// @(#)root/cintex:$Id$ // Author: Pere Mato 2005 // Copyright CERN, CH-1211 Geneva 23, 2004-2005, All rights reserved. // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any // purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that this copyright and // permissions notice appear in all copies and derivatives. // // This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. #include "ROOTClassEnhancer.h" #include "CINTdefs.h" #include "CINTFunctional.h" #include "Cintex/Cintex.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TClass.h" #include "TDictAttributeMap.h" #include "TClassEdit.h" #include "TClassTable.h" #include "TClassStreamer.h" #include "TCollectionProxyInfo.h" #include "TVirtualCollectionProxy.h" #include "TVirtualMutex.h" #include "TMemberInspector.h" #include "RVersion.h" #include "Reflex/Reflex.h" #include "Reflex/Tools.h" #include "Reflex/Builder/TypeBuilder.h" #include "Reflex/Builder/CollectionProxy.h" #include "Api.h" #define G__DICTIONARY #include "RtypesImp.h" #undef G__DICTIONARY #include #include #include #if __cplusplus >= 201103L #include #endif #if ROOT_VERSION_CODE >= ROOT_VERSION(5,1,1) #include "TVirtualIsAProxy.h" #endif using namespace ROOT::Reflex; using namespace ROOT::Cintex; using namespace std; static TVirtualMutex* gCintexMutex = 0; namespace ROOT { namespace Cintex { class IsAProxy; class ROOTClassEnhancerInfo { Type fType; string fName; #if __cplusplus >= 201103L std::atomic fTclass; #else TClass* fTclass; #endif TClass* fLastClass; std::map fSub_types; const std::type_info* fLastType; const std::type_info* fMyType; bool fIsVirtual; ROOT::TGenericClassInfo* fClassInfo; #if ROOT_VERSION_CODE >= ROOT_VERSION(5,1,1) IsAProxy* fIsa_func; #else IsAFunc_t fIsa_func; #endif VoidFuncPtr_t fDictionary_func; Int_t fVersion; public: ROOTClassEnhancerInfo(Type& t); virtual ~ROOTClassEnhancerInfo(); virtual void Setup(void); virtual void CreateInfo(void); TClass* Tclass() { if ( fTclass == 0 ) { fTclass = ROOT::GetROOT()->GetClass( Name().c_str() /*, kFALSE */); } return fTclass; } const Type& TypeGet() const { return fType; } const string& Name() const { return fName; } ROOT::TGenericClassInfo* Info() const { return fClassInfo; } Int_t Version() const {return fVersion;} void AddFunction( const std::string& Name, const ROOT::Reflex::Type& sig, ROOT::Reflex::StubFunction stubFP, void* stubCtx, int ); TClass* IsA(const void* obj); static void* Stub_IsA2(void* ctxt, void* obj); static void Stub_IsA(void* ret, void*, const std::vector&, void*); static void Stub_Streamer(void*, void*, const std::vector&, void*); static void Stub_StreamerNVirtual(void*, void*, const std::vector&, void*); static void Stub_Dictionary(void* ret, void*, const std::vector&, void*); static void Stub_ShowMembers(void*, void*, const std::vector&, void*); static void Stub_ShowMembers(TClass*, const ROOT::Reflex::Type&, void*, TMemberInspector&); static void Stub_Dictionary( void* ctx ); static TClass* Default_CreateClass(Type typ, ROOT::TGenericClassInfo* info); }; #if ROOT_VERSION_CODE >= ROOT_VERSION(5,1,1) class IsAProxy : public TVirtualIsAProxy { public: IsAProxy( ROOTClassEnhancerInfo* info ) : fInfo(info), fClass(0) {} void SetClass(TClass *cl) { fClass = cl;} TClass* operator()(const void *obj){ return obj == 0 ? fClass : fInfo->IsA(obj); } private: ROOTClassEnhancerInfo* fInfo; TClass* fClass; }; #endif class ROOTEnhancerCont : public std::vector { public: ROOTEnhancerCont() {} ~ROOTEnhancerCont() { for(std::vector::iterator j=begin(); j!