCint (result, obj); break; case 'h': Converter::toCint (result, obj); break; case 'l': Converter::toCint (result, obj); break; case 'k': Converter::toCint (result, obj); break; case 'n': Converter::toCint (result, obj); break; case 'm': Converter::toCint (result, obj); break; case 'f': Converter::toCint (result, obj); break; case 'd': Converter::toCint (result, obj); break; case 'q': Converter::toCint (result, obj); break; case 'Q': Converter::toCint (result, obj); break; case 'u': Converter::toCint(result, obj); if ( !fRet_byref ) { // Cint stores the address of the object in .ref even if // the value is not a reference. result->ref = (long)obj; } result->tagnum = fRet_tag; break; case 'U': Converter::toCint(result, *(void**)obj); result->tagnum = fRet_tag; break; } if (isupper(t) && fRet_plevel) { result->obj.reftype.reftype = fRet_plevel; } } //------------------Stub adpater functions-------------------------------------------------------- int Method_stub_with_context(StubContext_t* context, G__value* result, G__CONST char* /*funcname*/, G__param* libp, int /*hash*/ ) { // Process method, catch exceptions. if ( !context->fInitialized ) context->Initialize(); context->ProcessParam(libp); if(!G__GetCatchException()) { // Stub Calling void* retaddr = 0; if ( context->fRet_byvalue ) { // Intentionally use operator new here, we do NOT need to run // the constructor since the function itself will run // a new with placement. retaddr = ::operator new( context->fRet_Sizeof ); } else retaddr = context->GetReturnAddress(result); (*context->fStub)(retaddr, (void*)G__getstructoffset(), context->fParam, context->fStubctx); context->ProcessResult(result, retaddr); if ( context->fRet_byvalue ) G__store_tempobject(*result); return 1; } // Catch here everything since going through the adaptor in the data section // does not transmit the exception try { void* retaddr = 0; if ( context->fRet_byvalue ) { // Intentionally use operator new here, we do NOT need to run // the constructor since the function itself will run // a new with placement. retaddr = ::operator new( context->fRet_Sizeof ); } else retaddr = context->GetReturnAddress(result); (*context->fStub)(retaddr, (void*)G__getstructoffset(), context->fParam, context->fStubctx); context->ProcessResult(result, retaddr); if ( context->fRet_byvalue ) G__store_tempobject(*result); } catch ( std::exception& e ) { string errtxt("Exception: "); errtxt += e.what(); errtxt += " (C++ exception)"; G__genericerror(errtxt.c_str()); G__setnull(result); } catch (...) { G__genericerror("Exception: Unknown C++ exception"); G__setnull(result); } return(1); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int Constructor_stub_with_context(StubContext_t* context, G__value* result, G__CONST char* /*funcname*/, G__param *libp, int /*indx*/ ) { // Process constructor, catch exceptions. if ( !context->fInitialized ) context->Initialize(); context->ProcessParam(libp); void* obj=0; // Catch here everything since going through the adaptor in the data section // does not transmit the exception try { long nary = G__getaryconstruct(); size_t size = context->fClass.SizeOf(); if ( nary ) { if( context->fNewdelfuncs ) { obj = context->fNewdelfuncs->fNewArray(nary, 0); } else { obj = ::operator new( nary * size); long p = (long)obj; for( long i = 0; i < nary; ++i, p += size ) (*context->fStub)(0, (void*)p, context->fParam, context->fStubctx); } } else { obj = ::operator new( size ); (*context->fStub)(0, obj, context->fParam, context->fStubctx); } } catch ( std::exception& e ) { string errtxt("Exception: "); errtxt += e.what(); errtxt += " (C++ exception)"; G__genericerror(errtxt.c_str()); ::operator delete (obj); obj = 0; } catch (...) { G__genericerror("Exception: Unknown C++ exception"); ::operator delete (obj); obj = 0; } result->obj.i = (long)obj; result->ref = (long)obj; result->type = 'u'; result->tagnum = context->fClass_tag; return(1); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int Destructor_stub_with_context( StubContext_t* context, G__value* result, G__CONST char* /*funcname*/, G__param* /*libp*/, int /*indx*/ ) { // Process destructor. void* obj = (void*)G__getstructoffset(); if( 0 == obj ) return 1; if ( !context->fInitialized ) context->Initialize(); if( G__getaryconstruct() ) { if( G__PVOID == G__getgvp() ) { // delete[] (TYPE*)(G__getstructoffset()); if( context->fNewdelfuncs ) context->fNewdelfuncs->fDeleteArray(obj); } else { size_t size = context->fClass.SizeOf(); for(int i = G__getaryconstruct()-1; i>=0 ; i--) (*context->fStub)(0, (char*)obj + size*i, context->fParam, context->fStubctx); ::operator delete (obj); } } else { long g__Xtmp = G__getgvp(); G__setgvp(G__PVOID); (*context->fStub)(0, obj, context->fParam, context->fStubctx); G__setgvp(g__Xtmp); if( !(long(obj) == G__getgvp() && G__PVOID != G__getgvp()) ) { ::operator delete (obj); //G__operator_delete(obj); } } G__setnull(result); return 1; } //------ Support for functions a state ------------------------------------------------------- char* Allocate_code(const void* src, size_t len) { #if CINTEX_USE_MMAP char* code = (char*) ::mmap(NULL, len + sizeof(size_t), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANON, -1, 0); if (!code || code == ((void *) -1)) return 0; // write the size of the allocation into the first few bytes; we need // it for munmap. *((size_t*)code) = len + sizeof(size_t); code += sizeof(size_t); #elif defined(_WIN32) char* code = (char*)VirtualAlloc(NULL, len + sizeof(size_t), /*MEM_COMMIT*/ 0x1000 | /*MEM_RESERVE*/ 0x2000, /*PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE*/0x40); if (!code || code == ((void *) -1)) return 0; #else char* code = new char[len+1]; if ( !code ) return 0; #endif ::memcpy(code, src, len); return code; } //------ Function models------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef R__B64 #define FUNCPATTERN 0xFAFAFAFAFAFAFAFAUL #define DATAPATTERN 0xDADADADADADADADAUL #else #define FUNCPATTERN 0xFAFAFAFAUL #define DATAPATTERN 0xDADADADAUL #endif #if defined(__arm__) __attribute__((naked, used)) static void f0a() { __asm__ __volatile__ ("push {fp, lr}\n\t" "add fp, sp, #4\n\t" "ldr r3, [pc, #8]\n\t" "ldr r0, [pc, #8]\n\t" "blx r3\n\t" "pop {fp, pc}\n\t" ".word 0xfafafafa\n\t" ".word 0xdadadada"); } __attribute__((naked, used)) static void f1a(void* a0) { __asm__ __volatile__ ("push {fp, lr}\n\t" "add fp, sp, #4\n\t" "sub sp, sp, #8\n\t" "str r0, [fp, #-8]\n\t" "ldr r3, [pc, #16]\n\t" "ldr r0, [pc, #16]\n\t" "ldr r1, [fp, #-8]\n\t" "blx r3\n\t" "sub sp, fp, #4\n\t" "pop {fp, pc}\n\t" ".word 0xfafafafa\n\t" ".word 0xdadadada"); } __attribute__((naked, used)) static void f4a(void* a0, void* a1, void* a2, void* a3) { __asm__ __volatile__ ("push {fp, lr}\n\t" "add fp, sp, #4\n\t" "sub sp, sp, #24\n\t" "str r0, [fp, #-8]\n\t" "str r1, [fp, #-12]\n\t" "str r2, [fp, #-16]\n\t" "str r3, [fp, #-20]\n\t" "ldr r3, [fp, #-20]\n\t" "str r3, [sp]\n\t" "ldr ip, [pc, #24]\n\t" "ldr r0, [pc, #24]\n\t" "ldr r1, [fp, #-8]\n\t" "ldr r2, [fp, #-12]\n\t" "ldr r3, [fp, #-16]\n\t" "blx ip\n\t" "sub sp, fp, #4\n\t" "pop {fp, pc}\n\t" ".word 0xfafafafa\n\t" ".word 0xdadadada"); } #elif defined(__aarch64__) __attribute__((used)) static void f0a() { __asm__ __volatile__ ("stp x29, x30, [sp,#-16]!