// @(#)root/cintex:$Id$ // Author: Pere Mato 2005 // Copyright CERN, CH-1211 Geneva 23, 2004-2005, All rights reserved. // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any // purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that this copyright and // permissions notice appear in all copies and derivatives. // // This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. #include "Reflex/Callback.h" #include "Reflex/Type.h" #include "Reflex/Member.h" #include "Reflex/Builder/ReflexBuilder.h" #include "Cintex/Cintex.h" #include "CINTClassBuilder.h" #include "CINTFunctionBuilder.h" #include "CINTVariableBuilder.h" #include "CINTTypedefBuilder.h" #include "CINTEnumBuilder.h" #include "ROOTClassEnhancer.h" #include "CINTSourceFile.h" #include #include "TROOT.h" #include "TInterpreter.h" //gCINTMutex #include "TVirtualMutex.h" using namespace ROOT::Reflex; using namespace ROOT::Cintex; using namespace std; //Build the Cintex dictionary on Reflex and convert it to CINT namespace { struct Cintex_dict_t { public: Cintex_dict_t() { //--Reflex class builder //NamespaceBuilder( "ROOT::Cintex" ); Type t_void = TypeBuilder(Literal("void")); Type t_int = TypeBuilder(Literal("int")); Type t_bool = TypeBuilder(Literal("bool")); Type t_double = TypeBuilder(Literal("double")); Type t_double32 = TypedefTypeBuilder(Literal("Double32_t"), t_double); ClassBuilderT< Cintex >("Cintex", PUBLIC) .AddFunctionMember(FunctionTypeBuilder(t_void), "Enable", Enable, 0, 0, PUBLIC | STATIC) .AddFunctionMember(FunctionTypeBuilder(t_void, t_int), "SetDebug", SetDebug, 0, 0, PUBLIC | STATIC) .AddFunctionMember(FunctionTypeBuilder(t_int), "Debug", Debug, 0, 0, PUBLIC | STATIC) .AddFunctionMember(FunctionTypeBuilder(t_bool), "PropagateClassTypedefs", PropagateClassTypedefs, 0, 0, PUBLIC | STATIC) .AddFunctionMember(FunctionTypeBuilder(t_void, t_bool), "SetPropagateClassTypedefs", SetPropagateClassTypedefs, 0, 0, PUBLIC | STATIC); //--CINT class builder Type t = Type::ByName("Cintex"); // Before loading in CINT, let's make sure that CINT (and ROOT) are initialized ROOT::GetROOT(); ROOT::Cintex::CINTClassBuilder::Get(t).Setup(); } static void Enable(void*, void*, const std::vector&, void*) { Cintex::Enable(); } static void SetDebug(void*, void*, const std::vector& arg, void*) { Cintex::SetDebug(*(bool*)arg[0]); } static void Debug(void*, void* ret, const std::vector&, void*) { if (ret) *(int*)ret = Cintex::Debug(); else Cintex::Debug(); } static void PropagateClassTypedefs(void*, void* ret, const std::vector&, void*) { if (ret) *(bool*)ret = Cintex::PropagateClassTypedefs(); else Cintex::PropagateClassTypedefs(); } static void SetPropagateClassTypedefs(void*, void*, const std::vector& arg, void*) { Cintex::SetPropagateClassTypedefs(*(bool*)arg[0]); } }; static Cintex_dict_t s_dict; static const char* btypes[] = { "bool", "char", "unsigned char", "short", "unsigned short", "int", "unsigned int", "long", "unsigned long", "float", "double", "string" }; void Declare_additional_CINT_typedefs() { // as the function name says std::string name; std::string value; int autoload = G__set_class_autoloading(0); // To avoid recursive loads for ( size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(btypes)/sizeof(char*); i ++ ) { //--- vector --- name = std::string("vector<") + btypes[i]; value = name; name += ">"; value += std::string(",allocator<") + btypes[i] + "> >"; CINTTypedefBuilder::Set(name.c_str(), value.c_str()); } // Now that genreflex always translates basic_string to string // we need a "typedef" (the wrong way!) for backward compatibility: CINTTypedefBuilder::Set("basic_string", "string"); G__set_class_autoloading(autoload); } } namespace ROOT { namespace Cintex { Cintex& Cintex::Instance() { static Cintex s_instance; return s_instance; } Cintex::Cintex() { fCallback = new Callback(); fRootcreator = 0; fDbglevel = 0; fPropagateClassTypedefs = true; fPropagateClassEnums = true; fEnabled = false; } Cintex::~Cintex() { if( fCallback ) UninstallClassCallback( fCallback ); delete fCallback; } void Cintex::Enable() { if ( Instance().fEnabled ) return; //---Declare some extra typdefs to please CINT Declare_additional_CINT_typedefs(); //---Install the callback to fothcoming classes ----// InstallClassCallback( Instance().fCallback ); //---Convert to CINT all existing classes ---// for( size_t i = 0; i < Type::TypeSize(); i++ ) { ( * Instance().fCallback)( Type::TypeAt(i) ); } //---Convert to CINT all existing free functions and variables for ( size_t n = 0; n < Scope::ScopeSize(); n++ ) { Scope ns = Scope::ScopeAt(n); if ( ns.IsNamespace() ) { for( size_t m = 0; m < ns.MemberSize(); m++ ) { ( * Instance().fCallback)( ns.MemberAt(m) ); } } } Instance().fEnabled = true; } void Cintex::SetROOTCreator(ROOTCreator_t c) { Instance().fRootcreator = c; } ROOTCreator_t Cintex::GetROOTCreator() { return Instance().fRootcreator; } int Cintex::Debug() { return Instance().fDbglevel; } void Cintex::SetDebug(int l) { Instance().fDbglevel = l; } bool Cintex::PropagateClassTypedefs() { return Instance().fPropagateClassTypedefs; } void Cintex::SetPropagateClassTypedefs(bool val) { Instance().fPropagateClassTypedefs = val; } bool Cintex::PropagateClassEnums() { return Instance().fPropagateClassEnums; } void Cintex::SetPropagateClassEnums(bool val) { Instance().fPropagateClassEnums = val; } void Cintex::Default_CreateClass(const char* name, TGenericClassInfo* gci) { // Create a TClass object from the Reflex data; forward to ROOTClassEnhancer. ROOTClassEnhancer::Default_CreateClass(Reflex::Type::ByName(name), gci); } void Callback::operator () ( const Type& t ) { R__LOCKGUARD2(gCINTMutex); ArtificialSourceFile asf; int autoload = G__set_class_autoloading(0); // To avoid recursive loads if ( t.IsClass() || t.IsStruct() ) { ROOTClassEnhancer enhancer(t); enhancer.Setup(); CINTClassBuilder::Get(t).Setup(); enhancer.CreateInfo(); } else if ( t.IsTypedef() ) { CINTTypedefBuilder::Setup(t); } else if ( t.IsEnum() ) { CINTEnumBuilder::Setup(t); } G__set_class_autoloading(autoload); } void Callback::operator () ( const Member& m ) { R__LOCKGUARD2(gCINTMutex); ArtificialSourceFile asf; int autoload = G__set_class_autoloading(0); // To avoid recursive loads if ( m.IsFunctionMember() ) { if( Cintex::Debug() ) cout << "Cintex: Building function " << m.Name(SCOPED|QUALIFIED) << endl; CINTFunctionBuilder(m).Setup(); } else if ( m.IsDataMember() ) { if( Cintex::Debug() ) cout << "Cintex: Building variable " << m.Name(SCOPED|QUALIFIED) << endl; CINTVariableBuilder(m).Setup(); } G__set_class_autoloading(autoload); } } }