= end(); ++j) delete (*j); clear(); } }; std::vector& rootEnhancerInfos() { static ROOTEnhancerCont s_cont; return s_cont; } ROOTClassEnhancer::ROOTClassEnhancer(const ROOT::Reflex::Type& cl): fEnhancerinfo(0) { // Constructor. fClass = CleanType(cl); fName = CintName(fClass); } ROOTClassEnhancer::~ROOTClassEnhancer() { // Destructor. } void ROOTClassEnhancer::Setup() { // Enhance root class info. VoidFuncPtr_t dict_func = TClassTable::GetDict(fName.c_str()); if (dict_func) { fEnhancerinfo = 0; // Prevent adding the TClass to root twice. } else { ROOTClassEnhancerInfo* p = new ROOTClassEnhancerInfo(fClass); fEnhancerinfo = p; p->Setup(); } } void ROOTClassEnhancer::CreateInfo() { // Enhance root class info. if ( fEnhancerinfo ) { ROOTClassEnhancerInfo* p = (ROOTClassEnhancerInfo*)fEnhancerinfo; p->CreateInfo(); } } TClass* ROOTClassEnhancer::Default_CreateClass(Type typ, ROOT::TGenericClassInfo* info) { // forward to ROOTClassEnhancerInfo return ROOTClassEnhancerInfo::Default_CreateClass(typ, info); } /// Access streamer info from a void (polymorph) pointer TClass* accessType(const TClass* cl, const void* /* ptr */) { return (TClass*)cl; } ROOTClassEnhancerInfo::ROOTClassEnhancerInfo(Type& t) : fTclass(0), fLastClass(0), fLastType(0) { // Constructor. fType = CleanType(t); fName = CintName(fType); { R__LOCKGUARD2(gCintexMutex); rootEnhancerInfos().push_back(this); } fMyType = &t.TypeInfo(); fIsVirtual = TypeGet().IsVirtual(); fClassInfo = 0; fIsa_func = 0; fDictionary_func = 0; fVersion = 0; } ROOTClassEnhancerInfo::~ROOTClassEnhancerInfo() { // Destructor. fSub_types.clear(); if ( fClassInfo ) delete fClassInfo; #if ROOT_VERSION_CODE >= ROOT_VERSION(5,1,1) // fIsa_func is deleted by ROOT #else if ( fIsa_func ) Free_function((void*)fIsa_func); #endif if ( fDictionary_func ) Free_function((void*)fDictionary_func); } void ROOTClassEnhancerInfo::Setup() { // Setup root class enhance. std::string nam = TypeGet().Name(SCOPED); if ( Cintex::Debug() > 1 ) { std::cout << "Cintex: Enhancing:" << nam << std::endl; } fVersion = 1; if (TypeGet().Properties().HasProperty("ClassVersion")) { std::stringstream ssVersion(TypeGet().Properties().PropertyAsString("ClassVersion")); if (ssVersion.good()) ssVersion >> fVersion; if ( Cintex::Debug() > 2 ) { cout << "Cintex: ROOTClassEnhancer: setting class version of " << nam << " to " << fVersion << endl; } } if ( ! IsSTLext(nam) && (IsSTL(nam) || IsSTLinternal(nam))) { //--- create TGenericClassInfo Instance //createInfo(); return; } else if (TypeGet().Properties().HasProperty("ClassDef")) { return; } else { Type void_t = Type::ByName("void"); Type char_t = Type::ByName("char"); Type signature; void* ctxt = this; signature = FunctionTypeBuilder( void_t, ReferenceBuilder(TypeBuilder("TBuffer"))); Member exists = fType.FunctionMemberByName("StreamerNVirtual", signature, 0, INHERITEDMEMBERS_NO, DELAYEDLOAD_OFF); if (!exists) { //AddFunction("Streamer", signature, Stub_Streamer, ctxt, VIRTUAL); //AddFunction("StreamerNVirtual", signature, Stub_StreamerNVirtual, ctxt, 0); //--- adding TClass* IsA() signature = FunctionTypeBuilder( PointerBuilder(TypeBuilder("TClass"))); AddFunction("IsA", signature, Stub_IsA, ctxt, 