\n\t" "mov x29, sp\n\t" "ldr x1, #20\n\t" "ldr x0, #24\n\t" "blr x1\n\t" "ldp x29, x30, [sp],#16\n\t" "ret\n\t" ".dword 0xfafafafafafafafa\n\t" ".dword 0xdadadadadadadada\n\t"); } __attribute__((used)) static void f1a() { __asm__ __volatile__ ("stp x29, x30, [sp,#-16]!\n\t" "mov x29, sp\n\t" "ldr x2, #24\n\t" "mov x1, x0\n\t" "ldr x0, #24\n\t" "blr x2\n\t" "ldp x29, x30, [sp],#16\n\t" "ret\n\t" ".dword 0xfafafafafafafafa\n\t" ".dword 0xdadadadadadadada\n\t"); } __attribute__((used)) static void f4a() { __asm__ __volatile__ ("stp x29, x30, [sp,#-16]!\n\t" "mov x29, sp\n\t" "ldr x5, #36\n\t" "mov x4, x3\n\t" "mov x3, x2\n\t" "mov x2, x1\n\t" "mov x1, x0\n\t" "ldr x0, #24\n\t" "blr x5\n\t" "ldp x29, x30, [sp],#16\n\t" "ret\n\t" ".dword 0xfafafafafafafafa\n\t" ".dword 0xdadadadadadadada\n\t"); } #else static void f0a() { typedef void (*f_t)(void*); ((f_t)FUNCPATTERN)((void*)DATAPATTERN); } static void f1a(void* a0) { typedef void (*f_t)(void*,void*); ((f_t)FUNCPATTERN)((void*)DATAPATTERN, a0); } static void f4a(void* a0, void* a1, void* a2, void* a3) { typedef void (*f_t)(void*,void*,void*,void*,void*); ((f_t)FUNCPATTERN)((void*)DATAPATTERN, a0, a1, a2, a3); } #endif struct FunctionCode_t { FunctionCode_t(int narg) : f_offset(0), fa_offset(0), fSize(0) { if (narg == 0) fCode = (char*)f0a; else if (narg == 1) fCode = (char*)f1a; else if (narg == 4) fCode = (char*)f4a; char* b = fCode; for ( size_t o = 0; o < 1000; o++, b++) { if ( *(unsigned long*)b == DATAPATTERN ) fa_offset = o; if ( *(unsigned long*)b == FUNCPATTERN ) f_offset = o; if ( f_offset && fa_offset ) { fSize = (o + 256) & ~0xF; break; } } } size_t f_offset; size_t fa_offset; size_t fSize; char* fCode; }; #undef DATAPATTERN #undef FUNCPATTERN G__InterfaceMethod Allocate_stub_function( StubContext_t* obj, int (*fun)(StubContext_t*, G__value*, G__CONST char*, G__param*, int ) ) { // Allocate a stub function. static FunctionCode_t s_func4arg(4); char* code = Allocate_code(s_func4arg.fCode, s_func4arg.fSize ); *(unsigned long **)&code[s_func4arg.fa_offset] = (unsigned long *)obj; *(unsigned long **)&code[s_func4arg.f_offset] = (unsigned long *)fun; obj->fMethodCode = (G__InterfaceMethod)code; return obj->fMethodCode; } FuncVoidPtr_t Allocate_void_function( void* obj, void (*fun)(void*) ) { // Allocate a stub function. static FunctionCode_t s_func0arg(0); char* code = Allocate_code(s_func0arg.fCode, s_func0arg.fSize); *(unsigned long **)&code[s_func0arg.fa_offset] = (unsigned long *)obj; *(unsigned long **)&code[s_func0arg.f_offset] = (unsigned long *)fun; return (FuncVoidPtr_t)code; } FuncArg1Ptr_t Allocate_1arg_function( void* obj, void* (*fun)(void*, void*) ) { // Allocate a stub function. static FunctionCode_t s_func1arg(1); char* code = Allocate_code(s_func1arg.fCode, s_func1arg.fSize); *(unsigned long **)&code[s_func1arg.fa_offset] = (unsigned long *)obj; *(unsigned long **)&code[s_func1arg.f_offset] = (unsigned long *)fun; return (FuncArg1Ptr_t)code; } void Free_function( void* code ) { // Free function code. char* scode = (char*)code; #if CINTEX_USE_MMAP if (!code) return; scode -= sizeof(size_t); munmap(scode, *((size_t*)scode)); #elif defined(_WIN32) if (!code) return; VirtualFree(scode, 0, /*MEM_RELEASE*/ 0x8000); #else delete [] scode; #endif } } } // seal and cintex namepaces