0); //--- adding void Data_ShowMembers(void *, TMemberInspector&, char*) signature = FunctionTypeBuilder( void_t, ReferenceBuilder(TypeBuilder("TMemberInspector"))); AddFunction("ShowMembers", signature, Stub_ShowMembers, ctxt, /*should be VIRTUAL but avoid vtable creation:*/ fType.IsVirtual() ? VIRTUAL : 0); //--- create TGenericClassInfo Instance //createInfo(); } } } void ROOTClassEnhancerInfo::CreateInfo() { //---Check is the the dictionary is already defined for the class VoidFuncPtr_t dict = TClassTable::GetDict(Name().c_str()); if ( dict ) return; ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo* info = 0; void* context = this; #if ROOT_VERSION_CODE >= ROOT_VERSION(5,1,1) fIsa_func = new IsAProxy(this); #else fIsa_func = (IsAFunc_t)Allocate_1arg_function(context, Stub_IsA2); #endif fDictionary_func = Allocate_void_function(context, Stub_Dictionary); info = new ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo( Name().c_str(), // Class Name Version(), // class version "", // declaration file Name 1, // declaration line number TypeGet().TypeInfo(), // typeid ROOT::DefineBehavior(0,0),// default behavior 0, // show members function fDictionary_func, // dictionary function fIsa_func, // IsA function 0, // pragma bits TypeGet().SizeOf() // sizeof ); if (info) info->SetImplFile("", 1); //----Fill the New and Deletete functions Member getfuncs = TypeGet().FunctionMemberByName("__getNewDelFunctions", Reflex::Type(), 0, INHERITEDMEMBERS_NO, DELAYEDLOAD_OFF); if( getfuncs ) { NewDelFunctions_t* newdelfunc = 0; getfuncs.Invoke(newdelfunc); if ( newdelfunc ) { info->SetNew(newdelfunc->fNew); info->SetNewArray(newdelfunc->fNewArray); info->SetDelete(newdelfunc->fDelete); info->SetDeleteArray(newdelfunc->fDeleteArray); info->SetDestructor(newdelfunc->fDestructor); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Deal with the schema evolution rules //------------------------------------------------------------------------ if( TypeGet().Properties().HasProperty( "ioread" ) ) { Any& obj = TypeGet().Properties().PropertyValue( "ioread" ); std::vector rules = any_cast >( obj ); info->SetReadRules( rules ); } if( TypeGet().Properties().HasProperty( "ioreadraw" ) ) { Any& obj = TypeGet().Properties().PropertyValue( "ioreadraw" ); std::vector rules = any_cast >( obj ); info->SetReadRawRules( rules ); } fClassInfo = info; } struct Fornamespace_t {}; void ROOTClassEnhancer::CreateClassForNamespace(const std::string& Name ) { // Create root class. ROOT::CreateClass(Name.c_str(), // Name 0, // version typeid(Fornamespace_t), // typeid 0, // TVirtualIsAProxy *isa, 0, // ShowMembersFunc_t show, "", // definition file "", // implementation file 1, // definition line number 1 ); // implementation line number } void ROOTClassEnhancerInfo::AddFunction( const std::string& name, const Type & sig, StubFunction stubFP, void* stubCtx, int mods) { // Add function info. fType.AddFunctionMember( name.c_str(), sig, stubFP, stubCtx, 0, PUBLIC | mods ); } inline static ROOTClassEnhancerInfo& context(void* ctxt) { if ( ctxt ) { return *(ROOTClassEnhancerInfo*)ctxt; } throw std::runtime_error("Invalid stub context passes to emultated function!"); } void ROOTClassEnhancerInfo::Stub_IsA(void* ret, void* obj, const vector&, void* ctx) { // Root IsA. *((TClass**)ret) = context(ctx).IsA(obj); } void* ROOTClassEnhancerInfo::Stub_IsA2(void* ctx, void* obj) { // Root IsA. return context(ctx).IsA(obj); } struct DynamicStruct_t { virtual ~DynamicStruct_t() {} }; TClass* ROOTClassEnhancerInfo::IsA(const void* obj) { // Root IsA. if ( ! obj || ! fIsVirtual ) { return Tclass(); } // Avoid the case that the first word is a virtual_base_offset_table instead of // a virtual_function_table long Offset = **(long**)obj; if ( Offset == 0 ) return Tclass(); DynamicStruct_t* p = (DynamicStruct_t*)obj; const std::type_info& typ = typeid(*p); if ( &typ == fMyType ) { return Tclass(); } { R__LOCKGUARD2(gCintexMutex); if ( &typ == fLastType ) { return fLastClass; } // Check if TypeNth is already in sub-class cache TClass* findClass = fSub_types[&typ]; if ( 0 != findClass ) { fLastClass = findClass; fLastType = &typ; return fLastClass; } } // Last resort: lookup root class TClass* returnValue; std::string nam; Type t = Type::ByTypeInfo(typ); if (t) nam = CintName(t); else nam = CintName(Tools::Demangle(typ)); returnValue = ROOT::GetROOT()->GetClass(nam.c_str()); { R__LOCKGUARD2(gCintexMutex); fLastClass = returnValue; fSub_types[fLastType=&typ] = fLastClass; } //std::cout << "Cintex: IsA:" << TypeNth.Name(SCOPED) << " dynamic:" << dtype.Name(SCOPED) << std::endl; return returnValue; } TClass* ROOTClassEnhancerInfo::Default_CreateClass( Type typ, ROOT::TGenericClassInfo* info) { // Create root class. TClass* root_class = 0; std::string Name = typ.Name(SCOPED); int kind = TClassEdit::IsSTLCont(Name.c_str()); if ( kind < 0 ) kind = -kind; const std::type_info& tid = typ.TypeInfo(); root_class = info->GetClass(); if ( 0 != root_class ) { root_class->Size(); if ( ! typ.IsVirtual() ) root_class->SetGlobalIsA(accessType); auto_ptr str; switch(kind) { case TClassEdit::kVector: case TClassEdit::kList: case TClassEdit::kDeque: case TClassEdit::kMap: case TClassEdit::kMultiMap: case TClassEdit::kSet: case TClassEdit::kMultiSet: case TClassEdit::kBitSet: { Member method = typ.FunctionMemberByName("createCollFuncTable", Reflex::Type(), 0, INHERITEDMEMBERS_NO, DELAYEDLOAD_OFF); if ( !method ) { if ( Cintex::Debug() ) { cout << "Cintex: " << Name << "' Setup failed to create this class! " << "The function createCollFuncTable is not availible." << endl; } return 0; } CollFuncTable* m = 0; method.Invoke(m); ::ROOT::TCollectionProxyInfo cpinfo(tid, m->iter_size, m->value_diff, m->value_offset, m->size_func, m->resize_func, m->clear_func, m->first_func, m->next_func, m->construct_func, m->destruct_func, m->feed_func, m->collect_func, m->create_env, m->fCreateIterators, m->fCopyIterator, m->fNext, m->fDeleteSingleIterator, m->fDeleteTwoIterators ); root_class->SetCollectionProxy(cpinfo); root_class->SetBit(TClass::kIsForeign); } break; case TClassEdit::kNotSTL: case TClassEdit::kEnd: default: if (!typ.Properties().HasProperty("ClassDef")) { root_class->SetBit(TClass::kIsForeign); } } // Add the class properties. PropertyList properties = typ.Properties(); if (properties) { size_t noProperties = properties.KeySize(); // Add the properties to the map, if any. if (noProperties > 0) { //Create the attribute map. root_class->CreateAttributeMap(); TDictAttributeMap* attrMap = root_class->GetAttributeMap(); for (size_t i = 1; i < noProperties; ++i) { // Check if the property is exists and is valid. if (properties.HasProperty(i)) { // Get the String value of the property. std::string stringValue = properties.PropertyAsString(i); // Add the property to the map. attrMap->AddProperty(properties.KeyAt(i).c_str(), stringValue.c_str()); } } } } // end of class has properties } return root_class; } void ROOTClassEnhancerInfo::Stub_Dictionary(void* ctx ) { // Create class info. if( Cintex::GetROOTCreator() ) { (*Cintex::GetROOTCreator())( context(ctx).TypeGet(), context(ctx).Info() ); } else { //context(ctx).Info()->GetClass(); Default_CreateClass( context(ctx).TypeGet(), context(ctx).Info() ); } } void ROOTClassEnhancerInfo::Stub_Streamer(void*, void* obj, const vector& args, void* ctx) { // Create streamer info. TBuffer& b = *(TBuffer*)args[0]; TClass* cl = context(ctx).Tclass(); TClassStreamer* s = cl->GetStreamer(); if ( s ) { (*s)(b, obj); } else if ( b.IsWriting() ) { cl->WriteBuffer(b, obj); } else { UInt_t start, count; Version_t version = b.ReadVersion(&start, &count, cl); cl->ReadBuffer(b, obj, version, start, count); } } void ROOTClassEnhancerInfo::Stub_StreamerNVirtual(void*, void* obj, const vector& args, void* ctx) { // Create streamer info. TBuffer& b = *(TBuffer*)args[0]; TClass* cl = context(ctx).Tclass(); TClassStreamer* s = cl->GetStreamer(); if ( s ) { (*s)(b, obj); } else if ( b.IsWriting() ) { cl->WriteBuffer(b, obj); } else { UInt_t start, count; Version_t version = b.ReadVersion(&start, &count, cl); cl->ReadBuffer(b, obj, version, start, count); } } void ROOTClassEnhancerInfo::Stub_ShowMembers(void*, void* obj, const vector& args, void* ctx) { // Create show members. Type typ = context(ctx).TypeGet(); TClass* tcl = context(ctx).Tclass(); TMemberInspector& insp = *(TMemberInspector*)args[0]; if( tcl ) Stub_ShowMembers( tcl, typ, obj, insp); } void ROOTClassEnhancerInfo::Stub_ShowMembers(TClass* tcl, const Type& cl, void* obj, TMemberInspector& insp) { if ( tcl->GetShowMembersWrapper() ) { tcl->GetShowMembersWrapper()(obj, insp); return; } // Create show members. // Loop over data members if ( IsSTL(cl.Name(SCOPED)) || cl.IsArray() ) return; for ( size_t m = 0; m < cl.DataMemberSize(INHERITEDMEMBERS_NO); m++) { Member mem = cl.DataMemberAt(m, INHERITEDMEMBERS_NO); if ( ! mem.IsStatic() ) { Type typ = mem.TypeOf(); string nam = mem.Properties().HasProperty("ioname") ? mem.Properties().PropertyAsString("ioname") : mem.Name(); if( typ.IsPointer() ) nam = "*" + nam; if( typ.IsArray() ) { std::stringstream s; s << typ.ArrayLength(); nam += "[" + s.str() + "]"; } char* add = (char*)obj + mem.Offset(); if ( Cintex::Debug() > 2 ) { cout << "Cintex: Showmembers: ("<< tcl->GetName() << ") " << nam.c_str() << " = " << (void*)add << " Offset:" << mem.Offset() << endl; } insp.Inspect(tcl, insp.GetParent(), nam.c_str(), add); if ( !typ.IsFundamental() && !typ.IsPointer() ) { string tnam = mem.Properties().HasProperty("iotype") ? CintName(mem.Properties().PropertyAsString("iotype")) : CintName(typ); TClass* tmcl = ROOT::GetROOT()->GetClass(tnam.c_str(), kTRUE, mem.IsTransient()); if ( tmcl ) { insp.InspectMember(tmcl, add, (nam + ".").c_str()); } } } } // Loop over bases for ( size_t b = 0; b < cl.BaseSize(); b++ ) { Base BaseNth = cl.BaseAt(b); string bname = CintName(BaseNth.ToType()); char* ptr = (char*)obj + BaseNth.Offset(obj); TClass* bcl = ROOT::GetROOT()->GetClass(bname.c_str()); if( bcl ) Stub_ShowMembers( bcl, BaseNth.ToType(), ptr, insp); } } }}